001- Return of the Dragon

Story by AlecDragonKing on SoFurry

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#1 of Divine Sinners

Alec has returned to Zoa after three years. He has nothing left but the clothes on his back and a backpack. Now he must reunite with a former lover to make amends.

Alec https://www.sofurry.com/view/1386265

Ellie https://www.sofurry.com/view/1317137

Michelle https://www.sofurry.com/view/1059043

Oona https://www.sofurry.com/view/1386263

Story by me.

It has been three years since Alec left the great city of Zoa. He knew that no one would be waiting for him when he returned. Nobody expected him to. After all he left without a word, not even a note. He needed to leave. To see the world in all its glory. To enjoy its fruits and everything else it had to share with him. It was an experience he needed to have in order to evolve and learn. To become stronger than he had been before. If he did not leave when he did he knew he would not get another chance to. Because this great city is a part of him. He knew the day he would return is the day he would never leave again. This is his home and it always will be. He has experienced too much here to feel lesser about it.

Alec leaves the plane he arrives on feeling awash with both excitement and nerves. The Dragon rushes through the terminal as quickly as he could. He couldn't wait to get out there. He collects his one and only piece of luggage. A large green hiking backpack that contains all his worldly possessions. It certainly looks incredibly heavy but for Alec is feels no heavier than his old school backpack. He added quite a bit of muscle weight on his travels. Even for a Dragon he is quite a bulky and well formed specimen. He catches a few lingering gazes from the many females he passes, proceeding straight to customs and not allowing himself to get distracted by all the shops selling tax free goods. He waits in line and throws his backpack onto the conveyor with a loud heavy thud so it can go through x ray. He is then called up to the boarder line by a very good looking equine girl, the uniform she sports is generous in showing off her well endowed curves.

"Welcome to Zoa. Passport please," She asks taking his documents.

"Thank you..." Alec notices her name badge, "Gwen. I don't envy your job."

She giggles, "It may seem boring but it has its perks... like meeting handsome dragons."

"Shouldn't we have dinner first?" Alec responds with a wink, turning on his charm.

She giggles again with a clear blush as she looks through his passport, "Wow there are a lot of stamps here. Where have you been?"

"Everywhere. Pretty much. I spent the last three years seeing the world."

"Wow. You really have been everywhere. I am jealous, how could you afford to go to all these places?"

"My Nan. She left me some money when she passed. It was actually her idea for me to use the money to get out of the city for a while."

"Lucky boy, got any of that money left to buy me dinner?"

Alec smiles while shaking his head, "Sorry. Got nothing left but my own skin, these clothes and my backpack."

She raises a brow confused, "Seriously? Where do you plan to stay?"

"I am going to drop in on a friend."

"A girlfriend?"

"Something like that."

She looks a bit disappointed. Cutely so. She the scans the passport, "Well she's a lucky girl."

"I am pretty sure she won't think so. I could make one girl lucky today though."

She looks to him again with confusion before catching on to what Alec was implying in his sultry tone, "What? At the airport? I could get fired."

"Do you honestly love this job that much?"

She thinks for a moment, her eyes meet his and she smiles minstrelsy, "Oh dear... I am afraid you have been selected for a random additional screening."

"OH GOD! DON'T STOP!" The mare screams at the top of her lugs as Alec slams deep inside her. She is sprawled out on a cold metal table with her shirt wide open, her melons bounce vigorously with each and every powerful thrust that the Dragon demonstrates. It's a good thing that this is the one security room that has no operable camera. Convenient. At least that is what she told him before pulling his jeans down.

After that little fling Alec enters the arrival area trying to neaten up his hair as best he could. He knows he has a bit of a problem if he can't even leave the airport without fucking someone. He blames his misbehavior on the long flight and puts it behind him. In the arrivals lounge he is suddenly approached by a total stranger handing out flyers, "Welcome to Zoa! As a promising citizen remember to Vote to improve city morality!"

Alec takes the flyer and glances at it, reading about some sort of city morality act, "What the fuck is this?" Alec asks puzzled.

"We wish to abolish the legalization of some of the most degrading industries that plague this great city! Brothels, Porn and Prostitution most of all!" With that Alec had heard more than enough, he scrunches up the paper and throws it to the ground as he walks away, "Wait! Why did you do that?"

"I am sorry but I believe what a woman chooses to do with her body is her business."

The stranger seems to get quite offended, "Change is coming weather you like it or not! Our new mayor will make sure of that you filthy pervert!"

Alec ignores the flying insults as he finally leaves the airport. The setting sun hits him like a warm greeting. The fresh air fills his nostrils and finally he is home. The scent that surrounds this metropolis hasn't changed one bit. He looks towards the cityscape and see's the skyscrapers in the distance that mark the very heart of Zoa. The dragon whistles for yellow cab and hops in, the cab driver asks, "Where to my friend?"

"Divine Sin. On Nymph Beach."

"I know it well," He chuckles, "be warned, you could spend all your money in there."

"That's good because I am spending the last of my cash on this cab ride."

"Good luck getting through the door then," the cab driver remarks as he pulls out. The initial journey encapsulates Alec as he watches the city pass by. Zoa is a grand metropolis situated on the sea with a variety of different species from all over the globe populating it. It holds a population of over eight million and has a variety of districts that reflect its occupants very well. Like with all cities it has places that are rich, well nurtured and maintained to the highest standards and it has very cheap and impoverished districts that remain neglected to say the least. By the time he reaches his destination the sun has firmly set and the street lights are in full illumination. Alec slips the driver his cash and steps out. The exterior of the club wasn't grand aside from the unique logo. It doesn't look that much different than the other clubs they had passed on Nymph Beach. Still it is fairly decent in size, for a strip club.

Alec passes by the two doormen out the front and enters with his backpack over his shoulder, it wasn't until he passes the threshold he begins to feel his nerves take hold. At least a little. He is immediately greeted by a reception desk with a girl sitting behind dressed in a very sultry schoolgirl outfit. Certainly pleasing to the eye, she sees him and smiles, "Hey welcome to Divine Sin. Admission is Twenty Tails."

"I am actually here to see someone," Alec explains.

"Aren't you all?" She giggles.

"I actually don't know if she still works here. Her name is Elaine Smith."

"Oh Ellie? Why?"

"I am an old friend of hers."

"Is that so? Would you like me to get her?"

"It has been a very long time and I just wanted to surprise her."

She thinks and hisses through her teeth with regret, "I am sorry but I can't let you in unless you pay."

Alec thinks for a moment and comes up with an idea, He drops his backpack and begins to ruffle through it. The girl pokes her nose above the desk to try and see what he's doing. Alec then pulls out a delicate gold chain necklace with a small jeweled ruby inside, "I think this is yours..." he claims. Her eyes widen with flattering shock, Alec reaches over the deck and hands it to her and she closely inspects the trinket, "You should be more careful. That is real gold. Now about my entry..."

"Baby take all the time you need..." she smiles, failing to take her eyes away from the shiny.

"Is it okay if I leave my bag with you?"

"Boy if this is a real ruby I will happily let you leave your dick with me," she didn't sound like she was joking.

"Thank you," Alec knocks on the desk for luck and proceeds into the club. He could already hear the beat of the music even from the outside of the club. It is so loud and intense it pulses through the very ground. Alec enters into the main club. It is certainly not the fanciest place he has even set foot in but effort is made to make it look its best. Stereotypically the theme is Red, with red carpet a red stage and red furniture. Generic. There are a fair few males already present with their attention firmly fixed on the stage. A hot little vixen is twirling around the pole with her chest bared to all. It certainly has Alec at attention however it isn't Ellie. He scans the room and suddenly his heart leaps to his throat when he looks to the bar. There she is tending to everyone's drinks wearing a black ripped half t shirt with the skinniest matching black shorts he has ever seen. The shark girl he hasn't seen for so long and she has barely changed a bit. She still has that same short pink hair cut with that same sexy smile. The dragon takes a deep breath, composing himself as if he is about to dive into deep cold water. Even though he knows her so well he has no idea how she will react to seeing him again after three years. She certainly wouldn't appreciate the fact he never said goodbye.

Alec walks to the bar and sits at an empty stool. Elaine is quite busy serving customers so she hasn't spotted him yet. He waits patiently. She even passes by him twice and doesn't even notice, "There you go you sexy bastard! The house special!" She yells over the music. She then goes straight over to Alec however she still fails to see him again, bending over to retrieve something underneath the bar, "Hi baby! What are you thirsty for?"

"Hey troublemaker," Alec responds in the most optimistic tone he could muster. The shark suddenly freezes. She can't move her body for what seems the longest time, as if those words set her spine to stone. Slowly she raises up with her wide red eyes fixated upon the dragon in front of her. The shock is clear to all that see. Even though her skin is black it loses color, you could swear she is seeing a ghost. "I'm sorry." Alec says. He knows he owes her at least that much.


The shark girl suddenly punches him square on the muzzle with all the might at her disposal in that single second. Alec flies back off his stool and lands square on the ground with a heavy thud. It is enough of a display to set all eyes in the club onto the Dragon. The male who was sitting next to Alec looks upon the dragon impressed, commenting, "Damn! You knocked his ass out cold!"

Alec starts to feel his senses returning to him. He could hear a woman's voice overhead, "Elaine! You really have got to stop hitting our customers! I told you if you have a problem let security handle it!"

"He's not a customer he's a fucking asshole!"

"What did he say to you?"

"It's not what he said it's what he did!"

"Did he touch you?"

"No! He fucking left me!"

Alec opens his eyes, still feeling the sting of that slug on the tip of his nostrils, he could even smell how painful it was. Standing over him is Ellie and a dreamy black and white wolf woman in a red designer dress. He takes a moment to adjust his eyes as he responds, "It's okay. I deserved that." Alec pushes himself up onto his ass, his tail is also quite sore from the impact he suffered.

"Wait I am confused," the wolf starts, "So he didn't break any rules?"

Ellie crosses her arms and looks away in a huff. Even her attitude is incredibly sexy. Knowing her award winning temper Alec should have known that sucker punch was coming to him. The wolf rolls here eyes and shakes her head, "You are incredible Elaine." She looks down to Alec and offers a hand to help him up, "I am sorry for that. My staff should keep their behavior in better check. Would you like a free drink or a dance?"

"It's okay," Alec says as he takes her hand on the way to his feet, "I just came to apologise to Ellie. I owed her at least that much. I think I should go."

The wolf shakes her head, "Not until I take a good look at that nose of yours. Come into my office. Elaine. Get some ice from the bar."

"Whatever..." She mumbles as she trots to the bar. Not making eye contact with the dragon. It looks like she is going to take her sweet time.

The wolf begins to guide him away by the arm. Going straight through the private dance lounge, "I have never seen Elaine like that before. Do you two have a bad history?"

"No. The opposite really. We had too good a history."

"I'm Michelle by the way. I own the club. Might I ask who you are?"

"Alec. I am the fucking asshole."

She smiles and chuckles, "Ellie has been working for me since she left school and yet I have never seen her this upset. You must have made quite an impact on her." Michelle takes him through to her office and sits him down on the nearby sofa. After ruffling through her desk she hands him some tissues, "Here. You're bleeding."

"Thanks. You know you don't have to be so kind. As I said I did deserve it," there is more than a few spoonfuls of blood he is wiping away. She certainly did some damage.

"I am sure you did. But now that is over. I must say I am curious, Ellie has never been in a relationship for as long as I have known her. What were you to her?"

Alec smiles, "That is certainly Ellie. She was never into monogamy. I was... well... her first lover. Back in school. But also her first real friend."

"And you left her? Wow. You must have had a very good reason to risk Elaine's wrath."

"I did. That's probably why she only hit me once," Alec laughs a little, he didn't know how to feel about the whole situation or even if Ellie would forgive him.

Just then Ellie comes in with a bag full of Ice, "Here," she says dropping the bag in Alec's lap and attempting to make a quick exit.

"Elaine. Come back and shut the door," Michelle instructs. She grits her teeth but does as she is told, still refusing to meet Alec's eyes, "I am going back onto the floor to perform. By the time I get back I want you two to iron things out. I won't have you working with that chip on your shoulder."

"Are you fucking kidding me!?" She protests as Michelle begins to pass her.

The wolf opens the door and looks back, "You two clearly need to talk. So talk or you can find yourself another job," the door slams shut behind her. Alec and Ellie are now alone with nothing but the feint beat of the music cutting the air. She is now facing the wall with her back to the Dragon. Determined to hold onto stubbornness.

Alec waits for a minute, cleaning up the last bits of blood and holding the ice up to his swollen muzzle. Eventually he knows she won't break the silence so he begins to speak, "Soooo..."

"THREE YEARS AND NOT EVEN A FUCKING EMAIL! HELL EVEN A DICK PIC WOULD HAVE BEEN SOMETHING BUT YOU HAVE GIVEN ME FUCKING NOTHING!" She rants, unleashing all the pent up anger she has been gathering for all this time. It is clear this rant is well rehearsed for precisely this moment. Alec knew he should do nothing else but let her vent, it is what is best for her. "I know you were hurting because your grandmother died but you should have talked to me! To Ollie! To ANYONE! But no! You had to just go! Why did you come back?! Why did you have to remind me of how much you have hurt me!? Do you have any idea how difficult it was for me to open up to you like that!?"

"I didn't want to go..." Alec replies with a deep solemn expression. Looking down at his feet, listening to each piercing word she throws at him.

"Then why!?"

"Because that's what she wanted me to do..." Her harsh language came to a complete stop. She finally looks at him directly with dismay. He continues to explain, "She... left me a letter in her will. For my eyes only. It was written months before she... passed. She knew me too well. She knew how much I loved you, the others, this city. She could sense that it was something I couldn't let go of. Even though I had only lived here for two years at the time I had made myself very comfortable here. Much like she did. Her one regret was not leaving this city to see the world while she could. She did not wish for me to have the same regrets. She wanted me to go on a journey and return when I felt I had seen enough. Again, I am sorry for hurting everyone but... this was her last wish. If I reached out to you I was afraid I would become too tempted to return early. I needed to see it through for her. Her memory. To do it as if she was watching over me every step of the way."

"You son of a bitch! Why do you always make it so damn hard to be angry with you!" She snaps with far less vigor than before. Now she is feeling a great twinge of guilt. Plus as much as she hated to admit it to herself, she was glad to see him again. At least now she knew he wasn't dead. "Where are you staying?"

"I haven't really got anywhere to go. I was planning on kipping on the beach. Certainly isn't the first time I've slept outside," he again holds up the ice to his nose. At least the throbbing has stopped now.

Elaine seems to tango with herself a little trying to force the next few words out, "Ahhhh shit... look I can't let you do that. I will be finishing soon. You can crash at my place till you get yourself back up."

"It's okay you don't have to do that."

"HEY! I am swallowing my pride here a little out of pure pity! The least you can do for me is say, "Oh that you Ellie! That will be great! I will even massage your feet whenever you want me too! I am so grateful!" She quotes, mocking his british accent.

He chuckles and nods, "Okay. If you insist."

"Good," She opens the door to the office, "Oh and it doesn't mean we will be fucking again anytime soon."

"Does that mean we will be fucking again?" Alec responds with cheek, raising a brow.

"Don't push your luck... asshole..." She leaves, slamming the door behind her. Alec breathes a sigh of relief. Happy to have gotten that drama out of the way... at least he believes it is done. It might be a very male way of thinking but it makes him comfortable at least. All except his nose.

After nursing himself for a little while he takes time to enjoy some of the exquisite pieces of erotic art in the room. It is certainly well decorated, serious thought has been put into everything here. He snoops over to the desk and see's what looks to be a treasured photo. It looks like a photo of Michelle with a much younger version of her. No if fact Michelle was the younger woman as the older woman is a pure black wolf. She is a stunning specimen beyond any description. Like a supermodel. Michelle now looks a hell of a lot like her.

Just then Michelle enters all sweaty and hot from an intense performance wearing nothing but sexy black lace lingerie, dampening herself with a towel, "I am glad you two patched things up."

"It's a start. I wouldn't say she's totally good with me. Sorry I am being a bit nosy here."

"It's okay. That's a picture of me with my mother. She was one of the original founders of the club," She throws her towel to the sofa and takes a seat at her desk as Alec walks around to the other side.

"Family business. Rare in this industry."

"It is. Mostly because it is still considered taboo. My mother taught me how much power is to be had from it as well as the light that comes from it."

"A wise woman... reminds me of something similar my Nan taught me."

She smiles, "I like you. You were raised well..." the wolf looks at him very closely as she relaxes back in her chair, studying his appearance, "Girls!" She calls out of her office's open door and two very young and hotly dressed strippers enter eagerly eying up the male candy in the room, "Take our guest here for a private dance. Take as much time as you like." The girls impatiently begin to pull at his arms as they lead the way, "It was good meeting you mister..."

"King. Alec King," he responds as quick as he could while he is ushered out and into the private dance lounge.

Michelle's eye widen a little. That last name certainly has made an impact. She looks to the photo, "You were right mom. There will always be a King. This could change everything."

Ellie finishes up her shift at the bar and heads towards the back when suddenly she see's Alec having a very private dance with a couple of the topless dancers in one of the private cubicles. She stands there for a moment and coughs to get their attention, "You know it is against the rules to touch the girls during the dance," Ellie remarks.

"Its okay Ellie. We wanted him to," One of the girls comments as she forces his hand onto her bare breast with a smile, taunting the shark.

"Your boss told them to dance with me," Alec explains feeling a bit overwhelmed.

"Whatever... you coming? or have you already cum?"

"Yeah," the Dragon leaps out of his chair awkwardly. His jeans certainly didn't help the monster that had awoken within. The girls puff their cheeks out with disappointment as they watch him go, Ellie couldn't help but flip them off with her sinister grin before she followed him. They pick up their things at reception and head out.

"Where do you live?" He asks.

"Short walk away. Literally around the corner in little Amsterdam. I share the apartment with another girl."

"Sounds like it may get crowded. Are you sure she'll be okay with it?"

"She works nights. Besides she is more agreeable than I am. Especially when it comes to hunky dragons. Don't get any ideas though. You are my guest."

"Keeping me all to yourself?" He cheekily mocks with a wink.

"Oh god you really haven't changed a bit have you!? You know you would be far more attractive if you weren't such a narcissist."

"At least I am still attractive."

"Do you want to get punched again?" She warns as she leads the way down the street towards the famous back alleys of little amsterdam. Beautiful women of unique and exotic species line the street displaying themselves behind glass. It's like window shopping for sex. The alleys themselves are lit up with red bulbs just like the red light district in the real Amsterdam. The old historic look of the buildings coupled with the cobblestone street made everything look very quaint. But nobody really comes here to appreciate architecture.

Ellie and Alec have reached the end of one Alley where a young blood red fox girl is standing outside the door to her business smoking a cigarette, her eyes light up seeing Ellie with Alec, "Hey Ellie! Who's the model of the week?" She comments enjoying the rare sight of such a handsome and healthy dragon.

"I am not fucking him. He is an old friend. Alec this is Oona. My roommate. Alec is going to be crashing here until he sorts himself out."

She shakes his hand, holding onto it for an intimately long time, "My my. Your hands are certainly as strong as they look. You sure you aren't going to have a piece of that?" the fox asks the shark.

Ellie gives a sarcastic cackle, "Oh please. He should be so lucky. How's business tonight?"

Oona's mood turns a bit sour when she responds, "Complete shit. There are spies everywhere watching who's going and who's cumming. Wealthier clients are afraid to visit here now because they are so afraid of scandal. Ever since photos were taken of me with that celebrity chef all I am getting are widowers and sailors."

"What's this all about?" Alec asks curiously.

Oona shakes her head, "Don't bother yourself handsome. City troubles. It will turn around eventually. It always does."

Ellie unlocks the door, "Come on Alec. She can't work if she's talking to us."

Alec follows in but suddenly hears a whistle from the fox girl, "Huh?"

"Come by if you get bored. I wouldn't mind practicing on you," She winks with a seductive glare.

Alec doesn't respond, merely stares at her grunting a laugh before nodding, "I'll think about it." He enters and goes straight upstairs to the second floor where the apartment is situated. It is small and cramped in the main living space. There is barely enough room for a sofa and a TV, let alone the kitchen tucked away in one corner.

"First thing first," Ellies says, "Go take a fucking shower."

"That bad?"

"I can still smell all the farts from the aeroplane. I have an en suite through my bedroom. Go!" She orders.

Alec drops his backpack on the sofa and enters her room. He is hit with a wave of nostalgia seeing it all laid out. It is a different room but it has all that same things. Posters from heavy metal bands, her collection of collars and even her DVD's are arranged by directors instead of titles. The window is wide open, letting in a cool coastal breeze. Alec rushes out of his clothes and hops in the shower. The cool water will do him a world of good. As he takes a generously long soak he hears Ellie call out to him, "You hungry?! I am ordering a pizza!"

"Really?! God yes I could eat out a buffet! I would like ham with..."

"Yeah I know! Ham, Chicken, Pepperoni, Beef and Salami!" Jesus she remembers that. Of course she does. They used to order take out so much.

Alec finishes up and wraps a towel around his waist. Just as he enters into her room, Ellie comes in, "It will be here in... JESUS! WHAT THE FUCK HAVE YOU DONE TO YOURSELF!?"

"What?" It is clear her eyes are square on his upper body.

She is frozen in place just as she was back at the bar, "Have you been lifting cars!?" she asks inquisitively in a raised tone.

"Something like that. I trained with someone in Iceland for about a month. Didn't you notice? I really wasn't hiding it."

"Of course I noticed but seeing your shirt off its... its..." She couldn't grasp the words she is looking to find. Instead she approaches him and feels up his rock hard pecs down to his abdomen as if to check it is all real. The shark look up to him, meeting his gaze, hands still firmly on his stomach, "I've changed my mind."

"What? AHHHH!" She shoves him back onto the bed with his towel flying off. Now he is bare from head to toe still dripping wet. She wastes no time pulling offer her top and her shorts clumsily. Becoming as bare as he is. Her heat seems to erupt out of nowhere like a horny schoolgirl, "What are you doing!?"

"If you came to me to apologise you are going to do it MY WAY!" She demands as she crawls onto the bed, climbing over the dragon. He couldn't get a single word out as she suddenly goes in for the kiss. In that moment it is as if all the longing they had for each other has been unleashed with a sweet invasion of tongue lashing. Her silky smooth hand slides all the way down his body straight to his sweet purple fruit that is steadily growing out of its hiding spot. It takes her no time at all to get it to full attention. Her hand greets it so well, remembering just how to please it and tease it. Alec pulls Ellie further up on him, keeping his lips locked firmly on her with muffled moans. His strong claws both grip harshly, square on her ripe ass cheeks. Her tail dances from side to side trying to wrap itself around his own. She couldn't hold back a second longer. No more foreplay or teasing. She wanted his big cock inside her right then and there. She is already ready to receive it. She parts her legs further and starts sliding it in, the head pushes her lower lips wide and she squints one eye firmly shut in pain. She breaks the kiss to concentrate further on trying to guide this monstrous dragon in, "Jesus christ I forgot how big you are."

"Should I go on top?"

"Don't... you... dare..." She warns as she pushes it further, all the way up inside her. As moist as she is it is a bit of a struggle. Something she couldn't believe she was used to. As soon as it presses the very pit of her needy cunt she feels a zap of electricity coarse through her entire body, "OH GOD THAT'S IT!" She screams. She goes wild, ferocious even. Resorting to her pure instincts as a female. She immediately begins to buck him hard with no mercy. The dragon's cock has sent her straight into pure ecstasy and she wanted more. He bites his bottom lip hard, trying to forget how tight it was. She has her cunt latched on like a fucking vice. The only way he could keep up is to try and beat her rhythm. He forces himself up inside her. They could both feel the tip of his hot flesh kissing her womb with each powerful thrust.

"OH YOU FUCKING BAST... AHH AHH AHH!" Her screams echo out into the alley outside. They have forgotten the window is open... they were past caring at this point. Oona could hear it all from beneath the window as she smokes, "Oh my. Never heard her scream that loud from a dick." Some of the other working girls on the street decided to go outside and eavesdrop on the carnival of pleasure coming from Ellie's bedroom.

Ellie pushes herself up and grinds into him violently. Her bare breasts bounce as if they are trying to escape from her body. Alec assists her with her carnal motion, grasping her hips, forcing her back and forth. Demonstrating his strength. The bed smashes into the wall like a hammer. It is so old and rickety it could fall apart any moment. Damage is certainly being done. "AH AH AH! I CANT... STOP... CUMMING... YOU ASSHOLE..."

Oona, still outside listens very eagerly, another girl approaches her from across the alley, "Is that Ellie?!"

"Oh yeah."

"Who is with her!? It sounds like she is being fucked by a train!?"

"A dragon called Alec. She says he is an old friend. I think she has been holding out on us."

Suddenly a pizza guy shows up with a box in hand, he too joins the other girls listening to the racket, "Ummm... I have this uhhh... this is two Red Alley right?"

"Are you delivering a pizza?" Oona asks.

"Uhhh... yeah..."

"Welcome to your own personal porno..." Oona grabs him by the scruff of his jacket and pulls him inside her den of desire. The noise of the love upstairs has sent her well over the edge. The other girl continues to listen for a few moments, going a bit crazy before saying, "Fuck it." She darts in to join Oona and the Pizza dude.

Ellie could feel the dragon getting tired. He has spent all his energy forcing her orgasm to continue. She falls forward and sinks her jaws into his shoulder. Muffling the rest of her screams into his scales. He powers through the last few dozen attacks with all his might, slamming his meat up inside her as hard as he could. Her eyes roll back as her mind is wiped away, the pure heaven she is experiencing is better than anything she has ever felt before. She couldn't even stop herself from drooling from the high. He is much the same, almost froffing at the mouth with intense pleasure. He hits his breaking point and erupts deep inside her. His boiling hot white milk fills her in an instant. Cum squirts from what little space there is between his rock and her juicy cunt. Alec's body goes limp from exhaustion with Ellie still laying on top of him twitching. Suddenly she forces her forehead deep in his chest, "OH GOD I'M CUMMING AGAIN!" Her legs shake as one more orgasm is forced out with his cock still pulsing inside her. They both pant heavily to gain all the air back they have lost.

The silence is broken as she pants, "You... fucking... asshole..."

"Yeah... you said..." He wraps his arms around her tight, keeping her very close, "I thought... you didn't... want to..."

"Oh just shut up. You and you're... abs... and your... dick..."

Alec looks over to the alarm clock on the table, "Huh... Wonder when our Pizza will get here?"