The Assassin

Story by BlueMoon90 on SoFurry

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There was silence. Dead silence. The hunt had began for Xennia, and she was stalking her target slowly, letting the darkness of the night hide her. The target was an armed male wolf, and had many blades and knives on him. The location was a jungle much like the ones on LF7915, luscious and full of life, with the bright moon shining a path infront of the male. Only his soft footsteps could be heard amidst the silence as she got closer.

She was in her Xenomorph Assassin outfit, and had a blade in her hand, summoned magically. Xennia tackled her target, but was quickly kicked off of them. The blade faded and they would begin to fistfight once she stood. She would get some punches in, dodging back as the male charged in, she would slip to the side and suplex him, but but before she could finish it, he kicked her away, flipping back. Xennia hissed and drew he butterfly knife, moving in to slash, but was disarmed by a shoulder throw.

Fast paced drums could be heard, going in sync with each of their hits. A violin and flute joined in as the they started to get more and more advanced in their combat. Suddenly, Xennia would send a knife at them, yet they dodged it by a mere inch.

She grabbed them with her tail, pulling them in quickly and knocking them out. She would tie him to a tree, in only his underwear, and let the animals finish the job.