Pokegirls Melanie's Tale Chapter 7

Story by White66 on SoFurry

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#7 of Pokegirl Adventures

Perhaps not the strongest chapter I've written, action wise. But it plays a purpose and starts to set the scene for some of the bigger events that are coming up. No sex either but the next chapter will fix that. It's not a chapter I originally planned for but it just sprung into my head yesterday and I think it's a killer idea and well worth writing. Please look forward to that. I'm also still open for commissions and requests so if you are interested, please drop me a line.

Pokegirls is not my creation and is owned by the original creators. The same goes for Pokemon and related concepts. I claim no credit and this piece is for fun only.

'Hi Professor, I'm back.' Melanie called out that greeting the second she pushed open the door to the lab with Tamika right at her side. It was only after she took her first proper step inside that she realised it was only her at her side. 'Hey..it's okay. You can come in. The Professor is really cool. And sweet. You'll like her.'

'I hope so.' Emma replied, the same nervousness that held her back clear in her voice. 'This just..human buildings are still odd to me.'

'And that's okay.' Melanie soothed, that simple phrase reminding her how new this was all going to be to her. It was only a few days ago she had been a wild Pokegirl after all. There were going to be a lot of firsts to come, she was sure. 'Most human buildings are pretty cool too. Wait till you see my house. And my room too. You are going to love it. Especially the bed.'

'I don't think we are going to be looking at the bed.' Tamika smirked. 'I'm certainly not. Not with you too to look at.'

'Well..put it like that.' Emma grinned back. 'So..where is this Professor then?'

'Through here.' That response didn't come from Melanie or Tamika but rather the busty Pokegirl before the trio, her cutely framed face surrounded by short hair with a pair of delicate horns poking through. 'Melanie. It's been too long. You are looking well. As are you Tamika.'

'So are you, Lily.' Melanie replied, accepting the hug the Milktit offered, one that she lingered in before offering Tamika one of the same. 'And who is this cutie? Looks like your team is really growing.'

'Emma.' Melanie answered, smiling softly as Emma eagerly stepped into the hug, all her earlier shyness clearly forgotten. 'And I'd like to think so. Let's hope the Professor agrees.'

'I think she will. But why don't we find out?'

'Melanie, Tamika, welcome back. And I see a new face too. Congratulations. Boobiesaur aren't easy to find.'

'I know. But I'd like Emma on my team no matter which Pokegirl she is.' Melanie replied with a smile at her new Harem member. 'She certainly proved herself against Team Jade.'

'Wait..Team Jade?' Peony shifted so quickly from her reclining position that Melanie was surprised she didn't fall from her chair. 'You saw them again?'

'Not by choice, but yet.' Melanie answered. 'They attacked the Temple of Bastit, looking for some kind of artefact. Can't exactly say why.'

'Well...I doubt you would be alone in having trouble figuring out their motives. From what I hear the Pokegirl League is busy chasing them from one end of the region to the other. But let them take care of that. Are you heading home now?'

'Yup.' Melanie nodded, hearing more a request in that than an inquiry. 'Going there right now.'

'Hi Mum.' Melanie called out into the house, this time allowing herself a smile as she saw Emma had stayed at her side.

'Hiya Melanie. Tamika. Welcome home. And welcome to you as well, honey. It's a pleasure to meet you.'

'And you too.' If Emma was feeling any of her earlier hesitation, she didn't show it as she offered Melanie's mom a hug of her own.

'Well..you girls must be exhausted. So come on through. I've made some tea for you. You girls should take a rest today. I guess you'll want your strength for tomorrow.'

'Why should we need our strength for tomorrow?' That question followed her mother into the lounge as closely as Melanie did.

'The August Competition? It's tomorrow. Don't tell me you forgot?'

'Well.I guess I did.' Melanie took a seat on the couch between Tamika and Emma as they joined her a second later. 'It's really tomorrow?'

'What's this Competition?' Emma asked, her voice full of curiosity.

'It's a local competition held once a year.' Melanie replied. 'It's the one big event we have around here. Tamers come from the surrounding towns to compete in a series of challenges. It's different every year, from the challenges chosen to the number and type of Pokegirls each Tamer can use. But it's a lot of fun. Afterwards the whole place becomes like a huge festival. We can have a look tomorrow morning if you like. They should have started preparations by then.'

'Just to have a look?' Emma asked. 'Seems a shame not to take part.'

'You'd like that?' Melanie asked. 'I mean..I've always wanted too but I'd hate to force you.'

'Hey.' Emma replied firmly. 'If you want to do it, then we are in. Right Tamika?'

'Oh heck yeah.' Tamika nodded.

'I'm guessing it doesn't normally look like this.' Emma looked around the bustling square with the same sense of wonder Melanie knew was in her eyes.

'Not normally.' Melanie replied, her eyes not leaving the area where even now crafters and Pokegirls were busily constructing some kind of raised platform at the very centre of the square, easily laying solid planks side by side over two raised supports. 'Usually it doesn't get used for anything at all, since we aren't a large enough town to attract Trading caravans or market traders. One or two might drop by now and again. And we do occasionally get groups Pokegirl League researchers basing themselves here. But tomorrow though this whole place will be bustling with food carts and game stalls and little trinket stands. And over there, I'm guessing that is where they are building the stage the contest will be held on.'

'Do we know what kind of contests?' Tamika asked very much the question Melanie had been mulling over.

'Well..it's different every year. Last time they had an obstacle course and tug of war and an endurance race. Depends who they get setting the event this year. Usually they get a Harem Master to front it. I guess I might have heard something had I been here.'

'Maybe not. I think they are keeping it pretty hush hush this year. Come to check out the Competition as well huh?'

'Well...' Melanie turned warily towards the owner of this new voice, finding herself facing someone who could only be another Tamer. '....I haven't seen other Tamers around yet. Besides you. And they won't be setting up the arena until this afternoon. So..neither I guess. More just came to get psyched I guess.'

'Me too. I'm Summer by the way.' The blonde Tamer replied, striding forward on long legs, the gentle breeze teasing her short hair. With her black jacket and matchingly shaded trousers, she could have come across as a little intimidating, but her warm smile instantly dispelled that. 'You live around here? Didn't think I saw you at the Pokegirl Centre this morning. And you would have to have gotten up pretty early to get here before me.'

'I do. But I just got home yesterday really. I was out at the Temple of Bastit.' Melanie replied.

'Really?' Summer sounded genuinely impressed, that simple shift in her tone making Melanie's cheeks flush. 'I hear they don't just let anyone in. And that the training is pretty intense.'

'I don't think I got the full thing.' Melanie said. 'But it was pretty full on.'

'Wasn't there some kind of trouble on the route?' Summer asked. 'I heard Tamers were being instructed to stay away.

'Yeah..they were.' Melanie replied. 'But we got there before the trouble really started. At least Team Jade didn't what they wanted.'

'Team Jade?' Summer frowned, a frown that Melanie couldn't help but think was knowing somehow.

'You know them?' Melanie asked.

'The name has been getting around.' Summer said. 'I wouldn't be surprised if everyone knows them before long. Anyway, since there doesn't seem to be much going on yet, I might go and grab a bite to eat. I could do with the stroll back to the Pokegirl Centre. Hopefully I'll see you at the contest. Take it easy, Mel. Summer called back over her shoulder as she strode away.

'You too.' Melanie called back.

Summer waited until she was out of earshot before pulling out her phone and quickly dialling a number. 'It's me. No..I haven't been found out, ma'am. You don't have to worry about me. Listen, it might mean nothing but...the girl..from the Temple. The one who the commander reported was helping the Monks..I think she is here. I just thought you should know. No..no ma'am. I won't. And yes, I'll have fun. I'll see you soon. Take care.'

She looks back with an intrigued glance. 'I'm sure it's you. How interesting.'

Melanie idly chewed on her hamburger, the increasingly urgent pangs of her stomach soothed as much by the unctuous taste and smell of the food before her as the oddly primal feeling of something filling her stomach. Off to either side of her, Tamika and Emma tucked into their lunches with decidedly more relish. Not that she could begrudge them that. They had been doing all the hard work this morning really; both of the duo that formed her Harem putting in a solid few hours of training. True, it had only been against the local wild Pokegirl's which hadn't proved a huge challenge for either of them. But that had been the point. With the competition coming up, Melanie didn't want to push either of them too hard. An injury at this point could rule them out and while Potions and PokeCentres could work miracles, it was still a risk she wasn't willing to take.

'You guys enjoying those?' Melanie asked, her mouth twitching into a ghost of a smile. Tamika wasn't exactly a fussy eater as long as fish was somewhere on the menu and it seemed Emma was following suit. With the Boobiesaur having gone with a bean burger for her main and a plate of fries each between them, they certainly seemed content enough. 'If you want some more, we can order something else. No problem.'

And it wasn't. Melanie would pull out all the stops to keep her Pokegirls fed and rested. One reason why she kept her bag stocked with Pokechow, even if she preferred to keep that for longer training journeys where places like this cafe might be hard to come by.

'It's delicious.' Emma replied for them both. 'There are real advantages to being with a Tamer. And the food is one of them.'

'As is a soft tongue on your pussy?' Tamika said with a warm chuckle. 'Or is it two that you like?'

'Why stop with two?' Emma smirked. 'Seems like we aren't the only ones to have been busy around here, huh?'

'Yup.' Melanie let her gaze stray to the already half constructed arena where teams of workmen, women and Pokegirls alike were busily constructing the raised area and the circular fence that would enclose it. 'It's coming together nicely. And just think, the three of us will be up there tomorrow.'

'All of us?' Tamika asked. 'I still don't exactly know how this works. Can we compete as a team?'

'Well...I don't know exactly either.' Melanie admitted. 'Sometimes it's teams. Others you can only enter one Pokegirl. I guess we will have to wait and see.'

'Well then...' Tamika finished a bite of her burger slowly. 'If it comes down to a choice, I say Emma should give it a shot. Just because I'm Alpha doesn't mean I have to always hog the spotlight.'

'I wouldn't say you've been hogging it.' Emma said. 'You've been with Melanie longer its true. And maybe that's why you should do it.'

'Nope. Not having it.' Tamika said firmly. 'You can have this one. I'll pull rank if I have too.'

'Okay, okay. Time out.' Melanie said playfully. 'Why don't we see what happens tomorrow.'

'I thought you'd have gone already.' Melanie's mother stifled a yawn, her eyes still bleary with sleep unlike the two Pokegirls and their Tamer who sat with bright eyed energy around the kitchen table.'

'Can't say I wasn't tempted.' Melanie admitted, those words not muffled by the slice of toast she was munching on, the last remnant of the stack that sat beside her. 'I'd just be kicking my heels and getting five kinds of worked up. If not more. So..I'm more than willing to take it easy and go along an hour before, scope out the competition. Should be plenty of time turn to grab some good seats. If you two are coming along?'

'Me and Daisy?' Melanie's mother glanced at the Flowergirl Tamika was helping with washing the dishes. 'We wouldn't miss it. Not that I'd miss the contest anyway, but that goes double for this year. We are both going to be there to cheer you on. That's not going to make you nervous, is it?'

'Nah.' Melanie shrugged casually. 'I'm good. A little nervous, maybe. But more excited really. Now, since I've got some energy to burn, I'll make you both breakfast. My treat.

That energy hadn't burned off as Melanie stood waiting for the contest to begin, feeling a little isolated amidst the crowd of maybe a dozen strong Tamers crowded around her. Luckily she didn't have long to wait as the empty stage before them suddenly wasn't, a group of three people who could only be League officials climbed up onto the stage, lead by a imposing black haired woman clad in a elegant purple robe. It was that woman who spoke as she stepped forward from the other three.

'That's Sabrina. From the Kanto League.' Summer whispered, sounding more than a little awed. Which Melanie couldn't exactly blame her for, she just had this aura that you couldn't help being moved by. Even if you didn't understand why.

'I'm sure you are all eager to hear about the details of the Contest.' Sabrina said softly, her voice carrying over the crowd with ease. 'And I won't keep you writing. This will be a contest over three events. One of skill..one of agility...one of strength. In which each Tamer will be able to enter one Pokegirl to compete in three events. More details will be available once you have successfully registered for the Competition. Which my three colleagues and assistant judges will do now. So would all those wishing to enter please come onto the stage now.'

Having been at almost the front of the crowd, Melanie was among of the first to get registered; something that was simpler than she expected. A short check of her Tamer ID, a registering of her chosen Pokegirl and that was is; Melanie finding herself directed to the small curtained area behind the stage. One that her still simmering nerves hoped was empty. Which it wasn't, the small area filled with the soft flapping of the cloth surround occupied by a single figure Melanie recognised instantly.

'Hey there. That was quick. I was kinda expecting to be the first.' Melanie couldn't help a slight smile as Summer turned to face her with a welcoming smile of her own.

'And you might have been.' Summer shrugged. 'But I've heard the intro speech before. Once you've heard one, you've heard them all and pretty much know what to expect. So I snuck away to get to the front of the queue.'

Melanie's fought against the sudden icy rush of doubt that dropped into her stomach. Summer didn't mean anything by it she was sure, but at the same time she couldn't help somehow feeling inadequate somehow, that Summer with all her confidence already had one up on her here. And if she did, then surely so did all the others who had competed before. Which left her as..what..the rank outsider trying to play with the big kids? Melanie had no answer to that so she pushed down on those doubts with a question of her own.

'So..what's taking the others so long?' Melanie asked, her voice sounding more steady than she felt. 'Surely its as simple for them as it was me. Hand over your ID, register the Pokegirl you are going to use and done.'

'Not necessarily.' Summer replied. 'It's not always that simple. They had to check your record too, remember. Others records might not be so clean and that might bar them. Others, other Tamers have three or more Pokegirls. They have to choose which one they will use, the one that seems best to them. That takes time. For some Tamers more than others.'

'Well..I couldn't take that time.' Melanie said as lightly as she could manage. Lightly or not, something must have slipped into her voice because Summer took a couple of steps closer to her, steps that could only be called purposeful.

'And you think that's..what? A weakness? Cause you couldn't be more wrong. You went with your gut because you trust all your Pokegirls to do their best for you. That's a strength most Tamers don't have.'

'And you did the same?' Melanie asked, her sudden curiosity about Summer's team too strong to ignore. 'Bet you made a decision pretty quickly too.'

'Well..that was a loaded question.' Summer chuckled. 'But I'll bite. Come on out, Zephyr.'

That softly spoken name was followed by an equally soft action as Summer drew and released a Pokegirl from her belt, the flash of light resolving into a lithe and powerful figure that Melanie instantly recognised as a Flarea.

'I'm Zephyr. I'm very much looking to see what you have.'

'You and me both.' Melanie replied, not entirely sure how she meant that.

Melanie sat with hands clasped in her lap. Despite being the second to arrive, she had been party to a frustrating wait as Summer and the other ten contestants who trickled in after her had all been called out to compete before her. She had expected it might work that way, but that didn't stop her feeling a little more tense each time her name wasn't called. It was for that reason she kept Emma in her Pokeball, she didn't want her picking up on her nerves.

Sharply brought out of bed thoughts by her name being called, Melanie raised her head. Taking a deep breath she steps out of the curtained area, a handful quick steps that felt like a mile bringing her out onto the stage. The stage that, now she got a good look at it, had changed a little. Not in design so much as function, with a collection of metal disks suspended from the solid frames dotted around the once open area.

Ignoring the feel of the eyes of the crowd on her, Melanie kept her gaze fixed firmly on the judges. A good thing as it turned out, since it was towards them her attention would have been pulled anyway.

'This first challenge is a test of accuracy.' Sabrina had risen as Melanie approached and now fixed her with an even stare. Across from you are a series of targets. Your chosen Pokegirl will have two tries to hit each target. You can use any ranged attack to hit the target, be that ember, water gun, vine whip, gust, thundershock. Anything involving fists or feet is not allowed. You can start in your own time. From your first shot, you have a minute to hit as many as you can. Yellow targets are worth 25 points, red targets are worth fifty. Hitting the white bullseye will give you 100.'

And are harder to hit. Melanie observed, the red disks being noticeably smaller than the yellow. And the bullseye smaller still. Still, she did her best to not let that phase her as she reached down to her belt. 'Emma, let's do this.'

Upon that command, Emma burst forth from the now unsealed Pokeball, landing in a crouch with her eyes fixed upon the targets ahead of her. 'Emma, the one on the left. Strike it with Vine Whip. Go.'

'Got it.' Emma called out, a single Vine snaking out from her bulb to smack neatly in the centre of the yellow target. But Melanie was no longer focused on that or the twenty five points she had scored. She had her eyes on bigger targets now that Emma had her eye in.

'Now, the two reds in the middle.' Melanie ordered. 'Hit those two.'

'Right.' Emma wasted little time replying, all her attention focused on her aim. An aim that scored her two more solid hits, the sound of the impact echoing satisfying in Melanie's head.

'Great. The red and yellow on the end. Hit them.' Melanie called out, more calmly then she felt. Luckily for her, Emma was completely calm, easily scoring her forth and fifth direct hits.

'Okay. Now. Try for the bulleye. The white one.' Melanie called. It was a risk of course, but the hundred points was very tempting to try for. Sure, it was maybe half as small as the red targets and right at the back of the arena but she was sure Emma could hit it. And she remained sure until Emma's Vine whipped narrowly past the small circle.

'Try again.' Melanie urged, aware that time was running out but determined to press on. As determined as Emma was to hit, her eyes narrowing along with her focus as her second shot struck true. Sadly that miss had cost them precious seconds, something Melanie learned with a lurch.

'Ten seconds left.'

'What?' Melanie resisted the urge to glance at the judges, forcing her attention onto the targets. 'Emma...go for the yellow one next to the bullseye. To the right.'

Emma did just that, her Vine striking true and clear towards the target to land a firm impact. That smack ringing out across the arena, just as the word Melanie had been almost dreading reached her ears.

'Time. And that was a very good run. Sadly that last hit came just as time ran out and so doesn't count. But still, Melanie and Emma scored a very respectable 300 points. Let's give them a round of applause.'

The applause still ringing in her ears, Melanie returned to the waiting area with Emma in tow. As pleased as she was with Emma, she couldn't help feeling a little annoyed with herself for taking that risk when maybe she should have played it safe.

'Nice job. Not bad at all.' Summer's praise greeted Melanie as soon as she exited the stage, those words somewhat of a cold comfort.

'Nice of you to say, but it wasn't great.' Melanie sighed.

'If you call third place not great, then honey you are too hard on yourself.' Summer replied.

'What?' Melanie's despondency vanished in a single mime game of shock.

'Have a look.' Summer jerked her head over to the previously deactivated and unnoticed tv screen which now showed a leaderboard of some sort. At least that was what Melanie guessed as she raced over to it.

'Wow.' Melanie whispered, her shock not allowing her a better response than that.

'See. Not bad.' Summer said pointedly.

'Says the girl in first.' Melanie added.

'That could easily change.' Summer shrugged. 'They will announce the next event soon.'

As it turned out, Summer had been right. But not before the overall results had been announced. Melanie maybe shouldn't have been surprised that the competition was so stiff. But she was. And she wasn't the only one to be caught out by how cutthroat it turned out to be. After just one event, the field had been almost slashed in half; the bottom four competitors cut from the competition. Which to Melanie left her all too aware of actually how close she had been to becoming one of those unlucky four. But, she had made it and that was what she had been focusing on. Good thing too, for she was still caught up in that when she vaguely heard her name being called.

'Oh..yes. Sorry.' Melanie said, stepping forward with a much dignity as she could muster.

'You two are up first.' The league official who had arrived during her distracted thoughts said without preamble, addressing not just Melanie but the slightly rotund black haired Tamer now standing next to her. 'This next round will be a test of agility, an obstacle course if you like. And you will be going head to head against each other. The first one to complete the will be declared the winner and receive four hundred points. The runner up will receive 150 points. Any questions? No. Then let's get started.'

That simple statement lead Melanie out to the once again changed arena; both her and her opponent, she couldn't think of a better word for him, standing on a raised platform ahead of which lay rope bridges, tightropes, squat posts serving as platforms, climbing walls and balance beams of varying heights. Something Emma seemed to be taking in her stride.

'This challenge has no time limit.' The nameless official announced bluntly. 'On my signal. Go.'

Emma sprang forward as soon as that word was uttered, showing no fear as she approached the first obstacle. Melanie herself might just have hesitated approaching the bridge formed of the three ropes that already swayed in the light breeze. But her fearless Pokegirl just took it in her stride, even if she went slowly at first, feeling her way out onto the rope bridge with measured steps. Steps that stayed measured even as she saw her opponent pull ahead of her, not so much walking as jogging, using only the lightest grip on the support ropes for balance.

'Hah. You really entered with that Pokegirl? Look at her, creeping along like that. Does she think she can turtle through it?'

Melanie didn't spare the Tamer beside her a single glance, not taking her eyes off Emma or her progress. 'She's more than up to this, thank you. And this isn't a test of speed it is? It's about agility. Whoops, see?'

Melanie didn't even have to point out what she was referring too, it being easy for anyone watching that the other Pokegirl had slipped as she ran. Only Emma had seen the truth, she hadn't slipped as much as missed her footing. A mistake that left her almost hanging from the rope bridge with one leg dangling, and one that allowed Emma to capitalise. Having eased into finding her feet, it was easy as pie for her to increase her speed a little to a brisk walk which allowed her to clear the bridge before her opponent had even regained her lost footing.

Which gave her a solid lead as she turned to face her next challenge, one Emma quickly sized up. She tested her balance before stepping out onto the rope. Using her arms for balance and watching where she stepped, it was fairly easy to make good time. Sadly, her opponent picked up on that too, making up the gap between them by the time they reached the second rope.

Emma had used the first to get her eye in, guessing that by adjusting her arms and weight with each step she could increase her speed. It took a little more concentration but that was worth it as it allowed her to pull ahead and away from the steady but slow pace of her opponent.

So much that Emma had reached the final rope before she was even halfway across. She wasn't going to be cocky here and took a careful first step, working with the same focused technique that had served her so well previously. Which was why it came as such a shock to her and Melanie alike as the rope beneath her twitched. Emma froze instantly, twisting her body to the side in a desperate attempt to keep her balance. And while it worked, her opponent used that scant delay to catch up, both Pokegirls clearing the last rope at the same time.

'Not so cocky now, is she? Seriously, you might as well give up now.'

'Does she look like she is giving up?' Melanie retorted, a little edge slipping into her voice. Which was the only recognition she was going to give him. An edge and dismissal made all the more poignant by the fact that she was right; Emma wasn't backing down.

Far from it, she was actually relishing the challenge. Buoyed up on that and the certainty of Melanie's faith in her, Emma matched her opponent stride for stride towards the collection of two dozen or so posts driven firmly into the ground below, the only thing that separated her from the final obstacle before the finish line.

It was with that certainty that Emma leapt out from the platform to land squarely on the first post, her feet resting squarely on the flat surface. Using that solid landing as a base, Emma sprang for the next one, powerful legs carrying her towards her target. Upon which she landed right on target.

Repeating that pattern Emma hopped with seeming effortlessness from post to post, each leap carrying her closer and closer towards her goal. Of course, she was aware of her opponent matching her almost jump for jump, but that didn't matter to Emma. This was all going to come down to one final sprint once she reached the balance beam. With the last post and the platform beyond firmly in sight, Emma sprang for it, her eyes locked on the surface, feet perfectly aligned for a smooth landing.

Which did nothing to explain why her feet slipped the second they landed. At least, that was what Emma first thought. But then, maybe due to the rush of adrenaline flooding her system, time seemed to slow and in that slow time recollection Emma was sure she felt something hit her foot. Not a strike but more like a push from an invisible hand.

Throughout that stretched second of thinking, Emma's body hadn't been idle though. Instinct taking over even as her mind was still in the icy grip of her shock, Emma used what little traction she had to spring backwards with all her might. It was a hasty move, one of desperation. But sometimes desperation works and either through that or sheer luck Emma managed to land on a post a few steps back.

Taking a deep breath to steady herself, Emma found her eyes drawn to her opponent who had just cleared the posts and was lining up for the balance beam. Well..she wasn't going to take that. Drawing upon her new focus, Emma bounded from post to post in three quick hops that carried her clear of the last just as her opponent stepped onto the beam. Not even pausing as she landed, Emma broke into a measured sprint.

Over the smooth wood her feet pounded until the beam was before her. Not even breaking stride, Emma raced out onto it; more feeling than seeing where she placed her feet. It's almost like she wasn't thinking but just acting now. Still..with each step she felt like she would stumble or slip but somehow she didn't, quickly catching up with her opponent until they were running side by side.

Only for a second though before Emma started to pull ahead, each step on the narrow beam drawing her closer and closer to the finish. The finish that was almost within touching distance. Not even daring to turn her head or break her concentration, Emma surged forward with everything she had, that last burst of effort carrying her clear of the beam and first across the line she was sure. But her surety didn't become certainty until the sound of her name being called slid into her head.

'Emma is the winner.'

'No..she cheated. That's not possible.'

'Funny choice of words.' Sabrina stood up with a posture as stern as her voice, both of which made the other Tamer falter a little. 'Using psychic powers to interfere with your opponent is cheating. I'd disqualify you now but that would rob Emma of her victory. So I will disqualify you at the start of your runner up event. If you are still here then is up to you.'

'That's not a bad time. Under two minutes.' Summer's praise greeted Melanie as she returned to the waiting area. 'Sorry that guy interfered.'

'At least he can't do it anyone else. Are you up next?' Melanie asked, hastily glossing over her unspoken question if her time was good enough or not.

'Looks like it.' Summer replied just as her name was called.

'Good luck.' Melanie replied, finding she genuinely meant it.

As it turned out, Emma's time wasn't as bad as Melanie feared. Okay, so hitting third place again wasn't exactly a clean sweep but she hadn't really expected that either. Still, her combined scores were enough to secure her place in the last round. Summer's of course had scored top slot with her strong performance, leaving the second place slot going to Summer's opponent, his second place score from the first round helping him to pip the others by a narrow margin. Which lead the final three to once again gather on the stage already set out for the final challenge.

'You've all done very well.' The leader said as she stood. 'And you should all be proud of your Pokegirls. But in this round we will decide our winner. As you can see before each of your chosen Pokegirls are a three boulders placed at the bottom of the hill we have constructed. The winner will be the first Pokegirl to push their bolder to the top of this hill. Should none of you reach the top, points will be awarded based on how far you have pushed your boulder. In the case of a tie, the points from the previous events will be added to the 500 earned for reaching the top of the hill. If there are no questions, please take your positions.'

With a nod from Melanie more for encouragement than an actual order, Emma took her place behind her boulder, already sizing it up. It looked heavy, no doubt about it. Which surely was the point. Still, she was ready to give it her all. If she going to lose, she wasn't going to do it half heartedly.

'Ready. Set. Go.'

There was nothing half hearted about the way Emma instantly put her back into it, arms and legs straining alike as she strained against the boulder. Despite the strain the boulder actually shifted, slowly at first but more steadily as Emma got into her stride. Placing one foot after the other she began her slow measured ascent. That was all Emma was focused on now, keeping her head down as she tried not to think about anything else beyond the next step. Surely allowing her mind to focus on how far she had climbed would only be a distraction. Sadly there was nothing to distract her from the burning in her arms. Or her aching legs. So she just soldiered on, her feet scraping on the loose dirt beneath her.

Up and up she climbed, the boulder before her seeming to grow heavier with each step. Which no doubt was in her head, but at the same time didn't make it any more real. She couldn't think about stopping now. If she stopped she wouldn't get going and that would be..

'Zephyr wins.'

That pronouncement dragged Emma out of her single minded focus, the sudden shock of it making her foot slip. With a breathless gasp, Emma threw herself forward with all her might but it was too late; she was slipping and there was nothing she could do about it.

'Emma.' Melanie's cry came at the same time as she dashed forward, unsure what she was going to do but feeling the need to do something anyway. Thankfully her efforts were unneeded as suddenly everything shifted. One minute Emma was losing a battle against the weight of the boulder above her, the next that weight was gone. As was the gravity weighing down upon her. Slowly raising her head Emma saw that both she and the boulder alike were hovering in mid air, surrounded by a ethereal pink glow that had somehow taken their weight.

It wasn't until Emma was lowered slowly to the ground that she saw a Pokegirl that could only be Sabrina's Alpha standing with hand extended and her body shrouded in a deeper shade of the glow supporting her that she realised what had happened. Then something else attracted her attention as Melanie crushed her in a fierce hug.

'You were amazing. Just amazing. I'm so proud of you.'

'Proud enough to give me a treat later?'

'Enough to give me as many as you like.' Melanie replied in a teasing whisper.

'Well..I guess as first times go that wasn't bad.' Melanie said, finding that she genuinely believed that. At least it gave her something to aim for next time.

'Not bad at all.' Summer agreed. 'Besides, it's the prize you really want to take away from this.'

'True.' Melanie patted the Miracle Seed tucked safely in her back pocket. 'Although next time I'm going for the top prize. Having a Rare Candy would be useful.'

'Well..I hope I see you at the next one.' Summer replied. 'I'd like to compete against you again.'

'I'd like that too.' Melanie said. 'I'd better run though. I think my mum has a celebration planned and she'd hate me to be late. I do hope we see each other again. Catch you later, Summer.'

'Oh..I think we will.' Summer whispered under her breath even though Melanie was already well out of earshot. 'Perhaps sooner than you think.'