Some Goalies Need Extra Padding: Chapter 5

Story by sightpirate on SoFurry

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#5 of Some Goalies Need Extra Padding

Another training session leaves Rollins utterly humiliated, puts Humboldt in a compromising position, and gets Mack as confused as ever.

The beauty of the enforced bottle-feedings lie in its simplicity: we could get the puppies the protein and calories required to build mass, pump up their fluid intakes to ensure their diapers were being filled to capacity, and sneak in any "secret ingredients" needed to progress the training according to schedule. The fiber supplements were one such ingredient, though mostly innocuous and well-intentioned; with the sudden addition of highly concentrated protein to their diets, the pups would need more fiber, or risk getting constipated. No, if ensuring the creation of some very messy diapers was the goal, there were more potent laxatives to use than simple fiber, and I had a plan for when those would be snuck in. However, in one night, the opportunity to introduce the laxatives and another additive was inadvertently taken from me.

It had been about a week since the bottle-feeding began, and the pups had adjusted reasonably well. With Humboldt's input, I'd arranged for him to split his daily dose of fiber between the bottle he took at his morning change and the first one of the afternoon, measuring out just enough to compensate for his protein intake while keeping things moving as smoothly as before. When he'd come to the house to get changed, I preferred to feed him in the easy chair in front of the TV, both for my own comfort in sitting, and so that the housemates could tease and coo at him while he fed. Perhaps he would have preferred the privacy of my room, but there was something about feeling him squirm in my lap and hearing him whine behind his bottle that kept bringing me back there.

When Friday's meeting came around, it had started to become apparent that the pups were studying the packet they'd been assigned. Most of them had a solid handle on the first decade or two of the team's history, so to create something else to punish them for, I'd begun asking all four to answer questions in unison. Even if all of them knew the correct answer, the odds of them reciting in a perfect chorus were slim to none, giving us ample room to train them. After a particularly bad swath of questions, where Miles blurted out the wrong answer three times in a row, it was time to introduce something new.

"There's an honor in thinking before you speak, and clearly you little puppies haven't grasped that yet." I growled once they'd all received the appropriate number of swats. "So, until I think you're ready to start answering questions together, I've got some new tools to help you think in silence."

From my drawstring bag, I pulled out four gags: a white ball gag, with a hole through the middle where a feeding tube could be attached, for Rollins; a black rubber bone for Rodriguez; a pink gag shaped like a stubby dog cock for Miles; and a blue pacifier with an oversized nipple for Humboldt. When all four were fitted and secured onto the pups, I continued.

"It really is a shame that your training has had to come to this. You've had the information for, what, two weeks already? By now, you should have mastered it, and started practicing how to answer in unison. In fact, my class..."

I was interrupted by the roar of a lengthy, wet-sounding fart, at which the entire basement momentarily turned silent. As it ended, and a small sigh of relief puffed from Rollins' nostrils, the quiet was replaced by raucous laughter.

"That's disgusting, Rolly." I tried to keep a straight face, but even I found such an interruption funny, especially as it was followed by a series of shorter, more forceful expulsions that left the wolf red in the face. "Seriously, you couldn't hold that in until I was done? If you don't shape up quick and learn some respect, I can think of something we could put up there that would..."

Unbeknownst to me, Aslanov had been taking, as he termed it, "the fat thing", a bit too far. Having gone through what was meant to be a month's supply of soy protein in a little over a week, he'd resorted to mixing Rollins' two afternoon bottles with his own whey protein instead. Unfortunately, he did so without asking me, thinking the two supplements were roughly equivalent. Truth be told, they were almost the same, except for one major difference: lactose, to which Rollins was violently intolerant. If Aslanov had known that, he could have stopped what came next from happening.

The chubby wolf started trembling, almost imperceptibly at first, and his ragged breathing turned into genuine whimpers of distress. With a muffled groan, his tail flagged, and a lewd squelching sound echoed throughout the floor as gush after gush loaded the seat of his diaper. The taunting and chortling of the upperclassmen came back twice as strong, as the guys pinched their noses and made a chorus of gagging sounds.

"Bet you're glad you got those diapers now, Rolly." Bergstein cackled.

"Sheesh, puppy!" Wagner stepped forward to grope at Rollins' mushy behind, eliciting an uncomfortable whine as his slop was pressed into the front of his diaper. "Someone must love packing his Pampers, if he...Oh god, guys, I think he's still going!"

Sure enough, a choked sob resounded from the poor wolf's gagged maw, and another round of noisy splorts filled the room as the wolf's diaper grew heavier and saggier before our eyes. Whether it be from the pain of the cramps, or sheer embarrassment at being chained to the floor and forced to mess his diaper in front of all his teammates, Rollins was full-on bawling, tears flowing down his cheeks. Finally, when the unholy symphony of squishy sounds diminished, and the telltale pitter of pee hitting the inside of his now-overused diaper signalled an end to his distress, I tiptoed cautiously behind him and pulled back his waistband to peer inside.

"Aslanov, you're gonna want to get this one hosed off outside." I waved a paw in front of my nose dramatically. "And get a fresh diaper on him ASAP; can't be sure we're outta the woods yet."

The bear gave a curt nod, leaned down to unclip his charge's collar, and gingerly lifted him by the armpits, holding the wolf out as far from himself as possible.

"Don't cry, Rolly, all puppies have accidents..." He cooed, carrying him up the bulkhead stairs and onto the lawn beneath the patio.

"I don't think Rolly's the only one who needs a change..." Swift had taken note of the spattering of drops beneath Humboldt's crotch, where an overflow had started dripping out while everyone was distracted by the commotion.

"May as well get them into their bedtime diapers while we wait." I trod over to the open pack in the corner, pulling out two and unfolding one to poke through the plastic with my claws. "And in the interest of keeping my floor dry, you'll all get doubled up for your last change of the day."

I laid a paw on the dog's flank, signalling for him to roll over onto his back. Behind the pacifier strapped tightly around his head, his expression conveyed some blend of discomfort and shame. I produced a pack of wipes from my bag, and set about peeling the tapes off the heavily-soaked diaper at his waist. As the front flopped down to the concrete floor, I was greeted by an unfamiliar sight: Humboldt's cock was fully extended from his sheath, bulbous knot almost formed, and a pearly bead of pre shimmered at the tip of his impressive scarlet organ.

"Jeez, Hummer..." I breathed in a hushed tone, placing a wipe in the palm of my paw and giving a gentle stroke upward. He screwed his eyes shut and inhaled sharply as the cool, wet fabric made contact with his exposed skin.

The other secret ingredients I'd planned to introduce into the bottle of an unsuspecting puppy were two herbs, yohimbe and horny goat weed, meant to elicit the same reaction that Humboldt was exhibiting then. The dosage of such supplements can be difficult to gauge, so my plan was to initially introduce a very low dose, then gradually bump it up until one of them popped a woody during a change, and use that as justification for the next phase of training. While introducing both the gags and what was to follow on the same night wasn't ideal, the choice was taken away from me as Frisk noticed Humboldt's predicament.

"Looks like someone's happy to get changed." The fox smirked, his icy blue eyes narrowing as he turned to me. "Almost too happy, if you ask me."

With no way to discreetly tell Frisk that the herbs hadn't even arrived yet, and that the throbbing erection in my hand was most likely a fluke, I resigned myself to deviating from the agenda and improvising.

"You're right. Puppies have no good reason to get this pokey in their diapers." With an authoritative grin, I looked down into Humboldt's worried eyes. "Frisk, make sure Hummer behaves himself for a second. I'll be right back."

"With pleasure." He stooped down to antagonize the poor dog, picking up the hefty front of his sodden diaper and wrapping it around his shaft, making Humboldt give a faint shiver in response. "Ooh, someone's awfully fond of getting treated like this, isn't he?"

Truthfully, I was more worried about the upperclassmen behaving themselves than the puppies, and that's what made me hustle upstairs, fling my closet doors open, hastily stuff the four small boxes into my bag, and dash back down to the basement. When I returned, Rollins had been brought back inside, and Aslanov was rubbing the wolf's fur down with a towel, dotingly muttering nonsense to his little brother as usual. Frisk was still standing over Humboldt, clearly relishing the opportunity to reduce a canine twice his size to a blushing puddle of submission.

"Back in position, pups." I barked, and they returned to the circle accordingly, on hands and knees, with their bare asses in the air. When they were still, I made my way around to unfasten each of their gags and attach their collars to their chains. "Hummer, why don't you tell everyone what I found in your diaper just now?"

After a long moment of hesitation, he let out an ashamed sigh.

"An erection, Brother Mack Barrow."

"Hmm, what a mature word for a naughty little puppy." I chuckled. "And what was it doing in there, pup?"

"I...I don't know, Brother Mack Barrow." He stammered.

"You aren't getting off on this stuff, are you?"

"No, Brother Mack Barrow!"

"Are you sure? Listening to Rolly packing his Pampers earlier didn't make you pop a boner?"

"No, Brother Mack Barrow!"

"Then I'm positive you won't mind this next gift we have for each of you. Big brothers, if you will." I disbursed three of the boxes from my bag to Philippe, Fournier, and Aslanov. "Think of these devices as concentration aids; without those useless little stiffies, you'll have much more time to focus on more important things. What do we say when we receive gifts, puppies?"

Each of the freshmen thanked their big brothers as we unboxed the presents. In our paws, we held four hard plastic chastity cages: white for Rollins, black for Rodriguez, pink for Miles, and light blue for Humboldt. Through all the showers and diaper changes, we'd come up with estimates for their sizes, aiming for a device that wouldn't allow them any room to peek out from their sheaths. While I slid Humboldt's balls through the base ring, I was pleased to find my guesswork had been accurate.

"These cages will only come off for supervised cleanings, and on the off-chance you do something good enough that your big brother thinks you deserve a reward. Until then, you can forget about making any sticky messes for a while. Is that understood?"

"Yes, Brother Mack Barrow." The four of them sounded utterly deflated, an understandable reaction to losing access to such an important body part. It took a moment for Humboldt's member to deflate enough to get the tube on, but eventually I slid it into place, clicked the lock shut, and gave a couple flicks of the claw against the rigid plastic.

"Feels okay?" I asked, meeting the dog's incredulous stare. "Any pinching or friction?"

"No, but...It's kinda tight." He groaned. Confined only momentarily, his cock attempted to swell already, but throbbed against its prison when there was no room left to grow.

"That's the idea, pup." I smirked. "No room for naughty boys to sneak their way out."

He instinctively squirmed his hips, trying to find some space inside that could relieve his discomfort, to no avail. With a laugh, I planted a paw on his flank and turned him back over, resuming the double-diapering where I had left off. Humboldt had become so familiar with our changing routine that he needed no guidance or prompting as I moved, sliding each diaper under his rear, dumping a fresh flurry of powder onto his fur, and taping them tightly shut. When I was finished, I gave a firm pat to his crotch, practically unable to feel the hard cage under two soft layers of thick padding. A pitiful whine dwelled in his throat, as he realized just how void of sensation his cock now was.

When all four were properly diapered and dismissed to clean the house, I found myself back in my room, lost in thought, as I toyed with the tiny silver keys in my paw. Just when I thought I had Humboldt all figured out, he had to go and complicate things. A freshman getting spontaneously hard during a diaper change wasn't unheard of, not by a long shot, but the big dog had never given any indication he'd be one of them. As someone who'd been wearing some form of diaper around the clock long before his training started, I expected he'd be desensitized to them, if not sick of them. And yet, there he laid on the basement floor, meat turgid and looking like it was fit to burst, seemingly provoked by the sounds of his classmate uncontrollably filling his diapers beside him. He was a tough case to crack, that much was certain, but I knew I'd get to the bottom of it by the time his training was over. After all, it's a captain's job to know his teammates, inside and out.