Bioshock - An Unexpected Alliance

Story by Valkrex on SoFurry

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Authors Note: Hi everyone, sorry about the wait. Here begins the third chapter of the Bioshock series and any comments, ideas, and constructive criticism are welcome. Once again I hope I didn't rush.

PS: Okay... typing this long after having originally typed this story and series. I originally started off with this just to see if writing a story was any fun. It was. However I really hadn't put much thought into this series, and because of that it suffered greatly. Pacing, plot development, character development, and relationships were all... well crap. This series has a TON of flaws.

However, I am continuing it eventually as I had a lot of fun writing this, but I won't be treating it as a serious work, just as a series to experiment, and see what kind of whacked up craziness I can come up with.

If you want to read something that I AM taking seriously, and am putting effort into pacing, plot development, etc. then check out my other series, Chronicles of an End. I think I did a fairly good job on it so far, but holy hell does it need a new title...

Well thats enough rambling, on with the story!

Bioshock and its story, characters, location, and scenario belong to the Microsoft, Irrational Games, and 2K corporations. Enjoy.

Chapter Three. An unexpected alliance. The next morning Marli and I were cuddled together on the bed, in our hotel miles under the sea. The big impact of where we were had finally sunk in to me and I was scared. Scared of the Splicers, scared of the Big Daddies, scared of the fighting. I shuddered as I thought of our battles from the day before, and I couldn't get the image of my bullets tearing into a person; ripping them to shreds, killing them in cold blood out of my head. Even though they were insane bloodthirsty monsters I felt sick having taken a life. Lives. "Is something wrong Jeremy?" Marli asked. "I feel sick to my stomach, and I just feel depressed." I told her. "Do you want to talk about it?" She asked concerned. "It was the people we fought yesterday. The people I killed. Their faces are stuck in my head. They knew they were about to die, I could see it in their eyes, but I had to pull the trigger. They couldn't do anything! They probably had a family they went home to, even if they were insane! Isn't it stupid though? How a push of a button can tear away your life, your hopes, your dreams, and your loved ones. Or destroy someone else's life. OH GOD I CAN'T GET THE IMAGES OUT OF MY HEAD!" I was yelling by the end of this short speech and sobbing at the same time. Rocking back and forth on the bed I cried my eyes out, letting my anguish, sorrow, and pain pour out of my eyes. "WHY? I never wanted to kill anyone! I knew I would have to fight when we came down here but I never though it could be this hard!" My sobs doubled in strength as I felt Marli holding me, trying to comfort me. I knew that she must be feeling the same way I was, but she was somehow able to keep it together. She was definitely a stronger person than I was. Every few minutes I would seem to be about to pull it together, but then my sobs would return with renewed strength. All the time I was crying I felt Marli holding me. She was the only thing that kept me from falling into a suicidal depression from which I would never recover. She was my anchor to sanity. I hugged her back fiercely as my anguish poured from my eyes and I tried to get the images out of my head. After what seemed like an eternity my sobs reduced to hollow gasps and I noticed that Alex had entered the room. "I'm sorry," he told us, concern on his face, "I overheard Jeremy from across the hall. Taking a life for the first time is the hardest thing a person can do, and unfortunately killing is something that gets easier the more you do it. I remember the first time I took a life in Afghanistan. I had nightmares for weeks afterwards. What kept me from going totally nuts was remembering what I was killing for. I was protecting my country. My family. My friends and my fellow Americans from terrorists." He paused to let this statement to sink in. "What are you killing for Jeremy? If the reason is noble, true, and strong enough for you to believe in then you will remember it. Use it to give yourself strength and keep your sanity."

"Alex is right Jeremy." Marli said to me in a loving voice. "I have the images stuck in my head too, but then I remember that were fighting to stop people from being abducted and transformed. It stops the images in their tracks. Think about that Jeremy."

I was touched by their concern, and my sobs and gasps finally stopped.

"Thanks so much guys." I managed to croak past the lump in my throat.

"Tell you what; why don't we stay in this hotel for a few days and calm down a bit?" Suggests Alex "Believe me; I understand how hard this all must be for you two."

Marli and I nod in agreement to Alex's proposal and he walks out of our room and back into his across the hall. Marli and I embrace each other and lie back down and are asleep within minutes.

Later that day I awoke to find my love holding me in her sleep. The smile on her muzzle suggested that she was having pleasant dreams. I tentatively remove her arms from around me and go to take a shower. I grabbed a towel from the rooms closet and grabbed my combat clothes and walk into the bathroom. I lay the towel and clothing on the floor, start the shower, and wait for the water to heat up. The room still smelled of the "fun" Marli and I had in here last night and I couldn't help being slightly aroused from the smell of pheromones that still lingered in the air.

I pushed those thoughts out of my head and walked into the shower, letting the hot water relax, and soothe my troubles away. I though about what Alex and Marli had said earlier. Then the images started to arise again and the water felt icy and unpleasant. My breathing shortened and my heart rate picked up as I began to be swallowed by my emotions. Then I remembered what we were fighting for. We were fighting to save the lives of children. To stop them from being transformed into little sisters, and stop their parents from becoming Big Daddies.

As I thought this the water began to feel warm again and I felt peace in my mind as the images disappeared. I smile and reach for my body wash as I let the heat of the shower wash my troubles away once again.

After I was squeaky clean and dressed I decided to do some exploring around the hotel. I walked out of the room, down the hall and up the hotel stairs just to see what was around, and when I saw what was around I was amazed. On the second floor of the hotel was a freaking mall of sorts. The mall was a smaller one as it had to be to fit in a hotel but it still had a good number of stores arranged in a circle. I saw a Gamestop, Bass pro shop, Wal-Mart, Best Buy, and other common stores on the surface world. How surface stores were down here I had no idea seeing as Rapture had been secret from the world for about sixty years. But there were also some that could only exist in rapture such as Plasmid stores.


"Oh crap." I think as I look in the direction of the thud and see another Big Daddy, but this one wasn't alone. Walking next to it was what appeared to be a six year old human girl. She had black hair and a purple dress and would have passed for a normal kid except that her eyes were glowing a sickly yellow color, her skin was deathly pale, and she was carrying a large syringe type contraption. It had a handle like a gun, and had a thick needle that was about two feet long, and on the back was a canister filled with a red liquid which I knew was blood. It was a Little Sister.

Now for those of you who don't know what a little sister is listen up, because they were a key part in Rapture's downfall. To understand exactly what a Little Sister is you need to know the origin of plasmids. Plasmids are made from a substance called ADAM which is a mutagen that can generate and rewrite stem cells which they used to make Plasmids. This ADAM was found in a previously unknown type of sea slug which slowly generated this substance. After a while a scientist named Dr. Bridgette Tenenbaum discovered that ADAM could be mass produced if the slug was embedded in the stomach of a young girl. How they figured this out I have know idea, and I don't want to know, but this also lead to the creation of Big Daddies which are bonded to the Little Sister and are supposed to protect the Little Sister from those who would harm her trying to harvest her ADAM. The slug in a Little Sister's stomach produced ADAM at a fast rate, but the Sister was mutated into something inhuman, and virtually indestructible.

Using the ADAM that the Sisters produced, Tenenbaum teamed up with a man named Frank Fontaine to create the plasmid industry. This made the pair extraordinarily wealthy because who wouldn't pay to give themselves powers beyond a normal person? For a while things were fine and dandy until people began to overuse the plasmids which eventually drove them insane. Fontaine believed he could gain the trust and support of the new Splicers and take control of Rapture from its leader Andrew Ryan. He was correct in one way and wrong in the other. He gained the Splicer's trust and lead a rebellion against Ryan, but was swiftly crushed, but he had succeeded in causing Rapture's civil war which was still going on today between the two factions.

As for the Little sisters they were doomed to wander the city extracting ADAM from corpses until they die, are "harvested" or are "rescued". After you kill a Big Daddy the reward is taking some ADAM from the Sister to create or buy Plasmids. When you have the right Plasmid you can rescue the Little Sister which humanely removes the sea slug, returns the Sister to human status, and gives the rescuer some ADAM. The other way to get ADAM is to forcibly rip out the slug to receive a large amount of ADAM, but it kills her in the process.

I move into the nearest store I see which was "Plasmid Depot" and take cover behind the store windows to hide from the Big Daddy, and just in time because up the stairs came a horde of about ten Splicers. Insanity and bloodlust in their eyes they charged the Little Sister to take her ADAM which was a VERY dumb move on their part. The Little Sister sees them coming and starts screaming. Her Big Daddy responds instantly, its eyes changing from yellow to red and its drill starts spinning. The metal giant charges the horde and swinging its drill catches a Splicer in the stomach launching it across the mall, into a store window, and smashing into a wall effectively breaking its spine. The rest of the Splicers open fire on it with plasmids and Tommy Guns, knocking the Big Daddy back a few feet.

It recovers in an instant and charges into the group which breaks and tries to surround it. The Big Daddy then spins as it's charging forward knocking a Splicer's head clean off and the point of the drill impales another on the ground and starts spinning causing blood and gore to spew from the corpse. At this point a Splicer hopped onto the Big Daddy's back and attempted to drive a blade into its helmet. Barely a second after the Splicer was on its back the Big Daddy fell backwards in an attempt to crush the Splicer. It succeeded in breaking the Splicer's legs and then proceeded to curb-stomp its head after he stood up.

As the Big Daddy was curb-stomping another Splicer took out a shotgun and blasted him in the back. The big daddy stumbled forward from the blast and fell over from another. When the Splicers moved in for the kill I did possibly the smartest and dumbest thing I have ever done. I shot a bolt of lightning from my palm and into the group of Splicers. While they were looking around in confusion I sent five quick bolts into the group stunning the remaining Splicers and giving the Big Daddy time to get up. Once the Big Daddy was up the stunning effect had worn off and two of the Splicers ran in my direction.

"Shit." I think as I see them closing in and see myself cornered in the store. The Splicer in the lead thrusts forward his hand and a stream of icicles fly out heading for my face. I duck at the last second and hear them whiz over my head and impale themselves in the nearby wall. The Splicer's bust into the store, as I manage to get to my feet. I felt like a total dumbass as I felt for my pistol only to remember I'd left my weapons in the hotel room. The two Splicers, a male jackal and female panther, grin as they see I have no weapons while they aim theirs.

I grin a feral grin too as I remember I have the natural weapons of a dragon. I open my mouth and send a quick burst of flames toward them catching the jackal on fire but the panther had dove at the last second. The jackal started screaming and running around as the flames burned him. I sent a bolt of lightning at him, stunning him and allowing him to be incinerated. I turn around and see the panther had taken cover behind the checkout desk. She fired a burst of bullets from her gun and I feel extreme pain as they hit my stomach. I double over but manage to crawl out of the store before she fired again.

"Help him Mr. Bubbles!" I hear a high pitched voice yell and I see the Big Daddy charge past me and into the store where he effectively slammed the Panther into the wall and drilled her into it.

After checking my chest for wounds and seeing that none of the bullets had penetrated my scales I stand up and find myself face to face with a Big Daddy. It regarded me with yellow eyes for a moment, and then surprised me when its eyes changed to green. It surprised me again when it extended his gloved hand and opened it. I was probably the only person who had ever shaken hands with a Big Daddy.

While I was shaking his hand I hear foot steps and I look over my shoulder to see Marli and Alex charge up the stairs.

"Jeremy, what's going on we heard gunshots-" Marli begins but Alex cuts her off with a gesture as he sees me standing with the Big Daddy. Suspicion formed in his eye as he saw we were friendly and shock as he sees the Little Sister come up and place a vial in my hand and say "Thank you for saving me mister. I'll tell my sisters about you and their daddies so they'll help you if they see you." She then turns to the Big Daddy and says "Come on Mr. Bubbles I see angels, dancing in the sky." The Little Sister then runs off with the Big Daddy in pursuit.

"Jeremy would you please tell us WHAT THE HELL JUST HAPPENED!?!?" Alex yells at me. "WHY WERE YOU SHAKING HANDS WITH A BIG DADDY?!? ARE YOU WORKING FOR RAPTURE!?" He then points his M4 at me flicks off the safety.

I knew I had seconds before he pulled the trigger so I launched into the story of what had happened up here. When I was finished Marli was staring at me in shock, and Alex flicks the safety back on his rifle and shoulders it.

"So let me get this straight; you came up here and saw the Big Daddy so you hid right?"

"Right." I reply.

"Then a horde of Splicers come up the stairs and into this mall type thing and attacked it."

"Yep." The Big Daddy was losing so you saved him and the Little Sister so they gave you a vial and a promise of help?"


"Holy crap that is amazing! So now we got Big Daddies helping us!" He says with a big grin on his face.

"So was that really a Little Sister?" Marli asks

"Yea I'm pretty sure it was. She had the needle and everything." I tell her.

"What was in that vial she gave you?" She asks curiosity in her eyes. I check the vial and see a thick red substance in it. "I think its ADAM." I tell my friends and see their eyes go wide.

"Dibs" I say as I see Alex about to say the same.

"You can't call Dibs on ADAM!" Alex says indignant.

"Well I just did. Dibs. And I did it again." I tell him chuckling as I place the vial in my pocket and wince at the new bruises on my chest. Marli starts laughing at this as well and then she sees my bruises and winces in sympathy.

"Well before you two kill each other, it might be a good idea for Jeremy to get some ice for his bruises." Alex nods in agreement as he sees them through the holes in my shirt.

We all walk down to the kitchen and find an ice pack in the freezer. Why it was in their I had no idea but I was grateful as I felt the cooling effects of the ice numb the aches on my chest. Once we'd calmed down from being up close to a Big Daddy we started to talk and laugh like we used to. We reminisced about how we all had met, the incident with Alex, a dodge ball, and a hairdryer, (Oh man that was hilarious and we still have no idea how it happened), the time I had swiped my moms car keys and taken the car for a ride (I was actually a pretty good 14 year old driver) and the times we all played basketball at Marli's house (and Marli was amazing at basketball).

We'd been talking for so long the ice had melted and we'd actually forgotten we were in Rapture for a few minutes. All the while we were talking I felt uneasy though. Alex had a strange look in his eye. It was a look that I couldn't really describe but it was really creeping me out. It was like he was waiting impatiently for something to happen. I almost asked about it but then I saw the clock on the wall and remembered where we were. It was almost nine we'd been talking so long, and we had a lot of ground to cover.

"Okay let's get some shut-eye." Alex tells us. "We got a lot of ground to cover before we can get to Olympus heights." Marli and I reluctantly agree and we all return to our hotel rooms for the night. As I walk towards the bed to get some sleep Marli wraps her arms around my chest and whispers "Oh, god Jeremy, I went into heat this morning. I NEED you tonight!" She sounded horny and desperate as I turned around and gave her a kiss. I pushed my forked draconic tongue into her muzzle and began to dance with her tongue. As our kisses deepened we fell onto the mattress, with Marli on top of me. After a few minutes of intense kissing we broke apart and began to shed our clothes. Marli was naked and on all fours in what seemed like a second she was so horny.

"Oh god hurry up Jeremy, I need your cock inside me!" She moans.

I could smell her heat by now and was instantly rock hard from all the pheromones she was giving off, and I wanted to sheathe myself into her tight cunt, but I felt like being dominant tonight, and I had a simple but good idea. I lean over her back and lightly prod her entrance. Marli gasps and writhes underneath me begging for me to lunge forward and take her like a bitch in heat. I prod harder for a second then pull away. Marli makes pitiful whines as her hands fly to her pussy.

I grab them and whisper into her ear, "Sorry my love, but tonight you have to earn your fuck." I get off the mattress and present my cock to her face. "Suck me off." I order her. Her eyes beg me to fuck her but I stand solid. She devourers my entire cock in one feral lunge of her muzzle and starts bobbing as fast as she can up and down my shaft, sucking and slurping as she desperately tries to make me cum. I gasp in intense pleasure as I feel her suck me, and suck me, and suck me. She makes a pleasured moan as my first spurt of pre falls onto her tongue and she begins to bob even faster.

I place my hands on the back of her head and begin to slowly thrust into her mouth while she sucks me. As the pleasure builds and builds I steadily begin to thrust faster and faster, forcing my cock down her throat. I feel her throat writhe around my cock as she tries to avoid gagging as I spurt pre into her stomach. Eventually I'm thrusting as fast as I can into her mouth and I feel one of her paws fly to my balls as she tries to coax the cum out of them and succeeds. I gasp in intense pleasure as I spurt into her throat and the pleasure is intensified as I feel her trying to swallow my massive load. After nearly a minute of cumming she pulls off of my cock and gasps, unable to continue swallowing and allows my cum to flow all over her face. I push her head down and raise my cock and spurt into her hair as well, and then lower my cock as I spurt a few onto her tits when I finally stop cumming.

I step back to admire the beauty of my cum drenched vixen lover when she turns around and presents her pussy to me, and as promised I approach and lunge into her. Her heat had tightened her pussy and I gasp in intense pleasure as I feel her tightness envelope my cock and I hear her moan in pleasure and begin to rock back and forth, pushing my cock in and out of her.

"FUCK ME!!!" She practically screams in feral heat and I gladly oblige as I begin to fuck her like the bitch she is. I plunge in and out of her pussy as fast as I could letting the intense pleasure take over my mind. Marli begins to moan, and moan and moan, as I lunge into and out of her tight pussy.

She was so horny she came after the first few minutes of fucking, and while she was writhing in orgasmic bliss, I pull out of her and lie on my back, where she instantly straddles my cock and impales herself on it and begins to bounce as she moans while I thrust up into her. After a few more thrusts she cums again. Her heat made her orgasms very quick and very intense as it looked like she was going to pass out from the pleasure as I gasp and groan as her pussy spasms around my cock, sending fem-cum flying everywhere.

"That's right bitch! Moan for my cock!" I gasp out as I grab her ass and pull her down onto me as I cum, and cum, and cum in her pussy. Giving myself a moment to recover I roll Marli onto her back and begin thrusting into her again as I feel her wrap her legs around me.

"Oh Jeremy cum in me again, make me your little slut!" She moans to me. I grin as I hear this and begin to pick up the pace of my thrusts when I feel her pussy begin to spasm around my cock as she lets out a deep moan of pleasure. I push into her pussy as though I was a beast in rut, gasping and groaning along with Marli's moans of pleasure that were drawn from each time my balls slapped against her ass. With each thrust I felt myself approaching my next orgasm, and this spurred me to thrust faster. "OH GOD, MAKE ME YOUR BITCH!" Se screams as I thrust into her.

"Well if you want me to be your bitch I should fuck you like one." I gasp as I pull out of her and position her so I can fuck her doggie style. I lunge into her and begin pumping as she gasps and moans in pleasure. I could feel it coming and I knew it was going to be massive when it came. Marli's heat sensitized pussy spasms around my cock one last time as I thrust a bit harder and my head breaks past her cervix where I begin to cum a MASSIVE load. Her heat must have triggered something as I came for nearly five minutes! Spurt after spurt of sticky cum landed directly in her womb and I could feel her shuddering from pleasure. When I was finally done cumming she grabbed my hand and placed it on her stomach which had inflated.

"Oh god, this much cum in me feels SO good." She tells me as I run my hands over her swollen belly. It was as though she had a basketball in her womb "Don't pull out of me." she tells me as she passes out and me along with her. I fell onto her back with my cock still in her locking my cum in her womb. To be continued.