Voretober 6th - "Unexpected"

Story by lukesnowcat on SoFurry

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#5 of Voretober 2018

Cassie and Sarah find themselves a quiet spot in the park for a bit of fun, only to discover that they're not the only ones out tonight.

Featuring Sarah, http://www.furaffinity.net/user/nocturnewolf, and http://www.furaffinity.net/user/kitsune-kajiru

Day 6 of my Voretober writing series, featuring the prompt "Unexpected." The full list of prompts can be viewed at https://twitter.com/voretober/status/1041325948661059584?s=20

Distant footfalls on gravel alerted a hidden pair that they were no longer alone, steadily growing louder as they approached with an upbeat rhythm. Although the sun had gone down hours ago, someone was jogging through the park. Sarah's eyes noted the beam of a headlamp bouncing erratically as she peered over the bushes toward the trail. A bright LED made it impossible to identify who it belonged to, from where she was perched.

The snow leopard crouched lower when heavy crunching passed closer than she was comfortable, considering she wasn't wearing pants. Her tank top was disheveled, a strap partially hanging off one shoulder. A border collie was casually leaning on an elbow in the grass behind her, watching with mild amusement. Unlike Sarah, Cassie was still fully clothed in snug jeans and a dark top, and generally seemed far less concerned with the intrusion.

Though her heart was racing now, Sarah felt flush as the jogging figure passed quickly without incident. She followed them with her eyes, only able to make out a vague outline moving away, oblivious to the two lovers in the bushes.

"That was close," she breathed, bushy tail lashing quickly once she was confident she wouldn't be heard.

A chuckle made Sarah turn back to her friend, who shook her head. "You worry too much. Anyone does catch us, I'm sure we can figure something out." Cassie grinned at the snow leopard, her bushy tail wagging. It had been her idea to sneak into the bushes and make out in the park, after all.

Sighing with a light chuckle, Sarah made her way back to Cassie's side and cuddled up to her. Her cheeks were still rosy from earlier interactions, prompting Sarah's friend to lean in and plant a kiss on the snout. A pair of arms came around her waist, squeezing the cat fondly against Cassie's soft body. Although dressed lightly, their thick coats were effective at fending off the chill autumn breeze, and warmer company made the cool air a trivial thing.

Sarah turned toward her, returning the kiss on Cassie's lips and earning a "wrf." Her hands wandered down the dog's back, tugging at her tank top along the way and pausing at her lower back. Cassie, on the other hand, helped herself to the snow leopard's hips. They wiggled between her palms when squeezed, kneading a bit more possessively than she'd been doing earlier.

"Just be glad it was a jogger, and not a werewolf. I hear they like to roam the woods during a full moon," Cassie teased. She was fully aware that a serene ball would soon be rising over the trees.

"Oh, hush. There're no registered werewolves around here. Best we get are dumb jocks." Sarah stole a lingering kiss on Cassie's lips, muffling a loud giggle before it could escape.

As the two began to roam over one another with their hands, their mutual kisses grew steadily deeper, more involved. Sarah was warming steadily now, excited by the rare treat of feminine intimacy. Far from the first time she'd done so, despite finding herself in bed with men more often than not.

It wasn't long before the top of the moon could be seen on the horizon, casting long shadows from the trees as it began to climb into the sky. A long howl in the distance made Sarah's ears perk, bringing her mind back to the warning Cassie had given earlier. Though a hint of anxiety made her chest flinch, it was quickly forgotten when she was nearly pulled into the collie's lap for a steamier kiss, warm tongue tracing across Sarah's lips.

The two were so lost in each other that neither heard soft rustling despite a lack of breeze. Quiet mewls, wrfs, and excited groans blocked out everything else around them. Sarah was getting into things now, exchanging a French kiss that lingered much longer than the others. It wasn't until she broke the kiss to catch her breath that she noticed a silhouette in the forest nearby. When she blinked, it seemed to quickly fade into the shadows, leaving her to wonder if her mind was simply playing tricks.

Cassie caught the concerned gaze and canted her head. "Something wrong?" Turning, she followed the cat's eyes, but saw nothing out of the ordinary. Another breeze made the trees sway, noisily rustling leaves again.

"Just thought I saw something. Probably nothing," she replied, though her voice didn't sound convinced.

The collie grinned. "Jumping at shadows? Silly cat. Or maybe it's a werewolf." She leaned in for another kiss after Sarah huffed loudly, but paused when the snow leopard's eyes went wide. Branches crackled immediately behind Cassie, prompting her to turn and look over her shoulder.

A hulking figure was tall enough to silhouette itself against the moon as it rose from behind the bushes, shadowing them completely. A low, bestial growl could be heard as the creature hunched over the tall shrubs. Cassie's mouth opened, but before either girl had the chance to react, something lashed out and she was dragged backwards through the shrubs by a heavy coil. She briefly shrieked in surprise, but was silenced just as quickly.

Sarah fell backwards into the dirt and scrambled back, watching the commotion but only able to see vague shapes and shadows as Cassie fought her attacker. She wanted to scream, to call for help, but fear kept her paralyzed like a nightmare as she looked on. A wet _squelch_could be heard, further muffling the panicked protests before Cassie was hefted into the air.

The moon now served as a backdrop for the collie, who could be seen with a pair of snakelike jaws wrapping around her shoulders. Thick coils bundled her up in a long, serpentine tail that ended with a drooling mouth. She was struggling desperately in the creature's tail, but with a sharp tug was rapidly dragged farther inside the yawning maw. There was nothing Cassie could do to prevent it, arms pinned to her body and legs wrapped tightly together as she was fed in by the flexing bundle.

Wet noises filled the air each time the collie was swallowed, several inches of her body being claimed by the rippling motions of a slimy, smooth passage. It was happening frighteningly fast, and Sarah knew that her friend was doomed. She could try to dive in and be a hero, but suspected she would just end up a second course given the beast's size. The other option was to run, which was just as likely to end badly. She simply remained where she was, crippled with fear while watching her friend being eaten alive.

As the thick tail unwound itself from Cassie's body, her legs scrambled and kicked in the air, but it was little use. The heavy appendage straightened as her hips became a shifting bulge in the tail itself, leaving only the collie's legs and bushed-up tail dangling from its jaws. As the muscles visibly kneaded her body deeper, the shapes that Cassie made continued to squirm beneath the surface. The collie's paws kicked, toes splayed in the air.

With a few more sharp tugs, Sarah's friend was little more than an outstretched shape in the beast's tail that continued to slither along toward the larger mass. The creature was still crouched, growling in apparent gratification while muted squelches and gurgling could be heard. But when it turned toward the bushes, Sarah realized that it certainly wasn't done.

It still wasn't too late to run, she realized. But her eyes remained locked as she watched that lumbering shape move in the bushes, drawing closer until a large snout poked through. Loud snuffling could be heard as its nostrils flared, and a long tongue rolled across its lips. Sarah managed a fearful whimper, trembling in place as the shrubs crackled and rustled when it moved again.

When the beast's entire head pushed free of the bushes, Sarah was able to pick out distinct shapes in the dim light. A broad muzzle, purple fur that spiked in a messy mane, long, fuzzy ears and a distinct set of horns that curled around them like a ram. Fear began to quickly melt away as recognition came to her. The thick collar and silver, heart-shaped tag around its neck were unmistakable.

"Vynx!" Sarah blurted. "You almost gave me a heart attack!"

As soon as she shouted, the purple chimera erupted out of the bushes with an excited chirrup. Shrieking, Sarah quickly reached up to shield herself from the inevitable tackle as a pair of huge arms wrapped her up in a tight embrace. As soon as she was pulled in, she became aware of a squirming bulge against her, settling into the chimera's gut with a noisy gurgle. Cassie was still fidgeting and pushing about inside, whimpering muffled beneath thick muscle and fluff.

Previously terrified, Sarah was blushing again and huffed loudly as she was held close. "I can't believe you ate Cassie! Naughty 'mera!" Sarah scolded. She felt a soft kick from within as a result.

Vynx seemed unphased by her reprimand, which was often the case. He growled contently while he held the small feline close, stomach gurgling against her. Vynx didn't belong to her, so whether he listened was entirely up to the chimera's own motivations. He brought her close to his snout and proceeded to liberally apply wet licks to her face and cheeks. A bushy leopard tail lashed quickly as she was slurped, leaving her spotted fur matted in wet, sticky clumps.

Although the chimera's belly was appreciably rounder with Cassie's cramped figure, it quickly became clear that he wasn't fully satisfied. His slimy tongue curled itself entirely around one of her ears and squeezed, making her shudder involuntarily. Sarah found her ears to be especially sensitive, and being assaulted by firm licks and a set of pursing lips soon had her squirming.

This kept her distracted as Vynx's jaws parted overhead.

Just as Sarah was noting the hot breath rolling down the back of her neck, the chimera lunged over her. Bending down, a sharp chirrup was cut off in Vynx's throat as she was swiftly stuffed in. Sarah's tail stood out like a bottle brush, arms quickly pushing against the chimera's chest. Stronger limbs just as quickly wrapped her tight, helping to force the small feline deeper while a heavy swallow clenched around her body.

Everything became dim in an instant, though natural bioluminescence allowed Sarah to see the way ahead, grabbed by the suffocating tightness of the beast's gullet. Sarah's body futilely attempted to drag her free of his jaws, but Vynx was clearly more determined to drag her down. Whimpering, her flattened ears were filled with wet suckling and squelches as she was offered a similar fate to Cassie. She twisted about, but another heavy tug forced her chest into the chimera's throat and pinned her arms, and that was that. Sarah knew he had her.

Though her tank top had been left intact, Vynx's claws snagged her thong and dragged it down while her belly was shoved in, tongue shamelessly exploring her hips and between. Nowhere was safe, earning a sharp groan when the chimera's tongue slid directly across her lap. A rush of heat came over Sarah's cheeks immediately, hips wagging in the air as they were wedged in. Vynx's head came back, tossing Sarah's legs into the air and snapping quickly to swallow up her hips.

Sarah could hear wet gurgling building in her ears, knowing she was moving quickly to the chimera's gut. Waves of peristalsis carried her along without pause, until her head was squeezed down into the slimy pouch. Sarah came face-to-face with her friend, albeit upside-down from the snow leopard's perspective.

Although she expected a bit of sympathy for her situation, Sarah got none. Instead, slimy hands reached up and hooked beneath the cat's arms, then began dragging her in. The unexpected tug caused a surprised glrrrk from above, and Sarah found herself rapidly spilling into the chimera's belly from the mutual effort, right into Cassie's possessive embrace. Her legs rapidly vanished from sight, leaving only a length of furiously-wagging snow leopard tail that was quickly slurped down like a noodle.

Sarah now found herself tightly cramped in a hot, slimy pouch, arms and legs tangled with Cassie as the two embraced one another. Both were thoroughly drenched in drool and stomach fluids, the dim glow keeping the inside of Vynx's gut illuminated so Sarah could see the collie glowering at her. They began to slowly bob back and forth, the muscles flexing regularly around them as they were carried away from the hiding spot to a more suitable chimera nest.

Burying her muzzle against Cassie's neck, she let the collie tightly hug her. "W-well, now what?"

Cassie growled, then brought a hand beneath Sarah's chin to tip her muzzle up. The other reached down a gave the snow leopard a rather unexpected grope. "Shut up and kiss me..."