Nngh...story version

Story by kaleemmcintyre on SoFurry

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Story based off: http://www.furaffinity.net/view/3632582

Cameron huffed as he got his secret bottle of Jack Daniels out of his gym bag and set it on top of his computer desk before sighing to himself. It had been a long week with exams for this month's finals but finally it was over with and he could relax. Kicking off his shoes as well as his pants the nineteen year old wolf flopped down into his plush leather seat and turned on his fan. The sweet cool air blew over his face making him murr happily before he reached for his laptop and then press the power button to turn it on. The machine gave a quiet hum before the screen turned blue and powered up.

Cameron hummed to himself as he tore his t-shirt from off of around his body and then threw it over to where he had tossed his other articles of clothing. Normally he was more anal about keeping his usually immaculate room clean but today, he just didn't give a damn. It had been a long set of weeks for him and he was allowing himself to be as messy as he wanted. With his roommate gone for the Summer there was no one here in the dorms to bother him about it so why care he thought.

When the laptop screen shown with the desktop Cameron murred happily at the sight before him. A well muscled raccoon winked at him from behind with its upturned butt facing the wolf's view. A pleasant sight to say the least as Cam looked down to see his sheath getting thicker with his straining and growing erection. He so did love to be by himself during these times. No having to sneak around when his very straight roommate was around to get his rocks off with a few well placed tugs of his paw against his hard shaft. Reaching for the bottle of Jack Daniels Cameron didn't think anything at this point in life could go wrong...

He admitted to himself much later that he should have known better when the thought crossed his mind.

Like the L.A.P.D. they came in throwing his door to the side scaring the crap out of the wolf who immediately tossed the bottle of Jack underneath the computer table into his bag. He was not going to get kicked out of college for inappropriately bringing contraband onto school grounds. When Cam realized who it was that had barged into his domain unbidden he didn't even bother to cover himself as he growled and lowered his ears to the back of his head in aggravation.

"HEY CAMMY!" The loud voice of the leader of his frat called out into the small room making the wolf grunt and reach up to rub at his forehead when he felt the incoming headache began to throb in his skull.

"Hello Jerold." The tall cheetah looked at the member of his fraternity and then raised an eyebrow in appreciation as he spied the swelling sheath between the wolf's legs.

"Wel, well Cam...didn't think you were waiting all this time for me. Just give me a sec to get out of these clothes and then we can..." The cheetah would have finished hadn't a backhand smack him upside the head followed by the angry growl of a pissed off wolf making him stifle his next comment.

"What do you want Jerold?" Cameron liked his frat, he liked his frat brothers, and he liked Jerold but at the same time the cat also reminded him why he was thankful he was an only child. The spotted feline was nothing more than an overly charged battery of energy wrapped in silky fur and lithe muscles. The fact that Jerold was captain of the baseball team and the soccer team gave him an overall toned form befitting his heritage. He was excellent eye candy for Cam to nibble on whenever the wolf was pent up but he just wasn't his type. Just too loud.

"I want me some wolf meat on my tongue and underneath my tail tonight but from the way you are acting I'm thinkin' that I'm not gonna get me any." The cheetah crossed his arms and huffed indignantly as he stubbed his foot into the hardwood beneath his feet.

"Now that's not true, Mario would be more than happy to give you all the meat you can handle." Cameron replied as he went back over to his desk and pulled out the bottle Jack before pulling up a movie from his favorite internet hotlinks. The video started up and soon two buff looking males were writhing on the screen in front of a nondescript beach during twilight.

Cameron twist open the cap of the Jack bottle and put it beside his laptop before raising the container up and opening his muzzle. Again, he really should have known things were going too smoothly when the bottle was snatched out of his paws and the flat side of a yellow and black paw gripped his muzzle shut. The wolf blinked and then felt his eye twitch as he rolled his eyes up and started at the cheetah.

The feline smugly smirked at the wolf before pulling his paw away and reaching over to cap the bottle of Jack and then toss the liquor into the garbage next to the desk. Now immediately that would have been the moment when Cameron would have gotten up and kicked the living crap out of his frat leader hadn't he noticed the somber look in the golden eyes of the other.

"You shouldn't do that to your liver." Jerold said before pulling Cam's seat, with him still in it, backwards and then hunkered down into the wolf's lap. The kitty snuggled himself up like he found himself a new home while Cameron put on a deadpanned looked and then sighed dramatically.

"What have I done to deserve you?" The wolf asked while reaching a paw over and stopping the onscreen video. He was not going to going to enjoy it today, this he could tell already by current events.

"You're just lucky like that. Don't bother trying to question it handsome." Jerold told him before leaning up and kissing Cameron on the lips.

Not wanting to do this right now the wolf turned around in his chair and then tossed the feline onto his bed. The cheetah had a faux hurt look on his face before he winked and then playfully began to curl himself up onto the wolf's bed.

"Alright Jerold, for the last time, what do you want?" The wolf growled making furrows wrinkle onto his snout like his feral kin. The cheetah didn't seem fazed at all but did straighten up and looked into the wolf's hazel eyes with all seriousness.

"I checked the roster and it seems you are one of the only frat members who somehow got out of doing the fraternities mandatory camping trip. Surprise, surprise but as frat leader it's my job to make sure that you do so pack your shit you and me are going camping."

Cam blinked and then blinked again before blinking a third time. When his mind registered what was being said his muzzled opened and then just dropped.

"Are you fucking me?"

"Not yet but they may be a possibility this weekend. Now no more excuses, get your things for a three day weekend or you can consider yourself out of the fraternity and then you'll have a one way ticket back to Boomersvile or wherever you came from." Jerold said before getting off of Cameron's bed and then waving at him before walking out of his room and quietly closing the door behind him.

"What just happened?" Cam asked to no one as he sat there, naked in his chair and stared at the closed door the feline had walked through.

Least to say that three hours later found Cameron sulking in the passenger seat of Jerold's Ford Focus while the cheetah hummed a tune along with the radio. The wolf turned at head and watched the happy-go-lucky feline do his thing before he sighed and began to think of more pleasant things.

"Get over it. The terms of you coming to this college were that you pledge as a frat brother and then keep a 3.0 GPA. You've done the necessary school work needed to keep your butt in class but you seemed to have gotten through the loophole of the camping exercise portion of being part of the fraternity." Jerold spoke while keeping his eyes on the nearly empty road. Seeing that they were leaving the city for the more rural areas on a late Friday afternoon it wasn't that shocking.

"Honestly, why are you doing this to me? You know I'm not going to sleep with you so why are you pulling this stunt?" Cameron honestly wanted to know because if the cat thought he was creeping into his sleeping bag during these three nights then his face was going to be in for a real treat come morning.

"Don't think you are all that Cameron Wilders. This has been a tradition with the fraternity ever since it was created thirty years ago. I had to go through it, my predecessor had to go through it and my replacement will as well when I graduate." Jerold kept his tone even as he made his way off the road once they had gotten to the local forest preserve and then drove up to the ranger's lodge.

"What kinda tradition is that then if I missed it?"

"You came as a late entry, don't forget, and you pledged the same as the rest of us t uphold all the rules that govern the frat. This is one of them so don't complain. It's not like we made you scrub toilets or anything demeaning and giving up one weekend out of your life isn't going to cripple your social status any with between you, your paw and your genitals, you can trust me on that." Jerold stepped out of the car after killing the engine and then pulling the keys from the ignition. Cameron, meanwhile, actually felt embarrassed at the blunt tone and way his frat leader had spoken to him before shaking his head, the cat was not his alpha.

Deciding to enjoy the rest of his weekend Cam huffed then sighed before stepping out of the car and then stretching to his full height. The warm mid-day sun made him feel good on an instinctual level and he could swear he could feel his blood singing in his veins at the thought out being out with nature. He was a wolf after all so he assumed that some of his more basic traits stilled lived on in his genes even after years of evolution and mutation.

Walking back behind the Focus and taking his camping gear out when Jerold had popped the trunk the wolf realized that the cheetah hadn't packed as much stuff. Not bothering to say anything the wolf strapped his pack onto his back and then followed the cat into the ranger's lodge. The two college boys made their reservations, which was kinda unnecessary as this was the slow season for campers since all those reports of wild bears and such had come in. The ranger warned the two about the reports he had gotten and told them to stay near the path in case they were attacked and that he would make his rounds through the area with his co-workers to make sure they were alive in they didn't report back in by Saturday afternoon.

Cameron and Jerold nodded and then headed out with a wave to the older moose male who nodded to them and then went back to his paperwork. The wolf and cheetah followed the rocky path up to the campers area and then made camp just in time for dark to set in. All the while they were there Cameron noted that Jerold was in his 'leader' mode and hadn't made one sly comment, one easy pass to try and get into his pants, or even one side remark the entire time.

It was scary really. By the time they ate and relaxed around the crackling fire it was almost time to call it a night.

"If you go out to piss tonight make sure you don't go far. With the reports of feral bears I don't need to be reporting you missing on the first day up here."

Cameron looked at Jerold and for a brief second he thought he saw a smirk on the cat's muzzle before the other bid him goodnight and went into his separate tent. Jerold was asleep in seconds but Cam just wasn't ready to go to bed yet. His body seemed like it was thrumming with energy to be back in nature and he senses were wired keeping him awake. A couple of minutes later after hearing the soft snores of his frat leader Cameron decided that he would try and get some sleep anyway and deal with the bout of restless energy tomorrow. Pouring water over the fire and watching the smoke billow the wolf stretched out and then yawned before heading to his tent.

Throwing off his clothes and deciding that it was too warm out to sleep in the sleeping bag Cameron left the rolled up bundle next to his backpack and the plopped himself down onto the ground and closed his eyes. The wind sung in his ears as he listened to the night noises and then to the sounds of his full stomach gurgling. Yawning again Cameron listened still to the night music and soon was carried off by it into Nod.

Sadly for him twenty minutes later his tent was being torn open and his body was being carried out of his space into the night. The sounds of the nylon tearing hadn't woken him as a much too pleasant sent seemed to lull him deeper into sleep that the forest sounds, which had all but silenced themselves did.

Thirty minutes after his capture Cameron soon found himself blinking bleary up into darkness as he felt something stroking over his body. Immediately he was annoyed and growled as he reached an arm up and ball a fist before slamming it down onto the offender. Now when he didn't hear the satisfying yelp of one perverted feline molester Cam knew something was not right. When he instead felt a wet stickiness drench onto his fist and coat his paw in slime his mind began to calculate all the ways of not right the feeling he was having was before his brain decided that sleep had just become, not only impossible but improbable.

Opening his eyes wide Cam found himself in a brightly lit cave filled with something wriggling and writhing over, above, under and around himself. What it was however, the wolf couldn't describe but he did let out an impressive howl of fright when he noted that whatever it was he was laying on, as he soon found himself to, had long, flesh colored, snake like appendages writhing from it and all of them were slowly coming to wrap themselves around the startled wolf.

Immediately the primitive instinct to flee welled up inside of the wolf and Cameron tried to scramble himself up and dart away from the thing before he found his neck pulled backwards into the main body of the said creature. A thick and long tentacles, as Cam soon realized as he was reminded of all the alien horror movies he had watched as a child, coiled around his throat and held him fast and while not choking the breath from his lungs the tentacle was snuggly keeping the wolf in place. Trying to reach up and dislodge the thing proved futile as Cameron's arms were entangled in the clutches of the monster's coils. Arms restrained and neck keeping him in place the seemingly sentient creature soon began its own diagnosis of the wolf with Cameron whimpering and struggling to get free.

"You seem to be having a bad time. What's wrong?"

Cameron looked as his ears perked and he found his eyes darting to the area of the said voice. His hazel eyes looked to see an impossible sight as he looked to spy a naked Jerold in front of him with a blank expression on his spotted face. The cheetah stood on the squirming folds of the monstrous beings lower body while absently stroking over a playful tentacle wiggling in front of his paws.

"J-Jerold! H-help...me!" The wolf tried to say only to receive the same blank expression onto his face as if the cat were clueless as too the problem he was currently facing. A problem which was getting worse by the minute as soon two thicker appendages wrapped around his left and right leg and began to split his thighs apart enough to get room enough in to set another squirming and seeking vine in between the wolf's legs.

"What's the matter? Are you hurt?"


"Exploring you. Trying to see if you will be one."

"O-one...what?!" Cameron shouted to his obviously crazed friend before he stopped his struggling and noted something seeping out from the feline's open muzzle. A long and sensuous tentacle with the same fleshy coloration oozed from between the cheetah's dark lips and then playfully intertwine with one of the creature's appendages as if it were a long lost relative. Cameron looked wide eyed before gasping, which proved to not be very wise because a subtle tentacle snaked its way into his mouth and down his throat into his esophagus while teasingly flicking back and forth. The bulge in his throat was visible as it and awe inspiring as the long vine slipped down further past his Adam's apple into his upper torso. Jerold managed to slip his internal vine back into his body before looking at Cam again.

"One of what I am. A long time ago I was a bandit in these woods and I got lost out here when trying to escape from a search group of bounty hunters after my head some three hundred or so odd years ago. I thought I had gotten away from them when I accidently found a small burrow that lead to a cave with this thing inside of it. It was much smaller back then, maybe no more than the size of my chest but when I found it...or should I say it found me...well you remember watching The Thing with me don't you?" Jerold asked before realizing that Cameron was currently pulling one of his arms free to begin clawing at the hide of the creature.

"You're only tickling it. A sword can't even cut though its hide so your blunt claws won't even be able to wear a groove into the exterior membrane." The feline stated while watching the futile efforts of the wolf before the cheetah realized why the wolf was struggling so hard and decided to correct the situation.

Opening his muzzle again and letting his own tentacle like membrane seep from his muzzle and let it caress one of the slithering vines before Jerold sent a message to the body of the creature and then pulled back to see what would happen.

In an instant thick, viscous mucus like substance began to seep from out of the tentacles touching Cameron's body. A thick wave of scent filled the cave as the two occupants with nostrils began to breathe in the odiferous smell and began to react to it. Jerold reacted to a lesser extent as he produced the same substance every time he breathed a kiss into one of his partners back at the college. Given his immunization to the heady effects of the smell the only outwards sign that he was even responding was that his sheath began to fill outwards and soon a lengthy pole of flesh extended from his pouch to dart up towards his chest. Opening his muzzle he let his internal membrane lower and then wrap around his erect member.

Cameron on the other paw was not as immunized as he felt the full on force of the musky scent and then let his body give up some of the fight. The scent was really pleasant to his senses; it kinda reminded him of the guys from the football team after they came from a hard practice with their chiseled bodies soaked to the fur and their smelly jocks around their groins stinking up the locker room. Heavenly.

Cameron let his grip of his free paw around one of the tentacles go slack and allowed his throat to open as full as it could considering the intrusive way it was being filled only to have the tentacle inside of his belly draw back up and then out while spewing a thickly rich substance over his tongue. Letting his tongue taste over the sap the wolf found himself growing aroused as he noted that the oozing treat on his palate was both sweet as well as bitter while at the same time being salty and smooth.

Closing his eyes and chewing on the length of the vine running over his muzzle Cameron found more of the sticky substance coating the membrane making his entire muzzle sticky wet and musky. All around him the creature began to sense the change in its new specimen and soon various tentacles of differentiating lengths, widths, and temperaments began to slither over his rapidly soaked body. It felt so different and yet really erotic that Cam began to moan and spread his legs as some of the vines not holding him spewed the musky fluids onto his abs, chest, stomach coating him in musky glaze.

Jerold watched the happenings through interested eyes as he pulled away from his own leaking phallus. The feline hybrid's eyes danced with mirth even when his muzzle remained impassive as he watched as the creature began to seed the wolf. In the corners of his mind that had still retained emotional concepts like hope and desire aside the more rational and cold calculating thoughts Jerold, or what was once Jerold, hoped that Cameron would be like him. A symbiotic mesh of anthro and creature. He loved the wolf so much so that in his dual split neurological cortex he prayed for it.

Cameron was in the throes of ecstasy as he felt one of the thicker tentacles spew its mucus like fluids underneath his tail and then push forward to spread his puckered tailhole open. Though he hadn't admitted it the wolf was still a virgin in that area and he was too tight for the creature to spearhead into so to loosen the tight orifice one of the more gentle membranes curled over the wolf's thigh to spread it's gaping head open wide and then quickly suction cup itself onto the wolf's nine and a half inches of wolfhood. Cameron howled at that as he felt a sensation ten times better than the hottest male's muzzle suckling onto his shaft. His fangs bit down as hard as he could onto the raking vine in his muzzle make it shower his face in white, sticky fluids before his eyes clenched even tighter shut as his virgin anus was breached for the first time in his life.

The moistened head of the tentacle aided in taking the wolf's body into new fields of passionate love play but a virgin is still a virgin and Cameron howled as threw open his eyes and felt the first of several orgasms take hold of him. The membrane sucking on his shaft drew the spent fluids up and into itself, cataloging the texture, consistency, and overall taste, if the thing could taste, before redoubling its efforts of milking the wolf's heavy balls. Cameron humped erratically as he felt the path the tentacle in his anus was taking flow up through his lower regions, stroking and pulsing over his prostate on upwards into his belly where it began to curl up and around his stomach. The thick vine seeped so much of its fluids into the wolf that it filled his internal pouch to the brim and then flood back out over onto his thighs.

The membranes coating Cameron's chest and torso with fluids curled around his back and glazed him over from the rear in the same manner. Everywhere that the musky scent juices touched him, seeping down into his fur to his skin, the wolf felt as if he were losing touch with himself and shooting up higher to a place beyond euphoria. His cock throbbed and another load of cum drenched the mouth of the tentacle giving him the best blow job in the world before being suckled on even harder than before.

The vine inside of his anus saturating the wolf enough began to pull itself free of the wolf's stomach. Lewd sounds of wet flesh pulling free of a body resounded into the cave as Cameron gave off a whimper of a howl when the vine seemed to change its mind midway out and surge back up into the wolf's guts. The hazel eyes of the wolf frosted over as he let himself wiggle and hang limply at all of the pleasure he was receiving. Over and over again the spear like tentacle raked inside of his ass taking him as an alpha would a female in heat filling him up to the brim with fluids and then letting it seep out and coat his legs on down to the soles of his feet. His nose was full of the musky, hot masculine smell coming from the creature while his ears listened to the thudding smacks of his anus opening and then closing around the thrusting spike in between his butt cheeks.

His eyes saw nothing but his paws held onto the slippery creature as he tongue tasted the sweet cum like fluids dribbling down his throat making the wolf mimic the same suckling that was going on at his groin where a third and fourth orgasm simultaneously followed one another shooting impressively large wads of wolf cum up into the tentacle nursing on his cock. Cameron didn't think at all but he was sure he couldn't take anymore before he felt something odd through the haze of pleasure.

Warm paws touched his sticky face and his eyes refocused themselves to see Jerold standing in front of him with his muzzle open and his own tentacle running out of his mouth. The wolf didn't bother to fight as he opened his muzzle and let the now no longer foreign invader have his way. The creature felt its progeny's membrane touch its own inside of the wolf's belly and with one united effort both vines spewed their seeded fluids into the wolf's belly making Cameron howl once again before his final orgasm caused him to black out.

Cam woke up with a start as he found himself inside of a tent with his body very much clean and unmolested. Reaching around to touch his tailhole the wolf felt the same tightly clenched feeling he always did everyday in the shower. Laying his head back down and chuckling to himself the wolf felt as if he were going crazy, that was until he realized that he was not in his own tent and he was not alone. Turning his head Cameron noted two yellow and black spotted paws wrapped around him and a happy smirk dancing on a certain feline's muzzle. Growling and folding his ears back the wolf raised his hand up and balled it into a fist before instantly deflating and then lowering his paw.

Not sure why he didn't want to hurt the cat right now the wolf decided that it was much too early for this and let himself settle down back to sleep as he would deal with the clingy cheetah when they both woke up. Unbeknownst to him a golden eye opened minutes afterwards and the smiling muzzle parted open to reveal a long vine like membrane snaking out of the feline's mouth to slip down the naked wolf's body towards his parted legs where another but much thinner tentacle had parted his tailhole to seep out and entangle itself with the one from the cheetah's lips.

When the two disengaged Jerold let his membrane back into his body before leaning up and kissing his wolf and then settling down to sleep. In his sleep Cameron never noticed his arms wrapping around his feline companion or how the was the tentacle inside of his body began to grow and grow and grow...