My Life II

Story by Mat and Mari Productions on SoFurry

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#2 of My Life

My Life II

I woke up at 7 o'clock this morning. Got up made some coffee, and turned on the TV. Watched the morning news, nothing but bullshit on it again, turned it off and went on a jog. I had just got out of the shower when someone started knocking on the door. Pulled on some shorts and answered it, there stood my next door neighbor.

"Hi something I can help you with," I asked.

"No, I just wanted to apologize about last night," he said.

"Look, don't worry about it. I know how some people are when it comes to new people," I replied.

"Well I was wondering if you wanted to out for drinks later to night so we could smooth out a few things," he said.

"Oh, yeah sure how about 10. Might have a few things planned for tonight. Going to see a friend today, haven't seen her in 5 years," I said.

"Ooh is there something between you two," he asked.

"No, see you tonight," I said.

"Ok, see you at ten," he said.

Worked on typing my story, typing because my handwriting is so bad I could forge a doctor's signature. It was kind of difficult I was having trouble coming up with an actual plot device or some sort of plot at all which was frustrating me. Finally I gave up on it for now and decided to go give Evelyn a little surprise. She worked from home so she was always home.

On the way there I got a call from Cathleen. She wanted me to go out with her and her boyfriend Jeff. I told her I would and asked her if I could bring an old friend. I also asked which restaurant and she said it was one of the nicest ones in town. I asked her if it was a formal dress kind of place, and she said yes. Well after that we got off the phone and I was at Evelyn's' house.

I walked up to the front door and I knocked on the door. I waited for a few minutes when she finally opened the door. The look on her face was priceless, I wished I brought my camera. She stood there for a few minutes and I looked her over. She was just as I remembered her I loved the way her fur ruffled every time she was surprised which wasn't that often. After a few minutes she gave me as big as a hug as she could offer.

"What you were expecting the grim reaper," I asked jokingly.

"Oh shut up. Why didn't you tell me you were heading out here," she asked.

"Why didn't you," I asked smugly.

"Oh, you smartass," she replied.

"Just wanted to say hi to you and ask you out to dinner, I am going to see a friend who I thought was lost to me," I said.

"Ok, sure," she said.

"Well it is at eight, and don't forget to dress formally it's supposed to be a very nice restaurant," I said.

I wanted to stay longer but she needs to do her work and I have my own I need to do as well. So I went to go pick up a phone book and called a couple of places that were either for sale or lease. I want to open a computer store around here. One of my hopes is that Evelyn will come and work with me.

By the time that I was all done with that, it was 7 0' clock. I got dressed into a nice white dress shirt, black slacks, black tie, and black sports coat. I slipped on my nice black dress shoes and went out to my truck. I went to go pick up Evelyn, when I got there she was outside waiting. She was wearing a dress that resembled a checkerboard and a nice over jacket and high heels. God she was hot anybody guy or girl would be lucky to have her.

On the way to the place we had a nice conversation about how our lives have been since she moved. I told her my dad died, even when he did die nearly five years ago I wasn't upset. She understood but still felt sorry for my loss. I told her the main reason I moved out of Indiana and that was because of my mom and her new husband. I just felt I needed to move out and give them some space.

We arrived at the place called Romeo and Juliet's, supposed to be a really fancy restaurant as was exhibited by the people walking in or out all of them wore what we were wearing. I found a parking spot and got out and went over to the other side and helped Evelyn down from the truck, I realized even if she's fully grown i still have bigger paws than her.

So we went in and saw Cathleen and Jeff waiting for us. Jeff was a coyote, he had no muscles on him at all or it didn't look like it. Anyway from the moment I laid my eyes on him I didn't like him, not a good sign I can usually tell if something's going to work out and this seemed like impossible. We only waited five minutes to get a table after that the waiter took our drink orders, everyone had wine except for me I had water. They all started saying I was stupid, I just told them I will never drink it leads to too many problems. Then we were there for an hour when the food arrived we all ate in silence. After we were done the girls dismissed themselves after that is when Jeff and I actually talked for the first time.

"If you think you're going to win her you are crazy," Jeff said.

"What the hell are you talking about," I asked.

"you know exactly what I'm talking about. You are trying to make her jealous," He said.

"What by bringing an old friend that I have had not a dating relationship other than that of being friends. I think you are too insecure about your relationship," I told him.

"Don't play dumb with me asshole. I found the address and cell number on the table yesterday if you so much as try to ruin this I'll kill you," He hissed.

That was the end of that conversation. Right after the girls walked up and the check came. I paid the bill and I insisted that I pay all of it. I told them it would be my pleasure. They left it and I bid them goodbye then Evelyn and I left. I told her what transpired while they were gone. I didn't get much of a response but I didn't expect it. I dropped her off and then went to pick up Kyle. I got changed and went over to Kyle's. He was outside waiting for me. I told him I was driving so he got into the passenger seat of my truck and he gave me directions to a bar that was admittedly a little out of the way but at least you could hear yourself think. We ordered our drinks and grabbed a seat not that we had to hurry.

"So you were in the Marines," I asked.

"Yeah I was," he said.

"Did you fight in Iraq," I asked.

"Yeah I was there," he said.

"What did you do out there," I asked.

"Helicopter pilot," he said.

"My brother went out three times," I said.

"I only went once and it was enough for me. You see a lot of things when you are out there," he said.

"My brother was killed on his way back home after his third term in Iraq," I said.

"That sucks," he said.

The rest of the night progressed like that. And as the hours got later he was getting more and more loose. Then I told him its late and I need to get him home and we left. I dropped him off at his house and walked him to his door. After that I walked over to my house and went upstairs and got undressed down to my underwear and got into my king size waterbed and drifted off to sleep...