
Story by SmokeyDigsby on SoFurry

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#2 of Stories/Poems i write on a whim

I just got out of an extremely frustrating discord call with friends and the entire thing led me to write this. It's short, its likely going to ruffle feathers or whatever but i really don't care. this is my truth and it applies to me. i needed to get this off of my chest and if its a problem for anyone to look at you know where the door is. With that in mind, its 3 in the morning and i couldnt sleep because i can't stop thinking about my nana that passed away recently. I thought being with my friends would help but it actually made things a lot worse for me. sighs i just can't win can i..


By Smokey Digsby


I often hear people talk about loneliness but not in the sense of which it should be used.

I am here to explain what loneliness is.


True loneliness is finding out that a someone close to you is gone but not having anyone around to comfort you

True loneliness is having friends but still not having friends because you're left out of all if not most group activities.

True loneliness is fighting back your tears when you're on the phone with a friend and you have hear them receiving love and adoration but meanwhile you're just by yourself.

True loneliness is the agony of jealousy when you see things that you should have in life but don't.

True loneliness is crying yourself to sleep every single night for 4 years straight because you don't have anyone next to you.

True loneliness is waiting for someone to say the words "I Love You" and never ever hearing them.

True loneliness is waiting and waiting for that that special someone to walk into your life and they never come. And searching and searching for that special someone but never finding them.

True loneliness is always having a thought shut down because you never have anyone to have your back.

True loneliness is the sad realization that you're never going to be good enough for anyone or anything no matter how hard you try.
