Starfox: Needin' Some Lovin' Ch 8

Story by EmperorStarscream on SoFurry

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#8 of Needin' Some Lovin'

Takes place after Starfox Command. Fox's heart has been broken by Krystal, and Katt has run out of patients for Falco. So Katt takes Fox to a club to try to get both their minds off their love troubles. Then something happens neither of them ever expected.

Needin' Some Lovin' Ch 8

A lot happened the following week. Fox and Katt told everyone the news that she was pregnant. As it turns out, Amanda was pregnant too. She was overjoyed to find out Katt was also pregnant because now she didn't have to be the only one going through it. Now she and Katt could be pregnant together. Katt also couldn't deny that it was kind of comforting to have one of her friends to enter motherhood with.

In any case, they're pregnancy's were still too early for it to effect their work, so they all continued on with the mission they had been assigned.

The mission to escort the ambassador to the Gutaka System, which was the name of the neighboring star system, went without a hitch, and an alliance was forged between the Lylat System and the Gutaka System to fight the Amphibian Empire.

In addition to that, they also heard that Fara had given birth, and her and Bill were now the proud parents of a baby girl.

Also, they had received some rather concerning news when it was reported that Star Wolf had escaped from prison, which now had them all worried, especially Krystal since she suspected they might try to get some kind of revenge on her for getting them sent to prison. Despite authorities best efforts, the trio of deadly war criminals had disappeared without a trace. But as much as they wanted to, the team couldn't do anything about that right now. They had a war to fight in.

Lucy Hare had also come to join the Star Fox team in the fight in place of her father, Peppy, who was no longer physically fit for combat. Upon arriving on the ship, she had immediately ran up to and hugged Krystal, happy to see her good friend again.

They were now all on the bridge of the Great Fox. Fox, Katt, Krystal, Slippy, Amanda, Lucy, and ROB all stood together at attention. In front of them all at the front of the bridge, the holographic image General North began briefing them on the plan of attack, and the roles they would each play in it.

"According to the information our allies have received from their spy in the Empire," the General explained, "the Empire has discovered some ancient super weapon, and have recalled all their ships back to their homeworld to protect it while they figure out how to use it. It is apparently a weapon capable of destroying organic life within a massive radius of thousands of light years. They are calling this weapon 'Halo'."

"What good would that do them?" asked Krystal. "If they use it, they would be destroying themselves as well, wouldn't they?"

"The information we've received says that it may be possible to program the weapon to only target life forms with select DNA. In other words, they could potentially program the device to wipe out one species, but not another.

"Fortunately, they have not figured out how to do this yet, and we must attack before they do. The problem, however, is with their entire fleet gathered together in one place, their forces will out number our forces three to two, even with our alliance. That is why we have come up with a plan to neutralize their fleet." General North then turned her head to look at someone they couldn't see. "Beltino Toad?"

Suddenly, Slippy's dad stepped into view in the holographic projection.

"Hi, dad!" said Slippy.

"Hello, son. Hello, Amanda. How is married life?"

"Its great!" said Slippy. "And guess what! You're going to be a grandfather soon!"

Beltino beamed. "I am! That's fantastic! When are you due!?"

General North loudly cleared her throat, obviously trying to get them back on subject.

"Oh, right!" Beltino said in embarrassment, taking the General's hint. "We can talk about that later, son. Now back on topic. Our information tells us the Imperial fleet relies heavily on a networked computer system in order to coordinate all of their ships. I have developed a computer virus that will turn their own network against them, allowing us to take control of their ships via remote control. Once the virus is uploaded, our fleet will warp in and force the Empire to surrender. The only hitch is, in order to infect the entire network with this virus, it must be uploaded directly into their master control computer on their home planet."

General North began speaking again. "Our allies have captured an imperial small craft and an imperial military uniform. We were hoping Slippy Toad would don the disguise and pose as an Imperial solder so as to sneak onto the enemy's planet and upload the virus."

"Me?!" Slippy exclaimed in surprise.

"You are an amphibian, and the most qualified to upload the virus into the enemy computer. You are the obvious choice."

"Oh." Slippy nodded. "Well, I'll do my best!"

Fox didn't feel comfortable with this part of the plan. It was way too risky, for a couple reasons.

"There's a problem with this plan." Fox spoke up, and everyone looked at him. "The Imperials will most likely question Slippy as to who he is and where he's been. They will probably think it suspicious that a lone solder is coming home out of nowhere. He'll need a fake identity, and a convincing story. And even with that, they might let him land on their planet, but I doubt they will allow him to go anywhere he wants, especially somewhere that will most likely be as secure as a command computer that controls their entire fleet."

"Do you have a suggestion then, Captain McCloud?" North asked.

"Slippy needs something valuable to bring them, something that will cause them to welcome Slippy like he's a hero. They won't be as suspicious of him if he can seemingly prove his loyalty to them."

"Like what?" asked North.

"Me. I'll pose as a prisoner Slippy has captured."

Everyone gasped at Fox's suggestion.

Fox continued. "If Slippy turns over Fox McCloud, famed hero of the Lylat system to them, and gives them a heads up about an impending attack on their planet by the alliance, that should be more then enough to get them to welcome Slippy with open arms."

"You're suggesting Slippy tell them about the attack we have planned!" North exclaimed in shock.

"The information he will give them will be false, of course. He can tell them the attack is days away instead of only hours," Fox explained.

Everyone was still staring at Fox with dropped jaws.

Finally General North spoke again. "Its risky... but I have to admit, you make a good point, Captain. All right. We'll go with your plan. North out!" She saluted them, and then the holographic image flickered out.

Everyone turned to face Fox.

"Fox, are you sure about this?" Katt asked with concern. "If you turn yourself over to the enemy as a prisoner, you don't know what they will do to you."

"They will most likely want to interrogate me," Fox said. Then he smiled. "Don't worry. As long as Slippy doesn't screw up, him and I will both be fine."

"Gee, thanks," said Slippy with sarcasm in his voice.

"I have absolute faith in you, Slippy. You'll do fine," said Fox.

"I believe in you too, Slippy," Amanda said to him, putting her hand on her husband's shoulder. "You can do it!"

Slippy smiled up at his wife.

Later, when Katt and Fox were alone in his courters eating dinner together, Katt could see something was bothering Fox. He looked worried. "What's wrong?" she asked him.

"Nothing," Fox replied, giving her an obviously forced smile.

"You're a terrible liar, Fox," Katt said.

Fox sighed, and put down his fork. "Fine. The truth is, I'm worried about you going on this mission."

Katt was taken aback. "Me!? Wait... Because I'm pregnant?"

"Yes," Fox replied.

"I'm not that far along yet," Katt argued. "I can still do my job."

"That's not the point," said Fox, shaking his head. "It's just... if anything happens to you, it will be two lives in danger instead of one. I feel like... if I put you in a dangerous situation like that, I'd feel like a monster."

"Well I'm not staying behind!" Katt said, crossing her arms and speaking in a matter of fact tone. "As long as I can fly a ship and carry a blaster, I can still contribute. Besides, Amanda's also pregnant and she's still going on this mission."

"I know!" Fox groaned. "And I know if you have your mind set on going on this mission, then I have no right to stop you. You're a part of this team and I have to treat you the same as the rest of the team, no matter my feelings. But I still can't help but feel like this is a bad idea."

"I understand," said Katt, her tone softening. "But relax! Everything will be fine. You yourself have said I could fly circles around most of the pilots in the Cornerian army, and as long as everything goes according to plan, we should have nothing to worry about."

Fox sighed. "Just promise me you wont do anything reckless."

Katt let out a laugh. "You're one to talk! You're the one going into more danger than the rest of us on this mission! So you better promise me you will come back alive, mister, because I have no intentions of raising this baby alone." She put her hand to her stomach.

Fox smiled, then he took a deep breath. "Speaking of that, there is something I want to do before we go off on this mission." Fox stood up and reached into his pocket, pulling out a small black box. Katt's eyes went wide with surprise, immediately realizing what was going on as soon as Fox knelt down onto one knee in front of her.

"If we're going to be starting a family together soon, then I want to do it right. So..." Fox opened the box, revealing the diamond ring inside. "Katt Monroe, I love you with all my heart, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?"

Katt beamed, gazing down at Fox. "Yes! Yes, Fox!" She knelt down on the floor with him and kissed him deeply on the lips. The two of them kissed passionately like that for about a minute. Then, the two of them stood up and Katt grabbed Fox's wrist and, with a seductive smile, led him over to the bed, their remaining dinner now completely forgotten.