The Nightmare of Nightmares

Story by DarkBlade51224 on SoFurry

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#2 of Something Horrible

Jade awoke, his third morning in this place, but this time something was off. . .

He looked around and his eyes stopped in the plushie.

"Good morning Jade, oddly enough we're alone currently." The plushie said, standing up.

"So no pawents?" Jade asked creaking to the bars

"Nope, just you and me." The plushie replied.

"Who are you?!" Jade asked, as he started searching for a way out.

"It's me! Yure." He replied, and suddenly the plushie grew rips and tears revealing a blue colored fur beneath as the plushie ripped open a

blue 5 year old cat stepped out.

"Yure!!" Jade Exclaimed, leaking to hug his dream friend. "It's been so long."

"Yeah, I know. This place is changing, who or whatever is causing these weird dreams obviously got tired of watching you happily live your

old life. Now he's placed us in a nightmare!

Yure looked over the railing.

"We should get going" Yure said as he climbed over the crib and turned around he unlocked it and lowered the bars. "Fank Wu" Jade said

as he climbed down onto the floor.

"There's always a way out of dreams." Yure said, opening the closet door and looking around. "But that don't mean it'll be easy."

Yure kept looking around, Jade watched as he checked beneath the bed and the dresser, opened doors. But didn't find anything.

"I don't think it's in your room." Yure said, standing up to head out of the room.

"Okie dokie, let's get going!" Jade replied dashing out of the room, Yure in close pursuit.

"Wait up!" He called, trying to catch the speeding kitten. Suddenly the hall twisted and Jade was thrown onto the ground as thousands

of spiders crawled from the walls.

"Ahhhhh." He screamed as he turned to run to Yure but a glass wall had sprung up between him and the blue cat. He pushed his

back against the glass as the spiders crawled closer, his diaper crinkled as his tail swished nervously.

"Help me Yure! Please." Jade called, scrabbling to stay out of reach. But Yure couldn't hear him and his time was running out

Jade scrabbled helplessly as the giant spiders crawled closer fear welling up inside him, suddenly all the spiders flickered like shadows interrupted by the light before vanishing altogether. Jade fell back, the wall behind him had fallen.

"I knew it!" Yure exclaimed, "he wouldn't kill you off so soon!"

"O-ok!" Jade replied, shivering from the fear

"Come on, we still have time." Yure announced as he continued down the hall. Jade scrambled to his paws before following.

"Don't worry we'll be fine." Yure told Jade as they entered the living room, Yure began looking around. "Hmm. . ."

Thump thump thump! Jade turned to see a giant creature thumping across the front hall, heading straight for them.

"Yure!! Anytime now" Jade called, furiously tapping Yure's shoulder. Suddenly Yure grabbed Jade's paw and yanked him forward, Jade fell beside Yure, he looked up and watched the small square of light above them close as they fell through darkness.

Jade awoke, he tried to get up but realized he was strapped down, looking around he recognized tools of surgery and other odd instruments and then he instantly knew where he was in the mad scientist lab from the horror movie he'd snuck a few moments of before Archer caught him.

"Oh no no no!!!" Jade exclaimed in fear, "Yure!! Where are you??"

Bang. The sounds of a slamming door startled Jade, he turned to see a wolf in a lab coat. He carried a cage in one hand Yure sat inside.

"Yure!" Jade exclaimed, struggling against the straps, "I don't wanna be a test subject!"

"I'll get us out of here, don't worry!" Yure replied confidently. "Looks like we'll have to go deeper!"

Yure smiled as he sat down, but Jade gulped in fear as the mad scientist came closer and closer.

"Nuu please nuuu!!!" Jade screamed as he lifted a drill type tool.

Suddenly an explosion caused the room to fill with dust Jade heard the drill start and he opened his jaws to scream but no sound came out.

Jade felt and heard things moving around, something furry grabbed his paw and pulled him off the table, when the dust cleared he sat next to Yure beneath the table. The scientist looked around seeing the smashed window he gazed out it and anger spread across his face. He turned and made his way upstairs.

"We escaped for now." Yure whispered, he gazed around, "we're gonna have to go deeper before trying to get out!"

"We have to go through worse than that!?" Jade exclaimed, his diaper crinkled as his tail flicked nervously.

"Don't worry! We'll be fine." Yure assured him, "come on." Yure led Jade across the room and up, then out the

Window. Jade was almost blinded by the sun causing him to slip and fall, Yure snapped his fingers and surprisingly a pillow appeared below Jade. As the kitten landed he looked up questioningly.

"How'd you do that?" Jade asked scrambling to his paws.

"This is a dream, and I can manipulate it to an extent." Yure, replied confidently as he landed beside Jade. "Come let's go!" Jade followed yure as he lead Jade into another dream, this over was less scary and much easier to escape from finally they reached an odd dream.

"This is the one." Yure replied, "whatever's causing these nightmares is here." Jade nodded fearfully.