Rex Chapter 1

Story by wolfybaby1234 on SoFurry

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#1 of Rex

Rex is 10 years old and still needs diapers and his friends don't know about this because he has been hiding it so well.

Disclaimer: This will probably be the worst story you ever read but at least it is better than my artwork.

This is my first story on here and I know it is kinda short but I have another chapter mostly finished so hopefully I can get that out soon if you have any feedback please tell me in the comments. Also I'm not an artist so don't judge the horrible art.

Thanks for reading.

Rex is your average 10 year old he likes to play games, he likes sports and he has the best friends anyone could ask for, Rob, Brooklyn, Kyle, there was something that made him not like the rest of his friends that it the fact that he still wears diapers. "Mommy I want to wear the the red shorts" wined Rex. "Those are dirty honey you wore them yesterday" Rex's mom said. "You can wear the green ones or just your diaper". "No no I can't wear just a diaper or my friends will make fun of me for wearing a diaper" Rex said. "So the green shorts it is then" said Rex's mom pulling them over Rex's diaper. Today Rex was going over to Kyle's house to play and definitely could not let his friends know he was wearing diapers.

"Hello Shannon how are you today" asked Elizabeth (Kyle's mom). "I'm doing fine thanks for asking" Shannon (Rex's mom) Replied. "And thanks for agreeing to watch the kids while I go into the city to ran some errands I know Rex would not want to come with me, oh and here is Rex's diaper bag" and with that said Shannon was off to the city. Meanwhile Rex was currently beating Kyle and Brooklyn in Mario Kart. "Rex you have to be cheating there is no way your this good" complained Kyle. "What's that supposed to mean that i'm bad at the game" Rex shot back. After more fighting over the topic Kyle's mom called them down for lunch and after lunch they decided to play Hungry Hungry Hippos until eventually Brooklyn's mom picked her up then soon after that Rex's mom picked him up.

On the car ride home Rex's mom asked if he had any accidents he said he had a few but Kyle's mom changed his diaper. When they go home they had diner. "Rex it's time for bed" His mother told him. Rex replied "Ok mommy" so they waked up the stairs to Rex's room, his room was fairly normal room for a 10 year old boys room a big toy box lay open and toys law strewn all over the floor but most people his age didn't have a closet full of diapers and a changing mat laying across their desk, once inside the room Rex's mom checked Rex's diaper and sure enough it was wet so she changed him and then it was bed time. The next morning Rex was the first one up so he played with toys in his room while he waited for his mom to come and change his very soggy diaper and soon enough she came in and did just that then they went downstairs to eat breakfast. After breakfast was over Rex watched cartoons for a few hours and got bored so he went back to his room to play with toys about an hour later his mom came in changed him and put him down for a nap.