Into the Night [Displacer Beast TF] - Part 2

Story by TwoHeadedTigress on SoFurry

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#2 of Into the Night

This part's got her TF in it...also a bit of action. Hopefully that appeals to the other half of my readership :P

(and of course the multi head thing. Can't forget that)

For the second time that night, Tana had to stifle a yelp.

Somehow, she had grown a tail without even realizing it!

"I can't believe it!" Thoman exclaimed, his voice giddy. "You didn't even notice it growing in!"

Tana quickly disentangled herself from Thoman's many limbs. His cock had still been up inside her and when it slid out, it wasn't covered in anything but her juices. All of his had been absorbed into her body. Now that she knew the tail was there, it was obvious to her. She could feel the limb trailing out from behind her, swishing idly at her whim. Tana swung the tail out in front of her, running it through her hands. Just like Thoman's fur, it was silky soft and jet black to the point of being difficult to distinguish details.

Tana let it slide through her fingers and swished it back and forth, experimenting with her new limb while Thoman watched eagerly. It had offset her balance slightly, but it wasn't anything that was going to cause her problems. Wearing a backpack had more of an effect, if anything, this would help her sense of balance. Eventually she bit her lip and gave him a nervous smile.

"I think I'm ready for the rest."

His response was to point to her hips, and to the fur that was spreading across her body from the point where her tail emerged.

Tana nearly squealed, running her fingers over the soft fur, watching it spread down around her legs and up her torso, covering her back, breasts and shoulders, and up onto her face. Suddenly she didn't feel quite so naked anymore. Not only did the fur cover her up somewhat, but the black was so deep and intense it hid the features below from prying eyes. With a pad now on the inside of her hands and fur on the back, she ran her fingers through her newfound fur, admiring the softness, and surprised when the skin beneath was hard. No, not hard, but firm.


Tana's fingers found the ridges in her belly she'd never felt before, marking abs normally hidden by fat. It was something she didn't have time to consider however, her shoulders shifting with a crack as a second pair came in. Just like Thoman, a second pair of shoulders gave birth to another set of arms, growing in right below her first pair, covered in that same black fur and tipped with shining white claws.

"It's going to take you all the way to a full displacer before you have control of it," Thoman said softly. "And with all the limbs, that might be overwhelming at first."

She gave him a frantic nod, holding up all four of her hands in front of her and flexing the claws in and out one hand at a time, struggling to solidify the mental link between her mind and limbs. However the transformation wasn't about to give her any spare time to adjust. As soon as her second set of arms was finished, and her original pair had been slightly thickened with muscle, the tentacles came in. If she thought the arms were strange, this was a whole new level of weird. They forced themselves out of her back like furry snakes, writhing in the air with far more flexibility than a tail, seemingly not under her control just yet. She only had two emerging from her back instead of the four that Thoman did, and she really upset her. It was still so much for her to take in so only have eight limbs instead of ten wasn't going to bother her.

"They're very strong," Thoman cautioned, "which is why you can just suspend them in the air. Try to relax, you're straining."

Tana followed his advice, and at once the tentacles pressing from her back stopped their erratic movements, instead just sitting suspended in the air like she were underwater. He'd been right--without realizing it Tana had been incredibly tense and apparently that equated to lashing tentacles. The changes were hitting her so fast it was hard to wrap her mind around it. Had she not noticed something? The room had gotten brighter as her eyes changed, and her hearing was certainly she could hear the servants through the door working in the kitchen. On that note, her ears have moved to the top of her head like Thomans, and her hair was...still there? She ran her hands through it--all four of them--and saw its color had changed from brown to that same pitch black.

As the spades grew in on her tentacles, she felt the suckers form first, then the spike. Curiously, they were two distinct actions. Tana found she could flex the spikes out--which looked quite terrifying--or pull them in and engage the suckers. When pressed against something like her palm pad, she could latch them on, creating a powerful seal until she wished to release them.

In such a short period of time, it seemed the like the transformation had completed. She torso was slightly longer and her legs a bit shorter, enabling Tana to drop down and walk on all six limbs should she desire, and her face had taken on that half human, half bestial look that Thoman's had.

Then the last change hit.

Tana was overtaken with a wave of dizziness so powerful it nearly knocked her to her knees. Stumbling, she heard Thoman gasp and felt his hands and tentacles alike grab her, supporting her as her vision blacked out. It only lasted a couple seconds until she could see again, and when she could Tana was treated with a view of Thoman's incredibly shocked expression. Something was wrong, but it took her a moment to realize what.

"That is...rare," Thoman said, his voice borderline trembling.

To illustrate what, he reached out with two hands and put a finger under her chin. Or under her chins.

Then it clicked. Her field of view was wider. He only had one finger under her chin, but both hands were extended to her face. Her thoughts...Tana realized she was consciously maintaining two threads of thought at once. One thread of thought had realized the former, and the other the later.

The newly minted displacer beast turned her two heads to face each other, staring herself in the eye.

"Tana?" Thoman asked nervously. "Are you okay?"

She nodded with both heads slowly. "This is the strangest thing I have ever felt in my life..." she finally said, speaking quietly from both mouths in perfect unison, creating an odd stereo effect. After a moment she turned her heads back to face Thoman, whose gaze jumped between both until he finally settled on her right.

"Why?" she asked faintly, only from her right head this time. She suddenly felt like a freak.

Thoman licked his lips nervously. "A rare mutation," he whispered. "Really exotic. I'm so jealous..."

"This is so weird!" she whined, leaning into him and hugging, wrapping all four of her arms around him and resting a chin on each shoulder.

He hesitated for a moment, then embraced her back, running a hand down her back like he was petting a cat. The feeling was strangely soothing and relaxed her. "Don't worry about it!" he urged, struggling to keep his voice low. "Trust me, it's a gift!"

He held her for a moment, letting her Tana relax in his embrace until she heaved a heavy sigh. "It is really strange," he reaffirmed. "But you can also transform back, it's not like you have to walk around that this all the time..."

That thought had occurred to Tana, she could indeed change back to a human now, but when she transformed into a displacer again...could she perhaps maintain a form with only one head? She expressed that thought. "Will I always be like this as a displacer?"

Thoman gave a little sigh. "Of course not. You can stop the transformation at a single claw in your pinky finger if you want. But why? Tana, if I had that trait, I'd walk around the house like that all the time! Do you have any idea how powerful it is to have two consciousnesses?"

"But..." one of Tana's heads bit her lip, the other spoke. "Don't you find it...Doesn't it freak you out? It must look so strange!"

He broke the hug and held her by the shoulders at arm's length. "Are you telling me you look at this," he said flatly, gesturing to himself. "And you say, 'yes, this is the creature I want in my bed.' Does anyone really think that?"

Tana opened her mouths, but didn't say no.

Thoman caught the drift. "Yeah," he said, a smile tugging at his lips. "When I look at you, I see the appeal too, I just figured it was my kink or something." He hesitated, the took on a really serious expression.

"Listen," Thoman said, his voice flat and face deadpan. "If I ever had any reservations about this'd just have to suck my dick with two heads at once and they would all go away."

Caught off guard by his serious tone, Tana broke into laughter. Both heads, laughing independently, making it sound like Thoman's joke was funnier than it really was. Then he cracked a grin too.

"But really?" she asked after a moment. "It's okay?"

Thoman nodded earnestly. "Really Tana, the trait is literally sought after. It's like being self-conscious over a massive dick, or huge boobs!"

Crude as it was to say, it really did help Tana feel better. As much as the irrational parts of her minds were repulsed by the notion, her more logical side was glad to hear what he said.

Then he grew serious again, and not to set up a joke this time. "We do need to get out of here soon though. I have a bad feeling they might be getting suspicious. Can you try warping?"

Tana frowned. Twice. "How?"

"Uh..." Thoman had to take a moment to describe it. "You should be able to feel it, the magic that is. Just...engage it."

Tana searched within herself for a moment then shook her heads. "In don't feel it..." she said slowly, mentally searching her body and minds alike.

"What do you mean you can't feel the magic. It's just like a limb." For the first time that night, Thoman sounded legitimately panicked.

Tana had no idea what to say. She certainly was experiencing a lot, but the sensation of having some kind of magical power at her disposal wasn't among it.

"I..." she started, having taken to speaking out of her right head. "I just don't!"

Thoman let out a frustrated sigh. "Ok. I suppose everything couldn't go perfectly. Magic does take a while to get accustomed to, so it might be a while before you even feel it..."

Tana bit her lip. One of them. "So we're back to square one," she said, wondering how the hell they were going to get out of the manor now.

Thoman shook his head. "No, it's just that when we're running outside now, you can't just vanish if they're about to catch you."

Pacing up and down the room, Thoman began to run through the situation in his head. "Okay," he muttered quietly. "I can warp with another person, but it's incredibly disorienting. It'll be enough to get us out of the house, but I'll be out of commission for a minute or so after that. Don't make any noise at all because their hearing is incredibly sharp, and hopefully they won't smell us. Once I get my bearings again, head due south over the rooftops."

He gave her a hard glare. "Do not sprint. That will burn you out and the werewolves will easily catch up to us. Slow and steady until they're right behind us, then leap from rooftop to rooftop and such, trying to lose them that way. We don't win the stamina race, but even you, having literally just gotten the new limbs, will be more agile than them."

Tana smirked sheepishly. "Having two minds working in tandem might help."

Thoman licked his lips nervously. "I wouldn't know. Maybe." He wasn't seeing any humor in the situation at all, though Tana wasn't sure where she found it either. Perhaps the absurdity.

"When they do catch up to us, use the tentacles," he continued, speaking flatly. "Spikes and everything. Keep them away from your body at all costs. Reach is a huge advantage." He paused for a second.

"Well fuck it. Let's just run before they realizing something is up."

He put a hand on her shoulder and grimaced. "This is going to be weird."

Thoman wasn't kidding. Tana had expected the world to shift to black or something, but what happened instead was by far the strangest thing she'd experienced all night--and she had just grown a second head.

It was as though she could see everything in the room from a new perspective entirely, one that couldn't be put into words. It was like trying to describe color to a blind person, or taste to somebody with no tongue. From this new perspective, she saw the entire room at once, and the inside of everything at once. Nothing was blocked from her view, much like viewing a maze from above allowed one to see the entirety of it. The best way to describe where they were was above the room, though not in a literal sense. They were above the three dimensions they normally inhabited.

Thoman wasted no time in getting them out. In this new realm, he was able to move to a new position seemingly by will, floating through four-dimensional space outside the manor. The ball was still ongoing like nothing was wrong, but Tana did indeed see several werewolves lurking outside. Four of them it seemed, but it was hard to take in the entire scene at once. Her eyes were only drawn to those particular nightwalkers because they were moving.

Looking strained, Thoman found a spot in the large oak tree that grew in the courtyard, exiting the alien plain and grabbing onto the truck, sinking his claws into it and pressing his head against the bark, eyes squinted shut. Tana did the same, not feeling any of the dizziness Thoman did, and looked around trying to find the werewolves she could so clearly see moments before. She knew where they were, but they were now hidden by the foliage. By the way Thoman was taking deep breaths and his body subtly shifting, Tana got the sense he was doing his best not to throw up.

Then is struck Tana how both those thoughts had passed through her minds at the same time. She had been looking for the threat and watching he boyfriend to make sure he was okay at the same time. To focus on two different things, yet to be aware of them both at the same time wasn't only incredibly strange, but also empowering. Any disgust or apprehensiveness her body had brought on her was quickly fading. Having two consciousnesses was _incredibly _powerful.

Fortunately, Thoman got over his dizzy spell quickly, eventually pull his head away from the tree and looking around, eyes wide and ears alert. He made eye contact with Tana, pressed a finger to his lips, and slowly began to climb down the tree. With six limbs working in tandem, their descent was completely silent. Tana could feel her ears were sharper than before, yet the sound of Thomans claws sinking into the wood was almost inaudible to her, and she wasn't much louder. Once they were about fifteen feet off the ground, Thoman wrapped two of his tentacles around a branch, and lowered himself to the ground like so.

Following suit, Tana was surprised to find just how strong the limbs were. Keeping them suspended in the air wasn't really a problem, but she felt she could lift her entire bodyweight with just one of them, and with two she was entirely in control of her descent. The moment she touched down, Thoman dropped onto all six limbs, gesturing for her to do the same.

Following his lead, she was surprised to find just how natural it felt. With her still somewhat human proportions, walking on all four wasn't exactly comfortable or practical, but this new body seemed to be able to manage just fine. Now only did it allow them to get down low and make them less likely to be seen, but moving on six feet was far more stable, and completely silent.

Thoman wasn't even running, just moving like a cat stalking prey with his body low to the ground, moving at a pace slightly quicker than a walk. Trying to keep her heartrate under control, Tana followed his lead, searching for the werewolves in the night. The fact that she couldn't see any was comforting in a way because she assumed their night vision was as good as hers. With the moon overhead, it might have been dark outside but to her eyes it was bright as day.

They reached the edge of the outrageously large courtyard a couple moments later, facing down a giant stone wall that must have been fifteen feet high. Thoman didn't so much as blink when he jumped, launching up into the air and landing atop the wall with the grace of someone who'd done this hundreds of times. Tana was about to follow suit, but he quickly turned and shook his head, extending two of his tentacles down and pressing a finger to his lips again. Thoman had no doubt Tana could make the jump, but so much as a wrong bump might attract the werewolves' attention. Instead, they intertwined tentacles, and he lifted her atop the wall, then lowered her down the other side, setting Tana down on the ground in complete silence. Moments later he dropped down beside her, his landing no louder than a coin hitting a bedsheet. It was almost terrifying how silently he could move, and how he always managed to creep up on her as a human no longer puzzled her.

Wasting no time, he pressed on. They still had a lot of ground to cover and were by no means out of the woods yet--figuratively, at least. Now they were faced with an alleyway of homes, built of stone and inhabited by some of the wealthier people in the city. The Chenshires had been sure to chase away any lower-class families, wanting to live among the rich only. The streets were unfortunately still active, meaning they had to move along the rooftops, hoping nobody would look up. It was still two hours to midnight, and the city hadn't gone quiet just yet. Hoping they were out of the werewolves' earshot, Thoman jumped up onto the first roof and gestured for her to do the same.

Again, Tana's body surprised her. The amount of raw power in her hind legs alone was absurd, and she launched herself far higher than intended, falling about ten feet down again before she hit the rooftop with a faint thud. Shocked, she looked back down at the ground. Without even trying, she must have jumped thirty feet straight up! Thoman gave her a silent grin and gestured to continue onwards. They bounced from rooftop to rooftop, making it about twelve houses when they heard the first howl.

"They just smelt us," Thoman hissed. "They're going to be following our trail now. Stay on the roofs. They aren't good at jumping so it'll be harder for them to follow us."

Then he picked up the pace. It wasn't quite a run, but perhaps the six-legged equivalent of a jog. Despite the danger, the knowledge that they were being tracked by a pack of murderous werewolves, Tana was thrilled. The sense of power she got just by jumping from house to house was intoxicating. Both of them flowed through the night, eventually reaching the edge of the Chenshires' neighborhood, and overlooking a massive shipyard.

"This is where it gets bad," Thoman said in a low voice. "Open ground here and the homes after this are much closer together. The rooftops won't slow them down at all."

Then he was gone again, off the last rooftop and into the shipyard, shooting across the ground and leaping up on top of one of the many warehouses. Tana followed suit--and then she heard them behind her. Apparently, the werewolves knew where they'd be headed, and didn't need to follow their trail at all. She turned a head to see them racing down the road, their claws clicking on the stone and people scattering at the sight of them, rushing into their homes, slamming doors and shutters closed. For the first time that night, the fear became real. There was six of them rushing down the road in pursuit of them, and they still had a long ways to go.

Tana scrambled off the rooftops and into the shipyard, not landing nearly as gracefully as Thoman, but still with only a soft thud and perfectly balanced on her six legs. Racing across the open ground in a sprint, she followed Thomans path up onto the warehouse and then onto a half-built ship. Once directly behind him, she matched his pace.

"They're right behind us!" she hissed, still looking behind her with one head, and forwards with the other.

"Just follow my path," he replied, leaping to the next ship that was compete, and up the mast. Once up in the ships crow's nest--basically a giant bucket atop the mast--they huddled down out of sight.

"Their night vision isn't that good, ironically. Or, not as good as ours. They pick up on motion really well though," he whispered, voice almost inaudible, even to her. "And they don't know you can't warp yet, but once they find out..."

Tana nodded. "They'll focus hard on me."

Thoman nodded as well. "It's going to be bad. I hope we don't have to fight them all off. One at a time, we win, but if they mob us..."

Tana peeked a head over the edge of the crow's nest, then ducked back down.

"They're on the warehouse right now," she whispered.

Thoman nodded. "I figured. They can't climb well so once they realize we came up here, they'll probably assume we warped out. Once they disperse, that's our que to run again. Hopefully we can repeat that a couple times before they realize you can't."

"That won't work forever!" she hissed.

"It doesn't have to! Just until we're in the southern district, then we start making noise!"

Tana nodded, but wasn't entirely convinced. The two of them sat still for about another minute, then Thoman held a finger to his lips and vanished. Tana panicked for a brief second before she realized he was using the forth dimension to get a better view of the area. It's all seeing sight would tell Thoman everything he needed to know about where the werewolves were.

He reappeared about ten seconds later, not disoriented this time because he hadn't brought Tana along for the ride, and gave her a quick nod. It was time to run.

"Sprint!" he hissed, leaping from their perch with no regard for the height.

Tana had no choice but to follow, hesitating before jumping from what must have been a fifty-foot drop, launching herself into the air. The lurch of weightlessness--of falling made her stomach twist, and Tana really thought that when she landed she was going to break something. Thoman however knew the limits of their bodies and when she landed on all six limbs, Tana was shocked to find she absorbed the impact like it was trivial. There was definitely a supernatural element to their physical capabilities--this couldn't possibly be natural.

Without much time to think, Tana pressed on. Hot on Thomans trail the two of them tore through the shipyard on all six legs, claws tearing up the ground while taking corners with an agility to other creature couldn't hope to match. A small part of her mused how ridiculous it actually was, in fact an entire mind was dedicated to the thought, while the other focused on the chase. They'd nearly made it to the edge of the shipyard when they were noticed, Tana leaping the fence and clearing it with no problems, a fence she couldn't have even climbed as a human.

Tana yelped. A werewolf had landed on top of the fence and made a particularly ambitious leap directly at her, swiping at her tail and successfully clipping it. Thoman responded with brutal efficiency. He stopped and turned on a dime, lashing out at the werewolf with all four of his tentacles, spikes out and teeth bared. The werewolf, so focused on Tana, didn't see certain death coming for him. Thomans spikes sunk into the werewolf's arms and legs, pulled all his limbs apart so he was eagle spread and immobilized, and dragged the giant dog right to him. Flipping the werewolf so he was facing away from Thoman, the displacer beast bared his teeth and sunk them into the dog's spine, killing him instantly.

It all happened over the course of a second or so, but in that timeframe a second werewolf jumped her. The beauty of having two heads really shone for Tana in that moment. She'd been watching Thoman dispatch the one werewolf, and had also seen the other jump at her, allowing her to react before she was actually struck.

With both her right arms, she sunk her claws into the ground and jerked herself to the right, dodging the werewolf's attack and countering with her own. She wasn't nearly as adept with the tentacles as Thoman was, but there was a certain level of intuition she had. One of the spiked limbs hit the wolf on the back, sinking in and causing it to howl in pain, and the other wrapped around its neck, beginning to choke it out. When it reached to its throat to try and disentangle itself from the limb, she dragged it close to her and used all four of her arms to grab its wrists, allowing her tentacle around its throat free reign. The beast would have howled out more if it could breath, but the tentacle's grip around its neck was so tight, no air could pass through.

Tana wasn't sure how long it would take for it to black out, and Thoman wasn't going to let her find out. Right after dispatching the first werewolf that attacked her, he pounced at the one she was holding back and subdued it with all four of his tentacles similarly. Unfortunately, when he went for the killing bite on the back of the neck, the tentacle Tana was using to choke it was in the way.

Thoman didn't waste any time trying to correct her mistake, instead he killed the wolf by forcing it down and stomping on the back of its neck--and by proxy her tentacle--breaking its spine in the one blow. Tana yelped, the blow that killed the werewolf also having struck her, and quickly released the beast, lesson learnt. It was going to be badly bruised later.

Unfortunately, that little scuffle had given the other werewolves time to turn back from their hunt and join the fight. Thoman shot off to her left, sprinting hard to the rooftops of the homes, entering one of the poorer districts of the city. Again Tana did her best to keep up with him, though at several points he clearly would have lost her had he not slowed down. With the werewolves hot on their tail, a chase like this simply wasn't viable for them. The dogs had stamina, and a sense of smell that they wouldn't hide from.

Following Thoman, she leapt from the roof of a single-story home to a double-decker, and then made a leap for a large brick building that was likely five floors tall. It was a hell of a jump, and he made it. Unfortunately for Tana, she did not. The fatigue was setting in within her legs, and a jump she might have been able to make several minutes ago simply wasn't possible for her anymore. Thinking it was, she launched herself at the building and didn't quite rise high enough--and didn't lash her tentacles over the top in time. She yelped, claws scraping against the stone, unable to find a good grip and eventually fell down to the ground below.

Tana crashed through the ceiling of a small home unceremoniously. Fortunately, some instinctual reflex involving her tail had allowed her to roll midair, allowing her to fall feet first. Right before impact, she'd held her arms so her entire forearms hit the wood, spreading the shock over a larger area. It didn't matter because the wood was partially rotten, and as a displacer beast her body was much more durable than as a human. It hurt, but did no lasting damage.

The bigger problem was the people in the home she'd just fallen into. A family of six by the looks of it, all eating a late supper around the table when a monster of the night fell right through their roof. So many things happened at once after that. The little girl screamed, the oldest boy recoiled so violently he fell backwards off his chair, and the father was on his feet in an instant, going for a knife on the counter.

That isn't going to help you against-

The thought was cut off by the very thing she was thinking about. Through the hole in the roof she'd just made a werewolf fell, landing with less poise than her, but no less ready to fight. Tana lashed out with her tentacles, stepping back and using her reach on the beast, hoping to get it tangled up so she could kill it like Thoman had with a bite to the back of the neck. That plan went out the window unfortunately when a second werewolf dropped into the room.

One, she could have taken, but two was going to be a problem. Tana already had both of her tentacles tangled up in the first werewolf's arms, their unnatural strength able to subdue the nightwalkers thick limbs. Holding one at bay, her was forced to engage the other hand to hand. Fortunately, she had an advantage that domain too.

She caught the wolfs claws with her own, then used her other hands to get a grip on his biceps. The beast snapped his jaws at her, lunging forwards and trying to get at a throat. She had both of them subdued but both were straining in her grasp, pushing towards her. In her effort to keep them away, she sunk her claws keep into the wooden floor and pushed back, caught in a strange reverse tug of war.

I can't keep this up forever, a panicked thought slipped through her mind. Surely she would tire faster than they. While one head focused on the fight, the other turned to the family behind her.

"Get the hell out of here!" she shouted at them, half looking back over her shoulder. Hopefully that man didn't stick a knife in her. She kept that head watching them to make sure nothing caught her off guard.

Meanwhile, her other consciousness focused on keeping herself alive. She set both her minds on the fight, one focused on grappling with the werewolf in front of her, the other looking to extract one of her two tentacles from the second werewolf further back. The wolf directly in front of her was the real problem. She was able to get her right tentacle around the far werewolf's neck, making it struggle against those choke hold, and quickly pull her other away--to strangle the one in front of her. It howled in fear and frustration, the swore as he looped it around his neck, squeezing tightly. Yes, this was a human she was fighting against, just like herself. A person was trying to kill her, not a mindless monster! Good god.

That only strengthened Tana's resolve. She was by no means a street girl, but her family definitely hadn't been as well off for the entirety of her life. In her younger years, she remembered her father being subject to gangs and extortion...she had seen the worst in people before.

The limb around the close werewolf's neck snapped tight, a vicious choke that would make it black out quickly. The reaction was instant. No longer was he going for her throat, but instinctually trying to save his own, clawing at the tendril about to take his life. Tana seized the opportunity and did something similar with the other werewolf some five feet away, still pinned up against the wall. She had a tentacle wrapped around each of their necks at the moment, and then with all her strength, she slammed the werewolves together, cracking their heads together with a wet sounding smack.

Just in time too--because another three werewolves entered the home as she knocked them a second and third time to make sure they were out. One werewolf straight up knocked the door down, the second fell through the room, and the third broke in a window. The third never made it inside, and he was grabbed from behind by a pair of Thoman's tentacles and thrown backward in an almost comical way. The other two however barged in with blood on their claws and a lust for violence in their eyes.

Was that Thoman's blood?

The question was answered as Thoman warped in, still unscathed, appearing right behind the werewolf coming through the door with his fangs bared, about to drive them into the wolf's neck. Somehow it dodged, dropping to the ground making Thoman miss his bite, and exploding with its back legs sending him straight for Tana. Tana was tangled up with the two now unconscious werewolves, but that served to her advantage, providing the displacer anchor points to lurch her body off of, dodging the werewolf's strike.

She turned a head to see the nightwalker land right among the covering family, murderous intent in its eyes. The father made a mistake. He struck at the beast. A kitchen knife sank deep into the werewolf's thigh, the beast howling and swearing in pain, its attention now turned to a man who otherwise wouldn't have been a target.

Thoman, seeing what was about to happen, charged forwards, tentacles lashing out trying to subdue the werewolf before it killed the man. He partially succeeded, wrapping one around the werewolf's closest arm, but unable to get the other subdued in time before a wild slash clipped the little girls face, and sank deep into the father's forearm.

The room was in total chaos. The werewolf was roaring with anger and pain, the little girl and her mother screamed, the father howled in pain of his own, Thoman shouted something when he saw the injury occur, and the other werewolf that had dropped through the ceiling made a go for Thoman. Tana, now growing more proficient with her newfound limbs, intercepted the monster and slammed him into the wall, spiked spades sinking into his flesh and tendrils wrapping around his legs.

She could hear more of them outside however. It was hard to tell over all the noise, but her hearing was finely tuned, and the number wasn't trivial. Apparently Thoman had heard them too, and as he wrestled with the werewolf trying to get behind it to get a killing bite, he shouted to Tana.

"Just get out of here! Tell my dad what happened! I'll catch up!"

Her first instinct was to stay and help him--but that was foolish and part of her knew it. He could warp around and get away if he had to, Tana, still unaccustomed to her magic, could not. So she ran. Tana kicked off with her hind legs and leapt through the hole in the ceiling she made on her way in, her final glimpse of the scene Thoman with a hand around the werewolf's wrist, which was trying to claw one of the houses inhabitants.

Somehow, the werewolves let her go. Perhaps she was unnoticed over the chaos inside the house--her fur was certainly dark enough--or perhaps they didn't want her at all. It was only when she was several blocks down the street that she realized exactly what had been happening in that instant she'd left.

The werewolves were trying to kill the family so Thoman would stop them. So Thoman would stay.

Tana skidded to a stop, eyes wide and deep pit in her stomach. There had been a lot of werewolves outside. More than he could handle on his own, more than either of them could handle, and they had just baited him into standing his ground. Still as night, her minds raced. It was so brutally simple. Was Thoman's life worth the families? Of course it was, all being equal. Anyone with a conscience and the capability would try and help--which is what that wolf was counting on.

Tana nearly turned around to go back and help Thoman but forced herself to stop. No! _she scolded herself. _They got him, but maybe he can escape! I can't! Tell his father!


As Tana down the streets in a sprint, she asked herself that question. Thoman had said his father wasn't a nightwalker. But then what was he?