A Short Hike

Story by Skribble on SoFurry

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You are on a hike with your big brother! Hope there aren't any accidents!

The tires of your big brother's truck crunch over the gravel as he pulls off the road and into the little parking area for the trail head to Bear Lake and you can feel your tail give a little excited thump on the seat. He'd promised that the two of you would go out for a hike this weekend and you'd been excited for the trip all week, even having trouble falling asleep last night as you'd waited eagerly for the weekend.

Grinning over at you, he cocks his head, "Still excited, huh? Not worried you're gonna tucker out?" he asks, reaching over to tousle your ears, mussing your headfur all up.

You give your head a shake and he laughs. "Well alright then, c'mon! It's a few miles round trip so I hope you're telling the truth!"

The two of you climb out of the truck and collect your backpacks from the bed, your brother kneeling down to help adjust the straps for you, which makes you blush. You start to open your muzzle to protest but he leans in and gives you a wet lick on the nose, drawing a squeal from you, your arm lifting to swipe your dampened snout with your sleeve! Blech, brother spit!

Beaming at you as you scrub your nose dry, he asks, "Don't need the potty before we take off, do you? There won't be one on the trail, you'll have to hold it until we make it up to the picnic area at the lake."

You chew your lip for a moment and fidget thoughtfully in place before giving your head a shake! You peed before leaving the house and still feel okay! Big brother bobs his head and gives your rump a fond swat, "Alright then, kiddo. Let's hit the trail!"

Standing, he reaches for your paw and gives it a gentle squeeze as the two of you set off across the gravel of the parking area toward the trail, a worn path meandering across a few rolling hills before it ducks into the trees that cover the slope of the nearby mountain. The trail is smooth and flat as it wanders through the waving grass of the meadow, a cool, gentle breeze bringing the sweet smells of the fading summer to your nose as you walk paw in paw with your brother.

The hiking is easy as you pad along side by side, big brother pointing out sites for you so that you don't miss anything, giving your paw a little squeeze in his to get your attention each time he spies a rabbit or a pretty flower. The sun is warm on your fur and the soft wind ruffling your fur feels wonderful as you and he make your way up the path toward the shade of the woods.

"Here we go, kit. Let's stop and have some water, huh?" he suggests, taking a bottle from his pack and unscrewing the lid. You follow his lead and shrug off your own bag so retrieve a bottle, feeling very proud for carrying your own supplies! Reaching inside you fish out your own plastic bottle and attempt to open it up; mmf, too tight!

You struggle with the bottle for a moment and are just ready to turn to your brother for help when he's there, smiling and taking the bottle from you. "Aww, is it stuck? Here," he murmurs as he twists the cap off with a little snap. Your tail wagging, you reach for the bottle and turn it up, drinking deeply of the cool, fresh water.

The walking must have made you thirsty because it seems like before you know it you've gulped down almost half the bottle! "Whoa, hey, careful," big brother warns, holding out a paw, "You'll give yourself a tummy ache. Let's slow down," he suggests.

Nodding, you lower the bottle, little droplets of moisture still clinging to your muzz, and just rest beneath the shade. You aren't tired yet from the walk through the rolling meadow and after a moment or two brother stops eyeing you to make sure you aren't about to slug down the rest of the bottle and you resume sipping at a more reasonable pace as brother checks his phone and sends a few texts.

Another few minutes and he is motioning for you to put the water away, which is fine by you, your belly feels a little sloshy and you suspect you might have drank too much. There's still some water in the bottle, though, and brother doesn't seem concerned as you pack it away.

Waving his paw, he says, "Alright, let's hit the road!" and you two are off once more. It is cooler under the shade of the trees and the trail grows more rough as it climbs the slope of the mountain. Instead of the sandy path before there are now rough stones that threaten to trip up your feet and you have to take care with where you step when the trail gets particularly bad.

You and brother don't hold paws as you hike now and you find yourself breathing a little harder as the trail winds steadily up and around. The trees thin in places, great logs marking where either weather or some person had felled them and let them lay along the slope. In these spaces you can look out over the valley below, the view seemingly more impressive with each twist in the trail.

It is one of these thin spots, where your brother has stopped to make you snack on some trail mix and sip more water, you first start to think that maybe you should have used the bathroom back at the parking area. You aren't sure how far you've come yet but you are definitely aware of a growing fullness in your bladder, a dull, heavy sort of discomfort that makes you fidget in place as you munch your snack.

If brother notices you squirming he doesn't say anything about it. Instead he points out the road you two had taken far below and the small lumps crawling along it; cars! Your tail wags and you forget about your need in your excitement; you're really high up here! Grinning, he helps you pull your backpack on once more and the two of you set off again.

The trail grows steeper as you two make your way higher, the going slower as you struggle to keep up. Even worse, the strain of climbing isn't helping at all with your needing the toilet, the growing heavy feeling in your bladder back with a vengeance. You do your best to ignore it and try to hustle a little so that you aren't falling too far behind.

Another quarter of an hour passes and you are wincing a little as you struggle after your brother, your ears pinned back with concentration. There's no ignoring it anymore; you need to pee! Thankfully your big brother seems to have noticed something is wrong and stopped a little ahead on the path.

"Everything alright, kit?" he inquires as you pad up beside him to rest. Panting, paws on your knees, you give your head a little shake.

"No? There a rock in your shoe?" he guesses and you shake your head again. He looks thoughtful, "Hmm, did you tinkle? Are you trainers wet?" Before you can respond he's knelt down and unzipped your shorts to wriggle a paw inside and cup the crotch of your thick, cloth trainers! You give a little whine of protest as he checks the fabric with a thoughtful hum.

"No piddle. Must mean you need to, huh?" He finally guesses correctly and you give a vigorous nod of your head! Yes! You push your thighs together meaningfully and point towards the trees.

Smiling, he shakes his head, "Sorry kiddo. Can't just potty anywhere in the park, you have to hold it until we get to the picnic spot." Your ears flat backwards and you give a soft whine, which garners a sympathetic nod from him and a murmured, "I know, I know. But it's not far," he explains as he zips your shorts back up and stands.

Holding a paw to his ear, he lifts his other, "There, hear that? It's the waterfall that feeds the lake. That means we only have a little ways more to go and there'll be a potty for you, okay?"

You pout but nod your head. If big brother says it isn't far you trust him, you just hope you can hold on that long! The two of you set off once again but the pace is slower; you can't hustle very well clenching as you are to try and keep from wetting your shorts. The footing is worse the higher the trail goes and you have to be careful to watch your step to keep from accidentally stumbling. As full as you feel right now you're certain if you fell that'd be it for your undies!

Struggling along after big brother you aren't even really watching the scenery anymore, just your feet as you plod along trying to ignore the steady rushing sound of the falls that grows stronger as the trail rises. A cold sweat has broken out down your spine and one paw has drifted down to press firmly between your thighs, the sensation of pressure there worth the extra trouble walking if it keeps you dry!

Another ten minutes and your vision has narrowed to only the ground just in front of your feet, the stones that threaten to turn your ankle and tumble you onto the ground. Your legs feel shaky and weak with the combined effort of the hike and your clenching, little shivers trembling through you as you fight against the instinct to just let go and relieve yourself. You grind your teeth and curl your toes inside your hiking boots, breathing through your nose in hard pants.

You are laser focused, stomping steadily up the trail when your brother calls out from up the path, "Aha, look at that!" and you turn your muzzle up from the ground to point up the path and see what he sees, to see the little lake and the tumbling falls and the bright blue camp toilet that stands out like a sign from the heavens up ahead. You feel your lips pulling into a relieved grin when your foot finds the rock.

The rock, one of the large, loose stones that have crowded the path since your last stop, turns beneath your foot and it skids sideways. You don't fall. Your foot skids sideways, slipping your legs awkwardly apart in a jarring skitter of stones. You feel the fur on your cold, sweaty back rise in alarm even as the intense, painful pressure in your bladder suddenly releases! Your mouth forms a shocked gasp that would be comical if it weren't you who was doing the gasping, a rush of heat spreading through your trainers in what seems hardly an instant.

Your brother's eyebrows have shot up, having seen you make similar faces before, of course, and you can only whimper helplessly as the front of your shorts begins to show the tell-tale stain of your infantile accident. Your bottom lip trembles and you start to sniffle, partly in shame as you flood your pants like a baby there in view of the potty, and partly from the overwhelming sensation of relief now that you no longer have to fight to hold back the flood.

Little rivulets of urine dribble down your thighs, errant golden droplets plopping onto the trail as the runners trickle into your white socks. Big brother has rushed over and is murmuring soothingly to you, hugging your shoulders and gently petting your ears while you wet yourself there in the middle of the path. Thankfully the picnic area appears empty today, nobody to see the baby potty their shorts a few feet way from a perfectly good toilet.

Sniffling, you bury your muzzle against brother as the last warm droplets trickle into your pants, his paw stroking the back of your head. "Shh, shh... there, there kit. It's okay," he soothes, petting you, "Accidents happen, you're alright." You can only nod as you listen, sniffling and trembling in his arms as he holds you, your trainers a soggy sponge between your thighs.

Smiling, he brushes a paw back over your ears, "I even brought spare shorts and a diaper just in case. It's okay," he insists. "In fact, I've got wipes and powder too, so if you're not done why don't you just finish up."

Blinking, you tip your muzzle up to look at him, ears perking. Finish up? Does he mean you should...

He nods his head, grinning a little, "It's okay if you wanna, kit. I won't even tell mommy."

Your cheeks flush and your ears fold back as you recall the scolding you'd gotten the week before when mommy had come home and found you sitting in a pair of dirty pull-ups after you'd decided you were "too busy" to stop playing Nintendo! You bite your lip, gazing up at big brother who just smiles and winks. You... do think maybe you need to go still...

Blushing deeply you shuffle your feet into a better stance, dropping yourself down into a hunkering squat there in front of big brother. He kneels down beside you, a paw rubbing your back as you give a little grunt, "That's it, cubby. Go ahead and let it all out," he coos.

Your ears pins back as he encourages you, a thumb slipping into your muzzle to stifle the soft whimpers of embarrassment as you strain there, your tail flagging up when you push. At first you aren't sure if you really need to go after all, just a sensation of pressure as you squat there like a toddler, and then the pressure is suddenly easing, a sliding sensation of relief in your bowels as the seat of your shorts bulges outward.

Fresh dribbles of urine heat the crotch of your trainers as you soil your pants right there in front of brother, his paw rubbing steadily up and down your back while your seat steadily expands. When you finally finish you can feel the heavy load settled there in your wet trainers, warm and mushing against your bottom where it strains against your pants.

"There's a good kit, all done?" big brother asks with a smile, tousling your ears. Blushing hotly, you smile shyly back and nod your head. Beaming, he nods and straightens, offering you his paws. Taking them, he helps pull you to your feet. Your shorts feel heavier around your hips, tugged downward slightly by the muddy load sagging low in your pants.

Reaching behind you, big brother hooks a finger into the loop of your shorts and gives them a firm tug upwards, your messy trainers squelching between your thighs and drawing a surprised yelp from you! Laughing, he pushes you towards the picnic area, "C'mon stinker. I'll get you cleaned up... After we eat lunch."

Whining, you slip your thumb into your muzzle and waddle after him in your stained and saggy shorts.