Brought into the Light: Part 4: A Sheath and Knife Fan Fiction

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#7 of Sheath fictions

The fourth part of "Brought into the Light"

Brought into the light An Alex and Will Fan fiction

by Dan 1966.

Will and Alex's little adventure comes to an end.

Part 4

Thursday Morning June 17, 2018 9am Ocean Pass

Ocean Pass Municipal Hospital

Angie, Will's female collie therapist, walked into the room where Will lay sitting up in the bed...

"I had a talk with Mister Huckleberry and you're not in danger of violating your parole or any of the courts orders." She said as she sat next to the bed. "How you feeling this morning?"

"I'm alright." Will said. "They put me on those relaxer drugs after I got here and I slept for two days. Doctors said I was suffering from sleep deprivation. Hell if I can figure out how I could be so functional on some what? Three hours of sleep over 100 hours?" Will looked quietly at Angie for a moment..."You probably know by now about my grabbing my dad's gun? The pictures I had stashed?"

"Your little brother burned them." Angie replied. "He's quite angry at you, me and his therapist sat with him yesterday."

"Well...he's right." Will moaned as he lay back on his pillow. "Alex compared to me? He's got all the resilience...I don't. I don't know where he's getting it all? Alex has suffered more than me and yet he's the one teaching me guts and courage. All I've been doing is putting up a front that everyone can see. When I saw those photos?" Will shook his head and grimaced. "When I saw those photos? I wanted to snatch Alex and.....I fucken freaked out!"

Will leaned forwards and sank his head between his knees..."I don't think I can hack it. Honestly...I'm not going to make it."

Angie petted Will's head..."Are there any more stashes in the house? Will? If you don't come clean right now, too me? You seriously won't make it. Your family is willing to stand behind you but you have to take the big step right now and admit if there's more stashes. I'll be honest with you? Your parents have been counseled to consider sex offender housing because you're proving to be a risk they can't spend their whole life watching."

Will sat thinking then snatched up a note pad and a pencil. "This is all of it....I swear. All of it...." He handed the pad to Angie and cursed himself. "Maybe I should live in sex offender housing."

"Your belly aching and mood swings are a desperate cry for attention." A voice said back. Angie turned to see Cathy standing in the doorway of the room. "Don't ask me why I keep hanging on Will? Tigers have a nasty tendency to be tenaciously clingy predators." Cathy said as she walked up to the bed and Will turned his face from her...

"Oh please cut your drama queen crap?" Cathy snorted.

Angie looked at Cathy. "Right now miss? He doesn't need your...."

"Right now....madam Collie dog?" Cathy growled. "He doesn't need you giving him allowance to play you...which is what he's doing? I've known Will since diapers so if you don't mind?" Cathy gestured a hand towards the doorway. "Sorry to be so forceful."

Angie got up and quietly left as Cathy stood by the bed tapping a foot. She pushed a finger off Will's head..."Stop disrespecting me and turn around Will?" Cathy huffed.

Will turned and looked at the angry looking tigress...."Hi."

"Hi." Cathy replied. "I should smack you around and leave but I know it won't do any good. And leaving will makes things really suck. I'm also here because your little brother doesn't know when to quit and I wasn't about to burst his bubble."

Cathy leaned over...."So because of him? I'm not quitting. But? You're not going least....not now."

Cathy snapped her fingers and another Tiger entered. It was Rondell from High School?

"I hated him?" Will aked.

"Yeah?" Cathy huffed. "You see? Funny thing about us Tigers, Will? We have a pretty tight honor system where answering favors knows no issues of emotion. See, me and Rondell got an apartment...that is where you're going to least until we get you back on track. And....I will get you back on track because your little brother made me a bet and we tigers just hate to loose a bet and if you make me lose a bet?"

Cathy poked a claw under Will's chin..."Get the picture?"

"Ummm.....I guess I don't have a choice." Will said smiling.

"No." Cathy answered. "'t."

Thursday Morning June 17, 2018 9am Ocean Pass

Municipal Court of Ocean County

Alex sat in the wittiness box dressed in a white pressed shirt, a baby blue tie and freshy washed and groomed fur as the prosecutor stood near by...

"Now Alexander? Can you point out to the court the person you were having sex with and making sexual films and photos for?" The Prosecutor asked.

Alex pointed to Alex Binx, the white and blue dog sitting at the defendant table.

"Let the record show that the wittnness identified Alex Binx." The prosecutor said with a hand gesture. "Now....Alexander? How many times did you go over to Mister Binx's house?"

Alex sat thinking...."Mmmmm?....bout.....twenty or so."

"Did you just go over for sex?" The prosecutor asked.

"No. He had a nice pool." Alex replied. "We also got to drink beer, smoke pot, eat pizza and we got some money."

"In other got rewards for sex and doing what he asked you?" The prosecutor asked.

"Yeah..." Alex replied.

"Were there other cubs involved? Other than Kimba Kinison?" The prosecutor asked.

"Do you mean the one's he showed me on his computer or the one's other guys brought over to his place?" Alex replied.

"Let's talk about these others Alex?" The prosecutor asked as he went over to his desk and grabbed a stack of pictures. "Any one of these you remember?"

Alex looked at the pictures and pointed. "That one....the raccoon kid I remember."

"Do you remember his name?" The prosecutor asked.

Alex thought...."Ummmmm....Zack....that's what his brother called him."

"His brother?" The prosecutor asked.

"Yeah...Lucian..." Alex said as he scratched his head. "I didn't like him."

"Why didn't you like him?" The prosecutor asked.

"Because he brought his little brother. The kid wasn't even out of diapers." Alex snarled. "They said it would be fun to watch..."

"What would be fun to watch?" The prosecutor said. "Exact words Alexander, you can swear if you need too."

"It would be fun to watch them spit fuck the little bitch." Alex said frowning.

"What's that Alex? What's a spit?" The prosecutor asked.

"Where one guy puts his penis in the mouth of a cub and the other into a cub's tail hole and they "roast" him." Alex said as he leaned forwards and put his face into his arms..."I watched it..."

The prosecutor patted Alex on the back..."What happened Alex? What happened to Zack?"

"Alex Binx ripped his tail hole..." Alex sobbed. "He was screaming and crying and fucken blood was......and I fucken ran!"

The prosecutor pointed to Alex Binx..."Did he chase you?"

"Yes..." Alex replied.

"And he caught you didn't he?" The prosecutor asked.

"Yes..." Alex said as he sat up crying.

"Did he put a gun to your head Alex?" The prosecutor asked.

Alex nodded. "He pushed it into my mouth."

"He threatened to kill you....didn't he?" The prosecutor asked.

"Yes...." Alex replied as he wiped his face.

"You never saw Zack again....did you?" The prosecutor asked.

"No." Alex replied.

The Prosecutor turned to the court...."For the record...Zachary Lyons was found a week later on the bank of the Hartford River in Willingsdale after his brother reported him missing. The initial cause of death was drowning until a further autopsy revealed captured flesh under the claws on the victims hand pointing to scratch marks on the arms of his brother."

One hour later....

Alex sat with a juice drink in a room with his mother, Miss Brisbey and Marian his fox therapist. Grace was standing with a snarl on her face...

"I so want to kill that mutt." Grace snarled. "I want to go feral and rip his neck out in my teeth."

Mrs. Brisbey patted Alex on his snoot. "You alright?" She asked softly.

"That was a lot to deal with." Alex replied.

"Young man..." Alex's mother said frowning. "You have no damn right saying what "dealing with a lot" is..."

Marian caught Grace by the arm..."Mrs. Gray? Don't...please don't expound it right now....especially not now..."

"I have a right to be angry!" Grace snapped. "I have a good damn right to be emotional!" Grace turned to Alex...."How could you?!....." She stopped and shook her fists...."How could you allow that sick bastard?....."

Alex cringed as his mother got closer...."How could you allow that sick mutt to do the things he did? And how could you allow him to fuck my William like a two bit slut?"

Grace gasped and walked out of the room leaving Alex alone with Mrs. Brisby while Marian chased after the sobbing female wolf...

Alex leaned forwards in the chair and sobbed for a while before he stopped and paced over the floor...

"Alex?" Mrs Brisby asked. "Alex? Talk to me?"

"This....has been a sucky day." The Wolf cub said as he went for the door.

"Stop." Mrs. Brisby said. "Let your mother have her time. She's probably with your father right now."

"Dunno bout that." Alex replied. "Right now I think Dad and Uncle are a little busy."

Thursday Morning June 17, 2018 11 am

Mechanicsville Sheriff's office

Chancy emerged from the small interrogation room and stood taking a cup of hot coffee from Sheriff Bloatsome...

"Please tell me you did not piss in my prisoner's mouth?" Dusty asked.

"Oh my gawd, did you actually believe that shit?" Chancy snickered. "No...your prisoner's just fine. A little wet in his pants but living...damn cat piss smells rancid as fuck."

Ralph, Dusty's deputy, leaned on the coffee counter. "So what did you find out? Is he a fucken baby raper like his father? There goes a sterling reputation."

"Actually no." Chancy replied. "We found the photo album in a box full of em and it's the only one the old man kept....of some three boxes he destroyed while he was still ambulatory. And just like the other son? Doesn't know a thing about the old man's activities. But we still haven't gone through all the stuff we impounded at the storage site yet."

Gordon finished reading text messages on his phone. "My wife is very upset right now...Alex finished testifying in court and things are a little on the raw side."

Chancy pursed his lips. "You sure splitting Will from home is a good idea still?"

"Have too." Gordon said with a sigh. "Alex is doing very well and I can't have Will there so long as he's struggling. Mrs. Angie will be coming by to show us more photo stashes in the house."

Chancy shook his head..."You can't put Will in sex offender housing Gordon, he won't last long...he'll get fucken raped."

"I'm not." Gordon replied. "I'm putting him in an apartment with Cathy Quinn. She'll set him right, Tiger's are well known for being purrrrrr-suasive."

Dusty took a seat at the table where Gordon was going over some of the records from Coal Brook camp grounds...."Anything in those books?"

Gordon pointed to a ledger..."Records of receipts with "nA9" which just happen to fall in with the years and months we spent there. We always went for the two middle weeks of August and these payments are pretty the thousands. The remarks say the same thing..."Confectionery Purchasing"

Ralph snorted. "You see Sheriff? This is why we city slickers are a better choice for you small town hick know-it-alls...that's fucken "Cub Pornography".

Chancy replied. "You've heard this before obviously in a big city?"

"Sure." Ralph replied. "Confectionary" means "Candy" and "Confection" is a common slang among the pedophile sect. If this were a legit business? The old man would have put it like that because you can notice the trend of his writing in like four or so pages. "nA9" is a bull shit code word."

Gordon sat back in his chair...."We're a little bit closer." He stopped to check his phone again. "I should take the wife to dinner."

Chancy snickered back. "You should take my sister to a hotel and ravage her."

Gordon snapped. "What the fuck Chance?!"

"Oh....shut your trap Gordie? When's the last time you showed her the business? Really? All this pent up emotional hell? You two need to "Fuck to the Future" so hard that Marty McFly dies from getting impaled." Chancy snickered as Ralph and Dusty laughed. "I can tell my poor sister hasn't gotten her "animal on" in eons."

"Sometimes you're a real ass Chance." Gordon snapped.

"Oh shut the fuck up, go home, don't say anything, take her to a hotel and put her away wet and screaming you mother fucker." Chancy snapped back. "Then I won't have to hear her bitch every five minutes."

Thursday afternoon June 17, 2018 2:35 pm Ocean Pass

87 Shepherd Street Home of the Gray family

Alex dropped the match onto the rest of Will's cub porn stash and burned it as he filmed it with his digital camera. For extra attention....he dropped a picture of him and Will on a family vacation. It was a happy looking one with the boys snuggling each other in swim suits. Alex thought he must have been eight or nine at the time....

"See that Will?" Alex said with obvious anger. "You keep fucking up? And that will be the last thing you ever see because I will never see you again and that alone will kill you. I'll despise you. I'll hate you to the day you die. I mean it brother, this is your last chance to pull out of this crap. Don't fuck with my heart again."

Alex walked up to his mother and sighed...."I really hurt you this morning mom."

Grace sighed..."I just haven't been able to dump all this...this....."

Alex sat with her on the grass...."Mound of shit?" He asked. Slowly....Alex moved to hug his mother and softly kiss her cheek...the lip lock running a little strange in length."

"Alexander?" Grace asked. "What are you doing?"

"Therapy." Alex replied. "They say a very affectionate show of love from one's child can sooth a mother's heart?"

Grace snorted. "Given what I heard from you in court today young wolf, I'm wondering if I shouldn't spray you with disinfectant."

Alex huffed as he pulled off..."Oh shut up mom." He said as he chose another spot to kiss....

"Alex? You better not be getting anything sick from this I swear..." Grace snorted.

"Shut up?" Alex yelped. "You're too old and wrinkly for incest."

"Why you little shit!" Grace snapped as she grabbed her son and rolled him around on his back! "You take that back you nasty little fur ball!"

Grace pulled up Alex's shirt and razzled his belly! "Say you're sorry Alexander!" Grace snapped. "Say it you little bastard!"

"Giggles".....Alex wiggled and flopped...."You're old, wrinky, and you smell Mom!"

"Grace!" Gordon snapped as he stomped into the back yard. "Damn it woman! I leave to do important work and here you are molesting our son?"

Alex lay giggling...."Save me Dad! She wanted me to elope with her!"

Gordon snatched Grace by her hand and dragged her past Chancy who stood with a silly grin on his face and gave them a wave...."Have fun you two?"

Grace snapped at her brother. "What did you plot with him you little shit head?!"

"Oh nothing you need to worry about dear elder sister?" Chancy snickered. "Then again....maybe you worry not enough about "needing"."

Alex walked up to Chancy with a twist on his face. "Dad's gonna rape mom, isn't he?"

"What the fuck?" Chancy snorted. "You....don't need to know shit mister. Now get in that house, we have books to crack open."

"Yeah..." Alex snickered. "Dad's gonna open mom's crack real good."

"SMACK!" "Alex! So help me?" Chancy snapped.

"Oh come on!" Alex yelped. "I'm not talking about gay sex so there's been progress!'s got me hard."

"I'll hard you." Chancy warned. "Don't open your maw little wolf!"

Thursday afternoon June 17, 2018 2:49 pm Ocean Pass

Grace didn't say anything at first. Her husband held her wrist tight as he drove with the other hand and every now and then gave her a fiendish glace that caused her to coward...the excitement of the little role play was getting her hot and panting...

"Please?.....Let me go?" She pleaded.

"Shut up." Gordon snapped back. "You just sit there and be quiet."

"Giggles"....."Oh my gawd you sound so hot right now." Grace said with a wanting face...."We've been without each other for too long..."

Gordon snickered back. "You think?" He licked his tooth maw and dribbled a little saliva from his lips as they stopped at a stop sign...."I'm gonna tear you apart like fresh pig..."

"Ooooo...." Grace replied. "My big strong werewolf." her tongue hung from her maw as her hand reached over to gently touch her husband's crotch..."Don't hold back Gordon?" Grace said as she breathed her panting into an ear...."Make my pussy flow with your cum..."

Gordon had to slow the car down...."Grace? Dial it back a little or I'll crash the car, throw you out and fuck the shit out of you in the street."

Grace sat back in her seat..."That would make for an interesting ambulance ride." She said giggling. Remember when you came to the office in Glenndale?"

"Oh my gawd woman! Who raped who?" Gordon chuckled. "Good thing there wasn't a security camera! In fact? That's how we conceived Alexander isn't it? That's why he has an adventurism fetish. That's why he could walk in and just snatch a gun from our older son...Alex has absolutely no fear in him..."

Then....Gordon groaned and lost it...."Fuck."

Grace cupped her husband's chin in her hand...."Gordie? Let it go for tonight?"

Gordon closed his eyes and nodded. "I hope I don't disappoint you?"

Grace replied. " won't...I'll make sure of that." She said seductively.

Thursday afternoon June 17, 2018 3 pm Ocean Pass

87 Shepherd Street Home of the Gray family

Chancy walked into the living room where Alex was working on his Social Studies homework and dropped a pair of pajamas on the books...

"Fuck those stupid one-zees. Tonight you wear regular pajamas." Chancy said as he sat down.

"You sure Uncle?" Alex asked.

"You sleep in your own bed tonight too." Chancy snorted. "And I'm turning the fucken camera off."

Alex picked up the pajamas and held them to his chest..."Uncle? I'm not sure...."

"You haven't done anything since you used the pacifier right?" Chancy asked.

"" Alex replied nervously.

"Alex?" Chancy said waving a hand. "Enough....I think you'll be all right. But to make sure you really get a good sleep? You and I are going for a Marine Corps run, a 5K boot pounder and trust me kid? You will be tired by the end of that jaunt."

Alex placed the pajamas aside....."Uncle? Was I really molested before me and Will?"

Chancy nodded. "No doubt. At least I have no doubts."

Alex sighed..."How could my parents? could my family allow me to be...."

Chancy snuggled Alex close..."Kid? I don't think you parents or you brother had anything to do with that. We're going to find out who the bastards were and when we do? I think it's going to help you get over all this crap once and for all. Will's gonna need your help kid, you are way tougher than him."

Alex sighed...."Chancy? Do you think? you think I'm gay?"

"I think you're Alexander Gray, that's what I think. What you decide for yourself is you, it's not going to change my love for you one bit. Of course....I'd rather you found a girl, had a litter of puppies and became as devoted a father as yours is to you but we'll see how things turn out. Right now you just worry about school and all the other crap you have to deal with."

Alex looked at Chancy and smirked. "Dad's destroying mom right now I bet."

"Will you get your brain out of the damned gutter and study you little shit?" Chancy snorted. "Damn kid....give your parents some respect."

Alex then twisted his face. "Oh by the way? Dad's have to watch me shower or bath so I don't get tempted to play with myself."

"Oh fuck that." Chancy snapped.

"It's Dad's rule Uncle." Alex yelped. "If he finds out it didn't happen? He'll get mega pissed off."

"You're 13 Alex. You can do it by yourself." Chancy snorted. "Use the pacifier, that's close to an observed shower."

Alex smirked. "Ok....your funeral."

"Alex?" Chancy replied. "What do I do for a living?"

"You're a Marine?" Alex replied.

"Problem shower by yourself tonight." Chancy snickered.

Thursday afternoon June 17, 2018 3:36 pm Ocean Pass

73 Russell Street Apartment 210

Will followed Cathy Quinn into the apartment and looked around..."No bars? No doors off the hinges? I suppose you'll have Rondell guarding the door?"

"I'm not expecting you to try and escape. You are wearing that bracelet." Cathy said as she dropped her jacket on the sofa. "Every week day, I'm going to take you too your house where you can keep working out of the garage. Your Mom will bring you food and water or coke and escort you to the bathroom but you'll have no contact with Alex, you won't spend time with your parents...consider this a sort of "probational limbo" for you as far as the family concerns."

Will sighed..."Right now? I think I just want to sleep. I'm still feeling the effects of the drug they had me on."

Cathy took Will's hand and led him to his room..."Now stand right here?" She said softly. Cathy walked over to the bed and started to remove her clothes...

"Ummm? What are you doing?" Will asked.

Cathy remained in her panties and sat on Will's bed with her back cushioned by a large stuffed animal. "What does it look like I'm doing?" She waved a finger around. "Take off everything but your are wearing shorts?"

"This isn't a normal therapy thing." Will said as he stood with his his arms crossed.

"Do you want Rondell to pull your clothes off?" Cathy warned.

Will sighed and pulled his clothes off..."You're bound and determined to re-live our childhood..."

"I'm bound and determined not to see you rot in prison." Cathy replied. "Now stop standing there like a doof and get on the bed."

"And do what?" Will asked.

"Will? Get on the bed, lay down against me and snuggle or are these tits that I have for a modern art exhibit?" Cathy said snickering.

Will slowly moved onto the bed and rested himself against Cathy's chest with her wrapping her arms around him. She reached over to touch her smart phone and Mister Mister started to play....

"So?" Cathy said as she slowly started to rub will's shoulders from behind. "The reason why this therapy isn't in the books? Is because Alexander suggested it."

"What?" Will said looking back.

"Yeah....called me after you got sent to the hospital. He said I needed to give you "extreme aversion therapy." Cathy said as she moved her hands to rub Will's chest. "And no...we're not going to have sex....not....right away at least."

Will snorted. "That little scheming shit."

"That little scheming shit loves you and you keep shitting on him which surprises me that he stays loyal. If I were your little brother and I found you jacking to my naked little ass? I'd walk. I'd call the cops and you'd be getting gang raped to death in prison." Cathy said as she cupped Will's chin and turned his head around to look at her..."Which is why he made me an offer which I don't intend to lose. I think I can do in a few days to a couple of weeks what shrinks take years to do. Jerks have such a racket going with their "recovery addict" bull shit."

Cathy snatched Will and roughly rolled him onto his back as she got on top of him and bore her teeth in his face...."Now let's get one thing very Chrystal mister wolf? I don't take well to losing. You screw up? You make one bad mis-step? You so much as get a hold of a single picture of a cub to jack too? And you won't live long. Alex told me very, very seriously that he would rather see you dead than see you raped in prison. It's I pop your cherry? Or I pop a jug and you bleed Do we have an understanding Will? And trust me? My father is in on the whole take."

Will cringed as Cathy tightened her grip on his neck. "I guess you're not fucking around..." He replied drooping his ears and being submissive.

"I'm not." Cathy said as she pulled her hand off Will's neck. "Now? What would you like for dinner?"

Thursday afternoon June 17, 2018 3:36 pm Ocean Pass

The Motel Cottonwood Room 7

Gordon had activated the music in the room before he opened the door and spun his wife around his side and sent her falling onto the bed...

Gordon slammed the door behind him and pulled his tight t-shirt off, chucking it off to the side as the song "Heavy Metal" played over the room speakers. He stood licking his dripping maw as his wife played up the atmosphere...

"Why am I here?" She gasped.

"Why do you think you're here?" Gordon said as he started to pant his tongue and slowly waved his bushy wolf tail back and forth...

Grace jumped up from the bed and tried to run for the door but Gordon caught her and in one good tug...unsnapped her skirt and threw it away, pushing her back onto the bed..."You're not going anywhere honey..." Gordon snarled. "I was paid a hefty sum to drown you in hot cum..."

Grace chuckled...."Oh my gawd! What cheep porno did you get these lines from Gordie?"

Gordon pulled his pants off and stood in his underwear with his arms crossed. "You're killing the foreplay Grace."

"You were never good at foreplay." Grace replied smirking as she undid her top. "I love the music appropriate."

"Mmmmmm...." Gordon said as he slid onto the bed. "Our first date in high school. My you and I were so stoned."

"You hot boxed the car." Grace snickered as she ran a finger over Gordon's hard furry chest. "Watching Heavy Metal at the drive in on classics night. You told me that night you were going into the Navy and I got so angry at you."

Gordon slowly removed Grace's top and her bra and played a finger around one of her soft nipples..."I thought I lost you. You said when I took you home that I could fuck off because you said I was abandoning you. Five years later I chased you all over the Kanamei bus line and you threatened to call the cops on me."

Grace smiled as she reached down and rubbed Gordon's crotch with a hand..."As I remember? You didn't take no...I got that message when you kissed me and I socked your mouth."

Gordon slowly moved his head down to his wife's breasts and gently suckled and kissed a nipple..."I came back and kissed you again...what a brazen cur I was huh?"

Grace slowly uncovered her husbands hard lupine cock from under his underwear and sat slowly massaging the red pink muscle as she licked him on the face..."You were very persistent." She said softly as she felt her heart pound and her breathing quicken...

Knowing what she wanted to do with him...Gordon slowly guided Grace's head until her mouth took his hardness down to the hard knot...."Mmmm...that's it girl....suck it."

Grace's mouth slipped over the hard shaft a few times and she came up off of it, slowly licking her maw...."You sounded a little bland Gordon."

Gordon smirked, snatched his wife's red head tift and forced her back down to his prick..."Shut your fucken trap you slut and suck my cock!"

Grace slowly made a few sucks and raised her head. "Now that's my strong wolf." She snarled as she pushed him onto his back and returned to slow;y lick and soft tooth her husband's hard knot at the base of his shaft....

"I've missed this for too long..." Grace said panting..."We spent too much time apart, maybe that's been the problem..."

Gordon snorted..."The problem is you not spending more concentration on sipping my pre-cum...wolf cunt."

Grace stopped lapping over Gordon's hardness and slowly came face to face with him..."You're such an uncaring animal." She said playfully as she licked his maw..."Are you going to lay like a rock or are you gonna get beastial and fuck me like I deserve it?"

The stacked and hungry male wolf snatched his wife by an arm, pulled her off the bed and pushed her up against a wall..."You want me to fight for it? Is that what you want Grace?"

Gordon snatched at her panties and ripped them away from her without a care...his face fixed with a ravenous gaze of desire as he pawed over his wife's soft breast and his maw closed on hers in hot dripping panting and their tongues met in a dance of desire for each other....

Gordon reached down and with a paw finger began to play with the sweet knob of his wife's moist pussy. The female gray wolf gasped and coo'd as her husband locked his lips and squeezed her neck with his sharp teeth. Grace brought a leg upwards and rubbed it against her husband's hip as his fingers slowly entered and massaged her soaking vulva....

"Mmmm....Gordon....mmmm....use me all you want my darling.....Huh!.....I love you....I love you so much my darling...." Grace gasped out as Gordon lifted her off her feet, swung her around and laid her gently onto the bed....

Pulling her legs wide apart...the hungry male wolf thrusted his hard seven inch cock deep into his wife's cunt....

"Gnah!" Grace yelped out....."ugh!.....uh......."

Thursday afternoon June 17, 2018 5 pm Ocean Pass

87 Shepherd Street Home of the Gray family

Chancy slowed down a little so his nephew could keep pace with the run around the neighborhood..."You don't have to get tired too quick okay, just keep with me..." The Marine said as he rubbed Alex's head tuft.."You're doing good kid."

"It's.......harder than....I thought.....two-legged." Alex yelped back. "I mean...I ran with Will for a mile..."

"Too much video and couch time." Chancy snickered. "You're getting pudgy."

"I am not!" Alex snorted.

"Less complaining and more running kid." Chancy replied. "Clap the foot falls ok? Every left foot clap it out so you can keep up the pace."

(Clapping on the run)

" hah!"

" hah!"

" hah!"

" hah!"

Alex: Is this gonna be a dirty song?

Chancy: No...and don't mess it up.

"Born in a kennel in 2003"

"Weened on lamb and KP"

"Groomed with a K'bar in my hand"

"In a year I was in Afghanistan"

"A pup in diapers trained to kill."

"Iron claws and fighting will."

"I ain't no poofta pet store dog."

"High death tolls is what I log."

"If you try to pet me I'll kill you fast."

"With no Marine Wolf can the enemy last."

" hah!"

" hah!"

" hah!"

" hah!"

"See? Now you're in the rythem little wolf." Chancy said as they ran down the street and slowed to a walk...."And....that? Was a five mile run...."

Alex got to the front lawn of the house and collapsed onto his back..."Ugh...and you do this every morning?"

"We do it three times a day." Chancy snickered. "Sometimes we go four leg with two full Alice packs, now that's a chore."

"Guess if I want to be a forest ranger, I'll have to be that athletic huh?" Alex said as he sat up. "I told mom that's what I want to do."

"That's cool." Chancy replied. "Like I said, you are you little wolf."

Alex snickered. "I'm not six any more Uncle."

"Your britches aren't quite full yet." Chancy snorted. "Though you're getting there."

Alex stood up...."I need to shower, I really stink. You're gonna watch me?"

Chancy pointed down...."Alex? Sit."

The young wolf sat as Chancy frowned at him..."Why do you want me to watch you shower?"

Alex replied. "Because it's Dad's rules ok? He said I can't shower by myself just like I can't sleep with a door on my room and I have to wear those fucked up One-zee's ok?"

Chancy pressed..."I want the fucken truth kid?"

Alex cringed..."Yeah...."

"Thought so." Chancy snorted. "You're showering by yourself and you will wear those fucked up one-zee's tonight too."

"But Chancy..." Alex replied...."I'm...."

"And it's not "Chancy"'s "Uncle" to you. Do you understand me Alexander?"

"But...." Alex tried to speak...

" me.....boy?" Chancy snapped.

"Yes Uncle." Alex replied.

Alex got up and huffed. "You don't understand how fucken hard this is!" He snapped as he ran into the house.

Chancy sighed and shook his head. "This is going to be an interesting evening already."

Thursday afternoon June 17, 2018 5 pm Ocean Pass

73 Russell Street Apartment 210

Will came into the living room from the shower to find Rondell and Cathy eating BBQ lamb pieces from the local Mediterranean restaurant...

"Don't be a stranger." Cathy said with a gesture. Will hesitated for a moment because of Rondell...

"Dude? I'm not going to maul you?" The male tiger said. "Been a while since we saw each other."

"Didn't know how you'd feel." Will replied as he sat and started getting food out of the delivery boxes. "I mean...this arrangement and all."

"Ain't a problem so long as you behave and don't trip." Rondell replied. "You look better than when you came here. Therapy must have been interesting?"

Will looked at Cathy..."Uh?....yeah....sort of."

"The news just said that they expect a verdict in the Alex Blix case soon." Rondell said. "He's gonna fry that sick fucker."

Will blew from his mouth and rubbed his head as he sat back nervously...

"Rubbed you a little raw with that huh?" Rondell said. "So how many cubs did you fuck?"

"Rondell?" Cathy warned.

"Look...I think we should talk about it? Maybe that's part of the issue? Between organized therapy and just every day....Will never confronts the honest truth? Therapists always bounce around the park because they have "money" to protect." Rondell said.

"The problem is that we can't talk about it.....with all the graphic details." Will huffed. "You'll keep triggering the shit out of me." He stood up and walked around. "I don't understand at all...why the fuck me? How did I go from "ordinary" hard studying and well known to be good William Gray to a fucken pedophile? The only sexual contact I had before....was.......was licking her pussy." Will said as he pointed to Cathy.

"He means he was kissing me." Cathy said to Rondell snickering.

"The fuck he was." Rondell snorted back. "You never got molested?"

"No!" Will replied. "Maybe I did when I was younger like Alex and I'm just seriously deep down suppressing it? I had no "exploratory" play times with other males, I didn't do "show n tell" save with her and I fucken fainted with a nose bleed....that was the extent of my early foray into sex. That and sneaking looks at on-line porn and that was all guy/girl stuff."

Rondell pressed. "You're honest that it was all guy/girl porn?"

"Yes!" Will snapped.

"Well if you can lie about having secret stashes." Cathy said. "You can lie about what kind of porn you looked at too."

Will shook his head...."It was all guy/girl porn...I'm not lying."

Rondell patted his paws together..."You want to keep talking Will?"

Will leaned forwards and wiped his eyes..."I just don't know what the fuck to do. I can't get Alex out of my head. Suppressing it's been just draining...putting up a front hurts...I feel so fucken trapped."

"We'll just stop dude." Rondell said with a paw wave. "But I'm honest with you man, you need to press that therapist of yours to stop playing soft-ball and honestly help you and don't take this bull shit "AA" always recovering crap of theirs. You're not "in recovery" it's "You make it or you don't" bottom line. And it's not "their game" to win or lose's yours."

Cathy sat next to Will and gently rubbed his back. "We're here because we do care. We care about you, your family and especially you and Alex. We want you guys to have the relationship you used to have but bear in mind Will that it might never get back to exactly that no matter how you want it."

Will sighed...."All I want is to not think of him as a "girl" any more."

Thursday afternoon June 17, 2018 5 pm Ocean Pass

The Motel Cottonwood Room 7

Grace bobbed up and down with her maw wide open, her tongue licking over her teeth and deep moans, sighs and coos flowing from her hungry lips as she felt the knot working deep inside her pussy and the force of her husband thrusting into her from below....

"Gnah......huh.....huh...." She sounded as she fell forwards on her hands and ravenously kissed her husband, joining his tongue in a moist hot dance of love making and pleasure before another spasm of hot cum surged into her inners. She collapsed against his hard furry chest and lay kissing and licking his snoot and maw as they were locked together on the floor by his pulsing knot....

" haven't lost it at all." Grace said as she squeezed herself over his shaft...."Mmmm...I needed this...."

Gordon softly rubbed her shoulders..."You're as hot the day I first met you." He said lovingly as he licked over her face and kissed her..."Ugh....I'm done...." The big wolf sighed as he slowly moved to sit and gestured his wife to sit on his lap..."Ouch! I almost forgot I had a knot.....eeeeesh....."

"Sorry." Grace said as she pulled up fast....

"YIE! YIE! YIE!" Gordon yelped as he struggled to keep Grace from pulling his prick off....."Hold on! Ow......" Gordon snorted. "Better call room service for ice and KY."

Grace snickered...."Nothing wrong with spending some quality time tied together." She said as he ran a finger over Gordon's sweat covered chest..." stink."

"Giggles"...."Of sex and no shame." Gordon replied as he cupped his hands under Grace's behind and squeezed her ass lobes. "So what do you think this time? Twins? Triplets? Maybe a pair of girls, that would be nice."

"I think the two we've had are a chore enough." Grace said as she rubbed her husband's cheeks. "So?...Was Alex?"

Gordon nodded..." looks true but right now I want to leave all our troubles behind for a moment because I'm being distracted by a set of sweet wolf tits."

Gordon moved his lips down to suckle on a nipple as his wife gasped..."I don't want to stay locked forever Gordon?"

" cock decides when I'm done girl so you just have to suffer through it..." Gordon said as he began to slowly thrust again against his wife's open hips.

Thursday evening June 17, 2018 7 pm Ocean Pass

87 Shepherd Street Home of the Gray family

Chancy walked into the bed room where Alex lay on his bed in his lockable one-zee playing a hand game...

"Hey sport." Chancy said as he grabbed the chair by the study desk and sat leaning against the back.

"Hi Uncle." Alex replied somewhat moapingly downcasted.

Chancy put the PJ's that were in his hands to the side. "So? want to talk a little about this afternoon?"

Alex put the game down and lay for a moment looking at the ceiling before he sat up and turned to face his uncle...

"You alright?" Chancy asked. "Don't hold it in Alex, tell me how you're feeling? Be honest with me?"

Alex looked down to the side..."I guess you know more than I wanna say."

"Well...." Chancy replied pursing his lips. "It's not every day your nephew is trying to get in your pants."

Alex cringed...."I'm fucken ashamed of myself."

"You're acting out." Chancy snorted back. "Which may or may not be something steered by your subconsciousness..."

"I don't think having wet dreams of your Uncle fucking you up the ass is something "steered"!" Alex huffed back. "Damn!"

Chancy thought for a moment..."Must be some seriously crazy dreams?"

"They're happening when I'm awake Uncle!" Alex snapped then he turned his back to Chancy...."I feel like shit."

"Which is positive." Chancy said. "If you didn't? I'd be sleeping with my door locked."

Chancy dropped the PJ's next to Alex. "Go on...get out of those stupid one-zees."

Alex turned back around. "After this, you're going to trust me to wear regular pajamas?"

"Give me a reason not too?" Chancy said. "I don't see a hard on."

Alex closed his legs to his chest...."Uncle! What the fuck?!"

"And that reaction is assuring." Chancy said smiling.

"Go on and get the fuck out of my room?" Alex yelped.

Chancy walked to the doorway. "By the way? There's a cake and a tub of ice cream out here and I swear they keep calling for you? You going to sit here sulking or come make a pig of yourself?"

Alex quickly got dressed in his PJ's and joined Chancy in the living room with a big hunk of cake and a goey mess mix of stuff over two scoops of Vanilla...

"I should act out more often!" Alex snickered then looked at Chancy and waved his hands...."I'm joking Uncle!"

"It's Chancy, kido." Chancy replied as he looked at his watch. "Your parents should be settling down about now?"

Alex sighed...."My brother and I have put them through so much shit."

"You don't know your mother like I do kid. She's far tougher than she lets on at times when she's upset, I know that well. Caused her nothing but grief as the babe in the family. You never heard of the kidnap story."

Alex's ears popped up. "Who got kidnapped?"

Chancy pointed to himself. "Your's truly. It wasn't so much a kidnapping as it was my stupid little ass falling for the old "ice cream" truck trick of a pit bull named Wess Biller. He was a serious pedo rapist, had worked three different counties in a month. I got in and he took off."

"Holy shit." Alex said. "How old were you?"

"Five" Chancy replied. "Your Mom was 14. She saw me get in, the truck left and she was the only one in the house. "Boom!" four legs and feral she chased down the truck, jumped through the side door in the driver cabin and mauled Biller. Caused the truck to tip over with me in the back. He beat the snot out of her, broke her leg and threw her into the street before the cops blew him to shreds...I thought your mom was dead."

"He didn't touch you?" Alex asked.

"Didn't get near first base." Chancy snorted. "You're Mom still has the scar on her right calf from the surgery. She's bar and pins from the hip to her knee, that's how bad Biller hurt her but all she could think about was me....that's all she cared about. And every night she cries about you and Will because she blames herself for not doing enough....which is why she needs this time alone with your Dad."

Chancy pushed a finger in Alex's chest..."You should think about that every day. Will should be thinking about that every second if he wants to stop the bull shit he's going through. And I don't want to hear any more self-destructive talk from you two...that's just adding to your poor mom's pain."

Alex finished his desert and stood up..."I'm sorry I had those sick dreams about you Uncle Chancy..."

Chancy gave Alex a chest punch. "You'll make it kid. You got more of your mother in you than your father. I think you'll end up surprising even yourself. Now go and get to bed."

Alex hugged Chancy and walked to his room.

Thursday evening June 17, 2018 7 pm Ocean Pass

The Motel Cottonwood Room 7

One last gasp and the knot popped from Grace's vagina along with a thick oozing flow of cum behind it as she spilt the contents of two hours worth of tied intercourse on the floor and collapsed in a tired, panting form with her husband slowly dragging himself over her to kiss on her neck....

"You alright?" Gordon asked softly as he suckled on her nape....

"Mmmm.....define that?" She replied softly...."I needed this "alright"." She said as she tried to at least get to her hands and knees and found that a bother so she flopped down and rolled onto her back...."Wow.....I'm soaked."

"Not bad for an old wolf huh?" Gordon said licking his teeth. "Mmm...the great flood." He said as he played a finger around the pool of cum that formed under his wife's behind..."We have to get a good size litter out of this performance."

Grace lifted her legs up and rubbed over her sore pussy..."Guess again? Remember I got my tubes tied during your last deployment?"

Gordon sighed...."Oh yeah....shit."

"We agreed remember? Will and Alex were the only ones?" Grace sat up and frowned...."Don't tell of your thinking Gordon....don't you even hint at what might be going through your brain right now?"

Gordon stood up..."You're's callus."

Grace tried to stand up but stumbled into her husband's arms..."Sheesh, you paralyzed me..."

"That's usually what happens when you experience the good doggie fuck of the Gordon-ater?" Gordon snickered.

"Shut up." Grace snorted. "I'm mad at you now because you dared to think our children were defective?!"

"It was just a short thought Grace...really....we have been through a lot." Gordon yelped as she broke from him and walked into the bathroom slamming the door behind her...

"Grace? Honey......come on?" Gordon begged.

"You sit on that bed and think about what you thought about our sons Gordon Gray! I can't believe you'd even think such a thing!" Grace snapped back.

"Grace?" Gordon begged softly.

"No!" Grace snapped. "Fuck you and sit Gordon! I can't believe I let you inside me!"

Gordon sagged and flopped onto the floor next to the bathroom door. "Well sheesh Grace, I'm a mess out here."

"You got a tongue! Lick yourself clean like the dog you are!" Grace replied angrily.

Gordon sagged...."Oh......fuck me."

Thursday evening June 17, 2018 7 pm Ocean Pass

73 Russell Street Apartment 210

Cathy and Rondell shared a pot pipe between them but of course....Will couldn't smoke pot, part of his probation requirements and they would piss test for that...

But Khat was another story. Khat came from Africa and it was a super potent version of "street nips" so common to felines in Junior High and High School. Though not as potent on canines as it was on cats...Khat still had a very potent "kick in the boo boo" as Will found out as he sat in the lounger after having chewed a small stalk of the natural narcotic...

Cathy removed it from his lips..."Not too much and not too often. You don't need to get hooked on this stuff."

Will looked at his tail through his cargo shorts and reached out to take it in his hands... "Hello old friend." He said to it softly as he snuggled it on his cheek...."I'd chase you all the time....knock over things...knock mom over....and put such nasty bites in you....." Will kissed his tail..."I lub you.....I'm sowee I hurt you."

Rondell giggled...."He's fucked up."

Cathy waved a hand in wills face...."Top it!" The high wolf teen snapped. ""

"You feeling alright?" Cathy asked.

"NO!" Will huffed. "I hurt my little brother....mmmm....why did I think he was so hot looking? Why did he have to be so fucken cute?"

Cathy leaned against the easy chair...."What got you thinking like this with him?"

"I dunno." Will replied looking drunk as his body swayed. "He had a sweet voice at ten years old...sang like an angel. Ever had a really bad headache? He came in and sang this old Michael Jackson song...."Never can say good bye.".....mmmm put me right to sleep....and.....he acted all girlish....I just couldn't resist you know?....After we slept together on the lake side? I couldn't help myself....he was just sooooo hawt. He even visited me at night in my room and asked me if I wanted to fuck his hole and he was all hot and seductive about it at like seven years old....

Will pounded the armrest...."Fuck! Fuck, fuck,! Gawd damn it no!" Will started to hyperventilate as Cathy jumped up and took his hands...."Will! Will....I'm sorry......I'm sorry......" Cathy took a paper lunch bag and slowly placed it over Will's snoot....."Too much, too fast.....I'm sorry....."

"Breath Will......" Rondell said as he rubbed Will's shoulders. "Come on man....breath..."

After a little bit....Will dropped his head between his legs....."Holy fuck." He said gasping....."Holy fuck this shit is intense."

"I think Peyote would have been worse." Rondell replied.

Cathy gave Will a chance to sit back in his chair and relax...."You said Alex came into your room? When did that start?"

Will wiped his wet forehead and winced..."I thought I might have just been dreaming or it was part of when we were doing things but....fuck.....I swear Alex was doing it earlier than that because sometimes I'd catch him walking around my room buff and I'd be like 13 years old and it was like a dream to me."

Cathy looked at Rondell and twisted her face. "How vivid were these dreams?"

Will replied. "Like real as hell. Alex was just standing over my face asking me if I wanted to fuck him in the tail hole or fuck his mouth. I didn't tell anyone because....well because I connected all of it to the specific time when he was 10 to 13."

Cathy patted Will's hands. "You just drink some water and let this stuff drain out of your system ok? I think tomorrow we need to sit with your Dad and your Uncle about this."

Thursday evening June 17, 2018 9 pm Ocean Pass

The Motel Cottonwood Room 7

Grace knelt down over her husband who had gone four legged and curled himself up by the bathroom door...

"Gordon? What are you doing?" She asked.

"The floor is where the dog sleeps when he's in the dog house?" Gordon replied.

Grace gave him a slap. "Oh! Get up off that dirty floor and shower you fool? You stink."

Gordon got to his feet and his wife took him by the hand into the bathroom and into the tub where she ran the shower head...."Like I can stay angry at you for long?"

"Well? I was being callas." Gordon replied as Grace lathered him up with blue dog shampoo.

I was wrong to snap at you like I did." Grace said as she lifted his tail and plunged a finger into his anus..."

"UGH FUCK WOMAN?!" Gordon snapped.

"The professional groomers clean your glands all the time you big baby." Grace snorted as she spayed her husband's rear end with the shower head. She looked around at his dick and laughed...."No response huh? Not your type?"

"Stop being silly?" Gordon snorted. He then felt something slippery and warm move over his anus and reached back to slap Grace...."Cut that out!"

"Oh really Gordon?" Grace snorted. "You never clean yourself?"

"That's me girl!" Gordon huffed. "Not you!"

Grace snatched her husband's wagging tail and gave it a good jerk up....

"YIE....YIE.....YIE.....!" Gordon stiffened and rose on the balls of his feet..."Grace!" He snapped as he fell against the wall...."Damn!"

Grace brushed her tongue against her husband's anal opening. "Just was curious as to what the fuss is about with males enjoying a good anal licking." She said as she gripped her husbands flailing arms and held him still as her tongue massaged his pucker....

"Fuck Grace...." Gordon said as he pushed her back and supported himself by leaning against the shower wall. "That's enough way over stimulation for one day. And that's just weird...cut it out?"

Grace stood up and embraced her husband....

"Don't you kiss me with that maw woman!" Gordon snorted.

"And here you were wanting an exotic and fun evening you." Grace said as she doe'd her eyes at her husband. "Finish up and come to bed you stud."

After a few minutes....Gordon came out of the bathroom to dim light, candles and his wife sitting in bed wide legged with whip cream and a cherry poured over her pussy...

"Desert you foul and wicked beast?" Grace snickered.

Gordon felt his cock growing from his sheath..."How many times are you wanting to take a shower tonight Grace?"

"Who cares? Who's paying the utilities in this place?" Grace snickered. "Come and get my 57 flavors you hungry mutt?"

Gordon climbed onto the bed..."You call me a mutt again Grace and we're gonna tangle."

The female wolf snickered evilly...."Do you want to "hard mate" me and see if we can destroy the room? Do a little four legged dog fighting where you have to work to mount me?"

Gordon thought...."Nah....I'd win too easily."

As Grace felt her husband's tongue once again lapping warmly over her snatch, she looked over at the door to the room and sighed...."I hope Alex is doing alright."

"If your brother can't watch him, no one can." Gordon said as he tickled Grace's clit and scooped up the cherry with his tongue. "Right's not that important is it?"

Thursday evening June 17, 2018 11:47 pm Ocean Pass

87 Shepherd Street Home of the Gray family

Chancy rolled slowly around on his bed, fluffed his pillows and buried his head into the puffs. So far things had been quiet, no murmuring from Alex's room, no sounds or signs of distress or discomfort...then the sounds of tapping or pattering feet coming up fast on his bed caused Chancy to shoot up from being prone...years of training to perfect a rapid response to any threat kicked in...

And a blur in the dim light of of the house got caught by his eyes at the last second. The last second before something sliced into his left side and buried itself into his body...

"YIE! YIE! YIE! YIPE! YIPE!" Chancy let out a horrible squeal and screech as he threw the offender from off the bed and went to hold onto whatever had cut into him...

He winced in searing pain and shook his head as he tried to focus on whoever attacked him and his crying howls and squeals finally got Alex out of his fog filled haze where he suddenly screamed and yelped while trying to reach for the butcher knife now lodged in his Uncle's side....

"NO! NO! NO! DON'T FUCKEN TOUCH IT!" Chancy screamed....

Alex yiped and squealed painfully....his ears downcast, his tail tucked, his face full of horror as he cried.....

Chancy took a breath....thank gawd the blade hadn't sliced into his lung, that was good. Chancy tightened his muscles to hold the blade still and fixed and hold back any bleeding that might be going on besides the visible trickles of blood rolling from his wound.....

"Alex! Alex! Stop crying!" Chancy said firmly yet softly. "Stop crying kid...."

Alex shook violently...."Oh my gawd.....Uncle?!.......Uncle?!......" The wolf cub sobbed.

Chancy took a deep breath....."Alex? Go to the kitchen, get the left overs and throw them all over this room ok? Can you do that for me?"

"But why?" Alex cried.

"Just do it?" Chancy replied as he slowly reached for his smart phone. "Alex? Stop sitting like a rock and do what I told you? Now please?"

Alex cringed...."But're bleeding?"

Chancy sighed....."Alex? This really fucken hurts right now, I would like to call 911, please do what I told you right the fuck now kid?"

Alex tripped and fell over himself out of the bedroom as Chancy dialed 911.....

June 17, 2018 11:54 pm 911 Dispatch call...

Dispatcher: 9...1....1... What are you reporting?

Caller: Hello? My name is Chancy Weaver....I live at 87 Shepherd Street in Ocean Pass and we've had a bad accident at the house. My nephew was bringing me a late night dinner and he tripped over my combat boots which this dumb ass who should be a shit hot Marine left in the middle of the floor? Well by dumb luck when my poor Nephew tripped? The knife he had on the tray? Well now it's in my shoulder down to the guard.

Dispatcher: Where is the knife now sir?

Caller: It's stuck in my left side....about five inches down from my shoulder and an inch in from my arm pit....Alex? Stop's not your fault. No....I'm not going to die kid. Please hurry operator, my nephew's super upset.

Dispatcher: Sir? Emergency services and the police are on the way. Are you experiencing any pain?

Caller: Well duh....I have a knife buried in me like it tickles. Well of course it hurts Mam! Shit! I get home from Afghanistan to get skewered in bed? Damn!

Dispatcher: Don't move sir and don't remove the knife.

Caller: No....really?.....I'm gonna pull it out, finish my steak and do a fucken Irish Wolf Hound Jig.

Chancy looked over at Alex as he sat crying...."Alex? You need to buck up kid. You need to get your story right ok? STOP THE FUCKEN CRYING!"

"But....." Alex said sobbing....."Oh my gawd!"

"Alex? Listen to me....listen to me and stop the fucken crying." Chancy snarled. "I'm not going to die, nothing vital got came in here, you tripped on my combat boots and the knife hit me by accident....say it kid?"

Alex sniffled...."Mmmm.....mmmffff......I came in the bedroom.....I tripped on your boots.....I stabbed my uncle!"

"Shut up!" Chancy snapped. "Shut up! You fucken blow this and so help say what happened and stop fucken crying!"

Alex wiped his eyes...."I tripped on your boots and the knife hit you."

"That's good." Chancy yelped. "Now....go wet a towel, bring it here and help hold this knife in place ok? I'm gonna call Mister Quinn and get him to come over and watch you."

Alex sobbed..."I don't want you to die...."

"I'm not going to die kid." Chancy said. "Now go get that towel for me?"

Friday morning June 18, 2018 12:02am Ocean Pass

87 Shepherd Street Home of the Gray family

Quinn came running to the bedroom where Alex was leaning over Chancy holding a wrapped towel around the knife handle....

"Holy shit." Quinn gasped. "You wasn't kidding about fucked up were you?"

"Nice huh?" Chancy snorted. "Up she flipped and I wasn't half up from laying down and "Thock!" Chancy moved his un-injured hand over Alex's soaked face...."Easy kid... Quinn? Alex is super terrified. He keeps crying that he stabbed me and he's sorry. I want to make sure the cops understand what happened. Obviously the kid trashed my dinner but he did the right things....didn't touch the knife and grabbed a towel...he's a hero."

Alex shook his head as his mouth quivered.

"Yes you are...shut up." Chancy warned as the first EMT's came into the room. "Quinn? Go ahead and take him out?"

Quinn picked up Alex and hugged him as Officer Sirus came into the house. "Hey Quinn? What happened?"

"Super freaky accident man. Put this one in the Ripley's book. Alex was bringing his uncle dinner? Tripped on the man's combat boots? Up went a big steak knife and "clock" right into his uncle's shoulder. Alex is really upset over it so....I'd like to take him to my house for the rest of the night? At least till his parents get home?"

Sirus nodded. "This place is becoming super police popular." He patted Alex on his head. "Oh man.....the kids shivering like crazy. Want me to call his juvie rep?"

"I don't think we'll need that, me and my wife can take care of him." Quinn said as he carried Alex out of the house...

Friday morning June 18, 2018 12:17am Ocean Pass

73 Russell Street Apartment 210

Cathy came into Wiil's room and shook him awake..."Will? Get up." She said excitedly.

"Mmph....what?" Will asked as he swung himself to the side of his bed.

"Your Uncle's been rushed to St. Mary's Emergency." Cathy said as she tossed Will his pants. "He's got a knife wound in his shoulder."

"What?" Will replied as he struggled with his pants. "Where'd he get that? What about my parents? Alex?"

"Everyone else is ok." Cathy said. "My Dad says it was an accident and my parents have your brother. Hurry up and we'll take you there."

Friday morning June 18, 2018 12:22am Ocean Pass

The Motel Cottonwood Room 7

Gordon wanted to throw the smart phone against the wall. Grace was exhausted and well pleasured, Gordon was sleeping absolutely soundly and the damned smart phone was playing "Anchors Away" which had the growling wolf now regretted making his call ring....

"Mmmffff....Gordon Gray?" Gordon spoke into the phone, then almost dropped it in shock....."What?! When?! How?! Where's Alex?!"

Grace woke up...."What?" She asked sleepishly.

Gordon looked at her...."Your brother's at St. Mary's Emergency...he's got a knife wound."

Grace struggled with the covers to get out of the bed...."Oh my gawd! What happened? Where's Alex?"

Gordon listened as Grace struggled to get her clothes on. "It was an accident. Your brother didn't get it in a vital spot. Alex is with Quinn and his wife."

"Well...get your clothes on Gordie and let's get to the hospital!" Grace begged. "Oh my little brother...."

Gordon grabbed Grace by her shoulders...."Calm down Grace...Chancy's going to be alright, Quin said he was up and talking."

Grace paced the floor as Gordon snatched up his clothes. "What kind of accident causes you to get a knife wound?"

"I've seen people get cut just by standing in the wrong place in rough seas." Gordon replied. "So much for a nice interlude."

Grace wrapped her arms around her husband and kissed him..."You are fantastic."

"I was hoping you'd say I was superwolf." Gordon replied smirking. "I feel cheated."

Grace play slapped him and grabbed his arm. "Come on?"

Friday morning June 18, 2018 12:40am Ocean Pass

St. Mary's Emergency Hospital

Will, Cathy and Rondell entered the hospital and walked up to the front desk where a pair of Otters worked the phones and receptions...

" name is William Gray. My Uncle Chancy Weaver's been brought in for a knife wound?"

The otter Will was talking to had a phone stuck to her ear and was holding her hand up...."Sir? It might be a good idea to make sure what kind of grass you have around your home before your son goes grazing? Well....goats will eat anything Sir....that's why you're a goat. Rag weed causes upset stomach Sir but your son's not going to die. Oh... he ate Scotch broom? Then I advise you to bring him in Sir because the diarrhea he's about to have will not be pleasant to deal with. Your welcome Sir..."

The otter put the phone down and turned to her partner. "Hey Mona? Do we have a Chancy Weaver admitted?"

The other otter checked her registry. " surgery....knife wounding....Doctor Rafiki attending."

The otter Will was talking to pointed...."The surgery waiting room is down that hall Sir to your left. The others with you are obviously not immediate family?"

"Well...." Will replied. "They have to be with me?" He pointed to his wrist band.

"Very well." The otter replied. "They may go with you."

It wasn't long after that Grace and Gordon arrived and walked into the waiting room where Will, Rondell and Cathy were sitting with coffee. Will gave his parents hugs, then Will walked with Gordon out of the room...

"Do you know what happened?" Gordon asked.

"Cathy's Dad said it was a freak accident." Will replied. "Alex was bringing Chancy something to eat, he tripped on Chancy's combat boots and the knife flew threw the air and nailed him."

Gordon twisted his face...."Now that's just crazy. Are you ok?"

Will sighed...."Dad? Cathy's been helping me and I'm starting to remember some very fucked up shit and.....well I don't know if its' real memories or what? But...around the time I was 12 or 13? Alex was coming into my bedroom and trying to seduce me."

Gordon scratched his head..."You passed a lie detector test about you having any sexual contact with Alex at a younger age?"

"Dad...there was no contact....not physical between us any way. I mean Alex was doing some perverted stuff. I thought maybe I was just tripping or its the result of..."

Gordon looked at Will. "It's vital information we can use. At least it's helping you open up more Son....that's a good thing."

Gordon saw a doctor go into the waiting room and pulled Will back with him.

The baboon moved to let Gordon and Will sit..."Good morning...I am Doctor Rafiki. I have very good news...Chancy came through surgery fine. The knife did not cut anything vital which is a blessing. He is being moved to a room and you can all see him in the morning once he wakes up."

Grace sagged with relief and held her Husband's hand. "We need to go get Alex." She said worried.

Friday morning June 18, 2018 1:24 am

107 Shepherd Street Quinn Family home

The Quinn boys stood at the door to their bedroom while their Dad sat with Alex as he suckled on his pacifier...

"Dad? Is he alright?" Peter asked.

"Obviously not right now." Quinn replied. "He's shaking like a leaf."

Alex buried his face in Quinn's fur and sobbed...."I tried to kill my Uncle..."

"For the last time was an accident." Quinn said as he petted the young wolf. "Do you want some water? Juice?"

Alex shook his head and clung tighter to Quinn as his wife came in..."Gordon just called me, he and Grace are almost here."

Quinn looked down at Alex..."Wanna see your parents?"

Alex nodded as Quinn stood up and held the sobbing wolf in his arms. "Alex? You did not try to kill your uncle, it was an accident."

Grace was the first one through the front door and she reached out and took Alex into her arms and snuggled him...."Oh baby are you ok?"

Alex sobbed back...."I'm sorry Mom..."

Grace looked at Laynah Quinn and smiled..."Thanks Laynah."

"He keeps blaming himself, poor thing." Laynah replied.

Grace looked at Alex. "Oh honey...would you like Mom to give you a nice hot bath and make you feel better?"

Gordon turned his head. "Grace?"

She frowned at him. "Gordon? Don't come between a mother and her cub. This is time for some motherly affection."

Gordon wasn't going to argue. He turned to Quin as Grace left with Alex....

"Mmmmm....."Gordon groaned. "Bull shit story."

"Yeah...." Quinn replied. "Absolute Bull Shit Vodka."

"Guess we'll know more from Chancy in the morning when he wakes up." Gordon said.

Quinn placed a hand on Gordon's shoulder. "Don't sleep too heavily for the rest of the night. By the way? Too bad it got interrupted but how was your "gift" did you like the room?"

Gordon snickered...."We did but the hired help is going to call hazmat on this one."

Quinn smiled. "You busy dog..."

"Mmmm.....mmmm......I am the Great Dane of sexual pleasures baby....and for a wolf that's pretty talented."

End of Part 4