New Easter Bunnies

Story by Drakh on SoFurry

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Little story involving bunnies :3 Because it is Easter, after all.

If you a...

Little story involving bunnies :3 Because it is Easter, after all.

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A high pitched voice screamed out something about not stopping believing and something about feelings, inciting Catie to slam her palm down onto her bedside stereo. Catie loved the song, but at 7:00 A.M. on a Sunday morning it wasn't what she wanted to hear.

Her boyfriend Charles obviously agreed, confirmed by an audible grunt and sigh that ended when the music stopped.

Catie knew that Charles wouldn't be getting up to make breakfast this Easter morning, so she figured she would go ahead and cook him up an Easter morning surprise.

With a yawn she rolled out from under the sheets, dressed solely in some panties and a bra.

She walked into the kitchen and began pulling pans out of the cabinets to cook up some bacon and eggs. She cracked three eggs into the skillet along with several slices of bacon and went to start making coffee. Or she did until she spotted something out of place on the kitchen table.

There were two boxes, one labeled "To Catie" and the other addressed to Charles. Maybe this was one of Charles' jokes, he must have put them there. Or this was Catie's assumption, anyway, since she didn't believe in the easter bunny.

She grabbed hers and opened the wrapping. Inside was a candy box; It was a huge chocolate egg! But not just any chocolate egg, this one was filled with "Stocky Gooey Goodness" as the box said. The egg was wrapped in a shiny piece of foil and Catie made short work of the box to get the egg out.

When Catie had extracted the egg it seemed larger while she was holding it, about as long as a T.V. remote. She giggled with childishness, biting off the very top of the egg to get to the sticky gooey goodness inside.

After breaking through the shell the filling inside began to ooze out. Catie frantically licked it all up as it came out to prevent dripping and realized it tasted excellent. It was sweet, gooey, and felt a bit warm on her tongue. As she swallowed the contents of the egg it left her throat feeling tingly and wonderful.

When she finished she licked her lips, desperate for any lingering amount of the delicious goo. "Charles!" she sung out to her boyfriend, "The easter bunny brought you a present!

Charles peeked one eye open. What was she talking about? He figured Catie was probably just trying to be cute, probably trying to use the Easter Bunny's gift as an excuse to give him an early morning blow job or something. Catie was like that.

A blow job would be better than most anything else in his mind at the moment, so he got out of bed and walked into the kitchen. "What is it?" he asked her with a yawn.

She grinned at him, "I should be asking you the same thing. Did you put these here?" Catie gestured to the opened package and the box left unopened which was addressed to Charles.

"Uh... No?" Charles answered befuddled, "What are they"

"These AMAZING chocolate eggs with a sweet creamy filling. They taste wonderful. Here, try yours!"

Catie handed Charles the package and went back to cooking the eggs and bacon.

Charles opened his egg up and took a bite, sucking out all of the insides. "Wow, that was really good! I wonder who put these there..."

He received no answer, however, as Catie was lost in her own thoughts. She was idly rubbing her crotch, there was a strange and uncomfortable warmth down there. Similar things had happened to her before, but only when she was really horny.

Although, she knew what she could do about it. The itchy burning inside her was starting to become a ravaging hunger, making her rub harder and deeper at herself.

Catie turned to Charles, and he noticed something strange about her. Something about her attitude seemed needy, animalistic. Catie practically tackled him onto the kitchen tile floor, jerking his boxers off of him as quickly as possible.

He was sporting an amazing case of morning wood which Catie quickly enveloped in her mouth. She licked up and down the length, sucking on his head each time she came to it. 'Well, called it...' Charles thought to himself. She was amazing at blow jobs so he just laid back on the floor and let her get to work.

Damp warmth surrounded his shaft as Catie plunged the entire thing into her mouth, sucking up and down furiously on It. Being involved in something sexual now made her feel better, but she could still feel a hunger deep inside of her.

Before Charles could cum, however, (and to his obvious despair) Catie stopped her ministrations and sat up. She removed her panties and directed his prick towards her burning, dripping opening.

Catie opened her mouth in a moan as she slid down on him, was it just her or deed he seem bigger than normal? While her mouth was opened Charles noticed something else strange; Her two front teeth were larger, a perfect set of pristine white buckteeth.

The oddity of it didn't seem to register in his brain anyway, since he just kept thrusting into his girlfriend's tight opening.

Her entire body was on fire, her skin was burning, and her muscles felt funny. Tension in her lower back was released when she felt a peculiar stretching on the small of her back. Catie looked behind her and to her surprise found a puffy little pink bunny tail.

Catie thought it was adorable, and it didn't alarm her in the slightest. Besides, sating that awful burning in her nether-regions was way more important.

Charles noticed something else, pink fur appeared to be growing over Catie's entire body. A soft, wonderful pink fur that he actually thought made her look even sexier. What he didn't know, though, was he now had fur of his own of a soft baby blue.

With a gasp Catie could feel her bra stretching as her breasts seemed to expand, pulling her bra to the limits. What were appreciable C's before were now D's and still going. The newfound largeness in her chest area made her incredibly uncomfortable so she sliced her bra off with semi-blunt claws she hadn't known she had prior.

Catie's ears had moved to the top of her head, pink, huge, and floppy, a perfect set of bunny ears. Catie's face stretched and popped while converting into a short boxy muzzle with an adorable little pink nose on the end. Her hands had followed a path to more like paws, while her feet had become the huge cartoonish things that she would associate with rabbits.

Her body felt wonderful, the new and foreign pleasures pushing her closer and closer to the edge of climax.

Charles watched in amazement as his girlfriend was transforming into a sexy pink bunny, somewhat aware of his own changes to a studly blue bunny. He moaned out loudly, feeling his cock surge and expand till he knew it was way larger than anything he had seen before.

slamming this new length in and out of Catie made her scream in pleasure and delight, holding onto him for support.

Charles had a tail, ears, and paws of his own now, the two bunnies fucking away blissfully without a single care.

Charles could feel himself tensing up, ready to climax. With a long moan he did, blasting Catie full of his seed for a good 30 seconds. with each pump of seed into her, Catie climaxed again, her juices pouring out onto Charles.

Their sexual fluids were unusually gooey, and as Catie licked some up that had sprayed onto Charles' face she realized it tasted like the filling of the chocolate eggs.

Catie could feel something changing inside her, a feeling she guessed was eggs forming. Bunnies bred really quickly, didn't they? But she somehow knew they wouldn't be live young, but that her eggs would be chocolate and filled with more of that delicious goo.

The two bunnies took hold of each other, Catie going down on Charles again to see if she could get any more of that wonderful cream filling...

"Happy Easter, love" Catie moaned out to her lover.