Big Boss Horse

Story by Mahiri Morahan on SoFurry

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#67 of Commissions

Vore stuff for Miranda Arqayla, featuring her character Grant!

An office job is already boring enough. Having a constant distraction trotting back and forth all day is putting Cass in a mood she just can't push away. Even if making the moves on her huge, hung, quadruped horse boss might be a bad idea on her first day. And not because she might get fired.

Contains: Office-set sex between an anthro cow with a dick and a giant quadruped horse, cum inflation, casual vore, digestion, and disposal.

It wasn't fair. Cass had aced the interview, mostly undistracted by the subtly flirty tone of the pretty vixen who conducted it. Yet now that she was settled in at her desk she could hardly focus on a single thing. Not when she was that flustered, hardly able to keep the skirt she had so unwisely chosen as her first day's attire from rising right up with her arousal. It wasn't just a matter of being a bit turned on and unfocused. She was blatantly horny, outright hard, accomplishing absolutely nothing. And her situation was only getting worse every time her boss trotted by.

He wasn't wearing any pants. That wasn't unusual for quadrupeds around the workplace in her experience, but when he was a massive, thickly-set draft horse it meant that every time he was near she got a generous view of his assets. His long, swishing tail didn't do a great job of hiding those two plump nuts, or that thick donut, or that hefty, bouncing sheath. Whenever he was visible, she was staring at him. Even as a bovine herself, she couldn't help but be devastatingly, irresistibly attracted to him. And it almost seemed strange to her that no one else seemed to be stealing even a glance at him during his numerous trips outside of his office.

He was so broad, so powerful, yet so soft. Rippling with incredible equine strength and yet squishing and pudgy. Well-fed, no doubt. She wanted little more than to just press up close to him and see what her body did. Give herself over to sheer instinct. He hadn't even been flirting with her. All he had to do was exist, projecting that aura of handsome stallion charm, and he gave her a boner. Every minute that rolled by in her new workplace was one that she was spending occupied by fantasies of their bodies pressed close together, kissing, licking, touching, or whatever else.

There were definitely words on the screen in front of her, but that was about as far as she was getting when it came to being productive. Her body simply wasn't cooperating, thought it was productive in another way. Despite the considerable bulk to her form, and a somewhat masculine, heavy build, she'd chosen a pretty feminine outfit for her debut. And that meant just sitting there, letting her hard-on pulse away had her outright soaking those girly panties that were so tightly wrapped around the inches of her cock. Just as she was starting to think she was going to have to slip off to the bathroom just to rub one out so she could relax and not embarrass herself on her very first day in the office, her desk phone gave a buzz.

"Boss would like to see you," came Lilith's stoic voice.

The vixen had been just a little bit of a tease during the interview, but she also had a slightly unsettling stone-faced quality to her. Like there was nothing that could shake her calm demeanour. Not that Cass didn't want to fuck her, cum on her, make her scream, and all that. But, you know. She could deal with that urge and wait to see if their professional relationship might eventually lead to that. It was different with Grant, that great big stallion. She wasn't sure how she was going to deal with working every single day in the presence of that so casually tempting stud.

Nor was she sure how she was going to deal with her boner. She snorted out as she glanced down at it. If she stood, she was going to be tenting that skirt almost completely inside out. But there was no settling down such an stubbornly pulsing shaft. So she just unbuckled her belt and tucked her dick up beneath it as best she could. Not the most subtle thing in the world but at least it was pretending to be modest. She walked a bit hunched over as she went, maybe just looking like she was suffering from some back pain. Which wasn't an infrequent thing for her, given the size of her bust, jiggling away beneath her button-up top. No bra could hold those fine cow tits still.

When she got to Lilith's desk, the vixen was wearing a very small smirk. She didn't make any comment on Cass' unusual gait, nor did she seem to notice the cow's obvious arousal.

"Hiya again. I'm not fired already am I?" Cass joked, and then immediately regretted it when the vixen didn't laugh.

Lilith's voice did remain friendly, at least for someone whose emotions seemed to muted. "Not at all. Grant simply prefers to greet every new hire personally to make sure they're getting settled in alright. You can go right on inside."

Cass was right about to stride inside, but she paused when she saw that tiny wink from the vixen. That made her grin.

"Careful," Lilith cryptically added, her voice softer.

Not really sure what to make of that, Cass just nodded, pushing right through the expansive double doorway. A huge horse like him of course benefitted from a large set of doors to enter and exist his office, and it was equipped with a large strap rather than a doorknob so he could easily open it with his mouth. She was surprised to find him just casually standing behind his tall desk, rather than, oh, she didn't know, seductively splayed out on a giant bed or something. Not that he was any less attractive for it, being that finely-groomed, handsome draft horse in his adorable tie. She just wanted to smooch him on the spot.

"Good morning, Mister Richards," she began.

"You can feel quite free to call me Grant. Last name basis always sounds so formal." He gave her a warm, horsey smile. "Welcome to our humble workplace. I hope you have been comfortable so far."

"Oh, of course!" She nodded eagerly. "Still getting my hooves on the ground and all in truth but that shouldn't take me long."

"No worry, no worry. Everyone needs to take their time to get settled. I do apologize for interrupting your early workflow, but I find it helps if I meet everyone face to face. Certainly not my intention, but I have been told that some people find me intimidating to work with. I suppose it's the size!"

Cass chortled. "I get that, myself! Though I think you win in that department."

"Perhaps! But it's not a contest." He chuckled good-naturedly. "Is there anything around the office that's got you confused so far? I'm always happy to answer questions."

"I think I'm breaking into the flow alright so far," she said with a nod, and then paused. There was a bit of a lasting silence in the office, until she finally just cleared her throat. "So. Are we doing this?"

"What's that, Cass?" His smile became a bit more muted, but not because he was unamused.

"I mean. You called me in here for more than just a quick meet and greet, didn'tcha?"

He gave an amused nicker. "In total honesty, I always have nothing but innocent intentions when I arrange these meetings. Though they do seem to be commonly interpreted as an invitation. Well then. If you have no further questions, we are comfortably behind closed doors.I don't see why we can't get to know each other even better."

That made Cass give a laugh.

"You know, I hadn't really expected it to be like this. Figured it for more of a, say, blowjobs for promotions kind of situation."

"That would be an entirely inappropriate use of authority. Office blowjobs are strictly a private exchange of pleasure between two people who happen to be coworkers."

"That's awful sweet of you." Cass grinned broadly as she stepped forward, reaching out to run a hand along his hide, fingers brushing through his mane. "Just gonna ask 'cause it's been on my mind all day. You like rimjobs?"

"Why yes I do!"


He trotted out from behind his desk, taking up the majority of the room. It wasn't a small office, but even the spacious surroundings were no match for his general heft. He was even bigger than he looked from afar. But she wasn't going to let that dissuade her. Standing near to the perfect height, she just ran her fingers down his sides as she made her way around behind him. This wasn't how she envisioned her first day going, but there was no way she was backing down. Not once she got her hands on that juicy rump, getting a perfect view of everything she desired when he flagged his tail up in her face, letting it drape right over her shoulder.

She didn't waste time admiring it, as easy as that would have been. Such a fine set of haunches, leading right up to that soft prize of a donut. Time to show him just what a cow tongue could do. She started with his balls. Those two plump orbs, heavy upon her palms when she hefted them in both hands. They carried a warm, rich musk, gifted to her when she dragged her tongue along their smooth surface. Up in between, and over each of them in turn. She made sure not to miss a single detail, a single crevice, slurping, kissing, even sucking on them, or at least as much of them as she could get into her mouth at once. She wasn't afraid of drooling on them either, giving them a nice spit shine until her saliva was dribbling right down to the floor, accompanied by the most succulent of sounds.

There was plenty more to taste. And she was already feeling hooked on his flavour. It wasn't exactly cool in the office in the summer, even with the air conditioning going. And a horse of his size, well it took effort to move around all that weight. He was sweating, in short. There was a sheen of it working down his taint, landing right atop her tongue as she simply left it outstretched for a while. Accumulating that salty fluid, before she started slurping again, working up towards the thing she simply had to lick. She wasn't sure what it was about that bulky horse that made her want to rim him so badly, but there was no refusing such an opportunity.

Making sure to get as much of her tongue upon him as possible, she pushed her nose right up between the cheeks of his haunches, sniffed the base of his tail, and just started licking. The resulting slurps were messy and noisy enough that they probably could be heard right outside. But she didn't care who caught them. What were they going to do, fire her? She rimmed that plump horse until his thick hole was glistening, and when that wasn't enough she dug her tongue right inside and started eating his ass out. Her tongue might not have been the most nimble around, but it could certainly lick, and that's exactly what she did, inside and out, pumping back and forth in smooth, messy plunges of her slurper.

She was rewarded with a very obvious indication of his enjoyment when his cock dropped heavily from its sheath. Swinging back and forth, it was perfectly advertised for stroking. She grasped it tight, keeping her tongue inside him as she began to play with his fat dick, squeezing it until it was firm in her grasp. Then firmer, reaching such a hardness that it slapped right up against his belly with a splat of the pre that was already glistening there. That only added to the warming equine scents filling the office, and as much as she thought she couldn't get any harder, Cass was throbbing almost uncontrollably. She was going to break her damn belt at this rate.

Once she had pleasured him to the point his cock was giving throbs that ran right down to his sweaty taint, and his balls were tightly clenching right up to his body as if he was ready to cum at any second, she finally relented on the rimming. She licked her lips instead, enjoying his musk, his heat. Running her fingers up and down her meat, she had to wonder if it was even possible to do anything with such a tool other than simply touch. He was giving plenty of pre, allowing her to dab her fingers into his cockslit and smear them to the point of soaking. Then she was lubing up his shaft, considering whether she was crazy to even think about what she was thinking. Grant seemed to almost read her mind.

"I'll have you know my desk is reinforced," he simply said, and she got the idea.

Putting on a sultry smirk, she went slowly striding to the edge of her own boss' desk, planting her hands upon it. It was a tall piece of office furniture, coming up to her chest, but she leaned against it all the same. Some part of her was telling her she should really think about this a little longer before just submitting to it, but the part of her that won was lifting up her tufted tail, balancing her skirt upon its base. A rapid unfastening of her belt to release her confined cock, and quick little tug of her underwear and she was showing her rump to the gigantic horse. In those moments of anticipation, the masculine side to her build was particularly noticeable, with her bracing her body and flexing all her muscles extra tight.

"This is going to wreck me, isn't it?" she casually noted.

"Most likely," Grant admitted.

"Well, glad we cleared that up. Let's see what you've got."

She swung her tail a few times, giving him a better look at her butt. Her earlier efforts were swiftly rewarded, given right back as he pushed his broad snout right up under her tufted tail. That made her arch her back and jut her fine backside out for him, allowing the perfect angle for him to sniff at her sack and bring his tongue up beneath her balls. He wetly cupped them, letting them bounce and jostle there atop the broad surface of his tongue, smearing their flavour upon it. Then up he went, smooching her butt, then giving a smooth, powerful stroke of his tongue right against the hole he was planning to claim. Cass just pressed her fists down tighter, huffing out, shaking her hips as he so generously pleasured her and prepped her for what was surely going to be a wild fuck.

As confident as she was acting, she had to gasp briefly when he mounted up on her. It was such a sudden movement, all that weight launching towards the ceiling, only to come down on top of her briefly. Then he planted his hooves with a solid clop, balancing himself on his desk while he shoved his cock right up under her tail. Not quite accurate on the first hump, but he was grinding and thrusting to get himself in position while she just grunted and snorted out. He was joining in too, giving a pleased whinny when the broad flare of his shaft smacked right up against her flexing hole. That meant he could start pushing.

It wasn't that she screamed exactly, but she definitely made some sort of sharp, sudden sound from her throat once she felt him penetrating her with a solid pop of his flared tip. The it was simply a process of burying his many inches within her contracting depths, taking it slow by necessity but putting plenty of force into the effort, leaving her feeling his every throb rolling through her entire body, making her jiggle where she was plump. She was no stranger to being on bottom, even with some well-hung guys or gals, but he was the biggest horse she'd ever met. The biggest she'd ever even heard about. But with such size came strength, and that meant he had the horsepower, so to speak, to shove his gut-bulging cock right up inside of her. He stuffed her until she outright mooed for him, and he wasn't even halfway there yet.

While he continued sinking himself into her, leaving her writhing and panting as she splayed her upper body across his desk, he leaned his nose down and simply nudged at something. A crackle of a speaker and she heard the vixen's voice on the other end.

"What's up, Grant?"

"Would you come in for a moment? I think I'm ready to dictate tomorrow's memo."

"Right away."

Cass' cheeks turned red at the thought of getting ruined by the stallion in front of that pretty vixen. She was looking towards the door, her expression frozen while she waited for Lilith to enter. The fox didn't even seem to react to what she saw when she came through the door. Her expression didn't even shift for a second. She simply took a seat, placing a laptop upon her thighs, and typed up a few words. When she was done she offered a small smile to the two of them, but her attention was mostly on her boss.


He began casually listing off some very bland work-related talking points as if nothing was unusual. His voice only wavered slightly when he began thrusting deep into the cow. She wasn't really hearing any of it. The sound of his balls smacking up against her ass and the slick slide of his shaft in and out of her was all she cared about. She was well beyond vocal by the third thrust. At first she was grunting, huffing, trying to maintain some semblance of dignity while getting fucked by her stallion boss. But that quickly broke down into something more submissive, more overwhelmed as she yelped and whimpered in the initial shocks of pleasure. Hardly sounding like a bovine any longer, there was nothing deep or powerful about those little cries escaping from her throat.

Once she got used to that fat horsecock hammering against her prostate with its flare and medial ring alike, catching against that pleasure button again and again, she was more properly moaning. It was shaky, and a bit mooey too, but it was all good noise. All the sound of of a horny cow getting fucked absolutely stupid. He was slow at first, but he got going faster, and faster. The desk creaked and shifted beneath her, but it never gave way, even under all that weight and lust. Neither did she, holding fast, clenching down, and letting his shaft plunge in and out of her supple body until her breasts were bouncing right up under her chin with the force of every thrust impacting against her ass.

The wet slap slap was only getting louder, sweat and leaking pre mixing as they ran down the cow's ass and taint and along the crevice between her nuts, sliding right on down to the horse's own as they tapped against hers, making them jiggle. That forced him to raise his voice just so his secretary could hear him. He didn't lose pace, despite dividing his attention. And as for the vixen, she never stared, never even seemed to react. She was simply doing her job. Cass meanwhile was a mess. She was drooling, her tongue hanging over her lower lip. Her eyes were rolling back. She couldn't see or even think. There was only sensation and sound. And the scent of his stallion sweat, worked up in thicker beads as he rutted her hard enough to silence her moaning.

She was simply gritting her teeth, shaking, clenching down on his pounding shaft. Letting him plow into her body to the point she ought to have been broken. But she was a sturdy cow, and he knew it. That was why he was treating her so rough, surely. The whole room, maybe the whole building was shaking with those mighty thrusts like they were going to bring the walls down around them. And yet his voice remained casual and businesslike even while his body was moving like a wild stallion. Lunging, pounding, smacking against her backside until her cheeks were feeling numb from the repeated spanks. It was all so much more than she could take after sitting there throbbing all morning long, leaving her edging closer and closer, stomping and snorting and gritting her teeth hard. She wasn't in control of how good she felt anymore.

A toss of her head just made her bump up into his chest some, and she opened her mouth as if to cry out but the only sound she actually managed was a throaty rasp. It was good enough. She shook and rocked on her hooves, losing her footing briefly, nearly collapsing. His cock was so deeply inside her it could support her entire weight, holding her right up like a support beam in those moments of lost balance. Especially when she was squeezing down on it, contracting hard, going faster, faster, leaking pre from her tip until her whole body gave a violent spasm. She thumped her fist upon the desk and finally just let go, refusing to hold back for any longer. Shaking, jabbing her hips forward, every single muscle in her body was taut while her cum finally began to burst free. Her cock outright bulged with the load pumping through it, and then in a sudden, sloppy stream she was making a creamy mess all over her boss' desk.

He went over the edge right along with her as their steamy snuffling and snorting mixed together to fill the room. She was floating along on a dreamy cloud of ecstasy, listening to his voice finally waver and erupt into a satisfied whinny as he filled her with a gut-stretching load of stallion cum. She spurted hard, splattering a few files until they were soaked right through with bovine jizz. His cum was intensely warm, thick enough it weighed her down, leaving her sprawling, flattening down to his desk, resting atop her own bulging belly and breasts while he pumped those ample ropes right up into her intestines every time his virile shaft gave one of those rock-hard, bulging tenses. Panting, still drooling, she let her tongue plap to the surface below as she simply closed her eyes and basked in the rising afterglow that overtook her body and muscles once her orgasm finally faded.

She was sloshing. Soaked in his sweat and her own juices, sweltering in the musky humidity they had created together. She couldn't think, couldn't speak. And his cock was still deeply wedged within her. After a few more thinner, but still potent spurts, it began to slowly soften, producing an excessively lewd sucking sound as it slid back out of her creamed backside. When it flopped out, it brought with it a deluge of steaming cum, letting it rain down upon the floor with a noisy slosh. She yelped briefly when it popped free, and then went right back to catching her breath, tingling all over, feeling like she needed a nap.

"I think that should be all. Thank you, Lilith," he told his secretary, who silently nodded and rose to leave.

Cass couldn't see her expression, but the vixen was biting her lip as she went. She went back to her desk just outside the horse's office, sitting down in her seat and doing her best to look like nothing was out of the ordinary. The smell of stallion musk and cum was still fresh in her nose, and beneath her skirt, she was positively soaking wet. But from the waist up, she wasn't showing any sign of being as turned on as she was. That was the illusion she maintained for anyone who walked by, but she had by then become a master of discreetly playing with herself. She was rubbing her clit to the memory of what she had just witnessed, not to mention the musk. And when she heard the distinct sound of a pair of slick horse jaws closing around the bovine's head, she went from fondling to deeply, rapidly fingering herself.

She knew what happened when Grant was done fucking someone. Cass didn't. She was roused from her dazed, orgasmic state, paying no attention to what he was doing behind her. That meant she wasn't remotely prepared for it when the stallion leaned in close and simply homphed her entire head in his mouth in a single bite. She felt his flat teeth around her neck, nibbling but not harming her. He wasn't biting, wasn't chewing on her. But he was most definitely eating her. That was clear as soon as she heard the first gulp. It was almost deafening, and it yanked upon her so firmly that she was nearly leaving her hooves as he tugged her into his slippery throat without a word. He wasn't explaining what he was doing, he was simply taking her. And there wasn't much she could do about it, in such a state of broken body and will.

It was already hot enough in the office to leave sweat running down her brow after he was done filling her. Once caught up in the sweltering confines of his maw, she was positively dripping. She still couldn't shake that blissful, if nearly paralyzing state of orgasmic delight. It left her jittering, barely able to stand up on her own two hooves. Her body gave a few half-hearted wriggles, pretty much autonomous, as that drooly warmth enveloped her bust and her sloshing, cum-swollen belly. It was all happening so fast, transitioning from disoriented in orgasm to bulging down the horse's gullet all in one hot glurk.

Lilith could hear it all. She was biting her lip, doing her very best impression of ordinary office worker even while she was furiously fingering herself beneath her desk. Her lust had grown to such a state that each messy plunge of her digits would have been audible to anyone who wandered back and forth. Her body was vibrating a little, certainly looking odd to anyone who might have been watching her. But she couldn't help herself. Not when she heard those loud, wet swallows signifying the disappearance of yet another coworker into the heavy barrel of Grant's ravenous stomach. By that point, she'd grown so familiar with overhearing him devouring someone she could judge how far along he was with that hefty bovine's body just from the sound of each gulp.

Cass felt his tongue working on her, swiping up any particularly ample beads of sweat, thoroughly tasting his prey while he took her in. But he wasn't really savouring her. She could hear his innards rumbling for her, a steady bass note of hunger that told her she wasn't going to have it easy in there. Grant smacked and sucked and gobbled, and soon was framing nothing more than a pair of hooves and a bovine tail. The tuft on the tip of it was soaked with all his drool as it flowed steady from his lips. He nibbled there for just a few moments, but he couldn't delay it for too long. His belly insisted on meat. And the delicious cow was a whole lot of it.

When she heard that final, extended swallow, juicy and accompanied by a deep moan resonating from her equine boss, Lilith finally came. She bit her lip until it hurt, but that didn't stop her from crying out as she gushed upon her own stockings and her chair. Positively squirting to the sound of something she could picture clearly in her head. For all her bulk and heft, that cow was sliding down Grant's throat, outlined briefly, but vanishing once she reached his chest. And then there was little more than some extra sagging weight to his gut, indistinct but noticeably larger once he had deposited his prey within that slimy, clenching, oozing chamber. And everyone throughout the entire floor surely knew what had happened once he opened his lips and let loose with a slick belch that sounded like the tremors of a destructive earthquake.


Of course, there was still plenty he needed to do that day. Just because his belly was still squirming with its cum-filled bovine occupant didn't mean he could simply relax and work her off until quitting time. Another lick of his chops, and he sighed, putting just a little more pressure on his meal. What was her name again? He had just met her and really ought to have remembered, but the ecstasy of a full stomach had a way of distracting him. Not that it mattered anymore. She was a weight in his gut, her squirms already slowing down in the heated, mostly airless environment. And she swayed generously back and forth when he began to trot out of his musk-laden office to retrieve something from downstairs.

"Apologies, but would you mind tidying in there?" he softly asked his secretary.

Her voice uncharacteristically shaky. And her cheeks were unusually warm. She was slumped down in her chair, but she sat up to attention when he spoke. "Yessir."

"And I'm sorry, but I think we might need to open up interviews again."

She arched the corner of her mouth, casting a knowing glance at his gut bulge. Maybe she could see a little movement in there still. But mostly he was just fatter.

"No need to apologize."

He wasn't hiding it. All eyes were on him, but many were pretending not to see. Not out of fear of him snapping them up next. But rather because they knew that the longer they looked right at him, the longer they observed that rounded, indistinct shape of writhing prey in a horse's middle, the more likely they were going to start thinking about being in that very same position themselves. It was a constant temptation. Every single day they worked there. Escaping from an admittedly boring office existence and giving in to a feral rutting from the mighty stallion sounded increasingly worth it. Even if it meant inevitably softening and digestion with that very bulk that had so attracted them in the first place. There were plenty of workers hiding their feelings poorly as he went by, licking or nibbling their lips, or simply narrowing their eyes with irresistible lust. They'd outlasted the new hire, had maintained their willpower so far, but one of them was surely next.

The cow had been a particularly large meal, and so there was a lot of bouncing and jiggling as he moved through the cubicles and headed to the stairway. He wasn't sure when exactly she had stopped moving. He simply noticed it had happened as he was trotting along merrily. It was difficult to tell given how active his stomach was in working over her, after all. Kneading, clamping, squeezing, crushing down to size. All quite a regular process, but cranked up to overdrive. Louder, messier, producing a steady anthem of digestive noises, gurgling away wherever he went. That broadly swinging barrel tightened up towards his body ever so gradually, still weighty but a little less defined as the minutes rolled by and he dug up the old records he needed.

It was unusually quiet in the office right through the day and into the afternoon. That just made it all the easier to hear those juicy digestive noises coming from the great big horse boss. He made a few more trips from his office, letting everyone see how the bulge of his prey was coming along. With how tight it was getting near the end of the day, there couldn't possibly be anything solid beneath all that fat. And he was getting heavier, too. A little thicker at the sides and the haunches, and with plenty of fat upon his middle. He had already been a hefty horse, but by the time he was finished digesting his meal he was outright pudgy. Such was the cost of his indulgences, but he had no regrets.

"See you tomorrow, Lilith," he told the vixen near the end of the day. "I do believe I shall be staying a little late tonight."

She took a moment to process, but she quickly knew what she meant. A knowing smile spread across her lips. "Ah, of course."

The pressure was beginning to build. He did not think he could have comfortable made it all the way through the walk home in such circumstances, but he was fortunate enough that another door from his office led to his private bathroom. Someone of his size and shape was not exactly compatible with an ordinary toilet, and so there was instead something of a trough laid out behind that door, complete with several hoses set up to ensure cleanliness. Feeling the need progressing from modest to more urgent, he backed his fattened ass into the room and took position above that custom-designed receptacle. With a flag of his tail, he huffed out briefly, and began to strongly flex.

It was time to let the former employee out again. A brief bulge of his asshole, a blast of gas, and he was squeezing out the tightly-packed remnants of the digested bovine. His body had been relentless and thorough in working her over. There was nothing left that even remotely resembled the well-build and sexy cow. She'd been all digested down and used up, left as nothing more than solid chunks of fresh horse shit, falling to the water below with heavy splashes. Each rounded piece was flecked with tiny hints of what they used to be. Little bits of powdered bone, a few tufts of Cass' hair that just confirmed it was really her. But other than that, it was simply waste. To be disposed of and forgotten like any other meal.

There was plenty of her, and so the shit that followed digesting her whole was a big one. He stood there faintly humming to himself, flexing hard, occasionally grunting just a little when a particularly large, hard-packed piece of crap required a bit of extra pressure, landing below like a solid stone. It was hard to tell given how solidly packed and buried in filth they were, but a few solid pieces of the former cow still remained, embedded deeply in the chunks being pushed out of the plump horse's rear. A bit of horn, mangled and softened, largely hollow but never quite fully digested. Her hooves as well, giving him an extended pause and forcing him to snort and grunt as he pushed those hard, undigested pieces out with the rest, hearing them clatter down below, stuck atop the soft pile.

But for the most part it was simply a smooth, satisfying dump. One that even produced a bit of pleasure, but mostly he was just daydreaming as he did his business. The former bovine accumulated into nothing less than a mountain of steaming brown horse shit, and he kept his tail lifted high to let it all out in one long, slightly noisy dump, until he had pushed out the very last chunk atop the massive mound, burying those scattered remnants and signs of who the mess used to be before the destructive trip through his efficient digestive system. She certainly hadn't been the first meat he'd ever processed, nor the first live person.

He hardly thought twice about the gravity of it all, about how the mess behind him was all that remained of a promising, if uninhibited new worker. He simply let his shaft flop back out of its sheath, dangling and swaying only to go tighter as he pissed all the fluids he didn't need from her down over the enormous mess he'd made of her. When he'd poured out several gallons of hot stallion piss, he tugged at the chain with his teeth and listened to the flush behind him.

The elaborate disposal system overtook the enormous dump with something like a miniature tidal wave, pushing the mess towards a drain in the back and washing it all away with a copious amount of water. A few hoses sprayed downwards, ensuring there wasn't a single brown trace on the trough, while a few other sprayed upwards at strategic angles, blasting high-pressure water against that donut of his. He gave a snort, always a bit surprised by how cool that water could be, but he simply settled and let the device do its work, until his rear was completely clean, dripping wet. A projected stream of hot air came from a whirring blow dryer, and with that his ass was as pristine as it began.

A glance behind him confirmed there wasn't a single trace left of the cow. A shame to lose her, but a succulent meal like her was always worth the HR hassle. And the weight. After so swiftly absorbing that many nutrients, he was going to be satisfied at least for the evening, with no need to think about dinner. His body was fatter, more impressive, and his belly was jiggling with his every step. In time, it would tighten up again and his padded haunches would firm up with enough exercise. That was how it always went, every time he treated himself to an eager meal, and he was going to do it again, and again, every time he got the opportunity. All he needed to do was be patient, and somebody would soon lift their tail for him yet again, no matter how dangerous they knew it could be to so trustingly submit to the whims of such a huge and obviously well-fed horse like him.