Alt Earth 4077 Historical Post 4

Story by Cafecorgi on SoFurry

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#6 of Earth Alt 4077

Historical notes of Alt Earth 4077 NTE Civil wars that saw many things change and advance for Humarans.

Lupe Lexicon System LLS v1.0: Active

Lupratek Database System v6.0: Historic Archive Request

File Available: N.T.E. Civil Wars

File Entry: 00004

Subject: N.T.E. Civil Wars

Time Stamp: 6.30.0690AW <N.T.E. Civil Wars 0580-0690AW>

_"Blood. Blood ran through the valleys of ash and mingled with irradiated water. Blood spattered everything from Humaran flesh to baked rocks and bones. War came and we paid for peace in blood." _

~ __Captain Xerilal Bolten, Humaran-Western Dragon/Icarus Upgrade, 5th Brigade, Dragoon Militia of old Nebraska, New World Territories

The death of Joseph Phoenix was but one act of violence of many lead by Old Texas and Old Colorado during 0550AW to 0580AW. The TexaColo militia was formed and backed by Denver Helcomb and Manister Rawlith, owners of the largest mining union in N.T.E. and they controlled seventy-five percent of all needed ore. The TexaColo militia became the first organized military force in the N.T.E. since the days of WWIV. The Helcomb/Rawlith Mining Union was the moving force behind the Terra-Firma Movement of 5.16.0575AW in which Denver Helcomb publicly stated that:

_"Our path does not lie in space but here on sweet mother Earth. We have it all here and we'll make it work. Send us out to space and we become monkeys for some other organ grinder. We stay on Earth, we're the organ grinder and those who oppose us, and they are the monkeys." _

~Hail Terra-Firma!

No one took the Terra-Firma Movement seriously until twenty Humarans with Lion matrices stormed a supply depot in the city of Harland, Old Kansas territory, leaving the entire crew of sixty Humarans dead and the depot cleared of all wares. A burning message was left on the walls of the depot decreeing "Earth for Humarans, death for Monkeys." Such a message was not left unanswered. Old Kansas was the second New World Territory to raise a militia. The Kansas Scrubs Militia was formed in 6.30.0575AW.

Four brigades of Humarans modified with Lion, Tiger, Bear and Wolf matrices from the Kansas Scrubs Militia stormed into the border towns of Pine Forks and Canyon, old Colorado. This was declared the Pine Canyon Battle that happened 12.25.0575AW. On record, 1,000 TexaColo militiamen were killed by the overwhelming crush of 4,000 Kansas Scrubs militiamen, as well as 600 civilian Humarans were captured and brought into internment camps called The Barrio, just outside of Brandon city, old Kansas. Records and photos document the first conflict in what is being declared the first battle of the N.T.E. Civil Wars. Men and women were found carved up with unnatural claws, throats savaged by unusual bites and many with limbs ripped from sockets.

One of the old Colorado P.O.W.'s best summed up what she saw as:

_"You... you hear about them shows our ancestors watched about predators ripping into prey and how it looks all natural. When you see Humarans.... Eyes that glow like big cats in the lights of burning buildings or flash lights; teeth unnaturally sharp and canine or feline; claws where fingers nails should be and the strength and speed of the beasts themselves all hidden in the flesh and blood we are too familiar with. People you worked with or visited once in a while biting into another man's throat; ripping out their eyes with claws, clubbing them with heavy pipe or strangling them to death; what... beasts have our kind become?" _

~Sarah Kelly, Nurse, old Colorado P.O.W.

On 2.28.0580AW every territory on Earth started raising and mustering militias to protect their lands and invade other territories for various goals to sate their needs. Joining the ranks of militia was the Dragoon militia of old Nebraska backed by Delutek on 3.15.0580AW, Silver Coyotes of old New Mexico on 5.20.0580AW, Eagles of old Wyoming on 9.26.0580AW, Frontiersmen of old Oklahoma on 12.3.0580AW, Panthers of Oregonia Territory on 2.18.0581AW, Black Mambas of Argeno-Brazilla on 7.6.0581AW, Komodos of New Australia on 10.28.0581AW, Saxon Sons of the Saxon Coalition on 4.21.0582AW, Brethren of Ice of the Tundra Union on 1.25.0583AW and Red Sun of the Horizon Territories on 8.21.0584AW. The N.T.E. Civil Wars had begun and the once recovering world plunged back into the nightmares of war. Out of the many battles fought, several are of note.

The Crater Valley Battle in old New Mexico on 1.25.0585AW is recorded as the bloodiest hand to hand conflict in the N.T.E. Civil Wars. A clash between 8 brigades from the TexaColo militia met head on with 8 brigades of Silver Coyote militia of old New Mexico claiming 15,000 Humaran military lives over three days of extreme heat. The sheer savagery witnessed by soldiers and civilians alone was enough to cause an epidemic of suicide that claimed an additional 1,000 Humaran civilian lives. Battle ground footage showed the carnage left over from the battle, bodies shredded, mauled, mangled and dismembered. It was the Pine Canyon battle all over again except investigators and medical personnel found evidence of many of the bodies being gnawed on and eaten, the bite patterns fitting Humaran jaws and teeth of those with the 'Battle Matrices'. A growing disease of Humarankind was rumors spread that the predator genes were turning militiamen into the very animals they took the genetic skills from mentally.

The Last Stand of Fort Ponca in old Oklahoma on 9.21.0590AW ushered in the emergence of weapons on the battlefield that were temporarily sanctioned for use after their restrictions since the Bare Arms Pact of 0550AW. The battle at Fort Ponca proved that by employing the ancient technologies of the gun reduced the drive and will to fight of unarmed militia men. The 3rd and 8th brigade of the Frontiersmen militia defended Fort Ponca from 6 brigades of the TexaColo militia. The battle was reported to last one hour. Only 500 Humaran soldiers, just half of a brigade were killed in the advancing TexaColo charge. A mere 2,000 Humarans armed with hunting rifles and replicas of M-16 Carbines held off 6,000 advancing Humarans with swords, claws and savage teeth. The N.T.E. Civil Wars appeared to have taken a collective breath and held it as those reports flooded every communications network all over Earth. While horrifying and sacrilegious to invoke the actions of the ancient wars that ruined Earth, the quick resolution of conflict and reduction of lives lost was the breaking point of the territories demanding the Bare Arms Pact to be revoked and removed.

Use of firearms spread like wild fire on 2.27.0600AW. Every N.T.E. militia was armed with the forbidden sins of their fore fathers. The Pacific Blood War of 0605AW to 0610AW between the Panther militia of Oregonia and the Komodo militia of New Australia proved that more than just fire arms had made a comeback. Naval ships that were armed with the massive guns of war now sailed the dead seas of Earth, battering each other back and forth. Over 80,000 Humaran lives and 50 naval ships were claimed during the five years of naval/land wars that ended in a stalemate between the two territories. The ability to reach out and inflict harm upon lives miles from the nearest shore was a wakeup call that we had all returned the bloodthirsty call of Humans.

On 10.22.0620AW Oregonia's Panthers assisted old Nebraska Dragoons to work out the discord between the New World Territories and created a solidified union of Oregonia Territory and New World Territories into the Northern Alliance of Freedom <N.A.F.>. The Northern Alliance, directed and lead by General Zeke Deluwith turned their arms upon the closest threat to their people and resources. The Voodoo War that started on [color=red]9.13.0624AW[/color] was waged between the Northern Alliance of Freedom and the Argeno-Brazillia Black Mamba militia. The Black Mamba militia, silent until now provided a sore reminder to the Northern Alliance of Freedom that superior numbers and firearms meant little when genetic experimentation was still the in-thing for Humarans.

During that year, Humarans learned something more terrifying than war machines had appeared on Earth. It was magic. The Black Mamba's had discovered that certain strains of Eastern Dragon DNA and a new creature they'd made, the Unicorn DNA, that their warriors could harness the radioactive energy soaked into the blackened swamps and rotting Amazonian forests to inflict harm upon the invading Northern Alliance horde. The initial conflict report from the 12th Eagles Brigade of old Wyoming is as follows:

"The 1st Lance of N.A.F. wad directed to make a push into the swamp city of Mayatempo. Three Panther Brigades of Oregonia were to make a direct siege on the walls after our brigade, the 12th Eagles of old Wyoming, used our Icarus wings to get in a good fly by and radio in the locations of key targets to the 4th Dragoon Brigade of old Nebraska for sniping and long range rocket bombardment. Me and my boys and girls did our standard fly by, our Icarus wings strong and steady, most with black and brown eagle feathers. The city walls were standard construct of granite and steel beam bracing. Sniper teams were lined up along the crenellations and some of my men had fun sniping at the teams with their lever action Winchester rifles.

_I can firmly report we killed 5 snipers on our standard 15 second sweep. We lost however, 300 men and women during that sweep. I don't know how to describe it, but some of us felt uneasy. Pressure build up in the air currents, a tingle of current on the tips of our feathers and then it struck. Arc's of lightning from the ground that smelled like intense rain. It cooked men and women all the same as those arcs reached out from bellow to zap us. Some of the arcs danced from one person to the next. The screams of men and women falling to their deaths, the gasps of people being cooked from within and the smell of burning flesh and feathers will never leave me. I thought they'd had a Tesla Coil hidden among the many residential buildings near the wall until I saw a Humaran with eyes that sparked and a pale white horn thrusting outing of his tan forehead. One man killed 300 men and women of my brigade. What was that man?" _

~Captain Clarance Hawking, Humaran-Icarus Upgrade, 12 Eagles Brigade of old Wyoming, 1st Lance of N.A.F.

Many of the commanders of the N.A.F. refused to believe that the Black Mambas had one man that could kill so easily. Further reports that year only grew more and more of men and even women that all had a singular pale white horn upon their forehead and eyes that crackled like lightning. Reports of devastating lightning strikes cooking whole brigades like giant microwaves were but one of many horrors faced in Argeno-Brazillia. The Black Mambas had soldiers with skin painted all black and white bones painted upon them wearing robes of pale white. They had no eyes and held miniature, faceless rag dolls in their hands. Anything they did to the doll happened to any man or woman that closed within 100 feet of them. Worst of them all were men that ran into battle with just loin cloths and expanded in mass and size turning into various shades of hulking giants that slammed and crushed through our ranks, tossing war machines about the battle field. Sniper teams seem the only effective course for removing these 'magic users' from combat. By 1.31.0625AW the Black Mambas had routed the N.A.F.'s invasion of their lands and have not been bothered by the N.A.F. again during the N.T.E. Civil Wars. Yet that conflict brought research into greater ways to kill fellow Humarans to increase the speed of winning a conflict and reducing the loss of lives. Chief among the researchers was Delutek, rushing to fill the killing needs of every Humaran soldier in the N.A.F.

On 7.15.0650AW saw the fruition of genetic experimentation to create all new enhanced Battle Matrices that rivaled all others in sheer use of our planets downfall. They were the Unicorn, Alicorn, Archangel, Liger, Juggernaut and Atlas matrices. Men and women had become radioactive furnaces, bending and using radioactive energy to affect the world and people around them in the name of war. With these new matrices, the Civil Wars intensified.

The Saxon Coalition and the Horizon Territories joined to form the Scythe of Power Alliance <S.P.A.> and they rolled into a thundering crash with New Australia on 4.28.0652AW in the War for Terra Exodae that lasted eight years. Our own militia, the Komodos had adapted some of the enhanced matrices to guard against such attacks. It was almost not enough. 80,000 lives were lost during those eight years and New Australia is still scarred deeply from power of magic users at war. The S.P.A. was turned back and Terra Exodae was saved. Had the S.P.A. won and taken Terra Exodae, the ongoing A.C.E. project may have been destroyed.

For eight years we catalogued the new devastation that the enhanced matrices could inflict on Humarankind. Unicorns were men and women that bore the classic pale white horn of the mythic beast on their foreheads. They seemed to channel radiation into condenser and conduction patterns building up static electricity and weather energy into their favored form of 'magic', lightning that arced through materials like a hot knife and spread like a living beast among groups of targeted soldiers. Alicorns were men and women that had the Unicorn matrices combined with Icarus wings to give them air superiority while casting magic. They seemed to channel radiation into manipulating cells of weather and barometric pressure allowing them to play weather gods and assault whole battle fields with scorching winds, freezing rains, dense blizzards or intense sunlight as well as created intense slip streams to allow them to soar like jet planes of old.

Archangels were men and women graced with Icarus wings, Unicorn matrix and a blend of wolf and cheetah matrices giving them speed, flight, sharp fangs, sharp claws, fast reaction times and lightning magic. Many considered them nightmares as magic and martial fighting were combined until the Liger's showed up in conflict. Mostly men were selected for these matrices and the hallmarks of the Liger were protruding canines reminiscent of the saber toothed tiger genes and retractable claws from the lion genes. They had a dragon matrix within them to give them an ability to store magic thrown at them and ground it out while their bodies moved with lethal grace and speed of the saber toothed tiger and lion.

The pure mages as we call the Unicorns/Alicorns and the battle mages that we call Archangels/Ligers were nothing compared the brutality of things to come. Juggernauts were men or women that could absorb magical energy, radiation and kinetic energy from physical attacks and bullet strikes, feeding this into a Puffer Fish matrix that allowed their bodies to grow in size and mass. Juggernauts would crash through armies like a toddler through toy soldiers; bodies fly everywhere until it meets the only stopping for that could match them, Atlases. Atlases were oddly only women. They too could absorb radiation, magical attacks and kinetic energy but instead of becoming a hostile mass of moving, crushing and raging Humaran, they began hulking shields of mass that can stop two Juggernauts with ease.

On 3.11.0680AW the Axis of Brotherhood <A.B.> was formed between the Tundra Union and Argeno-Brazillia. This alliance brought about the War of the Alliances as the A.B. could strike out simultaneously at the N.A.F. and the S.P.A. to make a grab for new lands and war slaves. New Australia held its ground and remained neutral to all three alliances as the war raged for ten years. Humarankind had become so maddened with blood lust and the thrill of the fight that they had become blind to hope of leaving Earth. To most of the N.T.E. the thought was if Earth was to be their eventual grave, then why not make it a living hell and enjoy the fall to extinction. 600,000 lives were lost during the War of the Alliances. Many more were to come if it were not for one fateful morning during the icy month of August. Bellow was an eye witness report of what was seen:

_"So there we were, me and fellow Ligers clustered up behind and Atlas and ready to hit a group of S.P.A. Unicorns. The suckers wouldn't see a Liger assault popping from around a fat-assed A.B. Atlas. The chick was a looker but damn, the curves she brought... what I saw? Yeah. Right. Back to the point. So we are ready to spring on them, waiting for our captain to yell the kill order. He was antsy as a brigade of N.A.F. Alicorns were sweeping in from the south. We got out orders and burst from the cover of the Atlas and get knocked to our asses with a thunderclap of noise. I thought we got hit by an Alicorn or maybe a Juggernaut cannon balled the next sector. That is when I looked to the sky and saw it. A massively fat ship that rocketed into the sky. This thing was bigger than them old N.T.E. shuttles we watched on videos in school. No one around us was moving either. We all just looked to the sky and watched as the ship vanished into the clouds and vanished. Then a second thunder clap dropped us all again and another ship rocketed out as well. The bearings would have put them from New Australia, maybe even that vault place, Terra Exodae. It didn't matter though, the wars were over. We all got called to retreat about an hour after those ships launched. I guess we can go home." _

~Corporal Steven Linkity, Humaran-Liger Upgrade, 2nd Brethren of Ice Brigade of the Tundra Union, A.B.

On 8.13.0690AW the Advanced Colonization from Earth ships, A.C.E. Liberty and A.C.E. Queen were launched into space on a course for the Taurus Constellation to begin the dream of making new homes for Humarans. Launched across all communications networks was a live broadcast of Geneticist Logan Radgramon. Here was his public address:

"Humarans of the New Territories of Earth. You all know me as Dr. Logan Radgramon; some have even called me the devil while others call me God. You all bore witness to hope for our species. Two hours ago, we launched from Terra Exodae the first two colonization ships, the A.C.E. Liberty and the A.C.E. Queen into space. They are on course for two solar systems in the Taurus constellation with a mission to terraform new Earths for us to live on. We finally have our key to freedom from this dead planet and I would offer it to anyone that isn't caught up in this stupid cycle of violence and death. If Humarans want a chance to live out, among the stars, then I want all of the alliances to listen very closely to my demands.

First of all, disband your militias and put your enhanced war matrices to the fire.

Second of all, disband your alliances and swear allegiance to me and Terra Exodae as the new ruling power for the N.T.E.

Third and last of all, if you do not listen to these two demands I will have no qualms launching a third colony ship so I can watch you all die from above.

_At this moment, pointed at every territory in the three alliances are I.B.M.'s with enough payload to scorch your lands clean of all you're stupidity. They will erase your efforts, your families, your DNA and your work. So, Humarans of Earth, you have my demands and an offer of new hope. Choose. Hope or Destruction." _

~Geneticist Logan Radgramon

It wasn't much of a choice. We all chose hope and lived. The world had changed rapidly from a war machine to one of tense peace and cooperative teamwork. Logan Radgramon was made into the President of the New Territories of Earth on 5.21.0695AW. The Deluwith family, by this time in the upper echelons of society offered to back his rise to power as long as he allowed their family to retain their war matrices for further study and research. By 9.28.0699AW all Advanced Battle Matrices had been successfully removed from most N.T.E. troops, many were allowed to retain the basic Battle Matrices and those that were not cooperative were executed on the spot. So with one final act of bloodshed and the world held hostage by further nuclear destruction, we watched and hoped that peace would last.

~Billy Tigwin, Humaran-Sage Upgrade, Terra Exodae Archivist, 1st Order of the Word~

<File End>