Starfox: Needin' Some Lovin' Ch 7

Story by EmperorStarscream on SoFurry

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#7 of Needin' Some Lovin'

Takes place after Starfox Command. Fox's heart has been broken by Krystal, and Katt has run out of patients for Falco. So Katt takes Fox to a club to try to get both their minds off their love troubles. Then something happens neither of them ever expected.

Needin' Some Lovin' Ch 7

Katt Monroe leaned against the door inside the bathroom of her courters onboard the Great Fox. She took deep breaths deeply, but it didn't help with how anxious she felt.

She hadn't been feeling well for the last few days. She had even thrown up a few times. Up till now she and the rest of the team had just dismissed it as having eaten some bad fish something. But that morning it had dawned on her that it might actually be something much worse than that.

She and Fox had been having sex almost every day since they had begun their relationship a few months ago. Katt knew she was on the pill, so she should be safe. But she also knew that birth control wasn't 100% full-proof. So, she had emptied her pill case and counted the pills. She became worried when she noticed she seemed to have more than she thought she ought to. Could she have forgotten to take a few?

Panicking, she had secretly stolen a few of Amanda's pregnancy test strips from her and Slippy's courters and had hurried back to her own courters to use them, and now she was waiting for the results.

Mustering up all the courage she could, she forced herself to look down at the pregnancy test sitting on the sink. The blood drained from her face when she saw the result.

"Oh gawd!" she muttered in dismay.

Meanwhile, on the bridge of the Great Fox, Fox McCloud and Krystal were in the middle of a discussion with a high ranging General in the Cornerian Army via subspace transmission. The holographic head of the female husky named General North explained the situation while the two mercenary foxes listened.

Almost a month had passed since Krystal had rejoined their team after she broke from Star Wolf and got them sent to prison. And Falco, after an argument over Krystal being allowed back on the team after she had joined their arch-enemies, had once again left the team to go on his own. They had heard no word from him since.

The General had a top priority job for them. She wanted to hire them to escort an ambassador to a neighboring system that wanted the Lylat system's aid in fighting a war against an amphibian empire. A war that could possibly threaten the Lylat system if the enemy was not defeated. The reason he wanted them to escort the ambassador was due to the fact that the enemy might attack the ambassador in order to prevent an alliance from happening, so she wanted the Star Fox team there for protection.

"I cannot stress enough how important this mission is," the General said after she finished explaining the details.

"Don't worry, General. We'll take the job, and we won't let you down," Fox said with a salute.

"Thank you, Star Fox," she replied, saluting them as well. "North out!" And with that, the holographic image vanished.

Krystal turned to Fox. "It's been a while since we've gotten a job like this," she observed.

Fox nodded. "I can't believe there's already another war brewing. Can't the galaxy stay peaceful for a while."

"Look on the bright side. This means we'll make a lot more money." Krystal said with a wink.

He and Krystal had managed to patch up their friendship after she had rejoined the team. They had not gotten back together, however. After they had broken up and Krystal had started a relationship with Panther on the Star Wolf team, Fox had gotten together with Katt, who had also been suffering from heartbreak due to Falco constantly rejecting her. Since then, Fox and Katt have been a couple and Katt had even officially joined the Star Fox team so they could be together.

Fox sighed at what Krystal had said. "I know, but I hate all the death and destruction that comes with war. I became a mercenary to save lives and make sure monsters like Andross get what they deserve. But I guess I had hoped that once Andross was defeated and the Lylat system was safe that I could enjoy a peaceful universe." Fox chuckled to himself. "Its ironic. The thing I hate most is the same thing I need to earn a living."

Krystal couldn't help but feel how Fox felt with her telepathic abilities. "Have you ever considered a life other than mercenary life?" she suggested.

Fox shrugged. "This life is all I know."

"Exactly," said Krystal. "You became a mercenary while you were still young because of the threat of Andross. You felt you had no choice because you felt you had to live up to your father's legacy. But now all that is over. Andross is dead, and the Lylat war is over. Maybe now, instead of still trying to live up to your father, you should try to figure out what kind of life YOU want to live."

Fox stared at her, shocked by the insight in what she had just said. Then his eyes narrowed. "You were just in my head, weren't you?" he said accusingly.

"I couldn't help it," Krystal said apologetically. She knew it was inappropriate for her to use her telepathic abilities to look into other's minds without their permission. "I could sense your frustration. I just thought I could help."

Fox sighed. He of course knew she meant well. He opened his mouth to speak again but suddenly the doors to the bridge opened and Katt came walking in.

"Hey, um... Fox, can I talk to you about something? In private?" Katt asked.

Fox noticed Katt looked and sounded worried about something. "Sure Katt," he said to her, and then walked over to his girlfriend's side.

Krystal watched the two of them walk off the bridge together, the automatic doors sliding closed behind them. The blue vixen couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy. Ever since she had broken up with Panther and left Star Wolf, she had been single. Fox was now with Katt, and Slippy and Amanda were happily married and even trying to have children. Krystal felt like everyone had found true love except her.

She sighed and looked out the front window of the bridge at the vast vacuum of space. "When am I going to finally find my true love?" she asked the universe longingly. The universe, of course, didn't answer her, and Krystal was left feeling completely by herself.

Fox and Katt walked back to her room. Once inside, Fox asked her, "What's wrong, Katt?"

Katt was breathing heavily. Concerned, Fox put a hand on the feline's shoulder. He was surprised to find she was trembling. He was worried about what she had to tell him. What could have her so troubled?

Katt turned to Fox. "Fox... you know how I haven't been feeling well lately?"

Fox nodded.

Katt continued. "Fox... I'm pregnant."

Fox stared at her for a long moment in disbelief at what she had just said, her last word echoing in his head. Pregnant!? No. It couldn't be.

"What?" Fox said. "Are you sure?"

Katt nodded. "I took a pregnancy test. And then I took another one just to be sure. I'm pregnant."

"But how?" Fox asked. "I thought you were on the pill!"

"I was!" Katt cried. "But these things aren't full-proof! It's possible I may have also forgotten to take one at some point." Katt hung her head put her face in her hands. "Oh, gawd, this can't be happening!"

Fox, realizing Katt needed comfort now more than ever, quickly embraced his girlfriend in his arms. "Hey, " Fox whispered gently as he held her to him. She was still trembling. "It's alright," he told her, though now he was feeling almost as panicked as she was. Neither of them had been trying to have children. While Fox did hope to be a father someday, he wasn't sure he was ready for it at the moment.

But that didn't matter now, he realized. Ready or not, he was going to be a father, and, darn it, he was going to be there for his child, and the mother of his child.

"Everything will be okay, Katt," Fox said to her reassuringly.

Katt looked up at him with a glare. "No it won't, Fox?!" she snapped at him, a twinge of anger in her voice. "My life is over now!"

"No, Katt!" Fox said to her, trying to reassure her. "Don't forget, you're not alone in this. I'll be there for you, one hundred percent. It's my child, and I'm prepared to be a father. You don't have to worry about a thing."

Katt stared back at him, trying to calm herself down. She thought about what Fox said. She had been so worried before due to finding out that she was pregnant that she hadn't been able to even think straight. But now that she knew she could rely on Fox no matter what, she was beginning to relax some. She guessed she should consider herself lucky that it was a responsible guy like Fox to knock her up rather than some jerk who would run off and leave her.

Katt wrapped her arms around Fox and rested her head on his shoulder.

"Oh, Fox. I can't tell you how much better I feel knowing I have you," she said.

Fox rubbed her back with his hand soothingly. "I'll always be there for you, Katt. I love you."

"I love you too, Fox," Katt replied back to him, feeling safe in his arms. She was no longer trembling, and her breathing was returning to normal. "I'm still scared, Fox," she said. "I don't know if I'm ready to be a mother." Like Fox, she had often considered having children of her own someday, but she hadn't been planning on it happening any time soon. Plus, she enjoyed her carefree and wild lifestyle, and she hadn't wanted to give it up just yet.

"I'm scared too Katt," said Fox, moving to look her in the eyes. "But whatever happens, we'll do it together, and I know we'll be fine." Then he gave her his best charming smile. "Heck, we've fought wars together. There's nothing we can't handle."

Katt grinned back at him, and the two of them leaned forward and kissed each other on the lips. It was not a tongue filled lustful kiss like all the times before when they had had sex. This was a tender, true love's kiss, each of them letting the other know how much they cared for and appreciated them.

And with that, the imminent future didn't seem as scary anymore to either of them. Everything would be fine as long as they had each other.

A/N: So yeah. Recently a bunch of new ideas hav been popping into my head for this story, so I decided to continue it. Let me know what you think. R&R.