A Dragon's Diary 09.04

Story by BlueEmber517 on SoFurry

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#3 of A Dragon's Diary

Diary in the life of a Dragon.

Ok. So I was sooo exhausted yesterday that I didn't even have the energy to write. So much for trying to write everyday...

Anyways, today started like any other day. I went to class like yesterday. (yesterday was the start of second semester.) I woke up a bit late, as I didn't have any sleep the day before yesterday, but I flew faster than usual, so I got there in time. Nothing really interesting happened in first class. So after that, I started to fix the resume my friend Yunlong needs to apply for the college he wants. Classes went by with the blink of an eye, and soon it was time to go home.

But no, something interesting did happen today.

I know a senior called Tulleine, and I have for the last half of year. Her major is Japanese education, but she's also studying English education at the same time, so she listens to the same lecture as I do. Tulleine's not that good at English, so I've sent her some files to help her. But not only to her. I sent them to my friends as well.

All the time last semester, she only nodded at me or briefly stopped to say 'Thanks'. She didn't exactly start any talk or try to. It was like she just looked at me like just another one of her colleges. And I was used to that.

But all of a sudden, yesterday, she was friendly towards me. Yes, I did contact her during summer break from time to time as I was bored and I didn't have many friends, but her sudden friendliness kind of caught me off guard to be honest. And she was friendly towards me all day. But she could've been just happy or in a good mood, right?

And today, she was still friendly. I don't know what's up with her, to be honest. And I don't know my feelings either. Do I like her or not? If I do, why do I? What triggers me towards her? And today, she started conversations with me. And no, I don't mean just one or two. Quite a few, actually. About 8-9? I think? I don't exactly know what's up with her or what I feel about it. Yes, I liked her from the start, but kind of as a college. And I do think that it's too early to judge. It's only been 2 days after all. But still, I don't exactly know.

So I asked one of my cousin, who is a female, and she answered that there's a 10~20% chance of her liking me. And of course, she laughed like hell and teased me to no-end. As lovers, that is. Then I called one of my friends, Zoiryss, and asked him. He listened to me, and of course, teased me like hell, embarrassing me for the second time in a row. He answered to be beware of her and don't give her too much of my heart as she might just like me as a college and wants to get help from me. Basically something in the lines of: 'Don't give your heart away and then sulk in a corner when she goes away.'

I still don't know, though...


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