Fealty: State Secrets

Story by Snow Shepherd on SoFurry

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An hour later, Pacha stumbled through the flap of the emperor's tent and collapsed to the ground. The caiman and cougar honor guards rushed in after him.

"Pacha!" the emperor cried. He raced to the tayra's side and helped him to the bed. The inside of Pacha's thighs was matted and wet, reeking of cum. His muzzle was in a similar condition. "Gods, what happened to you? Did they use you more after I left?"

"No." The tayra coughed as he laid down on his back. "That was just from Yauri pulling out. There was... a lot inside."

"Yauri." That bastard ungulate. The tapir had been far too rough on Pacha. And to make him watch his own prospective concubine get fucked so thoroughly by him and the anaconda... He looked to his two honor guards. "You two. I want Yauri and Sayani's heads by morning. Make a scene. Set an example."

"No! Don't hurt--" Pacha went into a coughing fit. The emperor waited anxiously. "Don't do anything. They've retired to their rooms and have guards. You can do nothing."

"I am the emperor. A god-king. I can do anything I like."

"You'll get no food or weapons for the troops."

The emperor growled and pointed at the cougar. "You! Fetch some water. And you," he said, pointing at the caiman, "go get the royal physician's handbag. If he's asleep, don't wake him. If he's awake, make some excuse to take it. Do not bring him here." The guards saluted and hurried off.

He tuned his attention back to the tayra. "The food and weapons matter not. They hurt you." He removed Pacha's loincloth. The tayra's tailhole was gaping wide open, and he could see little bits of blood in the firelight. A growl rose in his throat. "That does it. Blood for blood."

"You oaf! You will accomplish nothing."

"What did you call me?" The jaguar could barely contain himself.

"He can't help his size. I volunteered for this. I knew what I was getting into. Blame me, not them."

"They have despoiled my pet, and now you are defending them?"

"Despoiled? Am I suddenly worth less to you now?"

"I--" The jaguar shook his head. "Of course not. It's just that as a prospective concubine of mine, I would have hoped you'd be able to stay a little more chaste."

"Chaste!?" Pacha sat up with a grunt of effort. "Chaste? Your majesty, with all due respect, do you understand what I do?"

The emperor leveled a finger at him. "I would watch my tone if I were you."

"Listen, my liege. I fuck and I negotiate. And then I go fuck someone else. My tiny village would not be able to get the food and supplies it needs without me fucking passerby traders. That's my village's secret chief export: sex. My chastity ended when I was far younger than I'd care to admit. I've been fucked by hundreds of men and women since I started my profession, so don't think I've become 'despoiled' just tonight."

"But you were enjoying humiliating me in front of Yauri and Sayani!"

"I enjoyed the sex, not humiliating you. Trust me, my liege, if I knew any other way to secure the supplies we needed, I would have chosen it. But I had to let them think they had the advantage. Look at it from our troops' point of view--we got them food and weapons practically for free."

The jaguar shook his head. "If you enjoy this sort of thing so much, then why did you leave your village?"

"Because I want to live somewhere where I don't have to worry about getting tomorrow's meal. I want to live somewhere with walls to defend against the feral creatures of the forest, somewhere with better doctors, somewhere away from the villagers and outsiders who look at me and see nothing more than a whore. I want to live somewhere where sex is actually meaningful--I want to have sex because I care for my partner and want to make them feel good, not because I'm trying to get food or money. And most of all, I want to live somewhere I can serve my emperor. Tell me, is your harem still a place where a despoiled, unchaste subject like me can find all those things?"

The emperor couldn't believe what he was hearing. After Pacha went and fucked two of his greatest rivals right in front of him, how was he the bad guy? What had he done to the tayra?

Pieces slowly fell into place in his mind. "I suppose leading me to that temple was just a ploy to gain favors for your village, was it? Fuck the emperor, and he'll make sure nobody goes hungry?"

"Gods..." Pacha lay back down. "You're impossible."

"Answer the question."

"Fine! That was one of the reasons. The matron told me to do it. But I wanted out. I wanted to get away from there, from being told to have sex with people. I wanted to choose who I wanted to have sex with for the rest of my life, and I chose you. But if this is the way you treat your harem, then I was wrong and you'll be truly alone for the rest of your life."

The emperor's eyes widened. He turned away and buried his head in his paws. "Take that back, Pacha," he said, trying to keep his voice from wavering. "Please."

"Please? I don't know if I've ever heard you say that word."

"Then hear it again: please take it back."

"Okay, I take it back..." The tayra's gaze softened. "What's wrong, your majesty?"


"Did I hit a nerve?"

He let out a shaky breath. "It's just... The seer was right."

"Who was right? What seer?" Pacha sat up with effort and put a small paw on the emperor's shoulder. "What's going on?"

The jaguar shook his head. "Have you ever wondered why I've never told you my name? Why hardly anyone knows my name?"

"Of course. I just assumed that perhaps an emperor's true name was to be used only by royalty."

"A myth, nothing more. Emperors before me used to flaunt their names, used to have them chiseled in stone along with their great conquests, their triumphs. Their name is their legacy. That is why I can't."

"Why not?"

"Because when a royal is born, a seer analyzes the stars and planets above to determine the newborn's fate, and he or she is named accordingly. On the night I was born, it was cloudy before an oncoming storm. The sky only opened up briefly and revealed one lonely planet. So I was named Sapalla. 'Alone.'"


"My mother and father refused to believe that would be my fate. But as I grew older and my father grew weaker, they noticed the type of people I started assembling for my harem: men. The empire was shrinking, so they tried to introduce me to neighboring princesses and duchesses to grow our empire through marriage, but none of them interested me. They realized it would be impossible, and that the empire was doomed. On my father's deathbed..." He snorted. "Do you know what he said to me?"

"No, your majesty."

"He asked me one more time if I would marry. I said no. And he said, 'then the seer was right. You and the empire shall die alone.' Those were his last words to me."

Pacha put his arms around the jaguar. "I'm sorry, your majesty. I didn't realize."

He nodded stiffly. "That is why I've been campaigning so hard. I don't want this empire to die, but I can't sustain it through marriage. Only by conquest and cruelty can I make it survive. And what then? When I die there is still no successor. War will break out for the throne, and the empire will be run into the ground by people like Yauri and Sayani. It is hopeless."

The tayra leaned in and kissed the emperor on the cheek--thankfully he missed the wet spot. "I think Sapalla is a beautiful name."

"You do?"

"Oh yes. Much better than mine; mine always carries a sting of irony. Pachacutec: 'he who remakes the world.' Pretty high hopes for a prostitute. I doubt I'll change much of anything."

"Who knows? Only time will tell."

"And who knows whether you'll end up alone? Give that time, too."

Sapalla nuzzled the tayra. "Thank you, Pacha. You are very kind."

The cougar and the caiman returned with water and the physician's bag. Their eyes widened when they saw the emperor nuzzling the naked tayra.

The jaguar shot them a glare. He stood up, removing himself from Pacha. "If anyone asks, you did not see us like this."

"My liege," the cougar said, "our duty is to protect you with our lives. That includes your reputation."

A faint smile appeared on Sapalla's face, and he gave a slight bow. "Thank you both. You may leave those here and go back to your posts." The two guards put down the bucket of water and the bag of medicine and exited the tent.

"You're not worried about them?" Pacha asked.

"No. I selected them, as well as the rest of the honor guard, largely because of their loyalty. Those who are selected are not always the biggest or strongest--take the caiman for example--but they are the most devoted to me. And that will make them fight harder to protect me than a stronger warrior would. Now, lay back down on the bed."

As Pacha got comfortable, Sapalla brought over the bucket of water to clean up the tayra's nethers. He glanced around the tent for a cloth he could wipe up the cum and specks of blood with, but didn't see anything. Instead, he dipped the end of his robe in the water, wrung it out, and gently started wiping down Pacha.

"Mmm... That feels nice."

"Just don't get too excited. After what you've been through tonight, I think you should rest from sexual activity for a few days."

"I'll be fine."

"No you won't. My royal physician is highly skilled, but if you get an infection I don't know how much he can do this far from the capital. Plus, it would raise questions."

The tayra sighed. "Yes, your majesty."

The jaguar ran his wet robe across every inch of the tayra's body, from his fuzzy ears all the way to his feet. Once complete, he chose a clean section of his robe, wetted it, and gently wiped down the area around the tayra's loose, sensitive hole. "I don't think I ever thanked you for what you did tonight. Without your help, I don't know if Yauri and Sayani would have given me the supplies the troops needed."

"Of course, your majesty. You're welcome. I just wish I could still entertain you the next few nights."

Sapalla wetted his soft robe again and carefully dabbed it against the tissue just inside Pacha's pucker. The tayra gave little squirms of pleasure. "There are other ways you can entertain me," the emperor said. "We could continue the obedience training we began the other night."

Pacha perked up. "Oh yes, I would love to do more of that. Whatever pleases you, your majesty."

"Good. After I'm done cleaning you up we can put the collar and leash back on you."

The tayra smiled and closed his eyes and let the jaguar continue his work. With another part of his robe he wiped off Pacha's muzzle until the fur shone brightly in the lamplight. With this completed, he went to the physician's bag and rummaged around until he found a corked clay bottle of a special salve.

"This will numb the areas it touches and keep it moisturized and protected from infection." He dipped his finger inside and spread it around the edge of Pacha's tailhole. The tayra squirmed and let out a breathy sigh. After making sure the area was well covered, Sapalla re-wetted his finger and carefully inserted it into Pacha's loose hole.


"Easy now. I promise I'll go slow. Take deep breaths." The emperor pushed in his finger bit by bit, coating every bit of the surface he could reach. The tayra relaxed as the numbing agent started taking effect and let the jaguar finish his work. He wouldn't be able to reach the deepest depths Yauri had penetrated, not even close, but it was the best he could do.

With his work done, he slowly removed his finger. The salve dripped from the tayra's taint. Sapalla wiped down the area one more time with his robe and washed his paws in the bucket. "There. All done. Now remember, take it easy the next few days. You can ride in the royal litter with me during the day instead of scouting ahead. All that running would only aggravate the perforations."

"Yes, your majesty. Thank you."

"Still up for some obedience training?"

Pacha nodded enthusiastically. "Yes, sir."

"Good boy." He went to his jewelry chest and retrieved the golden collar and chain on top. "Sit up. Slowly, now."

Pacha complied. The jaguar put the collar around the tayra's neck and attached the chain. "Now remember, no talking with this on. Only nonverbal responses." Pacha nodded and smiled.

The emperor rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "Now, what shall we teach you tonight? Last time we made you fetch something and ride my cock. This time let's teach you some basics. We did this one briefly the other night, so let's see if you remember." He gave the leash a tug. "Come."

Pacha got off the bed and approached him. He looked up at the emperor with those beautiful purple eyes.

"Good boy." He petted the fur on the tayra's head. "When I say, 'come,' you will come to my side if you are able. You will drop whatever you're doing and come to your master." He took a few steps back. "Come." Pacha obediently closed the distance again and came beside him.

"Excellent, my pet. Now for other commands. I know you already know the command 'sit.' You sat down on my big cock very well the other night." The tayra blushed. "And you already know how to fetch," the emperor continued, "so let us try something new." He gave the leash a downward tug. "Sit."

Pacha went down to his knees and looked up at the jaguar for further instruction. Sapalla put the leash down on the ground. He held up his paw. "Now, stay." He backed up a few steps. Pacha started to get up, and the jaguar snapped his fingers. "Stay." The tayra sat back down. "Good boy." Sapalla backed up until he was at the other end of the tent. He waited a moment, watching the mustelid wiggle in anticipation. "Alright, come to your master."

Pacha got up and ran to the emperor's side. Sapalla petted the tayra's head. "Good boy!" Pacha smiled and pushed into the jaguar's touch, craning his head so Sapalla could scratch behind his ears and under his chin. The emperor was generous with his scritches and rubs.

"Such a good boy. Remember that when I tell you to 'stay,' the separation is only temporary. You'll be beside your emperor again quite soon. And you are always safe by my side." Pacha nodded happily.

"Now, you've been a good boy so far. How about something fun?" The tayra wiggled in excitement. "Good. Now lay down on the floor."

Pacha did as he was told and looked up at the emperor expectantly. "No, eyes closed. Go limp and lay still." The mustelid sprawled out and closed his eyes. "Good. That's 'play dead.' Whenever I say 'play dead,' you will drop wherever you're standing and act as if you are dead. Sound fun?" Pacha nodded.

Sapalla snapped his fingers. "Dead tayras don't move their head! They don't move a muscle." He could see Pacha resisting the urge to nod again. The jaguar smiled. "Good. Now, up. I want you to do it again. This time, more dramatic. Play dead!"

The tayra collapsed to the ground and sprawled out his limbs. He let his tongue loll out of his mouth for effect.

"Heh, good boy," Sapalla crooned. "That's more like it. Up! I want to see you do it on my bed." He gave the leash a gentle tug and led the tayra to his bed. "Come now, up on the bed. Good boy. Now, play dead!"

Pacha slumped over facedown onto the soft sheets. The jaguar chuckled. "Very dramatic. I like it." He sat down beside the prone mustelid. "But the key to acting is to always stay in character. Even if I do this." He gently drew a claw against the bottom of Pacha's foot.

Pacha giggled and squirmed. Sapalla snapped his fingers. "Bad! You will stay still for your emperor. Play dead." He repeated the motion, and Pacha giggled again and pulled his foot away. Sapalla could see the tayra's dick starting to perk up.

The emperor raised an eyebrow. "Hmm. Seems I've discovered a sensitive spot." He grabbed the tayra by the ankle and experimentally rubbed a finger between his toes. Pacha's cock throbbed and he let out a whimper.

"Well well well. Never knew you were a little foot slut. I think this is something we need to explore further." He started kneading and rubbing the bottoms of Pacha's feet. The tayra let out a breathy sigh and gave little twitches of pleasure as the emperor played. "Did you know you were a little foot slut?" Pacha shook his head.

The bottoms of the tayra's feet were bare black skin, toughened by walking around with sandals instead of being carried aloft. Here and there were short, delicate hairs, with the majority of them between his toes. Sapalla blew gently on them. The tayra moaned. Sensory hairs, eh? With those and the curved claws, no wonder tayras are good at climbing. But tonight the sensitive hairs were proving quite useful for something else.

Sapalla smiled as he watched the tayra writhe in pleasure despite his efforts to stay still. The emperor relished his complete control over Pacha's lithe body. He could make the mustelid move and moan however he liked. The jaguar could have his way with his little toy and do whatever he pleased.

While still kneading he leaned his head down and exhaled his warm, moist breath over the tayra's toes. He tickled them with his whiskers, rubbing them back and forth over the sensitive skin and watching Pacha's little twitches closely. I wonder what happens when I do this? His lips brushed against the tayra's big toe, caressing it with the soft surface before opening his maw, closing down over the toe and sucking.

"Nnnf! Sapalla!" Pacha cried.

He gave the tayra a glare. "How many times do I have to tell you, my pet? No talking. Next time I will have to punish you."

Pacha smiled and closed his eyes. "Worth it."

"Hmph. Feeling sassy tonight, are we? Very well. You leave me no choice." He drew a sharp claw along the bottom of Pacha's foot, not enough to break skin but enough to make it sting. The tayra tried to pull his foot back but the emperor held it firmly in place. "There's no escaping my punishment," he said with a sultry growl.

The jaguar traced his claw slowly from the ball of Pacha's foot down to the heel. Judging by the reaction, the tough skin there seemed extra sensitive. Sapalla made sure to take his time letting the tayra feel the sting of his razor-sharp tool. Pacha gave a whine of discomfort, but the emperor wouldn't hear it. His pet had decided to be naughty, and he couldn't let that slide. Pacha had to learn his place. Sapalla varied the pressure against the tender flesh, eliciting sensations from a light tickle to a thorn in his foot and everywhere in between. The tayra grunted and looked to him pleadingly.

After a few more agonizing seconds, Sapalla finally let up and returned to rubbing. He could see the relief on Pacha's face. "There," the jaguar said, "I hope you've learned your lesson. Now, where were we?" The tayra stuck out his tongue in an adorable way. "Ah yes, that's where we were." He bent down and ran his barbed tongue between Pacha's toes. The mustelid gave a shaky sigh as the lingering sensations of pain were replaced with pleasure.

In truth, Sapalla didn't really know what he was doing. He was always the one receiving the foot worship, never the one giving it. But it seemed the tayra was in the opposite position, giving it but never receiving. They were both performing roles they'd never tried before, and both enjoying every moment of it.

The jaguar let his eyes trace up the tayra's toned legs to his exposed genitals. Pacha was rock hard. "Up for getting off one more time tonight?" Sapalla asked. Pacha thought for a moment before nodding excitedly. The jaguar moved forward and nuzzled the black, furry balls with his nose. Gods, his toy smelled good. He could breathe in this pheremone-infused scent all day. "Very well, my pet," he said. "Let's get you off." He opened his maw, leaned in, and put it around the tayra's tip.

Pacha moaned and squirmed as the jaguar sucked on his glans. Sapalla ran his rough, wet tongue over it slowly, coaxing out a steady drip of precum. It tasted sweet, exotic. It filled the jaguar's nostrils and made him lust for more. The gold cock ring kept the tayra's rod nice and stiff as he worked his way down.

Pacha wrapped his legs around the jaguar's neck as he descended further, holding him in place. Normally Sapalla would prefer to remain in control of the situation, but tonight he would let the tayra have a little fun. Making sure his fangs were safely covered by his lips, he tightened his jaw around Pacha's shaft and sucked harder. The mustelid gasped and started humping the jaguar's muzzle.

The taste of pre was getting stronger. His pet was close to climax already. Sapalla reached up and wrapped his paw around Pacha's sack and gave it a squeeze. Now that he knew the tayra liked a little torture, he would definitely be using it to his advantage from now on. He could feel the sensitive organs twitch eagerly in his tight grasp.

Pacha's sheath mashed against the black, fleshy skin of the jaguar's lips. Whenever he drew back it made the barbs on Sapalla's tongue rub against it, and the only way to relieve the itch was to thrust forward even deeper. The tayra was quickly building up to a feverish pace.

The jaguar used his powerful neck muscles to keep his head steady while Pacha set the speed. His dick coated every inch of the emperor's mouth with its exotic flavor. Sapalla kneaded his orbs, careful to keep his paw from brushing against the tayra's ravaged hole. He pulled against Pacha's sack until the skin was taut, then pulled a little further. The mustelid moaned and spurted more pre.

The emperor knew Pacha was almost there. He loosened his jaw slightly, lessening the pressure around the tayra's dick, torturing him after being so close to orgasm. Pacha bucked his hips harder, desperate to get the release he needed. His body was begging for the emperor's mercy. Sapalla briefly considered stopping and leaving the tayra uncontrollably horny, but Pacha had done so much for him today that he deserved a little reward.

The feline tightened his jaw and pulled on the sensitive sack. Pacha moaned and held Sapalla's head in place as he worked himself into a frenzy. The jaguar's lips were sore from the nonstop assault, but he knew it wouldn't be long now. He could feel the tayra's balls churning, yearning to relieve the pressure one more time this evening. Pacha's pace was becoming irregular, and the taste of pre was stronger than ever. The emperor leaned forward and pinned the tayra's hips to the bed with his weight, enveloping Pacha's cock entirely with his moist maw.

Pacha cried out and hit climax. His urethra pulsed against Sapalla's tongue and the jaguar tasted the tayra's sweet, salty cum deep in his mouth. He swallowed and gave a deep purr, vibrating the juicy cock and coaxing out more of its savory juices. Pacha bucked his hips, pounding his groin against the emperor's lips. Sapalla's mouth was quickly filling with the tayra's thick, hot seed. Sapalla swallowed again and again as the mustelid rode out the ecstasy, until he finally started slowing down to a reluctant stop. Pacha gave a shaky sigh.

The jaguar slowly pulled his head back and off the tayra's shaft. He licked his lips, savoring the taste of his subject's seed. "Good boy. You saved a nice big load for your emperor." Pacha blushed. "Can't wait until your hole is all healed up and I can reclaim every inch of it. Would you like that?" The tayra nodded sleepily.

"Good." He knew he couldn't rush it, but he longed for his playtoy's tight tunnel more than ever. The next major town on his list was three days' travel away--he hoped Pacha would be ready by then. Three days without penetrating his eager subject sounded like an eternity, but he was sure the clever tayra would figure out other ways to please him.

"Now, how about we take off that leash and collar before bed? You can stay here for the night."

Pacha smiled. He had likely never slept in a bed so nice. The emperor approached and undid the clasp on the back of the collar. He removed it gently and crossed the room to place it back in the jewelry chest.

Pacha nuzzled into the soft layers of the bed. "That felt amazing. Thank you, Sapalla."

The jaguar smirked. "Just know that I do not often do that for my concubines. In fact, this is the first time I have gone down on someone in years."

"Really? Wow... I'm honored, your majesty."

"Do not think that means you will be getting special treatment when it's time for you to take the tests to join my harem. I have no control over those proceedings."

"Yes, sir. But it's really nice to hear you care about me enough to do that with me."

"Yes, Pacha. Yes I do."