Running In The Rain Part 5

Story by Ca8Pom on SoFurry

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#4 of Running In The Rain

Wren was sitting in the front room coloring a celtic design in his coloring book. On his knees on the floor and his big almond shaped green eyes intent on the task at hand. A green crayon was in his little black paw and he was trying not to go between the lines of the intricate pattern.

He was, essentially, Kate's nephew. God-nephew to be exact but she looked at the little mixed child as if he were part of her own blood anyway. His mother, Vivian, was a luscious silver-gray cat with big green eyes and insane dark red hair on the top of her head. Doridian, his father, was a fox of average orange and brown but his eyes were green specked blue that gave them a sea foam kind of hue. Doridian's hair on his head also sprouted out in blue.

Wren was a delightful mix of his parents but he favored his mother in appearance. He was thin boned and canine agile like his fox side and his tail was stiff like a fox and somewhat fluffier than a normal short haired cats would be. On the tip of his tail was a white puff from his father. Also, his front paws up to his elbows as well as his lower paws up to his knees were black. Other than those telltale fox signs he looked like a little dark gray kitten. He had the big green eyes of his mother and her face, her whiskers, her ears. The only difference was that his snout and nose were just a tad longer. One last odd trait he inherited from who knows where was that the hair that grew on the top of his head came in a dark purple.

He was wearing his pajama's still even though it was getting closer to noon. A red background with little random flying superhero's plastered all over them.

Wren sat there ignoring his mothers repeated orders to get dressed and his father who was somewhere else in the house doing something else. He didn't want to do schoolwork today because he wanted to color and to his young mind that was more important than old stories of boring furs.

But then his mother started down the stairs. He could hear her soft paws making the boards of their old town house creak with each step. Resolutely he refused to look up from his work and continued to color the squiggly lines. He could sense she was standing at the bottom of the steps with her arms crossed and giving him a evil motherly glare.

"Wren. I'm not going to disappear if you don't look at me." She said.

Wren sighed and was about ready to throw a tantrum as he sat up and looked up at his mother in distress.

Her long dark red hair had been mostly gathered up on the top of her head in a braid that circled a bun. But almost half of it hung out of this design to hang around her shoulders and down towards her waist. She had a thin waist, but shapely legs and a large inviting bosom that Wren would cling to when he was scared of monsters or woken up from nightmares. A black sleeveless blouse covered her top, but had a low neckline, so not much. Added to that were black jeans and to top it off were black leather boots. She in no way looked opposing...Except to her son who didn't want to do homework.

He was pouting and pleading up at his mother for her to let him continue his coloring escapade. She was irritated at him but she had to still fight to keep a smile off of her face so she didn't just melt and let him do what he wanted.

It was then that all hell broke loose.

Kate ran in to the house, slamming the door against the wall, running inside wildly and trying to cling to the step banister so she could run upstairs. When she first ran in Wren had jumped to his feet with a smile and calling out; "Aunt Kate!" But he soon realized that something was not right at all. His eyes widened in confusion as he realized she didn't wear any bottoms but she still had her shirt on, and she was crying and screaming, while his mother helped her up the steps and called to his dad.

Quick as lightning and quicker than Wren would have liked his father was in the main room tugging his arm towards the kitchen.

"Come on, son, we're going to do school-work." He said in a stern no-contest voice.

Wren protested still by trying not to let himself be dragged by the arm as he gawked up the steps the whole way to the kitchen.

Kate clung to the pillow on her bed and had her face buried in to it. Vivian was sitting beside her on the bed with her paw on her friend's back and asking what happened. She knew that she wasn't going to get an immediate answer so she just rubbed and patted Kate's back until she calmed down enough to lift her face off the pillow and roll to her side to look up at her.

"My boss said I had to come home and spend the week away from everyone because I'm starting my heat cycle." She sniffled and started to cry again.

Vivian's face screwed up in to a confused and somewhat angry expression. She found that rude as well as stupid that a female couldn't work in the city for something that was completely natural. But she also realized rather quickly was that was not the only thing that could have Kate so upset. Something else had happened. She waited patiently for her to regain her composer and continue the story.

"You and Dori weren't home last night..." She whispered sadly.

"I know that, we were at the hotel after we took Wren to the museum and we didn't want to come back in the middle of the night through the storm." After she said this she realized the beginning of the problem.

"I went in to the city so I didn't have to be alone in the storm, to a little coffee house. And I drank tea all night...But then a hybrid walked in and he came right up to me and I thought he was going to rape me right there." Kate started to shake remembering it.

Vivian gathered her in to her arms and hugged her tight and coaxed her to continue.

"Well he left without doing anything to me because other furries were there. But that wasn't the end of it! That morning when I was going to work in a taxi I seen him sitting alone, naked, on the sidewalk. So I ran out to see if he was okay and he was. But he was so weird! I hurried away from him and went to work only to have my boss tell me to go home as soon as I put my scrubs on."

"Okay...Then what happened, hunny?" Vivian cooed.

"I was walking back home and I figured I would walk through this alley as a short cut and I got attacked by a cheetah and he...and he..." She couldn't continue.

Vivian clung to her tighter. "I'm sorry! We should move back to the country...Wren doesn't need to grow up in a place like this."

"No, no.." Kate argued and clung to Vivian tighter.

"He was going to rape me and got so far as ripped my scrubs when the hybrid, Jaye was his name, showed up out of nowhere and murdered him."

"WHAT!?" Vivian screeched. "How is MURDER any better than rape!?"

Kate laughed despite herself. "I didn't say it was, silly! I'm just saying...He saved me and let me run away. Jaye didn't follow me home. I think he knew he scared me and didn't want to scare me anymore than he already did."

They both sat quietly for a while. Neither knowing quite what to say to the other. After a few minutes Vivian let go of Kate and stood up.

"We'll fix this heat cycle of yours. We'll go to that orgy club tonight and get you laid, it's been too long anyway." She rubbed her gray paws together deviously before turning to walk out of the room and saying- "Get showered up and dressed and don't argue with me. I'll make some of that tea you like and we'll call the babysitter for Wren."

"But-" Kate began to protest.

"NO buts, missy! I'm going to get you knocked up if it kills you so you aren't attacked and raped just trying to go to work!" She said this as she was halfway down the stairs.

Kate sighed and shook her head in the direction of her friend. She rubbed at her puffy red brown eyes and sat there for a minute thinking about it. It was true, the fact that she hadn't done anything sexually related since before Wren was born. He was now five years old and steadily becoming a new little male of the next generation. Would it kill her to have pups even if she didn't have a steady husband like Vivian and Doridian being together?

She sighed again and curled up on the bed to feel sorry for herself before going to get in the shower.