Massaged By The Plush Snake

Story by ToastManMcFace on SoFurry

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#2 of Hugs

An exhausted college student gets a strange package, with a item inside that solves his sleep deprivation problem, but also may cause him to run late on his report

Other Hug Stories:

Comfort Creature

Taken By The Plush Bunny

Dragon Mother

Jackie was a hard-working college student, he was at home working on this finals during the first semester of his fourth year. He was working late to get a report done for his literature class. He was tired and stressed as he was finishing his end of semester work. It was 10 o'clock at night, and he had not gotten a full night sleep in almost two weeks, heck the most he had slept in the past 4 days was two hours. Even though he was wearing his pajamas he knew that he couldn't afford to sleep. He was a quarter of the way done with his work when he put his head on the table to take a short break. "I just want to sleep..." He said to himself, which of course is ordinary for a college student, but poor Jackie was at the end of his rope.

Then he heard a knock on the door, he let out a deep sigh and got up from his desk and went to see who it was. When he opened the door there was no one in sight, but there was a rather big box that was left on his doorstep. He looked at the box puzzlingly, "There's no way that the mail would be running this late, who put it here?" He looked around but didn't see anyone out on the street. Despite his suspicions he took the strange package into his house, he carried the box into his room where he was studying and put it down. He set down pondering why this package was delivered to his house, and of course, decided that there was only one way to find out. "I might as well open it... I need the distraction." He said to himself.

Once he got the box open he saw a plastic bag with some kind of fabric inside. The bag was sealed off with only a few undoable buttons, of course, he reached out to open them. But once he undid the button the bag suddenly burst open causing a strange pillowy mass to fling out with a swift "Poof!" He lunged back in shock as the strange contents of the package landed on his bedroom floor. "What the heck!?" Jackie shouted. He was completely confused at what he saw, it was a large snake plushy! "The bag that it was packaged in must've been vacuumed, that really spooked me." He said breathing a sigh of relief.

It had a very light brown hue on both its back and underbelly. Its eyes were pure black, with piercing emerald pupils. He couldn't tell how long it's massive tail but it had to be about 3 feet in width. He lifted the head of the giant plush snake and examined it. "I... definitely didn't order this... God this thing looks expensive." He looked over the design of the plush, and it was quite amazing. He could see the seams but they were sewn so well that it was barely noticeable. The way that the head was designed was also flawless, making it both lifelike and rather cute. But the best part was the fabric, he ran his hands against the plush toy, the texture was... Amazing. It was smooth, silky and soft, it was like a super expensive pillow. He just stood there and admired the well-made plush, then the realization came to him. "Even though it's addressed to me, there must've been some mistake... It's obviously not mine, and I don't know anyone who would send me something like this..." He let out a large sigh and put down the plush, and went over to grab the cardboard box it came in, "I guess I'll have to return it to the post office tomorrow..." He said to himself.

Suddenly he felt a squeezing sensation around his midsection. "W-what?" He yelled puzzlingly. He looked down to see the plush tail was coiled around him. "You're going to send me back? How mean... And after I went through so much trouble to get here." A voice said. The tone was soft and sweet, but the voice sounded dominant and feminine. He turned around to see the plush snake looming over him. Its tail was slithering and sliding on his bedroom floor, its dark emerald eyes gazed down at him with an eager expression, and it wore a very friendly looking smile. Jackie was absolutely shocked, he had no idea how he was supposed to react to this. Flustered and confused he stepped a few feet back. But in response the plush snake quickly wrapped it's tail up to his shoulders, instantly cocooning the boy in her fluffy tail. "Eeeeep!" He yelped. The giant plush coil wrapped him in a snug cushiony embrace.

"Where do you think You're going? We haven't even gotten acquainted yet." It smiled with a mischievous grin. He tried his best to get free of its tail, but he only succeeded in wiggling around, all his movements would just be cushioned by the snakes' puffy appendage. The feeling of being wrapped up in its coils was strange, it wasn't painful, in fact, it felt like he was wrapped up in a huge pillow. It was also very warm like a heated blanket, even so, it was a pillow that had him trapped. He frantically looked around in a panic, he saw that his cellphone was on the floor on the other side of his room. But even if his hands were free there was no way he would be able to get it.

The coils then went further up his body and wrapped around his neck, locking his head in place so he could only look forward. He tried to move his head but the pillowy tail prevented him from moving around, like a cotton neck brace. The snake then stared him in the eyes. "Now now.... Don't look away from me..." She said in a sweet voice, "I'm not going to hurt you... just relax..." He didn't completely believe her, but he was somewhat reassured by her tone. He stopped struggling, and stared into her elegantly crafted eyes, he began to feel a little strange, he couldn't tell why though. "I've waited so long to meet you... I even put myself in a box for delivery to get myself here." She said as she stroked his face with the end of her tail. "And now... I finally have you..." She licked her lips with her velvet tongue.

Jackie was completely dumbfounded, as his situation really began to sink in. Not only was he caught in the coils of a sentient plush snake, but apparently it also mailed itself... To his house... With the intention of catching him! Questions began racing through his mind, "What is this thing? How is it alive? I mean... It's obviously a HER... I guess. How did she know who I was?" He thought to himself. "W-What are you?" He asked, the snake just leaned in closer. "Shhhhhhh..." She stared directly into his eyes and tilted her head slightly to the side. "Just relaaaaax..." She said. He began feeling strange again, her stares almost felt welcoming, realizing how strange he felt he quickly shook off the thought.

"Hmmm... You're a resilient one, aren't you? I expected that you would be completely entranced by now... let's fix that. ??" The coils that hugged his body began to shift and squirm, he gasped as a pleasant feeling washed over him. The tail that coiled him began to stroke and rub his body. His legs, his back, his belly, even his arms, the plushy snake was pressing all of his sensitive points. "Uhh... Mmmmm...." Against his better judgment, he began to relax. He moaned as he rested his head on the coils it kept him in place, finally relaxing all of his muscles. He began to close his eyes as all of his stress began to fade away.

Suddenly the tail tightened around his neck. "Eeep!" He squeaked as it felt like a tight collar had just been strapped on him. The snake leaned in closer as she looked him directly in his eyes. "If you take your eyes off me... I'll smother you...." The snake said in a seductive voice, with a mischievous look in her dark gleaming eyes. She then began to nuzzle him, "Now be a good boy... And look at me..." Suddenly it's tail got tighter as it put extra pressure on its massage. He gasped as his massage got even more relaxing, feeling the sensation of his muscles loosen up, and the soft silky coils slithering against him was unlike anything he had ever felt in his life. He just wanted to close his eyes and drift off, but he couldn't. If he let the massage relax him too much he could lose focus and take his eyes off the plush, and who knows what she would do to him.

He tried to take deep breaths to calm down and ignore the pleasant sensation of the snakes pillowy tail. But just when he thought he had himself under control, she began to massage his shoulders. He took a huge sigh of relief as the soft soothing coils continued to gently caress his uptight muscles. It felt like all of the stress he carried on his shoulders for the past few weeks began to slowly disappear, as the pressure washed over his joints, leaving an indescribable wave of pleasure in its wake. "MMMmmmmmmmm..." He let out a high-pitched moan as the snakes' massage sent him straight to heaven, and mistakingly closed his eyes, and let out a huge sigh of comfort.

Suddenly he felt something soft on his face, he opened his eyes to see the snakes' velvet maw. Before he could react she quickly took his head in her mouth and began sucking him in, it felt like a bunch of pillows were brushing against him. He tried to yell but the cushiony throat muffled his screams. The snake then used its tail to quickly lift the rest of him into her mouth, and with a soft gulp, his feet disappeared into her maw.

"Ahhhh!" She said as the boy slid down her throat with ease, "I warned you..." She put on a large satisfied smirk. Jackie slid further and further into the giant plush snake, it felt like he was entering an endless sleeping bag, it did feel strangely pleasant, however, he was truly terrified. Finally, he landed in what he could only assume was the snake's roomy belly. It was pitch black so he couldn't see anything, but it felt like the inside of its belly was padded with smooth soft cotton pillows. He pushed against the walls of his captor looking for a way out, though the canal in which he entered had already sealed itself up. "Are you... comfortable?" The snake asked with a seductive tone, her voice was surprisingly audible inside the fluffy prison.

"P-Please! Let me out!" He cried desperately pushing and pulling at his soft surroundings. He was exhausted, tired, and now he was terrified, struggling to escape from the belly of the living plush. Then the walls of her belly begin to contract themselves on to Jackie's body. "PLEASE! I'm sorry I didn't pay attention to you! I won't look away this time! Please!" Then he was silenced as the padded walls of the snake's belly began to tightly squeeze him.

"Shhhhhh..." She said in a much sweeter voice as her captive was securely snug in her pillowy chamber. His new prison made him feel like he was tightly tucked into a large comfy bed. Which made sense since he was literally inside a big fluffy pillow. She began to rock her belly side to side and stroke it with the end of her tail, Jackie finally began to calm down realizing how welcoming his new surroundings were. He didn't want to struggle anymore, he just wanted to sleep. So he finally closed his eyes and let the snake's belly cradle him to sleep. "Sleep tight. ??" She said as he drifted off.

Much later he woke up in his own bed, he slowly opened his eyes, still very drowsy. When his vision cleared up he saw the snake looming over him. "Ah? You're awake?" She said with a surprised look on her face. Jackie's eyes shot open in disbelief, just when he thought it was all a dream, the snake was right there in front of his eyes, cuddling him with her tail which she had draped over him like a blanket. "It's only 4 am, you should go back to sleep." She said with a gentle smile on her face.

"Wait! Didn't you eat me!?" He asked flabbergasted as he sat up from his bed. "Shhhh... Shhhh... Shhhhh..." She eased him back into his bed with her coils. "Please don't be mad, I was just playing with you. It seemed to help you relax a lot more before I put you to sleep." She gently stroked his hair with the end of her tail. "I've had my eyes on you for quite some time, and now that I'm here... I can always be with you..." Jackie found himself rather comfortable under her tail, as the warm coils kept him tightly tucked in his bed. It felt really warm and pleasant. "But... Why me?" He asked puzzlingly. "I'm a pillow silly! Do I need a reason? Plus the whole point of being a pillow is to make sure humans can sleep and be at ease." She said cheerfully.

"Well, thank you for helping me get to sleep but could you let me out of bed now? I still have a report to finish for tomorrow." He requested as he tried to sit back up, but of course, he found that her tail had him pinned to his bed like a weighted blanket. As a response, she leaned in closer to his face with a weird expression in her eyes. "Go to sleep..." She whispered in a strange mesmerizing voice. Once again Jackie started feeling strange, before he knew it he closed his eyes and drifted back to sleep. "Good boy. ??" She said as she tucked the rest of her tail over Jackie to make sure he was snug. She watched over her sleepy subjugated boy for the rest of the night, ensuring that he stayed asleep until 8 am at least.


Other Hug Stories

Confort Creature