Dear Diary

Story by Kynstro on SoFurry

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Dear diary,

Today was the best day of my life... (pause for effect^^) (squeil) The new lofty mountain romance is coming out! (and Angela Corria is sooooo cute!). :D:D I think ill see it in theatres tomorrow... alone. None of my friends like the series... I suggested it and they laughed as if i said a funny joke and started talking about kill floor... 9.

Anyways... I hear that she falls in love with another guy, and get this, he is a bird! talk about furs crossed with feathers! Personally i would prefer her to go out with that muscle jock Chad, or even that swimmer Jack but i guess Terry the falcon will be fine...

On another note, all is well on pretty much every front, I'm getting strait A's as usual, my tenis team is coming along well (i might just get captain this time! :D:D) and my family is planning on going to florida. I love florida, the ocean, the sand, all those hot people on the beach...

Tyler, as usual, is being an annoying prick, he is cool and all, but all the girls go after him, not me... :( just cuz he has an amazing body, is the captain of the football team, has a beautiful face and pulls up in a 76 stingray every day. :P i mean, i'm good looking, i have a toned body, nice fur, and the girls call me the cutest pup ever. The cutest, not the hottest. Eh, i guess i can se why... he is damn sexy... On a purely hypothetical level, IF i were a girl i guess i'd hit that...

Finally, a asked a girl out and she said yes. (OMG thats so cool how i waited until the end to say it like it was nothing! ^^(HA tyler! beat that!)) She is drop dead gorgeous! :D:D i guess I'm the only dude who would go to a romance with a girl...

March 23.

Dear diary,

Today was a dream! I daydreamed all day without being caught and went on a date with a girl! Even Tyler said she was a hot chick. We went into the theatre and got seats all the way in the back, and i put my arm around her the entire time! ^^ :D i think this warrents a poem...


to a gentle flower that holds one's breath,

perfect in shape,

perfect in form,

Can a man give from his birth until his death?

Water and light,

One can will as much as his might,

but can be torn from his grasp,

by drought, by storm.

What can be timeless,

not touched by age safe from the earths mighty gaze?


A clear blue sky on a stormy day,

water in the middle of a desert.

A singing dove,

a heartfelt sob,

Is it you where i may find such love?

Sigh.... I can't wait until tomorrow... First kiss? second date? :D:D:D:D:D:D:D I think so! :D:D:D:D:D

March 24.