.not sexy story part 000

Story by yaoi222 on SoFurry


At the forest's entrance I reach behind me for my backpack but realize that I have forgotten it. I let my arm drop to my side and I sit on the trunk of a fallen tree. "What's that line? 'What else could go wrong?' Is that it?" I look up to the almost black sky. "Maria...I don't know what to do."

"You could apologize."

"Heh. That's not going to happen."

"Well, it should. Sonic told me everything."

I notice how a branch or two above me sway without a breeze. "Come down." My eyes follow the bat who now lowers to my level. "Did you follow me?"

"Don't get cocky. You have a lot of apologizing to do to Sonic. You are being an ungrateful little hedgehog." She crosses her arms.


"You should go back and say you're sorry."

"I should go back...for my bag."

"You arrogant little..." She stops herself.

"Finish it, Rouge! Never mind the fact that I stuck up for you against the echidna hours ago."

She grins. "A maverick with no respect for women. Now really, Shadow."

I growl through clenched teeth. "I have no patience for this." I stand and cross her path.

"Okay. If you say so...but I'm warning you: Don't push away those who pull for you." She shrugs. "If you want to remain friendless, keep it up." She pauses. "Oh that's right! You had one friend."

I stop.

"Key word: had."

When I face her, both of her hands are on her hips as she stares at me in disgust. "Watch it," I growl.

"Not my fault she was killed. You just couldn't save her."

My anger burns within me. "Shut up!"

Rouge grins. "What's wrong?" she taunts. "A bit mad at yourself for your failure?"

"Last warning, bat."

She winks at me. "It's okay. I know that Sonic would never let anyone die the way you did."

I leap to her but she flies above my reach. "Get down here! How dare you say that to me!"

"No. I think I'll stay. I like it up here."

"I'll rip those wings from your back!" I run up the trunk of a nearby tree and push off towards her. She rises slightly then catches me by one arm. Up she flies as I struggle.

"Go ahead! Make me drop you. We're well higher than a hundred feet now. You'll surely die if you fall."

"Then let me die!" I swat her hands with my fist and she painfully releases me. I begin to drop.

"Shadow!" I watch Rouge dive-bomb towards me but she's too late.

In the cover of the night I flip to face the ground and I extend my arms. I grab onto a branch and use its flexibility to swing to the trunk of the tree. I land on a thicker and wider main branch and watch as Rouge flies below, frantically searching for me. I begin to climb down from one branch to another as silently as I can. When I reach the ground I brush the leaves and who knows what else from my skin and I step into the moonlight. "Hey, bat!"

Rouge hovers in the air for but one moment then lands in front of me. "Don't do that again!" She takes my shoulders in her hands as she speaks.

"Don't lift me again." I cross my arms and smirk at her. "You actually worried about me, didn't you?"

"We all worry about you. You're more reckless than Sonic."

I clasp my hands over my ears. "Why is it that everyone has to compare us! What is it with this planet?" I nearly scream. "Return me to ARK and I'll be the happiest creature in the universe in all existence of time!"

Rouge repeats that blasted hedgehog's name over and over again until I drop to my knees in anger. I scream at her to shut up but she only gets louder and adds other taunts. She goes back to chanting his name and each time my ears catch it that name angers me more.

Suddenly, she becomes quiet.

I open my eyes and notice the feet before me and look up. I remove my hands from my ears and stand, my eyes locked.

Glaring at Rouge, Sonic the Hedgehog stands with his arms crossed, his green eyes piercing hers. "Done yet?" he growls.

The bat doesn't blink but backs away. I feel a finger poke me in the white on my chest. "Here. You forgot this." Looking down I notice my backpack. I take it and glance at him.

"How - ?"

"The kid you met. He told me everything."

"Then you're really too busy with politics to help him?" I narrow my red eyes.

Sonic closes his. "Not anymore. I will help him but I may need some assistance. I'm not sure of where Alex's mother is being held."

"You're asking me to help you and that kid."

"Yes." He opens his eyes.

"You're asking the wrong guy." I return my bag to its place on my back and turn from the bat and hedgehog.

"You know, Rouge was right about one thing."

I look over my shoulder as I stop. "And what was that?"

"You couldn't care any less about the lives of others."

"So? What's the problem in that?" I face forward again and begin to walk away. "You're the hero. Go do your job."


I stop cold in my tracks. "You're the one who needs the help. You shouldn't be asking for it, Mr. 'Hero of the World.' Go bother someone else with your lack of ability." I pause, waiting for him to comment. When the silence lasts for a moment, I shake my head.

"That kid, Alex, looks up to you. Are you gonna let him down?"

"I'm not the hero."

"You don't have to be."

I finally turn to him. "Stop attempting to force me! I'm not gonna let you make me be your copy and I refuse to let you warp my mind to do your bidding! So stop trying!"

Sonic laughs. "That's what you've been thinking all this time? I'm gonna force you to be me? You're nuts!"

"Shadow, Sonic is only trying to help."

"I don't need any help!"

"But that kid does." Sonic sighs.

I return to the fallen tree and sit upon it once more. "I obtained your medicine - something that was against my better judgement - and yet I still have to help your worthless ass."

Rouge turns to the blue hedgehog. "Sonic, maybe you should help Alex." She crosses her arms. Her wings wrap around her as though she was cold.

"Yeah...I guess you're right, Rouge. Shadow doesn't seem to be fit for the challenge. I don't think he's strong enough." He tilts his head towards me as he speaks.

I jump to my feet. "I'm strong enough! You're really asking for it, hedgehog..."

"Whatever. Are ya gonna help or not?"

I look to Rouge who nods. "No."

"You're gonna let your one and only fan down? That's sad...but it's your decision." Sonic turns from me. "If you change your mind, you know where to find me."

I shrug as Rouge spreads her wings to stretch them.

Sonic turns his head and looks to me once more. "I don't want to seem as though I'm telling you what to do but that kid could really use your help. After all, he did ask you."

I narrow my eyes. "Only because you're too tied up in politics." I turn my back.

"Look...I know he's not Maria but would she want you to turn your back on someone who needs your help?"

I whip around to face him. "Silence! I wish to not discuss the subject any further! I've made my decision and that's final!"

Sonic shrugs "Whatever you say, Shad."

"And another thing: Stop calling me 'Shad!' That's not my name nor do I like it!" Sonic's head lifts again, his green eyes now darker than before.

Suddenly I feel very uneasy around him. I walk to stand beside Rouge and take her wrist. "We're going now."

"Huh? To where, Shadow?"

"Your club. I don't like that guy anymore."

Rouge pulls her wrist from me. "You can't treat me like that! I'll go when I please." She folds her arms and watches as Sonic turns away. "What's wrong with you all of a sudden? Is Sonic irritating you that bad?"

I remain silent, my uneasiness growing stronger by the second. What is wrong with me? Why am I feeling this? I glance at Sonic. With a strong wince, the blue hedgehog grabs the sides of his head and doubles over. He curls up quickly then lets out a cry.

Rouge runs to face him. "Sonic, are you okay?" She drops to sit on her ankles and rests a hand on his shoulder as she speaks. "Tell me what's wrong."

He looks to her and assures her that he only had a slight pain. I shake my head. Don't believe him, Rouge. No "slight pain" would make him double the way he did. I watch him closely.

"I'm fine. I..." he tries to stand.


"I just need to stay here for a sec..."

Suddenly, he shakes his head violently. I walk to stand beside Rouge. The bat looks at me as she stands. "Do something, Shadow!" She steps back so I may approach the hedgehog.

I step between her and Sonic and crouch where she had. I take hold of his shoulders and give him one quick shake. "Snap out of it!"

"Sh...Shadow...!" Sonic's eyes finally look into mine. "I...I don't want to... Don't let me...!" His eyes shut tight, he lowers his head, and releases a pained yell. Suddenly, he tears free from me and pushes me back. "Stay away from me!"

I stare at him in curiosity. "Why?"

Sonic stops shaking his head and in a trembling voice he almost whispers, "I don't know...what I'm gonna do... I don't wanna hurt anyone..."

"What do you mean?" Rouge gasps.

I barely whisper his name when he drops his knees to the ground, tilts his head back, and cries out louder than before. The uneasiness within me could have shocked me if I had allowed it that strength. Rouge tries to approach but I extend my arm in her way.

Without warning, Sonic the Hedgehog collapses.

I stare at his still body for a moment then rise to my feet. I dust myself and turn to Rouge. "Stay away from him. I don't think he's right in the head."

"Look, I know you don'-"

I snatched her arm forcibly. "Rouge! Listen: This is not the place to be at this time. We must go!"

"But we have to help him! He'd do the same for us!"

"And how are we to go about that, Rouge? We don't know what's going on in his head!"

"We can take him to a doctor!"

"I don't think-"

"What exactly do you think, huh?"

"l...I don't know but it's not him!" I turn my red eyes to the hedgehog.

"But he's not like that! What happened to him? It seemed as though he was fighting something in his mind... Say...What was it that he said?"

"He wanted me to stop him at all costs."

"But from doing what?"

"How the hell should I know?"

Rouge's voice becomes quiet. "So...what are we going to do?"

"Until we figure out what his problem is, we should isolate and bind him so he won't do any harm to anyone. After, we'll start figuring out a way to adjust his mind back to his normality."

Rouge nods. "But where are we gonna hold him?"

"Any suggestions?"

"Let's ask his friends. They might know." She glances at Sonic briefly then back to me. "Should we bring him with us?"

I shrug. "That or we let him do as he wishes and possibly cause harm to others." I kneel and cautiously roll him onto his back. Rouge couches down as well and bends his knees. I curve my left arm under his knees and cup my right arm across his back. With Rouge's help I lift him and we proceed towards the village gates.