The Snake And The Giver

Story by ModestImmorality on SoFurry

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May all who read this enjoy to the fullest

this tale of the humble and the cursed.

Optional track to LWR- Listen While Reading - Unfortunate Man Recommended - Right Click On Video - Select Loop

Once, there was a simple, yet lonely young man. Born of the sickly sort, he never found himself enjoying quite the same energy others his age were gifted. Born of a taboo type of relationship, the young man grew never knowing his father, save for the fact he was somehow kin by blood to his mother who raised him on her own.

For many years, the young man found himself struggling to keep up with others, his lacking energy leaving him often worn from activities before others and causing him to fail in his education, lacking the mental drive needed as he often felt his fatigue get the better of him no matter how hard he tried to be on par with others.

While there were many who simply chalked it up to laziness, or perhaps some form of anti-social psychology, it was simply a matter of his own poor health, a consequence not of his fault but blamed on him regardless. As time went on, he would find himself forced to drop out of education, leaving him with the necessities at least but still behind others.

At some point, the young man, despite his shortcomings, was able to find a woman he'd deeply fall in love with. One he had thought was ideal in all the ways he could dream of. But as time went on and truths about his health and origins came to light, combined with his lack of education and, as a result, any career, he found himself abandoned as though merely living a temporary dream of sorts.

Eventually, his mother would find herself with someone new, a man not of her blood that produced new children for her to raise. New children that were, unlike him, healthy in body and mind, with all the norms he'd lacked throughout life. Although it didn't affect their relationship at first, as time went on and the young man grew older, the thinning bond became all too clear between he and his mother.

Often the target of her new lovers ire, it didn't take long for the young man to realize it was time for him to move on from his mothers life, to leave her with the new family that would be all she could have hoped for, children who could be all that he could not. Deciding to leave before his presence ruined his siblings chances of having a father and mother together, he bid them too a silent farewell.

Now alone on a less than what many would consider sustainable living wage, the young man did for himself as best he could, able to house himself within an admittedly run down trailer that was just enough to keep the elements away and a car that was just sturdy enough to get him to and from work each day, though not without many a worrying noise now and then along the way.

Nonetheless, the young man was able to make due on what little he had. Although there were times he would have to forsake a utility or two for the sake of putting money aside in a fund for his meals, rarely if ever did he complain about his circumstances. Rather, instead of sulking, many out in the open would see a warm and welcoming smile on his face and a friendly wave they could reciprocate being given.

Although poor and ostracized from love and family alike, the young man still did his best to be kind to others, to show a smile on an otherwise dark day and offer his support when another was at their wits end, for although he'd suffered greatly, he held it against no one, and instead spent his every day filling others with the joy and encouragement he'd often lacked in life.

Generous in more ways than a simple smile, even with what little he had the young man never hesitated to share his scarce existence with others. When someone he knew suffered, he'd often reach out knowing it would be of his own sacrifice, be it bringing his meager packs of ramen to a struggling parent who's family was in need of a meal of their own, or giving a local elder he'd come to bond with a ride to and from places despite his car struggling just to get him to work, the young man did many things leaving him with all the less in some ways, yet still rich and happy in others.

Sadly however, the strenuous life still gradually took its toll on the young man, leaving strands of his hair grey and worn lines under his eyes, his complexion faring little better as his body remained thin and brittle in appearance. Though many would speak to him in concern, the young man would simply smile and assure he was alright, not being someone who felt there was worth in concerning over someone such as he while putting up a facade of positivity.

This is how the young man lived his life for some time. No matter his appearance nor' the concern of others, he'd push those around him to focus on themselves as he kept just enough distance from all to where none could learn of his past or even his life itself. Day after day he would leave home looking lifeless and return even more-so, though despite his afflictions he would always masterfully hide the truth when out and among others.

Living without family nor friends in his life, beyond working and his moments of generosity, the only companions he'd obtained were those not of his own kind. With his heart willing to aid even those beyond his fellow people, the young man would find himself tending to all manner of creatures big and small. Taking in dogs and cats, sometimes those that were with young and in need of shelter to birth and raise them, he would take the time to rehabilitate, and sometimes raise those he took in before finding them places to live off the streets.

Because of this, it was only natural his soft spirit would find him one day crossing paths with a creature even he never expected to take in. During a particularly snowy winter which left his car trapped at his struggling to stand trailer as a blanket of white thickened on top of it, the young man had to walk his way toward a nearby store in an effort to obtain last minute supplies to feed him through the weather. And it was on his way home he met this creature.

As he stumbled his way along, pushing himself to reach his abode before collapsing from his rapid fatigue, the young man had to stop when he noticed a strange object sprawled out before him. Appearing black and slender, with strange streaks of red, at first he thought it was some abandoned accessory, only to approach and find it wasn't merely an object, but a snake that had come from a nearby bush, likely trying to make it to a warm, ice-free surface to thaw and regenerate itself on, though it succumbed to the cold along the way.

Having never been so close to one before, or rather, not one with such a striking pattern and size, the young man warily approached the still creature, looking it over as the snake remained motionless, allowing him to lower himself for a better scan of its surface. Though seemingly dead, its scales of black and red could be seen radiantly glistening with life the way the colors popped in contrast to one another, luring him into warily touching the snake. Using a nearby stick to poke and prod it at first to be safe, he finally extended his hand.

Getting no reaction, he took notice of the shape of the creatures head, realizing it was venomous in nature just before feeling its muscles twitch, finally giving a response as a result of the warmth from his touch. Feeling and seeing this as the snakes tail moved, albeit subtly, the young man immediately retracted his hand, causing the creature to return to its still state from before. Thinking the situation and his own circumstances in life over, he finally did something that surprised even himself as he set his goods aside and returned to the snake.

Feeling it again, once more the creature began to stir, this time its head inching up as though trying to break out of a block of ice as the young man showed a look of thought and guilt combined. Mentioning it didn't make sense to let something else die for being born the way it was, he mustered enough courage to help the creature before him. Knowing it would still likely die even if put elsewhere, he stretched open the cuff of his coat and held his hand out before the snakes face.

Sending the heat wafting from the opening he'd made, the suffering reptile turned its attention to the source, its tongue coming to life as it tasted the warmth before its face. Reminding it not to bite unless it wanted both of them to keel over in the ice, the snake began moving into his sleeve, allowing him to feel just how cold it had become with its scales like ice themselves. Inching in little by little, it slowly wrapped around his arm like a hot water bottle until its entire body had vanished.

Reminding it not to wring either as he needed his arm, the young man resumed his tiresome trek home, groceries in hand and snake on arm as he struggled not to trip or make jerky moves that would upset the snake as its own warmth returned and its movement around his arm increased. Despite its growing conscious, the creature failed to bite as he neared his home and finally entered to the scarce warmth of his abode. Setting his things aside, he checked the thermostat as it just barely ticked at the lower 50's in fahrenheit

Warm enough to keep him from pneumonia but still chilled enough to give goosebumps, it was the most he could afford on his electric bill and even at that range he considered it being generous to himself as he started putting together a makeshift home for the snake, finding an old fish tank in his closet and setting it on a desk in his room. With little to fill it with, he set a pair of pillowcases inside before finding an old desk lamp he rarely used, smashing it to expose the inner wires and taping them along the side of the tank with the bulb over the top, leaning inside the glass home for his new roommate.

Plugging it in, he gave the knob on the wire a crank, causing the bulb to flash on, albeit dimly as one of low wattage. Nodding at his craftsmanship, he carefully stripped off his coat, exposing the snake making it jerk and tighten. With a calm voice to soothe it, he held his arm in the tank and carefully coaxed the reptile into its new home, letting it feel the soft heat from the bulb making it relax until finally tasting the area with its flicking tongue. Slowly crawling off, it moved about and pushed at the sheets, going beneath in one spot and popping its head out elsewhere.

Leaving to put his goods away, the young man returned to the snake and began doing research on the reptile before him, taking a book out he'd bought from a thrift store about their species. Eventually finding one almost identical, it appeared his new guest was like that of a Mud Snake, its pattern similar as he compared its eyes and head to those of venomous types. Possibly a hybrid of sorts, one thing he wasn't sure of was the presence of fangs or not, though once he murmured about the subject, almost as if in understanding he looked up to find the reptile facing him with its mouth agape, a pair of all too easy to see fangs flashing that made him tense in a subtle way until its mouth shut, leaving him thinking it was merely a yawn as the snake burrowed again.

Looking back at his book, he looked at the diet of both the type of snake it appeared to be and others, deciding to give a particular source of sustenance a try he had on hand in his kitchen. Leaving for a moment and returning once more, he carried a cheap can of sardines, one without any particular flavors added as one of the few things he could afford. Opening it up, he gave it a smell before apologizing to the snake, mentioning a wish to give it something better as he held out one of the fish. Suddenly flicking its tongue rapidly, the creature immediately snatched it from his hand, making the young man jerk back warily before watching the snake devour it in surprise.

Noting it wasn't the picky type and thanking the reptile for it, he offered more until the can and likewise the snakes appetite were gone, leaving it to lay in a satisfied manner as he brought it a container of water should it be in need of a drink. Apologizing for it being simple tap, he noticed how the snake didn't retaliate from his presence, able to move his hand freely in the tank as the creature kept an eye on him. Although it was perhaps pushing his luck, the young man hovered his hand closer to it, finding himself able to touch it on the head with still no sign of retaliation.

Mentioning its knowledge of him as a friend, he worked the tank toward the window of his room so it could have a view of the outside as well. Pointing out the winter season, he offered to keep it comfortable in his abode until the spring sat in and it could survive without worry. After this, despite how little he had, the young man began putting aside a special, albeit minuscule budget for the snake, allowing it to dine on sardines and eventually, even eggs from time to time after he discovered its taste for the oval treats, filling its tank with various things he thought it would enjoy to make its home more natural.

As time went on, unbeknownst to him, the young man would find himself a great focus of the snakes curiosity, often keeping a constant eye on him to examine his daily life. From watching him outside the window, struggling to climb a ladder to remove snow from his roof, to clumsily trying to keep his car running as a lackluster mechanic, it came to grasp the various types of hardships its caretaker went through, and while it had a consistently abundant source of food piled in cans by its tank, the snake would look into his kitchen down the hall, watching him open cabinets to find his own supply down to nothing more often than not.

Day after day the snake would see him drag his way out of his home, returning in a manner as if ready to crawl as life put its full weight over his fragile looking shoulders. Nonetheless, he would always show a smile to his guest, though the fatigue and his lacking health could always be seen in his dreary eyes. Whenever he was near, the snake could taste the youth within him, yet he confusingly appeared and behaved much older than he truly was. Eventually, as if beginning to see the reptile as a human, the young man began telling it stories of how he'd come to be where he was now, about why he turned out the way he did.

Through his tales, the snake learned of the incestuous origin of his birth, and how it had left him ostracized from the rest of his kind. From his family seeking to have him aborted, a concept he took the time to explain, to never knowing his father and finding even love from another beyond his grasp, the more the snake came to learn of him the more it would examine all he was left with in life. The young man was a child born of forbidden love, in turn forbidden from love, who cast himself to a lonely and meager existence so his siblings could have all he hadn't, not wanting his presence to muddle his mothers relationship with her new partner as the mans ire toward him would often cause fights between the two over his living with them.

Without the same education level of others and his lack of energy, the partner his mother chose would often call him hopeless, affirming he'd go nowhere in life and live as a leech off others. Knowing if things continued his mother would leave the man and put his siblings in a fatherless existence, the young man left in the hopes their relationship would improve without him around, and much to his relief, when last he spoke with his mother it turned out to be exactly the case. Through casting himself aside, she'd found all the joy and love she could've hoped for from her new partner as they focused on raising their new children together, often telling the young man of their accomplishments as time passed as her partners entire character turned to one of a man and father one could only dream of.

However, it had been quite some time since last he spoke with any of those he left behind, and now he lived as though he'd never existed in their lives. While he was certain his mother thought of him, he didn't make it a point to push himself back into a presence among them given he'd made it a point to leave them behind to live a better life together. Though alone he was, those he once called family couldn't be any happier together, and to him it made each day worth it, knowing his mother and siblings were thriving. At some point his mother had finally gotten married to the man as well, a dream she'd always had and finally obtained thanks to his decision to leave. Though he didn't go to the wedding, the young man told of how he received a tape of the event, letting the snake watch on the small TV in his room through the static of the screen.

Seeing his mother and siblings so happy, the reptile could see the joy in the young mans eyes, noticing the small smile on his face, yet despite that the snake could sense all of the somber and lonely emotions within him as well as he looked at all he felt he'd never have in his own life, seeing his mother happily waving and greeting him through the screen while his siblings did the same, only for the man her mother wed to look through the TV at the young man in his own cold manner before noticing a friend and waving as he walked off, leaving him knowing he still wasn't welcome in their lives as the video came to an end and the tape ejected from its player.

Explaining how he'd tell her how well off he was now, his own life became a facade to his own mother so not even she had reason of concern for him. Though chilled in his run down abode and barely able to make it to work, the young man lived as best he could, poor health and all so those he knew could live for the better. Now and then, the snake would find him visited by strangers to it, from a woman with children who would visit seeking handouts in the form of food, of which he would offer from his already scarce cupboard and bag for them to take, to an old man who would often stop by for spare change, desperately seeking a means of buying tobacco to calm and soothe his aching body and mind. Never seeming to mind, the young man did as best he could to cater to the please who went out of their way to seek his help.

Sometimes the snake would watch him leave with various locals seeking rides to where they needed to go. And though all of them would offer endless thanks, none would ever reciprocate with a form of cash or other help, leaving him constantly penniless himself and stuck outside working on his car all the more from the way it was taxed for the sake of others who would endlessly beg their way into his generosity. Despite this, never did the snake hear him complain. Though the suffering was clear in his physique, he never expressed ire for the way others took advantage of him, instead often ending a day mentioning how he'd done good deeds and hoped it would help him find a better place when his time had come.

Continuing to live with the young man as the cold season slowly passed, the snake also took notice of a small bottle he would pop open each day, taking one of many pills inside for reasons unknown. In time, it would come to learn he suffered not only from a lack of physique and energy, but in a chronic manner within as well, being told a story of how he'd inherited a problem with his immune system that puts him at risk of attacks on his own insides, leaving him forced to suppress it through the medicine he took to keep his body safe from itself as he pushed his way through life, fighting outside and inside to survive.

Many a day the snake would come to learn more and more about the human who had rescued it from an icy grave, with each new bit of knowledge leaving the reptile more admiring of his humility, and likewise more pitiable toward the conditions with which he lived and struggled. Little did the young man know just how wise and conscious, and how aware of both he and itself the creature he took in was. At times, the snake would use its tail to poke at his hand, meaning to do so in a consoling manner whereas he considered it an act of play or potential retaliation for him invading its space. Always apologizing whenever it touched him, feeling he made it uncomfortable, the snake would simply look at him in silence and watch as he went off into another day alone.

Finally, at long last the winter season had gone and the warm, nature filled days of spring returned. Knowing it meant the time had come to bid his companion farewell as the greenery of the season and wildlife reappeared, he finally decided to return the snake to where he found it. Taking a moment to look at one another, just as he'd done the day he rescued the creature, he offered his arm, his hand outstretched as it flicked its tongue on his familiar scent. Making its way up, the snake gripped him in a coil along his arm before he made his way out of his soon to be lonely trailer and walked along the sidewalk.

Once he reached where he'd found it, the young man looked around and went into the woods before him, traveling deep within until stopping at a far enough place he felt the snake would be safe. Squatting down, he held out his arm and instructed it to go, coaxing it off. Strangely enough, there was somehow a sensation of reluctance he felt from the creature as it randomly gripped him as he worked it away, finally getting it on the ground allowing him to stand back up, watching as it looked around and tasted the air before turning back to him as he gave his usual smiling facade.

Apologizing to the snake for keeping it cooped up for so long and making it survive on cheap fish and near expired eggs, he assured that there was a much better variety of meals in the open, and likewise more freedom than he could ever provide tending to it. Pointing out it could finally have a different meal for the first time in ages, he pushed out a friendly grin as the snake focused on his tired eyes instead, once again pitying the loneliness within them as he stepped back, offering a final wave before bidding the snake farewell and good luck as he walked off in a somewhat draggy manner, once again showing the usual weight of life and the world on his shoulders.

Unbeknownst to him however, the snake looked around and flicked its tongue at the scent of its surroundings again before following in its own discreet manner, letting the young man guide it back to his abode as it stayed within bushes and tall grass to avoid sight. Once they had returned, the snake climbed a nearby tree and watched from afar as the young man was greeted by the mother it had seen many times before. Stopping him in the hope of another handout, he had to apologize when he couldn't offer anything, pointing out he had barely enough left to last him to his next check and how he might have to skip meals to make it last.

Despite his reasoning, it made the woman's normally friendly and appreciative character gradually vanished as she still pushed for aid, guilting him with the point that her kids wouldn't be able to eat without aid. Continuing to apologize, it only served to frustrate the mother further as she affirmed he was grown and wasn't in need of food as much as small kids, asking if it would hurt him so badly to make due with a little less for the sake of children. Putting him in a hesitant position, after a moment the young man finally gave in, getting an impatient and exhausted thank you from the mother as though she were the one being forced to sacrifice as he went inside.

Returning with a large portion of what little he had left in bags, he offered it with another apology, this time for being difficult as the mother took the food and returned to her warm and appreciative state, getting in her car and driving off as he waved with another masking smile, turning back to his front door as his expression faded into that of a tired and abused child as he stepped inside. Noticing the window where its tank remained, the snake watched as the young man entered his bedroom and stood before it, simply standing at the tank until finally sitting on his bed and lying down, turning to his side with his back to the window.

For some time, the snake took on the role of watching over him in its own way. It even found a means of following him elsewhere when it discovered a space under the inner workings of his car it could use to comfortably tag along, revealing its craftiness when it even found a way inside of his place of work, a local retail store with plenty of beams and shelves it could hide atop of to see how his daily life was like beyond his abode, though what it saw elsewhere wasn't much different than what it expected to see, discovering those above him willing to task and lecture him along the same as those he offered to aid and his mothers lover, the young man trapped with those indifferent to his circumstances no matter where he went as he pushed through the day obediently.

Never one to retaliate, even when exhausted to the point of stumbling over himself and taking a moment to lean against the shelves he stocked, the young man found himself push to work all the harder for those who employed him, almost in a militaristic manner. Whenever he would stop for the sake of taking a moments rest when a customer sought him out for aid or advice on merchandise, he would often be interrupted by superiors seeking the easier work instead, making the young man handle the physical tasks while they walked about with customers instead and carried conversation in his place. Much like their mothers lover, those above him took his fatigued behavior as a sign of laziness and punished him with more work and threats over his job, forcing him to apologize time and again since he refused to let his health be known and used as a handicap.

Everywhere he went, the young man tried to be as normal like others as he could, even if it meant taking the heat in his effort to live among the rest. Now and then customers would see his struggle and offer aid and consoling, though every time he would simply coax them away and assure it was merely all part of the job he loved, grinning at people joyously only to turn and show the same look in his eyes each time he went back to work, stocking and reorganizing until everything on the shelves looked picturesque. Though often his superiors were dissatisfied with his pacing, the young man was still able to go home feeling a shred of pride on the inside for what he was able to accomplish, despite how long it took.

Optional track to LWR - Listen While Reading - From Little To Nothing Recommended - Right Click On Video - Select Loop

As time went on, a day finally came when he returned home, only to find his trailer having been broken into with his door open and leaning in the air, broken off one of its hinges. Climbing out of his car as it sputtered and suddenly shut off on its own, he stood before his ransacked abode, noticing some of the windows smashed as well. making its way out from the bottom of his car, the snake paused as well before making its way to the tree it always spied from, warily watching as the young man slowly approached the entrance, poking his head inside and finding whoever did the damage had long since left.

Carefully entering and making his way from room to room, he came to find his trailer had been stripped of what little he had, from the thrift store furniture on their last legs, to his TV's which barely worked without showing static, even his already scarce cupboard and fridge had been ravaged, leaving him without a shred of sustenance to feed himself and a bed with which to rest. In his bedroom, all that was left was the tank the snake had been in, lying on the floor with the glass smashed in various places and its contents strewn about.

Walking back through his trailer, he found himself in a daze of sorts, his mind emptily moving his body as it partially shut down in the moment, slowly going back and forth almost as if in a trance like going in and out of rooms would somehow make what little he had reappear. Finally leaving the trailer, as his mind gradually caught up with reality, the young man sat at his front door, only for the rest of it to come unhinged and fall next to him. Looking at it for a moment, he lowered his head and let out a slow, exhausted sigh, depressed as any man could be for the invasion but too weakened and worn to even cry, merely left taking it as another blow in life.

It didn't take long however for his usual aid seekers to show, and as the snake watched them show one by one, each saw the damage and merely left with an apology, not one offering aid in any meaningful form as they left as quickly as they'd come when they saw for themselves they had nothing left to gain. Once he was able to muster up enough will to do so, the young man rummaged through the trunk of his car and went to work fixing things as best he could with what he had, gathering the scarce materials on hand to clean and patch up his wounded home little by little.

Using a hand brush and pan, he worked to clean the glass from his rooms, picking tiny pieces bit by bit until he was finished, moving on by using trash bags and tape he'd recently bought to cover his now open windows to the best of his ability. After that, he did what he could to fix his door, beating the twisted hinges and nails with a hammer until they were somewhat usable again. Once he fixed the door in place just well enough to get shut and locked, he looked around his empty home once more before returning to his car, taking out a small crate and an old, thin sheet. Heading back in, he used the crate to put what remained of the tank back up at his bedroom window, sitting on his knees and looking through it as though there were still something inside.

Beginning to talk, he mentioned it being another day as he smiled weakly, talking of being unsure about food until he was paid again. With his bedroom and kitchen windows the only that came out of the invasion unscathed, the snake somberly watched him return to the kitchen, silently standing at his cupboard as he felt along the empty shelves. Eventually returning outside, he put his supplies back in his trunk that he'd taken to clean and do repairs with, talking to himself about how his tape of his mothers wedding was gone as well, though maybe for the best as to help him move on better.

Remembering the tape as well, the snake lowered its head before looking around, taking note once more of how all who'd come to him for aid were failing to offer it in turn as a few other familiar beggars showed up and vanished as the evening rolled in. Finally taking his medicine out of the car, he noted how, at the very least, he still had it before taking the bottle inside and taking a pill at his sink, now having to lean his face toward the streaming water for a drink. Now left with literally nothing and none of his aid seekers willing to lend it in return, the young man went back to his room where he'd left his sheet and rest on the floor, covering himself with the thin material before looking at the tank again and rolling over so his back was at the window, silently curling up.

Without the drive or will to even call the police and make a scene out of the situation, especially given all his belongings had been obtained either dirt cheap or from the sides of streets waiting to be thrown away by their owners in the first place, to him it was senseless to call them over what he knew had already been trash to start with. Given this, the young man weakly let himself fall asleep in the barren ruins of his home, not wanting to remain awake to be both, in a starved state and having to worry about his new dilemma. With his chronic ailment also leaving his insides in pain from the stress and labor, it was the best option in his weary mind.

Seeing him behave in a such a way and failing to be capable of emotion even after such an event due to how painfully life already pushed him about, the snake showed all the somber of a look in its eyes, resting its chin atop its coil while keeping an eye on him as he remained curled and held himself, his belongings taken and those he helped leaving him to handle it all on his own with little but apologies to go on. As the night rolled in, the young man remained where he lay on the floor, still able to let himself fall into a deep sleep despite his suffrage, further showing just how adjusted to hardships he'd become.

Though in normal cases, regardless of the value of ones possessions a person would still call law enforcement for some type of security. In his case however, perhaps it was his own lack of worth in himself, or maybe even a very deeply subconscious desire, that made him avoid seeking aid, as in his own manner, unbeknownst even to himself, he sought an escape from it all, from a world where all he had was nothing save beggars and abusers, even if that manner of escape was at the hands of whomever might potentially return to the scene of the crime, with nothing save bags and a busted door now separating him from the outside and those seeking an entry.

Unfortunately, return to the scene one of the thieves did. Against the caution of the rest of his cohorts who worked to take what scarce belongings the young man had, the thief arrived under the cover of night, sneaking onto the property via the woods next to the trailer and lurking about. Little did this thief realize that the young man sleeping within was under the watch of a leery snake. Able to see, and even recognize the person, it turned out to be one of the many people the young man had offered aid to in the past, putting an agitated look in the snakes eyes until it saw the thief quietly ripping away one of the bags covering a window leading into the living room.

Optional track to LWR - Listen While Reading - Wrath of a Demon Recommended - Right Click On Video - Select Loop

With its eyes now turning furious and vengeful even, at long last it made a move and slithered down from the branch it rest on, making its way down the trunk before crawling through the grass. About to crawl into the window, the thief stopped when hearing rustling from behind, making the person jump back and look around warily. Seeing nobody and hearing only the breeze in the tree, the thief's eyes squint, scanning the darkness before returning focus to the opening. Jumping up to crawl in again, once more a rustling noise could be heard, albeit this time closer making the thief back away a second time.

Looking around again, this time the thief cautiously put on a sky mask hidden in a pocket, stepping away from the trailer for a look around until finally stepping backward toward the window. However, instead of seeing an opening, upon turning around this time the thief froze when standing before a shadowy figure, engulfed in an unnatural darkness like that of an oily silhouette in the night. Inching back, the thief noticed what looked like hair, working against gravity while slowly floating about around the figures head, almost like that of Medusa as the rest of it seemed like a shadow molding itself up from the ground in the shape of a person.

Simply remaining still for a moment, the thief finally reached out, be it of curiosity or bewilderment only to be greeted by a pair of bloody colored eyes unlike any seen before, sharp like no blade could match and an ominous glow enough to freeze even that of a devil. With the otherworldly presence looming before him and staring him down, upon the slightest budge the figure extended a claw from its own dark shroud, the nails red as blood the same as the eyes of the entity as it snatched the thief by the face, its clutch making the nails dig into the persons cheeks drawing out a muffled shout of panic.

Trying to pull it off, the thief's attempt at escape proved futile as the entity suddenly slammed the person to the ground, looming over him in an eerie, crawling sort of manner as its eyes grew nearer, continuing to glow with the moon above shining down casting a pure white outline around the wicked figure. Finally managing to pull the claw away, the thief attempted to scream only to be silenced in the most brutal way imaginable, the furious entity showing no mercy as its head shot down toward the persons neck like a snake going in for the kill, landing an excruciating and curdling crunch on the persons windpipe, crushing it in the entity's maw.

Ending the thief's voice, all that could now be heard where the raspy cries of an airless sinner, unable to scream and cut off from oxygen as the figure raised and look down. Turning its attention toward the window where noise could be heard from the young man stirring within the trailer, the dark entity raised and dragged the thief off by the foot, vanishing in the nearby woods as the person flailed and dug at his throat, trying to take in air and scream. Once at a secluded enough space, the entity released the thief as he struggled on the brink of death, still capable of looking at the being that ruined his throat.

Hearing rustling around him, the thief turned his head to find countless snakes gathering, though none seemed intent on attacking, rather merely surrounding as if arriving to simply await their turn. Walking around him, finally the dark being exposed a form beneath its shroud, stepping back into the moonlight to expose itself as a woman while continuing to circle him. Taking her time to enjoy the suffering before her, the show ended when the thief weakly pulled out a knife, foolishly showing he had a weapon that could've been used against the young man in his own abode had the person managed to get in.

With a final look of fury, the woman lunged at the man once more in a snake like manner, using the full force of her fangs to shred the thief's throat apart, his eyes shooting open as he flailed helplessly beneath her grasp as her head jerked to and fro while ripping him apart. Pulling herself back, countless teeth, each as long and sharp as the last began forming in the woman's maw, all the while dislocating her jaw, exposing a sight not even the most terrifying of sharks could match as she turned from a woman to something you would think of only seeing in ancient depictions of hell itself.

Returning to her relentless attack, she went to work literally engulfing the man alive, ripping him apart with her cavernous maw and taking the thief's own knife and running it through him time and time again. Tormented until growing still, the woman feasted until finally pulling away with an arm, holding it above her head and slowly lowering it into her throat, taking it into her stomach through a single swallow as she cupped her hand over her mouth, gulping heard while slowly returning her mouth to its previous, human-like form under the conceal of her palm, leaving only remnants of what was once a human before her.

With the surrounding snakes finally approaching, almost as if ordered to do so they too began enjoying a feast, leaving not speck of bone nor' drop of blood behind for any to find. Turning toward the direction of the trailer, the woman made her way back to its location as her form vanished in the shade of the woods, concealed from the light of the moon once more until finally arriving at the young man's yard, the returning moonlight slowly washing over her and revealing her face once more, almost happening as though she were simply allowing the moonlight to reflect her true self and was merely pulling her dark shroud back on her own accord.

Approaching the same entrance the thief had exposed, the woman merely looked at the darkness within the trailer and listened for some time, her patience precisely like that of a snake as well until reaching out at last and entering, her movement smooth and precise, yet at the same time slow and against gravity as she crawled up the side of the trailer before pausing and crawling down the wall within, pausing upon her face nearing the floor with her eyes fully open without a blink to be seen. As her eyes focused on the carpet, her pupils suddenly darted ominously from side to side, scanning as though preying before she finished crawling inside.

Remaining against the floor, after a moment her tongue could be seen, snake-like in form tasting the air as she remained still and her eyes continued to dart about at random, her focus rapidly shifting until she finally relaxed and slowly stood once more, having been scanning for further intruders. Turning toward the young mans room, she made her way silently along, almost as though effortlessly gliding along the floor until arriving where he lay, looking down at him as he remained asleep. Picking up something familiar beyond him, the woman turned her attention to the remains of the tank, reflecting the light of the moon shining in through the window.

Approaching it, she placed her hand on it, looking down at the object with a somehow softened look on her face before returning her attention to the young man. Getting closer, he slowly turned onto his back, letting out a quiet groan from the position his pillow-less neck was in. Circling him as she gazed down and neared his head, the woman paused before slowly squatting down, sitting atop her knees before reaching out to him. As her deadly claws extended, under the light of the moon they reshaped into that of normal hands, though pale with the only remnant of her claws being the red nails at the end of her fingertips slowly retracting to a human size and shape.

Pausing as she was mere inches from touching his face, the woman's expression softened further as she finally touched him, feeling the gentle and familiar warmth that his body emit before raising his head as gently as one could, showing her patience yet again as she worked her knees in place beneath him and allowed the young man to use her legs as a makeshift pillow, providing him a more comfortable rest, however slightly. Watching his behavior change, it turned into that of peaceful as the woman combed her fingers through his bangs, lifting some of the grey strands that glistened under the moon.

With an almost maternal look to her, the demon in the form of a woman showed a subtle smile as she closed her eyes and cradled the tender human that had saved her, though in its own way the scenario was like that of something gradually taking possession of another as a cherished belonging. All throughout the night the two remained in such a way, with his ominous new caretaker patiently waiting for his return to the world of the conscious as her combing fingers worked like that of a lullaby to put him at ease, her touch on his cheeks, albeit cooler with her temperature being lower than that of his kind.

As a new day finally began to don, at last the young man began to stir, making the woman open her eyes and pull her hand from his forehead, instead cradling his head between her palms as she looked down at his wincing expression. Letting out a yawn, he slightly opened his eyes in a daze, blinking as he groggily looked at the face above him. Unable to process anything for the moment, he merely adjusted himself and stretched with another yawn, gradually coming to as he brushed his head about on her legs, beginning to realize he was lying atop something as his eyes opened once more.

Looking at the woman a second time, the young man let out a puzzled noise until finally being aware of the strange presence, his eyes shooting open as he saw her own otherworldly gaze making him shout and quickly jump away, hitting himself against the wall and groaning with a rub of his beaten head from the impact. Remembering the presence, he gasped and quickly looked back up at the woman, her eyes suddenly more human save for the mysterious redness to their color as she merely smiled at him in silence. Remaining still, the young man finally looked around and faced her again in a bewildered state.

Finally moving, she made her way on all fours before slowly bowing with her head down to him in a traditional manner, making him show a still puzzled, but at the same time surprised look from such a random person doing such a thing toward him, especially someone of such unexpected beauty as he coaxed her to sit back up, wanting to figure out who the woman was along with how and why she'd come into his home. Taking him to the window she'd entered from, she gestured how she had climbed in before he noticed remnants of blood on her cheek. About to reach out in concern, the woman covered her cheek with her palm and held out her hand.

Shaking her head to assure him she was fine after he thought she'd cut herself on glass remnants climbing in, he watched as she went into his kitchen and casually used his sink, washing her face off as though the place was her own leaving the young man all the more confused, and at the same time curious from how familiar she seemed toward him and the trailer. Once she returned with the blood gone, he noticed she still had markings toward the sides of her face, like that of scars yet in a shape unexpected. Asking if she was sure she was okay, he reached out in an attempt to touch the markings.

Instead, the woman took his hand in hers, cupping them softly around his and looking at him with another smile, one that told him to be trusting and at ease without her speaking a word before approaching and slowly resting her face against his chest, her hands against him as well. Unfamiliar with such openness from a woman, especially upon an initial meeting, the young man reddened and quickly backed away, looking at her wide eyed and clutching his chest as a shyness took hold and a strange flutter he hadn't felt in years kicked up within his rib cage as she smiled again and slightly tilt her head as if asking what was wrong playfully.

Quickly shaking his head, the young man asked again what she was doing in his home, why she was there making her expression turn slowly calm, albeit blank at the same time before she looked down and turned to the kitchen, approaching the empty cupboard and holding her hand out, facing him as if to say that was why before doing the same with his fridge, opening it and holding her hand toward the emptiness within. Apologizing and affirming he didn't have anything he could feed her, though he would if he could, the woman then walked around him in a slow manner, looking at the emptiness around them.

Stepping back, she held her arms out in another way as if to say that too was why she had come, only for the young man to think she was wondering why she had nowhere to sit getting an apology for lack of furniture as she approached a window and made the same motion with her hand toward it, with him telling her there was a break in before panicking and quickly assuring her she'd be fine, only to pause and wonder why he was trying to console someone who broke in his home making the woman show a somewhat exhausted smile. Walking up, she placed a hand on his chest as if to say relax before pointing at his door.

Looking at it, he admit it was messed up and he wasn't much of a craftsman, working with the knob and the door itself only to wind up having to use his body as a means of forcing it open, accidentally falling out onto the dirt in a clumsy manner that made the woman silently giggle, subtly and politely covering her mouth the back of her hand as he raised with a groan and she exit the trailer. Approaching the car, she motioned toward it as well, making him stand and nod, affirming it was his while approaching, watching as the woman softly dragged her hand along the hood and smiled at him again, as if to silently praise him for the care he gave such an old machine.

Asking if she came into his house the way she did so she could get a ride somewhere, the young man tried to explain she didn't have to do what she'd done to get his help, assuring he'd given someone like her a ride just for asking only to blush after thinking about what he said, rubbing the back of his head and apologizing if his remark sounded strange after which the woman simply blushed in a subtle way, giving the same assuring smile and a nod in response.

Simply looking at the young man for a moment, the woman walked up and reached out to him, placing a hand on his face and gently rubbing her thumb along the bag under his eye, showing a somber and concerned look from his aged appearance before reaching up toward his hair and touching the strands of grey once more. Realizing what she was focusing on, he backed away and turned his gaze in a different direction, apologizing for his appearance and admitting he was someone not of the best of health. Quickly brushing off the subject, once more he offered the woman a ride to wherever he thought she was needing to go.

Looking back at his car, she then turned her attention to a particular direction past the street before making her way calmly around the vehicle and standing at the passenger door. Merely looking at it, she faced up toward the young man and gave him a silent request to open the door for her, motioning toward it making him look curious once more as he approached and pulled up on the knob, popping the door open and pulling it aside for her. Nodding at him in thanks, the woman reached out and climbed her way in, her pupils suddenly turning sharp and demon-like as she paused, picking up the scents of all the beggars that had used him.

Asking if she was okay as the woman remained half way in, she finished sitting and turned her face back to him with a warm smile, her pupils having softened to conceal their true appearance from the human she cared for. Closing the door, the young man quickly returned to him home and locked the entrance, only to notice and remember the open windows causing him to show an embarrassed look as he remembered he had nothing to lock others away from since everything was gone. Letting out a sigh, the woman noticed his stressed appearance before he turned toward her with the smiling facade she'd come to know, concealing his true self in a manner similar to herself further helping her relate to the young man as she did the same

Optional track to LWR- Listen While Reading - Of Curses And Blessings Recommended - Right Click On Video - Select Loop

Entering the car, he held his breath as he turned the key, getting little response from the vehicle making him recall how it had cut out when he'd arrived home the day before. Letting out a groan, he turned the key again, murmuring for the car to start before smiling at the woman and assuring everything was alright. Turning the key a third time, while he was distracted the woman reached out and touched the dashboard, closing her eyes before they heard a bang from the exhaust pipe and the car came to life with a roar, almost as if the engine had gone twenty years back in time as the young man blinked in surprise.

Shaking his head, he backed toward the road, asking where the woman wanted to go, getting her to point out directions along their way. Finding himself following a familiar path, the young man drove the car to where he worked, the woman having him park in front of the business making him turn puzzled as she turned to him before looking at the door, needing him to open it again. Tilting his head, he couldn't understand her, neither her purpose nor' her desires as he stepped out and helped her out of the car, watching as she looked up at the building before them and calmly made her way toward the entrance.

Following her, the young man remembered he was supposed to have a shift that day, making him groan nervously. Looking back, the woman gave him a curious look, tilting her head making him laugh nervously and wave his hands, assuring he was fine as they continued inside. Stopping past the doors, the woman looked at the beams above, hovering her gaze along them in a familiar sense before continuing through the store, making her way along as though she'd been there many times. Looking around warily, the young man followed as they progressed toward the back of the store.

Reaching the hall where only employees should come and go, he was about to stop the woman only for the manager to step out from around the corner, making him freeze as the manager stopped and looked at him before showing an annoyed expression. About to ask the young man why he was late, the managers focus turned to the woman, seeing her standing in unfamiliar, slightly kimono-esque clothing of black and red. Asking what was going on, as the young man tried to explain the woman looked the manager in the eyes, her own returning to their sharp and otherworldly appearance unbeknownst to the young man as she remained behind him.

As the seconds passed, the managers eyes gradually glazed, his stance relaxing before holding a hand up toward the young man and saying he'd been expecting the woman. Looking between the two, the young man asked if she'd applied to work at the place, only to get a smile before leaving down the hall with the manager, leaving him to wait on his managers orders as the two entered his office. Shutting his door behind them, the manager stood in silence as the woman turned back to him and approached, holding her hand slightly out as one of her nails turned into that of an extended needle.

Calmly embracing the manager, she slowly pushed the needle into his neck, her eyes glowing as they had before as the man remained still and his expression without sign of emotion. Once she was finished, the woman pulled her needle out and returned its shape to that of a typical nail, pointing toward the managers desk making him respond obediently and sit, taking out several papers from a drawer and beginning to write. After a moment, he then paged the young man to come into his office, the woman stepping aside as he finally entered, getting a bow from her as she smiled and held her hand out toward the manager, silently telling him to proceed.

Making his way across the floor, the young man warily stood before the manager, stiffened and unnerved as he watched the man writing with a stern look. Worried he was about to get a pink slip, he was instead surprised when the manager placed the sheets he'd been writing on before him on the desk, looking up and showing a smile of his own, something the young man hadn't seen directed at him since he'd started working. Taking the papers and looking them over, it was an offer for promotion, along with a substantial raise in pay to go with it as the manager began apologizing for his treatment and behavior.

Going over the young man's dedication despite everything thrown at him physically and emotionally from he and his employees, the manager affirmed he was perfect for a higher rank in the store, unfazed by how others treated him as one of level headed attitude and passion toward any task given. Though he may be slower than others at what he does, the manager point out how his results are oftentimes better than those with a consistently rapid pace, in turn making the young man's work, from his layouts to how he interacts patiently with customers key in keeping people happy and satisfied with their location.

Looking at the manager and the papers in shock, the young man quickly took the managers hand in his own, bowing his head repeatedly and thanking the man for what he was being given. Seeing this, the woman focused on the manager, causing him to gaze at her in turn as if being given more instructions. Slowly standing, the manager asked the young man not to do as he had, instead taking it upon himself to bow and thank him for all his work and placing a hand on his shoulder, giving him the day off before sitting and taking out a check, filling it out with the reward money that went with his newfound promotion.

Handing it to the young man, the manager showed another smile and told him to go out and enjoy himself, making his eyes widen as he looked at the check and had tears welling up. After a moment, he shook his head and remembered the woman, asking if she would be working with them only for the manager to shake his head, saying she had come to apply but changed her mind as the woman approached and bowed to the manager herself. As the young man gave thanks again and started making his way toward the door, the woman looked back at the manager, silently commanding him through her eyes again before following.

Once outside, the young man looked at the paperwork revolving his promotion and raise once more, holding up his check and showing an earnest grin. Noticing this from the side of his face, the woman smiled herself, getting to see a true look of joy from him before he noticed her presence and turned, blinking at her in surprise. Nervously greeting her, he wasn't sure what to do now for the mysterious woman, still at a loss as to why he'd woken and found her the way she was in his home in the first place. Tilting her head, it was as if to ask him if something was wrong, her smile soft in a manner that made him show a subtle blush.

Looking at what she wore himself, the young man began thinking she was perhaps a foreigner, or rather a tourist of sorts, though this only made him wonder why she'd randomly show up in his ragged abode all the more given the classy and sophisticated atmosphere around her. Given she hadn't said a word since they'd met, he began to wonder if she truly understood him, perhaps lost and surrounded by people she couldn't communicate with. Though given what his manager said, that made such reasoning complicated given she must of had a purpose if she was looking for local work and could talk to him.

Putting the issue aside, the young man looked at his check once more and offered another ride, deciding to aid his strange acquaintance once more. Nodding in appreciation, just as before she waited at the door for his aid, letting him open it as she climbed in and sat comfortably, waiting for him to join her as he circled the car and sitting in the drivers seat. Asking where she'd like to go next, the woman looked at him for a moment before motioning her response, her hands and mouth moving as though she were taking a bite of something. Realizing she was signaling for food, he nodded and made his way along.

Stopping to cash his new check, the young man took his passenger to a local grocery, inviting her to come with him. Now walking into a more densely populated store, he took notice of others curious and surprised gazes as they focused on his follower, her foreign and regal appearance drawing their interest as an otherworldly, almost ancient atmosphere surrounded her, like that of a living doll from the depths of time having found its way to the present. However, no matter how many looked her way, the woman maintained her composed demeanor, walking with poise as the young man glanced back out of his own curiosity.

Mentioning he was going to get some groceries for himself, he suggested she look around for things she wanted as well while he began picking things and placing them in a buggy he'd found. Making his way along, the young man continued noticing those surrounding him looking his way, making him realize the woman was still following behind him. Finally stopping, he turned and made the same motion she had for food, insisting she pick something for herself to buy. Though upon saying this, he paused and suddenly looked at her outfit, curiously circling her as she watched him just as curiously.

Realizing she likely had no money, perhaps explaining her presence in his home and why she didn't leave him to find what she wanted, the young man began thinking she was perhaps some form of immigrant that was brought where he was without the right documents, giving him his own explanation as to why someone who looked as important as her would seek shelter in his scraggly trailer and be denied work from even a simple retail store. Feeling as though he was beginning to understand her circumstances, the young man suddenly showed a look of pity, telling her she was awfully pretty and it was a shame she had it so rough.

Showing a puzzled look of her own, the woman tilt her head as if to ask him what he meant, blinking curiously as he sighed and mentioned she likely couldn't understand him because of how she got where she was. Reaching out, he placed an assuring hand on her shoulder, giving a thumbs up and a supportive smile before motioning food and needing to eat once more and waving for her to follow. Telling the woman what she wanted was on him, he started walking through the grocery and pointing out different things, handing various types of food to the woman and insisting it would be for her is she liked it.

Despite his best efforts, the woman repeatedly refused all that he offered, merely shaking her head softly and showing a smile. Feeling at a loss, the young man continued to seek out something she would crave, only to stop at last before a section featuring countless cans of sardines. Raising an eyebrow, he showed a skeptical smile, asking if it was seriously what she was into despite all the other things she could pick from, reaffirming he'd give her anything she liked. Approaching the wall, the woman took one of the cans and showed a nostalgic look. Turning from skeptic to curious, the young man took a can as well.

Looking it over and the way she behaved, he asked if it was something popular where she came from, only to see her hold the can against her chest and close her eyes with a satisfied looking smile. Giving her an alright in response to her choice, the young man began piling different kinds into his buggy. Hearing the noise, the woman saw what he was doing, finally showing a change in her demeanor as she stopped him, holding his arm and insistingly shaking her head. Despite her objection, he only smiled warmly in response and put in a final handful of cans, taking her hand and giving it a shake before walking onward.

Standing still, the woman kept her hand out where he'd released it, looking at his back before turning her attention toward her palm. Looking at it, then at the can in her other hand, she couldn't help show another smile, looking as if sighing as she looked back at him as though to say he was hopeless. Following behind, he stopped when she stepped up to his side, the two looking at each other until she finally placed the can in her hand in the buggy, getting praise from him for doing so and finally being honest with what she wanted. By the time they'd finally left the store, the buggy before them was packed.

Optional track to LWR - Listen While Reading - A New Friend Recommended - Right Click On Video - Select Loop

Noting how he'd never had the chance to get so much food before, once again the woman was gifted with a second earnest smile from him, making her hold her chest and nod in satisfaction. Taking a look at what remained of his promotional reward, the young man sighed in relief at how much there was, mentioning he wasn't used to it as he put his items in his trunk. Watching curiously, the woman began silently helping him, making him pause and look at her before nodding and working together to empty his buggy, giving her his thanks only for her to put a hand up and shake her head as though it were nothing.

Telling her she was a modest one, she nodded in thanks before he pushed the buggy away, thinking perhaps she could understand him just fine, but maybe had no voice as he returned and let her in his car. Driving off, he asked his passenger if she had a home to go to, offering to take her where she lived. Looking back at him, she smiled and began directing him along the way, and the further they went, the more puzzled the young man became, once again following a route all too familiar until finally arriving at his own trailer. Putting his car in park, he simply sat in silence for a moment, letting out a sigh while sitting back.

Showing a look of concern, the woman focused on him until he finally glanced at her, noticing the look she had as though she were guilty of doing something wrong unintentionally. Giving her a smirk, he kindly told her not to worry about it before climbing out of the car and opening her door, offering to let her step out and opening his trunk, followed by his front door so he could carry everything inside. Watching him do so, the woman tried to offer her aid, only for him to reject it and insist she'd somehow been through enough, insisting she relax instead resulting in her sitting on her knees in the middle of his empty living room.

Upon his final trek in with the bags that remained, the young man sat them down and suddenly let out a pained groan, stuck in a hunched over state while clinging to the counter next to him and his side at the same time. Out of her own concern, the woman approached and offered to help once more, only for him to assure her there was nothing wrong as he forced a smile for her sake, reaching down with a groan he tried to fight and taking a can of sardines from a bag, handing it to his guest and insisting she put some food in her as he made himself stand straight, affirming it was just a cramp he gets and nothing more.

Brushing off his pain and working to put what he'd bought away, the woman watched as he used his facade to put her at ease despite how he felt, putting cold things in his fridge and other items in the cupboard. Paying attention to this for a moment, she finally set the can he'd given her aside and carefully approached, reaching out and putting her arms around him from behind causing him to freeze in surprise before feeling how careful her touch was. Looking back, he found her resting her cheek against him, her eyes shut before looking at him as well as he turned and faced her.

Gently taking the can he held away, the woman coaxed him aside before she started placing things in storage herself, remembering how he did things and placing what was cold in the fridge as well. Watching her work for him, it was an experience the young man was unfamiliar of as he looked down and rubbed his side, feeling the pain subsiding until helping her put the final portion away. Once they were done, the two looked at his full cupboard and likewise his full fridge together, in turn making the woman face him and smile while holding her hand out as if to say it was for him.

Responding by affirming they did good, believing she was asking if she put things away right, he praised her for the help while closing the doors. However, upon returning his attention to the barren living room before him, the young man realized that although his kitchen had food, he lacked the means of preparing it, as well as anywhere to eat it and worse, a place to sleep. Rubbing his chin in thought, the woman showed him a look of curiosity once more, tilting her head as he returned his focus to her as well. After a moment, he revealed a smirk and nodded at her, revealing he had an idea while heading toward the door.

Instructing her to stay and that he'd quickly return, this made the woman hesitate and reach out to him, holding the sleeve of his shirt causing him to pause and look back. Repeating that he wouldn't be long, he insisted she wait for him as he made his way out, giving her a wave and a grin before closing and locking the door, though not without a struggle before she heard him mentioning forgetting about the open windows. Approaching the one that had the bag torn away, the woman watched him race toward his car, giving her a wave and assuring a third time he wouldn't be long, causing her to raise her hand in farewell in response.

Silently watching him leave, the woman turned her attention to her surroundings, calmly looking around before noticing her can of sardines on the table and slowly approaching it. Taking the food in hand, she returned to the living room and returned to her knees on the carpet in the center of the room, setting the can down before her and presenting herself in an upright and proud manner to await her companions return. Shutting her eyes at some point, upon the sound of his return they shot back open, letting out a small gasp of sorts and slightly clutching her legs in an eager sort of manner, watching the door intensely almost like that of a pet.

Finally hearing the young man shout that he'd returned, she readied herself for his entrance with a smile as he rattled the knob and finally forced the door open, murmuring about it taking work to fix before looking at her and letting out a relieved sigh, noting he was glad she was still there before bringing in two large packages, setting them on the floor before working them into his room by pushing them along the carpet. Upon his return, he noticed the can sitting at the woman's knees, asking why she hadn't eaten yet only to consider her appearance and think it wasn't a proper way to make her eat a meal.

Assuring her he had just the thing, the young man returned to his car and entered with a pair of plastic chairs, setting them down before bringing in a pair of folding dinner tables. Apologizing for it not being much, he coaxed the woman to stand and offering her a chair, letting her sit while he pulled up a table for her. Carefully opening the can of sardines, he brought her a plastic fork from a bag of silverware he'd bought, insisting she enjoy herself and have a few bites as he returned outside. Looking down at the chair and eyeing the fork curiously, the woman looked as though she were remembering something.

Adjusting how she held the utensil, she directed it into one of the sardines and lift it to her mouth, taking a well mannered bite before holding her cheek as another nostalgic smile appeared. Returning and telling his guest it was good she was finally eating, he assured her he'd have a more comfortable way to enjoy a meal in the future now that he was about to receive better pay from his job. Bringing in thin pieces of wood, the woman watched as the young man boarded up his broken windows, followed by using new hinges he'd bought to repair his door as she finished her snack. Now proud of his work, he swayed his door side to side, opening and closing it while affirming the trailer was safe and secure once again.

Showing her own smile, the woman nodded in approval, happy for him as he wiped his forehead with a satisfied sigh. Returning to his car, he brought in more folding tables, setting one in a corner of his living room and taking another to his bedroom before bringing in small lamps, setting one on each of the two. Pointing out he had no ceiling lights in either room, there would now be a way to see even in the dark as he brought in bags and took them to his bathroom down the hall, having to re-stock even his bathing supplies as he shook his head in disbelief that even soap was stolen.

Once he felt everything was set as he desired, the young man finally joined the patient woman at her side, giving an apology for taking so long before hesitating when asking if he'd set himself too closely, getting a smile and the shake of her head in response as she gently placed her hand on his as if to tell him to relax. Nodding, he rest against the back of his chair with another sigh, the tone being that of content compared to the stress she had come to know. Despite how little he still had, his gratitude and joy for what he had been given filled the woman's heart with a warmth and appreciation of her own within despite her colder body.

Once he'd taken a moment to recover, the young man returned his attention to his guest, taking notice himself of her pale complexion and requesting to touch her hand, feeling the difference in temperature. Trying to ask if she had any particular health problems, she simply shook her head reassuringly, despite him thinking she did perhaps in the form of her heart which possibly kept her pressure lower than his own. Telling her he understood what it was like, both having and hiding such issues, he assured her there was nothing wrong with secrets, feeling she was still a nice and beautiful person whether she told him things or not.

While he was only referring to his thoughts that she actually had health problems and wasn't there legally, the woman instead thought of her true self, looking down as he turned his attention toward the kitchen and rummaged through his fridge, mentioning his thirst as she looked at her hand. Suddenly having a can placed in her palm, the woman jolt and quickly looked up, seeing his smile as he asked if she'd like a drink before popping it open for her, getting a look of surprise and curiosity while he popped his own can open, sitting and taking a drink. Recalling how he'd refresh himself with the cans in the past, the woman looked at hers and tried it.

Finding the taste unknown and the contents bubbling in her mouth, she quickly pulled the can back with her eyes widened, looking at the young man as he grinned. Mentioning her expression, he asked if she'd never had soda before, looking as though she were worried her mouth was being boiled away despite the fluid being cool. Telling her it was just a normal fizz to give it a unique taste, he assured her it was perfectly safe as she swallowed, which was in turn followed by a small burp of sorts which had her turning the brightest red one could expect from an embarrassed female as she covered her mouth from her own shock.

Laughing in response from the way she'd acted toward her first taste of soda and behaving as though she'd burped for the first time, the young man peaked the woman's curiosity once more, his laughter and the joyous expression that came with it being another new experience for her. Finding her embarrassment fading and her own joy welling back up, she showed a sweet and love stricken smile as the simple young man before her found such glee just from having a single being spending time with him. However, this thought brought with it a somber flavor, one that brought the woman back to the cruel reality he'd lived up to this point.

Such a softhearted person, with naught but thin and aging walls to house him and his own kind at every turn, ready to take from him what little he had in this world because of his nature so rare, cast asunder by a family sickened by his birth and having abandoned his mother and kin for the sake of their own joy and well being at the expense of what little health he had... Although in a sense a demon she was, the woman couldn't help but admire the being before her as much as she pitied him, a person who faced a hell of his own each day of his life, yet was still able to both, force a smile and expose an earnest laugh through it all.

Sickly and poor, alone and abused, what was enough to break the common man, to the greatest of kings, seemed as nothing to this young one before her, as even in his crippled, boarded abode he still had a smile to show and a laughter to bring that made even one such as her feel joyous, even in the midst of the nothingness that was this persons life around her. Slowly reaching out, she touched the back of his hand as it rest on the arm of his chair, making the young man pause and look at it before focusing on her, noticing the empathetic and sorrowful look on her face as she rubbed the back of his hand as though apologizing.

Looking around, he admit it wasn't much, but it was still home to him. It was a place he worked for, paid for, and was all his own. Maybe it looked a little worn down and was, currently, more empty than ever, but to him it was like a castle no other could compare to as he raised his can like a glass. Looking around, the woman nodded in definite agreement in many ways as a somewhat nervous smile exposed itself on her face. Turning his attention back to the woman, the young man went silent for a moment as she looked at him in turn until he finally stood and looked around, rubbing the back of his head.

Affirming it wasn't exactly the greatest place, that he wasn't someone who wanted everything out of life and was usually fine with what he had, he point out that it was still a home that could keep a person comfortable compared to being stuck outdoors, that there was something to eat and drink at the very least before pausing and glancing back at her. After a moment of hesitation, he scratched his cheek, a nervous atmosphere surrounding him before finally asking if the woman wanted to stay at his place, assuring he'd keep her being there a secret from anyone who might cause trouble.

Although her method of what he interpreted as seeking help and some of her behavior was a little unorthodox, the young man couldn't help but feel a soft spot for a woman he thought had been abandoned in a foreign land, a fate in his own way he could relate to as he now put a comforting hand on hers, assuring that while her life might not have much in it with him, he would still keep her off the streets. In response to his words and invitation, the woman slowly stood and approached, reaching out and calmly taking his hand in hers once more, a gentle and content look in her smile as if to say his presence was enough.

Blinking at her and turning a slight red, the young man smiled nervously in response before tensing up as she grew closer, about to lean against him again only to have him hesitate and step back, the woman pausing with her arms slightly out, showing a look of subtle concern as if to ask what was wrong, lowering her arms as he averted his gaze and a somber hint to his eyes returned. Reminding the woman of the way he chose to live, he compared his looks and physique to her own, explaining that a man like him wasn't the type any woman should try so hard to get closer toward, especially one beyond his grasp like her.

Affirming she was far above the type of person he should be with, given her beauty and mannerisms, the young man assured she could stay in his home without forcing herself to be so close and physical with him. Assuring someone more in line with what and who she deserved would come around, he point out how in the meantime he could give her a good home until then, pointing out getting married would be a great way for her to get rights to be where she was if she was a foreigner. Showing a clear look of hurt from his rejection in her expression, the woman made the young man show guilt in return.

Optional track to LWR - Listen While Reading - Beyond A Demons Comprehension Recommended - Right Click On Video - Select Loop

Continuing to look away for a moment, he glanced back at her and apologized, assuring she shouldn't look so unhappy about his rejection with a slight smile before turning away and showing a self conscious look. Telling her she should know a few things if she was going to live with him, and how she should stay at a distance because of it, he began giving an explanation as to why he was undesirable. On top of where he lived, he began explaining in detail about how he suffered from a chronic condition that made his insides flare up, a disease that was usually only inherited.

Deciding to reveal his situation about being born from a taboo relationship, he detailed how it meant there was no telling what else might be wrong with him as time went on, how he couldn't have children out of fear for what they might inherit from his muddled genes. A person his family wanted killed before he was even born, he affirmed how little a reason there was to target him as a prospect for a partner due to how little he could give someone, both materialistically and physically. Though he was happy to give the woman a place to stay, he turned to her with pain in his eyes and a gentle smile, affirming wanting him was something that would only hurt.

Looking away again, he told her of his past love, how it started with a woman he'd thought he only fantasized about finding, who was just as tender and affectionate as she was acting, only for things to fall apart because of who he was in the end, his health itself being too much for his former love to endure. Not wanting to put both, himself through the same thing twice and make her go through the same trouble, he insisted it best she think of him only as someone who put a roof over her and little else, a friend who would aid her until she could find a better means of living.

Following this, the young man picked himself back up, taking a breath and sighing as if pushing off some of the weight from his shoulders, he returned his focus to the woman with a renewed smile, a hand on her shoulder as he thanked her for the affection nonetheless, admitting it had been a while since anyone acted that way toward him and nodding before returning to the kitchen to look over all the supplies he'd bought. Thinking about his new salary, he mentioned her life with him may not be as bad after all given he would be able to afford more things once his new amount of pay started steadily flowing.

Looking back at her, he asked if there was anything beyond sardines she liked, maybe other things like nik-naks he might be able to find nearby to remind her of home, trinkets he could bring her to make her more comfortable. With him speaking of giving for her sake again, the woman approached, shaking her head as he turned and tensed once more as she placed her hand on his chest, looking at him in a manner to say he should concern over himself and meet his own needs. Assuring her he didn't mind getting mementos, the woman circled him and opened the cupboard, pointing at all the sardine he'd already bought for her.

Sighing in response, he commented about her only wanting sardines and repeating his question as to whether she'd wanted anything else, getting a calm head shake from his guest. Nodding, he gave her an alright while still saying he'd find her something to make the place more inviting, realizing more and more that she understood him despite her lack of vocal responses. As the rest of the day passed, the young man looked over his paper work revolving all he would have to do in his new position, realizing he'd be giving orders to others instead and having it easier for a change as the woman sat next to him, her head lowered and eyes close as if resting.

Surprised at how patient and comfortable she seemed despite someone of such apparent class sitting in the midst of an empty trailer on a plastic chair, even when relaxing she kept a poise and feminine appearance, her hands together on her lap and back straight. Looking at her face, he couldn't help but blush in a subtle way, noticing the marks on her cheeks again. Perhaps subconsciously doing so, the young man reached out to touch her face, only to freeze and jerk his hand back when her eyes opened in less than a split second as though completely aware, her eyes suddenly like that of an demon again as they looked at his hand.

Blinking and rubbing his eyes, he looked at her a second time as she smiled in response, her eyes now looking as they had before, their human facade having quickly returned. Slightly puzzled, he thought he'd perhaps had the light and his focus on reading small print for so long playing tricks on him as he apologized, having been drawn in by the marks on her face as his curiosity got the better of him. Letting out a quiet yawn, she raised a hand to assure him it was alright as he noticed things had gotten darker as dusk rolled in and the light shining in through the remaining windows dulled.

Turning on the small lamp he'd bought, he realized he didn't have any means of entertainment either for his guest to enjoy, rubbing his neck while looking at the empty walls around them. Wishing he'd still had his books at the very least, he turned to her and asked if she was bored, getting a polite shake of her head in response making him smile in a worn out manner, assuring her it was okay to have some complaints, only to get none in response. Letting out a chuckle, he noted how different she was compared to anyone he'd met, though praising it as a good thing making her nod in appreciation.

Not long after this, the young man began preparing himself a meal using utensils and cookware he'd bought during his outing, putting together a modest meal of white rice and eggs as the woman curiously watched. Surprised she was so interested in the activity, he showed another smirk from having company at dinnertime for a change. making an offer to fix her a serving, the woman simply shook her head and took another can of sardines from the cupboard, holding them out to him getting a look of confusion as he point out she was welcome to other things, only to wind up opening the can for her nonetheless.

Telling her she would have to have something other than sardines eventually, she still seemed content with her choice of food, taking it to her chair and waiting for him to join her. Once his plate was laid out, he did just that as they each made use of their dinner trays and enjoyed their meal together. Occasionally glancing at the woman, he couldn't help but redden again as despite the simplicity of her meal, she still had an atmosphere about her that he hadn't experienced before, the grace she emitted while picking at the fish and eating them bit by bit giving her a somewhat delicate appearance as well.

Sensing his gaze, she finally looked back at him, making the young man fumble and drop his fork before quickly taking it back in hand and having another bite of his own food. Sensing his shyness glowing again, the woman looked as though she were giggling at his demeanor with her hand to her mouth as they both finished their food. After this, they merely sat together and continued enjoying each others company, with the young man telling his guest about different stories he'd read growing up, as well as different shows and movies he liked, going over the worlds he'd seen and the plots he enjoyed.

Seeing her amused by his conversations, at least as far as he could tell given her general mystique as she gave him her attention, he felt satisfied for still having the capability to speak to someone so openly, even to someone so beyond him as the person sitting by his side until feeling it was time to ready himself for bed once the night set in. Instructing her to stay and wait for him, the young man went back to his room for a moment, leaving her to listen at the various noises he made while working until calling out to her. Standing and making her way down the hall, he met her at his door with a smile.

Making his way around her, he covered her eyes with his hands, saying he had a surprise before coaxing her forward into his room. Once ready, he moved his hands away, showing he'd set up a pair of cots in the room at a distance from one another, telling her she could have a bed all to herself. Assuring it was only temporary, he picked up the pillow on the cot intended her her, assuring it was still plenty soft as he fluffed the pillow and held it out to her. Seeing her simply look at him in silence, the young man slowly lowered the pillow, asking what was wrong before thinking the situation over.

Asking if sleeping in the same room was the problem, he offered to move one of the cots to the living room, assuring he wouldn't mind being the one to sleep elsewhere and let her have the bedroom, she finally began to move toward the cots, doing so in a calm manner before bending down and holding the side of what was her cot, pushing it along making the young man panic, offering to move it for her before realizing she was pushing it up to his until they were together, after which she stood and turned to him with her gentle and inviting smile, holding her hand out as if to say she liked the way they were now better.

With his redness returning, he affirmed she didn't have to do that, assuring she could stay free of charge without having to be close to him. Despite this, she merely sat where she had chosen to be, the dim light from his small lamp in the corner making her pale skin glow, giving her a somehow spiritual look that made the young man's shyness return. Being a bachelor who hadn't experienced such openness from another in some time, perhaps ever, he nervously offered her pillow, having it slowly taken before she pat her hand on his side of the cots, coaxing him to take his place.

Looking around, it was as though he was afraid of being caught by someone, a sight that had her giggling in her own quiet manner once more as he behaved like an innocent boy. Knowing of his pain through his stories of his past, she calmly lay down as he walked around the cots and slowly sat down, holding his breath as his rear touched down on the cot, making him tense up before finding enough courage to glance back at his guest, finding her smile and the look in her eyes appearing somewhat different this time, almost as though she were thinking of him as a lamb or child she was guiding along, patting his pillow this time as she faced him on her side.

Clearing his throat, the young man excused himself as he slowly lay beside her, remaining stiff and board-like as he focused intensely on the ceiling, his color remaining reddened. Mentioning he suddenly remembered they didn't have any clothes to change into for bed or even to wear the next day, he point out the need to get a few more things once the sun returned, trying to distract himself from the thought of being so close to a woman he'd only met upon waking, one who'd mysteriously appeared and he'd taken in without much thought and was already behaving in such an open and seemingly intimate way with him.

Twiddling his fingers, he tried talking about his new promotion and how easier different things would be now, mustering the courage to look at his guest again as she gave him a look as though to say she was happy for him. Taking another breath, he affirmed they'd better get some rest, assuring he'd leave the small lamp on nearby should she need the light. About to roll onto his side so his back would be toward her to give the woman privacy, instead she gently reached out, placing her hand on his chest before reaching over and slowly bringing him toward her until his face was caressed by her bosom, her arms embracing the rest of him.

Wide eyed and frozen out of a combination of shock and shyness, the young man stuttered as she began soothingly rubbing his head, a maternal smile returning to her face as she looked down at him in her own loving manner. With his arms as stiff as the rest of him, the young man found himself paralyzed by the cradling. Finally mustering up enough to try and move himself away, she simply held him all the closer, giving him a reassuring shushing noise as she continued petting him. With her outfit subtly slipped from her cleavage, it allowed his face to touch her skin itself, realizing the coolness her body had once more compared to his warmth.

Wondering if it was his body heat she wanted, the young man was clueless as to what to say or how to act, as though a combination of the embrace of a woman after a long solitude, along with his hair being combed by her tender touch, there was even a scent that began wafting from her bosom that worked in unison to gradually lull him into a relaxed state, asking why she was being such a way as his eyes grew heavy. Little did he realize through his state of peace that her eyes had returned to their former state, a soft glow radiating from them as she softly kept her focus on him, silently ordering his mind to be at rest.

Slipping away more and more, the woman, or perhaps in her present state the proper term would be demon, waited patiently for the young man to lose himself in his sleep, his body still and lax as she subtly ordered his mind to give and his body to numb. Once he was far enough gone in his dreams, she pulled her hand away and began reshaping her nail into that of a needle, the same form she'd used on his manager hours prior. Delicately repositioning the man she had affection for, she showed a look as if to ask forgiveness as she kept a gentle embrace on him and pushed her needle into his neck.

Closing her eyes, upon reopening them it was an act that took merely a split second as their appearance turned sharp enough as though to see through walls, an ominous flash emitting from them as in this instance her gaze pierced through his mind itself, her needle forming a bridge between them that allowed her to peer into his past. Doing so in a manner that allowed her to see and feel as he had, she sought out the portions of his mind holding the most significant moments, though she indulged herself in others that let her see his youth as a child, finding him adorable albeit saddened by the loneliness most of his days held.

From sitting alone at swings as others dashed about, to being abandoned when he grew tired long before others who wished to play chase and ball, the humane twinges that hurt his fragile heart pierced her own as she saw a little boy cast asunder time and again. Witnessing the one her mother chose coming into his life once he was older and mistreating him as time went on, she discovered he wasn't just verbally abused, but physically as well, pushed around and beaten as the young man was ordered time and again to put more effort and energy into tasks, from chores to finding work and school.

Finding what she desired along her path, she witnessed his first pains from his illness, beginning when he was close to the age he was now. Feeling his insides searing her own, she found it difficult to maintain her link, yet fought through it as she watched him push on. Enduring the man's abuse at home as his insides already tormented him, fighting through the burning as he sat before lectures at school, his was a struggle inside and out, both day and night as life lurched him along by the arm, forcing him to meet another day with nothing but the same pain to greet him.

Through it all, she couldn't find a trace of him complaining, not a moment where he would retaliate, not a whisper uttered to his mother who simply reveled in having found a new love with news of children on the way, his abuse concealed from her knowledge with merely excuses as to why he would appear harmed. As his mother told him of the joy she felt and the life within her, the young man would merely smile through all his torment, happy for her newfound excitement in life despite the misery engulfing his own. Finally the moment came where the pain grew too great to bear, and the young man was hospitalized.

As he lay in a bed, crippled in his own agony, the demon found a memory where the lover her mother had chosen paid a visit, yanking the young man up from his bed and lecturing him about how much he would owe him after his stay, of how grateful he should be for being taken care of just because he was a lazy hypochondriac. Despite the neglect, the young man through his own torment apologized as though he'd done wrong, being thrust back onto his bed and left to hold himself as the man turned his back, warning him of the necessity to find work and get a life of his own as the grown man he was becoming.

Though it was but a memory and therefore and illusion of the past, the demon found herself yearning to reach out and end the man, fury and vengeance in her eyes before reminding herself to maintain her gentleness in reality as she maintained her embrace, not wanting to injure the one she cared for as she dipped back into his mind. Finding the abuse another moment kept secret from his mother, she watched medics diagnose him with what was called Chron's Disease, an affliction they could patch and treat but never cure that would leave him with bouts of pain for the rest of his life, albeit to varying degrees.

With the searing she felt within through the young man, the demon as one with him in the moment came to grasp the meaning of his pain all too well, yet despite his diagnosis he showed no change in attitude, simply sighing and shrugging it off and responding with it being a part of life, something that had the medics looking at one another while his mother looked at him in concern. Holding his hand, she tried to console him, only for the young man to notice her lovers scornful gaze from the realization of the money pit the young man would be now that he carried a disease, something that had him leaving the room.

In turn this made him turn away his mothers affection, reaffirming he was fine and it wasn't the worst thing a person could have as the demon turned its attention to other events. With little changing in his life, and rather worsening as time went on and he found himself dropping out of school, the verbal and physical torture rapidly escalated as he started losing work as well, the condition of his body deteriorating as he lost weight until taking on the slender physique he now had. One of the last memories of his time living with his family involved one of the worst events the demon had witnessed.

Reaching a breaking point as his mothers lover faced repeated bills for the young mans health care and little money returned, a time finally came when the downtrodden life in her embrace was mercilessly beaten by the mans belt, using the buckle end like an excruciating whip as he demanded the young man find work and pay him back, ordering him to stop living off their generosity and grow up. As the buckle beat his brittle body time and again as though without end, the demon felt each impact herself.

Allowing the pain to run through her, it felt as though enough to crack bones until the attack finally ceased, the young man left on the floor clutching his body in agony within his own room as he was ordered to either keep a job and pay up or get out of the house. Leaving his room, his mothers lover left him writhing on the floor to bathe in his torment alone, forced to apologize for his existence. Knowing what would come after this, the demon finally retracted her needle, breaking the link between them and gently setting her neglected love down to rest, working her way off the cot and standing with a slump in her position.

Gripping her shoulder as the remnants of his pain worked its way out of her system, she slowly, and with a slight stumble, made her way to his bathroom, turning the light on and standing at the sink. Looking at herself in the mirror, how little did the young man realize just how special he was, as in the dead of night and in the midst of his own slumber, before the mirror mounted on the wall of his bathroom wept a sorrowful demon, almost as though the tears which streamed down her face were an attempt to make up for all that he had held back in his life, sobbing on his behalf with his past and pain now all too clear to her.

Feeling he himself was not of this world, she had no idea what to think of the being she thought was human, knowing not even a demon could endure so much without some form of response to it all. Yet the young man lived his life, brushing off all that fate had in store in all its cruelest forms, refusing to let any know of his misery as she thought of, despite all the dread, how easily he could laugh, simply from the companionship of someone he barely knew as the image of his happiness when they sat together earlier came to the forefront of her mind. A fate usually reserved for the worst of men had somehow found itself abusing one of the purest.

Though the demon was unfamiliar to such human emotions, she didn't reject, nor' even attempt to fight them back as she welcomed all that the young man had felt into her body and mind, freely allowing herself to experience all that he felt physically and emotionally and shedding the tears he refused to show himself. Unable to resist her rattled state, she wondered how it was a being like her was crippled by things a human withstood so well, thinking about his memory of being beaten with a belt and feeling the searing pain ring through her back, clutching her shoulder once more.

Little did she realize however that during her moment of distraction, the young man had woken to the sight of the bathroom light on, raising and feeling a twinge in his neck in the process. Giving it a rub and finding no wound, he made his way to the hall and looked in on his guest, finding her leaning over the sink with her head down. Noticing the tears dripping into his sink, he reached out and called to her, asking if she was alright making her jolt before slowly turning to look at him, her posture slumped making her outfit subtly slip off her shoulder as she silently hicked before him, unable to reel in her state after being connected to his suffering.

Shocked by seeing the woman who had been so poised and refined having broken down before him, the young man began apologizing as though he'd done wrong, asking if it was because she forced herself to sleep so closely with him as though it may have brought up bad memories of something she had to do in the past. Quickly offering to move the cots back apart, affirming he would move to the living room for her and give her a bedroom all to herself to enjoy, this only further riddled the being before him with guilt, having taken on her form to benefit him only to be consoled herself and make him feel bad.

Trying to wipe her eyes, the young man hesitated before approaching and warily reaching out, pausing for a moment before carefully putting his arms around her, thinking of what she'd done for him and gently rubbing her head. Quietly shushing her and assuring everything was alright, that he wouldn't do anything to hurt her and she didn't have to feel bad or be afraid anymore, he affirmed that he'd do what he could to make it a better home for her, pointing out how it must have been something like fate that he'd gotten a raise after meeting her since it meant he could use it to make her happy as his new roommate.

Optional track to LWR - Listen While Reading - To Grasp A Man Recommended - Right Click On Video - Select Loop

Telling her he'd make sure she always had all the sardines she could handle while staying with him, the woman shook her head and found herself pushing him away this time, turning away as she still tried to collect herself. Just when she thought she was getting a handle on her emotions, the young man embraced her a second time from behind, and now facing the mirror, she could see her own miserable expression next to his, noticing his warm and welcoming smile as he held her with earnest care. Vowing not to lay any sort of wrong hand on her, he repeat his promise to keep her safe, that she wouldn't be in any pain or danger with him.

Gathering up the strength to turn to him, the woman looked at him with a smile through her tears, reaching out and touching his cheek as if silently calling him a fool, with her purpose for being there to make it so he was safe and happy. Nonetheless, after experiencing what she had, the woman felt not only indebted to the young man, but had come to admire him on a level she hadn't expected as he reached out to her as well, only to use his hand to adjust her outfit back on her shoulder before facing away shyly, mentioning she didn't need to let herself be exposed like that. He affirmed it wasn't in his nature to take advantage of someone that way.

Looking down at herself, the woman moved her shoulders in a way that made her outfit slip off both sides, subtly falling to her upper arms and in turn showing a portion of her bosom as she approached. Glancing back at the woman and finding her exposed in such a way, she had the appearance best described as a concubine of old, her beauty like that of a woman from a past dynasty as she smiled in her usual welcoming manner, albeit this time all the more open as she placed her hands on his chest before pressing herself against him as well, resting her cheek with a look of contentment.

Finding himself all the redder from behavior, he point out how he'd thought her doing that was what made her cry in the first place, only for her to look at him and shake her head, touching his face again as she tried to emphasize he was the reason she was even there. The way she caressed both his body and cheek, once more the young man found himself picking up on her maternal aura, a familiarity to her behavior while at the same time sensing something else. Feeling it reminded him of his past lover, at the same time it was an entirely different vibe, one of a certain earnesty he couldn't quite comprehend.

Unsure why the stranger before him behaved the way she had, whenever he thought she did something for one reason, it turned out to be the opposite. Even now, as the woman exposed herself and caressed him, the young man had no way of comprehending why someone of her looks and refined nature would be so stricken with him so easily, barely knowing her while she behaved as though she'd known him for ages. Reaching up with her other hand, she held his face before pulling him down, allowing her to touch her forehead upon his with her eyes closed and a smile as if to assure him she was there and was happy.

Stiffening up as he looked down at her cleavage, the young man panicked and gently coaxed her back, adjusting her outfit once more so it was properly concealing her as he cleared his throat and turned away. Mentioning she seemed like she was feeling better, he affirmed he was happy because of it, though she didn't have to be so open just for getting a little pep talk from him as she noticed the redness remaining in his complexion. Quietly nodding, she instead reached out and softly touched his hand, making him pause and look down at it before watching as she stood by his side, entwining her hand in his.

Looking at him, the woman making it clear she was happy in his presence as he blinked curiously, making her silently giggle before showing an endearing expression as though calling him her little lamb once again. Taking the initiative to guide him along, she led him back to the cots and coaxed him to return to her side, allowing him to lay and relax before making her move and slowly adjusting herself so she could lay against his side, resting herself on his shoulder and soothingly rubbing his chest. Closing her eyes, she did what she could to assure him it was where and how she wanted to be with him.

Watching as she relaxed, yet again the young man noticed the spiritual glow she had. Thinking about how someone so delicate and nice had appeared out of nowhere, combined with his recent luck and her beauty and how she acted as though his meager existence didn't phase her, after a moment he couldn't help but ask a question he knew would seem foolish. Nervously adjusting his hand, he slowly placed it upon hers atop his chest before mustering the courage to ask if she was an angel, making her eyes shoot open before her body began to move in a snickering manner, the woman curling up slightly in response.

Showing a curious look, the man was about to speak again only for her expression to turn into that of someone bursting out in laughter. Though she had no voice, he could hear the air escaping her lips proving she was laughing, the woman fighting to hold it in as she tried to shut her mouth, only to make snickering noises as she clutched herself as though to say it hurt from how comedic she thought his statement was. Though in many cases it would be an insult, the way he asked with such earnesty and innocence made the demon incapable of holding back her reaction, sitting up as her expression of laughter returned.

Sitting up and looking at her in surprise, the young man scowled out of his own embarrassment, rolling with his back to her and grumbling with his arms crossed. Though he knew it was a crazy question, he didn't think it would get him outright laughed at as the woman clutched her stomach, silently saying it hurt a second time before trying to collect herself again, calming herself with deep breaths and wiping an eye with a sigh as though it was something she needed and waving her hand to apologize before realizing her bed partner was now pouting in a grumpy manner from feeling made fun of.

Showing a smile, she adjusted herself against his back and embraced him, making the young man glance back at her as she shook her head as a response. Apologizing for saying it, he returned his focus away from her as she snuggled her way closer, holding him as though to say he was hers while resting her eyes once more. Glancing back a second time, he couldn't help but replace his scowl with a smile, admitting to himself it was nice to have someone around that seemed to earnestly like him without wanting something for a change as he closed his own eyes and began to fall asleep.

Optional track to LWR- Listen While Reading - A Life So Changed Recommended - Right Click On Video - Select Loop

After these events, for the next few days the young man worked hard to learn all he could about his new job and the tasks that came with it. Though there were some aspects he struggled with, now that his manager had been changed in regards to how he treated the young man, he found his work turning into an experience he couldn't wait for, anticipating his shifts and the now kindly way he was treated on the job. With his new companion also making it her priority to accompany him each day, any workers who caused a problem found themselves ordered to the managers office, where she would do the same to them as she had the manager.

With the simplest manipulation, the demon made it so the young man had the respect she desired, getting all the compensation she needed in how enthusiastically her lamb hopped about, working to make the store a success alongside a team that gave him the cooperation necessary to make it happen. With the occasional grin and hair ruffle from his manager, the young man felt an atmosphere of family at the place where he'd previously felt as unwelcome as anywhere else, with various coworkers greeting him with a bop on the arm and playfully head-locking him, giving the title of their little boss.

In a sense, it was like watching siblings working together, a sight that made the woman smile and nod as she often remained in corners, silently and politely watching over the young man. As time went on, she would think back to his comment of her being an angel, something she gradually began to feel as though she didn't mind as his life slowly changed by her hand. As the days turned to weeks and his money began flowing in, the young man slowly repaired his trailer, giving it much needed refurbishing by having new windows installed and various repairs done to its structure and utilities.

Unfortunately, his success wouldn't go unrecognized. As the improvements to his situation in life became clear, those who had come to him as beggars would begin arriving once more. Seeking handouts and free rides as they had before, this time they found themselves denied not by his circumstances, but his companion herself. With many at his door standing in a mantis manner, eagerly rubbing their hands with grins of friendship to play at the young mans strings, the woman would strum those who arrived like an instrument herself, using his back to conceal her actions as she kept her place behind him.

With but a simple glare of her demonic gaze and the ominous glow that came with it, to each who came seeking to drain the young man of his newfound resources, the demon would place her curse of control, manipulating all who sought to take advantage of her lamb and sending them on their way with nothing, save for a thanks she'd force them to give the young man for all he'd done for them and making each say they wouldn't return, their circumstances having changed and no longer needing his aid. Though surprised, he was ecstatic to see not only his own, but everyone's fortunes seemingly changing.

Touting her as a good luck charm, the young man repeatedly thanked the woman throughout their days together, for her presence and all he'd been given since she appeared, and the happier he became, in turn the woman found her own joy welling up within, a sensation she couldn't recall experiencing throughout her endless time in the world. With even his home itself changing around her, little did the demon realize how aiding someone in such a manner could lift even a being like herself up, finding new ways to be indebted to the young man as much as he felt he was indebted to her.

With a new bed more than large enough for them added to his trailer among other furniture, finally a day came when the woman thought she'd try pushing the young man further once more. Throughout the time they lived under the same roof, never had she entered a room when the young man had exposed himself, always giving the privacy he requested. For a change, she thought she'd play the bold one and go against his rule. Thinking she'd flirt and see where things went, the woman cracked open the bathroom door and peered in on the one she desired, having seductively adjusted her outfit for an invitation.

However, little did she realize just what the reasons were that he ordered she never gaze upon him. With his top off and back turned in her direction, what was to be an arousing moment of unity between them turned into a horrified reminder of the past he kept hidden as she witnessed countless scars covering him from the relentless abuse put on him by the man his mother loved, bringing back the painful memory of him being mercilessly lashed by the metal buckle and told to get out of his home and the lives of those that were supposed to be his family. Bringing back the sensations of pain she'd felt, it left the woman frozen where she stood.

With eyes wide and body motionless, she watched as he rubbed his shoulder and gave it a careful turn, murmuring to himself as he likely felt remnants of the abuse. For all the good she'd done, the young man still held secrets too gruesome even for one such as her to witness with a straight face, as though he moved forward with his head high in life, so cruel was destiny that it left him riddled with reminders of how he suffered, traces that would follow him through life as if to say no matter his joy, he would always be the child beaten away from those who should have loved and wanted him most.

Whether done of her own subconscious or through purposeful motivation, none can say as she slowly opened the door and approached. As he was about to strip his lower half, the young man found himself embraced from behind, making him freeze before going into a sudden state of panic as he asked the woman what she was doing, lecturing her for seeing him in such a way despite his requests she never do so. Nonetheless, try as he might to get away and conceal himself, the woman maintained her grip as tears returned to her eyes, gritting her teeth as he struggle to reach back and remove her.

Finding his attempts wasted as his energy began to fade, he gripped the sink and asked why she would go out of her way to break the only rule he asked her to follow, talking about how hideous his body was with its markings and fragile appearance. Being one of the many judgmental reasons his past love abandoned him, he never wanted to let anyone else see what the past had done to him, pointing out he never let his own mother see the wounds inflicted upon him by the man she married. Despite his lecturing, the woman simply maintained her embrace as she looked at his back.

Focusing on his pain rather than his rant of frustration, she finally released him as she put her hand on his spine, one of the scars from the metal buckle running along it making him lucky not to be paralyzed given the angle and position of the mark. Able to turn now that she'd pulled her arms away, the young man quickly faced her and was about to insist she leave until he noticed the misery in her face, watching as she suddenly yanked the chest portion of her outfit open to expose herself with an expression as though silently begging him to have his way, yearning for him to inflict something, anything on another for once in his life.

Now finding himself the one frozen where he stood, his eyes were wide as rather than flushed, the young man was simply in shock as she pushed herself closer, making him lean back over the sink trying to avoid letting her bare bosom touch him as she continued silently pleading for him to release his pain and all he kept bottled up inside on her. Whether it be passion or fury he unleashed, the demon didn't care as she yearned to free him of all he'd endured, offering herself in the most honest and meaningful way a woman could. With her eyes full of sadness for the one she cared for, all she could do was silently hope he'd respond.

Managing to touch her bust against his chest, what should have broken him and urged him to take action was ignored as he focused on her face, tears continuing to stream down her cheeks as he failed to respond even to having the bosom of a willing woman against his skin. After a moment, the young man finally raised up as she remained against him, keeping his eyes on hers until reaching toward her face and wiping her tears with his thumb. Telling her to hold on and asking if she was seriously reacting the way she was out of affection, the woman embraced him in response with her face hidden in his chest.

At first thinking she was forcing herself through tears of repulsion for having to endure offering a body like hers to a man with a body like his own, he began picking up on the earnest intentions behind her actions. New to someone behaving the way she was, especially after seeing what life had done to him, after a moment he finally noted how serious she was as she refused to look up at him, not wanting to expose more of her own sorrow when she only wanted to provide joy. Nonetheless, he lift her chin and made the demon look him in the eyes again, allowing her to see once more the resilient strength within his own.

As hers revealed all the pain he kept so well concealed, it was as though her expression was asking how he could do it, how he could endure the worst of fates and still go on in such an unshaken manner. Simply focusing on each others eyes, after a moment the young man spoke up, telling her how different she was before finally welcoming her in for a hug, standing for a time as he waited for the grieving woman to calm. Realizing the pair of breasts melting against his skin, he finally reddened slightly while also thinking about the way they felt cold compared to himself, making him reflect on how cold he had been to her in turn.

Apologizing for thinking she'd be as judgemental as his past companion, he still affirmed how he knew his was a body that wasn't much to look at, only for the woman to shake her head and gently reach out, coaxing him to turn back around. Touching the marks, she noticed the uncomfortable look on his face, an expression on her own as if to ask if it hurt. Pointing out he wasn't used to be open with his injuries, she merely smiled as her way of assuring it was alright, resting against his back before surprising him with a kiss on one of his many scars to say she would make him feel better.

Finding himself shocked out of what arousal had stirred inside him, he looked back in surprised and asked if she was really okay with doing as she had, insisting she didn't have to push herself if anything about him bothered her only to find her arms reaching around him once more as she kissed various other scars as well and rest herself against his skin, affirming all was well and as she desired. Looking ahead, the young man saw himself in the mirror, the folktale of the beast and the beauty coming to mind. Glancing back at her, he decided to share the story, looking at himself while she examined his body while listening.

By the time he'd finished, though he only meant to refer to himself, both of them felt like they fit the part of the beast in the story, with the woman born a monster and the young man reshaped into one through his torment as he mention how a kiss seemed to fix everything. Noting how she had kissed his back, in a way it felt like it managed to help him out as well, now that he felt she wasn't forcing herself. Showing a smile, she kissed his scars again, as even though the kisses were from one beast to another, she was glad it helped the one she cared for as his shyness gradually returned.

Scratching his cheek, after a moment he turned to the woman, mustering up the courage to ask if she'd like to actually kiss, a question that he immediately realized was late in the game given how she'd already exposed herself. Nonetheless, once more his innocence made the woman before him smile, embracing him now from the front and openly pressing her bosom back against his chest, silently calling out for him to indulge himself. Looking around as he had the first time they'd slept together, he fought through his timidity and finally held her as well, watching her close her eyes in waiting.

With the both of them looking as innocent and delicate as the other in the moment, the young man couldn't help but think to himself how he hoped she wouldn't regret the way she was being, wary of losing himself and taking advantage as he fought to keep his hands steady, sensing a trembling trying to take hold as he leaned in. After what felt like an eternity, at long last he was finally letting himself be just a little greedy, taking the kiss for his own as they remained in their embrace. However, little did he realize how it wasn't his own control he had to worry about, but rather the being he thought human in his arms.

Going through restraint for so long, and although it her nature to be so, the demon found her impenetrable patience up to the moment broken as her hold on him tightened, pressing her own lips further against his. Failing to notice, after a moment her advancement became clear as the innocent bachelor found himself being pushed back, his eyes slowly opening as the woman's lust intensified. Parting her lips, she breathed against his own before giving his lips a nibble and pushing to have a better taste.

Yanking him against her, the woman began kissing him again and again, gradually overwhelming him as he tried to pull back, struggling to get the eager damsel to settle down only to wind up losing his foothold and stumbling back onto the floor. Landing with a hard thud, he felt it ring through his back and insides combined, groaning in pain before looking up as the woman let her outfit fall from her body. With a relentlessly salacious character taking hold, the demons secondary nature began taking root as greed festered within her psyche and physically turned her into that which she'd concealed.

Leaning down and letting her passion control her, the demon kissed him time and again, her eyes turning predatory and ominous as she began to taste his body as well despite the pain in his face. Pushing the moment further and further, the young man had to outright scream at her to stop, begging repeatedly as his fear of intimacy and the thought of getting someone pregnant with a child that could be stillborn because of his genes took hold until she found enough sanity to look him in the eye again, finally noticing the agony she'd brought from knocking him to the ground and the fear she'd caused.

Noticing tears in his eyes as well, something she knew was nearly impossible to bring out of him, the demon froze in an instant as he realized her eyes weren't normal, her awareness of herself so reduced even her nails had sharpened to a degree. Raising up atop his body, she looked at her hands as she began to tremble instead, looking as though silently stuttering before quickly jumping away from him and adjusting her kimono-like robes. Now stricken with terror of her own, her entire demeanor changed into someone who had committed something grave, slightly reaching out as though desperately apologizing while stepping back.

Carefully raising up, the young man winced as he gradually recovered, looking toward his rattled guest only to find her having vanished. Taking a moment to relax, he made his way to the door and looked around, finding nobody until heading into his room and finding her huddled in a corner, clutching her head and subtly rocking as though she were panicking and asking herself what she had done, terror remaining in her expression. Now unsure if his guest was human at all after what he'd seen, thinking whatever she was had only existed in the minds of artists and writers, he slowly approached the panicking female.

Once behind her, he began to reach out revealing his shadow against the wall. Taking notice, the woman jerked herself back with a gasp, holding her arm up as though she were now terrified of him, her face conveying how guilty she was. Able to see her eyes and nails again, the demon so lost in her regret she had yet to conceal their appearance, the young man looked at her for a moment until finally letting out a sigh and sitting on the side of the bed, watching as she returned to facing her corner as a demon, strangely enough, fought her inner demons as he thought of what to say.

Optional track to LWR - Listen While Reading - It's Alright Recommended - Right Click On Video - Select Loop

Finally managing to muster something up, the young man point out how he could now understand why she'd laugh about being called an angel, given what little he saw of her true self. Mentioning how he'd seen her eyes change before and thought it was his own playing tricks, he noted thinking people like her were just stuff of myths, seeing her grow still yet continuing to hold herself as the thought of her being of another world made it easier to understand the way she appeared, along with the way she looked and acted. Though why she would choose him of all people to be with still eluded him.

Thinking, perhaps, it was his misfortune that aroused her interest, he noted if that was the case she wouldn't have gone out of her way to make him as happy as she had and show so much compassion toward him. Wondering if she might have been responsible for everyone else changing the way they had as well, he continued talking to ease the way she was feeling, wanting to assure her that despite her deed and discovering she wasn't normal he was still willing to reach out and be close to her. Eventually, she finally relaxed enough to turn to him, though she remained on her knees with her face lowered and concealed by her bangs.

Asking if she could explain what she really was, noticing her nails looked human again, he mentioned her inability to speak, snapping his fingers from the realization as he tried to think of the mythical figures he'd known from tall tales. Pointing out she could probably be anything from what little he knew, after a moment she finally glanced up at him, still showing a hint of guilt in her eyes as they too had returned to their human facade, knowing she'd both abused him and been caught. Unsure of the best action to take, even considering manipulating the young man's mind, the two simply looked at one another for what seemed the longest time.

Rubbing his head, at last the overwhelmed man sighed and shook his head, stating it was alright as he shrugged off what he'd discovered and said it didn't matter. Given all that had happened to him and all he had now after she came into his life, as strange and mysterious as the meeting was and all that had followed between them since, he assured she was still safe with him. If nothing else, not many can say they're close with someone from another world, no matter the potential direction of that world. Though he wasn't sure how people in certain places would feel about it, he still felt he wasn't in a place to cast her out.

Hearing this, the woman's eyes grew wide as he began apologizing for freaking out beforehand, telling her it wasn't really a matter of her appearance that got to him but his fear of getting her pregnant, though now that he'd seen the side of her he had, he found himself asking more casually than he perhaps intended if he was even able to do that to her. Realizing the way he worded it and the tone he used to ask such a question, he panicked slightly and talked about the right precautions, noting that whether she was different or not it was best to be safe as he assured if she was more patient and a little less rough it might not be so bad.

Doing what he could to ease her regrets over her actions, he expressed how he wasn't entirely against the thought, but merely needed time and his own pace for it all. The more she listened to him, the more his otherworldly companion found herself at odds of what to think. Even though all he saw was a small portion of what she really was, he readily accepted it and moved on as though it were merely another part of life, going so far as to assure her of his willingness to be intimate with someone he knew wasn't of his kind. As he spoke of his clumsiness and lack of experience, the woman before him merely lowered her head.

Noticing her apparent sulking, the young man reached out and affirmed she had no reason to worry or feel bad, rather it was he at fault for his sensitivity, both with her rough manner and his lack of gung-ho drive for such an act. Affirming he wished he could be the same, he explained different people had different ways of doing it, though his second round of bluntness made him fumble over himself again as he point out there wasn't anything inherently wrong with how she liked it. Hearing and seeing the way he bounced back from everything, even with her identity, the woman thought once more about manipulation.

Finally taking a stand, albeit slowly, her action made him pause and watch as she stepped up, looking down at him as though questioning herself and what she was about to do. Lifting her hand, she looked at it while thinking about all he had said, taking her time to consider her following actions over before holding her hand out. Blinking at it, the young man took it in his own hand before it slowly began to warp itself into a blackened, blood hearkening claw from her wrist down. Seeing this, he tensed up and quoted how a girl could do damage with hands like hers, his eyes widening from experiencing what he thought was fiction.

Remaining still, the demon let him examine her claw freely, a hardened, almost exoskeletal feel and look to it, the blackened portion of what was her palm fading into the ominous depth of red that shrouded her nails. Finding they still moved like fingers, with just enough space for joints, he placed his hand against hers to compare sizes, only to find none to make as the size of her claw dwarfed him. Asking if it hurt changing the way she had, he looked up to find her eyes back to their natural state as well.

Deciding not to hold back their appearance, she let him gaze into that which could control any at will. Showing slight sweat, he noted how seeing them for real and up close left an impression. Expecting him to think she was going to attack, the demon was met with simple awe and curiosity instead as he fiddled with her claws, his eyes poking out between them while asking what it must feel like as they clicked from moving about. Finally taking it away, she looked at what was her hand before stepping back and looking at him once more, holding up her claw as one warped itself into a needle.

Holding her arm to the side, she point the needle toward her own neck, showing how she used it before pointing at him with her still human hand. Also pointing at himself, he asked if that's what she wanted to do to him, noting it looked as though it would cause pain. In response, she returned her claw to its previous state, the needle shrinking accordingly to match her finger. Making her way next to him, she slowly sat and held up her needle, giving him a soft tap on the side of his neck to signal where she would put it. Lost as to the reason for her desire, he showed a skeptic expression as she inched back, giving him room and time to decide.

With how intent she seemed on the act and the consideration she gave, the young man looked around the now furnished room, thinking of his life before and after her arrival. Finally looking back at her, he nodded and faced forward, gripping his knees as she looked at her needle and nodded in response. Slowly reaching out, her eyes regained their eerie glow as the tip pierced his neck, getting a hiss from the stinging sensation. Not wanting to dull his senses with her abilities, she wanted him to be aware of himself as she began injecting her own memories into him, the reverse of what she had done many nights ago.

Feeling an awkward twinge beginning to run through his head, he shut is eyes with a look of confusion as though he were beginning to picture something. Tilting his head slightly, his eyebrows began rising in surprise as her memory of their meeting appeared, seeing him from the perspective of the ground in the midst of a snowy day. Mentioning the moment being familiar, he saw himself extend an arm before another scene appeared, showing him from a perspective behind glass holding out sardines. More and more such images played themselves as though watching a projection beneath his eyelids.

Eventually reaching the moment she returned in her current form, she revealed the night she entered his home and placed his head atop her lap, ending the bridge between them as the moment vanished and her needle retracted. Avoiding showing him the event revolving the thief, it was one secret she knew was best hidden as her needle returned to the shape of a human nail, watching as he came out of the link himself, blinking as though walking out into the sun and rubbing his eyes. Letting out a woof type of noise, he shook his head and rubbed his neck before turning his focus toward her.

Finally realizing the woman before him was the same snake he'd taken in the prior winter, the look of awe on his face made her smile, nodding to assure him it was really her before holding out her arm, turning the skin along it into scales that shared the same black and red pattern as the snake he remembered. Beginning to look excited, the young man praised her for blowing his mind, realizing he was witnessing something nobody else thought was possible before excitedly asking what else she could do, finding himself teased as she released a serpentine tongue and used it to playfully tickle his cheek.

Showing off her fangs as well with her head tilt back, she let him feed his curiosity to his content as he asked her to show him the scales again, doing so with a smile before allowing him to play with her claw again, his child-like wonder toward what others feared making her silently giggle from the refreshing feeling being admired provided, her image of him as her lamb returning as he held up his own hand and gave it a tiger hearkening swipe, trying to imitate the sensation of having claws as he looked at his nails with a scowl of envy. Pointing out she could take down trees with claws that big, she nodded to let him know he was correct.

Asking if she was serious, the demon held her claw up with pride and smirked. Getting a sudden idea, she debated whether it would be too far before slyly and skillfully unbuttoning and unzipping his pants with the swiftest and smoothest maneuvering of her nails, a move finished in the blink of an eye as next thing he knew, the young man was standing in his boxers with his pants around his ankles. Beginning to act exactly like that of a sheep with its wool abruptly sheered, he quickly covered himself and fumbled trying to get his pants back up, making it impossible for his playful companion to resist laughing.

For once in her existence, rather than feared for showing parts of her true self, the woman found someone, and a human no less, willing to face her in awe and open himself up to all that made her who she was, panicking not out of fear, but of his own clumsiness and shy nature. Stumbling forward as he fixed his clothes, the young man caught himself as he fell over the demon, holding himself up as she lay beneath him. Keeping her claw far to the side, she silently panicked and showed sweat from the close call, immediately returning her claw to a human shape as his own wide eyes gazed into hers.

Noting their red and sharp appearance, at the same time he admit that the more he looked at them, the less he felt intimidated before touching the marks on her cheek, realizing they were the remnants of scales from her snake self rather than scars. Admitting how slow he felt given the markings actually looked like that of a snake the whole time he'd known her, he apologized for how long, and how much, it took for him to get the bigger picture before noticing a redness beginning to spread across her face. Being accepted, then pushed down the way she was, it left the being beneath him in a flustered state while eyeing his upper body.

Giving her another curious look, he turned his attention toward the same area on her, finding her outfit having slipped open exposing a majority of the middle portion of her torso, bosom and all as he began sharing the same redness. Giving a second apology for the push, their eyes met again before she slowly adjusted herself, freely welcoming him as she pulled her outfit open so her bosom was fully exposed once more, gravity pulling them to the sides of her chest in a manner that seemed like her entire body had yearned to embrace him, though this time of his own pace and accord.

Remaining still beneath him, she reached up and caressed his cheek with a look as though to say she vowed to restrain herself, his innocent gaze eying her figure until she began pulling him down. Startled by this, he initially resisted out of fear of her wild side, only to find himself given a shush and a smile to assure all was well, pulling on him softly until he gave and allowed his body and chest to lay atop hers, pillowed by her bosom as the both of them remained still. Refusing to control him, she allowed him to lull himself into a secure state on his own, letting him gradually relax until embracing her as well.

Doing very little to one another, the demon resisted her own temptations as she tenderly held him and soothingly combed his hair with her fingers, being responded to by his curious touches as he fondled his way around as though it was his first experience of flesh against flesh. Rather than in a sexual sense however, he seemed to only touch her in the manner of someone who merely yearned for the companionship in the moment, almost as though he wanted to insure the body beneath him was real instead of the hallucinations of his lonely mind, taking the time to reassure himself and enjoy the long forgotten physical presence of a woman in his life.

Although he merely sought comfort, pressing his face into her cleavage and pulling her breasts against his cheeks like warm pillows, his partner found herself silently cooing and adjusting herself repeatedly, feeling some long forgotten sensations of her own as a snake-like squirm took hold of her body. With her eyes looking as though she were ready to snap and take him of her own accord, she reminded herself to fight and maintain control, shutting her eyes and gritting her teeth. Though she had little issue should he unleash torment upon her through his fury, the torture she experienced now drove her madder than one could comprehend.

Despite her desires, the demon allowed her lamb to indulge himself as she vowed to herself she would, occasionally looking at him to find the look of bliss she'd wanted all along. Though it was difficult, seeing him in his current state made everything worth it, though she did think it would help if he'd avoid rubbing his chest upon hers and concealing his face against her neck on occasion, a sensation that nearly drove her to taking action each time it was done. Nonetheless, she maintained her patience until he finally pulled back, mentioning her body now felt warmer for a change and showing a playful grin.

Scowling at this, she formed a small claw and poked his cheek, warning him not to make her do something and getting an apology as he chuckled, mentioning he actually liked how she was normally cooler as it helped him feel relaxed in its own way. Looking down, he reached toward her lower torso and gave it a gentle touch, making her shudder as her eyes followed where his hand went, biting her lip in anticipation. Showing redness of his own again, he averted his tough to her leg instead, guiding his hand along up her thigh and pushing her outfit up in the process to expose her leg as he went.

Noting he also liked her complexion, praising it for its tone and glow, he made the demon clutch the sheets tightly and squirm further as his hand finally reached her hip, making her give him a pleading look as though growing desperate. Seeing this, the young man showed a wariness of his own, feeling her attempting to spread her leg and coax him along as she trembled all the more. Knowing how badly she wanted it, he leaned down and gave her a kiss as he glided his touch between her legs and caressed her in a vowing manner, making her arch before pulling away from her lips and leaving her with a promise to be with her in time.

Backing away, he gave her an apologetic, yet earnest smile to affirm he meant what he said, watching her as her chest swell and fell from her breaths of excitement and her body quivered as though in defeat. Looking up at the ceiling, it was as though she escaped however briefly to a fantasy where it was already happening, reveling in what little she was able to experience and wondering how even she would handle the real thing given her response to what minor things he'd just done. Offering a hand, she returned her gaze to him and reached out, letting him help her sit back up before she concealed herself and clutched her chest.

Working to calm herself, somehow the tables had turned in more ways than one by playing the submissive role, realizing it had its own advantages as the young man exposed the potential of a wolf in sheep's clothing, causing her to give him a love-stricken gaze through her weakened eyes as he chuckled and asked if it was too much, also reminding her how she was owed and now they were even. Showing a slight scowl, the overwhelmed woman took a breath and calmed herself, working to regain her composure and poise as she stood and adjusted her outfit further, making the young man remember his own pants needed fastening.

After this, the two gradually came to evolve from mere companions, to that of a couple as legitimate as any other, with each day full of smiles between them as the young man brought up endless questions for the otherworldly concubine he'd accepted as his partner. Letting him witness her abilities in secret, she would cut trees and summon hordes of snakes, the creatures greeting him with the same compassion and playfulness as she, often bunching themselves around and over him like a blanket whenever he would rest atop her lap in the woods. He was even able to witness her mind control when a dog attempted to attack them one day.

Making it hop around on its hind feet and roll over among other tricks, she sent the canine on its way to the applaud of the young man, awed by what was to her parlor tricks at best yet leaving her flattered nonetheless. Even though she never spoke or uttered a sound, her expressions and gestures alone were all he needed, and it was that simplicity that satisfied the two of them as time went on, as did the number of times they would share passionate moments in privacy. Though they never made it all the way, the tenderness and earnestness they shared between them made up for it in leaps and bounds when flesh met flesh.

Optional track to LWR - Listen While Reading - All For Nothing Recommended - Right Click On Video - Select Loop

Throughout all their happiness and the distractions that came with it, how easy it was for the two smitten companions from different worlds to forget about that which they should have remembered most of all. Allowing themselves to feel immune at last from the fates which followed and haunted them for so long, it was on a day like any other that would bring everything they'd cast to the back of their minds rushing to the forefront of that which was their reality. And how simple, albeit cruel it was for that reality to intrude upon their existence, ready to take all they had obtained from one another.

Merely a day of touring the town after a hard days work, picking up odds and ins to take to the place that was their home. It was such a simple moment, but that's all it took to ruin everything. Making his way to his car with a buggy full of goods, the sardines his partner loved piled within, the young man opened his trunk and began filling it with bags as the woman remained at the entrance of the store they'd exit, simply watching him with all the contentment anyone could show in her expression. With her mind fixated on him, she began crossing the lot to where he stood.

Sadly, this would prove to be the mistake that quickly turned fatal. So ignorant was she of her surroundings, for what was likely the first time in her life as she smiled at the one waiting for her, she found herself pausing when his expression turned to one of horror, reaching out and screaming in panic as she approached. Confused by his sudden behavior, she watched curiously as he rushed to her, and as though reality itself was in slow motion, found herself given a push as hard as he could before a driver rushing through the lot slammed into the young man, the impact happening as the demon fell from harms way.

Seeing his brittle and slender figure lurch in an unnatural way from the impact against the hood, as she neared the ground and her body leaned back it was as though gravity was forcing her to watch as his body was sent high up into the air before her, helplessly flailing about like an old doll thrown away until brutally smashing down onto the pavement, almost at the same moment she hit the ground herself while the driver smashed into a nearby post. With her mind shaken from how rapidly it all occurred, she felt between the worlds of reality and twilight while looking at her now motionless love.

Her senses still dulled from the shock, all she heard was the muffled sounds of screams surrounding her and the blurred sight of the body that lay before her, her vision shifting as she remained motionless where she sat. With nearby calls for an ambulance echoing through the crowd, finally the demon pushed herself to stand as her mind and senses returned, finally grasping the severity of what just happened as her bewilderment turned to a look of horror and dread. Rushing up and yanking others aside, when she finally reached the young man his blood had already begun surrounding him.

Noticing the twitch of life coming from his mangled figure as it jerked and convulsed, the sounds of his collapsed insides and building fluids could be heard as sounds garbled noises of suffering none should have to endure, nor' could ever forget escaped his lips. About to reach out, the woman found herself denied as medics arrived on scene, having been nearby when they got the call to action. Doing as best they could for him, they worked to immediately spirit him away to a nearby hospital as the demon caught a glimpse of his face long enough to see the terror and weeping coming from his eyes.

Trying to reach out a second time, she found herself stumbling back instead as her mind was assaulted with emotions and confusion, losing her ability to process how rapidly it was all unfolding once more before hearing someone speak of the nearby vehicle. Watching the young man being loaded and taken away in an ambulance, she simply stood in place for a moment until the medics vanished from sight, causing her to turn her focus to that which had struck him. With her expression turning blank as she saw it against the nearby post, it was as though the demon had shut down her own mind.

Heading toward it as others began approaching, she cast a curse that averted the attention of all who would bear witness, from locals to police, medics and the like, she made her way along the mindless crowds, passing her lovers car and the buggy still full of her sardines. Growing nearer and nearer, her curse cast far and wide around her, the demon reshaped her hand into a deadly claw, dragging it along the pavement in a scraping manner until standing at the drivers door of the vehicle, noticing the young mans blood splattered along the front of the hood and the window before looking upon the driver that had made the impact, finding a man regaining his conscious.

With her expression remaining cold and emotionless, her psyche unhinged and mindless, the driver was one who wreaked of alcohol, an empty case of cans and several guzzled bottles in his vehicle. Likely intending to return to the store and buy more, how little did he know the trip would be his last, as just when his eyes opened and met the figure before him, all he could do was let out part of a split second scream before he was instantly decapitated, his head sent rolling out of the vehicle and tumbling on the pavement.

Simply watching his body slump over toward the passenger seat, the demon slowly turned back in the direction the ambulance had left. Stepping her way forward, she crushed the head of the drunken man beneath her foot as though it were merely a vegetable, continuing her way along like a zombie, her claw reverting to a hand as her curse reeled itself back and returned awareness to those around her. Though the screams were now more plentiful than ever, they were nothing to the being walking away from it all.

The further she made her way along, the more she began to weep without pause. Although at first the tears began to drip, they turned into steady streams as her emotionless expression gradually turned to one of a sobbing woman who could sense she was losing everything she'd already had to endure centuries without. Falling to her hands and knees several times along her way, she pushed herself onward toward where her love had been taken, following his presence, albeit it a fading one like an instinct.

By the time night had fallen, she had finally, albeit miserably made her way to where he was. Climbing her way up the building that was the hospital before her, she reached the window of the room he'd been placed, peering through the wafting curtains as he lay unconscious, attached to countless machines and IV's while doctors stood nearby giving their diagnosis. Revealing he not only had Chron's, but remnants of injuries sustained from trauma to his insides they determined were obtained years ago, the accident had proved to be his final death knell as his disease and wounds of the past fed into those he currently endured.

Going over what was an endless list of internal and external problems, all the medics could do was turn and label him a poor kid, mentioning the discovery of old buckle wounds to his back among their many findings. Trembling as she listened, the demon touched her forehead to the bricks of the building while sobbing, struggling to maintain her hold with her teeth grit. Once the others finally left, she took the opportunity to climb into the room, making her way up and down the wall as she had when she'd first entered his home before miserably approaching her mutilated lamb which saved her.

Reaching out, she touched the strands of his hair, only to be met with the wetness of blood as it seeped from his countless bandages, the doctors having done their best but left incapable of stopping it all. With his face that had smiled its way through her heart now covered in swollen bruises and seeping cuts, the agonizing woman found his hand and just as she was about to hold it, found his fingers which so curiously and excitedly explored her own had been crumpled from his landing, his own body likely crushing them from the force of his fall as the machines attached seemed to struggle to find signs of life.

Trying to be as careful as she could while holding his hand, almost as if he sensed her presence in turn the young man shockingly managed to open his eyes, as though his will was enough to yank him back from the beyond as he started coughing and struggling, making his lover panic as she stood unsure of what to do. Not wanting him to hurt himself any further, she held his shoulders and silently begged him not to budge, her tears plipping on his face as he desperately tried to take in air, sensing his own impending death putting him in a state of anxiety. Nonetheless, finally noticing the woman it was just enough to turn him still.

Still quivering from head to toe, his lips trembled as he tried to speak, suddenly acting as though feeling for something only to find his mangled arms disobeying. Looking around, he noticed his pants on a table and grunt desperately, using his eyes to tell her what he wanted. Taking notice of them herself, she rushed to them and brought them over, his eyes intensely concentrating on his pocket and grunting again, only to wind up letting out an agonized shout and arch as his wounds seared through him. Panicking and fumbling, the woman rummaged through his pockets in a manner as desperate as he was.

Pulling out item after item, he repeatedly shook his head and dug into the sheets with his battered fingers, a sign begging her to hurry until she felt an unfamiliar cloth. Quickly removing it as the last thing in his pockets, she tossed the pants aside and held it out, pushing it toward him as if to beg if it was what he wanted. Finally nodding, he motioned with his head for her to unwrap it, watching as she quickly obeyed and found a glistening object within. Picking it up, it turned out to be a ring, something that left her confused as she point at it desperately wanting to know the meaning.

Feeling another attack of pain coming on, the young man screamed through his lips, arching once more before heavily gasping for air again. Looking back at her, he motioned for her to come closer until he was able to catch his finger in his mouth, giving it a bite and tugging on it before releasing and tilting his head, causing his neck to pop which further agonized him. Looking at her finger, she turned her attention to his eyes which begged her to understand. Having to think for a moment, finally she jolt and formed a needle, pointing to ask if that's what he wanted and getting a rapid nod.

Quickly reaching out to him, the sight of his suffering made it difficult for her to insert it, though through sheer force of will she managed before finding herself immediately yanked into his mind as though he already had a hand extended to grab her. Quickly being guided past memories and instead to a portion of his weakening mind where his fantasies lie, the young man showed her what he'd had in store, looking in her eyes as she gazed into his before shutting her own as the scene rushed into her head.

Finding herself standing before him as he got on a knee, he had intended to propose when the time was right, introducing her to the modern concept of marriage as the scene swirled into another of them during a wedding. Just as they were about to kiss, the scene grew black as the young man began coughing again, struggling to keep his link to the living tethered. About to quickly remove her needle, she was greeted with grunts of objection as another scene was pushed into her mind, forcing her to shut her eyes again as she saw them in bed together, finally enjoying the moment she'd longed for.

Wanting to make an honest woman out of her, even if she was a demon, the young man had intended to give her the night he knew she dreamed of after offering up his life for her sake through his own vows and properly committing. Feeling then the both of them would be past everything that had restrained them by that point, they would have taken one another as they desired, not just as lovers in a moment of passion, but as an honest husband and wife, their lives united in all the ways possible.

With the scene fading to black once more as his mind succumbed, she found the young man beginning to convulse uncontrollably, making her immediately remove her needle as he showed horror in his eyes and the machines scanners went off the charts until abruptly flat-lining. Watching as he suddenly froze stiff, his body slowly turned limp as his head gradually turned toward her, shedding his final tears for her sake alone, apologizing as he always had in his last moment showing that even in death he would put her above himself, knowing he was passing away and leaving her alone.

Optional track to LWR - Listen While Reading - He Who Is Mine Recommended - Right Click On Video - Select Loop

Inching back as her love began crossing into the beyond, the demon gripped the ring he gave her tightly as she heard medics rapidly approaching the room. Hesitating as she tried to think of a means to save him, the only thing that came to mind was a curse of a different sort. Unfortunately, using it would mean the one she loved would never be granted his passage to the very gates he now approached. With her passion for him and her greed as a demon fighting one another, she clutched her head as she tried to come to a solution, hearing the medics at the door and immediately reaching her hand out to seal it shut.

With doctors now trying to beat their way in and every second making it all the more impossible to bring the one she'd chosen back, she had to decide between spending an eternity never seeing her lamb again, being the demon she was and thus forbidden from where he would go, or curse him to an eternity with her, and never see the gates above. Falling to her knees as her dilemma went to war in her mind, she shook her head in a resistant manner, screaming within not to curse him only for the image of his last tears flashing into view.

With her eyes shooting open, she gasped as though she'd found an excuse she could work with. Using his final moments of consciousness as her reasoning, she thought his tears surely meant he'd rather stay with her, with this thought trailing into others of how he went out of his way to share his plans for the future and fought through his throes of death for her sake. Nodding with a silent look as though to repeatedly say yes, there was a somewhat maddened look to her expression, the moment driving her to a degree of insanity as she approached and started holding the young mans body with a grin.

Seemingly asking if that was what he wanted as she touched his hair and face, tears once again began falling from her eyes as her conscious as his lover regretted what was about to happen while her madness as a demon losing what it laid claim to anticipated it. Stepping back, the woman held up his ring and clutched it in her fist before unleashed an ominous aura from her body, one that burst free and flared to life as she excitedly neared him despite her remorseful crying.

With half of her demanding he return and the other half begging him to run, her own curse as a demon plagued her into giving into her own desires, as slowly looming over him, she placed his ring on her finger before her nails warped into needles. Pulling her hand back to strike, she hesitated briefly as her eye twitched through her madness, a portion of her still wanting to resist even in the final moment only for her needles to wind up thrust mercilessly into his chest, piercing his still heart in unison.

With the sound of more and more medics at the door trying to gain entry, it was already too late, for them and even herself to stop it as she began injecting her curse into the one she loved. Continuing to weep, through the tears she was seemingly laughing at herself as though a fool for thinking she could resist, knowing that once a demon chose its target there was no letting it go as an eerie aura began to surround the young man before her, suddenly feeling a thump from his heart in response to the injections.

Pouring more and more of the curse into his body, the eternity she endured was becoming his own as his heart thumped again and again. After a moment, countless cracking and other eerie noises could be heard coming from within his body as his bones and innards restored themselves. However, not only was he being healed within, he was being warped at the same time as portions of his skin began hearkening to her own. Once she was finally finished and her needles were pulled from his chest, the demon inched back and fell to her knees, covering her face in horror at what she'd just done.

Noticing the glistening from her ring, she touched nervously touched it before hearing the young man stir. With her eyes widened, she had no idea how to feel about having resurrected him, looking up at the bed as he subtly moved about and began to awaken. Hearing all the banging at the door and asking what whoever it was wanted, he began to rise in a slow and agitated manner making the one who'd brought him back run in terror, quickly climbing out the window and gripping the wall with a look to ask what she had just done.

With her seal broken, the door finally flew open causing a pile of medics to collapse in together, quickly rising in a panic as they looked around and approached the one they thought was too close to death to return. Assuring them he was fine, save for some pain in his chest, he began asking where he was and why he was there, a result of his short-term leave from the living causing slight amnesia. Explaining to him what had happened, they insisted he'd been fatally wounded from head to toe just moments earlier. Noticing all the bandages soaked in blood, he pulled them off much to the terror of the medics.

Trying to stop him, once he revealed there were no injuries under the wraps and he was fine they backed away, both in awe and perhaps a form of terror due to how he miraculously recovered. Asking among themselves if they'd perhaps done anything or combined something in particular that would advance healing to such a degree, they were left stumped as he stood and unwrapped his head, scratching his hair due to the irritation it caused before seeing himself in a nearby mirror. Blinking at it in surprise, he approached and looked at all the remnants of blood on him and in his hair.

Turning on the sink, he started washing his arms and hands, removing the splints on his fingers and washing his face as well. Pointing out he didn't even have any cuts once the filth was gone, he began asking who brought him there in the first place, noting whoever it was at not being very good since everybody thought he was somehow dying. With the medics reminding him all of what he washed off and had soaking his bandages was in fact his own blood, he showed a skeptic look before focusing on himself in the mirror again, about to affirm he was okay until suddenly noticing the marks on his skin.

Trying to pick and them and scrub them off, it was to no avail as he looked his face over. Asking to be told of how he got there a second time, the medics did their best with what they knew, leaving him showing a suspicious look after their explanation. Looking around, he noticed all his belongings from his pants on the floor, asking what kind of hospital they crammed him in as he collected his things, the medics quickly helping only for him to stop when realizing the blood soaked into his jeans as well.

Letting out a groan, he sat on the side of his bed and rubbed his chest, at a loss of what to think as he sat there feeling normal, save all the blood. Upon reaffirming he felt perfectly fine, it was a statement that had himself stopping in his tracks, murmuring the same line as he slowly lowered his hand to his stomach and started feeling around, poking and pressing various areas. His eyes slowly widening, he asked one of the medics to pat his back, only to ask to be pat harder when he felt no particular soreness.

Bewildered as to what was happening, he insisted on his leaving as he made his way out of the room, the medics quickly following and begging to do research to see how he managed to recover. From the outside, the one who gave him his new body had a look that grew more terrified by the second as the realization he was now trapped for eternity continued raging through her mind as she quickly made her way back down the building, finding the entrance, and likewise the exit to wait in hiding.

Finally, at long last she saw him marching his way out, insisting the crowd trying to follow leave him be as he made his exit. Looking around, he began asking for a taxi or some other public transport as the medics affirmed he was delusional after his accident, trying to coax him into staying only for him to repeat that he couldn't, noting he left someone important wherever they'd found him. Hearing this, the wary woman clutched the corner she hid behind before finally stepping out, nervously approaching through the darkness as the young man squint his eyes, noticing her approach until the light revealed her identity.

With a look of relief, he quickly went up to her and apologized, still not fully grasping what had happened as he looked back and explained he found who he needed and he'd be fine, giving them a wave as she looked at the marks on his face with an expression of concern. Wanting to reach out, she instead clutched her hands together before her, trying to retain a look of poise as he looked back at her and apologized a second time, noting he was at a loss of the events surrounding the better part of the day. Worried about his car, he noticed a payphone nearby, looking through his wallet for change as he approached and called a taxi.

Once he had one on its way, he returned to his partner and assured a ride was coming while examining his clothes, holding his shirt with a profane word as he looked at how much blood had coated it, looking himself over again as he remained in his hospital robe. With everything after shortly arriving at the grocery a blur, all he remembered was walking into the store before everything drew a blank. Feeling his face again, he looked at the woman once more as she stood by his side with her head down, leaving him puzzled all the more.

Once the taxi arrived and they were on their way, it didn't take long to arrive back at the site that should have been his untimely end, stepping out of the vehicle and looking around at the crime scene before him, officers still looming around a taped off area where the figure of a body had been chalked into the ground. Looking ahead, they had also gathered around the vehicle that had slammed into the nearby post. Rubbing his head, the young man felt familiar vibes from it all yet still had difficulty properly placing the events that transpired.

Walking up, he called out to an officer out of curiosity, getting a response to stay back as the location was off limits only for the man to freeze and look as though he'd saw a ghost, his eyes widening and color vanishing. Managing to stutter out the word how in response, he warily point at the young man before reaching out to his fellow officers, explaining who he was making them all appear awe stricken, yet at the same time wary. Letting him enter past the tape, they point out the figure on the road, letting him see how mangled its position looked and explaining it was him just hours prior.

Motioning toward the crashed vehicle, they explained how it had sent him several feet in the air before crashing, discovering the impact had killed the driver as well, though not giving him exact details on how the man died. Looking between the accident and the chalk on the road, the young man showed concern of his own, only able to say he couldn't remember, yet felt perfectly fine. Looking back at the wrecked vehicle, he point out feeling bad for the driver, making the demon beside him tense up as the officers faced him in surprise, reminding he could be dead himself only to get a response that he knew.

Looking around, he asked if he could take his car nearby, pointing it out as the officers talked among themselves and agreed. Asking if he was sure he was alright, the ones that had been there at the moment he was hit reminded it was brutal scene, noting he should go back to the hospital only for him to show he as alright, walking about and showing his arms as they shook their heads in disbelief, yet agreed to let him go about his way. Pointing out he would have enforcement likely stop by his residence for questioning, the young man nodded, though reminded of his amnesiac state before leaving.

Entering his car, he smelled something off before realizing it was coming from his trunk. Popping it open, he circled his car to find all the goods within having spoiled, backing away and fanning the air before looking through the bags. Asking if she would help him take out all the bad stuff, his companion nodded as they worked together to rid the car of everything that went bad. Managing to keep half of what was inside, he noted wishing he remembered what and how much he bought, wondering if there should be more as the two returned to their seats within the car.

As he made his way back to their home, the demon next to him began nibbling on her nail with unease. Noticing something was bothering her, he wanted to bring up her behavior, though if she saw him get hit as everyone said, he knew it was best not to bring it up given it already seemed on her mind. Truthfully however, she was terrified of how she'd resurrected him, as given his family was already stripped from him by another, she now stripped him of his right to paradise, something he would now never get to see because of the curse she placed upon him. Knowing of the loathing it would bring her for what she'd done, all she could do was sit in her own terror.

Even to a demon, nothing was more foolhardy than stepping into the place of the Gods to manipulate the passing of another as she imagined their scornful gazes upon her, a new target to set their wrath upon. By bringing back the one she loved, it was a right she stole from Hades himself, with all she could think of was the punishment she could face. Though among themselves they herald one another for their greed, there are boundaries to which they express it, and the one she crossed was the most, like the young mans existence, taboo of all. None of those she knew would utter praise for what she'd done, but rather run for fear of crossfire.

Finally arriving at their abode, the young man left the car and unlocked the entrance, pushing it open before tossing his bloodied clothes in a nearby barrel and lighting them with a match he'd taken from the car. Returning to his wary partner, he opened her door, greeted from a jolt as she looked at him. Telling her to relax with a smile, he offered a hand and helped her out. Upon reaching toward him, he noticed the ring he'd kept hidden on her finger, making the young man pause wide eyed and ask how she managed to get it, finding her gaze averted and a guilty expression showing as she stood before him.

Optional track to LWR - Listen While Reading - A New Life Recommended - Right Click On Video - Select Loop

Asking again how she obtained the token on her finger, his expression was insistent on knowing, telling her it was important and she wasn't meant to have it until he was ready, holding her hand up while affirming it had special meaning, only meant to be given at a certain time. Getting no response as her face remained lowered and hidden by her bangs, he thought about how everyone had told him he was supposed to be a dead man, thinking about the accident the officers had explained at the scene. With the image of his bloody reflection and his stained clothes, he took a step back and looked at himself once more.

Using the light from the inside of the car, he looked at his reflection in the small mirror within, turning his face to examine the marks on his cheeks. Watching him do so, after a moment the woman slowly turned her back to him, her posture slumping as he felt the marks. Thinking maybe he should be dead, he finally returned his focus to the silent and seemingly guilty party before him, a suspicious look on his face as he stood and closed the door, making her tense from the sound as he approached.

Reaching out, he placed a hand on her shoulder and finally asked what she'd done, what had happened and how he wound up feeling as he now did despite the calls others made for his demise, remembering the shocked and whitened expressions on the medics and police. Getting no response, he told her once more to explain it to him, finally getting her to slowly turn and face him while looking as though her own dreams were lost to her. Having given into the demon that she was, all she felt she could do was give him the truth to make amends, holding her hand out to the side and forming a needle.

Looking at it, he nodded and stood before her, ready to accept what she wanted to reveal. Focusing on her target, she aimed her needle at his neck, pausing for a moment before finally inserting it. Facing away, the demon tightly shut her eyes as she felt the pain of what she was about to reveal, his own eyes closing as he watched the accident unfold from her perspective, seeing himself smashed into before writhing on the ground. With the image swirling to the next scene, he saw himself on what was his death bed, watching as he panicked and thrashed, giving her the ring before he'd flat-lined.

Opening his eyes in shock, seeing himself actually die was an overwhelming experience before another vision took shape, watching as her needles penetrated his corpse and she used her power as a demon to force him back to life, showing the marks on his skin appear as a result. Following this, she created an illusion to explain what his return to the living meant, seeing himself falling from the gates of bliss into a pit of darkness, one filled with snakes as they latched onto him and tethered him to the pit which he fell, the gates above vanishing before his eyes and replaced with the colossal face of a serpent staring him down.

Raising his hand in the illusion, he watched it turn into a claw similar to his companion, his body warping just before standing in front of a mirror in the middle of nothing as his appearance became similar to her own. Looking at himself as his eyes turned unfamiliar and inhuman, he touched his face before seeing an endless swath of snakes appear behind him, where in the distance he could see the demon herself rise from the darkness as the creatures split into a path for him to approach her. Doing so as if controlled, once he was near she reached out and caressed his face, an expression as though to say they were now the same before he returned to reality.

With her needle removed and her face hanging somberly, the young man inched back, stumbling slightly as he leaned his back against the car, looking at his hand and touching his face once more. Merely standing still for a moment, he focused on her before returning to the seat of the vehicle and looking at his face, thinking about what he'd seen and slowly trying to work through the meaning of the vision. Once again comparing his face to her own, after a moment he stepped back out of the car.

Simply looking at her, the demon returned his gaze with one of her own, a sorrowful and apologetic look in her eyes for what she'd done to him. Controlled by her own instincts which couldn't let go of the lamb she'd claimed, he now stood in the midst of an existence he could never escape, the world above taken from him by her selfishness. Getting nothing but silence from him, she lowered her head once more and turned away, beginning to take steps from the one she'd committed the gravest sin toward.

However, as she tried to walk away, wanting to hide and drown in misery, she found herself stopped by his hand on her arm, asking where she was going and if she was really going to leave him. Gritting her teeth in frustration, she pulled in resistance, only for him to maintain his hold. Affirming he still had little knowledge of what was going on, at the very least he knew he was dying and she was the one who brought him back, and for that he was thankful as she kept her face hidden.

Reminding her of what the ring meant and how he'd already looked past what she was, he insisted he didn't want her to leave, especially when he still had minimal understanding of his current situation. Knowing he'd been changed in some way, and while it brought concern of his own, he assured her it was worth it to return to his life alongside her, pointing out how he had nobody waiting for him in the next life and thus no reason to go. Realizing she was a demon, he knew if he'd passed on he'd never see her again as well, meaning paradise would lose its meaning to him because of it.

Affirming he'd rather have an eternity with her than one without, he'd never met a woman such as she, and knew he wouldn't meet another like her even among the endless numbers in the beyond. Though she wasn't an angel, to him she remained as such whether she disliked the notion or thought it was laughable, insisting he'd never be able to find one on par with her. She was the one who did for him what nobody else would, the only one who helped, be it human or those above, and for that he was happy to stay below if it meant he could have the chance to one day find a way to repay her for what she brought into his lonesome and miserable existence.

With her face away from his, trying to keep her back turned as his words struck her more-so than any blade could, the demon's lips quivered as she cried from his kindness, her shoulders shaking from the way he still desired her and reached out to keep her by his side despite what she had done. Telling her of how all his pain was gone, how even traces of his disease had vanished and the stinging from his abuse had left him, he point out that she had given him a clean slate, how he could live all over again without everything that held him back. Whatever she had done, to him it was the greatest blessing she could give.

Finally turning back to him, his companion had a look on her teary face as if to ask how he could be so forgiving, how he could accept such greed from her as he stepped up and embraced the woman. Asking her to stay, then pleading for her not to leave, he told her of how he wanted to live out all the plans he'd made for them, how he wanted to keep supporting her and making her happy as best he could now that she had not only changed his life, but saved it as though putting the way he saved her from her own demise, not once, but now twice at the back of his mind.

Feeling as though she'd done the worst to him, only to find he was as grateful as any man could be, she was left without even a silent response to give as he pulled her against him. After a moment of helping her relax, he took a step back and looked at the ring on her finger, brushing his thumb over it before returning his focus to her eyes and slowly lowering onto his knee. For all she had done, and the way she resurrected him, even if it was out of her own greed the young man asked her to accept his offer to willingly be her own, noting that while it wasn't the way he imagined it, the proposal he now made was as good as any other.

With the ring already donned on her finger, all it took was a simple nod from her and all that he was, and that he'd become, would be devoted to her as wholeheartedly as any man could give himself, insisting he felt nothing but gratefulness and pride that someone he thought so highly of desired a person like him so much she would extend her reach even into the afterlife to keep him by her side. In response to this, the demon took a knee herself, bowing her head like a servant before her king with her free hand on her chest. Although silent the act was, her meaning of the same loyalty she felt toward him was as clear as could be.

Finally looking at one another, the two leaned in close and touched their foreheads together, sharing the same smile as the moon shined above, its glow washing the demon free of her regret while showering the young man with pride as they both stood together and shared a tender gaze. Insisting she never feel badly for bringing him back, the young man once again thanked the one who was now his betrothed, holding her chin and affirming she should never lower it in remorse again, but rather keep it high as someone who'd done so much good for a person none would give the time of day.

Showing his playful side, he did point out she could have been a little easier on him when she'd brought him back, rubbing where his heart was and noting a tenderness remained, causing the woman to avert her gaze and show a nervous sweat in apology before the two looked at one another once more and turned toward the trailer before them. Unfortunately, their moment found itself slightly altered when the young man felt a sudden breeze, the chill of the night wafting his hospital gown aside exposing his boxer shielded backside. Tensing and turning red, he looked back as the demon did the same of her own curiosity.

Quickly turning so she couldn't see, he pulled his gown back and kept his hands behind him, holding it closed with a nervous laugh, noting it was windy as his embarrassed behavior confused the woman at first, only for a moments thought to turn her expression to one of amusement as she covered the smile on her face with the back of her hand, silently giggling in her own usual way. Mentioning he'd better change before catching cold, he made his way into the trailer for a set of clothes. Maintaining her smile, after a moment the demon, in her brief time of solitude, looked up at the moon that had watched their vows.

Although she had yet to face punishment, she couldn't help but concern over what might await her, and even worse the one she loved for what she'd done. Thinking him getting hit and killed while saving her was done by the Gods to punish her for already stepping into their shoes for his sake, pretending to be something she wasn't and taking many things upon herself as it was, now that she went against even their separation she couldn't help feel a twinge of fear deep down, though she found this startled out of her when the young man called out to her and mentioned they should get what groceries they'd had put away.

Strangely enough, once the bags were in the kitchen and they were setting things in storage, the young man brought up the very thing on her mind, asking if being brought back was against some kind of rule, noting how it looked like she'd changed him in doing so at the same time. Making sure to mention he didn't mind, she averted her eyes hesitantly, giving all the answer he needed as he let out a drawn out noise like one child does to another when having done something bad as she subtly attempted to hide her head between her shoulders, the young man shaking his head with noises like that of a tsk.

Putting more items away, the woman maintained a tense and wary atmosphere, making her curious companion pause and look at the can of sardines in his hand. Holding it out, he showed a smirk and told her not to worry, affirming that whatever anyone might try to do for what she'd done, they'd have to go through him first. Although he meant it to ease her mind, his statement only served to throw the woman in a state of panic, grabbing his hand in hers tightly and quickly shaking her head, pulling him close as though silently begging him not to say such a thing, not wanting any further trouble to fall upon him.

Blinking at her in surprise, the young man chuckled and put his hand on her shoulder. Given he'd already been killed once, there wasn't much left anyone could do to the two of them, pointing out their persistence to stay together should be enough to ward off whoever or whatever that might try something else. Explaining that once you go out of your way to end a life there wasn't much that could top it, the way he saw it the two of them had literally been hit as hard as anyone could, though he admit he didn't like having the concept of someone above having it in for him in such a manner just to get to her.

Always considering such figures as benevolent, he started bringing up older scriptures that had a much more vengeful persona for those above that were still worshiped, rubbing his chin as he wondered what was fact and fiction about his concept of various deities up to the current point. Deciding not to let it plague his own mind, he waved the matter off and assured there was nothing left to fear but that itself. Seeing his reflection in the window, he point out that even if he was ever killed again, given his new look and how everyone above was probably feeling, he would likely just wind up wherever she came from anyway, so they'd still be together.

Blinking in surprise from his remark, the demon thought it over herself with a sudden intense expression on her face, nodding silently as her own realizations came to mind. No longer that of mortal man, or necessarily human at all for that matter, should either of them face any particular demise they would be able to find one another in the world that would await them, now able to go to the same place as her face began showing that of a smile, one that gradually widened until she turned back to him and took his hand once more, looking as though trying to call him brilliant as she lightly hopped in place, exposing a giddy side to herself.

Surprised by her sudden expressiveness, he point out her behavior being a first with a laugh, causing her to pause and quickly reel herself back into her usual self, looking as though clearing her throat before taking on a proper and poised stance. Letting out a disappointed sound and mentioning he shouldn't have said anything, the young man placed the can of sardines he still held onto her hand before finishing his task. Though she still didn't like the idea of either of them being a target, his reminder of that which she'd carelessly forgotten in her own state of regret greatly eased her woes as she looked at the can.

Once he was done, the young man closed his cupboard and returned his focus to the window, turning his face and touching the markings. Given he looked like her in a way, he admit he wasn't sure about the thought of going where she came from, noting that all his knowledge of the alternative after death was bleak at best. Talking about things revolving fire and torture, he showed a nervous smile before returning his focus to the woman, noting at least now he could look out for her whenever they went to their fated place. Looking down for a moment, she finally reached out and took his hand on her own.

Giving a reassuring smile, she touched his face before embracing him, silently telling him all would be well as she too would insure his well-being, no matter the world they tread together. Looking down at the demon, the young man smiled before looking up, a thoughtful appearance on his face, his expression changing as though he were disappointed somehow as he returned his focus to her and lift her chin. With her eyes on his, he affirmed that anyone who would bring either of them pain, that would make her afraid and feel bad for doing all she had for him was no God, not one he could approve of before holding her.

Reflecting on his life before and after her arrival, he point out how disappointing it was that people lived in a time when those like her, demons of all things, had to be the ones to step up and do good for others. The way he saw it, if it was someone else, especially someone above who made the accident happen, it was only out of their own frustration and anger toward themselves for her being the one to do what they knew should have been done long ago. Whatever rules she may have broken for doing all she had for his sake, it no longer mattered. What's done was done, and it's something even those above should realize.

If there was any shred of the God he knew left in whoever watched over them, that person would accept their decision to be together and leave them alone now that his life had already been taken once. With death as the worst thing any being could inflict on another, human or God, they had both atoned through the attack if their love was a sin, affirming his blood must have been the price for being together with her. And now that it was paid in full, he assured there was nothing else he could have been happier to die for than to be with her.

Listening to him denouncing the Almighty and swearing unrivaled love for her, all the demon could do was stand still and wide eyed in his embrace, her arms now by her sides. Having never heard another soul of any sort speak the way he was of those on high, after a moment the young man surprised her by lifting her in his arms, almost in the fashion of a princess with a gleeful grin on his face. Pointing out he could now hold her without a shred of pain, he had all he needed in his grasp right where he was. He had his little piece of paradise right in front of him, and it was the only piece that mattered while rubbing his nose against hers.

Turning redder than he'd ever seen, the young man blinked at the woman as she became flustered, shaking her head and holding her cheeks as though her face were ready to burst, looking at him as if to ask what kind of being he could possibly be to accept her greed in such an openhearted and gracious manner while speaking as boldly as he had about those who could do any and everything. Despite him being both human and demon now, she couldn't help but feel another sort of atmosphere about him that truly could spur the envy of those beyond as she suddenly flailed and pushed herself free.

Stepping away with her back to him, the woman fanned herself with one hand while clutching her chest with the other, the one she thought of as her lamb having once again shed his skin to reveal something beneath not even she felt she could handle as his words of her being a paradise echoed in her mind. Walking up, he put his hands on her shoulders, making her jolt before giving a kiss on her cheek, thanking her once more for making him happy and finally feel wanted by somebody so much they were willing to bring him back from the dead, causing a somewhat schoolgirl type of response from her.

Facing down and twiddling her fingers, once more he'd managed to break through her usual demeanor, working his way into her inner emotions as she smiled from ear to ear. Coaxing her to turn around, he stepped back with his arms open, telling her to bring it in and he was all hers. With eyes full of excitement, she responded by eagerly jumping toward her beloved, though perhaps a fool he was for the way he spoke, all of it was endearing to her as they placed a kiss on one another, her enthusiasm knocking him down as she had once long before.

Merely enjoying the kiss for a moment, her eyes finally shot open as she sat up in a panic, concerned over his response only to find him smiling and shrugging. Mentioning he was feeling fine, he asked if that's all she wanted, causing tears to well up in her eyes before venting her passion on him atop his kitchen floor, smothering him with all she'd restrained again and again with too many kisses and hugs to count. When his love had finally settled and lay atop his body in contentment, he leaned against the cupboard, looking at the ceiling for a moment before showing another smile.

Giving a curious look, the woman raised her head, tilting it as he touched her cheek, suddenly thanking her for being his savior. Though most people prayed to the same being, he affirmed he had a special one all to himself that he could be as greedy with as he wanted, affirming he felt the same as she did before giving her a squeeze and smooching her cheek. Showing a smile of her own, albeit in an exhausted manner, it was as though she was asking if his wooing ever ceased, unsure of how much her heart could take even as an immortal as she rest her cheek back against his chest.

Optional track to LWR - Listen While Reading - Becoming One Recommended - Right Click On Video - Select Loop

After this, the young man and his betrothed coexisted in all manners of new ways. While he opened up to her in a physical sense more-so than ever, with the two spending many a night washing one another before soaking peacefully, and quite passionately in the same tub, they also began sharing equal affection under the comfort of their bed sheets through the hours of moonlight, the woman's otherworldly paleness and salacious eyes often aglow as they expressed their desires for one another. Though never going all the way, the extent in which they allowed their flesh to touch one another was more than enough for the two.

By day, the demon began committing herself to all the modern ways of a woman, letting the young man teach her how to cook using the conveniences humans had come to enjoy. Though she expressed little desire for that which she crafted herself, put off by what didn't involve the sardines she'd come to thrive on, she put her all into mastering the dishes her lamb desired, returning his passion at night with her devotion to his needs by day. Once she felt safe enough to let him leave home without her, the demon would spend her time learning of meals that would surprise him whenever he finally returned.

Coexisting like that of a typical couple, looking at the two from a distance made them seem as human as any other, and in many ways their relationship thrived where others struggled as they relished in how simple and like that of the breeze wafting through a tree their existence became. With the young man no longer haunted by beggars and abuse, the demon no longer enduring the solitude which eternity brought with it, they greet the passing days and changing seasons with the same level of comfort and appreciation as the last.

Gradually realizing not only the burden of those who neglected the young man had vanished, but also the looming threat of punishment for what she'd done, the demon began reflecting on the words he'd spoken in the past of guilty and envious powers that be, feeling there may have been truth to what he'd said after all as time ticked on without anything or anyone attempting to separate them any further. With the thought of this in mind, she couldn't help but rest her head on his shoulder as her own lightened by the day.

Eventually, the young man began realizing he not only felt better and looked like his companion, but could even do similar things as well. One night, he found himself capable of sight in the dark when squinting for a belonging without shred of light, wanting to avoid waking his partner in her slumber and finding his vision clearing as though his own eyes could peel back the shadows. Upon looking at his window, in his focused state his eyes looked like the demon's, red and glowing only to fade back to normal once his concentration dwindled.

Thinking little of it, what abilities he'd come to notice the young man kept hidden from his companion, unsure if she would take it in a positive manner or not given her past grief over bringing him back to life. Despite his efforts, she would come to know of his increasing after effects when one day, upon the two mincing food for a dish the demon had sought to learn, his hand abruptly shot out into a claw, a response his body had to his thoughts of cutting resulting in both arching back in awe, their eyes wide before he looked his new appendages over. Murmuring it was new, the demon was just as surprised by his own reaction.

Looking at him curiously, he finally spilled the beans and point out it wasn't the first change he'd noticed as she formed her own claw, focusing on it before holding it up. Nodding, he placed his against her own, causing her to show a wary expression from his ever changing body. Showing the opposite, the young man smirked with a nod, mentioning they were becoming more the same. Pulling his claw away, he looked it over once more and got an idea. Believing if the thought of cutting was what gave him the claw, the thought of being normal would undo it, and sure enough he found it reverting back into his former hand.

Blinking in surprise, she looked at him as if to ask how he'd learned to go back and forth, with him pointing out he was smart enough to know if one thought meant something, the opposite should have the same affect, though he wasn't sure how he would control it if certain ideas randomly made his body do different things, pointing out what would happen if he were to be shaving when a change occurred. Trying to think of how to help him, the demon returned her hand to that of a human as well, holding up her finger to draw his attention. Turning away, she thrust her hand out and gave it various swiping motions as though cutting.

Once she stopped, she point at him to do the same, making him blink at her curiously before thrusting his hand out, albeit in more of a timid cat-like manner before swiping his hand as well, looking at it slightly puzzled as she tapped her forehead and held out her hand, looking at it intensely before it turned back into a claw. Focusing on him, she tapped his forehead and held her claw toward him. Looking between her and his own hand, he in turn focused on his palm, putting more of his own intensity into what he wanted before it shot out as a claw the same as her own.

Nodding with a smile, the demon reverted her claw and began swiping her hand, showing it doing nothing as she shook her head and shrugged, doing her best to silently emphasize how it takes a specific type of focus to make the turn happen. Thinking over her movements and gestures, the young man began experimenting on his own, sorting out her meanings as he worked to understand how it all worked. From here on, she would train him overtime to understand his changes as he evolved, allowing the young man to ease himself into mastering what she had to teach until he was capable enough to avoid any accidental changes.

By day, while also doing her best to be more fitting as a human, the demon would begin luring him into the depths of the woods by their abode when he was free to train him in the ways of the opposite, where they would spend hours using the countless trees as practice for his claws. And as the night took hold of their surroundings, she would train his perceptions, helping him realize it wasn't merely his eyes going through a change. Able to hear and sense things more sharply as time passed, the two would play something akin to hide and seek as well as tag.

Eventually, the demon was able to transform herself into a woman that would make countless others green with envy, one not only a figure of poise and beauty, but a master of all that would make men from sea to sea wage wars to obtain, her repertoire of dishes to please the stomach beyond bounds and a dedication to cleanliness so thorough it could refresh the soul of any who entered their tiny home, while the young man grew so comfortably into his new self it was as though he'd been the same as his companion since his first breath.

With a level of mastery, he could level a tree in one swoop while delicate enough to mince ingredients with his claws alone, leaving his love crossing her arms in pride toward her lamb turned pupil, his passion toward his new abilities leaving her less and less remorseful as his words and actions affirmed how right she was to give him the new lot on life he now enjoyed, always excited to discover what other abilities he may come to posses as their lives continued.

In private, the demon also began to learn how to gradually expose her emotions, an expressive side to herself she seemed as though bent to reserve only for the young man to bear witness to. Whenever the two were together in public, she would hold herself with the same poise and atmosphere she'd always radiated, never ceasing to draw the countless eyes of all the regal looking concubine crossed. Remaining by his side, rarely did she trail ahead, nor' behind of her partner, rather shoulder to shoulder while often seeking to hold his arm, committing herself to emphasizing he was hers, and vice-verse to all who looked their way.

In regards to the character of the young man, little if anything changed in the grand scheme. Now and then, he would still find himself sought out for aid, though thanks to his protector she insured those who approached him in earnest were weeded out from the malevolent that had plagued him for so long in the past. Never overwhelmed and always happy to help, he found a new pride in his giving nature that had once seemed like a curse in itself, leaving him with shoulders high the same as his lover, especially now that after a hard days work and lending others a hand, he could always come home to her each day.

Always with food to warm and fuel him, a home sparkling the same as her smile to rejuvenate him, the young man truly felt he had his own corner of paradise all to himself, always ready to face the day so he could finish whatever tasks that awaited him and return to his beloved. Getting to watch him push forward with a skip in his step and his own smile to greet her, the demon felt no different than he, always eager to see his reaction to the recipes she devoted herself toward as he stuffed himself and sang praises for her, each serving she laid out lighting his eyes like a child and leaving her dotingly loved.

Believing this rapturous tranquility would never vanish, the two felt as though they could never find reason to stop smiling, until one day the young man arrived, not with joy, but a somberness to his expression as he walked into the living room. Raising a whisk she'd been using to prepare batter for a new sweet she thought she'd attempt, the demon paused as he sat and looked over a letter in his hands. Curious as to what could make him behave in such a manner after having shown no sign of it for so long, she sat down her utensils and approached. Looking at the piece of paper, all she could do was show confusion.

Tapping his shoulder and pointing at the letter, she affirmed wanting to know its contents. Glancing back at her, though he showed a slight smile, she could easily tell it was one of a wounded soul as she point at the letter a second time. Nodding, he began explaining it had come from the one his mother had married. Revealing how he'd been sending letters to his mother about how his life had been changing and how he'd found someone to be with, he assured he left out obvious details as he told of how he'd gone over his promotion and other parts of his life that had changed since meeting her.

Affirming his mother knew nothing of the demons true self, or what he had become as well, he went on to explain what her husband had said in the letter, ordering him not to send anything else because it was distracting his mother from their life and moving on. Pointing out various portions, the letter told that his mother had been asking about taking a road trip to come see the young man, wanting to see his home and the woman he'd talked so highly of. Her husband being against it, there was a portion of the letter that mentioned if he had to bring his mother and their kids all that way to see the young man, he would regret it.

Letting out a sigh, he sat back with a scratch of his head, mentioning he figured it'd be a bad idea to start being so open with his mother again. Having been so happy as the months passed, he noted he couldn't resist sharing it a little with those he'd left behind, though it now came back to bite him for doing so. Showing a scowl, the demon shot her claw out and held it up in response, assuring his mothers husband wouldn't get the chance to do anything if he was fool enough to try.

Coaxing her to relax, the young man insisted she not do anything, still wanting his mother and siblings to retain their happiness in their new lives the way he and the demon had found theirs. Now that he had her in his life, even if he had to give up writing his mother he still had all he needed, pointing out that while getting such a letter might be a blow in the moment, he could get over it and move on without issue so long as he still had her. Lowering the claw and returning it to a hand, the demon let out a silent sigh and touched his cheek with an apologetic look on her face, reaching out and taking the letter.

Mentioning he thought she couldn't read, he watched as she started ripping it apart, causing him to pause before watching as she tossed the shreds away. Turning toward him, she opened her arms with a smile, offering an embrace which made him smile and shake his head, asking what he was to do with her before accepting it with one of his own, glancing at the trash before his chipper attitude returned and he asked what she was trying to make, curiously approaching the bowl she'd left in the kitchen. Finding it full of chocolate batter, he put some in a spoon causing his compassionate chef to panic.

Waving her hands and crossing them in an X shape, she affirmed he wasn't supposed to eat raw things, only for the young man to assure it was fine. Holding out his tongue, it suddenly began changing shape as well, being the next thing to warp as it flopped out and dangled lowly, causing him to let out an awkward sound while trying to lick the chocolate. Seeing the change herself, the demon's eyes widened as he struggled to move his tongue, its new length awkward to move as he lift it with his palm in a puzzled state, noticing the fork-like tip it donned.

Asking how he was supposed to make that go away with his tongue remaining out, he turned to his companion as she tensed up and exposed a blush, making him blink at her before scowling and affirming it wasn't the time for perverted thoughts as he lift his hand and put his tongue back in his mouth as though popping a pill, struggling to figure out how it retracted while opening his mouth back up, making it roll out like tape. Beginning to panic, he point out his inability to be seen in public with a strange tongue flapping in the wind, insisting she help him learn how to maneuver it as he tried stuffing it back in his mouth.

With him acting in such a manner, the young man once again made the demon realize how special he was, having endured such a blow just moments ago, only to bounce back as he parted his lips before his window, watching his reflection as his tongue rolled out a second time making him turn to his companion in frustration. Putting her hands up, she showed a nervous smile as though insisting he calm down, assuring she would help as she approached and showed how her own worked, forming one like that of a snake herself.

Pointing at her mouth, she showed the sheath in which it had to retract, doing her best to explain he couldn't simply hold it back in his mouth as humans typically do. Having him open his own, she took a moment to see how his had developed, insuring it was the same as she took notice of his own sheath. Working to train him in how the muscles worked, the young man gradually regained control, moving the length of his tongue around before training himself to retract it as she had, familiarizing himself with the new muscles in his mouth until he was able to conceal his tongue without issue.

Upon finally doing so, he looked at his reflection in surprise before grinning and pointing at his mouth in an eager child-like manner, insisting his companion watch what he could do as he exposed and retract it at will. Getting an idea, he tried licking the spoon with his new tongue, twirling it around the utensil before accidentally yanking it to the back of his throat in a frog-like manner, causing his eyes to bulge as the demon's cheeks did the same and a snicker could be heard escaping her lips, watching as he quickly pulled the spoon out of his mouth and hacked for a moment, letting out a groan and asking why people always suffer because of sweets.

Raising up with a breath, he tried licking the spoon a second time, now more warily as he looked as though trying to tickle the object with the tip of his tongue. Watching him do this, the demon couldn't help but burst in silent laughter, beginning to wheeze as she leaned against the countertop while pointing at the way he was making himself appear goofy in his own way. Looking at her curiously, he suddenly scowled before pointing out his tongue and saying it was dangerous, his words slurred from trying to speak with it dangling forcing tears into the demons eyes as she waved her hand and shook her head, silently begging him to stop.

Telling her he was glad she was amused, he began feeling is tongue revert to its former state. Holding it out, he sighed from the familiarity it had once more, noting it likely worked the same way as making other portions of him change shape. Taking a breath of her own, the demon nodded in response before coaxing him aside and returning to what she'd been preparing. Watching curiously, he noticed the book he'd bought her full of recipes nearby showing how to make a chocolate cake. Impressed she was doing so well, he noted it shouldn't be a surprise given how amazing she already was.

Smiling from the flattery, she nodded in response before readying to pour the batter in a container for baking. Getting a sly idea, the young man mentioned how she was pretty sweet as well, suddenly reshaping his tongue just as she was about to look at him out of curiosity and hissing it against her neck. Startled by the sensation, the demon turned a bright red, tossing up her bowl by accident out of her own reaction and jerking away. With the sound of a sudden splat, the woman froze before slowly turning, finding the container and all of its contents now atop his head as the ingredients oozed down his face.

Simply looking at him in her motionless state, she watched as he suddenly licked some of the batter from around his lips, raising a finger and pointing out he didn't think the cake was quite finished. Turning flustered and agitated in response, the irritable chef pulled the bowl off and point at him, waving her own finger to lecture him, as if silently telling him to look what he did and how he'd wasted all her work. Quickly apologizing, he assured his companion it was still delicious, wiping the chocolate from his eyes with a nervous laugh and apologizing. Sulking slightly, she let out a sigh as though telling him to look at the mess he'd made.

Setting the bowl aside and turning off the oven she'd been readying, his betrothed insisted he go to the bathroom to clean up, having to help him along as more batter oozed over his eyes. Following these events, a night would come when the demon would discover the young man writing what was to be his final letter to his mother at a lonely desk under the light of a small lamp. Knowing the likelihood of her husband getting it first, he wrote it in a way that would please both of them, telling his mother how he was growing and it was time for him to move on in his life. Writing about how his dad told him of her desire to visit, he insisted they didn't.

Shocked to see her love calling the one who'd abused him so badly and cast him aside his father, the demon watched his letter unfold, telling his mother of all the joys and responsibilities she had revolving the family in her life now, just as he had his own responsibilities to the woman he'd fallen for. Pointing out he wouldn't be writing anymore, he asked his mother to do the same, insisting it was best for both of them so neither got lost in the past. Along with his letter, he included a picture of himself and the demon together, holding one another with a smile and signing the photo with a thank you to both she and her husband.

Though there was much more to the letter than this, with much time and rewrites put toward its perfection, he finally put it in an envelope before finally noticing his curious, overlooking companion. Asking how long she'd been watching, she took the envelope and pointed out where he'd written father in his letters, an annoyed look in her expression as though asking how he could write such a thing. Merely looking at her for a moment, he calmly took the papers back and sealed them away in the envelope, his hand rest upon it and a satisfied smile showing in response to her frustration.

Beginning his explanation, he point out how calling him that would mean a lot to his mother, hoping it would help her see him in the matured and self sufficient light he was hoping for. At the same time, even to her husband who loathed him, he wanted to put things in the letter that would convince even him that he was intent on doing as he wished, insuring the letter would reach his mother even if her husband got the first read. Though he didn't like the notion of writing it either, the young man affirmed it was for the greater good of everyone involved, pointing out how he thanked her husband for paying toward the medical care that gave him a chance to survive.

With a clear look of distaste and detest alike toward the content of his letters, the demon silently shook her head as he stood and touched her cheek, assuring it was for the best even for the two of them. Heading outside, his frustrated betrothed watched him walk into the night, making way toward his mailbox to sever what little bonds remained between himself and those he cared for. Once the letter was inside, he stood for a moment with his hand atop the box, giving it a pat before finally returning to his abode. Upon closing the door with a deep breath, he turned to see his betrothed standing in silence.

Optional track to LWR - Listen While Reading - A Demons Judgement Recommended - Right Click On Video - Select Loop

Asking if everything was okay, she merely approached and reached out, taking him by the hand before guiding him off to a night of compassion and distraction in the privacy of heir sheets, the demon turning it into a nest that served as a bridge to a different world where he could forget the letter and all that revolved it. However, though distract him she did, the demon had another plan once the young man was in a deep enough slumber. After several hours of putting up a slumbering facade of her own, her eyes opened with all the awareness one could have, their form wicked and sharp as she raised and looked down at her bed companion.

Making her way out, she did so in a manner that was utterly silent, nary a budge of the bed as she stood and left the room. Once she was by the exit of the trailer, she merely stood for a moment, looking out a window next to the door at her target. Finally leaving the trailer, she crossed the yard like a spirit in the night, her robes making her appear like that of an ominous concubine floating along the ground. Reaching that which she sought, the demon opened the mailbox, retrieving the letter still sitting within while keeping a watchful gaze upon the abode she'd managed to sneak away from.

Not wanting to be caught, she held her finger up making a sole and eerie flame appear before etching a symbol onto the surface of the envelope, invoking a hex that glowed until she was finished causing it to fade as though having never been present. Satisfied with her work, the demon returned to the young mans trailer and took her place by his side, working her way in close to him before embracing the one she claimed. Raising her head, she looked back as though still able to see the mailbox, her eyes aglow with malicious intent before their appearance returned to their softened state, relaxing once more.

Over the course of the next week, the demon would keep an eye on the progress of the envelope, occasionally shutting herself away in the bathroom and using the mirror within as a window of sorts, casting a hex upon it which allowed her to watch over the mail, that which she etched onto the paper allowing her to know its location each second of its way. At long last, the day came when it arrived at its destination, the demon watching as a man with a familiar face discovered it. Finding it to be the husband of the young man's mother, her eyes returned to their wicked state.

Watching as he noticed the envelope she'd been watching over, the demons focus turned intense as the man opened it and began reading. While doing so, the hex mark on the envelope appeared and subtly oozed its way along as though it had turned into ink slithering off the paper, heading toward the back of the mans hand and recreating itself with a flash before quickly vanishing, getting his attention as he looked his appendage over curiously and shrugged it off before continuing to read. Watching as he walked off with his back to her makeshift screen, the demon showed a twisted grin of satisfaction.

Suddenly hearing a knock at the door, the young man asking if it was his turn yet, she gave her hand a swipe making the scene waft away like smoke clearing from the surface of the mirror, her appearance returning soft and warm as she opened the door with a smile. As he point out how long it takes a woman as they traded places, she touched his cheek with a quiet giggle of sorts, leaving him to have his turn as she went and sat calmly in a chair in the living room. Taking a calm breath, she couldn't help but show another malicious grin, sitting in a position like that of a regal queen awaiting her moment to strike.

With her elbow on the arm of her chair and her cheek resting on the back of her fingers, her leg crossed over the other, there was a certain pleasure in her expression, a look as though the world itself was beneath her during the thrill of the hunt, almost as though she was saying all she had to do now was be patient. Able to see and follow his mothers husband at any moment, it was merely a matter of finding the reason and opportunity to deliver the strike she anticipated, a look as though giggling through her sharpened grin. While a snake by nature, the demon also had a look that could shame and terrify even the most malicious of sharks.

Eventually, the moment she'd waited for had come. During the late hours of the night, with the young man soundly asleep, sprawled atop his bed after given pleasures that would kill many, and likely many would kill for, the demon stood at his bathroom mirror, watching his mothers husband drinking himself into a stupor at a local bar. Talking to some of his friends, he brought up the young man, boasting of how he'd finally had to put his foot down for the last time and saw to it his family wasn't bothered by what should have been a stillborn anymore, emphasizing the word as he affirmed his family could finally get on with their lives without a mistake holding them back.

Her wicked gaze keeping an intense glare on his mothers husband, she listened as his friends at the bar asked why he even bothered paying for any treatments in the first place, mentioning if the young man had died a long time ago from complications it would have saved a lot of trouble. Responding by speaking of his generosity, the man point out a bleeding heart as the cause, affirming it wasn't going to bleed anymore as he roughly plant his glass on the counter before them, insisting he wasn't going to let the young man weasel his way back into his wallet by getting close and friendly with his mother all over again.

Insisting the only reason the young man wanted to get back in his mothers grace was so he could foot all the bills for his medical expenses all over again, he explained how he'd recently sent a letter telling the young man off, behaving in a proud manner as he detailed how he would've given his wife's child a beating that would've sent him running to another country, not just another run down trailer if he would've taken the road trip his wife had been going on about to visit her son, revealing he would've taught the young man's little girlfriend what a real man was as well to make an example out of her and break the young man all the worse.

Cheered by his companions as they pat his back, he took another shot and laughed heartily while telling them the contents of the letter he'd gotten, how the brat he'd cast away tried to talk about what a man he'd become and how well off he was. Insisting it was all thanks to his own money keeping him alive, he point out how the young man should worship the ground he walked on, holding his fist up and affirming how he'd love to give a reminder about what a real man was. Admitting the neglected child was a good source to vent on, his friends point out how it was always a mistake to get with a woman who already had kids in the first place.

Raising his glass in agreement, the man responded with explaining how it was only a matter of getting rid of the old and replacing it with something new. If the father of the kids didn't want them, it was the place of the man coming into a woman's life to finish the job while demanding another shot of alcohol. Watching them celebrate as the man reveled in his ways, the demon watching scornfully began hissing her tongue out, tapping her fingers on her arm as they remained crossed, wondering how much a mortal man could drink before finally leaving the hole in which he drowned himself.

Finally, he did just as the demon was hoping for. Long after the location had closed and the patrons had left, his friends included, the man stumbled his way out after being forced by the bar owner, clumsily making his way toward a truck that awaited him. Once he was in the shadows by the driver door, out of sight and solo in the night, the demon showed a sinister grin and reached out as though giving troops an order, beckoning something to begin as the man reached his key toward the lock.

Next thing he knew, an ominous glow appeared on the back of his hand, the hex revealing itself making the drunkard pause in confusion. Stumbling back, he looked his hand over before giving the back of it a pat, like trying to squash a bug before rubbing it. Murmuring and wobbling slightly, he managed profane words as he held out his hand, mentioning someone giving him bad alcohol in a slurred manner. Reaching back out, he clumsily managed to unlock his truck. Upon opening the door however, rather than stepping into a mere vehicle, the man would find himself forced into a hell of his own exclusivity.

With her hand remaining out, the demon slowly turned her hand as he began to sit, and as his rear touched the seat and his door was shut, with her palm now facing up she suddenly clenched her fist tightly as though crushing an object, and in response the mark on the back of the mans hand shattered, emitting a flash in the process before countless tendrils, boundless in number and length with an appearance like the darkest of matter began bursting free from the back of his hand. Going into a state of panic, the man flung his hand about, attempting to reach for his door only to wind up rapidly ensnared, the tendrils binding him where he sat.

With countless still bursting from where the mark on his hand had been, it was as though the demon had opened a gate to hell as suddenly, the ends of the tendrils began revealing the shape of serpent heads, their red eyes glowing as the man, despite his formerly flushed and drunken state, turned pale as death, shaking his head and letting out sounds of struggle as the serpentine tendrils snapped around his mouth. Now holding both of her hands out, the demon looked as though a string was attached to each of her fingers as the serpents began responding accordingly to her mystical puppeteering.

At long last, she had the sight and mercy of the man that had tormented her lamb in her snares, though in this moment mercy would be nonexistent as she began her onslaught of what she deemed justice. Putting her summoned armada to work, with a jerk of her hand behind her, dozens of serpents reared their heads back before, with a look of vengeance, it was as though she was roaring for him to take his punishment as her hand shot forward, sending them all lunging at the man and ripping away at his torso.

His eyes shooting open and a look of anguish in is eyes, again and again the demon had her snakes rip their way into his stomach, her hands turning into claws as though she was truly shredding away creating a merciless opening until exposing portions of his insides. With her target now in the open, she began sinking the fangs of her obedient creatures into his intestines, injecting a curse of disease upon them repeatedly until she'd felt satisfied. Once finished, she had the snakes open his door before yanking him to the ground, blood seeping from his torso as he was forced on his knees as though kneeling over.

His back now exposed, the demon once more pulled her hand back, a disgusted sneer in her expression as he hovered on the brink of passing out, the serpents now rearing their heads back behind him. With her claw trembling in fury as she merely let the man bleed for a moment, she finally thrust her hand back out once more, sending them feasting upon his back, yanking him back to reality as he was forced to remain in place while his back was shred and split open. More and more the serpents fed on his flesh, burying themselves in his wounds until exposing portions of his spine.

Ready to finish the task she'd set out to accomplish, the demon sent the fangs of her creatures into his spinal column, their sharpness piercing the chords within and injecting a curse of pain into his nervous system. For the rest of his days, the woman set his future in stone as one full of the same misery the young man had endured for so long, a life filled with a blistered and ulcerous colon while he would forever feel searing pain like arrows radiating from his back. Though she could have placed the curse with a simple, single and exterior bite, the demon wanted to savor and intensify the experience as brutally and directly as she could by cursing him from within.

With the man's eyes rolling as the creatures pulled themselves from his wounds, his binds allowed him to collapse to the ground, falling unconscious as from both the front and back of his torn body, his blood spilled around him as his intestines began to gruesomely warp themselves in response to the otherworldly curse taking hold. Finally feeling satisfaction, the demon lowered her hands, watching the man's body until snapping her fingers, the binds and serpents vanishing like smoke wafting away in the breeze, leaving him looking like a stabbing victim of sorts.

Finished with her task, she merely stood watching the man suffer, leaving him the one fighting to survive for the sake of a life that would only bring him more pain each day. Given the attack happened outside the bar, it wasn't long until he was lucky enough for the owner to call the police, having seen his truck had yet to leave and not wanting to leave random people in his lot. However, upon their arrival the cops found the mans body, immediately calling for aid as they checked for vitals and told him to hold on, pointing out all the damage done and pointing it out, assuming it came from a drunken brawl with weapons.

Spirited off to a hospital where medics patched him up, they had difficulty explaining what had happened. Believing it was a result of weapons themselves, they also managed to hit the mark a bit when suggesting it looked like a mauling of sorts, though it was impossible to trace what type of creature could have done the damage given how relentless and bear-like it appeared given the extent. One surgeon suggested it reminded him of a shark attack he'd seen once, though admitted the idea was pointless.

Eventually put in his own room, the demon looked over the man's motionless and bandaged figure, an expression on her face as if to ask who made an example of whom. Following this, it wasn't long until the mother and her children appeared, having come to see the butchered father as he remained unconscious. Taking the opportunity, the one who'd taken revenge in the young man's behalf watched as a doctor returned and tried to explain the injuries, pointing out permanent damage to his spine and what seemed to be an infection that spurred on a reaction in his colon on par with a specific disease.

Once the doctor had explained everything and left to give them time alone with the man, the demon heard the panicked mother pointing out a need to contact her son. Shaking her head in objection, as though silently saying she didn't think so, the one who had torn her husband to shreds reached out to the image once more. Wanting to put everything to an end and leave the man thoroughly living out the same existence her love had endured, the demon summoned forth a trio of snakes behind the mother and two children, sending them snapping into each of their ankles.

Getting a shout from the group before they froze and remained still, they stood together, each showing a sudden dazed expression. Pausing in the midst of her actions, the demon affirmed to herself the necessity of her actions before invoking an amnesiac curse on all three. Specifically targeting their knowledge of her son and likewise their brothers existence, she wiped him out of their lives before doing the same to the already unconscious man before them. With his presence and memory gone, the family could focus on themselves and their future as the young man had always desired.

At the same time, the husband would be the one needing cared for, cursed to rely on others and satisfying what the demon desired. Rather than the young man needing his money to survive, instead he would spend his years spending money to keep himself going, all the while still deteriorating as limitations ensnared him in a future of desperation and struggles. Erasing her snakes and turning the scene to their home, she invoked a final hex which eradicated all traces of the young man, wiping him out of photos and erasing all of the letters he'd sent. If it was related to him, her hex insured it no longer existed in the abode.

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Turning away from the mirror as the scene vanished, the demon sighed before finally returning to the one she loved, arriving just in time to see him waking from a night of rejuvenation as he sat with his back to her and stretched in the rays of sun shining through the window. Showing a smile, she tapped on the door, getting his attention before approaching from behind, crawling across the bed before embracing him from behind with a smile of contentment. With only she in his life now, having wiped away all tied to his past, she could indulge in her greed to her hearts content, knowing his focus would turn to her more and more with passing time.

Akin to the first night she'd approached him in human form, once again the two were cloaked in an aura of love, while at the same time the underlying vibe of something laying claim and possession over another could be felt. Smiling together in the pureness of the sunlight, behind them in the shadow of the sun it truly looked like a demon taking hold of that which it desired, the gentle wind of a fan before them causing her hair, and likewise that of her shadow's to waft about as it had the moment she'd attacked his intruder, a subtle reminder of what she truly was, and likewise her inner natures.

From this moment on, the two lived with only themselves to dedicate their existence toward. While the demon embraced and mastered all the ways of a human for his sake, likewise the young man embraced and mastered all the ways of a demon for hers, becoming as familiar with his new body as his former. Wanting his companion to experience and enjoy the festivities of his world as well, he and his love would go out to see fireworks in the summer and enjoy the laughs that came out of terrifying trick-or-treaters in the fall, a particular event the demon reveled in as the one time of year they could both freely expose their hidden selves without suspicion.

In the winter, although perhaps not her most comfortable concept to celebrate, they would offer gifts to one another before a decorated tree and enjoy the taste of hot drinks as the familiar snow from when they'd first met returned. After everything the young man had to suffer through, at long last he grasped true companionship, and through it he gained immortality itself, while the ones who took advantage of him were cast away and the man who hurt him most spent his every moment in the agony he once caused.

Upon the change into a new year, and with it the spring that blossoms, at long last the demons betrothed decided to take the final step with her. Offering marriage, and with it the very thing she craved for most, he affirmed it was time at last. As he went into details of the event, unfortunately it brought with it problems the demon couldn't go along with, being what she was and just what, and likewise where and who a marriage in his culture revolved. Still wanting it to be a big and special event, he asked her how she would like to be wedded, offering to do things her way while insisting it had to be done somehow.

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Eventually, she managed to put together a ceremony for the two of them. One day, the young man woke to find his betrothed standing at the foot of his bed, giving him a smile as she stood with poise in a new outfit. Her black hair in a ponytail, she donned a large red bow which tied it back, along with an ornament that showed six golden snakes rising from the back of her head, while her attire consisted of robes draped around her figure. Almost as though she'd taken a kimono from the Tang Dynasty of China, given its style, the outfit was black at the bottom, and the higher one looked, the more it transitioned into that of a dark red.

Taking notice of the red portion in particular, black butterflies could be seen dotted on the fabric as she spread her arms to show off. Often seen as a symbol of transition and renewal, he then found his eyes stopping at her bosom, the upper portion of her bust exposed as the sleeves hung from her upper arms, maintaining the refined concubine appearance she seemed so proud of. The way it was colored, it was like looking at a woman rising from the shadows. Asking what was going on, the demon simply walked toward the door, looking back with a smile as if telling him to follow before leaving.

Fumbling while getting out of bed, he panicked while telling her to wait for him as she heard the sound of him falling on the floor, glancing back to find him hopping along while trying to get his pants on and a shirt. Waiting at the front door, the demon merely maintained her smile, her eyes closed and face lowered slightly as though readying herself for something. Finally meeting her, the young man asked a second time if something was up, wondering if it was a holiday of some sort. Looking back at him, she merely touched his cheek, trying to silently tell him it was time before opening the door.

Closing it behind them, the two stood together in the empty front yard, causing the already bewildered youth to look around, blinking at the woman and jolting when she reached out toward him, taking his arm in her own. Beginning to take steps, she calmly made her way toward the woods, guiding her betrothed by her side as they passed the border and crossed the countless trees around them. Looking back, the young man wasn't sure what to do or say as he returned his focus forward, looking around curiously.

After a moment, he finally began noticing something ahead, squinting his eyes as small objects, each flickering in the shadows of the canopy above them appeared. Passing several of them, he paused as he realized they were small balls of flame, reaching out toward one that was white in color causing it to pull back with a quiet moan of sorts. Looking at the young man, the woman looked as though giggling, reaching out and motioning with her hand as though telling the flame it was alright, making it relax. Looking between the two, he reached out again, poking his finger through the ball of fire.

Seeing it burst slightly in response, the color of it turned a slight pink before he heard an echoing noise, something like that of giggling. Caught off guard, he pulled his hand back before stepping up closer and poking the surface of the flame, getting the same noise as something began appearing. Gradually taking shape, the young man found himself standing before the bosom of an unknown entity, his finger pressing into it as his eyes widened. Stiffening up, he hovered his gaze toward the face of the one before him, finding a woman with ears hearkening to that of a fox looking down at him like that of a snack, licking the corner of her lips.

Jerking back, he quickly apologized in a panicked state, asking what was going on as he turned to the demon, only to find her showing an annoyed and disappointed expression from the way he'd toyed with the breasts of another. Reminding her he didn't know it was another woman, he turned back to see the unfamiliar entity approach, reaching her hand with nails like claws out to touch his cheek, her eyes appearing as though sizing him up. Irritated further by this, the demon pulled him back, locking her arm in his tighter while glaring the fox-like being down, making her step back with her hands up and a smirk.

Continuing along, the rest of the flames lining the sides of the path before them took shapes of their own, turning out to be all manner of beings only shown in art of old and folklore. Appearing like that of countless forms of yokai, from imps of countless colors behaving in ape-like ways, their faces concealed by strips of paper, there were even flocks of eyes flapping about with bat-like wings, curiously flying around the young man and looking at him as he sweat slightly, leaving him unsure of how to respond as he noticed his companion maintaining her calm demeanor and subtle look of anticipation.

Finding other beings, including goblins and cyclops creatures staring him down, among the mutant-looking beings attending their walk there were also more humane looking entities, from males in the form of creatures like tengu to maidens akin to the fox spirit, some looking like spirits that would haunt lands with bangs of unruly nature concealing their faces. Though behind their hair, somehow the young man could sense a grin as they approached and went past, unable to tell if the countless creatures were watching out of curiosity or starvation.

After a moment, the demon finally stopped, making him do the same before looking around with a nervous smile, slight sweat on his face as he waved at the crowd. Hearing rustling from above, he looked up and found his color fading and body freezing as a massive creature lowered in a spider-like manner from the canopy, slowly dropping before them and looming over the two. Turning out to be exactly that, he hovered his gaze along the legs and body until looking high enough to see the figure of a woman with six arms rising from where the insects mandibles were. Simply standing before them, looking down at the two, it finally reached out with a bony hand.

Tensing up further, the young man tightly shut his eyes before feeling a soft touch on his forehead. Sensing images pushing into his mind, he suddenly saw himself rescuing some of the various spiders he'd found in and around his home over the years, one image highlighting how he'd stopped employees from killing one at work, taking the time to relocate the insects to where they would find safety and sustenance before opening his eyes and finding the woman's face lowered to his own, a smile of thanks showing. Though her figure was ominous, her face was one that had him redden slightly, causing the creature to giggle.

Stepping back, his betrothed watched as the spider examined him, holding his arms out as though meticulously gathering measurements. Feeling around his waist, the young man found himself suddenly groped, making him jump back as the creature showed a grin and gave an O-K sign with one of her free hands, approving of his measurements in an unexpected way with her sign directed at the woman who'd lured him to the location. Looking back, he found his partner covering her face with a hand, shaking her head as though groaning out of her own embarrassment as the crowd around them laughed.

Hearing this, the young man looked around and found himself able to relax to a degree, the familiar and friendly atmosphere between the creatures helping him be at ease. Feeling a hand on his shoulder, he looked back at the spider before him, getting a thumbs up before she began the task she'd been waiting for. With her six hands out, along with several legs, as though at the speed of light she began using her silk to give shape to an outfit, one crafted for him as a calm and confident look showed in her expression.

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With countless tiny spiders swarming from behind her, they too went to work weaving patterns and shades into the silk, like that of a queen and her colony finding a harmonious pace until what she had to give was complete, the spiders crawling away as she held out a traditional kimono of his own. Pulling him close, she took it upon herself to dress him in the attire, and once finished, backed away with her head lowered as he stood in the outfit. Holding his arms out, he looked himself over, surprised it wasn't sticky given it had been crafted by insects.

While the demon's kimono appeared as though she were rising from darkness, his appeared as though it was raining down on him, with an oily black at the top which transitioned into that of a pure white toward his legs, a silent symbolism of how the two had been transformed by their relationship, with the demon learning what it was like to be human and alive while he learned the opposite. Showing a blush, his betrothed approached and felt the fabric herself, a smile spreading across her face before leaning against him. Holding her in his arms, the young man turned his attention to the seamstress.

Giving a nod, he thanked her for the attire, getting a nod in return. Coaxing his love back, he extended his hand toward the spider, causing her to blink at him and tilt her head before reaching out as well. Taking her bony hand in his, he gave it a friendly shake. Unfamiliar to the sensation, the creature merely watched the act until moving her hand in the same manner, a smile spreading on her face as though she were telling him he was an intriguing human while putting more enthusiasm in the shake. Pulling away from one another, the spider stepped aside and allowed them to pass, the two heading toward an unknown destination.

Growing more and more comfortable as they progressed, the young man and his partner waved at their onlookers with smiles on their faces. Taking a moment to look around, he couldn't help but feel the woods seemed much more expansive than he'd noticed in the past, knowing them to be smaller as they finally reached their destination. Coming to an expansive opening, crowds of yokai awaited as before them a man in a shadowy cloak stood in waiting, a forked spear in his hand with a canine sitting patiently with multiple heads by his side.

Remembering the dog in particular, the young man murmured Cerberus, noting he thought it was supposed to be giant before turning his attention to the man, realizing it was likely Hades himself. Finally grasping what was happening as they approached an alter, the couple stopped before the one who would preside over the event as their Pastor of sorts. Looking at the two, Hades had a stern and somewhat cold look to his expression, particularly toward the demon as she lowered her head, in a manner of both respect and shame.

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Nonetheless, the God before them began the proceedings for the event, raising his hand making all surrounding them sit atop their knees with heads down, the beings that had lined their way to the clearing gathering and lowering around them as well until there was a neatly organized circle of multiple rows around them, with the tallest in the back rows and smallest in front. Finally speaking in an echoing voice, the God point out they were gathered to see a unification that was the first of its kind.

Between a man who had crossed life and death and became one with the worlds of mortals and the eternal, and a demon who had spent eternity in solitude with nary a heart to beat for her, the two beings were about to bring the realms together in a way thought impossible. With the plains of the divine now lost to him, Hades heralded the marriage between them as an invitation for the young man to enter the plains of which those around them called home instead, joining them in a place not of Hell itself, but rather a realm in between of sorts, where spirits thrived among the living, unbeknownst to them.

Even though the curse of the demon by his side stripped away his humanity and likewise his right to pass on, the wickedness now in his blood corrupting the bonds which linked him to paradise above, Hades assured there was no punishment awaiting him, as nothing was fault of his own. Reminding that Hell was reserved for the wicked at heart, the young man's life was spent doing such good and suffering so greatly, whatever sins that were present had been readily wiped clean, with even his love and compassion toward a demon overlooked.

Looking at the crowd, Hades point out the spider demon as an example, motioning for her to approach. Doing as instructed, the creature stood nearby and bowed, her head lowered in respect to the God in response. Revealing her name to be Jorogumo, Hades explained that so great was the young man's compassion toward even the smallest of insects that he'd touched one such as she, pointing out the spider weaved clothes, no matter the occasion, only toward those she harbors great respect toward, making his bride-to-be smile with pride as Jorogumo lift herself with a hand on her chest, nodding her head in thanks toward him for aiding her kind.

Pointing at himself, the young man waved his hand and assured he was nothing special, only doing what was right causing her to look at Hades, getting a nod of approval from the God before she reached out and pat the young man on the head. Looking around, Hades motioned for others to approach, resulting in a crowd of female looking entities, cloaked by their robes and hair alike stepping up. Explaining they were a type of demon called Ubume, they neared and touched the young man, feeling his face and hands as they examined him through their lengthy bangs.

Though at first their hands were shaky as though scared, the more they touched him the more eager they became, sounds of quiet yet sorrowful cries beginning to escape their lips before they began miserably repeating what sounded like the word baby, some embracing him in maternal arms as others continued touching him as though they hadn't felt the skin of another in ages. Slightly unnerved by their ominous behavior, Hades explained each of them were the lingering spirits of women that had passed during birth, never knowing the joys of having their own children. He was the first offspring of human descent the spirits had touched since they'd passed.

Looking at all of them, the young man apologized, telling them he knew what it was like not having a mother. His words making them pause, they backed away and looked at one another, wondering if one of them could be the one only for him to explain his was still alive, but he was forced to leave her because a lot of people didn't want him around, or to be born for that matter as he revealed a lot of his own family wanted him killed before birth. Looking at them all, he thought for a moment before showing a grin, pointing out he was up for grabs and wouldn't mind having a few dozen or so new mothers if they were willing.

Hearing this, they all shot up and charged toward him in a dog piling manner, sending the groom falling back as they excitedly shout the word baby endlessly together, his bride inching back from the excitement with a look that silently told him he was going to get himself killed again with offers like that, a nervous smile showing as he was cuddled and coddled. Telling his bride he was fine, it was the first time so many actually wanted him the way they did. With some of the Ubume taking on the responsible role, they began pushing and coaxing their companions away from him, working together to lift him and brush off his attire in a doting manner.

Giving his cheeks squeezes and offering cooing noises like he was a baby, the young man let the women enjoy themselves until Hades ordered their retreat, making them return to the crowd. With one turning back, she quickly approached and used her sleeve to wipe off a remnant of dirt on his face, patting his cheek before hurrying off as instructed with the others. Looking around, Hades nodded before pointing out to all present that the young man before them could be a friend and a benefit to them the same as he'd been for his fellow mortals, making the creatures around them look at one another.

Unsure of their thoughts toward someone still living and human combined in their world, many were skeptical of the idea, happy for the demon he wed yet at the same time having trouble shaking off their natures of his kind being toys, perhaps sustenance at best. Reminding the crowd the young man was now that of a demon himself, Hades turned to the groom, noticing him looking around and up at the sky. With the God asking if there was an issue, he replied by pointing out his uncertainty, still a bit confused by a few things.

For the sake of clarification, the young man asked if he really wasn't allowed to go to the afterlife above, asking if they really didn't want him just because a demon fell for him and brought him back, Hades nodding and affirming his place was now below where he stood, in many ways as the ruler of the underworld looked at his bride, her focus remaining on the groom as a look of concern appeared on her face. Silent for a moment, he then asked if he was really immortal too, with the God nodding again, also pointing out he would have to leave the mortal world in the future given those who couldn't die were forbidden from existing within it.

Looking down for a moment, the young man gave a simple grunt in response, crossing his arms as he went into thought making his bride all the more concerned, the crowd around them murmuring as they had similar thoughts of him second guessing marrying the demon by his side. Turning his attention toward the demons, the young man looked at Jorogumo and the Ubume women, thinking of their treatment toward him before finally showing a smirk, a remark of what the heck escaping his lips before a grin spread across his face.

With perhaps the boldest line yet uttered from his mouth, the young man proudly affirmed he'd rather be with demons who wanted and appreciated him than angels that judged and abandoned him, turning to his bride and reminding her that without a demon helping him in the first place he'd still be miserable waiting for someone above to do their job. Looking at the groom with his own look of surprise, Hades expression ever so subtly changed. However brief the second was, the God seemingly felt awe toward the former mortal speaking so boldly of his fellow beings on high.

Around them, the crowd had similar looks as their murmuring among themselves returned, pointing at the young man as his bride's eyes widened, the groom taking her hands in his with a confident nod. Adding to his remarks, he point out the world he'd lived in wasn't any different. Spending his whole life cast aside with even those related to him wishing he'd never existed, he assured he'd be more than happy to live with her no matter where it was. Turning to the God, he asked what Hades was waiting for, assuring he was ready to kick off the wedding as his bride teared up and suddenly embraced him.

All around, beastly demons in the back rows like the massive Cyclops and Oni's sat with their arms crossed, quietly and subtly nodding while those with more refined appearances such as Kitsune sat in front hiding their faces behind fans, their eyes showing their own interest piqued toward the one who would soon join them among their ranks. Simply looking at the young man for a moment, Hades lips turned into that of the slightest smile, though it was one that took intense focus to notice before the God nodded and raised his hand, ordering all to sit at attention.

Straightening up, the audience watched as Hades performed his role. Altering the lines, he began with an echoing line about the deceased and demonic being gathered to bear witness as the bride and groom took their positions, with the young man's chest out and high with pride like that of a rooster as his fated kept her head modestly lowered, an aura of subtlety around her with her eyes lightly shut and a small, albeit eager smile showing from her lips. Repeating how the union about to occur was the first of its kind, Hades affirmed that it was a day of remembrance as two worlds became one, taboos broken and differences asunder.

Announcing that before them stood a man of mortal origin, the God point out that so boundless was his compassion that he had stirred and stolen the heart of a demon known by many names, one with legends as numerous as the stars above. Kiyohime, Uwabami, Nure-Onna and Rokurokubi, these were but a few of the facades of her existence, each name bound to a tale passed down among mortals after witnessing her throughout the ages of man. Looking at his bride, the young man had a look of surprise on his face, nervously asking if he was going to have to remember an extensive list.

Looking back at him, the demon suddenly seemed concerned herself. Raising his hand, Hades point out she had carried no name of her own since she came to exist, always given titles passed down among mortals. Looking at the God, the groom stood for a moment, thinking over the notion of having a nameless bride that had to go by what a bunch of strangers called her. Snapping his fingers, he offered to give her a name instead, one she could carry at heart and accept as a wedding gift. Asking the God presiding over them if it was alright, Hades nodded and affirmed the decision was up to the demon.

Returning his attention to her, the groom got a nod in response, causing him to assure he had just the name for her. Asking what she thought of Kushina, he explained it was a name that revolved the colors of black and red, pointing out it was perfect given her appearance regardless of her form and could also stand for beauty, something he affirmed she had more than plenty of. Adding that it stood for trees that bear fruit as well, he explained how she was like that of fruit that dropped into his life, making every day since sweet and ripe with joy.

Hearing the way the name was defined, the groom had his already blushing bride nearly glowing, her eyes wide causing him to laugh and point out the name really was perfect given her current appearance. Repeating his question of whether or not she liked it, the demon kept her face down while nodding, not wanting to expose her flustered emotions more than she already had given her efforts to maintain a collected and humble aura, shyly fidgeting where she stood. With his first wedding gift determined, the young man introduced his bride to the crowd by repeating her new title, getting smiles and applauds of approval.

Clearing his throat, Hades instructed they continue the ceremony, making the couple quickly return to their former positions and regaining their focus. Reminding that death could never part them, the God sternly affirmed that once the two were wed there was no end. The two would spend their everlasting existence together, and should proceed only with certainty that they were prepared to thrive together as the ages passed. Looking at her groom, the demon that had accepted the name Kushina nodded with confidence of her own. Facing her in turn, the young man gave the same nod.

Giving the two a moment, Hades raised his hand once more, insisting that if any among them had objections to make it clear. Looking at one another, from the rugged to the regal, none of the yokai uttered a word. Though there were those with looks of skepticism remaining, all shared a similar curiosity toward how the relationship would play out, intrigued by how new and unfamiliar such a unity was combined with the alluring manner the former mortal before them spoke and behaved.

With no objection sounded, Hades returned his focus to the couple and asked if either had anything they wished to express before the ceremony was complete. Raising his hand, the young man nodded before approaching the God, asking if it were alright to whisper a request. With a grunt, he allowed the groom to whisper in his ear, making all around them and the bride in particular turn restless as much as they were curious. None had dared approach a God so casually before, resulting in such a sight that was as startling as the wedding itself as a former mortal of all things leaned in effortlessly toward the ruler of the under-world.

Backing away, Hades merely raised an eyebrow, noting his plea was one of strangeness even to he who had seen and experienced all the oddities throughout the realms. Questioning the groom's certainty of that which he asked, the young man nodded with a thumbs up before the God turned toward the bride, telling the demon she had found a partner that had managed to catch even him off guard. Tilting her head, Kushina had no idea what her groom was planning, though given it startled the God before them, she couldn't resist showing anticipation.

Looking at the crowd around them, Hades suddenly thrust his staff up before lowering its forked end toward the young man, putting everyone on edge, especially the bride as they thought he was about to be impaled. However, instead of running him through, Hades merely thrust it enough to tap the front of his body before slowly pulling it back. After a moment, he stood with a collection of a pure and smoky looking light atop his staff, the God effortlessly removing it and holding it in his palm.

Holding it out, he explained that the groom had decided to make an offering of his immortal soul, causing all who presided to gasp with even the refined Kitsune yokai lowering their fans in surprise. Slowly closing his hand into a fist, Hades compacted the soul in his clutch, creating a blinding flash before opening his hand and holding out a ring so pure in color there was no material on Earth to match it. Explaining that his soul now resided in the ring, turned into that which gave it solid form, the God returned it to the groom and instructed him to proceed.

With his thanks and a nod, the young man turned to his bride and took her hand in his as she stood motionless and awed. Pointing out how he knew it was the thing demons tend to want the most, he wanted to give her what he thought was the most valuable thing possible. Given her curse was what really kept him alive now, he could go on even with his soul separated, affirming that with the ring, even if they weren't together sometimes she would still have a part of him in the palm of her hand.

Affirming it was a literal joke, he chuckled while slipping the soul-bound ring onto her finger, insisting she take care of it for him before stepping back. Merely looking at him for a moment, Kushina slowly raised her hand and spread her fingers, looking at the ring before her palm began to tremble. Seeing this, he asked if it was too much, failing to realize the worth of a soul and the rarity of one willingly offered to their kind, in turn making its value incomparable. Turning to Hades, the groom assured he was finally done, tapped out of gifts and ready to wrap things up.

Looking at the young man, the God raised an eyebrow once more, asking if he'd desired nothing in return. Shaking his head, the groom waved his hand and assured he didn't need or want anything. To him, what he'd given his bride was deserved. She was the one who changed his life and showed the first legitimate desire for him to exist, the one who broke rules to bring him back to top it off. Her actions up to the wedding was her gift, and all they would do and enjoy after was the only thing he needed.

Continuing to tremble, Kushina touched her ring with her other hand, rubbing its surface while feeling the warmth of the soul that desired to bind itself to her radiate from within. A sensation demons would normally be limited to daydream and salivate over, she now possessed an item that even the greatest of yokai envied, with the Kitsune forced to glance away while hiding their faces with fans once more, the Cyclopse and Oni showing drool on the corner of their mouths as they bit on a finger and sulked.

A soul taken from a mortal was one thing, but a soul given, and out of earnest affection toward the one accepting it was a treasure and delicacy alike which nothing matched, a large reason many demons tried to seduce and bewitch mortals. Touting it as another part of him from a life he'd rather let go of anyways, the groom assured his bride she was welcome to have it. As long as her curse was a part of him, his soul belonged as a part of her before showing the same grin that had soothed and inspired his bride time and again in the past.

Tears suddenly welling in her eyes, she helplessly leapt toward her groom, wrapping him in her arms before delivering a kiss that pushed him back in surprise. Setting his staff aside and raising both hands, Hades proclaimed the two were now bound for eternity by his command before his canine companion Cerberus let out a roaring howl, and as the howl echoed the God slapped his hands together, releasing a sound like that of thunder as a fire of green and black burst forth and engulfed him, taking both he and his companion back to the under-world leaving only the newlyweds and their attendees.

Optional track to LWR - Listen While Reading - Yokai's And I-Do's Recommended - Right Click On Video - Select Loop

Next thing they knew, the husband and wife were greeted by the enthusiastic performance of a large band of imps, collectively providing music through traditional instruments of Eastern origin as those around them began moving about, setting up the area for what was to be their congratulatory festivities. Setting the couple up at a lengthy table to themselves which they sat on mats behind, they overlooked the excitement as their guests took their places as well, the massive Oni's and Cyclopse carrying towering jugs of sake in from the forest while countless smaller yokai of endless fables filled the tables with a feast of dishes unfamiliar to the young man while his wife fought to avoid drooling.

With the more beastly looking creatures sitting along a table of their own to the left and the more regal and majestic yokai separating themselves like royalty along a table to the right, it created a sprawling plaza in the center of the open area for entertainment. Swooping in from above, yokai that resembled cranes and peacocks shrouded in traditional kimono's of their own began performing a dance in honor of the event, carrying parasols which they tossed and twirled throughout the show. Looking around, the young man didn't know what to think of all the spectacle.

Feeling it was a bit over the top, he showed a somewhat wary expression, beginning to feel he'd have to compensate those around them. Sensing this, his bride reached out and gave him a simple smile, silently telling him to relax and enjoy himself before holding out what looked to be a grape. Relaxing a bit, he nodded and took it in his mouth, munching for a moment until realizing the flavor was something beyond that of normal fruit. Seeing how he enjoyed it, she coaxed him closer and offered him a row of grapes, plucking them one by one and offering it with a content look on her face.

Deciding to go with things, the young man began admiring the elegant dance the yokai provided, their movements accompanying the imp's music before they collectively made a leap into the air, the cranes landing in the center of their group and landing with a bow while the peacocks landed around them and unfurled their tails, creating a canvas of color while facing the couple. With his eyes widened, the young man let out a sound of awe and applauded, Kushina silently giggling as she saw the child-like wonder radiating from him she adored.

Now bowing together, the performers took their places among the ranks. Looking around, the groom realized nobody had taken a bite of food, nor' drink of sake as everyone turned to him with the performance over. Not sure of what to do or say, his bride tugged at his sleeve and silently gestured for him to give permission to feast, acting as though scooping food in her mouth before holding her hand out toward their guests. Managing to grasp the gist of what she meant, he held out his hands in the same manner before telling everyone to dig in and enjoy.

Finally budging, the crowd began collectively dining, making the young man sweat slightly while asking himself if he was supposed to be some kind of royalty now as he returned to his place by his wife. Noticing she was eying her ring and touching it once more, upon noticing his gaze she turned to him with a smile and leaned over, showing a smile of salacious intent. Discretely touching his nether region, she gave him an affectionate rub as if to silently suggest her intentions after the festivities, assuring him something better was to come his way as she rest against his side and greedily groped him, acting as though merely embracing him.

Turning red, the young man tensed up as he started feeling a snake of his own rising, something that made the one teasing him show a mischievous grin as she felt the reaction, eagerly fondling her groom until guests approached, making her back away much to the young man's relief as he took a breath and relaxed, watching as a trio of the Kitsune approached. Looking down at the two from behind their fans, one finally spoke and asked to see the ring given to Kushina, causing the groom to show a look of surprise from one of the mysterious beings finally speaking.

Looking at them, the demon nodded and extended her hand, allowing them to extend their own above it in a manner as though reading a fortune. Closing their eyes for a moment, the trio finally stepped back before them and bowed their heads in respect, admitting not even they had been able to obtain a soul as rich as the one she was given. Turning to the groom, they point out it was unusual that his kind would so willingly surrender such a prize without some form of manipulation, their own clan finding it difficult to obtain such a pure form of essence while explaining how the devotion sensed within the ring was true and the passion honest.

Pointing out people were only supposed to give a ring to somebody when they meant it, the groom insisted it was only common sense the ring would feel that way. Kushina was the woman his heart beat for and likewise his soul burned for as his wife sensed the warmth radiating from the ring through her otherwise cold body, showing another smile as she held it close to her chest, allowing the feelings and life within it to seep into her heart for a moment before facing her husband and trustingly resting her head on his shoulder.

Looking at the two, one of the Kitsune point out they had difficulty placing their envy, be it for the ring itself or the way they behaved before the trio bowed their heads once more and went off. Following this, another performance began in the clearing before them, this time by a Cyclopse and Oni who bowed to the couple with their hands together before taking a fighting stance. Beginning a competition, one that seemed to combine sumo with boxing, the two giants hurled themselves at one another with sound like that of their own thunder, each collision of body and fist echoing around them.

Finding himself lift by the Cyclopse, the Oni struggled before managing to roll free and catching his rival in a headlock, forcing him to his knee before his grip was lost. Standing and facing one another, they both lift a leg to the side before slamming it down, followed by the other before the two roared and collided once more, putting all their weight forward as they growled at one another with ferocity, competing to prove who's clan was superior as their fellow kin roared in the audience. Looking around, the young man noticed the crowd was focusing on one another as well, seemingly placing bets as the battle went on.

After a moment, the Oni suddenly slammed the Cyclopse to the ground, causing a crack to form in the surface which split its way toward where the groom sat. His eyes widening, Kushina simply formed her claw and lift him up like dirt on a shovel while modestly sipping sake with her free hand, her husband remaining in his sitting posture with his knees atop her palm. Blinking for a moment, he looked down before she placed him on her opposite side, smiling as if to ask if he was having fun. Looking back at the competing giants, the Cyclopse rubbed his head with an apologetic grin, nodding his head in a sorry manner before returning his focus to his rival.

Once the battle was finished, the two came out even after a simultaneous and decisive blow to their chins sending the giants crashing to the ground, much to the chagrin of their respective clans and all the yokai hoping to score as the fighters lay unconscious. With their clansmen approaching, they poured barrels of sake into their mouths, causing both to suddenly snap out of it and shoot up, snatching the barrels and guzzling away. Wiping their mouths with sighs of satisfaction, they turned to one another with a growl before begrudgingly hitting their forearms together as a sign of respect.

After having watched the two battling and how their clans behaved, the young man asked Kushina if their kind fighting was the cause of earthquakes and thunder, causing her to glance away and scratch her cheek with a nervous smile of sorts, not wanting to admit it while not denying it as he returned his focus to the spread before them. Trying to pick something out, he suddenly found himself staring at a spoon close to his face, noticing one of the Ubume women had returned to his side and was offering to feed him with her hand out beneath the spoon, its contents resembling porridge.

Showing a nervous smile, he was about to thank her when other Ubume shyly raised their heads in front of the table, some holding up fruit while others offered drinks. Looking at them all, he turned to his wife as she sipped at a flask of sake once more, giving him a smile as if to say the choice was his as to whether he coddled the lonely spirits. Looking back at them, he returned his focus to the one that had appeared first, taking a bite from the spoon with his thanks causing the demon to show a giddy response, patting his head before he started taking bites and sips of what the others offered.

Despite letting him make his own choice, Kushina still kept a watchful gaze to make sure her husband wasn't too overwhelmed, ready to interrupt if need be as the group of Ubume swooned from the experience, facing one another and giggling happily as they reveled in tending to what they considered a human child, taking it upon themselves to pat and pinch him maternally as he feasted while they crowded him more than his own wife in their euphoric state.

Eventually growing full, the spoiled groom found himself leaning back with a groan, rubbing his stomach as the Ubume clan continued trying to feed and offer refreshments. Raising his hand with a shake of his head, he assured he was finished, thanking them for the attention causing a collective noise of disappointment among them. Glancing their way, Kushina's eyes glowed with a sharpened warning, silently affirming they restrain themselves as her husband covered his mouth, a small belch escaping his lips before quickly apologizing as the Ubume backed away and offered a bow.

After this, the remainder of the festivities mainly revolved the feast that surrounded them and mingling among the guests, with Kushina introducing him to the countless yokai present, making sure none with potentially risky, and in some cases salacious natures lingered around her husband longer than need be, silently tapping his head on occasion as a sign to think and watch for particular clans as he was introduced. Though many, from monstrous to regal looking yokai were safe, there were those that eyed him as fodder, the bride making particularly sure to insist he avoid these entities with tugs on his sleeves and the shake of her head.

Despite those that were dangerous among the crowd, the young man couldn't help but feel awed by all of the yokai around him, standing in the very center of a fabled world as the countless creatures looked their way and gave their greetings, some with subtle nods while lower classed yokai were more expressive, grinning and waving eagerly to their passing. Finding themselves stopped by one of the Cyclops, the giant looked down upon the two as the groom sweat slightly.

Apologizing if they were in the way, the yokai squat down before them, squinting its eye and rubbing its chin curiously. Motioning with its fingers that he was tiny, in response the young man nodded, pointing out how nice it must be to be so tall. Leaning in closer, the Cyclops examined him before reaching out and grabbing the groom, causing his bride to burst her claw forth in retaliation, only for the yokai to hold its hand up with a reassuring nod. Tensing up, the young man sweat as the giant stood, lifting him over its head before placing him on top.

Wide eyed in surprise, he made an uncertain sound before looking around, seeing how tiny all the creatures below and his bride looked from such height. Crawling toward the Cyclops bangs, he looked toward the horizon with a whistle, noticing the forest seemingly went on forever and mountains surrounded them in the distance, proving he really had been taken to a dimension unique to itself. After a moment, the yokai lowered itself back down, reaching up and setting the groom beside his bride. Offering a pinky, it grunt toward the young man, getting him to grab it before they shared a shake.

Watching it walk off, his eyes suddenly lit up, turning to Kushina and asking if she'd seen what had just occurred, excitedly pointing out how everything looked atop the yokai's head and how small things were. Seeing his wonder glowing again, the demon covered her mouth in a modest manner, silently giggling before looking toward the Cyclops and nodding her head in thanks, getting a wave from it before mingling with its kin. As time went on, eventually the time for celebrations drew to a close.

With the countless clans of Yokai bidding their farewells, the area was gradually stripped of its festive decor, with only various imps left cleaning up remnants of what once was as the newlyweds looked around at the empty, sunset lit field before them. Turning their attention toward one another, the groom offered his arm to his bride, a smile showing between them as they made their way along, returning to the path which had brought them to the location. As they passed the countless trees, the two ran into the group of maternal Ubume, poking their heads out from behind trunks ahead of them in a sulking manner.

Looking at them as they let out lonesome sounds, the young man showed a smile and nodded, assuring them they were welcome to pay a visit where he lived anytime. Repeating that all he had was his new wife, they could use a few friends willing to stop by from time to time, though he asked they try to control themselves better around him causing the women to fidget in an embarrassed and guilty manner before he extended a hand, shaking theirs and thanking them for being so nice.

Continuing along, he waved back at the group as Kushina gave him a worn looking smile, appearing as though sighing making him ask if anything was wrong. Shaking her head, she rest it against his shoulder as they enjoyed the walk. Coming across Jorogumo next, the young man called her name making the spider stop and turn back, giving a smile as he hurried up to her with Kushina calmly following. Giving thanks for the outfit once more, he point out his affections toward the pattern and the way it felt, praising her abilities making her smile all the more and giggle.

Wanting to make it up to her, he offered to welcome the spider to his abode as well, though he admit her fitting inside might be difficult. Nonetheless, he insisted they meet again, and assured whenever he saw a spider in need he'd be sure to lend a hand. Hearing this, she reached out and gave him a rub on the head before looking at Kushina as though it were a shame she'd gotten him first. Leaning down, she pushed his bangs up and offered him a kiss on the forehead, turning him a reddened color as she waved her fingers in a toodles manner, leaving his wife in an irritable state with her arms crossed.

Remaining where he stood, the young man felt his forehead with a wide eyed expression, unsure of how to handle so many women being so affectionate with him, even if they were different species before his bride approached and elbowed his side, getting a grunt out of him as he stumbled over and rubbed the area. Seeing her jealous expression, he thought about the kiss and cleared his throat, sweating slightly with an apology, affirming he didn't intend on getting kissed by the spider.

Still showing a scowl, she took his arm back in hers and continued along, now leading him as her wary eyes began looking about for any other man-stealing huntresses that might await them. Assuring her they were married now, he reminded she was the only one for him, pointing out he just liked being nice and giving credit where it's due. Nonetheless, his wife kept a watchful eye as they made their way back home. Eventually, they began seeing the light of sunset once more until they stepped out from the border of the woods.

Looking around, the two found his car before them and the trailer nearby. Turning back, the young man noticed the woods had changed, seeming more familiar. Curious over the way it all worked, Kushina merely kept her focus on the trailer, her face reddened and a sudden look of shyness on her face. Noticing it, he looked at the trailer as well and showed the same, scratching his cheek as the thought of it being their first time entering their home as a husband and wife went through their minds.

Pointing out they'd been through a lot, Kushina nodded in agreement before he mentioned how a lot had changed, getting another nod before he took a breath and reassured himself in silence. Turning to his bride, he surprised her by suddenly lifting her in his arms, making her body tense as her eyes shot open, her tone flushing all the more. Making his way along, he point out it was how they usually did things after a wedding, at least as far as he'd seen on TV while approaching the door.

Pausing before it, he point out they'd neglected to lock it. Thinking of the past, his bride coaxed him to release her before working the door open, warily looking around. Assuring her it should be fine, nonetheless she made him wait as she sniffed the air within, giving her tongue a hiss to taste her surroundings. With nothing unfamiliar present, the bride returned her focus to her groom, smiling with her arms out as though telling him he may carry her again. Laughing nervously, he nodded and lift her a second time, causing her to put her arms around his neck. With a nod, he made his way inside as the newlyweds they were.

Stepping into the living room, Kushina reached back to close the door before the two looked around as though entering a new home, despite how long they'd already been together. Facing the hall, the two turned red and looked away from one another, the demon unsure of why she was feeling nervous as he asked if she wanted to go to the bedroom, making her fidget and nod. Carrying her along, he sat her atop their bed, the two looking at one another for a moment until he finally pulled away, clearing his throat and apologizing while turning.

Looking up at him, the blushing bride then focused on her ring as he approached the nearby closet, taking out a hanger as he removed the robes gifted to him. Tensing up, the sight of him stripping made Kushina feel a sense of anticipation, watching as he slipped the kimono off his shoulders making her eyes widen, only to scowl in silent disappointment when she saw his usual clothes still on underneath. Pointing out the added fabric was starting to get to him, the young man turned and noticed she had glanced away, making him ask if she was alright before she turned away and crawled along the bed.

Optional track to LWR - Listen While Reading - Planting The Future Recommended - Right Click On Video - Select Loop

Taking her place with pillows against the headboard, she lay in a seductively presenting manner, giving him a look as to say she was ready. Taken back by the sight, he tugged at his collar, noting she wasn't wasting time. Shifting herself slightly, she allowed more of her bosom to expose itself, her eyes focused on him. Reaching out, she motioned for him to come to her. Standing still for a moment, finally he made a move, stripping to his boxers before making his way to the concubine that silently called for him, crawling over the bed until leaning over her. Reaching up, Kushine merely felt his face, caressing his cheek before sharing a kiss.

Telling her to be patient with him, the demon nodded as they kissed a second time. About to put her arms around him, instead her husband slowly took her wrists in his grasp as she tried to reached up, placing her arms over her head instead as though softly pinning her down as he lift a leg across her and loomed above her body on his hands and knees. With her wrists held above her, he was granted the sight of her helpless appearance, her bosom hanging to the sides of her body while she showed an expression as though excited and nervous combined.

Unfamiliar to the sensation of being trapped herself, his was an act she had yet to experience given she was normally the one at the advantage and taking the initiative. Though new, she couldn't find herself disliking it, rather the opposite as he leaned down and nuzzled his face into her neck, kissing her and brushing his lips along her skin making the bride swoon and surrender. Given the power she had and all she was capable of, it was a first in many ways for the two.

Acting as though trying to move her hands, her husband merely shook his head, telling her no before kissing along her exposed collar bone, making the demon squirm with her face remaining flushed. Telling her sweet nothings of affection, he kissed her lips on occasion, making the demon feel as though she were being devoured. Affirming she would be his forever, the young man finally reached down and exposed her bosom completely, making his bride bite her lip, growing eager for what would come.

Leaning down toward her chest, he got a sly idea and let his eyes warp to that of a demon before glancing up at her, surprising her with an appearance like a beast on the hunt, about to feast on what he desired which made her eyes widen as a quiver ran through her body. Giving a long lick along the center of her chest, he let his tongue slowly lengthen as well, extending into its serpentine shape which made his bride grit her teeth and eyes roll, a slight arch in her posture in response to the sensation.

Raising up, he thanked her for teaching him the trick in the first place, hissing his tongue in her ear which made the demon squirm and silently giggle. Finally releasing her hands, he returned to her bosom and greedily fondled it, pulling it together against his cheeks as he rest atop her body. Bringing back memories of the first time she'd exposed herself to him, Kushina showed a nostalgic smile, combing her fingers through his hair with a look as though telling him to enjoy himself.

Doing just that, he began taking her in his mouth as though he were nursing on her body, a sensation that made his bride bite her lip once more, embracing him as though to say it felt good as he took on the appearance of a starving child, stimulating her as a woman and luring out her maternal side at the same time as she pet and cradled her lover, watching as he behaved as though she were a treat he couldn't resist. Occasionally looking toward he face, he would deliver a powerful suction that would make her arch, reminding her he wasn't just a child until finally pulling away.

Looking at their hardened and reddened appearance, she gave him a scowl as if to lecture him for what he'd done to her, an expression that had him responding with how much he liked it as he toyed with her using his fingers, pinching and twirling that which he'd fed upon making her helplessly dig into the sheets. Reaching toward the sash which kept her kimono closed around her torso, he pulled it away until she was left with nothing stopping him from exposing the rest of her figure.

Showing a smirk, he then asked her if she belonged to him, now wanting to see the response given from her. Making her redden all the more, she glanced away as he leaned back over her body, looking down at her face as he repeat the question, slowly pushing her robes open as he wait. Feeling her skin exposing more and more, she bit her lip as he kissed along her neck, asking the same a third time before focusing on her eyes. Finally responding, she gave him a nod, making him begin kissing and licking his way down her form.

Asking if she was his forever, she quickly nodded a second time as he reached her torso and began tasting his way along its quivering surface, licking this way and that while leaving her sides passionately kissed, her nails ready to rip the sheets as she turned her head this way and that, trying to restrain herself as sensations of ecstacy rushed through her body from wherever he touched. Having opened her like a present thus far, there was one ribbon left as he made his way lower.

Now gazing upon her own nether region, all that was between him and the place they would become one was the traditional-looking fundoshi type of underwear she'd preferably donned, with Kushina raising her head with an expression as though asking if it was really about to happen, the anticipation and her own nervousness showing all the more. Having waited so long to go all the way with the one she loved, she seemingly found herself concerned as to whether or not she was fully prepared.

Nonetheless, her husband took it upon himself to expose her. Though rather than removing them, he simply reached out and moved the cloth aside, giving him the sight of the precious and innocent looking peach that budded beneath. Covered in its own thin layer of dark fuzz, he praised his bride for how cute her womanhood was, making her cover her face with her hands as though begging him not to talk about it, finding herself in a more shy and embarrassed state than she'd ever been despite their past intimacy.

Pointing out how many times he'd seen it before, it never ceased to turn him on as he leaned closer, coaxing her legs apart as she weakly and helplessly trembled. Leaning in closer, he helped himself to the musky pheromones she put off, mentioning how even down there she was delicious which made her appear as though she wanted to scream, shaking her head in a manner begging him to stop talking. Though it was perhaps a bit mean, he continued detailing the way it looked and the scent she gave off, telling her of the excitement it stirred within him.

Leaning closer, it was just enough to let her feel his nose touching her delicate area, taking a breath before he point out how despite her otherwise cold figure, he always felt heat practically bursting from her crotch, letting him know how badly she wanted him. Finally unable to stand it, she suddenly covered herself with her hands and closed her legs, looking as though wanting to yell and lecture him for the humiliation as she seemingly glowed, showing her arousal from the praise while tears in the corner of her eyes showed her embarrassment and shyness. Seeing this, he couldn't help but coddle her.

Taking his flustered bride in his embrace, he apologized and assured he wouldn't pick on her any further, though he affirmed he meant what he said about his liking everything about it. Glancing at him for a moment, she finally nodded before averting her eyes as he made his way back down. Working to spread her legs back out, she gave some resistance until all that was left was to move her hands. Leaning in, her husband assured her of his love and his desires for her as he began kissing the back of her hands like someone obediently showing their devotion to a queen, enjoying the scent of his bride as it waft through her fingers.

Slowly breaking her will to conceal herself, he began licking along her fingers as well, making her bite her lip once more. Though she put up a front of resistance, the fact her legs were kept so wide without him even touching them now affirmed how much she wanted it. Once he knew she was desperate enough, the young man looked up hungrily and simply told his bride to move her hands, making her heart skip beats before slowly retracting them like curtains pulling away, revealing her fruit thinly covered by the black hair of a ripened woman once more.

Leaning forward, rather than licking he simply cooed against it, his breath making the demon quiver in excitement, digging into the sheets as he hovered away and kissed along her inner thighs, his tongue dragging as though licking candy at times as he trailed toward her creases, only to pull away and simply coo and lightly kiss her flesh, making her bite her finger throughout the torture. Finally ready to taste the inside of her fruit, he looked up and asked once more if she was his.

Adding to the question, he wanted to see her give permission to do any and everything he wanted to her, affirming he wouldn't go further unless she committed herself to letting him have his way. Coaxing her to respond favorably, he kissed and licked along her thighs and creases, repeating his question and asking if he could do anything he desired. Trying to have his face return to her crotch, she attempted to grab at him and close her legs around his head, only for the young man to pull away and take her wrists in his hands again.

Leaning back over her, he returned her arms above her head, looking down at the demon as she flushed and quivered, her normally pale body having turned slight shades of pink from her arousal. Repeating his question again, he asked if he was free to do what he desired, burying his face in her neck and sucking as though trying to draw blood, smooching and licking his bride along her pulse making her mouth gape and eyes turned dazed as she looked at the ceiling, trapped and feasted upon by her lamb revealing his wolfish nature once more.

With her kimono open and spread at her sides like a flower stripped of its petals, she swooned in the atmosphere until finally nodding, making him slowly pull back and kiss her, stating she'd given a good answer before releasing her hands. From her collar bone down, he licked and kissed his way toward his prize, and upon finally reaching it, extended the serpentine tongue she'd gifted him and gave it a long, slow, yet still ravenous lick along its slit, proudly and purposely giving a loud and satisfied slurping noise in the process.

Suddenly gritting her teeth with eyes wide, the demon sharply arched from the sensation, gripping the sheets with nails extended beyond her control. Licking her in the same manner a second time, her husband rewarded her devotion and submission with the greatest pleasure he could, using the training she'd given him to work his tongue in a way that would drive many a woman unconscious. With her scent and flavor combined filling him, they were intensified thanks to his heightened senses, which in turn intensified his body's response.

As her nether region sent a fiery rush of pleasure burning through her body, so too did the young man feel the familiar call to action rising from his own. Not finished readying his bride however, he looked up at her as she gave him a pained and desperate expression through her euphoria, on edge yet not quite over the cliff. Knowing what to do given their foreplay of the past, he suddenly snatched her thighs in his grasp and shot the length of his tongue into her depths, like that of a pullet piercing countless walls.

Gritting her teeth again, her head shot back as she lost her grip on the sheets, her hands merely trembling as her legs struggled to stay still. Raspy air escaping her lips, this was the sound she made in place of squealing, a sign of climax finally taking hold of her. With her insides filled with the entirety of the demon tongue he'd been gifted, the young man slurped his mouth in place, latching securely to her now throbbing crotch. Becoming relentless like a demon himself, he began putting to use all the knowledge he'd gained of what satisfied his bride and thrashed his tongue, twirling like a drill and beating her walls like a hammer to a drum.

Squirming and wheezing, her body took on a thrashing motion as he refused to cease. Losing her ability to maintain herself, the demons claws shot out in their entirety before ripping away at the bed, her eyes turning wild the same as his. Though he'd satisfied her before, never had he been so intense as he was now, making her struggle to raise and try begging him to stop in her own way, only to be met with a suction so draining it was as though he was trying to pull her life itself from her crotch, breaking her and causing the demon to fall back each time.

At long last, her hungry lover pulled away, giving a final suck that broke the dam within her. Unable to hold it back, Kushina was forced into wetting herself, and likewise her own bridal kimono and the sheets beneath as her body lift itself, her toes digging into the bed with her mouth agape as though she couldn't breathe. Watching the performance, the young man wiped his mouth as she finally collapsed, taking in the sweet taste of air as her eyes rolled and her consciousness blurred, a look as though if she were left thinking wow as the sole thing on her mind, her ominous and deadly claws lying limp at her sides the same as the rest of her body.

After a moment, she finally regained her awareness enough to raise up, her hands returning to their former state as she rubbed her head as though recovering from a hangover. Looking at her husband, she froze when realizing he was already crawling over her, making her lean back down and finding herself kissed. Taking her hand in his, he guided her to his own nether region, letting her feel how ready he was. Reddening once again, her eyes widened as the realization that the time had come rang through her mind.

Looking up at him, their eyes remained focused on one another until she turned for focus where her hand was. Using it of her own will, she worked his member free through the fly of his boxers, touching it directly making her husband shudder in his own excitement. Stroking him briefly, she noticed the same look of torment on his face, aroused yet full of restraint as he let her prepare herself. Pulling her hand away from his crotch, she instead opened her arms and welcomed him to come to her.

Nodding, the young man lowered himself onto her, the two embracing one another as their flesh appeared as though ready to melt into one, her bosom eagerly against his chest as they shared a gaze of love and lust combined. Beginning to kiss one another, after a moment the bride felt the impending act as that which made her husband a man began grinding against her mound below, coaxing himself to penetrate while readying her for the deed at the same time.

With the demon embracing him tighter, in turn the young man gripped her, working through what remained of his inner struggles as he felt his tip suddenly press against the entrance to his bride. Suddenly freezing, it was a moment of hesitation as he looked at Kushina, the woman sensing his dormant fears trying to take hold. Assuring him all would be well, she merely pulled him down and combed her fingers through his hair, adjusting her legs before wrapping them around his hips, telling him to come to her as clearly as she could, even through her silence.

Taking their time, the two remained still as the bride coaxed her husband, rubbing along his back and combing through his hair. Finally, she began to feel him move, his hips inching back and pushing forth, that which she'd desired for so long touching and leaving her entrance as though kissing her below. After a moment, she felt him brace himself, causing her to close her eyes and smile before wincing as he pushed himself in, her expression gradually changing to one of struggle as she dug her nails into him and grit her teeth.

Despite her eternity in the world, never had the demon offered herself to another. Through her silent ways and vengeful front, no man nor' monster gravitated toward her direction, one reason she simply spent her days traveling between the worlds of mortals and demons. Hissing the further he pushed, she unconsciously scratched at his back while accepting him, tears welling up as he breathed into her neck. Asking if she was alright, his words made her grip his head and keep his face pulled down, not wanting him to see her struggles out of knowing he'd likely stop if he knew.

In response, she simply nodded as he held her tighter. Revealing he was about to go in, before she could respond the demon found her eyes shooting open when he used his strength to send the entirety of himself into her body. Having given her his soul, in turn the demon gave him the only purity that existed within her being, tears suddenly streaming from her eyes from being deflowered. Atop her kimono, already dyed in red, her body bled for the first time, dripping from the fruit which he'd plucked for his own further staining the fabric.

Just as his gift was the greatest a demon could obtain, his bride had given him the greatest she could offer. Feeling something was off despite her efforts, the young man pulled back during her brief moment of paralysis, looking down to see the blood for himself. His expression turning into one of shock and concern, he looked at his companion as she smiled with a blush, tears continuing to stream from her eyes as though to tell him she hoped it was a worthy gift.

About to panic, he asked if she was okay, offering to pull out as he looked back toward where they had become one. Reaching out, instead Kushina pulled him back toward her, doing so in a slow and reassuring motion as she embraced him once more. Taking a moment to relax her legs, resting them in a sprawled manner beneath him, the two turned still and patient with one another as they remained connected. Once she felt she was ready, she lift her legs and embraced his hips with them, tapping his back so he'd look at her as she gave him a nod to start moving.

Nodding back, he slowly pulled himself out, making her wince as she looked at her own virginity pulling out with him, slightly coating his length. Keeping his focus on her, the young man touched her face, instructing her to try focusing on his own. Nodding, she did her best to keep her eyes on his as he pushed back in, assuring her everything was alright and insisting he'd be careful. Pulling out and pushing in, each movement was as slow and cautious as the past as her insides opened up little by little.

Through the gasps and hisses of her struggles, eventually they began giving way to that of relaxed breaths, the demon following his pace as her nails retracted and she combed through his hair, her hesitation turning into encouragement for more as she felt pain subsiding into pleasure. Bit by bit the young man found himself able to move faster and harder, until eventually the red from her fruit had faded to a clear and creamy mix, her arousal building and breaking free as her face, remaining flushed, showed a gradual expression of euphoria.

Finally, they found themselves able to change positions. Making sure to maintain his caution, the young man let her experience their union from many angles. Allowing her to relax on her stomach, he savored the view of her pale bottom while penetrating her, gradually turning it pink from his eager squeezing and the smack of his hips against them, enjoying the bounce they revealed each time their flesh made impact as she glanced back, amused by the entertainment he got from such a place.

Now and then, the two would lay on their sides as she accepted him, sometimes facing one another, and occasionally away as he held her leg safely up. At some point, the bride became confident enough to mount him instead, leaning back with her hand on his chest as she'd grind and sway her hips, silently cooing as her breath escaped her lips with a look to say it felt good, yet at the same time asked him to be patient with her as she learned how to do things herself.

Once she was ready, the demon leaned forward and began lifting and lowering her hips, taking on the role of the rider while feeling him up. Leaning down, the two shared countless kisses as he caressed her rear, squeezing and spreading it greedily as she savored his taste, above and below as both ends of her body passionately kissed and accepted him. Finally, the moment bound to happen had come. Beginning to tense and panic slightly, the young man grit his teeth and gripped her hips tightly.

Feeling a familiar sensation within her, after all the times she'd caressed his nether region with her hands and engulfed him in her mouth, she knew the throbbing in her depths meant the time had come. Struggling slightly and trying to say it might be a bad idea, Kushina refused to stop, instead ramping up her movements as she pulled herself up and sent her hips down atop his all the harder. Though this brought back some of her pain, it was worth the effort for the prize that would soon release.

Looking down at him, tears welled in her eyes once more, her hands caressing his face as though begging him to let her accept it. Their eyes focused on one another, it was now her turn to be the support as he edged closer and closer to his release. Calling her name with a pained tone, his eyes shut tightly before she leaned back and lift him up, the two sharing an embrace as he gripped her tightly while met with her gentle and welcoming arms in turn. And after a moment, he finally filled her depths.

Returning his grip to her rear, he let out the sounds of a growling beast as she felt a new warmth, and likewise the life that came with it pouring within her. Keeping him close, her bosom felt the hammering of his heart as her own fluttered, a look of bliss in her expression as they basked in their afterglow. Once they were ready, they finally separated themselves atop her wedding kimono, the two recovering from their accomplished deeds as the young man leaned back, catching his breath while Kushina faced down, looking at her lower torso and rubbing it with a smile of contentment.

Finally managing to speak, the tired husband asked if she was alright, getting a nod before she faced him and placed her hands on her torso to silently tell him of her hopes for many offspring. Scratching his cheek, he point out his hopes of everything turning out alright, only for her expression to reassure him as she faced back down, rubbing where her womb was before she suddenly jolt and shuddered, looking as though silently groaning as she tried to adjust herself, her legs tightly shut.

Seeing this, her groom apologized for the way he'd taken her. Though perhaps it was said without due thought, he point out not thinking demons could be virgins, something he immediately regret as his bride looked at him in an insulted manner and took a pillow in hand, tossing it at him resulting in a clumsy fall to the floor on his part. Not meaning to knock him off, Kushina reached out before he raised up, rubbing his head with a nervous laugh and assuring he deserved it, giving another apology as she relaxed and shuddered again.

Sitting at the foot of the bed, he asked if she was sure she'd be alright, getting a wave in response as a nervous smile of her own appeared. Thinking back on the time she had lost control of herself and knocked him to the floor, after realizing what the first time was like the demon was glad they hadn't gone all the way, feeling she would have ruined herself had she been so careless and randomly shoved him in her depths, resulting in a wincing look on her face as she thought of what it would've felt like.

Offering to fetch ice if she thought it'd help, Kushina shook her head with another wave, silently assuring she'd be alright in time as she looked below her and removed herself from atop her kimono. Stained by the innocence and seed of their first time together, she lift it and showed a satisfied look. Noticing the marks as well, the young man apologized, pointing out it was a waste to ruin something so important, only for her to shake her head yet again, assuring it was alright.

After this, the two spent the rest of their night coming to terms with the significance of all that had occurred. While she gained the immortal soul of her love and surrendered her chastity, he had come to discover beings thought fantasy truly existed, his mind blown by the revelations as much as their intimacy itself. Pointing out how others had beings of the same race with them, he found himself asking if there were any others like her, causing a somewhat somber look to show on her face.

Simply looking at her for a moment, the young man smiled and responded by stating his belief in them being able to change that. Even if she was the only of her kind for now, so long as everything worked out alright, they could both wind up with something they'd never had. Reaching over and rubbing her stomach himself as they lay in bed together, he thanked the demon once more for everything she'd done and given him, causing her to touch her ring before reaching out and bringing him closer for a kiss as a thanks of her own.

From this moment on, the newlyweds would spend their days working toward starting a family of their own, getting visited by her otherworldly companions as time went on allowing her husband to further familiarize himself and bond with his eventual neighbors, knowing one day he would set roots in their world. With the maternal, albeit obsessive Ubume being among their most frequent visitors, always ready to spoil the young man as well as the outfit-weaving Jorogumo, the later taking a particular interest in Kushina.

Eventually, at long last the demon was finally with child, showing all the signs that came with the oncoming of life. With a motherly glow about her, each day she would sit contently rubbing her stomach, smiling out of joy and pride for the accomplishment. Having taken what she desired most, her greed in the days of pregnancy finally felt satisfied. With a man of her own, his soul wrapped around her finger and his seed taking shape within her, in the trailer that was once the lonely abode of her husband it now became her den, ready to fill it with her young.

Spoiled by the doting affections of her spouse, he would coddle her each day, concerning over the life within her as well as her own well-being as he bought piles of the sardines she loved. Though he asked time and again if she'd eat anything else, she stuck true with the sole food she'd accepted from his world, assuring him it was enough in her silent way. Wanting to relax, he would take the time to feed his growing bride, offering her sips of water and pampering her with countless massages.

Given treatment beyond that of royalty, even when she thought she was satisfied she found him going above and beyond her desires, allowing her to savor as much of her greed as possible. On occasion, she couldn't help but let herself fall into a state of superiority, going along with his actions and looking down at him with a regal posture in the way she sat, relaxing with a smirk of authority as she would hold out her foot during his massages, silently giving instruction to kiss it as she'd lift it toward his face, after which he would do so with dedication.

During these moments, he would have his own fun by tickling the excited mother to be, the two reveling in their joys as time went on. Eventually, the day finally arrived for the first of what would be many deliveries from the bride. With many having been waiting for the curious arrival, countless yokai from beast to regal arrived to bear witness, the child to come being the first of its kind. With the Ubume acting as midwives upon the father-to-be's request, he welcomed them to aid in the birth while Jorogumo remained outside, busily sewing outfits for the life soon to come as another gift for the young man.

Turning the event into a celebration, countless clans heartily drank away and feasted around his abode, filling his yard with friends for the first time since he'd taken refuge in what was once his dilapidated trailer. With a barrier of sorts up to conceal the location, to passerby's the scene looked like the same as it always had, nobody present and a trailer on its last leg. Once the birth was finally finished and the mother had recovered, at long last the front door opened. The young man heralding his newfound fatherhood, he and the Ubume stepped out before Kushina finally made her way out the door, carrying not one, but two newborns in her arms.

With a subtle smile and tears in her eyes, she had the blushing radiance that came with all mothers upon the arrival of their first young into the world, getting a roaring applaud from all who'd come to attend the event. With yokai small and large raising flasks in their honor, even the rivaling Cyclops and Oni touched their flasks in toast, grinning and tilting their heads back as many took large swigs of sake. Carrying a son and a daughter in her arms, Kushina showed off their children to all who desired to see.

With the same markings on their faces as her own, with eyes to match, their hands had a mixture of human and demon appearance, their palms tender and smooth while their fingers looked like tiny claws of black transitioning to red at the tips. Even the highest of clans couldn't resisting satisfying their curiosity as Kitsune gathered and peered down from behind their fans at the tiny faces. Blinking at the fox-looking humanoids, the bewildered expressions on the babies managed to reach even their hearts.

With the Kitsunes eyes looking as though they were smiling, one by one they reached out, touching a finger on each of the newborns foreheads. Being one of the few clans capable of doing so as one worshiped by mortals, each delivered a gift of blessing, from good health, to power and wealth, even luck and safety, each of the Kitsune backed away with a bow upon the completion of their gifts, fading back into the crowd as Jorogumo approached with the outfits and shoes she'd made for the occasion.

After a moment, the clans of giants around them along with countless imps approached with materials for building, giving a thumbs up as they began examining the trailer, causing the young man to turn wary from the unexpected gesture. Looking around them, he noticed Cyclops and Oni had started setting up pillars around the border of the property, plunging them into the ground like stakes. Wondering what was happening, he approached one of the Kitsune curiously.

Giving an explanation, the fox-like spirit reminded him of the day of his wedding and Hades words. With the two of them being immortal and now with children, the time had come to disconnect their abode from the mortal plain, and to make renovations to their home itself given a residence such as his wasn't a fitting landmark in their domain. Assuring the trailer would remain in tact, it was to be concealed within a temple the lower clans were going to build in their honor, pointing out that his bride and their budding family required better accommodations.

With the young man surprised it was happening so soon, the Kitsune assured he'd still be able to pay visits to his former world via a shrine-like gate they would include at the forefront of the property, pointing out its usage would be limited solely to them and fellow yokai. Noting they were in need of another location for a gate, the fox touted it as a convenience for their kind as well since they wouldn't have to squander energy forming temporary means of passage to his part of the mortal world any longer. Directing his attention to the pillars being planted around them, the fox revealed they would act as an anchor that would seal his property in the spirit world.

Hearing loud noises from behind, he turned and watched the giants lifting his trailer from the ground, working together to do so in a way that didn't damage it as pipes lift from the ground from beneath where it stood. In the blink of an eye, the team of clans big and small worked to dig a hole and strip the plumbing, causing the young man to panic out of fear for the water that would burst free. However, as they removed the pipes, he noticed nothing came out, the Kitsune by his side explaining there was no longer a place for water to flow from given the trailer was now separated from the other side.

Asking if that meant water was gushing out in the other world, the Kitsune merely shrugged, affirming it wasn't their, nor' his problem. Turning the hole into what would become a chamber, the giants heaved along a large slab of stone, working it into the hole until it took its place as the bottom. Slowly heaving the trailer over the opening, the Cyclops and Oni lowered it onto the smooth stone surface before working with the smaller yokai to set up framework around it, putting walls and pillars in place.

Optional track to LWR - Listen While Reading - A New Home Recommended - Right Click On Video - Select Loop

Once all was finished, another slab of stone was brought along, one with an opening to provide entry to the room below as they set it down over the chamber, sealing it shut as the young man approached. Looking at her husband, Kushina followed with an expression as though to ask if he was alright, their newborns remaining in her arms as he turned to them. Repeating his surprise toward how it was suddenly happening the way it was, he looked at the slab before them where his trailer once stood, now buried beneath as more supplies were brought in.

Moving on with the next phase, the giants worked alongside their smaller companions to erect a new structure in place of his abode. Directly atop the slab concealing the trailer from view, they feverishly worked to bring forth the place the couple would live, the couple watching until the newborns reached out to their father. Returning his focus to his children, he finally showed a smile and carefully took the two into his own arms, pointing out how it didn't really matter before rubbing his nose against theirs.

Making the mistake of coddling them without due care, in response to his affection his daughter caught hold of his ear, pulling it with strength unlike that of a normal newborn. Panicking, he pleaded Kushina for help, leaning over as the baby giggled despite his pain, or perhaps it laughed because of it giving both were half demon themselves as his wife tried to get his ear free, taking their daughter only to wind up pulling him across the yard as she tried to coax their daughters hand away from him.

With those around them watching and laughing from the scene, finally the father managed to gain freedom, rubbing his reddened ear as Kushina showed an apologetic look. Assuring her it was alright, to him it was just a relief to have the babies acting so normal and healthy. Turning his attention toward his son, he noted how at least it was behaved, reaching his finger toward the newborns mouth and playing with his lips. Unfortunately, he'd find this to be another mistake, as upon opening its mouth, tiny, albeit sharp teeth suddenly shot from the babies gums before biting down on his finger.

Twisting his face with eyes shot open, the pained father let out a shout as those around them laughed all the more as he tried to free his hand, stumbling about while doing so as Kushina sweat. Given she'd never had children, the fact it was with a human didn't help matters as she was left at a loss of exactly what the newborns could do, their discoveries so far coming at their father's expense. Watching him struggle, their daughter giggled merrily once more in her mothers embrace.

Finally freeing his finger, the abused father looked at his chewed finger, blood exposed as his son showed a malicious looking grin thanks to the fangs in its mouth. Despite this, the young man merely responded that it was his boy, pointing him out as a hungry one before the fangs suddenly retracted. Returning to his wife, the father point out the need to avoid putting digits close to their faces in particular, getting a nod from her while she smiled apologetically.

Visual Aid

Eventually, a task that would take most people weeks, possibly months to finish was accomplished within hours thanks to the size and number of yokai clans that had worked together. By the days end, before the couple stood their new temple, appearing as though it had always been present as the yokai finished varying touches to the landscape around them, with gifts of furniture being hauled in by the countless imp's that had played their part in making the miraculous feat happen.

Taking the time to thank them all for what they'd done, one of the mask donning imp's came up and took him by hand, giving slight pulling motions while pointing toward the entrance of their new abode. Eagerly wanting to show him something, the young man nodded and followed as it crawled along in an ape manner. Heading into what was the main lobby, their surroundings had an extraordinarily traditional design, heavily inspired by the craftsmanship of ancient Chinese woodwork and screenings around them with the wooden floor polished and reflective beneath them.

Shocked by how professional it was done despite the short time it took to put together, all the young man could do was whistle in awe as Kushina followed, admiring their new home as well before stopping at an elevator. Blinking in surprise, the awe stricken father watched the imp slide the door that concealed it open, pulling him along as his wife followed, standing by his side as the imp shut the door back and took a nearby lever in hand, pulling it down making the elevator shake before lowering.

Looking around, after a moment the elevator stopped, with the imp pulling the door back open to reveal the finished chamber. Now lit by lanterns lining the walls and pillars, they glowed without electricity nor' fire, while beneath their feet, the stone now looked like polished marble, as did the walls that surrounded them. Looking at the pillars of stone, above their heads was the slab that was placed as the seal for the chamber and foundation for the temple above, the opening in the slab being where the elevator could slip through.

In the center of the chamber, his trailer that had managed to withstand the years and the elements to protect him despite its condition now stood as though it were frozen in time, the imp holding its hand out while looking between him and the structure as though asking what he thought. Walking up to it, he noticed the windows were lit as well, opening the front door to find lanterns placed throughout the rooms to give it the warmth of life within, still filled with all the familiar things and scents that came with it.

Backing away and shutting the door, he turned to the imp before offering his hand, giving the creature a thankful shake before surprising it by pulling it up and giving a hug. Unfamiliar with the expression of gratitude, it suddenly panicked and pushed back, holding its arm up as though thinking he was going to attack it, causing the young man to apologize with a smile. Tilting its head, the imp seemed confused and curious combined before it relaxed and gave a nod in response to the appreciation, realizing he meant no harm.

Looking back at the trailer, the nostalgic father placed his hand against the door and gave the building his thanks, assuring he'd still take care of it and give it plenty of use. Pointing it out as the perfect man-cave now, it was a statement that puzzled his bride and the imp alike, unfamiliar with the concept as they faced one another and shrugged, feeling it was a human type of thing as he returned his attention to the two and point out the need to explore the rest of their new home and give a few more thanks to everyone.

Optional track to LWR - Listen While Reading - A God's Confessions Recommended - Right Click On Video - Select Loop

Upon returning to the main lobby, the two found themselves standing before Hades, the God firm in his stance with his staff at one side and loyal Cerberus the opposite. Surprised by his return, he let the couple approach as Kushina lowered her head in respect. Raising his eyebrow, Hades focused on the newborns in her arms, telling their mother to bring them forth. Doing as told, she walked up to the God, allowing him to look at the two closely. Slowly leaning toward them, he began reaching a finger out, their father attempting to warn him to avoid the act only to freeze when hearing the chomp of fangs.

Looking as though unfazed by the act, Hades merely showed a slight scowl as the baby boy nibbled in a teething manner until the God pulled away, looking his finger over before turning his attention toward the daughter, leaning in close and finding his nose snatched in her clutch. Twitching an eye, his scowl remained as she tried to yank on him, only for Hades to remain still and unyielding which seemed to bore the newborn as she released him with a dissatisfied look on her face.

Scratching his nose, he stepped back and suddenly point out it would be many a millennia before they could have any affect on him, their teeth being dull and strength lacking causing their father to blink in surprise, remembering the torment he'd felt when he was bitten and yanked on. Nonetheless, the God nodded and affirmed he was satisfied given there were no issues with the delivery, nor' their health before turning his attention toward their father. Raising his hand, he motioned for the young man to follow while instructing Kushina to stay behind.

Nodding obediently, she stepped back as her husband followed into another room, what appeared to be a living area as Hades slid open a screen window and looked outside, all of the yokai present in the yard before them bowing in response to the sight of him as he held his free hand behind his back in a regal manner, keeping his head high and back straight. Approaching from his side, the young man asked if something wrong had been done or if there was anything to worry about.

Shaking his head, Hades remained silent for a moment before glancing at the former mortal by his side. Finally speaking, he made the revelation that it was indeed those above who sought to end their bond, having put in place the events that were meant to put a stop to the relationship between him and his bride. Pointing out the forbidden nature of what they were forming, it was something that hadn't happened before, thus they were left uncertain of how to handle the situation.

Affirming even Gods can be caught off guard, the revelation that beings supposedly divine had tried to murder him made the young man lower his head, feeling his faith shaken by what was said. Turning to face him, Hades then revealed that their target was indeed Kushina, and when he flung himself in and took her place, it left all involved grieving for what had transpired. To a degree, by his bride bringing him back to life, it lifted a weight off their shoulders as it took the responsibility of what to do with the both of them off their plate.

Looking up at the God, the young man listened as Hades gave an apology on their behalf, admitting that the circumstances that plagued him and his demise were all a form of misdeeds, or rather miscalculations on their part. Through everything Kushina had done, Hades admit it brought confusion and concern to those who watched over them given it wasn't intended to be in the nature of her and yokai's kind at large to act in such ways toward mortals, admitting their purpose was to manipulate and consume rather than love and assist.

Nonetheless, he and Kushina still managed to pull through despite what manners in which fate was twisted against them, with those on high gradually accepting the earnest bonds between them and seeing the errors of their own ways, they made the decision to put their involvement to rest. Assuring the two would see no further involvement in their affairs, Hades point out the home that was built for them was done under his order as his own atonement for mishandling things.

Facing the window again, he went on to explain lives had been lost because of the Gods desire to avoid a mortal and a demon forming bonds, something that remains over their shoulders even in the present. Over time, they began to see had they simply left matters be, had Kushina done something to him, it would have merely been one life taken by a lower demon compared to the loss of others by their own hands. Hades point out the sacrificial nature of intervention as the reason the Gods vowed long ago to never again manipulate matters in such a direct manner, affirming the last time they did was when the world once saw a great flood.

Nonetheless, upon seeing what was happening between a mortal and a demon, they broke their own vows and committed the same mistakes as they had in ages past at the cost of others. Closing his eyes, Hades went silent for a moment before turning back to the young man, gazing down at him before bending over, lowering his face to the young mans level and asking if he had any regrets falling for a demon. Looking at the God, in response he shook his head and smiled, affirming it was the best decision he'd ever made.

Facing down, he then began thinking something over, making Hades believe he was second guessing himself, only to be surprised when the young man raised his head and asked the God to tell the others he'd forgiven them, and he still appreciated getting the chance to have Kushina in his life even if they didn't approve of it. In a way, knowing the Gods were more like humans than he thought, with the imperfections that came with it, made him feel a sense of relief while also thanking Hades for their new home.

Raising back up, the God merely looked down at the one before him. Responding by telling the young man it was a pity he wasn't taller, it was Hades way of saying he wouldn't mind looking up to the one before him instead, though it slipped past the young mans understanding of the hidden meaning, and likewise the hidden respect that came with it as he merely apologized, pointing out a lot of people in the new world he was in tended to be taller than he was.

Showing a subtle smirk, Hades shook his head and assured he'd get used to the situation in time. Looking toward the gate which would lead back to the mortal realm outside the window, the God point it out as another gift, affirming that while he could no longer live in the world he was born in a permanent sense, he could still be allowed to visit it, affirming his sentence wasn't intended to be one of damnation, but rather a workaround to make up for the lack of paradise he was due.

Revealing that he and the other Gods had put in the work to erase his existence, upon the birth of his children and the completion of their new home the final key was turned. As of now, there were no longer any who remembered he'd ever come to be, no records of any sort, no bonds connected. He was free to come and go as one with no identity, pointing out that he and Kushina would take on different appearances to the eyes of others whenever they entered the mortal realm to help conceal themselves.

Pointing out Kushina had done some of the work of erasing his existence, the young man curiously asked what he meant, a question Hades ignored upon realizing he knew not of the vengeful actions the demon had taken, returning the subject to the gate before them. Explaining it would work as both, a bridge between worlds, and like that of a device that would outfit them with a new look whenever they crossed through, it let them to go wherever, whenever they liked and fit in harmoniously with whatever land they wished to visit. To them there would be no race they'd be confined to.

Only to themselves would they know of their true selves, just as they and only they would know of their true home, now safely nestled in the realm which they stood. Nodding to the explanation, the young man looked across the yard before them before turning toward the lobby, making his way along back to Kushina who stood where she was told to remain. A soft smile returning to her face, her husband approached and embraced her and their offspring, affirming his love for her making the demon show a curious look as though to ask why he showed the sudden affection.

Pointing out how lucky he was, he reached toward his son's mouth, only to quickly pull away when the baby snapped at him. Grinning, the father exclaimed he was already learning before waving his finger toward their daughter, quickly pulling back when she tried to snatch it. Looking at the two, he returned his focus to his wife, pulling her in for a kiss over their newborn as the two watched curiously. Approaching from behind, Hades point out the need for him to depart, making the couple face him.

Revealing he'd seen and dealt with countless creatures born in his realm, he took out an object in the shape of a pacifier, a skull adorning the end he placed within their son's mouth. With it, their newborn's sensitive frontal fangs could safely sink into the sockets of the skull while the rest of its stronger fangs nibbled and grind on it whenever sucking. Turning to their daughter, he offered a doll she could squeeze to her content, and depending on the strength used, it's eyes would bug out, if squeezed harder the tongue would flail as though choking, and with more strength the head could pop off, though all retracted upon release.

Pointing out exactly what they two could do would be a learning experience over time, Hades cautioned they be prepared for anything given offspring between their kind was new to all involved. Despite his warning, the two simply swooned over their children, their father pointing out the gifts were a little weird for his tastes, something he'd have to get used to as part of where he now lived. Seeing both of his children content and amused by what the God had given, he had no objections regardless.

Following this, Hades took his leave, exiting their new abode before casually making his way to the barrier surrounding them. With the bordering pillars now in place, he reached out and tapped it with his finger, causing it to abruptly shatter and reveal the forests and mountains that now surrounded them. Turning back, the God welcomed them to part of his realm before vanishing in the same flame as the day of their wedding, Cerberus dashing up to its master and leaping into the fire as it dwindled to follow.

As the couple stood before their new home, nestled in the midst of all the yokai that had gathered to celebrate and build the place they would spend eternity, the husband and wife gave their thanks before turning to one another, sharing a kiss before all that watched. Embracing his bride and the lives they brought forth, the two were gradually applauded by more and more of the clans around them until each spirit and demon present were giving cheers and claps, heartily welcoming them into their ranks at last.

With more sake to share and food to feast upon, another round of festivities began in honor of the clans that put in the work to build the structure as well, celebrating their own jobs well done. And while the couple and their offspring enjoyed themselves alongside everyone else, back in the mortal world Hades appeared to perform one final task. His flames rising allowing him to walk out, he and Cerberus stood where the trailer once was, finding an empty plot left behind.

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Deciding perhaps it was best to leave some memento of the young man's existence behind, the God took his time thinking of something suitable until finally, for the first time in his memory, he brought life to something instead of death. With his hand extended, a single seed appeared in his palm before walking upon the spot the trailer stood. Instructing his canine companion to dig, Hades dropped the seed in the hole created before Cerberus covered it, the two backing away.

Closing his eyes, after a moment Hades extended his hand a second time and lift it skyward, causing a tree to suddenly burst forth from the ground, taking the shape of a weeping willow. However, instead of leaves of green, Hades turned it into that of a flowering cherry tree of sorts. Lowering his hand, he nodded at his work before silently turning, his flames rising a final time before him. Walking through, the God vanished along with his companion, leaving the tree alone.

For all of eternity, the lone cherry willow would endlessly bloom and shed petals of pink, symbolizing the loneliness of the young man's existence and the beauty of his giving nature, the tree forever weeping its petals in remorse for the life the God's mistakingly left him to endure for so long...

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And so, with all said and done, so ends the tale of The Giver and The Snake, of how a human with nothing, a young man born from taboo and cast asunder by his family and love, riddled with sickness and pain and punished for what was beyond his control, came to find all he could have ever wished for one frozen winters day, when a typical walk home crossed his destiny with that of a being from another world.

It was not by the hands of Gods nor' Angels divine that he found his happiness, but that of a simple, lonely little snake in need of rescue, who turned out to be both, one of the most benevolent and malevolent of demons of all that exist, who saw fit to re-purpose her existence to change the fate of the human that reached out to her and offered from what little he had in life to feed and house her.

Though demon she was, with all the natures that come with it, she shed her horrendous form and likewise her ways to be all that he could ever desire. Initially seeking only to provide him with happiness and rescue him from the fates that plagued him, she found her own happiness through time spent with the human she cared for, and discovered what it was like to have another sacrifice his life for her sake.

As the ages passed, these two unexpected companions would form bonds that none could break. No matter the amount of time that ticked away, each morning brought with it the same passion and devotion toward one another as the last, their love and happiness as eternal as the lives they now shared. Throughout the generations, their family, too, would grow and grow the same as their love.

From their children, to their children's children, and their children after that, it was a never-ending cycle of growth as the human and demon watched their bloodline spread and thrive, both feeling reborn anew as the lives and fates they once endured vanished as but a simple bad dream, one they woke from to find a paradise all their own that none could touch before them.

In time, even the demon would forget the eternity she'd spent alone. Though she never spoke a word, a voice wasn't necessary for the human she'd fallen for to know her love was as true as his own. With those that had used and abused the young man cast away and cursed by the demon, those who truly deserved miserable fates were given just that by her hand.

Forever and a day, that is how long these two lovers will remain together, how long their happiness will thrive, their family will grow, and their memories will expand. Though that's not to say the two were without their hobbies beyond their existence as husband and wife. You might be curious as to what this means, so let a storyteller leave you with this final question.

Have you ever been saved or helped by a random stranger who wanted nothing in return? Has somebody who'd done you wrong suffered at some point for doing so? When you were at the store, did you ever happen to notice someone, or perhaps a couple buying an abnormal amount of sardines? If the answer is yes, then perhaps you've run into them in disguise, or had one of them twist the fates in your favor from the sidelines!

Though now their lives are spent in the world of spirits, their growing family alongside them, now and then they slip back into our own, doing for others and picking up the treats beloved by the snake called Kushina. So the next time you find yourself aided by an unfamiliar sort, or discover justice has been served to one who truly deserved it, I hope you return to this story and ask yourself...

Was it the Giver...?

Or was it the Snake...?