Walkin' the World of Warcraft - Chapter 1 - Walkin' the World of Warcraft

Story by Jjjon Zimmermann on SoFurry

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#1 of Walkin the World of Warcraft

The way I met her was quite dangerous I found her inside Tauren territory a couple days travel from Thunder Bluff...

I am a human rogue, sneaking around just checking out the scenery; I want to complete my map, see the world, learn all I can of engineering, there isn't a day I don't thank the gods I'm an engineer, it's saved me quite a few times. My parachute cloak helping me get away from a few high places where I shouldn't have been, and you never know when you'll need a good bomb, especially when that dungeon you're looking about has a door that is too old and rusted to pick, or a chest that has decided it's not going to open for you. Traveling is slow, as I left my horse back at Theramore Isle, I'm sneaking around, I'm a rogue it's what I do; besides I'm trying to avoid a fight. My looks kind of scream rogue though, my hair is dark, although a bit unkempt, just combed flat, it's cut short to avoid having to deal with it, my eyes are dark brown large pupils making it easier to sneak around in the dark, my garb is dark too, two daggers sheathed in my belt.

Today is a beautiful day; the sun is shining although I am a bit nervous, I am in Horde territory, and truthfully seeing what has been done to either side I'm not surprised that many won't welcome a human in their land. I keep scanning the horizon on the look out for trouble, I'm nervous because of the lack of cover, it works, I think, more to my advantage being in a strange land, they won't be able to lay an ambush as easily as in a dense forest or something. I look about and I can see a herd of kodo in the distance, slowly making their way north west, a wolf closer watching my movements, but I keep moving away, no reason to tussle with him.

I jump as I hear a rustle, my daggers out in the blink of an eye and I drop low ready for a fight, as a plainstrider jumps from it's hiding spot and makes leaps and bounds away from me, startled from it's resting spot by my approach, I let a sigh of relief out as I slowly slip my daggers back into their sheaths, and continue my travels.

A few hours later, about noon, I notice a small heap in the distance. I focus on it and I see it moving slightly. I duck down and hide myself in the tall grass for what little cover it provides, and slowly move toward it. As I get closer I can see it's a Tauren on the ground, and near by a wolf lying dead next to it. I look about, looking for a sign that I'm the only one in the immediate area, I move in to check the body, and find it's female, I can see her short horns, dark almost black. I stop for a moment, and look around again, feeling quite nervous all of a sudden. I've learned in my travels to trust my instincts, they've saved me quite a few times. But I still see nothing, so I slowly move forward again and as I near the body a large black worg jumps from the brush, between the body and me. I pause and watch the wolf for a moment, but it does nothing as I watch it, I go to move forward and around it, but it turns and growls at me. I stop and think for a moment, and take a step back, I'm worried for her, I'm not completely sure why, but I'm a nice guy, I don't kill if I don't have to, we are all just trying to live, and looking at her breathing, she's in pretty bad shape. I reach into my bag and pull out a chunk of Cured Ham, and I toss it to the worg. The worg jumps back, eying the meat suspiciously, sniffing at it.

I speak slowly and focus more on the tone of my voice then the actual words, "It's alright, go ahead, I just want to check on your master..."

I watch, as the wolf looks at the meat then me, then back at the meat and slowly moves forward and picks it up in his teeth and bites into it, ripping a chunk out of it and chewing on it. I smile as he begins to rip into it, and try to move forward again, trying to get to her side. The worg swallows the last chunk just as I near it, jumping to it's feet positioning itself between me and her again, his hackles raised and growling at me, I bite my lip, and reach into my pack for another piece of ham and hold it up to him.

"C'mon, she looks in bad shape, let me see her,"

I get lower and reach out toward him, trying to hand him the meat, he looks at it then at me, when I hear the form whimper, the worg takes his eyes off me for a moment looking at her then back at me and growls again.

"See she's hurt pretty bad let me see to her and I'll make her better..."

The worg looks at me, tilting his head a bit, when she whimpers again, he turns to her, and licks her cheek, whining softly, I move forward again but the wolf doesn't make a move to stop me again, I place the meat off a ways and whistle, the wolf looks at me and I point to the meat, and he looks from the meat to me then back to the meat, but doesn't leave her side. I swallow hard and move forward nearing her body. I look over her and see there's quite a bit of blood about, and it's not dry quite yet. I reach forward toward her and the worg, growls at me, but I ignore him as I gently lay her onto her back, and hold my ear near her mouth to hear her breathing. The worg moves around and lies at her head and gently nudges her cheek with his nose, giving it a soft lick. I look her over, she is covered in claw marks and I can see blood coming from many of them I grimace a bit. I pick up her weapons, a wicked looking pair of swords, and place them to the side. I reach back for a dagger, and the worg jumps to his feet and growls at me.

I speak soothingly to him, "Shh, I'm not going to hurt her," and begin to cut her armor away, gently easing it from her body, trying not to hurt her anymore then I had to.

The worg lays back down his eyes trained on me, watching as I work. I bite my lip as I expose her body; her fur is mostly a dark mahogany, but her chest and stomach fade to a lighter brown, she didn't look old. Although I'll be honest I'm not sure how long Tauren live Her clothes were glued to her body with her blood, her fur matted, leaving nothing of her upper body to the imagination; I grimace as I began to work the rest of her armor off. I set my bag on the ground next to me, and reached inside, pulling out a couple of Super Healing Potions. I turn to her again and began to remove her shirt, gently pulling it from her skin, but she grunts in pain and the worg looks at me, and I give him a sympathetic smile, and began removing her top. She has white spot shaped like a "T" between her breasts with the top of the T going over her breasts, curving down and along the outside. I pick up the potion and open it pulling out a little rub it gently into the cuts, she winces and the worg whines at me as I continue to rub in the potion. I then move to her legs and work her pants off, and begin to rub what was left of the potion into those cuts, and nod, looking to see if I got them all. I then reach back into my bag and pull out some netherweave bandages, and begin applying them to the largest cuts; when she started to stir.

She opens her eyes and looks at me for a second then it registers that I'm human, and her eyes open wide, and she goes to move and cries out softly, her wounds still fresh. Her worg whines softly watching her.

"Hold up this isn't what it looks like" in Orcish, which I picked up while roaming the lands, it's rough, even for Orcish but hopefully understandable.

"Oh really what is it then?"

"I was bandaging you,"

She looks down and notices she's nude, and moves to cover herself, gasping as it hurts again.

"You don't have anything to worry about."

"How do I know I can trust you?"

"You can't," I state calmly "but if I was going to hurt you, I would have had to taken out your worg, and I wouldn't be bandaging you, it would be a waste of cloth."


"So lie back and let me finish."

She looks at me one more time and lies down. I remove my cloak and roll it up and place it under her head. I return to bandaging her legs, I finish up and nod to her.

"Ok that should do it, the potion and the bandages should have you fixed up fairly quickly" I look over her body and I can see the potion and bandages already making a difference, "Wait here I'm going to stay with you for a night make sure you're back on your feet, so I'll be right back just going to set up a bed for you."

I don't wait for a response and quickly move away, just to the other side of the clearing, I pull my tent out of my pack and set it up, then pull out my sleeping bag and crawl inside the tent, and lay it out. I then slip from the tent and pull on the bag sliding it out onto the ground, about 3/4ths out of the tent. I then move back to her, She is trying to sit up, but she gasps in pain and I flinch a bit. I move to her side and slowly help her to stand up, I place one arm behind her and my hand on the small of her back, as she puts her arm around my shoulders, placing my other hand on her stomach, I squat down a little then slowly stand up, I get her on her feet and she wobbles a little leaning heavily on me, it's then I notice that I'm as tall as she is, I blink a few times but shake my head, and focus on moving her to the tent and bedding, I help her slowly lying her down onto the bedding and I hear her wince but remain quiet. I nod to her, and she gives me a weak smile. For some reason I can't help but smile back at her. She whistles out and the worg jumps to his feet and pads up to her, and then lies down, his head resting on her stomach. I look up and notice the sun setting on the horizon, my eyes widen for a moment realizing what time it is, and realize we need dinner.

"Ok I think you'll be ok while I go out and get something for dinner tonight" I nod to the worg, and smile at her, then raise my head and start scanning the plains for what we are going to have for dinner, then run off west.

I run low but fast keeping a watch out, watching for any life, and notice a plain strider bedding down for the night. I slowly slip my daggers from their sheaths, and move up behind the strider, and before he notices strike, I bring a dagger down where his neck meets his body, then bring my other dagger across and take his head, letting it bounce off into the grass. I pick up the bird body, letting the blood drain to the ground, then notice the clutch of eggs in the nest, and pocket them as well. I look about and tie a string about the plain strider's neck and move on, finding another, I drop my baggage and slowly move toward it but, I know I smell of blood, so when I think I can I just charge, jumping onto it bringing my daggers down into his chest knocking him over. I fall from his back and skid away a little ways, as he stands up and moves to run, standing up but collapses again, I move in quickly and take his head, draining his blood and then pick him up and carry him to the other strider, tying them together, I look about noticing the sun disappearing, I wipe my daggers clean and grab the birds and take off at a jog to make my way back to camp.

I come back and at first the worg stands up and starts growling, I stop and then she puts her hand on his head and he drops back down to her side, nuzzling her hand. He settles down and his eyes focus on me. I nod to him and set down my work, I pull out some things for a fire, my Gnomish Army Knife, some emergency wood, and I grab some dry grasses about for some tinder. Soon there's a good blaze going, I set up a stand, and suspend a pot above the fire, I pour in some water into it letting it begin to boil. I reach into my pack and pull some herbs and vegetables from it, using my daggers I chop my vegetables I turn and butcher the bird and chop it into small pieces tossing them into the boiling water I let it cook for awhile, I toss the vegetables in with the herbs and stir the pot letting the hot water cook them for a little, the fire slowly dies down to coals to keep the food warm but hopefully not over cook it.

I pull out a bowl and dip it into the Strider Stew and move over to her, helping her sit up I give her the bowl of stew, and she looks at it then at me, I give her a smile, handing her a spoon and she takes it and look at the stew and sniff at it. I move back to the fire and grab me a bowl as well and sit next to her and begin eating it. I toss a Cured Ham to the worg who catches and begins to eat it quickly; I toss another near by and turn to her.

"So what's your name?" as I spoon some more stew into my mouth.

"Eveilyn" she says taking a spoonful of stew, "and this is my companion Pequeño"

"Eveilyn, huh?" I smile at her and nod to Pequeño, "Pequeño, Jjjon's the name, engineering's the game."

"So Jjjon what are you doing so far into Horde territory; not that I am complaining."

"Just exploring, looking around," she looks at me with her eyebrows raised with a questioning look on her face. I divert my eyes to my food, "we are supposed to be at peace, but considering what each side has done that's really tenuous. They'll live with out one rogue"

"So you don't really like the war?"

"Nah seems we'd get a lot more if we got a long, everyone is trying to live," I then say quietly to myself " 'cept those damn gnomes"

"I see," if she heard me she didn't say but then she looked out toward the horizon and I return to eating leaving her to her thoughts.

After 10 minutes of silence I notice that she was done with her meal.

"Eveilyn If you're tired then should get some rest, then we'll see what tomorrow brings," I give her a smile, and take her bowl from her, setting it aside I help her lie back down. I move into the tent and pull her on the sleeping bag into the tent, slipping out myself,

I lie by the fire, and watch the stars, letting my mind wander; I let out a small sigh, wondering what helping Eveilyn would do to my future... I turn and toss another piece of wood on the fire, and lie back listening to it as the fire took hold; I drift to sleep listening to Eveilyn's snores and the sound of the fire.