A Parent's Soothing Touch (SFW)

Story by Esmae the Espeon on SoFurry

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This was the first Safe for Work (SFW) I was ever commissioned to create. This is a family story about two vaporeon parents (Showers, male and Virginie, female) and some of the struggles they have with raising their five eevee kits. This fic is over a year old now and was created for a Discord user by the handle of "Sir Bumpleton" (he isn't so much into SFW stuff anymore tho). Without further ado, here's the story:

This was the first Safe for Work (SFW) I was ever commissioned to create. This is a family story about two vaporeon parents (Showers, male and Virginie, female) and some of the struggles they have with raising their five eevee kits. This fic is over a year old now and was created for a Discord user by the handle of "Sir Bumpleton" (he isn't so much into SFW stuff anymore tho). Without further ado, here's the story:

"Ugh," a vaporeon groaned, frustrated. "Where did he go?" She looked behind some bushes, behind a tree, scanned the lake, and searched the grass as she walked. How could this happen? She couldn't lose her little Remus. He had to be somewhere. He couldn't have traveled off far.

"Remus!" she cried out, craning her head left and right "Reemuuss!"

"Virginie!" came a familiar voice from among some thickets, "What's wrong?"

"Showers, I'm so glad you're here," she began "I can't find Re-". Virginie stopped, spotting the brown clump on Showers' back breathing calmly. "Phew, ok, that's good."

"You don't remember? You said I could let him play around in the lake," the male vaporeon responded.

Virginie looked at her mate "I don't remember... but maybe I do...? I thought you didn't want him near the lake,"

Showers shrugged "I don't, it still terrifies me... but you're right, I can't protect the kits forever. They need to learn how to swim," then in a smaller voice added "but I'm still afraid of them drowning since they're only a week old."

"If you're watching him and making sure he doesn't go anywhere his head goes under, he'll be ok. Let him learn."

Her mate nodded "Where are they sleeping for the night?"

"Here, let me show you."

Virginie stood by a lake, nursing her kits. She counted them for probably the third time in five minutes: one, two, three, four, five. She never thought she would worry so much, be so cautious, as she wasn't one to play it safe. She liked to think of herself as a daredevil, a risk-taker, someone who lived life on the edge. Yet she had to make sure her kits were safe at all times. She couldn't have them wandering off or they might get hurt. She couldn't have them put things in their mouth since they might choke. She couldn't have them walk by themselves when she wasn't around or they might trip. Perhaps it just came with the territory of being a new parent. Five little eevees were now completely the responsibility of her and her partner, their livelihoods totally in their paws. Her decisions would impact five new lives, five impressionable minds quite possibly for the rest of their lives. It was daunting, it was scary, but the job had its perks.

Showers' head popped up out of the water with a small splash. He was carrying some kelp in his mouth, plucked straight from the bottom of the lake. Emerging from the body of water, he smiled at Virginie, enjoying the sight of his mate nourishing their kits and approached. When he was close, he lowered his head and dropped the kelp gingerly on the ground, close to the mother.

"How are our little 'vees doing today?" he asked.

"They're mostly doing alright, but Rebecca woke up crying last night and Isabelle isn't suckling from me as much as the others."

"Oh," the father responded, frowning a little, "Was Rebecca able to get back to sleep?"

"Yes and it didn't take much. After I hushed her and sang a lullaby, she fell asleep pretty quickly. She seems to love my singing."

The male across from her chuckled lightly, a small smile. "You do have a lovely voice, my angel," he chirped before kissing her on the cheek.

Virginie blushed softly, a small shade of pink brightening her face. "Thank you, Showers."

"And how about Isabelle? She's having some trouble eating?"

"It seems like it... she's not eating as much as the others."

"Hmmm..." he thought aloud, "Do you think she's sick?"

"No, but it wouldn't hurt to check. I'll feel her head to see if she has a fever after the rest are done feeding. You can play with the others."

About an hour later, the kits stopped nursing and drifted from their mother. Noticing this, Showers gently guided the kits toward him, cooing at them with encouraging words.

"Who's a big eevee? Who's a soft, cuddly eevee boy? That's right, Roscoe, it's you! A cuddly, wuddly eevee boy."

After Showers had taken the four eevees away, Virginie checked Isabelle to see if she could figure out what was wrong. First, she placed a paw on her head and kept it there for a few seconds. No fever. She then lifted her head down and put an ear to her chest, counting the thumps. It seemed regular, though she had to restart her counting a few times since Showers was making loud blowing noises on the eevees' bellies, causing them to giggle hysterically.

Virginie looked over Isabelle again. She seemed normal, but something else had to be going on, right? 'What could cause an eevee to lose her appetite?' she thought to herself. Her ruminating was interrupted by her other children giggling at the funny faces and noises Showers was making at them. She enjoyed how her mate was entertaining the little ones, but she needed to get to the bottom of this. She shot a clear 'be quiet' glance at the other vaporeon and he reluctantly tried quieter ways to keep the kits amused.

The vaporeon did her best to copy what Showers was doing while she contemplated what could be ailing her poor vee. She cooed at the vee, fiddled with her paws, tickled her, and made some faces, but instead of smiling, she started crying. Virginie was confused. Was her kit's ailment worse than she had assumed or was she not as funny as daddy? Neither possibility comforted her. She looked on at the other parent, silently asking for help. Showers got the hint and walked up to her suggesting, "Why don't we switch roles for a bit?"

The next hour or so flew by for the mother as she cuddled and snuggled the vees and mesmerized them by moving her tailfin from side to side. They seemed oddly entranced by the tail as it moved back and forth in front of them and some even tried moving their own tails. She watched them as they laughed at her, keeping track of them vigilantly.

Showers walked back to Virginie with Isabelle sleeping soundly on his back. Virginie halted her antics and looked at Showers before asking, "so what is it? What's wrong with our belle?"

"Allergies. She's allergic to kelp."

Virginie cocked her head, confused. "She's never had kelp. The only thing any of our kits have eaten as long as they've been alive has been my milk. She can't be allergic to my milk, can she?"

"My brother and my dad both had severe allergies to kelp," he responded "I know the symptoms... but to answer your question, Isabelle isn't allergic to your milk, per se. Your milk might have some kelp in it, though..."

Virginie gasped, horrified. Had she been giving her child allergies? "What do we do now? Is she going to be alright?"

"I'm pretty sure she'll be ok after two or three days, but I gotta find new stuff for you to eat so she doesn't have another reaction." He shook his head, "I did not think she could be allergic to something this early in life, but I'm glad we're finding out now when she's only come across very trace amounts of kelp rather than later when eating it by itself could be... pretty bad. In any case, what else do you like to eat?"

"Berries, mostly" she responded, worried. "Does your family have any history of berry allergies?"

"Ehh, no. I was just thinking that maybe we should move to somewhere more inland. The food you like is more inland and we don't want the little ones by themselves near a large body of water."

"We don't want them by themselves at all."

"True, but you understand what I mean, right?"

Virginie paused for a moment, sad "but I like the water."

"I do too, but I believe it would be better for our family if we moved. We can teach them to swim more when they're older and it's more convenient for us. I like the water because it's where I play and swim around and have fun, but it's not where our kids play and have fun. Our mission is now to raise and protect them the best we can."

Virginie sighed, "I suppose you're right. Besides, moving more inland will give our kits more room to explore. They won't always be eevees after all. Maybe our little Whittaker will want to explore the snowy peaks when he gets older and become a glaceon."

Showers frowned theatrically, "I prefer to think that all of our kits will grow up to be vaporeons like their mommy and daddy."

"and I prefer to think that our kits will go on all the adventures that I couldn't when I was growing up... On second thought, that doesn't sound like a good idea, they might get hurt."

"Not if you go with," the father winked.

Virginie smirked. "Hush now. I'll have you know that I will not let our kits embark on any dangerous quests so long as I'm their mother. Besides, they'll be doing enough adventuring for a lifetime over the next few days. Now, when are we leaving?"