Journey to another world pt2 ch74

Story by Tootall on SoFurry

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#24 of Journey to Another World pt2

Journey to Another World 5 Ch. 6 After another trip to the Pokemon rejuvenation chamber for Undine and the now heavily injured Mismagius, we exited the center again and walked back to the battle training area. Pulling off the ghosts ball, I pressed the center button on the Pokeball and gave it a toss into the air. The ball snapped open with a popping sound and a white light shot out of the opened ball. Unlike most times when a Pokemon is released, the ghost's light stopped a few feet off the ground and exploded to reveal a perfectly healed ghost. *Would you get me out of... Oh, I am already out.* The Mismagius said as Jenavee translated again. She then looked down at her body and did a little pirouette to look over her body as if checking to see if her outfit was fitting just right or some other reason girls love to do that move. *I am all healed up?* Jenavee translated along with the emotion and it sounded like she didn't believe that it was true. " What did you expect?" Rena asked/said as she stepped forward and placed her paws on her hips. " Donovin is not the kind of person to leave a Pokemon hurt, or hurt one just for the pleasure of it." She turned back to me and gave me a quick nod, which I mirrored. The ghost turned and looked towards Undine and she saw that she too, looked in pristine in her goddess like beauty. *Wait a minute. What in the world is going on? I do not recall who won the fight. Who won the battle?* She asked in a confused tone as she looked back and forth from Undine to me. "I did of course. While you were distracted (by talking to Donovin), I launched my Water Pulse attack at you and one of the hits got you confused. Once that was done, I proceeded to knock your health down little by little, until..." She pointed towards me with her tail. "Donovin here, threw that small ball at you and capture you within." She finished as she brought her tail back and began to fan herself (showoff of a goddess). I simply just slapped my face with my hand and dragged it down my face. 'I've got this gut feeling like, those two are definitely not going to get along.' An image of us further down the road popped into my head and depicted a scene of the two arguing over the fact on who would have really won that fight if they were going all out. 'Why does she do that to the others when she knows that it's only going to piss off everybody else.' I thought again as I could see the ghost already had an upset look on her face. "Now, just calm down Mismagius. We are not here to try and duke it out again." I told her which got all the girls to look at me with confused looks on their faces to which I would've asked them about, but ignored. "We are here to see what other types of moves or attacks you know." She just gave a smirk on over to Undine and nodded to me. *Since our last battle, you already know that I can use the Shadow Ball attack...* "And that Astonish that you used on Jenavee awhile back." I interrupted her. She cleared her throat. *I think I can tell you what attacks I know and do not know. Thank you very much.* She said in a perturbed tone, and looked at me for a while to see if I would interrupt her again. *As I was saying...I know the Shadow Ball attack as well as the Astonish attack. Though I am surprised that you did not mention that I also know the Confuse Ray move.* She then levitated around for a bit, head lowered as if thinking pretty hard about something. I walked a little closer to her and saw that she had a bit of a displeased look on her face. "I take it that you don't want to talk about that fourth." I said as she stopped levitating around and turned to give me a nod. *It is not a very...pleasant move.* I looked over at Jenavee and she just shrugged. I turned back to her and gave her a smile. "That's alright. If you don't want to tell me about it, then you don't have to." I told her as I held out a hand to her, which she floated down and took it in her cloak like hand. "I will not press the issue and I know that those others will definitely make up for that awful move. So, don't worry about it." Once I had a full grip on her hand/cloak, I pulled her in and gave her a soft hug. After a moment or two, reality kicked in and I couldn't help but laugh. Tilting her hat back she looked up at me with a confused look. *What is so funny?* She asked in an innocent tone. I gave her a smirk. "I just realized something." *And that would be?* "I'm hugging a ghost." I told her as I rubbed a hand up around the brim of her hat and patted her shoulder. "I always thought that you couldn't really touch a ghost, but here I am." I said as I hugged her a little closer and was amazed to do so. The feel of her cloak on my hand when I patted her shoulder felt as if I was touching a comforter on a bed. Her body had almost no real structure to it beyond that feel of a single comforter. As if that was all that was really there. *What did you expect?* She asked as she pushed away from me, to float right in front of me. *Something like this?* She asks rhetorically with a evil grin on her face, as she pushed her hand to my chest then...through/into it. To say the least, I was scared as I instantly froze up at the coldness of her doing that to me in my stomach. Back home, ghosts were a thing to scare children into doing what their told (like the bogyman). Here, it was totally different. Here, a ghost was having fun roaming her hand inside of my gut and laughing at the horrified look upon my face. It made it even more scary as she began to laugh in her haunting like way that would guarantee that I'd have a headache if she continued. Eventually she took her hand out then held it up to me to touch, which I confirmed to be the soft comforter feel again. "One thing." I said to which she nodded. " that again!" I said in a shaky tone which basically meant that I didn't have the backbone to really stand up to the statement. Just then their was some barking sound. I looked down to see what it was and saw the Kit had come over to see what the fuss was all about and proceeded to snap me out of my trance with a quick yip. Shaking my head to try and get the images of having the ghost do 'that' to me, I knelt down on one knee and gave her a hug. Kit's soft fur was just what the doctor ordered. She felt...solid...whole...I don't what you want to call it, but it felt good to cling to something truly there. "Thanks Kit. Got kind of hung up there in the moment." I told her as I continued to hug her and she gave me a quick lick to the back of my left ear. "By the look on your face Donovin. Whatever she did to you, really threw you for a loop. Are you going to be ok?" Rena asked as I stood and smiled to her. "Ya. It just surprised me, that's all." She gave me a piercing gaze as if to say that she knew that their was more to it than that. I threw up my hands and chuckled a bit. "Alright, alright. It freaked me out a bit, that's all." I told her then took a long breath as I knew that that wouldn't be enough. "Ok, listen. Back when I was younger, my mom and dad would tell me ghost stories when I was little. Sometimes those stories really freaked me out as they would often say, 'If you don't go to bed, the bogyman will come to get you.' Then one day, when I was being an specially big brat, they decided to teach me a lessen." All the girls gathered around to listen to my worst scare of my, or probably any kids worst nightmare. "It was Halloween." I started but stopped when the girls gave me confused looks. "It's a holiday that we celebrate where I come from. It's more referred to All-hallows-eve, as they day that the spirits that have passed on are able to come back for that one night and visit the living. Most kids dress up as their favorite monsters and go from door to door collecting candy." I explained in a summed up version. "My parents told me to be good, but I ignored their warnings of what would happen if I didn't do what I was told and ended up causing a bit of trouble for the group of kids that I was with, while we were all going from door to door collecting candy in our bags." "What I didn't know, was that one of the parents that was escorting us around, had been in contact with my parents during my childish antics and told them on how much of a pain I was." I could see the girls were starting to get really excited about the story as smiles were starting to appear on their faces. "I was dropped off not long after that phone call and went in to rummage through my haul of candy that was in my bag when I started to hear some kind of moaning." The girls were all leaning forward now with anticipation. "I didn't think much of it. Often, our neighbors would put on haunted houses and use special sounds to scare people for fun. The only problem was, it wasn't coming from outside. It was coming from within." "I remembered my parents said that they'd be home later that night, and looked up to the clock and saw that they still wouldn't be in for another hour and a half, at the earliest. So I shrugged off my fear and went up the stairs to my room to find a good place to hide my candy, but the sounds of moaning kept on following me." I could see by each of the girls faces, that they were getting really into the story. 'I guess, one mans scare is another's great story.' "At this point I was starting to get scared so I closed my door and started looking around for a hiding spot for my loot. "After I'd stuffed my bag under my bed, I noticed that their was a steady stream of fog coming from under my door into my room. It was at that moment that the power went out, and the whole house turned black." I leaned over and started to crouch while I walked back and forth to add to the moment. "I was so scared now because the sounds of scrapping could be heard from outside my door and the sound of the scrapping was getting closer and closer, until...BAM!" Each of the girls jumped. "Something hard and heavy hit the other side of my closed door causing me to quickly jump into my bed and pull the cover up to my nose, while I shivered underneath the blanket. At that moment I started to call out for my parents, not remembering that they wouldn't be back until later that night." "The scrapping sound continued, but was now on the door, which got me to shiver even more under the blanket. Looking around the room, I tried to find something to protect myself but the only thing I saw was the fog that had started leaking from under the door, was now covering my entire floor and it was so thick that I couldn't see the carpet's color." I took in a long breath. "I was brought back to my door as the sound of doorknob was now slowly turning. Once the doorknob was fully turned, the door slowly began to open which my fear doubled with every inch the door opened more upon it's squeaky hinges. There was no light coming in from outside the door, but the fog doubled over in earnest to get into my room. The fog was so high now that it practically level with my bed. It also felt like the room had plummeted ten or twenty degrees in mere seconds as I couldn't tear my eyes away from the still opening door." "DON...O...VIN.' A creepy...drawn out voice said from somewhere down the hall. 'You have been a very bad boy. A bad boy that doesn't do what his parents tell him to do.' Said the voice which was coming from outside my room. 'I like to eat bad boys that don't do what their parents tell them to do.' Which got me to shoot under the covers of my bed, in hopes that the blankets would protect me. 'Do you know who I am.' Asked the voice." Each of the girls were now starting to shake as I turned around and faced away from them. "Just then the voice, and the sound of the scrapping stopped. I slowly peaked out from under my covers and looked around in hopes that the nightmare was finally over. Though the lights were still out, my eyes had adjusted to the darkness and I could see that the fog was still in the room. 'I am..." I took a deep breath. "THE BOGYMAN!" I yelled as I turned around and pulled up my arms in a threatening manor. All the girls squealed in fear, even the Mismagius yelled in fright, as they all jumped a good foot in the air. "A large figure jumped out of the fog with a light flashing up under it's face and the face of a decayed old man." After a few moments the girls calmed down and I stood back upright. "Needless to say, that was the last time that I ever watched or heard a ghost story and from then on, I was as sweat and kind as young boy should." * * *

(Author: Sorry, couldn't resist telling that old story)

  • * * After that, the girls were nothing but serious as we all trained for the upcoming battle against Wake. Though often times, when we stopped to take a break under the trees, the girls would talk about that story. *I never imagined that he was that good of a story teller. Do you think that there is any truth to that story?* The Mismagius asked. " I do not know ," Rena replied as she drank down a bottle of water under the shade of a tree. "_ What about you Jenavee. Do you think Donovin's tale it true ?" She asked as she passed the bottle to Jenavee who was also sitting under the shade of the tree. "_By the way that he looked when Mismagius put her hand through him. I would say that that story probably is based in some truth. But you had better think twice before you ask him." She took another long drink. "I know from personal experience that he can be one scary person if he wants to be." She said as she remember the scientist that he'd scared in rescuing Rena a while back which made her shiver. "Ok Undine. I want you and Kit to get in some practice." I said as I stood a little distance away from the tree. "If Kit is going to help us out in the battle against Wake, she needs to be prepared to deal with water type attacks." Kit and Undine both nodded to me and quickly moved out from under the tree and back into the hot humid air. Though we'd planned on training for the majority of the day, the fact still remained, none of the girls liked to be out in this humid weather. Especially the fact that it was now noon, the sun was minimizing all the shadows around so that their was hardly any shade anywhere, and the heat was getting to everybody (especially Undine). Undine would constantly complain about the weather being to hot for her and how it was effecting the moisture of her scales. I watched as Undine would launch Water Pulse after Water Pulse at Kit. She was dodging them pretty decently, but I knew that I had to come up with some way to improve both their skills. 'Kit needs the most time to become accustom to battling a water type, so I'll have to spend more time on working with her. As far as Undine, her attacks are going to be evenly matched to Wake's water types.' I thought as I walked around in circles and went over her attacks again and again. Trying to combine and mix them up to come up with new combinations. A small light bulb flashed in my head. Giving out a whistle, both Kit and Undine stopped their sparring match. "Ok girls. Take a break for a bit." I told them but when Undine came over I placed a hand on the scales of her neck. 'It is true. This weather is drying her out.' "Undine. I was wondering if we could talk about some of your attacks for a second." She cocked her head to the side and nodded. "If we are just going to talk, then I would like to do it in the shade." Undine said to which I agreed. Moving off to be under another tree, I reached into my pack and pulled out her wax. "You worked pretty hard, and in thanks I'd like to spread this over your scales." She brought her head around and her eyes went wide in glee as she saw the special Milotic wax that I'd bought for her some time ago. "While I'm going that, I'd just like you to listen to what I have to say." "Alright, but on one condition." She brought her head down and laid it on my lap. "I am pretty thirsty. I want several of those bottles of water, and that wax." To which I couldn't help but smirk. 'I have to play along with the wishes of a goddess just so that she'll listen to my plan.' I laughed and waved to the girls. Kit and Mismagius stood up and nodded to me as they grabbed several bottles and brought them over. Several empty bottles later she was finally re-hydrated and was now waiting on the wax. 'Dang. She went through the last of my waters. I'll have to pick up some more when we get back to the center.' I thought as I began to apply the wax. "Now listen Undine. I'd like to have you battle against Wake, but you have to know that your attacks will probably be on par with another water type." "And you have thought up something to tip the scales..." Snicker. "Scales. Tip the balance in my favor." She said with a happy tone to her voice. A few moments later, after listening to my combinations, she nodded. "That is a pretty good combination to use. Lets just hope that it actually works out like that." Once she was done with getting all of her scales covered in that special wax, she promptly lay her head back in my lap and dozed off. Looking over to the other girls I could see that most were like her, taking a good nap while laying the shade of the tree. That was of course, except Mismagius and Kit, to which I waved them over. "Now I know that we really can't communicate that well with our translators asleep, so If you don't like the ideas that I have, just speak up." Both girls nodded. "You two are the only others that are going to be able to fight against the gym leader and his subordinates. So I'm going to have to come up with new ways to use your abilities, attacks, and natural talents to help us through those battles." They nodded again, which made me slightly more appreciative to Jenavee and Rena translating for me. Though the language barrier was a nuisance, we were able to come up with a few new ideas as to combining their talents to hopefully give us an edge in the upcoming battle against Crasher Wake.