The Lost City of Otzohua (Chapters 1-3)

Story by Xemkiy on SoFurry

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#2 of TF/TG Stories

Flux, an amateur archaeologist fox, is given one last chance to uncover the lost city of Otzohua before his funding is cut by his rich, eccentric benefactor, Mr. Clayton the bulldog. After giving up all hope, Flux finds himself face to face with a beautiful vixen, her father, and the magnificent city that he had been searching for. Along the way, Flux faces adventure, love, and changes that will decide the fate of an ancient tribe of foxes.

Story will be released in chapters. Far more yiff-tastic adventures to follow.

Chapter 1: Finding Otzohua

On an airfield in the small village of Chicuana, Flux, a light-orange fox, sat and waited for his pilot to arrive to take him deep into the jungle. As he waited he was thinking back on his meeting with his benefactor, Mr. Clayton the Bulldog.

In his office Clayton slammed his paws on his desk


Flux: Sir, I have a really good feeling abo...


Flux: But this time is different. I only need two more months and I'm sure I will find it and you will have more gold and treasures than you can imagine.


Flux: We did dig up several more artifacts that all but prove the existence of the city of Otzohua.


Flux: Please, Sir, give me one last chance. If I do not find it on this expedition, I will pay you back, even if I have to work for you for the rest of my life.

Clayton sat back down in his chair and let out a sigh.

Clayton: Are you sure that you can find it this time? I am not too fond of throwing my money into the jungle and not getting anything in return.

Flux: Yes, Sir. I'm sure of it.

Clayton: Okay, but this is your last chance.

Flux: Thank you, Sir, you won't regret...

Clayton held up two fingers, silencing Flux.

Clayton: You have two weeks. If you don't find it by then, you're mine. Is that understood?

Flux's smile started to fade.

Flux: But that is not enough time to search half the area that I need to.

Clayton: Two weeks is all you'll get from me. You can take my offer or you can try and find someone else to fund your expedition.

After contemplating his limited options for a moment, Flux decided to accept Clayton's offer.

Flux: Ok, I'll take you up your offer, but on one condition. If I am able to find it in one week, I get 25 percent of the cut instead of 10.

Knowing that Flux would not be able to find it in such a short time, Clayton chuckled.

Clayton: You know what? If you find it in a week, I'll give you 50 percent.

Flux: Agreed. Just you wait, I will be back by this time next week.

Flux stood up and walked out of Claytons office with a confident grin on his face.

Back at the airport Flux started to laugh.

Flux: Why did I think that I could do this in only two weeks? *sigh* Well it's all or nothing now.

After thirty minutes of waiting, Flux saw his helicopter flying towards the airport. He watched as it landed and out jumped a short Ocelot. The feline pilot pulled a hose from the nearby gas truck and started to fuel up. Flux stood up and walked over to lend the cat a hand.

Flux: Hello, I'm Flux. You must be my pilot.

Luciana: Yeah, that'd be me. Name's Luciana. And you must be that crazy fox who likes wandering around in the jungle.

Flux rolled his eyes at her.

Flux: Yes, I'm searching for the ruins of the Otzohuans.

Luciana: Well once we load your stuff up, we can head out and you can chase myths all you want.

The two stacked up the many boxes of camping supplies and electronic equipment in the helicopter. Flux got into the helicopter and after returning the fuel hose to the truck, Luciana jumped in as well. She started up the helicopter and they were soon on their way to the spot Flux had marked on his map, over 550 kilometers into the jungle. Flux decided to try and take a nap through the noise so that he would be well rested upon arriving at his drop-off point.

Flux woke hours later and they finally arrived at the drop-off point. Luciana directed Flux to start unloading his supplies. Flux pushed each box out of the door and soon after their parachutes deployed as they drifted down to the jungle floor. After the last box was unloaded, Flux gave Luciana a thumbs-up and repelled down from the helicopter into the jungle below.

Wanting to set up camp before dark, Flux gathered all his crates and unloaded them. He set up his tents and soon all his equipment was up and running. However, Flux noticed that the sun was already setting.

Flux: Well, one day down. At least the camp is all set up and I can start planning where I want to search first.

Flux stayed up late into the night charting out his course for the next day before finally falling asleep with dreams of success.

The next morning, Flux woke up and eagerly got dressed for his first day of exploring. After gathering his tools, he headed out into the dense jungle. He wanted to at least find a small artifact or relic that would help lead him to some ruins or, better yet, a temple. The sun slowly crawled across the sky as Flux cut his way through the vines, stopping only to eat the food that he brought out with him. Once the sky started to grow dark, Flux decided to head back to camp. He sat in his research tent, noted his path, and started planning out his search for the next day. Afterwards, Flux laid down in his cot and thought back on his day.

Flux: *sigh* Nothing today. Well it was only the first day of actually searching after all. I know that tomorrow will be better. As long as I find it by next week, I will get my 50 percent.

Unfortunately, the next four days pass exactly the same as the first and Flux's confidence in himself dwindled every day. On his sixth night Flux was lying on his cot, when his thoughts started to get the better of him. He started to convince himself that he would never find the ruins of Otzohua. Flux spent the rest of the night trying to fight off his negative thoughts and before he knew it, the sun had risen marking the start of his seventh day.

Still tired from his sleepless night, Flux sluggishly gathered everything he needed and started out yet again. After several hours, Flux came to a waterfall that spilled into a deep ravine carved into the jungle. He decided that it would be best for him to rest a little and eat his lunch while watching the serene waterfall. As he ate, the soothing sounds of the waterfall and the chirping of the local birds slowly lulled Flux into deep sleep.

The sun hung low in the sky when Flux finally woke back up.

Flux: Of course! My last day to get my 50 percent and I waste it napping.

He dropped his head.

Flux: Who am I kidding? I will never find it. I could spend every minute next week searching and I still wouldn't find Otzohua. Even I am starting to think that it's really just a myth.

He stood up and walked over towards the ravine. Flux looked down and got a feeling deep in the pit of his stomach, unable to see the bottom. He turned to gather up his gear and head back to camp but lost his footing on a moss-covered rock. Reaching out for something to grab onto, he secured a vine in his grasp. Just as Flux thought he was safe, the vine snapped and he fell into the dark depths of the chasm. He knew that this was the end and the fear that welled up inside him caused Flux to pass out.

At the bottom of the ravine, Flux fell into the fast-flowing river which carried him further into the darkness. Eventually the river poured into a cave and he was forced through a mass of underground caverns. After a few minutes, the river slowed to a crawl and Flux was washed onto a small shore in the cavern.

Flux came to and started coughing up all the water that he had swallowed. Unsure of where he was or how he got there, Flux looked around trying to peer through the darkness. After standing up he pulled his flashlight off of his belt and tried to navigate the dark underground tunnels. Flux walked around for what seemed like an eternity when his flashlight finally died. Scared and surrounded by darkness Flux sat on the cavern floor. He thought about how it would have been better if he had just been killed by the fall or by drowning in the river.

Flux: I cheated death only to fall right back into his grasp. Pretty iro....

He paused hearing what sounded like something moving through the tunnels, and the noises started getting closer. He began to panic as terror rose up from inside of him almost causing him to let out a scream. After quickly scooching his way to the nearest wall, Flux held his hands over his muzzle to mask his heavy breathing. He perked his ears towards the direction of the noises. It sounded as though whatever was making the sounds was heading right to him. Being able to hear them clearer, Flux knew that they were footsteps, at least three sets. Eventually they stopped right in front of him causing time to seemingly stop as Flux held his breath, trying not to make a noise. All of a sudden there was a huge flash of light causing Flux to lose consciousness yet again.

Chapter 2: The History of Otzohua

When Flux opened his eyes, he was face to face with a beautiful light-blue and white fox sleeping next to him in what seemed like a huge bed. Shocked, he jumped back a bit with a gasp causing his sleeping companion to wake up with a start. She threw up the covers and ran out of the room. Flux couldn't help but notice that she was not wearing any clothes. Wondering about himself, he lifted up the blankets and blushed upon seeing that he was not wearing anything either. He scratched his head.

Flux: What's going on? Where am I? Am I still dreaming?

Flux pinched himself.

Flux: Ow, no definitely awake. Who was that girl? And where are my clothes? Last thing I remember was being in that cave and...nothing.

Flux examined the room a bit closer. There were no windows and only one wooden door. On the walls hung several torches that burned with a blue flame and drapery with strange patterns on them. He had a strong feeling that he had seen these patterns before but couldn't place where. As he continued to scan the room he saw a shelf with miscellaneous trinkets, a bookcase, a small chair, and a desk. He sat for several minutes lamenting over everything that had happened so far. Suddenly he heard the door open and he saw a tall dark-blue and white fox with the female fox from before at his side, but this time she was in a long dress.

Dark-blue Fox: So, I see that you are finally awake.

Flux just looked at him, unable to speak.

Dark-blue Fox: No need to be afraid my friend. We are a peaceful tribe and mean you no harm. We had found you passed out in the caves and brought you back here to recover. My name is Ezatl, what may we call you?

Flux: I... I'm Flux. Uh... Thank you for saving me and bringing me here, but where exactly is here?

Ezatl: We brought you back to our city, Otzohua.

Speechless, Flux just stared at Ezatl, not knowing whether to believe him or not. Minutes go by before Ezatl finally broke the silence.

Ezatl: Well, if you don't have any further questions for me, I have several for you.

Flux snapped himself out of his trance.

Flux: Wait, wait, so you're telling me that I'm in the lost city of Otzohua?

Ezatl: I wouldn't call it lost since we are right here, but yes, you are correct

Unable to hold in his excitement, Flux flew out of the bed and started to jump around the room.


Flux stopped his jumping as he noticed Ezatl laughing and the female fox giggling with red cheeks. He slowly looked down and quickly covered himself with his paws. Still laughing, Ezatl spoke.

Ezatl: So, I guess you were in search for our city after all. Atza, go and get our guest, Flux, a set of clothes.

The female fox perked her ears and looked up from her giggling.

Atza: Yes, father.

She ran out of the room and down the corridor. Ezatl shut the door and walked over towards the bookcase.

Ezatl: Now, why were you searching for our city, Flux?

Ezatl grabbed a book from the shelf and sat in the chair.

Flux: Well, ever since I was a child I was always fascinated by archeology. It may have been because my father was a history professor at the local university. He would tell me many stories of civilizations from long ago and about how there is still so much that we don't know about them. After his death, I wanted to learn more about those civilizations so I became an archeologist. Most of my early expeditions ended in failure and I lost a lot of my funding, that is until I came across a site with artifacts that I thought were from here.

Ezatl looked up at Flux from his book.

Ezatl: Oh? What types of artifacts did you find?

Flux: A few strange stone slabs. They had inscriptions on them that mentioned an ancient city called Otzohua with sacred treasure and powers. I assumed that powers must have meant some type of technology.

Ezatl laughed causing Flux to look over with a confused look. Ezatl waved his paw at Flux.

Ezatl: My apologies, please continue.

Flux: Anyway, I could not find any mention of this civilization in anything that I read. I was really excited and studied the tablets and tried to find exactly where Otzohua was located. However, even with the artifacts, no one wanted to fund any of my expeditions, that is until I found Mr. Clayton. He contacted me with an offer and I took it. Eight expeditions later, here I am.

Ezatl: What is it that he offered you?

Flux: He wanted ninety percent of any treasure that we found.

This caused Ezatl to laugh even harder.

Ezatl: I see that greed is still alive and well.

Before Flux could think of a way to respond, Atza came back in the room with a robe similar to Ezatl's.

Atza: Here you are, Mr. Flux.

She handed the robe to Flux and waited patiently for him to put it on.

Flux: Thank you, but I may need some privacy.

Disappointed, Atza excused herself and left the room. Flux glanced over at Ezatl, who lifted the book up to his face.

Ezatl: Don't worry, I won't look. It's not like we didn't see you waving it around the room earlier.

Flux blushed as he took off the blanket and started to put on his robe.

Ezatl: By the way, how did you make your way into the caverns? They had been sealed long ago so that no one could get in.

Flux: I, uhh...Well I slipped and fell into a ravine and passed out. I guess that river carried me through those caves. Next thing I remember is waking up here in bed with Atz...

He covered his mouth with his paws and looked at Ezatl.

Ezatl: Don't fret, I was the one who had her lay with you to keep you warm. You were found soaking wet and extremely cold, we were sure you weren't going to make it.

Flux: Oh... haha, right, makes sense. That would explain where my clothes went. So, if you don't mind me asking, how has your civilization survived this long?

Ezatl: That is indeed a long story. Come with me, we can talk about it over a meal.

The two stepped out of the room into a long corridor and started walking.

Ezatl: These are the sleeping quarters of the palace.

Flux: Hold on, palace? You mean we have been in a palace this whole time?

Ezatl: That's right. When we told the queen about finding an outsider in the caverns, she was really interested in meeting with you.

Flux: Shouldn't we head there first instead of going to eat?

Flux's stomach growled and echoed throughout the hallway. Ezatl laughed.

Ezatl: It's fine, the queen is busy with something at the moment.

They reached the end of the corridor and exited out into an impressive great hall. Flux took a good look around. In the center of the hall was a huge wooden table with at least fifty chairs, in half of which sat other blue foxes. Colorful tapestry clung to the stone walls and 3 giant chandeliers hung from the ceiling with the same blue flames as all the torches. At the far end of the hall stood a giant pair of wooden doors that Flux thought would lead out into the city. On the other end was a staircase leading to another set of doors that must lead to the throne room.

Flux: Wow, this really is something else.

Ezatl: It is grand isn't it. Lunch was finished several hours ago, so we will be heading into the kitchen.

They passed through the grand hall and into the kitchen. After crossing the threshold, all the chefs stopped what they were doing and looked at the pair. All of a sudden, a really big fox with a large apron came rushing over to them.

Head Chef: Well if it isn't Ezatl. What can we do for ya? We didn't see ya at lunch and thought maybe somethin happened to ya. Who's your bright orange friend?

Ezatl: Forgive me, I was handling some official business for the queen. I was hoping to secure a plate for me and our guest, Flux.

Head Chef: Well nice to meet ya, Mr. Flux. Dontcha worry, food is comin right up.

In a flash the head chef brought out two plates with what looked like meat and peppers in a type of thick, red sauce.

Head Chef: Here ya are, enjoy.

After realizing how hungry he actually was Flux dug into the mystery dish, which ended up being quite delicious. Waiting for Flux to finish, Ezatl spoke.

Ezatl: So, you wanted to know as to why our people still exist?

Flux: Yeah, I would love to learn all about your city and culture.

Ezatl: Follow me, I shall take you to our archives while we wait for the Queen.

They stood up, thanked the chef, and walked back out into the great hall. Flux was happy to see Atza running up to them.

Atza: Father, the queen requests your immediate assistance.

Ezatl: Seems that the history lesson will have to be put on hold for now. Shall we head to the throne room?

Atza: My apologies, father, but she requested for your presence only. She is not quite ready for Mr. Flux.

Ezatl: Very well. Atza, please take Flux to the archives and tell him about our people. Answer any question that he may have.

Atza: Yes, father.

Ezatl excused himself and headed towards the throne room. While he was watching Ezatl leave, Atza excitedly grabbed onto Flux's paw.

Atza: Come on, Mr. Flux, the archives are this way.

She led Flux to the corridor opposite of the quarters hall which looked identical to each other. As they made their way to the archives, Atza looked back at Flux.

Atza: So, Mr. Flux...

Flux: You can just call me Flux, if you like.

Atza: Okie dokie, Flux. What brings a fox like yourself down here?

Flux: Long story short, I'm an archaeologist. I was searching for this city when I fell down a ravine and ended up here.

Atza: Bit clumsy for an archeologist.

Flux laughed along with Atza.

Flux: Yeah, I guess so. I haven't been the best at it, but it's my passion. I'm just really lucky that I made it here.

Atza: What is it like in the world above?

Flux: Above?

Atza: Yeah, up on the surface. You do know that we are underground right?

Flux: I do now, that would explain the lack of windows. Why is the castle underground?

Atza: Not just the castle, our whole city is underground. I will tell you the whole story when we get to the archives. You still haven't answered my question, by the way.

Flux: The world above... Well, we are a modern society and we rely a lot on our technology. We live in big cities, drive around in cars, and...

Atza: What are cars?

Flux: Oh, they are a piece of machinery that you and other furs sit in and it can carry you very long distances.

Atza: That sounds really awesome.

Flux: They do make life a lot easier. We also have machines that fly through the sky too, that's how I was able to make it this far into the jungle.

Atza: I have never seen the sky before, only depictions of it.

Flux: Are you serious? Well I can show you when I return to the surface.

Atza's tail started wagging and she hugged Flux.

Atza: You really mean that? I would love to see it.

Flux blushed from his surprise hug.

Flux: Sure, I promise.

The two arrived at a door near the end of the corridor and Atza pushed it open revealing a big room with inscriptions and pictures covering the walls. In the center of the room were several large bookcases. Flu stood in awe as he scanned the room, trying to take everything in.

Atza: Here we are, the archives. Now I can show you the history of our people.

She led him to the far corner of the room and started telling Flux about their civilization.

Atza: Just over six thousand years ago, we were a small tribe among many who settled down in these jungles. One day, a rock with blue flames trailing behind fell from the sky and crashed, not far from the village. The elder at the time ordered the rock to be brought back to the village, as he saw it as a gift from the heavens. The rock was the size of a large pumpkin and never once stopped burning. When they finally got it back to the village, the elder had a small shrine built around it and ordered everyone to pray to it. The rock became known as the Heaven's Stone. His daughter thought it was cursed and begged for it's removal from the village, however, her father refused her requests. After a few days, word of the Heaven's Stone got around to the other tribes and a long battle started over the Heaven's Stone.

Flux watched intently as Atza used her paws to guide his eyes along with the pictures on the walls.

Atza: Unable to bear any more bloodshed, the elder's daughter wanted to destroy it. She stole the stone under the cover of darkness and began to smash it with another rock. The stone started to crack and with one final blow, it shattered into pieces causing the flames to burst out and fly into the elder's daughter. When she came to her fur was the same light blue color as the flames were and she felt a strong power within herself.

Flux: So that's why you are all such a unique color.

Atza: That's right. Well, right now you're the one with the unique color.

Flux laughed.

Flux: I guess you got me there.

Atza: Anyway, after hearing that the stone was destroyed, the other tribes stopped their fighting. The elder passed away shortly afterward and his daughter took charge. As time passed, she noticed that she had powers to do things that others could not. With her new-found magic, she helped transform the small village into a powerful city, becoming the first queen of Otzohua.

Flux: How did it all end up underground?

Atza: I'm getting to that, be patient. When she finally decided to settle down and have some heirs, she noticed that her magic was passed down to her kits. Years later a Jaguar named Itzal came to Otzohua from a neighboring village and started to get close with the crown princess. No one knew that Itzal was an assassin sent by his father, the elder of his village. After gaining the royal family's trust he killed the queen and three of her five children in their sleep one night. Just as breaking the stone gave the queen her powers, killing those who had magic transferred their power over to him. Impressed by his new and unexpected powers, he now wanted to rule over all of the tribes, but he first needed to get rid of the remaining brother and sister. What he did not know is that they had a plan to stop him. They had Itzal chase them into a series of caverns underneath the city where they had the royal guard waiting in ambush. Finally catching up to them, he raised his sword to kill the pair, but was run through by the spears of the royal guard. Not wanting to die alone he unleashed all his new-found magic, causing a massive quake that brought the city down to the depths of the earth. In response to this, the two siblings used their magic to form a barrier around a large part of the city as it fell, saving as many lives as possible. After it was all over the two siblings decided to seal Otzohua away to keep it and their powers hidden from the greedy paws of the outside world. Six thousand years later, here we are.

Flux: That is awful. So those born after the city fell go their whole lives without seeing the sun?

Atza: Yup. It's not that bad though. We live peaceful lives away from the dangers of the surface and we have our magic to help us.

Flux: Do you all have magical powers?

Atza: Well, sort of. Most of us have very little power and I'm told that our magic grows weaker with each generation. We can still use our magic to grow food without sunlight and making small fires for our torches is pretty easy too, but the queen said that in another generation or two, we won't even be able to do that.

Flux: Then why don't you just leave to the surface?

Atza: We have been trying to find a way out for quite some time, but we only find dead ends and our magic is not strong enough the dig through the rocks. That's why the queen is so interested in you. You came from the surface, so that means that there is a way out somewhere.

At that moment the door opened and Ezatl stepped into the room.

Ezatl: Did you learn everything that you wanted about our city?

Flux: Yes, Atza was very informative.

Atza smiled at Flux.

Ezatl: I'm happy that she was able to assist. I came to collect you, as the queen would like to see you now.

Flux: Ok. Thank you for teaching me everything, Atza.

Atza: My pleasure, Fluxie.

Skipping to the door, she stopped and kissed Flux on the cheek and left the room with a wink. Flux blushed and rubbed his face as Ezatl gestured him over.

Ezatl: Come now, must not keep the queen waiting.

Flux jogged over to Ezatl and left the archives. While they headed to the throne room, Flux could only focus on the kiss he got from Atza. After a short walk they were back in the great hall and they headed up the wide staircase that led to the throne room. Flux stopped at the top of the stairs, causing Ezatl to look back.

Ezatl: Everything alright, Flux?

Flux: Yeah, it's just I never met royalty before, especially not royalty of an ancient magical civilization.

Ezatl: Do not fear, the queen is kind and just.

Flux: Ok, I guess I'm ready.

Chapter 3: Meeting the Queen

Ezatl opened the massive door and they entered into the throne room. Expecting the queen to be quite old, Flux was pleasantly surprised to see a beautiful vixen around Ezatl's age sitting on the throne. Ezatl bowed, signaling for Flux to do the same.

Ezatl: My queen, this is Flux. He is the one from the surface that we found in the caves.

Queen: Ahh, Flux, it is so nice to finally meet you. Please rise and come closer, I wish to speak with you about something.

Flux looked at Ezatl, who nodded at him. He stood up and walked nervously over to the queen. She laughed.

Queen: Don't be shy my dear, I won't bite. You may go, Ezatl. I wish to talk to Flux in private.

Ezatl: As you wish my queen.

He stood up and left the throne room, shutting the door behind him. Flux gulped and looked back at the queen.

Queen: Ezatl told me everything and I must say that I'm quite surprised you made it here alive. You are quite the lucky fox and easy on the eyes as well.

Embarrassed, Flux looked to the side and scratched his head trying to avoid eye contact.

Flux: Thank you, uhh... Your Majesty.

Queen: No, please call me Mezia. I hate formalities, but Ezatl insists on them.

Flux: Umm...ok, Mezia. What did you want to talk with me about?

Mezia stood up and started to walk around the room.

Mezia: I'm sure Atza has already told you, but our magic is slowly dwindling and my people won't survive after another fifty more years. Since the age of my grandmother we have been trying to find a way out, but when they sealed this city thousands of years ago, they made sure no one would get in or out. Since finding a way out was no longer an option, I had my researchers experiment on ways to increase our magic in order to keep living how we are.

Flux: Were they able to come up with anything?

Mezia looked at Flux and grinned, making him feel a bit uneasy. She continued pacing around the room.

Mezia: As a matter of fact, they did. We tried transferring magic from one fox to another, but they concluded that since we are born with a set amount of magic, we cannot get anymore. The amount of magic one can have is based on how much magic their mother had, this is why the main branch of the royal family has the most magic. Soon even our magic won't be enough. That's where you come in, Flux.

This made Flux's uneasy feeling grow even more as she walked towards him.

Mezia: Not being exposed to our magic, you may be able save my people.

Flux: H...How would I be able to do that?

Mezia started rubbing his shoulders, causing Flux to jump a bit.

Mezia: I will have to do a little experiment first.

She whispered something into Flux's ear and all of a sudden, he couldn't move his body.

Mezia: Come with me and we shall get started.

As if he were her puppet, his legs started moving on their own and they walked back to a room behind the throne. In the center of the room was a giant bed, well suited for royalty.

Mezia: Now, be a good boy and lay down, don't forget to take off that cumbersome robe while you're at it.

Trying his hardest to resist, Flux got onto the bed and removed his robe. Mezia grabbed a bottle of a purple colored liquid and poured it into two crystal chalices. Seeing the frightened look on Flux's face she rubbed his belly.

Mezia: Relax, I'm not going to hurt you, quite the opposite in fact. Here, drink up.

Flux's paw reached up, grabbed the cup and he drank its contents. The flavor made him cough a bit. Mezia finished her drink, took his cup, and placed them both on the table next to the bed. Mezia continued rubbing Flux's belly and slowly moved further and further down until she was met by his cock peeking out if its sheath. She grabbed a hold of it and slowly started to stroke as it grew in her grip. Flux let out a moan.

Mezia: See? I told you I wasn't going to hurt you. If you promise to be a good boy, I will let you move again. It's no fun forcing you.

She went up to Flux's ear and whispered the same phrase as before, allowing him to regain control of his body. As she started to move back down, he grabbed her by the ears and passionately started to kiss her. After making out for a few minutes Mezia broke the kiss.

Mezia: Looks like you are going to be good for me. I guess I should give you a reward.

Mezia slowly moved her muzzle down his neck and across his chest. When she got to his belly, Flux let out a moan as she grabbed ahold of his throbbing member once more and started to slowly lick it up and down. Several minutes of licking past when all of a sudden Flux grabbed her ears again and shoved his whole length into her muzzle. She continued for a bit until she noticed him getting close to finishing. Not wanting it to be over to soon, she took him out of her mouth and gave him one last lick. Flux glanced down at her with a disappointed look on his face.

Mezia: Don't give me that look, I'm not done with you yet.

She looked at him and smiled.

Mezia: I'll bet you're wondering what it was that I had you drink.

Flux: I am a bit curious, it tasted horrible. Was it some kind of aphrodisiac?

Mezia: You could call it that, but this has a different purpose. Take a look.

She pointed at Flux. Confused he looked down and noticed that his orange fur now had a slight blue tint to it.

Mezia: It's a special potion I developed that I infused with magic.

Flux: So... Does that mean that I have magic now? And why give it to me?

Mezia: Like I told you before, being an outsider, you may be the only one that can save my people from extinction. The potion was designed to make you able to produce offspring with the same level of magic as in the old days.

Flux: Umm... Ok... You're wanting me to breed with the females of your tribe? What if I don't want to?

However, Flux started to get really excited at the thought of being able to breed with Atza.

Mezia: Something like that and I'm not going to force you, but you do remember that there is no way back to the surface with our level of magic, right?

He knew that what Mezia said was true and he did enjoy the idea of being able to sleep with all the females he could ever want.

Flux: I guess you're right, but I would like some time to think it over if I could.

Mezia: I'm fine with that, however you forget that I'm still not done with you just yet.

At that, Mezia got on top of Flux and started kissing him while rubbing her pussy on his still hard cock. She reached down and slowly slid Flux's member into herself gasping from its size and the pleasure. Flux ran his claws up and down the fur on her back when she started to move up and down on him. The room filled with sounds of pleasure which spilled out and echoed in the throne room. The two were so entranced with each other that they didn't hear the door to the throne room open.

Hearing the noises coming from the queen's quarters, Atza peeked around the doorway to see Mezia passionately riding on top of Flux. Embarrassed and wanting to look away, she found herself unable to shift her gaze from the two mating foxes. After a few minutes of watching them, Atza started to get really hot and without a second thought her fingers slowly made their way into her wet pussy. She imagined having Flux's thick cock inside her as she pleasured herself.

Knowing that he could not hold out any longer, Flux pushed Mezia down onto his knot causing her to climax as she felt his warm seed filling her to the brim. Meanwhile Atza was busy still shamelessly pleasuring herself to the thought of being tied with Flux. After their breathing settled down Flux and Mezia started to hear the noises that Atza was making in the throne room. They looked towards the door just in time to see Atza peek her head around for one last look. Time seemed to freeze as Atza met their gazes. Her face became the reddest that it had ever been before. Mezia finally broke the silence.

Mezia: Did you enjoy the view, my dear?

Embarrassed beyond belief Atza stood up.

Atza: I... I'm so sorry your majesty, please forgive me.

Before Mezia could say anything, Atza ran out of the throne room. She turned to Flux who was just as red as Atza.

Mezia: I think she likes you. You should probably go and talk with her.

Flux looked down and laughed.

Flux: That may have to wait a little longer.

While waiting for Flux's knot to shrink back down, Mezia rubbed his belly. After a few minutes of relaxing, Flux spoke up.

Flux: So, besides forcing outsiders to have sex with you, what else do you do down here? It seems like things would get really boring.

Mezia: Well, I can say that you coming here has been the most exciting thing that has happened to this city in my lifetime. My main task has been leading the research to keep my tribe alive, but now that you're here, we no longer need to worry.

Flux: About that, so I'm guessing that my job now is to repopulate this city with foxes who have a higher level of magic?

Mezia: That's right.

Finally, being able to separate from each other, Mezia stood and walked over to get a fresh pair of clothes as Flux started to put his robe back on.

Flux: How am I supposed to go about doing that? Are you going to have the females of the village line up outside my room or something like that?

Mezia: Don't be silly. Remember, the amount of magic in our kits depends on the amount of magic in the mother.

Flux: Then what role do I play in your plan?

Mezia: No need to worry about that right now. You should probably go and check on your admirer.

The two walked into the throne room.

Flux: But I...

Mezia: Sorry, there is something I need to do. I'm sure Ezatl is out in the great hall, so if you need anything, just let him know. Feel free to roam around the city, it is your home now after all.

With that Mezia left through a door to the right of the throne.

Flux: Well, I guess I should go and find Atza.

To be continued

Hope you liked it so far, Come back next week for more of Flux's Adventures with:

Chapter 4: The Blue Vixen, Atza
