A New Purpose Part 6

Story by Walnut45 on SoFurry

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#6 of A New Purpose

A family changes to meet the new world forced upon them by powers beyond understanding. This is their story.




Thank you all so very much for the comments/favorites/watches that you have so graciously given. As always, new comments and reviews are welcome with open arms!

As we sat there and tried to process what was happening. Brian and Serena had gradually overcame their initial hysteria and were talking rapidly to each other. Luke and Lucy were still whimpering beneath Kim's raised wing as she craned her head back to nudge them. Allie was off to the side talking to Irma who uttered an infrequent and terse word, mostly relying on bobs and swings of her head to mean yes and no respectively.

Kim stood next to me and began to reenter the barn coaxing our twins along with her by keeping them embraced. As she walked away her tail wrapped around my arm and brought me to my paws to follow her.

Once inside I moved past her and swept the scattered pillows and blankets into a rough shape once again allowing my wife to lead her charges over to lie down. As they settled Kim drew close about them once more. I followed and wrapped myself around their other unprotected side. Wearily I closed my eyes as the last thing I saw that day was my mate pillowing her head atop mine.

I cracked my eyes open the next morning. For some reason I felt heavy and could not figure out why. Lazily I stretched my legs and tail...

I exploded from the ground dumping some long black... thing to the deck with a startled yelp as I began shrieking a noise like none I'd ever heard before. This aroused another thing next to me which had my twins lying against its side looking confused.

"Get away! Get away!" I shouted at them. "Get away from it!"

Or at least I thought I had, but the only sound I heard was a lilting pattern of sounds that were nothing like the English that they should have been. I began to back away when the lurid green and red eyes of the two black things trained on me. A series of musical notes emitted from both of them which I could not understand.

Looking behind me for an exit I noticed not a shoulder like I'd have expected. But the length of another black thing some ten feet long. I reached up with a hand to touch it and saw with my own doubled back head a foreleg unsteadily lift from the ground.

It was me, I... was one of the... children of the egg... as...

My rump hit the ground as the past two days slowly revealed themselves to me once again. My heart rate and breathing decelerating to normal levels as I came back to myself.

Damn I hate mornings, I thought. At least one thing hadn't changed.

Are you okay? What happened? The anxious cacophony of Irma and Kim's questions made sense to me now as they drew close to sniff me over.

Sheepishly I scuffed a paw at the ground and murmured to them: It's not my fault I wake up with no idea what's going on in a new body and different surroundings.

Kim just pointed a wing finger at me and started laughing raucously. Irma at least had the sense to give me a soothing rub of the tail, before snickering herself.

Affronted, I turned about to stalk out into the early morning light and sat back to flare my wings widely to welcome the rising sun. Soon enough I was joined by the other two with Kim embracing me with her tail as we basked in the gathering light of day making our scales take on a pleasant warmth. Luke and Lucy came out and I was dismayed to notice that they had removed most of their protection except for the suits themselves.

I pushed them back away from us with my wing, swinging my head back and forth I warned them away. I turned my head away as they reluctantly retreated inside my hooked tail grabbed the door latch and shut it.

Once relieved of their presence I tried to relax. Even though it hurt me to do so they couldn't be allowed to get near us unprotected until we could prove there was no danger of them changing as well.

"Well you can rest easy". Alex told me later after we had used the "bathroom" and met him behind the house.

"I don't know all the details. But apparently the military tried to infect some soldiers. As a misguided X-Men project or some such shit. Anyway, none of them took. At this point I don't think Irma infected you two. I think you were headed this way regardless." He waved a hand at our longer serpentine bodies as we lay before him. "Maybe the changing skin started at the wounds due to the stress of the damage."

"Tthheesseee rrrr cchhllddnnn. Yyyuuu sssuurrr?"

He shrugged. "As sure as I know that by all rights Luke and Lucy should look just like you if it was contagious. I can't think of a surer way to infect someone than to spray bloody phlegm right into their mucus membranes. By the way, your speaking is getting better."

"Weee tthhnk tthhee mmoorr wwee uusse iit tthe bettrr weee geeet." Kim remarked.

"Well... I'm still going to err on the side of caution, one more day before you interact unimpeded by the suits."

"Yyyoouurr nnnot waarriing wwuun."

"Ha, no, no I'm not. I'm willing to take the risk. Besides." He leaned closer so no one in the house could overhear. "Isn't it everyone's dream to be able to fly?" He winked.

Sitting back he continued: "I'm being recalled, and I am going to warn you that I spent a long time talking with people on the phone after you went to sleep. As I'd imagine you're aware yesterday's events are not going to be without their repercussions. I've been told to inform you that a small team will be coming to... Well I shouldn't say interrogate but, they are coming here to interrogate."

Kim hissed and mantled her wings getting to her paws. Her angry tirade consisting of sharp spitting noises, wavering growls, and fang baring snarls continued for several minutes as Alex just sat calmly still sipping at his coffee. At least until the furiously pacing Kim's tail crashed into his arm spilling it everywhere. He looked morosely into the empty cup.

It was my favorite mug, the bastard. I snatched it out of his hand and put a paw on it possessively. He just stared at me completely mystified.

"C'mon Kim, don't you think I tried to argue for you?" He asked, as Kim spat one final time into the grass and turned her luminescent eyes upon him.

"It was all I could do to keep them from coming here with some military, tranquilizing all of you, and locking you in some maximum security...zoo. You must realize the United States is at Defcon One. If the radioactive nerds weren't so excited about all deliverable nukes being removed from our hands to take down their doomsday clock I'm sure it would be about 15 minutes past midnight."

"Whhoo isss oon teem?"

"Eight FBI agents, two psychologists, and..." He shifted unhappily, my stomach plummeted. "A National Guard Special Forces A-Team. You two are considered... somewhat higher risk so you get the VIP treatment."

"My fangs to their throats!" Kim roared angrily, surprising me with her perfect articulation and how quickly she had adopted her new anatomy into her speech. Not so much the death threat.

I heard gasps from the house, from the corner of my eye I saw the stricken faces of Serena and Brian retreat from where they had been watching from the window.

"Hey! Where is Irma?" Alex suddenly asked.

I shrugged my wings. "Aaaskd if wee wer huungriii. Went tooo woods." I flicked my nose off to the North towards Sandpoint.

"You don't mean..."

I licked my jaws expectantly.

He clapped a hand to his face and slowly drug it down. "If they find you covered in blood with entrails dangling from your mouths... That...That's not going to help your case."

A triumphant call from the tree line heralded Irma's approach as she pranced out into our yard with a smug bearing and a doe pinned between her wings. It had a noticeably broken spine, almost like something large and heavy jumped from a tree and landed on it... I can't imagine what that something was. I got up to stand next to Kim. As we waited, I absently used my tail to set my mug on the table behind me.

She stopped in front of us and used her muscular tail to lift the carcass from her back to lay before us and then chirped rapidly at us inviting us to dig in. Bracing one paw against the body of the deer she clamped her jaws on a rear leg and with a grisly tearing noise ripped it off. As she tore strips of flesh off and flung her head back I approached for my own limb. This left the choice meat for my expecting wife. She tucked into the rump of the deer.

Methodically stripping my leg of meat I watched the King and Queen Nerd come boiling out of the house as we feasted. Energetically zipping from one of us to the next, mindful of the carnage, they shot a never ending sequence of pictures and took a variety of notes.

Once the blood and fur had ceased to fly all three of us lay on our sides with distended stomachs and beatific expressions on our faces as we lazily dozed after our repast. Meanwhile Serena and Brian continued to orbit us, chattering away like a couple of jays....

....A jet of water crashed into my face followed by the obnoxious braying laughter of my brother as I jumped to my feet and shielded myself with a wing.

"III sssleeepiing!" I roared at him straight in the face blowing his hair back.

He just snickered and rubbed his ear saying "Damn you're lungs have grown strong." I shielded myself once more as he sprayed again, as I lowered my wing to see him turn the hose towards Kim. Oh no, I thought. He squeezed the trigger and then immediately took off running as she screeched to wakefulness. Disappearing around the house just as her eyes opened she spun in circles shrilling her displeasure and ripping up flying clods of grass and soil.

"Whoo seeksss death!!" She snarled, head low, pupils narrow slits, teeth bared, and wings mantled.

Irma's laughter reached us then as she stood to the side with a smiling Luke and Lucy riding upon her back with Brian, Serena, and Allie peeking from behind a sheltering wing.

Serena stepped forward, warily watching Kim, as she tossed her head to shed water and her anger. "You two have been asleep for six hours. All of you have been growing almost this whole time. Especially you Kim, you've grown one point six meters longer and point four meters taller!"

I glanced again at Irma and saw that her shoulders where at the height of Brian's chest, with her head well above his own she looked down at the scientists with amusement. I twisted about to look at Kim as she drew herself to her full height to look down on everyone else as well. She was another head taller than Irma, I think I was at her height as well.

Brian stepped forward "You three are truly becoming enormous! Kim can you and Irma stand side by side for a moment? We want to compare something."

She shrugged after ceasing her grumbling and the whipping motions of her searching head, and moved until she was standing next to Irma. She was even more than a head taller than her as we could see now. Towering over all but me.

Brian ducked underneath Kim while Serena was beneath Irma. Each of them at roughly the same time made a pleased sound as shivers travelled their length making their wings open and tails snap as they widened their rear legs while their eyes lidded heavily.

When their scent reached me I realized what was happening and I was far from amused.

I snarled, and reached below Kim to yank Brian away with my tail and held him upside down before me as my muzzle creased baring my fangs.

"Wait! We were just confirming if Kim was showing her state yet or not!"

I loosened my coil and he dropped to the ground. "Aaannd?" I snapped at him.

"Her abdomen is more pronounced than Irma's. You can feel the eggs, they seem to be larger, just as Kim is herself."

"Dooon't tuuch my wife agaaan. Ooor I wiilll biteee off theee hand yuu doo it with."

He paled severely. "O... of... course."

"Aaaand yuuu" I said whipping my head towards Serena to find Irma nudging at her with the same unfocused look in her eyes with a very confused Luke and Lucy on her back.

Irma, go get laid. Kim admonished her. And Tom, you green eyed monster. They didn't do anything more than pat down our bellies. Just getting a feel for my eggs. Irma and I seem to have quite a few more nerve endings in that area.

Nerves? I grumbled, but backed away from looming menacingly over Brian.

Irma's eyes gained focus as she cowered away from everyone, and then hid her head beneath her wing at the twin's next question.

"Why is Irma humming?"

Alex reluctantly returned to see if Kim was over being hosed yet. She noticed him and snaked her tail around his leg and then dragged him back and forth behind her.

"Rrr uuu awakeee yet? Are uuu awakeee yet?" She continued to ask him.

"Kim! Kim!" He said, laughing as he was rolled around in the grass. "I was trying to spray the blood off you. My transportation is almost here and the 'team' will be on it!"

She dropped him on his shoulder. "Oooh. Welll, thennn don't stop nowww. Neerds! Beee uussseful, get towelsss."

Somehow finding towels left over from all the earlier endeavors they brought them out to wipe our chests, necks, and jaws.

Getting bold for once Serena began bowing and scraping in front of Kim "Yes'm yes'm do you need anything else? Stop treating us like servants and calling us nerds! My name is Serena Willow and his is Brian Cyan!"

Kim snorted, and with an impressed grin she laughed. "Okaa, yuurr alrite. I guesss Ii don't mind yuu arroouund." Her wing flared out to envelope the irate but surprised scientist as it drew her close in a companionable way.

Brian was left gaping, while I bobbed my head in approval. She had hit on the only way she was going to get respect from Kim. I don't know what Brian was going to do though... Hide behind Serena, I guess.

Kim released her hug of Serena as we heard the beat of rotors in the distance. Well, I thought; it had been half a day since we'd fallen asleep after our meal.

Giving some idea of the audience we could expect, as we craned our heads towards the sound of the approaching helicopters, Kim and I shared a concerned warble. There were two Apaches escorting an Osprey with a Blackhawk trailing in the distance.

Irma crouched low and bent backwards to ask the twins to get off her, she then approached and stood next to us to share in our fixed gaze upon the approaching force.

I was startled to notice, that with an unspoken message between them, Serena, Brian, Allie, and Alex moved to stand in between us and the expected landing area with their arms linked. Appreciating the hint I murmured my own suggestion to Kim and Irma and we laid down, pulling our wings and tail close, with our head brought low. Trying to look as unassuming as possible for creatures that were as alarming as what we looked like now.

Soon enough, the noise rose to deafening levels as the helicopters came in to sight. The attack helicopters flanked us to each side, Kim gave a chirp and motioned with a wing. The nose turrets were online and tracking us, I could see the movements of the cannons as the gunners looked from each of us to the next.

The Osprey spun around rapidly as it transitioned to land with its lowered ramp, I just managed to glimpse some movement before the dust kicked up by the rotor wash made me lid my eyes. After a scant few seconds I heard the sound of a much smaller engine and the pounding of several boots on metal and then dirt as the advance team approached.

With a roar, the Osprey launched aloft and then hovered at one hundred meters keeping the ramp, and ramp gunner, pointed in our direction. As the dirt settled I saw nine people in a wedge centered about an MRZR with a Mk. 47 mounted on its structure.

They rose from their sheltered positions and then walked forward as the large ATV kept pace within their formation. The leader raised his fist, halting the rest about ten meters from us. There was only one thing that kept me, and Kim, from flying in to a blind rage over the bold faced display of force that this was. That being that every weapon we could see was green, and pointed either sky or earthward.

After a moment, the leader, at the point of the wedge, walked forward. He looked over all of us, human and not, and then looked down at something he held. He looked up and then down, and then again, before audibly remarking "fuck it" and crumbling the now apparent set of pictures and tossing it over his shoulder where the rotor wash quickly disposed of it.

He began to point: "You are Alex, Allison, Brian, Serena, Luke, and Lucy. Please, clear the area."

Before the rest of them could hem and haw with contrived heroics I stretched my head forward, and then effortlessly brushed them all to the side. Alex and Allie hustled them the rest of the way into the barn and then watched worriedly.

Kim stepped forward. The leader eyed her silver inked shoulders and forelegs, then stepped forward as well.

"Kim" He nodded.

"Uleee" She bobbed.

Abruptly they rushed towards each other, one running, the other galloping, both laughing in their own ways, before Kim halted and lowered her head so that Ulysses could embrace her. Patting her neck with relief he made a single motion with his spare hand and all the remaining tension bled from the air as the others secured their weapons and the XO gave the all clear into his mike.

In front of us the newly arrived Blackhawk set down, discharging the ten FBI agents. They immediately set up an unceasing alarum upon seeing us all together. We stared at them, unimpressed by their yelling at us that we should be under isolated restraint. Switching gears they began yelling urgently at the ODA to separate and contain us. This was more the reaction I had anticipated. Kim wasn't having it though.

"Fuck Youuu." Was snarled at them while she took a step with head low, and tail doing its best to crater the ground behind her.

This caused them to stop their reprimands as they all gawked at her. With the field agents moving to un-holster their weapons. I suppose it is one thing to read about, quite another to witness.

"Now Kim" Ulysses approached her and put a hand on her flank; "You know why we are here. Don't make this difficult."

"I... don't...care! She roared in fury before raising her head to stare menacingly down her snout at the Major. He didn't move a muscle instead evenly returning her gaze. After a moment she relaxed while exhaling in a loud huff. Groaning again she sat down on her rear and then hung her head low with eyes shut to do her breathing exercise. Her deep inhalations through flaring nostrils making her swell visibly before being held and then released to a cadence only she knew. Most of us waited respectfully, however some of the FidgetBI earned a sharp glare from me and Irma when they went to speak.

A few minutes later her eyes lazily opened once more, the vitriolic gleam having subsided for now. "Youuu want tooo beee in control. Iiii, weee will not let youuu separate ussss. Keep ussss under guard in the barn if youuu must, tooo ask your questionsss."

To show our agreement Irma and I sat on both sides of Kim and resolutely awaited their answer. It would take all of these people together just to move one of us. We weren't going anywhere we did not want to.

A senior guy in the back just told the three nearest him to start setting up in front of the barn. They quickly said yes sir, and began their collecting. I wonder who he is, before realizing he must be a section head. Interesting...

Irma poked my flank, snapping back to reality. My nearest eye turned to glance at her. She whispered to me; "Stop staring at him like heee isss prey, you'll makeee them even jumpier than they already areee. What isss the problem?"

That one in the back, he is some kind of VIP. I think they are here to gain something from us. The question is what.

I agree, I think they want to see if we are stable and trustworthy enough to work for them to some end. They can't think they we are responsible for what has happened. Likely enough they also already know that we did not make this change willingly. I liked being a fleshy biped just fine. Plus I never got to show my fiancé... Fuck! I forgot about my Jessie! Oh no... Jessie... Jessie!

She raised her head and cried her sorrow, then sank to the ground and inconsolably laid her head on her paws with tears running from her eyes, while Kim tried to comfort her by laying her head on her own. She glared at me.

I felt bad for her, I really did. But, fuck Jessie. I never liked that creep seeing my daughter anyway. She deserves better. The image of them being together now made me grin at thoughts of his smashed carcass. Turning my head back to see the senior agent watching us communicate with a razor sharp focus.

"And no more of that either. As long as you are in our presence, use English. I know that you can manage it well enough by now. If you want to earn our trust, keep your conversations in a format that we can interpret. What did you say to her, to make her start crying?"

"Iii said nothing, she hass just remembered her fiancée and herr possible losss, section head."

"Oh? What gave me away?"

"You stand out, the only onee hereee with silver hair who hasss the other agentsss tripping over themselvesss tooo dooo whatever you happen tooo mention. We were just discussing what we think you want from usss."

"I suppose you could say, what 'we' want is to find out the reasons for why this happened. Some intelligence went out of their way to give us a warning instead of just wiping us all out. Which would have no doubt been much easier. Instead we find ourselves spared, and fifty thousand Americans, millions across the globe changed. For what? And what do we do with you now? The situation is dangerous. Already there have been several battles between the changed and those afraid of change. Scores have been killed, and the confronted changed have disappeared into the wilds."

"We are here to find out just what unseen changes you may have gone through. We need to find out if you are still..." He opened a thick folder he was holding. "Master Sergeant Tom Schwarzkopf." He looked up; "are you him? We can't tell sex and you all sound the same now, all dimorphism gone. Major Kim McConnor over there is easy to spot with her tattoos still being visible."

I bobbed my head to identify myself.

"Make no mistake, the impression that you make upon us will have great bearing on policy decisions in the days, weeks, and years that follow. Yesterday we saw the entire world order get overturned by some being with technology and abilities far beyond our imaginations. You are meant to advise us, is what we were told. It is time to find out just what is meant by that. That you are no longer human is without doubt. The question has become, are you on our side?"

Kim, listening in, raised her head and with a violent motion, spat on the ground off to her side before glaring at the agent with her lip raised showing two or three inches of teeth. Her fins were standing on end and shivering with suppressed energy.

"Well, as much as can be expected. I'm well aware of your interactions with the Department of Defense Kim. The Pentagon doesn't have much interest in meeting with you either. Although I think it is more out of fear at this point than the embarrassment that it should be."

"Those fucking blue falconsss, if I grow large enough Iii will raze the puzzle palace. There isss nothing left in that building but rats and the stench of decay."

He sighed; "Well, at least we know that you haven't changed too much. Our two psychologists will just have to be careful not provoke you. I will speak with them, before they interview you." He wandered away to oversee the rest of the preparations. These having gone on unhindered.

I saw that both the Blackhawk and the landed Osprey had both unloaded. The Apaches having long since left, I'm guessing back to whatever airfield they were staging out of with the Osprey launching on its way as well. Between the new equipment and that which Alex had brought it was apparent that they were planning on being here for at least a few days. All around us there were multiple light towers being erected. An array of cameras and microphones were pointed at a location just in front of the newly set up tables and chairs right in front of the barn.

From the barn two members of the security team emerged with one showing Major Ulysses the Glock that had been left inside. He nodded and the soldier cleared it and shoved it into his pack.

"Mineee!" I protested.

He looked surprised; "Yeah? What good is it for you now? These knives you have for fingers look just fine as weapons to me. What do you want me to do with it? Give it to your 10 year old kids?"

"Give it to Allie." Kim spoke up. "You said there wereee clashesss right? Give her defenseee when she leavesss."

The long tabber turned around to look at her when Kim pointed towards her peeking out through the door. "Oh, you. We were warned about you as well, Warrant Officer Allison Brown." He popped the magazine and ejected the chambered round before stripping the slide and handing her the remains. "You'll get the rest when you leave."

"Yeah about that." Ulysses stepped towards her. "As a foreign national your presence greatly complicates things. Something that I'm sure the FBI will harp on to no end when they debrief you. But I understand that you were a somebody in the Australian Special Operations. The sooner you are gone, the less we have to worry about you. Once your interview is concluded you will be escorted back to your residence by local law enforcement and will remain under observation."

"Hey!" She protested. "Listen champ, I was invited to come out here to provide medical care for a patient of mine! What the fuck do you want me to do? Forget the nothing that I know? You fucking mongrels. Let me get back to my practice if you won't let me attend to my patient."

"Complain to your embassy. Our concern is less what you've seen, because holy fuck, it is happening worldwide. Instead the concern is more what these two and Alex Schwarzkopf might have said to you. But in the meantime I suggest you tell no one of your involvement out here. You have been isolated, so you don't know yet. But the situation beyond this cozy little bubble of sanity is rapidly deteriorating. The FBI over there are already monitoring announcements put forth by local militias stating they view the transformed as dangerous alien elements that must not be allowed to dictate humanity's future. Their words, not mine. The POTUS is about to declare martial law."

The returning Section Head put in his two cents once again; "All true, as you may have guessed by now after that current events briefing." He motioned at me, Kim, and Irma. "These soldiers are not here merely to protect us. But yourselves as well. We've monitored communications summoning all members of a group known as The Northern Idaho Free Fighters to their headquarters. Their numbers are pegged at about 70. They don't have what I'd call an enlightened outlook on anything strange and or different."

Continuing, he added; "Allison Brown, as soon as you are debriefed you will be given police escort back to your home and will remain under their protection for the next week. Alex Schwarzkopf, you have been ordered, as you know, to return. Your transport, the Osprey, leaves once you, Brian, and Serena are debriefed and it returns from refueling. Dr. Cyan and Dr. Willow will be accompanying you at least until they return to their own destination. If you have any samples to gather or evidence to collect now would be the time. Brian and Serena, you are not allowed any biological samples at this point."

He raised his hand to head off their protests; "However, you may collect any other data to include pictures for further examination. My suggestion to you both is, go back, and while waiting for this situation to defuse, seek permission to return to perform a long term study."

I rose up after he ended his suggestions slash orders. "Alex" I beckoned to him with a toss of my head. Approaching me I asked him for a favor; "Will yuuu take Luke and Lucy with youuu? Iii don't want them anywhere near usss if things go sidewaysss."

As I said this I watched what was now the apparent setting up of a perimeter whose focus was outwards, not inwards. The MRZR took up position on the side of the house facing down the driveway. That dirt road being the only access for anything larger than an ATV. The grenade launcher was loaded as I watched. I also noticed the crew of the Blackhawk busily installing an M134 into the door position.

Ulysses spoke once again to ask us a question; "We would like to use your house as a barracks and staging area. Do you have any objections?"

Kim waved her head in negation. "As if you had to ask, Ulee. But only youuu and your team, and not in our bedroom!" She twisted about to look at the blue jackets. "Youuu Fedsss can sleep in your tent, the barn, sixxx feet in the ground. I don't care, just not in our house."

"Hey our feed is up!" Shouted one of the agents.

"You might want to watch this." Suggested Uly. "POTUS is addressing the country." All but four quickly gathered around, leaving a patrolling pair of soldiers, and my rather oblivious twins to wander off to play with the dogs.

My fellow Americans. Before I begin I wish to convey to you, the urgent plea to remain calm. I am sure there are many things of which you are aware, and there may be many that you aren't. Now is not the time for rash action. First, we now know, that beyond a shadow of a doubt, that there are other, much more advanced, Non-Terrestrial Intelligences. Second, for reasons we still do not understand, they have deigned to intrude upon our affairs and force a new reality on us without invitation and concern for those affected. Third, and perhaps most importantly. That fifty thousand individuals have been subject to the brutal mutilation of their forms.

_ I will emphasize that again. Fifty thousand American citizens, cruelly remade._

_ But, and this I cannot emphasize enough. We must remember, that though these poor lost souls have changed into something new. They remain, the same loved ones you had known before their horrific alterations. I will say again, these transfigured acquaintances are still your loved ones. They are still your sons, your daughters, your mothers, your fathers, your brothers, your sisters, and your friends. Help them in their time of unprecedented need._

_ Also be aware, that I have been in constant contact with the U.N. Security Council, the European Council, the Russian President, and the Chinese Premier with regards to the collective destruction of all nuclear deterrents. We have worked tirelessly to bring our Armed Forces back from the brink of war. Each of this world's great leaders, I included, have come to realize the magnitude of the warning given us. My American brothers and sisters although rebuked we may have been, we must not let that cow us into defeat. No! This is an opportunity we must seize! In the time to come you must keep your heads held high, and embrace these new chances at a more united world._

_ This information that I relay to you, from extensive on the ground reporting, is meant to solidify your knowledge of the past few day's events. If an emergency situation arises with regards to the turned please notify your local authorities immediately and also contact the national crisis line on your screens._

_ Now, in parting, I will urge you to return your focus towards your loved ones. Help and support each other no matter what appearance you or they take. I understand that my message is short on details, this is instead meant to be a plea for calm. As those who are experts in their respective fields gain a greater understanding of nature of these events, we... I will ensure that that information is disseminated to the fullest extent possible. _

_ Whether with skin or scale._

_ We are united._

_ God bless you all._