
Story by Redregon on SoFurry

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When you know you shouldn't, but you have a need that only they can sate.

NOTE: I'm going to be putting this through a few more edit-passes so that I can tidy it up. Reading it after posting and I can't help but feel that there are some spots that need some major work to cut down on the melodrama. I am new to this whole writing-thing so there's a lot I have to learn... But if you want to add some constructive criticism to show me spots that I need to work on, I will be grateful (though please don't be a d-bag about it.)

"Hey there!" the elder dragon said with a grin. "Glad you came."

I blushed. Mostly because it was something that just tended to happen when I was flustered. "I was told to come here for some additional training."

"Excellent. Well, now you're here, what is it they told you to train for?"

"Fire-breathing." I responded.

He chuckled. "Of course it is." He started to move his way toward me, his large feet tromping on the grass of the small field that served as a make-shift training field. "First things first, what was it that your teacher said you needed to learn while out here?"

He was getting closer with every step and I couldn't help but take in every inch of his bulk. He wasn't on all fours as many dragons stood, he was upright... which only made him more intimidating to my much smaller frame. He was certainly older than I was, but what showed his age the most were in the scales that ran along his jaw-line. They gave him the appearance of a beard, of sorts, and the way they had lost their colour, much like the two horns on the top of his head, gave him a wizened appearance.

"Speak up. What is it your teacher said?"

"All he said was that I needed to improve." I said while trying to shrink into myself.

He smiled, shifting the stalk of grass he held between his lips on one side to the other. He was looking at me with an almost expectant gaze and I was at a loss as to what it was he thought I was to tell him.

When he decided to come closer, closing the distance between the two of us, I felt my innards start to burble and twitch. He had captured my attention in the very first year of university. Well, technically it was considered an academy, but it was a fairly typical school for dragons who wanted to obtain a higher-education.

The blue on his skin and the light purple scutes that lined his chest and belly were all I could see at that moment. Every twitch as he stepped made his chest-plates shift along on his body, and his loincloth tilted on his hips with every motion of his well defined muscles. The image filled my mind and pushed out every other thought and replaced them with a reminder of what I had chided myself for feeling.

But, then I asked if it was possible to not be be attracted to him. Even before I knew I was attracted to other males, I would catch myself staring at the warriors that the rest of dragon society hailed as heroes, and he was one such dragon. When the great sundering threatened to destroy our entire realm, they were the ones that stood strong to defend our homeland, and all who lived there. They were the warriors, mages, sages, and healers that kept our world from crumbling underneath the onslaught of the evil one. And as such, everywhere we looked there were depictions of their heroism, their power, their kindness, even their tenderness.

He brought his head down to my level. "Well, what have you learned about breathing fire?"

"It is one of our primary forms of defense, and offense."

"Those are your teacher's words." He sniffed, briefly taking in my scent. "But what did you learn?"

"Umm..." Shit, my mind was blanking. I had a hard time finding the right words. My imagination was running rampant with with carnal fantasies of the two of us.

"I'm waiting." His voice was calm, but powerful. The deep and husky tone of it washed over me, carrying his potent breath with it. It wasn't the most appealing smell, but I've experienced worse.

"That... maybe I don't have it in me to breathe fire like a warrior ought to." I sighed and my shoulders sank when I said it.

"Thought as much." He smiled, then stood up. "Don't be so hard on yourself. I've seen you practice. I know you can produce a flame."

"Not much. And I can't, for the life of me, direct it very well." I was starting to feel like this was becoming an interrogation. But he dropped the inquisition and turned around, bending down to all fours, preparing to engage in one of the skills he had that earned him the adulation he tried his best to shrug off as nothing.

"Let me show you." He said from over his shoulder. "Come closer so you can see."

I walked up to his side and stood next to him as directed, only an arm's length away.

"The first thing you gotta do is focus and find the source of your magic." He then inhaled, taking a great breath, and then after holding it for a second, exhaled a massive jet of bright orange fire. The flames shot forward like a rocket and bathed the wooden dummy set up across the field in his brilliant inferno. Then the flames eventually faded, vanishing into the air.

When he saw how he was able to reduce the target to a smoldering, blackened shadow of its former self, he grinned wide, showing off his teeth.

"See!? Like that!" He turned to look me square in the eyes. His emerald irises pulsed wider from the exhilaration of showing off his warrior's prowess. But when he realized he was staring right into my eyes, he caught himself and darted his eyes away. "Uhh, now you try."

I stepped forward to stand side-by-side, planting all four legs firmly underneath me. Looking at where I was to shoot, I settled on one of the other dummies, set up nearly identical to the rest.

I inhaled, trying to focus on the energy within me. Then, I willed the energy to fill my lungs, trying to fill the air with the magic that would ignite it.

Then I exhaled.

Not much came out other than air and a few stray licks of flame that meandered in random directions followed by some embers that vanished as quickly as they appeared.

I winced at my obvious failure.

"Hmm, I think I know what's tripping you up." He said, looking right at me with a devilish grin. His smile and those eyes only made the butterflies in my stomach attempt to stage a revolt and try to escape.

Standing up on his hind-legs again, he clapped his hands together brusquely and chuckled. Then, walking down to the line of dummies, dusting up small plumes of dandelion puffs with each step, he turned around and stood next to one of them. Straightening it's mock head, he then leaned on it.

"Now... gimme your best shot."

I stumbled, nearly tripping. This would have caused laughs if this happened on campus, but the lesson was clear; I was to practice using my breath as a weapon and the dummies were to be my target. Though that he didn't move, that he stood right there, his arm draped on the dummy casually like he was having a conversation with it, he looked back at me with that grin never leaving his face.

"Well, I'm waiting. Do your worst." He chuckled softly. "But you best pray your aim is true..."

What was he doing? He was aware that I was barely able to produce much flame at all. So what was his end-goal for this exercise? I certainly didn't think I could hit him, and I didn't want to, even though I knew that he would survive. Dragons were often immune to the effects of dragon fire. Something about our evolution, or so the history teacher said often enough that I didn't need to write it down.

"I... No, I can't." I protested, still on all fours, shrinking my head closer to the ground.

"You will. You're here for a reason and as one of your teachers, I have a duty to make sure you are prepared for when classes are finally over."


"If I send you back now, without having taught you how to breathe fire like a warrior, then you're likely not gonna pass, and I'll have to carry the burden of my failure with me as well."

I sighed. He was right. I had to come back from this knowing how to produce at least a passable flame or things would only get more complicated for me. I wouldn't pass my combat and tactics class, and that failure would force me to repeat a year. Since it took all I could to save up for these classes, there was no way I would be able to afford taking them again.

So, bending down low to the ground I refocused and tried to remember what the teacher had always said; "it isn't force you need, it's guidance. Strange as it sounds, the magic is not like fire. it's more like a river. Find the flow and direct it."

I took a great gulp of air in. I knew the magical energy was already there. It infused every dragon in the realm. Every scale, every claw, all of it was filled with the energy required to sustain us. But I couldn't feel it. I tried. I reached out with my mind to feel for it, but nothing was there. Nothing that I recognized.

"You wouldn't want to go back to campus like this, would you?" His deep, rough voice carried through the stuffy air to my ears. "Unable to even light up a piece of wood and straw?" He tapped the head of the dummy he was leaning against.

The pressure was mounting. I had to perform. So, exhaling to get a fresh breath, I closed my eyes and focused.

"Feel the energy within you." I heard the words of my teacher in my mind again. "Let it flow. Concentrate. Don't force it to move, guide it. Direct it. Let it run like water through you and into your lungs."

I tried again, letting my body relax, and reaching out with my mind to touch the force that flowed through me.

There... There it was. At least I thought it was. I had found it. Now to figure out the flow, whatever that really meant.

Reaching deep into my mind, trying to push aside the image of this alluring dragon standing next to the target, I tried to find the flow. Where was the energy going? Down into my belly. No, past there. Down to my vent.

It wasn't where I thought it would be, but it found it nonetheless. Okay, so, now I knew where it was, now I knew where it was flowing, the only thing left now was to inhale and to direct it into my lungs. Barely a second passing in front of my eyes, but a lifetime in my mind, I focused. Steered the flow. Diverting it from my vent up into my body, my lungs.

That's when I felt it begin. The energy was filling my lungs and impregnating the air within with the spark of magic. It started to grow warm and tingling. But I wanted more than anything to perform. I needed this. I had to graduate. The tingling soon became a prickling feeling as the heat growing in my body was becoming almost more than I could bear. The roiling flames I felt becoming hotter, more intense than I had ever imagined.


I opened my mouth and forced every gasp out in one massive torrent. Every gust that my lungs could produce was pushed out. And, when the air flowed up my throat, past my mouth, and out, there erupted a giant plume of purple flame. As hot as the sun above and just as bright.

Every fear running through my mind at that moment ceased as the plume became a blaze, shooting off so viciously that the dragon standing in its way stood agog just before dashing out of the way.

Screaming out all of the fire stored up in my lungs, the torrent of fire rushed out and immolated everything in its path.

I didn't see where I was aiming, but when I opened them after releasing all my lungs had inside, I took a heaving, gasping breath. The air on my throat was felt colder than snow, but it was a glorious relief from the heat that came out of it.

When I looked at where I had shot, my stomach sank. I had hit the target, but I had hit everything else as well. The fire it started dissipated quickly, as magical fire often did, and where it had passed it had blackened the ground and charred all the remaining dummies to a crisp.

He stood up, brushing himself off, and that's when I panicked. His scales were slightly darkened from the blast and his belt was smoking.

I had hit him. He didn't seem to be injured, but the shocked look on his face struck deep inside of me.

But then he laughed. "Excellent! You do have it in you!"

That's when the belt he was wearing decided to finally break and fell to the ground.

But he just stood there, his smile refusing to leave his face. Looking closer I gathered why.

His penis was peeking out of his vent. The plum-colored tip sparkling in the light from high above. I had heard rumor that he enjoyed displays of draconic strength, but I didn't think it was that kind of enjoyment.

"An impressive capacity, but your aim..." he tutted his tongue. "And that was one of my favorite belts."

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to."

"I know. Next time try closing your mouth more." He made an "o" shape with his mouth to illustrate.

"I'm sorry, I'll remember. But you were standing there and I... and then I didn't realize I was... I'm so, so sorry"

"Calm down. I am impressed at your ferocity. But as to your aim, remember; you never know when you will need to exercise precision in battle." He came closer, his hips swaying and his muscles flexing with every step.

The way he walked toward me held my fascination. As much as I was on edge from whatever punishment I had earned for ruining his favorite belt, I couldn't pry my eyes from his cock as it bobbed and swayed with each step. He was coming closer, and his penis seemed to be growing with each step.

When he stood in front of me, barely a few paces apart, he stood there for a few agonizing moments, then broke the silence as he looked down to me.

"Is it what you thought it would be?" He asked, moving his face to mine. "Did you think that a warrior's cock would look like this?"

My throat went drier than a desert and I tried to swallow. I couldn't look away. I had fantasized many times about what it looked like, but I never had the chance to see it with my own eyes. The way it stood proud, despite its somewhat plain appearance, tantalized me.

I finally looked up to see his face. I had expected to see a stern face, or a look of dismay. But all I was met with was a smile and eyes that looked softer, more tender, than the serious look he always wore on campus.

"Don't need to be afraid." He said, reaching down to guide me up into a standing position. "Yes, I gave you a directive, which you didn't quite meet. But I'm not going to punish you."

He brought his muzzle next to mine and sniffed at my cheeks. When he exhaled, he rumbled in his chest with satisfaction.

"I know what you've been writing about in your journal." He whispered. "The dean brought it to my attention."

My heart leapt into my throat when he said that. "Shit, I'm--" I thought I had just misplaced my diary, but apparently it found its way to the faculty.

"You know secrecy leads to bad things. And the headmaster was concerned. So he said he would arrange this. Just so we could clear the air."

"No, I..." I tried to stammer out, but he tilted his head towards the dummy, then to his legs.

"But to be honest, a part of me can't do that..."

I cursed in my mind. I know what we were doing wasn't permitted. There was decorum and protocol to follow. But all those days where he would tutor me, give me guidance, even just being there for me when I needed to push out the homesickness of living on campus, it all came flooding back.

"Normally this is dealt with in a different way. Usually because the teacher isn't interested in pursuing it." He brought his muzzle closer, sniffing along my neck. "But I can't say I ain't."

The way he whispered that last part right into my ear sent shivers down my body and forced a soft gasp from my lungs.

"If you need me to take the first step." He said, bringing a hand up against my face to cup it from the side. "Then let me do this."

That's when he dove his head down to meet mine lip-to-lip. A moment I had dreamed of. He was kissing me. The fantasies I had conjured up could never hope to be as good as the real thing was.

Then, after breaking it, he smiled at me and gave me a grin that felt like he was sizing up prey... and brought his hand up to the back of my head to hold me, weaving his claws around my horns.

Then, looking around one last time to ensure we were alone, he pushed my head down, guiding me closer to his now fully engorged cock.

I didn't have to be told to open my mouth. As soon as I knew what he was doing, I opened it and extended my tongue to lick at the bead of pre-seed that had gathered on the tip.

My instincts were taking over.

I knew this was what we wanted... and I knew we were alone, able to steal this single moment far from prying eyes.

His hand didn't push me all the way down. He didn't exert control, it was more like guidance. And it was guidance I was ever willing to follow. With all four of my feet on the ground, I was at the perfect level to service him in this manner.

I reached my head forward and took a sniff of his tool. It smelled hot, like it was a kettle just pulled from the fire and the heat radiating off had cooked the air around it. Then came a sharp undertone as the musk from his crotch crashed against me, filling my nostrils with the scent of a dragon that spent more time on the battle-field, and barely enough time in the baths.

It wasn't a dirty or foul scent. It was just a potent, mildly sour scent. One that grew stronger as my nose inched closer to the junction where cock and vent met. A place where sweat always seemed to gather.

I wanted to taste him, but I wanted to take my time. So, I let my tongue winnow it's way down along the cleft and swept up his taste. When I had what I wanted, every thought that could have intruded vanished, leaving me to focus.

Deep into his vent my tongue went. Every taste was ripe, and primal, and I wanted more. I wanted to feel the heat of his body as it surrounded my tongue, while I buried it as far as I could into him through this one spot that few other species were blessed with. I worked my tongue deeper, taking more of his flavour. The muscles surrounding his vent quivered and twitched at the attention as his cock was growing even firmer. Every time I licked, every time I pushed my tongue in and moved it around his vent, I heard him. Not his voice, just his breathing. Short, breathy huffs that gently shook him as he pushed them out, occasionally broken by a stifled grunt as he appeared to enjoy this exploration of the deepest, most intimate spot of his body.

I had to pull my head up. As much as I loved the feel and the taste, his cock was getting harder and harder, stealing the space my tongue was occupying, and he seemed to be losing control of his vent-muscles, which had started to clamp fiercely around my tongue.

"No others have done that for me." He said as a low rumbling emanated from his chest. His eyes looked down at me as his head cast a shadow over my face. "I like it."

I blushed. Then I reached back down to return my tongue to his vent. I couldn't work it in anymore as his bulb had inflated, cutting off access... So, rather than trying to challenge him in this way I went a different route and wrapped my tongue under and around to pull his penis into my mouth in one smooth motion.

His legs trembled slightly when I did and he started to huff raw and raggedly. I wrapped my arm around his waist, grasping around his leg to hold myself close, and also as an anchor. Feeling the power in his haunches as they flexed from the pleasure I was giving, I allowed myself to relax into the moment.

I may not have been the most skilled at breathing fire, but I know I was skilled enough to give this dragon the best sex a mouth could offer.

Though I struggled a bit with his cock. It was bigger than any I had played with before. But, that was the way of things. He was my elder and dragons never truly stopped growing. We only slowed after reaching sexual maturity, something that was only a handful of years behind me.

Eventually I managed to find my pace and started bobbing my head up and down along his cock. Holding on to his hips for dear life, and idly caressed his rump and tail-base.

His cock felt exquisite in my mouth. Unlike other dragons I had enjoyed, his cock was rather plain. He had a plump tip on the end and when I slid back, I clamped my lips around it so it would never feel the cruel jolt of the cool air. Then, sliding down towards his crotch, I felt it slide across the ridges in the roof of my mouth to bump at the flesh at the back.

I was able to take him down almost to his bulb. And with every move I made, I was rewarded with another drop of his pre-seed. The slick fluid coated my tongue as the firm organ slid along it. The taste was very subtly sweet, and when it hit the back of my tongue, there was a very subtle tanginess. But the thing that drove me deeper into this heat was more the way it felt as his pre-cum coated my tongue, making my mouth wetter, more slippery than it already was.

With every motion, every gyration I made, I made my breathing match my pace. Inhaling on the very end of the down-stroke, exhaling at the end of the upstroke. Every breath I took filled my nostrils with the earthy smell of his scales. A smell that reminded me of my home-land.

Soon enough I could feel it. That familiar sensation in the back of my head growing to take over. I was getting that strange hazy feeling that I always loved when sucking on a nice dick. It was a head-space that I was familiar with which told me that I was falling into a trance where nothing existed other than myself, the cock I was sucking, and the burly blue dragon it was attached to.

I didn't need encouragement, but he gave it anyway in the only way he could. His soft grunts and muted thrusts as he helped the rhythm along. Humping into my maw with just enough force to tell me he was in the same drunken haze I was. The way his rump felt under my hand as the muscles bunched and flexed filled my mind with a deep sense of satisfaction and spurred my own erection, which had been ram-rod stiff the moment I could smell him, to such a firmness that it felt like it would split.

I needed this, and he did as well. He kept his hand on my head, but his touch was so light and careful. I knew I could trust him, and he seemed to be holding on more to steady himself rather than trying to exert his will over me.

I didn't want this to stop. Feeling his flesh sliding in and out of my mouth was more than I had hoped for. The way his cock twitched as it squeezed out drop after drop of pre-seed into my eager mouth, made the haze surrounding us thicker. His cock seemed intent on making sure I would never forget his taste, but I had no desire to forget it anyway.

Opening my eyes just enough to see his pelvis moving closer, then retreating, I wondered if I could reach my lips out to engulf his swollen bulb. The thought was tempting, but as the tip of his cock was bumping close to the limits of my mouth, I decided against it. Besides, if I tried, I likely wouldn't be able to continue giving this pleasure to him. I knew better than to try. And maybe, if I was lucky, I would have another chance with him to test those limitations more intensively.

We went like this for ages. Our pace never stopping and our passion growing hotter and deeper with every thrust. But, as with all things, this too had to end. And it ended in a way that betrayed the depth of his lust, which had become an ardent need at this point. The hand on the back of my head was getting bolder, gently pressing me further, increasing the pace and giving him leverage for what was to come next.

I felt his prick stiffen up sharply. As his hand grew firmer, he was now in control of the pace, in control of me. He pumped me up and down, his hand guiding me, and then, when it felt like his cock had turned to iron, he pushed me down far enough so that his tip was right near the back. As soon as he had me fixed there, that's when it burst. His cock flexed with every pulse as it erupted inside my maw with such force that the semen flowed from the back to coat my tongue with it's acridly bitter, but strangely welcomed taste. Every pulse filled my mouth just long enough to make sure I knew his taste, only to be swallowed... if for no other reason than to make sure there was room for the next gush.

Three, four, five times his seed warmed my mouth before, holding me firmly and lunging deep, he pressed me against his bulb, grinding his hips into my mouth. He was making sure that the last crest of his orgasm went right down my throat. Every pulse of his phallus as he finished up twitched, pressing against my tongue. The dwindling jolts he fired off went deep into me to become whatever it would after being digested.

He didn't roar when he came down my throat. That was the thing that surprised me the most. I had always pegged him as at least a growler. All those fantasies I came up with as I would steal a glance of his tail, gazing at the thickness of his body, as I fantasized his hips moving in and out, spearing me on his cock, made me think he would be more vocal. But he only gave off a soft grunt that held on for longer than a grunt typically would. I knew his face was twisted into a grimace of sorts. I didn't see it. I couldn't. Not from my current vantage. But I did hear it in his voice. Guttural as it was, he was screwing his jaw shut and forcing the sound out through lips tight against his teeth like he was biting through the toughest armor on the battlefield.

I would remember that sound. I knew I wouldn't forget it.

His prize claimed, he stood there huffing and heaving. I held his cock in my mouth and brought a hand up to finish myself off. I knew I only had to touch my prick lightly, as if from a feather, to fire off my seed. I didn't know where his tolerance lay. I didn't know if he was the kind of dragon that would wince and writhe if I gave his cock any further pleasuring... So I held him in my mouth as I let my hand continue bringing out the seed I had been holding inside since mid-terms. I shot below me, never caring where it landed, to the grass underneath me. All the while I whimpered around his dick as my seed-sack emptied itself with one of the most gloriously intense orgasms I had experienced.

I came to my senses when his penis began pulling itself back in its vent. Having done what it was made to do, it was now retreating back home to rest up for another day. A hand at my shoulder and one along my head, he guided me up to stand and face him. I didn't know what he was going to do, but I obeyed his gentle strength to stand and face him.

I had thought that he would reprimand me. Tell me that he wasn't thinking clearly and that he should have never allowed this to go as far as it did.

But he just kissed me.

It was a deep and mournful kiss. Sadness that the moment was over, but also comfortingly hopeful. This was a lover's kiss; eyes shut, lips secured, deep, warm and pressing against one another so insistently that for a moment nothing else mattered in this world.

He broke the kiss and left me half-lidded while he straightened himself up. I nearly stumbled when he let go. My legs were refusing to stay in place underneath me until I snapped myself free. We were looking at one another. His eyes flashing concern. Something was up. Was he feeling guilty? Or dismayed?

"I've wanted to do this with you since..." We both hesitated and blushed. He was talking about our last meeting. It was only a couple months ago, but that was when we knew that what we were feeling was more than just passing lust. But it was also when I learned there were rules against these sorts of trysts. "But we can't. Not while you are a student." His voice was low, and soft, and so maddeningly caring.

I wanted to cry. I could feel it coming in my face. The way my nose stung as the tears collected in the corners, threatening to carry their rancid wetness down my cheeks. I didn't want it to be this way. I needed him. I wanted him. More than I was permitted to express, more than we were allowed to explore.

"I know..." he cooed after reading my face. When I saw that his eyes were wet, and saw the tracks his tears had scrawled down his face, thats when mine finally fell. I was usually able to control my tears, but seeing him cry, especially after being able to share this moment, hit me hard. "But it can't be like this forever."

"I know." I choked out softly. "But I... it hurts that we can't."

"Hey, hey. Don't be like that." He comforted me, sweeping a tear from my cheek with his thumb. "What we have doesn't hurt." He looked up, his eyes fixing on the parapets in the distance. "It's what we're chained to."

He brought his eyes back and tried to smile.

"You will be done with your studies in no time at all and when that happens... When you graduate university..." His voice cracked.

"We can..." I whimpered.

He pressed his forehead against mine, reminding me why I had fallen in love with him; A tenderness only the two of us knew he concealed deep inside. "Yes, we can."

We held there forever in a few matching heart-beats... Then, pulling apart, both of us looked aimlessly down. As if in an instant, his eyes shot wide and he burst forth in a bellow that rocked me out of my stupor.

"Well, at least we can say your aim has improved." He chortled as I looked to what was amusing him.

There on the grass was a single flower. A weed, daring and yellow. And smack-dab in the center of it's bloom was a single strand of semen glistening proudly in the light.

That's when I pushed him, and chased him. We spent the rest of the afternoon running, laughing, and tussling on the pasture as we had done countless afternoons before under the bright sun above. The same sun that was now tilting at its apex to head towards the horizon, to a night that we both wished we could spend together, but knew we couldn't.

At least not this night.