Ratchet's Capture

Story by BlackFireCat on SoFurry

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Ratchet had been exited to be given a solo mission by Optimus prime. And although the CMO was a skilled fighter in his own right, he was still going to things by the book. Once he arrived at the area where prime said to spy on the cons, Ratchet transformed to robot mode and quickly crouched down on a grassy hill and saw two cons standing in front of some kind of device.

Ratchet was not able to make out who the cons were from his hiding spot. so he moved closer to the edge of the cliff, not realizing that the cliff started to crumble and without warning he fell down hard.

"Frag that hurt" yelled the Medic who quickly covered his mouth with his hand and hoped that the cons hadden't heard him, but sure enough he saw one of them was making his way over to the medic who scrambled to his feet to try and escape only to be met with blaster to his face.

"Well well look who it is" chuckled the con darkly before giving the Autobot a grin.The con pulled out a pair of stasis cuffs and held them in front of Ratchet, as if teasing him and offered the bot a choice.

"You can either come with me freely or I slap these on you" the con said much to smoothly for the medic's liking. So Ratchet sighed in defeat, and the two of them walked back to where the other con was waiting for them.

"Primus Hook were you making out with the medic or what" yelled the other con. Being captured by the Decepticon medic was one thing and as far cons went, Hook was the least violent but he was still unpredictable but the other con was a complete monster.

"FRAG FRAG FRAG IT ALL"!yelled the medic angrily. "So what are you Idiots planning anyway"? he said to them hopping that one of them would spill something useful.

Vortex chuckled and began to taunt their captive. "Poor little Ratchet so old and weak that he can't even remember to show us respect," laughed the copter mech as he clearly got turned on by teasing the other mech.

Ratchet was getting angry and he was clenching his servos and trying not to whip out his trusty wrench and hurl it at the con.

"I'M WARNING YOU CON DON'T PUSH ME" yelled the angry medic. And of course Vortex would see this as a personal challenge, "GO AND KISS PRIME'S AFT YOU SPINELESS RUSTY OLD GEEZER" replied the con.

"Okay that's it" yelled Ratchet as he charged Vortex and grabbed is arm in a tight grip and marched him over to a unopened box. and released the con, before sitting down and grabbed the copter mech giving him a quick evil grin before hauling him right over his knees. "You fragger let me up" cried the con, as he tried to get up but found that he was pinned to the medic's lap with a heavy arm. Just as Vortex was trying to process in the pit was happening, Ratchet unlatched Vortex's codpiece and removed it letting it drop to the ground.

"I warned you Vortex. And as you can see I'm a firm believer in corporal punishment, and out of all the cons you are in need of a spanking" stated the autobot CMO as he raised his hand high and slammed it down on the con's bare aft. WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! Vortex yelled and struggled as Ratchet delivered his punishment.

Hook was standing motionless watching the strangely arousing scene that was playing out in front of him. And he had a hard time looking away, the only sounds being made were his own moans of pleasure as his spike stiffened. Vortex was howling like a sparkling as Ratchet spanked his bare aft, and the old medic was doing a great job of it to, if the copter's screams of absolute agony were anything to by.

Despite being punished like a child he couldn't hold back a moan of pleasure as his spike stiffened.

"Oh dear primus you wouldn't happen to be liking this would you Vortex" chided the medic.

"N-no" replied the con.

"That's a shame because I am" said the medic as he brought his hand up and let it hang in the air before slamming it down. Over and over the furious old medic spanked the helpless con, and he felt his own spike growing stiff and bit back a loud moan.

Ratchet was no stranger when it came to handing down punishments. He was well known for and feared for his legendary temper and wrench throwing ability, but the real reason the other autobots feared him was his skill with spanking. As poor Vortex was finding out first hand, and although the medic hated having to spank someone and usually felt guilty about it, with Vortex he felt little remorse.

As the old medic walloped the con he was getting more and more aroused with each passing minute. And he thought back to when his own children and grandchildren got spanked, and how they would cry during the punishment and how he always hugged them afterwards. So Ratchet gave Vortex a few more hard spanks, then ended the punishment and patted the con's aft lovingly and helped him to his pedes. And as Vortex bent down to retrieve his cod piece and put it back on, the autobot medic gave the two cons a look that that promised more punishment in the future.

And as the medic transformed and drove back to base he remembered that he forgot to stop the cons plan. "Oh boy prime's going to love this, I just hope that he's willing to forgive a old mech the medic said to himself.