A New Purpose Part 4

Story by Walnut45 on SoFurry

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#4 of A New Purpose

A family changes to meet the new world forced upon them by powers beyond understanding. This is their story.




As always, please leave comments/remarks/reviews/feedback. Thank you and enjoy.

After some time, we awoke. I opened my eyes to see the gaping mouth of my yawning wife as she cleared her head. Once a moment had passed, she pulled my head closer to hers, and rubbed her cheek against my own while she made a rumbling noise the likes of which I'd never heard.

"Kim" I said. "I think it might be time for us to come to terms that our behaviors are changing. If we are changing already, just think what Irma may act like."

"What she was, is, and will be, is Irma." Was her resolute response.

"Exactly" Alex said behind us. "And we have noticed your behaviors changing as well."

"Well, we are going to be a tad different if you haven't ascertained that bit of data. Are these just instinctive actions? Or are we really going to not be who we were before?" I asked.

"All valid questions. Also something that we shouldn't wait to find out." Allie said.

"We think it is time to awaken Irma. Now, before you argue, consider this: Her wings are structurally formed. Neither of you have much time left. You both wanted to be there for her. Being incapacitated is not where you want to be, to support her."

Instead of answering, Kim politely asked everyone to give us a chance to talk; "Fuck off for a few minutes."

Alex reacted accordingly and herded the others outside while he shut the door, and waited against it, for our answer.

She once again grabbed my head with a clawed hand to draw me close. I no longer bled, my neck felt strange.

"We are changing in mind as well. But, I have forgotten nothing. I am still Kim. Mother to Irma, Luke, and Lucy. Wife to you. The way I communicate, the way I move, mean nothing as long as we are still family. As long as we still know each other, and ourselves."

I reached up carefully with an arm that no longer had the full motion that I'd always known, and stared deep into my wife's eyes as the light began to grow.

"Irma must awaken now. She must see us as we were, before we become what we will be."

"Yes" my wife gave her blessing.

"Yes." I agreed, gripping the back of her head in reciprocation.

Turning to Alex as he hurriedly wrote more in his log we both nodded. He snapped his notes shut and opened the door behind himself to beckon the others to return.

Once we had assembled, Allie asked once more; "As her primary care physician, do you both understand, and accept, the risks in me providing the medical procedure?"

We both nodded.

"Ok. Let's do this." She said.

Grabbing the proffered syringe from Alex she expelled the gaseous bubbles from the needle and injected it into our daughter's forelimb. Alex was busily removing the catheter, while Brian and Serena extricated the feeding tube from her throat. They then backed away to record her arousal.

"How long before she wakes?" I asked.

"Who knows? Look at her. Does she look human anymore? It could be anywhere between now, and eternity."

While we waited I got to see that her wing arms did look like they were complete. In form anyway, they also looked like they needed to grow a considerable amount yet if she was ever to get her new bulk off the ground. Just like her other limbs the arms themselves had 'hands' on the end of the 'arms' and the 'fingers' were lengthy extensions acting as spars for the membranes to attach to. At the end of each 'finger' there was a protruding nail.

The wings were currently spread out, for what I assume, were the attentions of Alex and the two nerds. Currently however, some ten minutes later, Irma gave a wakeful snort and began to return to consciousness. In the process of rousing it was interesting to see her retract her wings to her back. The way that the arms folded with the rustling of the thick sail like membranes. As her wings folded neatly upon her back once more her eyes opened and then shut quickly as her new face scrunched up into a grimace recognizable by any who were reluctant to awake.

Instead she heaved her head up on the end of its long neck, and pointing it towards the ceiling, cracked open her large jaws and gave a mighty, tongue lolling, yawn.

Apparently at some point she must have smelled Kim and I crouched next to her as she cracked open the nearest eye revealing her ovoid pupil and murmured something that sounded like semi-truck running over a dolphin. For a moment her head returned to her side as she smacked her lips sleepily.

Then all hell broke loose.

Her eyes flew up once more as her pupils rapidly contracted to thin slits. As she flung her head up, she began trumpeting wildly in alarm and stood up. This seemed to increase her panic as she bent her head until she was looking upside down at her legs and the noise she continued to emit increased in tempo and volume. She rapidly began to back away from us weaving her head back and forth in denial until her tail struck the side of the barn.

This seemed to surprise her as she swept her newfound appendage to her side and placed a paw on it. Her deafening keen increased in volume once again, seemingly without limit. In her agitation her wings raised and began to open and craning her head back to look at what no doubt felt incredibly bizarre, her dorsal fins stood on end along with her 'ears'.

All these new experiences finally overwhelmed our eldest as she collapsed to her belly and began to make rough hiccupping noises as tears fell from her clamped shut eyes. She was sobbing in fear.

As her actions finally stilled she drew her tail around to her side again, defensively it seemed, and brought her wings forward to cover her head. From behind their surface we heard her continue to sob and keen loudly her distress.

Kim and I shared a look before rushing forward. This was pretty much what we'd expected. Halfway there Kim stopped and gave a surprised grunt. I turned to look and watched as with two loud popping sounds her arms both snapped into new positions. She snarled once again as her elbows unhinged and then jolted into their new configuration. After moving her arms about for a moment to get a new feel for them she resumed her headlong dash to comfort her daughter. Now with her arms held in front and tucked neatly to her black and scaled torso.

We reached her at the same time and in fear of puncturing her wings we used the backs of our... hands... to sweep aside the leathery shell she had erected around herself. Once past her defense we fell to the floor on both sides of her head and clutched her tightly to ourselves while humming deep in our expanding chests.

Her eyes popped open and looked wildly at us both. "Mmmmm?" She tried to articulate, "Mmmmoo. Mmooommm. Mmoomm. Mom? Dddddaaaaaddddd? LllllllkkkkkKKKK aaaaaaaT mmmeeee. Aaaahhhh FffffrrrreeeekkkKKKK."

Both Kim and I began to let fall our own tears. But this time in relief. We still had our daughter. We could fix everything else with time and help. But Irma was still there, to, be helped. We were overcome with joy, we had our daughter.

We started our attempts to calm her and help her by relaying this fact.

"Irma, my daughter, I don't care what you look like. I can't tell you how happy we are that you are still you. The whole time you were unconscious were the hardest hours of our lives. We... We didn't know when your eyes opened if we would be looking at our daughter, or an animal." I cried to her.

"Your father is right. Irma, I know this is bad for you. But you will never be alone in this. We will ALWAYS be here for you. We will see you through this. We are following you, you will not be alone."

Once she heard these words she opened her eyes and glanced at us. Then recoiled, raising her head.

"Mmmooommm, Ddddaaaddd. wwWhaat haaaappppddd?"

We both smiled at her to show her nothing was wrong and continued to hold tightly to her as she dragged us off the ground with the strength of her neck.

"Nothing for you to worry about dear. We would follow you into the pits of hell to keep you. This is for the best." Kim soothed.

"Iiiiii dddiiiidddd ttthhhiiissssss." She sibilated. "IIIIiiiii" her breathy words stopped as what followed was a musical flow of high pitched noises that we could not make sense of. She stopped and lowered her head to paw at her throat and her snout.

"Sshh little one, it is okay. You did nothing to be ashamed of. We wanted to help, and are ready to pay any cost to do exactly that." I said, and then drew in another vast breath and hummed so powerfully that a nearby container rattled off its shelf. Kim joined me seconds later and Irma quieted and brought her head back down to rest against our chests. We could feel the great beat of her heart slowing into tranquility. Then her lids slid down until there was naught but a sliver of her eyes showing. She made another crooning noise and tried to continue before sleep took her once more.

"Loovvee yuuuu."

Kim and I spoke at once and together before her eyes closed. "We love you too."

We pushed her wings aside revealing the outside world once again. Alex, Allie, Serena, and Brian were all in a group talking rapidly and quietly together while motioning in our direction. The omnipresent high tech recorder was now turned to our new location as well.

When they saw that our fierce looking gazes had returned to them they halted their conversation as Alex approached us.

"This is the best news that we could hope for. I...still have my niece." He stooped and then laid a gloved hand on both of our shoulders. "You... still have your daughter. Her mind is still there. Your minds will still be there. There is hope for you, there is hope for all those infected."

"Can we bring Luke and Lucy in here safely? They should see that Irma is awake. Irma should see them." I asked Alex.

"Let me see what I can do with the supplies I have." He said and started to get up.

"Stay" Allie said. "Your family needs to stay together as much as possible. I will get what you need from the drop."

We nodded our thanks as she left. Serena and Brian fidgeted nervously as they were left alone with us. "Since you two don't know what to do with yourselves why don't you sit down?" Alex queried them. They slumped into the chairs behind them and watched us from a distance. Alex went over to grab an empty seat and brought it over by us. He returned to the earlier sleeping area that was much disturbed by Irma's wakening and began to throw pillows towards us.

I forgot how I had changed and tried to reach up to grab them from the air before remembering that my arms could more aptly be called legs now. I had to settle for picking them off the ground. Kim carefully lifted Irma's head and I placed some of the cushions beneath her jaw as it was set back down.

Alex came back and sat down while watching us all. "You two have been phenomenal through this whole ordeal. Irma couldn't be luckier to call you her parents. I've seen parents absolutely refuse to interact with their children before when it comes down to it. People not fit to be called mother or father at all. If there were ever to be a model for others to follow in these trying times. It would be your own."

Kim grunted; "Thank you Alex. I always thought you were a standup guy for a sacless rat cutter."

He snickered; "Translating.... Yes, I know how awesome I am. I think I may bless you Kim, for performing the necessary genuflection at my divine presence."

"Bless this." She said and tried to point at her ass, but found she could not. "Damn, well I suppose I'll just have to say.... Aaahhh fuck it, it doesn't have the same effect. Do me a favor though, ever since I shredded my clothes they've kinda been just dangling on me and I can't quite reach them. Take them off would you? It's not like anyone is ever going to get a peek at my tits again." She looked down at her altered form.

Alex yanked the tattered remains of her top and bra revealing the breadth of her scaled back. As before everywhere the changes had crossed the lines of her tattoos the coloring had changed to silver. These now gave her an even more intimidating look as the loops and jagged lines of her body art swirled across her shoulders and down her upper arms.

I whistled a cat call at the view of her sexy backside and she turned to grin at me before adopting a coquettish pose with Alex's chair. As she flung her head back to toss her hair a good majority of it fell out. "Oh, damn... I liked my hair. It really made me feel unh..." She ended with a stifled groan.

My grin quickly soured. "Kim, what's wrong?"

She rolled her head once, and then twice, then stopped. "My neck is changing."

As I watched her neck did indeed lengthen, as it did I also saw her head begin to change position. She suddenly collapsed into the chair knocking it and herself to the ground and writhed there as her whole body lengthened. Alex kicked the chair away while I held her extending form. She snarled and growled as her head finished moving on top of her spine. No longer looking at me she now bent her neck so that we could make eye contact again. Her nose had flattened and joined with her protruding mouth.

"Tell me I still look sexy." She whispered at me, with a mouth full of serrated teeth.

"Um, sure. I think you'd do great as a centerfold to entertain crocodiles."

She reached a paw up to grip my head and drew me into a welcome kiss. She nipped at my lip quickly drawing blood. I rumbled my approval, as she then licked the blood away. Her tongue had begun to grow pointed.

"Ahem." Alex coughed. "Would you like to be alone in a dark room you two? Maybe with a freshly killed gazelle?"

I sighed, blowing hot air onto Kim's brow. "Again with the reptile jokes."

"Didn't you just make one too about Kim?"

"Hey, when you have scales, you can make fun of having scales." I said in defense.

"Seriously though" He said, seriously. "Your behaviors are becoming just a... tad... different..."

"We know." Kim said "Just keep noting the changes and we'll figure it all out later. Document when I do things like this." She made a sharp chirping noise that immediately drew my gaze and attention back to her. She raised her head on her long beautiful neck and kissed me again, sticking her whole prehensile tongue into my mouth. She broke the kiss and then retracted her tongue before darting it out again across my chin.

"Uh, yeah, noted. Amorous reptiles. Got it. So... How long before we can expect the first round of eggs?"

"I don't know." My wife said, "But I can tell you that before yesterday I was about five weeks past my last period. So you might want to ask those lizard creeps what's next."

"Kim" I said with glistening eyes, as I laid my head on her exposed stomach and looked up at her. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"Well..." She drawled; "It's not my fault your birthday is next week..."

I raised my head and then crawled on top of her as she placed her forelegs against my developing keel. I lowered my head and kissed her fiercely again, and again. Whispering my love to her with each breath, drawing coos from her in return.

A squawk of alarm came from our left and then I heard the sound of rustling canvas. All three of us turned to look as Irma buried her head beneath her wing to hide us from her sight. I kissed Kim one last time and then went to get up. As I offered my hand to help Kim up I suddenly felt as if someone had cut all control of my body.

I began to drop before Kim, thinking swiftly, rolled her body beneath mine to break my fall. She clutched her arms and legs around me to hold me still as my body began the incredibly weird process of getting longer. There was no shortage of discomfort as I groaned and then clenched my teeth as my hips shifted to the sides and my legs bent and twisted until they were extended before me and then dropped into a tucked position much like my arms/legs. I grunted again as my neck lengthened and vertebrae multiplied in my spine. As my longer backbone became increasingly flexible my point of view began to shift until I was looking down on Kim as she held me.

A moment later as the last twinges of change racked my body I heard the heavy thumping of approaching footsteps and then; "Dddaaaddd?"

Irma appeared in my vision as she thrust her head at my body and sniffed deeply. She curled the rest of her body around Kim and I's uppers much like Kim had tried earlier. But unlike her attempts she met with more success with a nine foot long body. As she laid down with a grunt she flared her wing to cover us and then began to lick my forehead. From all around us a calming thrum began to make itself known.

After a few more swipes of her tongue across my brow she applied herself to Kim as well and then laid her large head down on my chest and looked at me and Kim.

She opened her mouth and began to try to speak again. I suddenly realized that now and in all her other attempts she had been opening her mouth. But never moved it. The sound of her speech was being generated at the base of her neck. It was no wonder she couldn't master it yet. But she was getting better.

As she finally spoke I could feel the rippling of powerful muscles and the rush of air flowing through her lithe neck.

"IIIiiveee bbbeeennn thkkkiiinnnggg, Iiii wwwaaannntttt toooo liiiivvv. Yuuuu hheeellpppdd mmmeee. Iiiii heeeelllppp yuuu." She dipped her head and touched her snout to both of our own distending faces. "Yyyyuuuu ssssllleeeepppp aaaannnnddd ccchhhaaaggeee. Iiiii wwwwaaatttccchhhh wwwiiittthhhh" she ended her vocalization with the gentle sound of an otter being fed into a wood chipper. Her head raised to its full height and twisted to look at something before making a beckoning motion by flinging her nose towards us.

"Yyyuu rrr rrrriiiittteee, mmyyy bbbooodddyyyy iizzz goonne bbbuutttt Iiiiiaaammm sssttiilllll mmmmeeee. Iiiii sssstttayyy wiiittt yyyuuuu. Nnnnooowww llliissttttnnn tttooo mmmyyyy vvvoooiiicceE. Llliikk Iiiii ddddiiiidd wwiiittthhhh yyyuuu."

She blinked her lids and then bared her teeth at us as tears ran down the sides of her face. I squirmed until I was lying next to Kim and not on top of her. We both reached up as much as we could and rubbed the backs of our hands across the teary stains wiping them from her soft facial scales. We cracked open our own jaws and returned her smile, with love in our eyes and relief in our hearts.