Kade Chapter 3

Story by ragewolver on SoFurry

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#3 of Kade (Rewrite)

This is honestly the most difficult thing I've ever written (apart from a romance novel that I must remember to delete from my computer) and I'm starting to think this wasn't such a good idea. Let me know what you think.

Kade--Chapter Three--

Tyler's apartment was modest, almost Spartan, in its lack of color and taste. The walls were plain and untouched, the floor of the living room was bland carpeting and there was nothing in anything Kade could see that made the apartment feel like it was lived in. Even the furniture was bland and lacking in personality or color.

"Kid, this is just boring," Kade said as Tyler locked the door behind them.

Tyler looked around. "I just moved in not too long ago. Haven't really had the chance to go shopping for new stuff."

"Did all this come with the place?"

"No, I found all this stuff on clearance around the city. Everything but the TV's second-hand."

"Really?" Kade scoffed. "That's just sad. Ty, if you need some cash for new stuff--"

"No, thank you," Tyler remarked. "What I have, I paid for. I don't take handouts."

"Okay, first, stow your pride," Kade snarled. "I was just offering a hand, not out of pity, but because I wanted to help. But if you're going to be a dick about it, fuck you." He stomped over towards the door, but stopped when he heard Tyler sigh heavily. "You okay?" Kade questioned, turning back.

"Yeah, just still a bit shaken up," Tyler said. He yawned. "Kind of tired, to be honest."

"Get some rest, Ty," Kade said. "We've got the weekend off; let's use it to relax. Do you want me to hang around?"

"No, you can go," Tyler answered. "I'll be fine."

"You sure?"

"Yeah. I'll catch you later."

"I'll stop by a bit later. Just let me know when you're awake."


"This is it?" Kade asked in amazement as he looked over the file he had been handed. Sergeant Elizabeth Dudley, a rather elegant-looking cheetah, nodded, her eyes narrowed. She sat across from him at his kitchen table.

"'Fraid so, Spots," Elizabeth remarked. "That's all we could glean from the body. And nobody's come to identify it. All we know is that our Jane Doe was a middle-aged tigress." She sipped from her coffee, looking calm and dignified. "I spoke to Bianca. She's really furious about this and..." Elizabeth trailed off.

Kade's eyes narrowed. "And?"

"She wants you and the rookie to be investigators on this case," Elizabeth answered.

"Investigators?" Kade scoffed in disdain. He sifted through the file irritably. There was no name for the deceased, just a catalogue of the injuries and a small inventory of her meager belongings: a silver earing, two coins and an imitation gold ring. "What's there to investigate? We don't even have a name for her." He took a bite of his sandwich, chewing thoughtfully. The sandwich was mediocre and lackluster, but Kade scarcely cared. He set the file down and leaned back in his chair. "Have any interviews been conducted?"

"Interviews of who?" Elizabeth wondered.


"The only witness is your partner. The Peacekeepers swept the building but nobody reported hearing anything suspicious. The only disturbance they noticed was our sirens." She lowered her cup, which clinked as it touched the table. "How's the rookie doing?"

"As well as can be expected, Liz," Kade answered, "and I really don't know how he'll be when he wakes up. I'm heading over there later today. Want to come with?"

Elizabeth shook her head. "As exciting as that sounds, I've my own errands to run."

"I'm glad you took time to see me."

She smiled at him, taking his paw. "I always make time to see you, Spots."

Kade smiled back. "So, what're you doing next weekend?"

Tyler's front door opened and revealed, much to Kade's surprise, another wolf in a sundress with dark curls and a confused face. Kade paused for a moment.

v- "Is Tyler home?"


"You don't need to shout, Mary Ann," Tyler said, coming to the door. Mary Ann stepped aside and Tyler took only a brief glance at Kade before stepping aside to let him in. "Sorry about that. That's my sister, Mary Ann." Kade entered the apartment, surprised to see another canine in the living room, a relatively chubby rottweiler seated on the couch and watching golf on television. "And that's her husband, Phillip."

"Yo, stranger," Phillip greeted from the couch, not bothering to turn to see who had entered.

"Nice to meet you two," Kade said awkwardly. "Ty, I need to speak with you about official business."

Tyler's eyes narrowed and his eyes found the folder in Kade's paws. He sighed heavily. "We can talk in my room, if you--"

"So," Mary Ann interjected, "is this your Peacekeeper partner?" She seemed to be inspecting Kade very carefully. "He's cute but he looks scrawny. How strong are you, spotty?"

"What? Is she serious?" Kade asked Tyler, who looked mortified. "Don't call me 'spotty'."

"Mary, cut it out," he hissed at her.

"I want to make sure he can keep you safe," Mary Ann said. She checked her watch. "Oh, we need to get going anyway. Time to pick up the cubs from soccer. Phil, you staying or coming?"

"Take him with you," Tyler ordered. "We're about to start discussing Peacekeeper business."

"Ooh, can I listen in?" she asked. "I could use a story."

"No," Kade snarled savagely. "Unfortunately, we're not allowed to discuss certain facts with civilians or paparazzi."

Mary Ann scoffed indignantly. "I'm not paparazzi! I'm just a reporter. And maybe an interview with such a high-ranking Peacekeeper would be a nice story."

"No interviews, no comments, no questions," Kade said darkly. "Right now, we're not at liberty to discuss any Peacekeeper business. If you want a story, try reaching Chief Bianca Gray."

Mary Ann looked put out. She took a deep breath. "Fine. Be that way," she said petulantly.

Phillip stood and walked over to them, putting his arm around his wife. "Come on, sweetheart. It's about time to pick up the cubs anyway. And you promised them ice cream."

She giggled. "Yeah, I did. Let's go. It's a pleasure to meet you, Spotty. Make sure you keep him"--she nudged Tyler playfully--"out of trouble."

"Will do."

She walked out with her husband and left Tyler rubbing his head in annoyance. "She's always been a bit of an annoying child. But you gotta love her." He let out a small chuckle, though his expression quickly fell. "So, what's the 'official business' you mentioned?"

"We've got an assignment," Kade said, handing over the file. "Quick warning; the photos are grisly." Tyler took it and walked over to the couch. He set it on the coffee table, peering through its contents with a scowl. "Long story short, we're going to be responsible for investigating the murder this morning. That's all the current evidence we have to go on."

"This is evidence? There's hardly any useful info here," Tyler said in annoyance. "Honestly, this seems like a joke. They don't even have a name for her!"

"She didn't have any ID and nobody's come to identify the body," Kade replied, absentmindedly rubbing his head. "On top of that, nobody's reported any missing tigresses. She might've just been a visitor to the city. Or worse, just dumped here after she died."

"Oh God," Tyler said meekly, looking over a photograph. He swallowed and set it on the table facedown. "So, how're we going to investigate? Interviews?"

"You're the only witness," Kade said, wincing. His head was starting to hurt again. "And without witnesses or any clues, we're pretty much at a dead end. Hopefully, somebody'll claim the body before we bury it." He paused for a moment. "You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," Tyler grumbled, still looking through the papers. "Just at a loss. There's nothing to go on, no clues, no suspects, no witnesses and a Jane Doe for a victim. Honestly, how the hell are we supposed to investigate?"

"I don't know," Kade murmured, his breathing starting to grow heavier. "Where's your bathroom?"

Tyler looked up. "Hallway, second door on the right. Are you alright? You look like you're in pain."

"I am," Kade remarked, walking away.

He hurried over towards the bathroom, looking at his reflection in the mirror. He scarcely noticed when Tyler stood in the doorway, too preoccupied with the nearly intolerable ache in his face. He analyzed his reflection; at least it wasn't bleeding this time. Kade pulled out a needle from his pocket, quickly piercing the temple beside his prosthetic eye. As the medicine rushed through his veins, he exhaled once, twice, as the pain began to ebb.

"Kade, what the fuck is in that needle?" Tyler demanded. "Is that the same shit you almost gave me?!"

"It's a painkiller," Kade snapped, leaning on the sink, still breathing quite heavily. "I always keep at least one with me just in case my eye starts to hurt."

"What kind of painkillers are you on?" Tyler questioned. He reached for the needle but Kade quickly pulled it beyond his reach. "Kade, what is that stuff?"

"Don't worry about it," Kade stated. "Look, you go ahead and relax. I'm going to head home."

"Are you even good to drive after you just got high in my bathroom?" Tyler asked venomously.

"First, I'm not high," Kade countered. "Second, yes, I'm fine. And third, mind your own fucking business, rookie."

"You doing drugs in my apartment is my business," Tyler said.

Rolling his eyes, Kade pushed past Tyler and stomped to the front door. He paused only briefly to turn and speak. "I'll catch up with you tomorrow."

"We don't have to work tomorrow, do we?" Tyler asked.

"Nah, but I feel like going out tomorrow," Kade explained, "and it's a lot more fun to drink with a friend."

Tyler seemed at a loss for words. "Are we really friends or are you just saying that?"

"Right now, we're partners," Kade explained. "We can be friends later."

Kade was surprised later than night when there was a knock on his door. The sun had only just gone down over the horizon and he truly wasn't expecting any visitors. Irritably, he muted his television and trudged over to the door, amazed to see Tyler standing on the other side.

"Hey," Kade greeted. He looked over Tyler. "You're not in uniform," he noted.

"Of course not. We don't have to work today," Tyler chortled. "But I figured I'd invite you to hang out with me tonight. I was about to head to one of my favorite places."

"Something tells me it's a library," Kade said mockingly.

Tyler rolled his eyes. "No, it's actually a bar. One of my best friends owns the place. It's called Greg's Kennel."

"Greg's Kennel ? Never heard of it."

"Well, if you'd like to tag along..."

Kade thought for a moment. "Suppose I could. Let me throw something on. This place got some kind of dress code?"

"Depends on if you're looking for a one-night stand or just a drink."

Kade scowled. "What kinda bar is this?"

"You'll see."
