Chapter One

Story by Chakat_Shadowstripe on SoFurry

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#2 of Tiger-Tiger

Here's the second chapter, if you guys want more please leave a comment so I know that this is something that you guys appreciate.

I'm not sure where I was when I opened my eyes, feeling at somewhat better than I had when I'd had the strange half lucid dreams recently. Almost instantly I saw a young man who was sitting in a chair nearby, he looked at me for a second before he smiled softly,

"I see that you've finally decided to join the land of the living."

"How long was I out?" I asked as I levered myself to a sitting position, pausing for a moment and shuddering at a memory. "And what the hell was that damned cat doing in that part of the city?"

"For how long you were out of it, I'd say about fifteen days, as for the other question... that will take a bit of explanation."

I nodded and rubbed my left arm looking at the network of angry looking red scars the marred my pale skin.

"Your attacker wasn't a normal tiger... he was more,"

I watched and noticed that the young man was having some trouble with what he was trying to say. "Please you don't need to sugar coat things for me. I am a grown man and I can take it."

"Well, uh, I'm not really sure how to say this but everything that you've been taught about the supernatural isn't entirely correct."

"What do you mean by that?" I asked him, feeling the hairs on the back of my neck rising slightly.

"Relax, please." He said and I could sense how nervous he was becoming.

"I could say the same about you. I'm guessing that you've never had to explain this before. I'm guessing that by supernatural you mean things like werewolves, vampires, and other myths?"

He only nodded, "Some things are the stuff of nightmare. What I've been told about vampires really would make your blood freeze."

"Okay so you are..." I closed my eyes for a second and for a that second, I could almost smell a wild scent in the room, "I'm guessing that you are a werewolf?"

He chuckled nervously, "Yeah you're right, what is more important is that wolves are the only Were creatures out there."

"You mean that tiger... was a Were too? Is that why he was there and why he was so huge?"

"Yeah, and he bit you. I know he wanted to kill you but we, managed to drive him off."

"I'm guessing that by we you mean the pack that you are a member of? Since from what I've read about your kind in stories, even if it is wildly inaccurate, indicates that werewolves, like their wild cousins, are pack creatures."

"Yeah that's kinda what I meant... really aren't able to tell you everything, would be a bit better if Alpha could tell you. Besides there are lots of things I'm not really supposed to talk about cause they are only for those who are members of the pack."

I nodded and swung my legs over the floor and he rushed over to help me. You might be a bit weak right now. Changing can take a lot out of some people, though all I know about the process is what I've read. I was born the way I am, I'd feel strange if I didn't have my wolf."

I nodded accepting his help as I wobbled to my feet. "Damned I feel as weak as a baby... As if all my muscles have wasted away."

"Well during your initial change, before you were given an IV you body started consuming some of your muscles, as well as any fat you did have. That and your left arm will be a bit on the weak side since it was badly injured."

"Yeah these scars look both impressive and rather nasty. Never really like the idea of turning into a battered old wreck before I hit forty."

He smiled slightly, "Yeah I can understand that, I'm guessing that you're more than a little hungry?"

As soon as he mentioned it my stomach gave a grinding gurgle of hunger. "I think that my stomach just answered that particular question of yours rather eloquently."

He gave a soft bark of laughter and smiled, "I think it did."

After helping me get dressed, which I found a bit embarrassing, since I'd always taken care of my own clothing. He guided me out of the room and down the hall to a large common dining area that had at least fifty to sixty people in it.

Other than the number of people in the room the first thing that struck me was the overwhelming smells of food, which caused my stomach to give another grinding growl which spurred me towards the buffet tables which were loaded down with a rather impressive spread of pancakes, sausages, bacon, scrambled eggs, and assorted other breakfast foods. At the end of the tables were three jugs and two large coffee urns which, according to my nose, held rich black coffee strong enough to strip paint. "Jack, do you guys always eat this well?"

"Yeah, we try, having a hungry wolf isn't really a good thing, makes us grouchy and moody. Doesn't make us pleasant company. Just a warning, you're probably going to be eating a lot now. Your body will want to recover some mass that you burned off during your change and even gain some muscles."

I nodded absently as I loaded down a plate with a stack of food, trying to see if I could make the great leaning tower of food. When I was convinced I couldn't fit anymore onto my plate I made my way to an empty spot at one of the tables before returning to the buffet table to grab a bowl of cereal and a large cup of coffee, as well as a glass of orange juice.

Jack stood next to me as I was pouring myself the coffee, "Don't be surprised if you need to come back for seconds, during a change most Weres eat like horses."

I nodded absently and turned back to the table, I'd just put my drinks down when I felt a small body run into my legs and a very young voice about my knees squealed "Kitty!"

I looked down and smiled gently. A small girl about four years old was hugging my left leg tightly and looking up at me with a pretty pair of green eyes. "Hello little one." I said softly, placing my cereal on the table beside my plate before I looked around to see if I could spot one of her parents. Rather quickly I found a youngish woman approaching me with a guarded expression on her face. "Hello there, I think this little cutey is yours, right?"

She offered a guarded smile, "Yes she's my little pup. I'm sorry if she's disturbing your breakfast Mr..."

I held out a hand and smiled back, "My name is Mark, and I'm kind of new around here, though I don't really know how long I'll be staying."

"Mommy this Kitty-Man!" The little pixie at my feet shouted to her mother.

Her mother looked at me and I could almost feel her wolfishly cocking her head at me. "Is that so Katy?"

"Uh huh smells like kitty!"

I laughed and gently reached down and unwound the child's arms from my leg before picking her up and resting her on my hip. "Hi there little one, my name is Mark, and you are right. Though I am learning what it means."

She giggled happily and wrapped her small arms around my neck and sighed happily as her mother raised an eyebrow. "You mean, that, don't you?"

I nodded offering her daughter back to her, but the little girl stuck to me like a limpet. "Yes, I do, I just found out this morning. I was attacked about two weeks ago, by a Weretiger while I was out taking some early morning photos. He almost killed me, but Jack and his patrol managed to save my life by getting him to run away before he finished the job. If I ever..." I found myself giving a low rumble in my chest as thoughts of bloody vengeance crossed my mind.

"Kitty?" Came the soft voice of the child in my arms.

I shook my head to clear the dark thoughts from my mind. "Yes, little one?" I asked gently leaning forwards and gently getting a good sniff of the top of her head. She had the same canid scent as the rest of the people in the room, though it was mild in comparison. Other than that, she smelled like any child I'd ever spent any amount of time with, fresh and clean with a hint of baby powder, which I guessed wasn't uncommon given her apparent youth. "Sorry just thinking about what that creature did to me... makes me a bit grouchy." I apologized to her mother, "Now if I could give you back your little limpet here I could get on with eating my breakfast, which my body is rather noisily demanding." As if to emphasize what I just said my stomach gave another grinding growl.

"Now come on Katy Mr. Kitty is hungry and you want breakfast, too don't you?" She asked her daughter.

"Mommy kitty-man safe." She replied, though her reply was slightly muffled as she had her head against my shoulder.

"If it would make her feel better I can share my breakfast with your little pixie. After that though I feel that your Alpha will want to talk to me." I directed part of my reply to Katy's mother and part of it at her, though I wasn't sure how much of it she understood.

"If it isn't too much trouble Mark I think I would appreciate it very much, her father isn't home as much as I'd like, but that comes with his job as our pack courier."

I nodded and sat down, letting the child take a seat in my lap before I turned my attention to my food, though I did gently help little Katy eat some as well. My breakfast guest earned me more than a few glances from the other wolves around the table which I was sitting at, but in a silent reply I simply shrugged my shoulders as I kept eating.

After half an hour, I finally pushed my chair away from the table and groaned. "Man, I'm full... I think I ate more than I've ever eaten in my life!" In that time my young breakfast guest had finally gotten tired of sitting around and instead and jumped down and gone to play with some of the other pups in the room.

When I stood up I noticed that at the head table a slightly older man, who looked to be in his late forties was quietly gesturing for me to come over to his table. Once I'd put my dishes away in a bin that had been provided for that purpose I refilled my coffee cup before I walked over. "I would assume that you are the pack Alpha?" I asked quietly.

He nodded "Oscar Willard," He indicated to the woman at his side, who looked about the same age, "This is my mate Olwen."

"It's a pleasure to meet you sir, and thank you to your pack for saving my life sir." I replied holding out my hand. "Mark McEwan."

He took it and his handshake was firm and reassuring. "If you have any questions you'd like to ask my mate and I will be available to answer them. At present, we are trying to locate a Pride of cats like you, they'd have better information on your species and what to expect as you change."

I nodded, "I understand sir. This will take some getting used to. I wasn't expecting something like this to happen to me, but, other than how it happened I can't say that I really object to it happening."

He laughed, "You mean to tell me that you don't dislike the idea of becoming a weretiger?"

"That's right sir, I've always felt like I've had a certain affinity for felines, my favourite being the Amur, also known as Siberian, Tiger. So, in some ways this is almost a dream come true."

Both him and his mated nodded, "I see, now I'm going to have you shadow Jack for a few days, so that you can get used to your body, though we aren't precisely sure what you will be capable when you change for the first time. After all we are wolves and you most definitely aren't a wolf."

I nodded, "I respect you wolves, but I'd be rather disappointed if I was a wolf, nothing against you guys but I just don't feel like I'd make a good wolf myself. I have the wrong point of view and attitude to be a good wolf."

Oscar grimaced and nodded, "I understand what you're saying but my own wolf is having a bit of a hard time with it. However, right now I guess that point is moot since you are a cat and nothing about that is going to change. Right now, we need to try and get you at least somewhat used to being what you are becoming."

I nodded, finishing my cup of coffee before I turned to leave him to his breakfast. "Before I leave for the day sir is there anything that you want me to try and do today?"

"Well our pack medic did want a chance to look you over before you try and do any physical activities. I think he just wants a chance to make sure that you can physically cope with what you're going to be trying to do."

I nodded before heading over and placing my empty cup in the tray for the dishes before Jack came up beside me. "Where to now Mark?"

"Your Alpha wants me to shadow you for the day, though before we do anything else I need to stop by your pack's med bay and see the medic. I guess he wants to take a look at me and determine how much physical activity I can engage in."

"Okay, very well, follow me." He told me before heading down the hall with me close on his heels.

Five minutes later I found myself sitting on an exam table wearing just my underwear while the pack's doctor looked me over. My stomach, never all that big before, had almost caved in and I could see the ridges of hard muscles underneath the skin. The same effect had taken place all over my body and all the softening that had happened over the years had been stripped away leaving little fat left on my body. Even my cheeks had taken on a slightly hollow appearance though soon enough I hoped that I wouldn't look quite so starved. "So, doc, what's the word? What can I do to try and get myself back into shape?"

The doctor, a young-looking female glanced up at me. "For now, Mr. McEwan you're going to have to take it easy and only participate in light exercise. You lost a good deal of weight in your initial change and you need time to build up some reserves. I'd also recommend that you eat a lot, both during meals and also consider having frequent high protein snacks."

I found myself grumbling slightly at the restricted amount of activities that I was allowed to do but I conceded that I didn't really feel up to any really heavy exercises. "I guess that for the next little while I will be doing a fair amount of grazing at the food tables."

She nodded and then took my left arm in her hands. "At least this healed as well as can be expected. Other than your scars I doubt that you will have any problems in the future and it should be as strong as your unmarred arm."

"That's another reason I think that I prefer to be a were-cat. No human could sustain this kind of injury and have any kind of reasonable use of the limb after the injury."

"Same goes for wolves, though I'd advise you never to take your enhanced healing for granted. It is better to avoid getting hurt than it is to rely on your healing to bail you out."

"I understand doc, now can I put my clothes back on and get on with my day?" I also gave a laugh as my stomach made a soft growl.

"Yes Mr. McEwan, and go eat something." She told me brusquely as she turned to leave the room. Jack, who'd been standing in the corner watching the whole thing, laughed quietly.

"Soon enough you'll get tired of constantly eating Mark."

"Yeah, I can see that happening, but under the circumstances it one of the things that I can get used to. It is a lot better than being dead in my book." I replied as I pulled my clothes on and climbed off of the exam table. "First thing I should do is get something to eat, then I can come and see your gym... I may not be able to exercise much but I can at least get my body moving. The only way I am going to get any better is if I begin working as much as I am allowed to."

"Just be careful Mark, until you've regained some reserves, and some strength you are vulnerable. Pushing your body beyond your limits is going to hurt you a great deal, and could even slow down your development as a Were."

I gave him a curt nod. "Thanks for the concern Jack. I will try and do my best to listen to what the doc told me and take it easy for a bit. Hopefully soon I will really be able to push myself to be the best that I personally can be." I told him as we headed down the hall, back towards the dining room where I grabbed several snacks before he carried on to the gym.

Being in the gym was somewhat frustrating since I appeared to have neither the endurance, or even the strength I was used to. Barely being able to sustain much more than a slow jog. "Damned this is humiliating" I growled out as I sat down trying to catch my breath while watching Jack spar with another wolf. From what I could see he was fairly competent with a decent amount of speed and strength to go along with it.

After sitting around watching Jack practise for a while I started feeling a bit bored, as well and also feeling more than a little hungry, again, so I made my way back towards the dining hall where I could stuff a few hundred more calories into the gaping bottomless pit that I called a stomach.

While meandering around the house after I refilled my bottomless stomach I heard a soft cry and came around a corner to find a familiar little one hiding in a corner. "Katy? What are you doing here?" I asked crouching down to get a better look before she looked up and ran into my arms.

"Kitty... other kids mean... had accident..." She whimpered softly into my shoulder.

"It's okay pup." I told her gently and looked around to try to locate where she had come from before I spotted an open door nearby. With that done I picked her up and carried her into the room to find myself in what I assumed was the pack crèche.

"What are you doing with that pup?" A female voice asked from behind me and I turned to respond.

"I'm not doing anything ma'am, just bringing her back, that's all. She was out in the hall crying and I saw her and feel that she needed some help."

The female looked me up and down. "You're a guest at the pack. You shouldn't be wandering around the packhouse without supervision, and you definitely shouldn't be anywhere near the pups!"

At her last statement, I closed my eyes for a moment. "Ma'am I would never do anything to ever harm a cub. It goes against everything I believe in. They are our next generation and should be guarded, protected and trained with everything that we have." I stated softly as I gently handed Katy over to her. "I may not be a wolf like you or other members of your pack but even as a human I placed a great deal of value on children and no matter what species those children are I would never do anything to ever harm one."

As I was saying that a voice behind me, the voice of the Alpha said, "Relax Emily, our guest is right, and furthermore I've seen how Katy has reacted to him. You may not trust him much, but that little pup does."

The caretaker nodded slightly, "Be that as it may Alpha, but I just don't trust cats. I never have, and probably never will."

He nodded "I understand; however, I'd like you to keep an open mind. From what I've seen of his own actions I tend to believe that he'd never do anything to hurt Katy."

At that assessment, I nodded, and smiled as the three of us, were by now, surrounded with all of the pack's pups who were under five years old. Some of them were tugging gently on Oscar's pants and holding up their arms wanting to be picked up by their Alpha.

"I guess that you are a popular person around here Oscar?"

He smiled tolerantly picking up an adorable little boy who couldn't have been more than three years old. "Yes, all these pups love it when I come around. The fact that they know that I am the Alpha is a comfort to them and makes them feel relaxed and at ease."

"I can see that." I told him and smiled at the cute little boy in his arms who had burrowed into Oscar's shoulder and was almost falling asleep.

He smiled gently at the pup and looked me in the eyes. "You seem to do the same thing for Katy, she's relaxed and comfortable in your presence, which is not all that common for most wolves. Even my wolf is a bit on edge with you around. I don't mean it as an insult, just as a bit of truth. I personally have nothing against you, but wolves in general really aren't comfortable around large felines such as what you are becoming."

"I will keep that fact in mind Oscar, and thank you again for the hospitality, I appreciate it greatly." I told him before turning to leave the room, being very careful where I put my feet since I didn't want to hurt any of the pups in the room. I had a fair amount of things to think about, besides that I felt I needed a bit of a mid morning snooze to help me process what I'd done so far this morning. I hadn't been awake for very long but for some reason I already felt mildly exhausted.


Alpha Adam read the report that there had been a Rogue that turned a human at the edge of the city he grew up. He was concerned about the increase in Rogue activity all around. He forwarded the report so that the patrols would know there was a very large rogue cat close enough it could be considering to attack them.

Being concerned about his pack, he missed the fact he knew the name of the one attacked.

He just felt a vague concern for them, while he turned back to his many other reports and requests for approval for other items. He had enough paperwork to keep him busy all day, as they worked to finish the interior of the packhouse, while still living in it. At least he finally had an office to do it in.
