Morning Routine 2

Story by Smokescale Aquatos on SoFurry

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#2 of Morning Routine - For Basil

Piat and Hemlock are back and up to more kinky fun in the morning. It just so happens that Piat's got a day off from both jobs at the same time, a rare thing indeed. Hemlock wants to make sure his boyfriend is relaxing by serving him breakfast in bed. Piat meanwhile has other ideas.

This is a sequel commission for Basil Sanguine

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Sleep was a wonderful thing. It's warm, comforting embrace welcomed all who prayed at the Church of Saint Mattress. And Piat had no intention of skipping out on 'morning mass'. He lounged in bed as consciousness slowly returned to him. He found it unpleasant initially, wanting to continue the very lovely dream he was having about his wolf. But the pleasant warmth trapped under the sheets draped over him threatened to lull him back to it. He would be perfectly fine with that.

The squirrel yawned and stretched his arms, not bothering to open his eyes. He knew where he was and what his surroundings were comprised of. As soon as the stretch ended, he moved to drape one of his arms lazily over the side of his dark-furred lover. He rather liked squeezing up against him first thing in the morning, then drifting back off if time permitted.

Only this time, there was a marked absence of wolf. The squirrel's brow furrowed as he groped blindly, thinking perhaps he just wasn't reaching far enough. And yet, there was no sign of him. His pillow was vacant, and there wasn't even a warm spot left behind. Hemlock was gone, and he had left some time ago. Piat opened his eyes groggily and surveyed the room. No sign of the wolf. He yawned again and flicked his ears, trying to get a sense for what might be going on elsewhere in the apartment.

The unmistakable sound of activity in the kitchen reached his ears. As did the brief, shrill cry of the smoke detector. Piat's heart sank. Hemlock was cooking. A quiet swear reached the squirrel as the lupine realized his error. It amused the tall chef and bartender. He was usually the one to do the cooking for the two of them, but how could he take away his boyfriend's moment to shine? The smell of burnt toast lazily drifted into the bedroom and tickled at the squirrel's nose, making him wrinkle it. Hopefully Hemlock would have the good sense to throw that batch away and start over.

Very shortly after that heartbreaking scent seeped into the squirrel's consciousness, the bedroom door opened and in walked the very wolf who had been busy with his preparations. Hemlock had a huge smile on his muzzle and he carried a tray he had outfitted himself. It had a plate with eggs and bacon on it, another plate with toast--thankfully not burned, a glass of orange juice, and a mug of steaming coffee.

"Good morning! I hope I didn't wake you!" the purple lupine said.

"Nah, I was already awake by the time I heard the smoke detector go off." Piat replied.

"Heh, sorry about that. You know how it is when you've got a boyfriend as hot as me." Hemlock said with a broad grin.

"Just so long as I don't lose my pet deposit. Wolves can be so messy." the squirrel fired back.

The violet canid snickered and moved around the bed as his lover sat himself up, finding his lap suddenly occupied by the tray. Its legs were already folded down, propping the flat area well up over Piat's thighs. He stared down at the simplistic meal, touched that his lover wanted to feed him breakfast in bed, but concerned that he might hurt Hemlock's feelings. The wolf was incredibly sweet, but he wasn't terribly skilled in the kitchen. Even in spite of a few attempts to teach him the basics.

"I know it's not 'Eggs Benedict' or chicken and waffles, but I do hope the chef finds it to his liking," Hemlock said as he backed away, "I thought it might make for a nice start to a well deserved day off."

That was the truth of it. Piat had not wanted to do any cooking today. It had been ages since he had gotten a proper day off from both jobs at the same time. Hemlock was going to make sure he didn't have to lift a finger.

"Sometimes simple is best. You can't go wrong with a nice plate of scramble and bacon. The eggs look nice and fluffy. Did you add milk?" Piat asked.

"Oui, chef." the wolf stood ramrod straight, fighting to conceal his smile.

"I'm impressed. I hadn't taught you that. You must have done a little digging around online." the squirrel said as he picked up his fork and proceeded to prod lightly at the pile of yellow curds.

"No more than usual. You'd be surprised how little help the usual porn sites are when you search for eggs. Stimulating results, but not the sort of thing I was after." Hemlock answered.

That drew a snicker from the resting fellow. He lifted a fork-full of the eggs to his muzzle and sampled them. A few chews sent the flavors running about, ultimately forcing him to slow down as he analyzed it. It was impossible for him not to. It was how he was wired. And he could already pick up on a few key details where his beloved lupine had fallen short. There was a lack of salt and he had cooked them just too long. They were starting to turn dry on top of a pool of liquid. Instead of remarking on it, Piat just smiled and hummed in satisfaction.

"If you'll forgive the terrible pun, I'd say these are 'egg-cellent'. Thank you, dear." the squirrel said.

"I think you're just going over-easy on me." Hemlock raised an eyebrow.

"Hey, you gotta look for the sunny-side up in everything." Piat retorted.

Several more egg puns followed as the squirrel ate his breakfast. The bacon helped satisfy his need for salt and the toast was slightly underdone for his taste, no doubt a reaction to the first batch burning. When all had been consumed, the tray was whisked off back to the kitchen where the dishes were washed. Hemlock returned to top off Piat's coffee then found himself being drawn in for a sudden kiss.

"Put the pot back on the warmer and come back to bed. I don't wanna hafta chase you down just to get the cuddles I'm after." the squirrel said.

"A squirrel chasing a wolf... usually it's the other way around, isn't it?" Hemlock asked as soon as he was released.

"Role reversal's fun." Piat answered.

The pot was returned to the kitchen and the purple lupine made his way back to the bedroom. As soon as he sat down on the bed, he was pulled in close by the amorous squirrel, eager to get in some time with his boyfriend.

"How's the coffee?" Hemlock asked.

"It's good. A little sweeter than I usually fix for myself. But then I like my coffee like I like my boys; purple, round, and squishy." Piat replied.

"Wait," the wolf screwed up his face in confusion, "They make purple coffee? And it's squishy?"

"Maybe not, but you certainly perk me up." the squirrel whispered in his lover's ear.

He rolled his hips forward, grinding in against the lupine's hip, revealing the presence of a very pronounced bulge under the sheets. Piat had been thinking about a number of things he wanted to do with his lover before he fell asleep. Then came the dreams, naughty and vivid. It was small wonder that he was already at full attention. A purple paw found its way to the squirrel's rigid length, squeezing and stroking over its sleek shape.

"Glad I picked bacon to cook. You're already loaded up on sausage." Hemlock said with a snicker.

"Okay, that one was kind of bad." Piat laughed.

"Hey, it's not even eight o'clock yet. We can't all be early risers," the wolf said, giving his lover's rod a squeeze, "Like you."

"Mmm, maybe not. But I'm sure you'd be just fine with the position that puts you in." the chef said and grinned.

"That'd be missionary right?" Hemlock asked.

"Well, you're a wolf, so I should think doggy style." Piat answered.

That made the violet lupine laugh aloud and he rolled onto his side, pressing his back against the taller fellow's stomach and chest. Already he could feel that insistent, throbbing length mash against his cheeks below.

"Look who's telling the bad jokes now." the purple fellow said.

"Just shut up and get in here. It's too early for me to keep up with the puns." the squirrel replied.

A soft gasp escaped the rotund wolf. He shivered and arched his back as he felt the familiar sensation of his lover's presence stretching him open. It was Piat's turn after all, and he was interested in taking advantage of it. The sizable intruder slowly eased its way deep under the wolf's tail, making him squirm. One of the squirrel's paws groped at the big, soft stomach he had grown so proud of. Piat adored that particular attribute. It gave him so much more to hug.

A low growl sounded in Hemlock's throat as he shifted his hips, wiggling them from side to side, then mashed back in against his beloved. He was just as eager as the squirrel, and willing to let him get a little on the rough side. Just how rough was up to Piat. The squirrel slipped his other arm under the purple fellow, reaching out to take hold of his paw, interlacing their fingers together and squeezing.

Each time the wolf pulled away, the squirrel followed, dragging him back down onto the impressive spire that was buried in him. Hints of clear, sticky ooze began to paint the wolf's innards, making their work that much easier. It made flesh glide against flesh that much more effortlessly. And each twist and turn brought pressure to a new region. It stole Hemlock's breath away.

The paw that had been on the lupine's gut moved lower, slipping down to take hold of the bright green mast that pressed up against the soft orb of his belly. Piat rumbled in his throat as he began to pump over his lover's length, making Hemlock groan even louder. The wolf's tongue dangled from his jaws as he lay there, rocking back into his boyfriend. The squirrel rammed his hips forward with the same enthusiasm. Ordinarily, they might have saved such action for the shower to try and keep things at least somewhat tidy. Neither really cared at the moment. Sheets could be washed.

Any move made by one was countered by the other, both finding a pace and a strength that sated the two of them. The same sticky drooling that was coating Hemlock's innards quickly coated Piat's palm, making his work that much easier. He hammered away at his lover's plush rump, making a noise one could only describe as a growl. It didn't sound quite right coming out of a squirrel, but then he had been learning how to do it properly from a wolf. He was getting good at it.

In but only a few moments, Piat was overcome with an intense desire to go further. He opened his mouth and sank his teeth in against Hemlock's shoulder. The blunt shapes weren't able to do much in the way of harm, especially with such a thick, luxurious coat of fur getting in the way, but he was able to take hold. And his grip was strong enough that he could indeed cause harm if he so chose.

The love-bite was reason enough for the violet lupine to suddenly stiffen. His whole body turned rigid as a board. His eyes bulged and he gasped, flexing around the deliciously engorged thing trapped in his grasp below. The bright green rod Piat had taken hold of quaked and bobbed just before a thick burst of white began to paint the underside of the dark, royal purple belly. A howl filled the room as Hemlock was pushed to climax. The squirrel released his grip on his lover's paw and gripped the nearby pillow and dragged it close to mash in against his boyfriend's muzzle. It might be enough to muffle the noise.

After all, he couldn't have the neighbors getting mad at them again.

The squirrel continued to thrust, bucking as hard as he could as he neared his own end. When it finally came, he stiffened just as his lover had. He sank himself as deep into those plush cheeks as he could manage just before a hearty blast of his own essence flowed deep into the wolf's environs. The paw gripping Hemlock's rod released its vice-like hold and moved to grope at the great, grape belly once again. It was swelling. The growth was slow, but it was present. The soft, pliable nature of his boyfriend's stomach began to fade, turning firm, gradually filling out as the squirrel pumped more of himself in.

By the time it was all over, both lay on their sides, panting, not wanting to separate. Hemlock's stomach had gained quite a bit of girth. To someone who didn't know him especially well, it would be imperceptible. But to Piat and their friends, they would notice the added weight. Already the lupine had been the butt of several jokes about being pregnant. He'd no doubt find more of them headed his way for the next day or two.

"Sorry about the pillow, honey. You know how it is." Piat said.

"Yeah," Hemlock replied once his face was uncovered again, "Can't go setting off all the other wolves and dogs in the whole building."

"And then I'd have to put you in the kennel." the squirrel said with a smirk.

"Oh no, not the kennel. That would be cruel and unusual." the wolf said, feigning terror, and failing to sound convincing.

"Cruel? Not really. Unusual, very much so. But then you like it weird." Piat replied.

"Does that mean you're feeling the urge?" Hemlock asked, giving his rump a gentle wiggle.

The act made the squirrel groan happily but quietly. He had gotten what he wanted from his boyfriend, at least in one manner of speaking. Now it was time to take care of something he'd been interested in for quite a while.

"I'm thinking yeah. It's been too long since the last time I did it to you. And I've got all day off. Might as well squeeze it in." Piat said.

"You mean squeeze -me- in, right?" the lupine asked with a grin.

"Yeah. You'll be a tight squeeze just like always. But I know you love it." the squirrel answered, rolling his hips forward with one last good thrust.

It made the wolf groan and clench again. They both found the state to be a lovely one to remain in, but it wasn't to last. And having a plan for how to proceed after was never a bad thing. Slowly, Piat's shaft began to soften and the grip of the violet wolf's rump gently squeezed him back out. With a soft, wet pop, they separated. It was briefly mourned with a sad little sigh from both, but they quickly moved on to the next round of fun, round being the operative word.

Piat rolled onto his back and stared up at the ceiling, running his paws through the fur on his chest. He knew what was coming and he could scarcely stand the anticipation. His violet lover rolled his way onto his back as well, sitting up as he relished the slight slosh to his middle. He felt over the addition to his waistline and chuckled. That added weight was a nice touch he thought. It was just a shame it was temporary. But then it meant he would just have to get Piat to fill him back up again sometime very soon.

The wolf moved to prop himself up on all fours as he crawled his way in between the squirrel's legs. He gazed briefly at the spire that had only moments ago been tucked tightly under his tail. Part of him wanted to give it reason to harden back up completely then sit down on it, pin his squirrel to the bed and ride him until his stomach was large enough that he couldn't see any of his lover under it. Maybe some other time.

Hemlock's nose found its way to the generous sac that had supplied the hearty load he now enjoyed feeling gurgle away inside him. He nuzzled into it, inhaling his lover's aroma before running his tongue up along the two swells of the squirrel's scrotum. It gave Piat reason to shudder, signaling that his mate was doing a good job. The wolf lingered there, lavishing his boyfriend's sac in tender affection for a brief while, then moved on. He had another destination in mind. And it was just beyond.

Hidden behind the twin orbs lay a cleft, the squirrel's womanly features that Hemlock had serviced many times in the past. His cool, wet nose bumped against the heated petals, drawing another shiver from his boyfriend. It was odd, possessing both sets, but then Piat had never found reason to complain. And Hemlock seemed quite enthusiastic about the matter.

The wolf's tongue slipped from between his lips and pressed against those heated folds, dragging slowly over the quivering flesh. Piat sucked in a sharp breath and spread his legs wider, bending his knees until he could plant his paws flat on the mattress. He was ready, but first, he was going to get a good licking. The lupine was always quite insistent on that point of protocol. A second slow drag of that slick organ lavished the squirrel's loins once again, making him moan.

"Ooo, I gotta get you to do that more often. Maybe put some peanut butter down there or something." Piat said as his voice wavered.

"No need. All that would do is make me pull back and try to get it unstuck from the roof of my mouth. If you want me to spend more time down here, maybe spoon a little of that custard stuff you make that's so good." Hemlock replied before pressing in again.

Another crackle of electricity shot through the squirrel and he arched his back, moaning once more.

"I'm not going to take a torch to my crotch so you can have creme brulee while you're down there," Piat shot back, "Now go on, get to it. I know you wanna do more."

And more Hemlock did. He pressed against his lover's petals with his tongue, slowly forcing his way in until he found the silken passage beyond. The heat was intense, and the honey that seeped out across his tongue suddenly flowed much more freely. Unwilling to stop there, Hemlock pressed on until his nose was wrapped up in that warmth. It brought a gasp from above, as it always did. He closed his eyes and held there, nosing in against the tender walls of his beloved's tunnel, exploring with his tongue.

Piat's voice filled the room, not a scream, but certainly enough to be heard in the living room. He clenched up around his wolf's muzzle and shuddered. A soft splash coated the lupine's snout. It wasn't a full orgasm, but a small tremor before the main event. Hemlock congratulated himself for the small explosion he managed to trigger. And he was keen to go after the bigger one. He explored further in his boyfriend's interior, appreciating every little nook and cranny until he found a very tender spot indeed. It was a small rough patch, one that he knew well.

The instant he tickled it, Piat tensed firmly. The wolf was going after his g-spot. An assault began, sending the squirrel into a dazed mindset. Yowls and cries of ecstasy filled the bedroom as he writhed, reaching down to grip at Hemlock's head and hold him in place. The lewd, slurping sound of being attended to in such a manner was drowned out. Each time the lupine brushed his tongue past that one special little spot, he felt the grip on his muzzle tighten. He pressed forward, trying to hit it as hard as he could with every oral trick he knew.

A howl, very different from the lupine's, finally escaped the squirrel. He was learning all sorts of vocalizations from his boyfriend apparently. A hard jerk yanked the whole of Hemlock's head in out of sight. A squelch accompanied the act just as a great lump formed in the squirrel's abdomen. Initially, the wolf was given to struggle, but only because he had been surprised. A hearty soaking of honey was his reward, coating his fur and matting it down as he was lodged inside the rippling, quivering passage.

It had been the plan all along, and Piat had no intention of stopping. He grit his teeth as soon as he could get his voice under control and pulled. He felt his lover's shoulders slip in one after the other, forcing him to stretch wider around the dark violet fellow. A rumble of delighted glee sounded deep inside him, making his belly tingle. The squirrel rest his paws on the growing bulge, feeling his boyfriend slowly ease into his womb. There had been something he had fantasized about often, sticking Hemlock in there and just leaving him for a while. It never went on for more than a day or so, but they always played at the notion of going longer.

A huff forced its way from Piat as he felt that broad chest sink into his well occupied tunnel. The muscular passage squeezed and rippled away, trying to swallow its captured occupant deeper. It was remarkable how easily the act came to the squirrel, even as he reached that heavy, gurgling tummy he loved to dote on. It would be his to play with soon. The very idea of it excited him beyond his ability to contain himself and a 'hiccup' claimed his loins. A strong tug saw the start of the wolf's rotund middle sink into him.

With so much disappearing into him, the squirrel couldn't stay quiet. He bit back a scream, forcing it to come as a labored moan as he ran his paws over his expanding middle. Already the swell was large enough that he couldn't see Hemlock any longer. Devouring him as he had in the shower days ago had always been one of their favorite things to do, but this was beyond it. It came with a strange maternal instinct, one that Piat welcomed. Any excuse to lavish his lover with attention and affection, and keep him close.

Little by little, the huge grape dome sank in, finally vanishing and adding to the great orb above. Hemlock's rump passed quietly and fairly quickly. His tail swished about happily as he fell slack and limp, letting his boyfriend's body do to him whatever it might. As he was consumed, he curled up, finding the accommodations just as comfortable as he remembered them being. His legs were pulled in just as slowly, a sign that the squirrel was either tired or simply wanting to relish the last few moments of the act. Today, it was the latter.

Piat roamed his paws over his shifting, squirming stomach. It was so satisfying feeling Hemlock inside him. Storing him in is prostate had been a fun day, as it always was. This however carried a very different, very visceral sense of satisfaction. His chest rose and fell steadily and heavily as he felt his lover's knees sink in between his thighs. The imaginings of old bubbled up to the forefront of the squirrel's mind once again; thoughts of just leaving Hemlock inside him, to never let him out again. To always be pregnant with his handsome boy. It sent a tingle up his spine that he loved feeling. He would never go through with it, no matter how tempted he was. To do so meant he wouldn't get to enjoy taking his turn being on the bottom.

Hemlock shifted and tucked his legs in against his swollen tummy, his back pressing out against the paws groping over him, separated from the outside world by layers of skin, muscle, and fur. He could hear the squirrel's heartbeat pounding away nearby, to say nothing of other curious gurgles, creaks, and groans from the body housing him. It was a soothing sound. It gave him reason to keep wagging his tail, even as his paws were swallowed up.

All that remained now was a portion of green fluff, the last bit of his tail, just as bright neon as his length, the tips of his ears, the highlights of his hair, and the curious speckling of spots on his shoulders and thighs. With one last, weak tug from the squirrel, he was consumed completely. The whole of the wolf was pressed into the womb he had been housed in several times before. The ring of muscle he had passed through clenched up shut and held firmly, determined to keep its prize secure for however long the 'mother' wanted him.

A sigh of relief, satisfaction, and unparalleled delight passed Piat's lips. He lay there on his back, fawning over his gravid tummy, finding it impossible not to do so. He wiggled his hips to make it sway back and forth atop him, able to feel Hemlock's weight slow his movement. His paws found a significant patch of stickiness in his fur, just underneath the great curve. He had managed to make a mess on himself throughout the process. Likely it had happened when Hemlock's gut had stretched him at the widest.

"Mmm, there we go, back where you belong." Piat said, his giddiness plain in his voice.

"Yup, right back where I should be. Thanks 'mommy'." the wolf replied, grinning unseen deep in the dark recesses of the squirrel's womb.

"Don't tempt me. I just might decide you should stick around for more than a day or two." the gravid fellow half-heartedly threatened.

"Oh no, I'll be stuck inside a big mean squirrel mom. I guess I'll just have to make him make a mess in his pants whenever I get the chance." Hemlock teased.

Piat was about to respond when a heavy, angry knock came from the front door. They had indeed disturbed the neighbors. He sighed and rolled slowly off the bed. As soon as he was on his paws, Hemlock's weight pulled on his spine and pushed down on his hips. He could have made another sticky patch on his stomach and a puddle on the floor right there. But he had to deal with a very unhappy person. The squirrel waddled his way out of the bedroom, grabbing a towel from the stack of laundry needing to be done as he went. He wrapped it around his waist, his tummy sagging so low it obscured a good portion of it, then headed for the front door.

A twist of the knob saw it open and there, standing out in the breezeway was a very angry looking rabbit. She glared up at the squirrel, only just over half his height without taking her ears into account. She was dressed in a bathrobe, her hair disheveled, and still needing to rub the sleep out of her eyes.

"This is the fourth time this month I've had to come down here and talk to you about that wolf of yours! Where is he!? I want to give him a piece of my mind!" the bunny shouted angrily.

"He's been dealt with." Piat replied, giving his belly a firm pat.

The great dome squirmed about and a soft groan came from under his fur, signifying that Hemlock was indeed imprisoned within. The rabbit blinked as she stared at that vast gut, not having expected such a result. It wasn't her business what other people did in their bedrooms, at least so long as a howling wolf didn't wake her up.

"That's... how you deal with him? You eat him?" she asked, taking a step back lest she might end up on the menu.

"What? No!" Piat cried in dismay, "Okay, well... yes, sometimes. But not right now. I didn't eat him. I put him somewhere else. And don't you worry, I'll have a long talk with him about keeping the noise down while he's in there. And you can bet that I can keep him good and quiet where he is."

"You... put him... somewhere else?" the rabbit asked.

"Yup!" the squirrel grinned, giving his large, pregnant stomach a firm pat, "He makes for one really big baby, but it keeps him under control. If you would like, I could invite you in, cook you some breakfast, and explain how the whole thing works."

The bunny's eyes widened as it dawned on her and she dropped her gaze back to the dome housing Hemlock. She shook her head and tugged on her bathrobe to pull it tighter around her. Piat couldn't help but notice one of her paws starting to drift a bit lower. She wasn't actually enamored with the idea, was she?

"No! No, that's... very kind of you but... I... I'm in no condition to visit. Maybe... some other time. I'm sorry to have bothered you. I've got something I need to take care of. Have a good morning." the rabbit said, suddenly speaking very quickly as she tried to make an excuse to leave.

She turned and hurried away, leaving Piat to stand in the doorway, chuckling to himself. He closed the door and waddled his way back to the living room.

"Well, I think she's not gonna come knocking again anytime soon. Unless she's actually into this sorta thing." he said down to his tummy.

"What? She was turned on by it?" Hemlock asked.

"Who knows? Hard to say. Rabbits like to multiply. It's not beyond the realm of possibility that she's got a fetish for pregnancy, and then she ends up staring a big, tall pregnant squirrel guy down. I might skip watching TV for a bit, see if I can pick up on her satisfying herself." Piat said.

"Hah! Look at you being an infection vector!" the wolf laughed, "Now, is my big pita pocket gonna be waddling around cleaning house, or is he gonna actually take it easy?"

"Well, with you in there, I'm the only one who can actually do the chores. Besides, I like hauling you around. In fact, I might just take you to work with me tomorrow. I always sleep better when I've got you stuffed inside me," Piat said, "And don't call me a sandwich. It makes me hungry, especially since I'm eating for the both of us."