Abandoned story - Mutagenic hospital

Story by AnnoyedDragon on SoFurry

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#4 of Scraps

Yep, got ourselves another one, placeholder name of course.

I've always been interested in the idea of writing a slow gradual transformation, something that is spread out over enough time to be able to explore all the nuances in each aspect of the change. How it affected their experience of simply being and living, how they felt about their transition and what it meant for them as a person in the world.

The problem being, as it seems is always the case, is they turn into big projects... and I don't finish big projects >.=.< I feel compelled to advance my writing by doing bigger and better projects, it just feels lazy and a jump backwards to write more quick fap stories, but that's proven to be a problem for me...

The last edit that was made to this was in August 2016 if Google docs is to be believed, and frankly I feel more interest in some of the other projects at risk of abandonment than this one. When a year has passed, sometimes you just got to let it go and move on, as you've forgotten half of what you were aiming for.

The idea behind this one was simple. In the fallout of a mutagenic war, the descendants of the contaminated are still suffering the effects, finding themselves transforming at a certain age. This led to the construction of specialist hospitals to manage and assist people during their change, as well as protect the general public, because of course these changes are the remnants of bioweapons.

The idea was to get the reader introduced to the official face of the hospital, then delve deeper into the darker aspects of it. After all it's a management facility for monster people, you're going to get the overstepping of power and the maltreatment of patients. Sometimes the changes are just going to be too severe and they'll have to take further steps, sometimes patients would freak out and they'd have to resort to force to keep them under control. This was a hospital with military staff.

One of the ideas in my notes was of the main character stumbling across an isolated patient in recovery, who had been surgically sterilised against her will. As she became a sort of insect queen and of course; they couldn't risk her reaching sexual maturity. The point of the scene being to snap him out of his own brooding about his condition, realising it could have been much worse. It wasn't going to shy away from the horror scenarios and scary aspects of unpredictable change.

A chat with SlinkyDragon at the time led me to decide that the main character would become a taur, to make his change and his experience of it all the more dramatic. To make him feel alien, even when compared to the other patience who were humanoid for the most part. But as said, insect queen meeting would have shook him out that.

But alas, didn't get anywhere near that far. I probably should aim for shorter and simpler stories, given the high failure rate of the big ones.

Chapter One

I open my eyes. I still feel tired... I didn't really sleep well last night. I wasn't woken by my alarm so I must still have some time, so I close them again and attempt to return to sleep. It doesn't work, it never really works, there is always far too much on my mind. Too much to think about, my overactive brain was restless. Why did I struggle to sleep last night? Ah yes, it's coming back now.

Today's the day.

I think on what's to come for some time with my eyes remaining closed, until the alarm finally shocked me from my feigned slumber. I let the mobile phone ring a few times before I finally reach out and silence the nuisance. I don't want today to happen, why did it have to come so fast? These past few days have been blur.

Peering out from under the covers, packed suitcases sit against the furthest wall of my bedroom. So small, yet unsurprising given I didn't need to bring any clothing. Most of that had already been donated to charity, I didn't need them any more.

I forcefully pull myself up from the covers, the cold of the room assaulting my body; causing goosebumps to appear and hairs to stand on end. I needed to get up, wallowing in bed was just delaying the inevitable. Pulling the duvet aside I get out of bed and start making my way to the bathroom.

Reluctantly, I pull back my sleepwear top by the collar, looking over the area of my chest I could see within its stretchy boundaries. Underneath I see something catch the light, glisten, part of the skin on my chest looking to have a reflective coating. It's spread since I saw it last... Feeling over the area, the skin there was slightly tougher and lacking its usual texture. It felt smooth and had a glossy finish, like someone had painted over my skin with transparent nail polish.

I thought... At first I thought that area had become overly sensitive for some reason, that the soap had burned it and it had healed over. I've had mild chemical burns in the past and was familiar with the wafer thin scab they left behind, it was sort of like that. But I knew I hadn't experienced any sensation of sensitivity in that area, of burning that later healed, my skin just went like that one day.

So naturally as I noticed it was slowly spreading into the surrounding skin, I went the doctor. They ran tests, then they delivered the news I had been fearing my entire life...

My mind was pulled from its thoughts as I noticed something. My tongue felt over something unusual. Spitting the toothpaste into the sink I raised a lip with one hand to inspect, a slightly sharper tooth came into view. I knew my teeth well like everyone else, that tooth wasn't that pointy before... My breathing quickened, my heart ramped up, I threw the toothbrush into the sink.

It wasn't fair! Why me? Seriously, why me? Why did it have to be me? My father dodged that bullet, why couldn't I have done that as well?

I paced around the bathroom angrily, breathing noisily, my thoughts overwhelmed with the sudden rush of emotion. It just wasn't fair, I thought I had managed to get passed this, I thought I was safe!

Gripping the bathroom sink I breathed deeply, attempting to compose myself, attempting to calm down. The breaths stuttered and I could feel my heart pounding, but gradually, things began to slow down. As I felt I had a grip on things, I picked the toothbrush back up and resumed my morning routine.

Now fully dressed and cleaned for another day, I sat on the couch with cereal and let some mind numbing entertainment play on my mobile phone. I had to remove this bowl from one of the travel boxes, everything was in boxes, I've been living out of them while I was packing my life away. Today was the last day, when everything would go, including myself. This wasn't my home any more.

I thought to myself while munching away, consciously trying to not allow that sharper tooth to bite down on anything soft. About everything, everything that had led to this.

My father was a carrier. It wasn't uncommon, a lot of people are carriers of the mutagenic gene, that doesn't mean it's going to activate. It didn't for him. Typically that happened during puberty, so if you got past puberty without it activating you'd be considered ninety percent safe from that point forward. Guess I ran out of luck for it to happen in my early twenties. Normally you'd be considered safe at this point but... I wasn't.

It wasn't a natural gene, obviously, there is nothing natural about what's happening to me. It is a remnant of the mutagenic war when nothing was off the table. Back when they were gassing their own troops with transformative substances, the world was in a biological arms race and they looked to nature for new enhancements.

Facilities would be bombed, mutagenic substances would leak out and contaminate the environment. Even trace exposure would implant the genetics for change into future generations. They cleaned up the environment, but they couldn't clean up our genes. They tried to impose reproductive restrictions on the infected, but of course people didn't take well to that. I should appreciate the rights movement, I wouldn't have been born otherwise.

So the mutations became managed, they also evolved. Modern mutagenic people are domesticated compared to the originals, I guess it was nature trying to de-weaponise life. As the genes were passed on one generation to the next the combat enhancements became diluted, suppressed emotions reemerged, their bodies were still alien but were more like... animals rather than tools of war.

I had only moved out five months ago, started renting my own place, my own home and my own life. Then I activated. It's all being taken away now, my life's on hold until the process is complete. For that I have to go away for a while, to a specialist centre designed to accommodate people while they change, then help them reintegrate back into society.

A looked into the bottom of my empty bowl, a distorted version of my own face looking back at me. I had no idea what I was going to turn into, how I'd come out on the other end. I could hate how I look, I could lose human functionality, I could... Anything could happen, it all would kick off from today. All I had to go on was a patch of shiny tough skin on my chest and a slightly sharper tooth.

I had better just get on with things...

Most of the boxes would remain here, my family would be storing them for me while I was away. I had so little to bring because most of what I needed would be provided at the centre. There was certainly no point in keeping clothes, they'd likely be incompatible with my body by the end, other people would make better use of them.

Everything was ready, it was just a matter of waiting to be picked up. Eventually there was a beep outside and I hurried out with the few possessions I'd be taking, placing them in the car boot. Once inside, I watched as my home rolled into the distance and out of view. I wouldn't be seeing it again.

"How are you feeling?" Said the driver, my father, attempting to break the silence.

"Weird..." I eventually said in a defeated voice, maintaining my unfocused gaze at the world passing by outside. Very little of me had changed, yet my body was feeling unusual. It was hard to describe, your whole body preparing to transition into something else isn't really a sensation you can convey.

"I can imagine..." He eventually followed with. "You know... when your mother and I decided to have you, we knew there was a chance this could happen. We accepted that, you understand?" He glanced my direction before resuming his attention on the road. "What I mean is we love you very much and this doesn't change..."

"I understand" I interrupted, "I do understand that, it's just..." I tried to find the words. "It's just, I thought I was past this, that it wouldn't happen like it didn't happen to you".

"I know son, I know. Just remember however you turn out, we'll always love and be there for you. Don't ever forget that, however much it may upset you".

Silence resumed in the vehicle, but my spirits were a little lifted. Once again it was up to him to break the quiet.

"How about we get something to eat on the way, since we won't be seeing each other for a while?" I nodded in agreement. Come to think of it I hadn't really eaten much that morning, there was no point in stocking up on food and I was feeling hungry. At the first opportunity the car turned and parked outside a road side cafe.

We walked in and took a seat at a empty table, I taking hold of the laminated menu to see what was on offer. My dad gave me his order and then left for the lavatory, leaving me to order for both of us. Eventually a waitress stopped next to our table and asked for our order, I gave it while looking through the options; then put the menu down to look up to her.

I had to restrain my reaction as I looked up to where the feminine voice had come from, to instead be staring into a beak. "S... sorry" I said to the large bird, to which she said it wasn't a problem and asked what we wanted to drink. She took the order in her taloned hands and left to give it to the cook behind the scenes.

She had a feminine body shape but feathers were bursting out of every hole in her clothing. Where you'd expect work shoes on a waitress, long scaly avian legs padded nakedly against the polished floor. I guessed they never really found the right type of shoe for her, or she just preferred not to wear them.

A hole cut in her skirt allowed tail feathers through, which appeared to be trimmed short to reduce the amount of feathery floof she carried on her rear. Helping her navigate the cramped cafe floor without having to worry about what was happening behind her. Oddly, the feathers on her head were styled, giving them the appearance of a hair like shape. She must have been adjusting them over a prolonged period to create such a look.

She was hardly the first mutagenic I've seen, it was a daily occurrence, I just wasn't expecting to see one as I looked up. That and I was feeling particularly aware today, taking note of her appearance, at one possibility of what I could become. Thinking on it, I decided a sharpening tooth suggested I wouldn't be growing a beak.

Since we ordered cold drinks she quickly returned, placing them on our table, me taking advantage of her closeness to observe her body again. My thoughts were interrupted with a "Can I help you?" To which I turned to see the bird women looking at me, clearly having noticed my staring.

"Oh sorry, no, no that's fine." I responded awkwardly, blushing at having been caught staring at someone's body. A women at that.

"Come on now, don't be shy. People are always worried they'll cause offence when they're curious about a little bird like me, but really I don't mind. You won't get far in customer service if you're thin skinned". She sat where my father did earlier on the other side of the table, looking at me with that avian face. "So go on, what do you want to know?"

There was a silence as I struggled to think of anything, what could I really ask her? Her experience likely will be different to my own, I didn't know what I'd be becoming. But, I imagine, there would be some things I can ask. But first, I'd best let her know where I was coming from.

"I... I activated a few days ago." I said reluctantly, it still not feeling normal to say it aloud. "I'm on my way to the treatment centre now".

"Ah..." she said, leaning back. Her tail feathers visibly bushing out behind her as they pressed against the back of the seat. "You're heading for the place further up then?"

I nodded.

"Well you're in good hands, I was treated there, they're friendly and patient with you." She reached her hand over the table and placed it on my own, patting on it reassuringly, the scaled plates on her talon like hands feeling tough and smooth against my human skin.

"I was so vain back then." She continued. "Well, I still am." She said chuckling, a slight avian sharpness to her tone. "But I didn't take to turning into a birdie very well. You get over it with help eventually, that doesn't seem possible now but trust me you will".

I nodded again in silence. It coming from someone who had already gone through all this and had carried on with their lives was reassuring. There were millions of people who changed and carried on, it wasn't the end of the world. I looked forward to when I could say that with some conviction though...

"So what are your symptoms so far? Don't be shy, you haven't got anything I haven't already seen." She looked at me reassuringly. Well, as reassuring as a beak could be, I think her eyes helped with that. I looked around the cafe, it seemed fairly empty, no one was really in direct view of myself. So I gave her a quick look under my shirt, where the skin had hardened and looked glossy.

"Oh I've seen that before, it's usually a precursor to scales, but don't quote me on that".

"Scales?" I repeated, seeking clarification.

"Yeah well, the skin hardens and goes glossy like that. Eventually the affected areas crack into a scale like texture, which keeps getting harder and grows outward over each other to form scales. They'll take on a different colour in the latter stages as they fully harden, that's what happened to my hands and legs".

She held up her scaly hands, letting me look them over. What she said made sense, was I turning into some sort of reptile or fish? I wasn't keen on the idea. Then again, I wasn't keen on turning into anything. At the very least scales sounded the more manageable of the options.

She turned around as I glanced over her shoulder, then got up from her seat as she saw my father exiting the bathroom. Wishing me well and returning to her duties.

"Oh? What was that about?" He asked, looking between myself and the avian waitress while she worked. I told him it was nothing, not wishing to talk any more on the matter.

We had left the cafe and continued on our way to the treatment centre, finally stopping at the gates, having to request entrance through a speaker. These places did need some security, anti-mutagenic wackos would love to be able to target a building full of them. So that was a factor for consideration in the high walls and locked entrance, among other things...

We pulled up outside and several members of staff came out to greet us. They looked at my identification, saying they'll take my belongings to my room and that this was as far as my dad could follow me. He gave me one last reassuring hug, wishing me luck and we parted ways. I watched by the entrance as he drove away, it would be some time before we'd get to see each other again.

The building felt like a hybrid between a hospital and living accommodation, fitted for both treatment and occupancy. Those in mutagenic transition had to live here during it after all, receiving treatment for whatever their present stage of development required, as well as some recreational facilities to take patients minds off things.

My greeter took me to reception to sign in, then to a sitting area to await introduction. I was the only one sitting there at the time, the room decorated in a variety of motivational posters and information leaflets on mutagenics. After I was diagnosed I probably read everything on the internet, so I doubted this approachable material had anything new to offer me.

My hands fidgeted in my lap while I waited. This was all so surreal and unnerving, I didn't imagine myself being here at this age. Being inside one of these buildings was like stepping into another world, only specialists and the mutagenic were allowed in, I had only arrived and yet I could already sense it in the air. This was their world and now I was part of it.

I'm mutagenic, my body didn't reflect that yet but... give it time, it had already started.

Finally, one of the doors opened and I was greeted in by name. Taking a deep breath I get up and try to mentally prepare myself before entering the room.

Inside was an aging fellow in a brown suit, looking over some documents on a computer that I imagined related to myself. He welcomed me in and directed me to sit down, telling me he would only be a moment.

This room, like the waiting area, was covered in informational posters with a few motivational ones spread about. Motivation seemed to be a big theme thus far, I suppose I couldn't blame them from trying to raise the spirits of newcomers. Most wouldn't take well to knowing they'd be leaving this place as a monster...

The man finally turned to me with a smile, reaching over his desk to shake my hand. "Just a few matters to cover and we'll get you settled in, this won't take long" he reassured me. He typed on his computer a bit more, glancing at some paper documents on his desk, then resumed speaking to me.

"Now I understand this is a difficult time for you. At your age, you likely thought you wouldn't be sitting where you are right now. That's understandable." He pressed his glasses closer to his face. "But understand you're not alone. There are other people here of similar age and your room will be in that section, so you're not going to be the oldest person here, I assure you".

That... was reassuring. In all honesty, I imagined I was going to be surrounded by juveniles struggling to manage their hormones, never mind as their bodies were changing on top of all that. Being around people similar to my age was welcome.

He handed me a document and asked me to sign it. I had already previously read it on a prior day so I was able to do so there and then.

It was simply an agreement of cooperation and behavioural restraint, as well as to the consequences should you fail to follow the rules. Agreeing that you won't try to tear chunks out of staff when you have the teeth and claws to do so, stuff like that. This was probably the only type of medical practice that stocked tranquilizer guns...

Really it was an archaic agreement for the most part. Mutagenic people aren't as aggressive and dangerous as they used to be in those early days. Without the military scientists reinforcing those traits one generation to the next, you could say they were bred out and behaviour returned back to nature.

Nevertheless, a legal document promising you'll cooperate and behave would always be valuable to people working in a place like this, in case of the worst. It was also an agreement on their part that they'll accomodate me to the best of their ability. However messed up I end up becoming, they'd have a duty of care until I was fit to be returned to society.

Standing from his desk he gestured for me to go into a neighbouring room, this one felt more like a proper medical area, with privacy screens and glove disposal bins. A colleague of his already in this room pulled a screen over, he asked me to strip down for examination. I took a deep breath, right... here we go.

Clothing discarded I stood naked behind the privacy screen while the two of them walked around me. Asking that I space my legs or move myself for better inspection, writing down notes about what they apparently found. They seemed to be writing an awful lot considering how little of me had changed, were they noticing more than I have?

I looked down over myself, seeing the splatter of that shiny skin on my chest, small patches of it dotted around from the main mass. My gaze diverted upward from it as one of the men stopped in front of me, shining a light into my eyes, asking to check inside my mouth. He made notes and moved on.

They were saying a lot behind me, taking notes, what were they seeing behind me? I was feeling really self conscious, like there was a lot I may have missed about myself.

"What can you see back there?" I reluctantly inquired.

"Just slight changes in your physique, nothing the untrained eye would notice Just relax, we'll finish up soon". I nodded and resumed staring forward into space.

They exchanged notes and seemed happy they had recorded everything of significance, telling me I could get dressed again. One of the men left the privacy screen and returned with a plastic sealed bag, telling me to wear these. Inside was a simple disposable outfit, cheap feeling, like it was made out of a reinforced recycled paper. The separately packaged shoes were flexibly thin with thick cardboard like soles.

The material was woven into tiny squares, so if there was a tear it wouldn't compromise the entire outfit despite its weak feel. I had heard of these. There was no sense in giving patients expensive clothing that would have to be repeatedly modified, these could be torn and adjusted as needed or simply discarded if they became unsuitable.

I hope the place is well heated because they didn't appear to offer any sort of insulation, they only really acted to hide one's nudity if anything. There was a name tag with the outfit, no photograph, just patient identification details. Once clipped on I looked the part for a resident here.

Now dressed, the privacy screen was pulled away and I was directed back into the other room. The remaining member of staff packing away my last remaining outfit into a box as I exited. I'd unlikely be making use of it in the future.

I sat down in that little office again while he typed up some details, probably updating their system as to my condition at this early stage. He pulled a bottle of tablets from his draw and rested it on the desk while he continued his work. I felt my heart skip a beat... I recognised those. I stared at them intently, until him speaking to me again broke me from it. I looked to him but glanced to the bottle occasionally.

"Now you're all registered and signed in, do you have any questions?"

I shook my head silently.

"It's tough on your first day, so if you change your mind you can find my office over here." He pulled out a small folded map and pointed to a location on it, it could have been a schematic for an alien craft for all I knew but I'd make sense of the building in time. This was going to be my home for a while after all.

With that we shook hands and I was told to go to the waiting room just outside the office, him handing me those tablets as I left. There appeared to be tablet bottle sized pockets built into the outfit I was wearing, though they rattled as I walked.

Eventually someone new showed up and asked me to follow them.

We passed through some very secure looking gates, metal detectors and other instruments making sure I wasn't sneaking anything in. They scanned my ID to register my entry. I could see gun cabinets in the back of the small room occupied by the security guard, likely where they kept the tranquilizers.

It was like entering a prison, though I suppose this was like a prison in a way. It wasn't just for our benefit, they were keeping us locked away until we were deemed not a threat to society. Mutagenics did originally originate from bioweapons after all, people in the area would want the reassurance that a crazed individual couldn't just walk out and maul someone.

The rotating gate clicked behind me, I was locked in now. Taking a controlled breath to compose myself, I followed my guide into the resident area.

Several elevators were decorated by surrounding plant life, which on closer inspection were plastic and just a little dusty. There were round seats surrounding the fake plants, spaced more widely than you would expect for a public area. Sat on one of them was a woman wearing a long single piece garment, of the same material to my own. It appeared bottomless, which would have been revealing if it wasn't for the brown fur.

Her legs were crossed while she idly flipped through a book, facing towards me were large unusual animalistic foot paws. A thick tail lifted the cloth at the rear and drooped lazily over the seat and to the ground. From the large ears and muzzle development in her face, I could tell she had kangaroo features.

She glanced up at us as we approached, then returned to her book. Paying us no attention. Licking the paw pad of one of her fuzzy digits and using it to turn the page, her tongue clearly longer than a human's otherwise would.

Looking at her tail and the size of her legs; I could see why the seats were so spaced. You'd never really know what sort of creature would be sat on them, so they gave the extra room for good measure.

She seemed to be far into her change but wasn't quite there, I wasn't used to seeing them part way through their changes like this. Every mutagenic you meet in public have fully undergone their transformation, no one really sees the transitional stages. It was unusual but also interesting, I was curious how her human and animal anatomy blended together at this incomplete stage, yet understand it would be rude to stare.

Diverting my gaze I waited for the elevator with my guide. Just briefly catching sight of another mid stage mutagenic walking further down the corridor as the elevator opened up before us. I took another cheeky look at the roo girl before entering, the closing doors removing her from view.

We exited onto a higher floor, several other mid development mutagenics going about their business as we walked. I couldn't really stop to look at them as we turned corners, fur and feather blurring to the side of me as I tried to keep track of this maze. I think they were staring at me as we past, like I was the unusual sight.

I suppose a vanilla looking human wearing a patient outfit would be a novel thing to see here, particularly at my age. Best get a good look, he won't remain that way for long. Try to remember what he used to be before the change creeps in.

We stopped at a numbered door, my guide handed me the key and an assortment of other greeting items then wished me well. Become familiar with the daily schedule they said, but just get settled in for now.

I stepped in, thanking them and waving goodbye. I just caught a partially opened door slamming shut on the other side of the hallway as they left, it seemed my arrival was being watched. Shrugging, I closed the door and separated myself from the strange world outside.

I breathed and let myself deflate... That was strangely exhausting for how little I did. A lot happened all at once but I could be left to my thoughts for just a little while now. What a day.

Turning around I was greeted to a plain looking room, neutral colours. A king size bed sat in the centre of the left wall with a dresser pressed against the right; aligned with the bed. Panic alarms poked out of the wall near the ground, there was also some communication system built into the wall. No television, no computer. Hmm... luckily I brought my own.

It was a surprisingly large room but there was little in it, everything was widely spaced, even the doors to what I imagined was the connected bathroom were extra wide. Just in case you ended up turning into something big or complicated I imagined.

Reassuringly my belongings had been placed on the bed, ready for me to unpack and make this room a little bit more my own.

Inspecting the bathroom I had to catch myself after the unexpected sight within. The toilet was at the centre of the bathroom, the very centre... Everything else was placed to the far walls, including the generously sized walk in shower behind a wall of glass. I had never actually seen the inside of a mutagenic toilet, I wasn't expecting anything like this though.

I suppose it made sense, it also made sense why people would complain there were too few mutagenic stalls in a public toilet. They allowed so much space around the toilet to accommodate such a diversity of body types that it consumed three times as much space. I also noticed a selection of seat covers stored in the corner, the "human type" already being placed on top my one. Hopefully that wouldn't change.

I return to the bed and let my weight fall onto it, bouncing on my rear. Rattling? Ah, right, those pills... I pull the bottle out for inspection. I wasn't fond of the idea of taking these, but that couldn't be avoided I guess. What they actually did was accelerate your transition, causing you to go through the process faster.

Naturally transforming, if you could even call it natural, can take up to a year. No one has time for that, so they speed it up under controlled and monitored conditions. I've heard it can actually make the process more painful, because it places more stress on your body... But then, I wouldn't want to be trapped here all year either.

Take three times a day with meals... Breakfast, dinner, tea. Easy enough to remember. Actually, food sounded good right now.

I pulled out my little map and looked for wherever it was they served food here. Reading that number 26 was the food court was one thing, locating it on this map was another. I decided it would be best to ask someone else for directions. Exiting the room I took note of the door on the other side of the hallway, where I noticed someone watching my arrival just earlier. I decided to try there.

After knocking a woman eventually answered, a human looking women on a glance. She was around my age and wearing similar clothing, a identification tag hanging from the front of her top.

On second glance I noticed her ears looked anything other than human, they were enlarged and... rodent like. A slight texture of fur here and there on her skin, but otherwise human looking compared to the earlier residents I saw.

She sheepishly stepped back in and narrowed the doors opening as she realised it was me. "Oh... hello." She eventually said, "Can I help you?" She seemed nervous.

"Sorry if I interrupted anything, it's just..." I held my map up. "I'm new here and I have no idea how to get to the food court. Could you direct me, if that's ok?"

"Oh... ok, I can do that..." She stepped out, closing the door behind her. I was expecting verbal directions but I guess she was going to take me there, which I appreciated. "My names Jenny, but people call me Jen. I guess we're neighbors then?"

"Yeah!" I said while reaching out to shake her hand, she did so but seemed reluctant. "Sorry, are you ok Jen?"

She seemed to suddenly perk up, her somewhat rodent like ears twitching upward in response. "Oh! Sorry, it's not your fault!" Her fingers began to fidget as she let go of my hand. "I've only been here a couple of days myself. You get used to being around altered people, so when someone normal comes along it sort of makes you think about how you look..."

She smiled, her two front teeth slightly more pronounced. I imagined it must be difficult for a woman to show herself to a seemingly normal man, when there are animal traits disfiguring her appearance.

"Well don't feel too self conscious, you've only got a few days on me; I'll soon blend in." I said trying to be friendly. Really, I wasn't looking forward to blending in any time soon. Only a few days and she already has these sort of deformities?

"It's the ones others cannot see that really makes you feel self aware at this stage..." She added, looking downward. "But, I guess we all have to get used to that. Going to run out of human skin to hide behind eventually." I nodded in agreement, covering up changes eventually would be like trying to fight back the tide. You'll never win that battle.

She gestured down the corridor and I followed, noticing that her sheepishness seems to have dissolved and there was a new confidence to how she portrayed herself.

We eventually reached a sitting area, though there was not a proper chair in sight. Lounges, backless benches, stools, bean bags. Seating that could be adaptable for a variety of different body types.

People at different stages of development relaxed here, watching one of several televisions spaced just enough that their sound wouldn't interfere with each other too much. I could see a fair few tails drooping out from behind people, as well as insectoid wings in one case. It must be annoying to find something as simple as a seat for many mutagenic, due to their additional limbs.

Jen explained. "They don't really like us watching entertainment in our rooms, they consider it as supporting isolation behaviours; which people would otherwise engage in due to their appearance. Having public recreation encourages people to sit together, to socialise and become more comfortable with how they look around others. Because we all look different here and shouldn't feel the need to hide."

I nodded as we moved on.

We passed through an outdoors area, real plants surrounding benches and a fountain, a patch of turf which several people were sitting on bare foot... or bare paws in some cases. The building surrounded us at all sides, like a piece of a park had been plucked out and placed here. Looking up I noticed it wasn't entirely clear sky above us, a metallic mesh dome sealed everything in.

"To stop the winged trying to fly away" clarified Jen. This was a nice little area for some fresh air and sun, but it was still clearly a cage. I gazed upward at the bars as we returned inside.

Eventually we did reach the food court, rounded tables littered a large open area, each table surrounded by stools. There appeared to be a few additional seat types piled in the corner should they be needed. Myself and Jen made our way to the counter.

The women behind the counter greeted Jen and myself by name, I was initially surprised until I realised we were both carrying ID on our front. I asked her what was available right now.

"Well that depends." She responded. "Are you omnivore, carnivore, herbivore, insectivore, frugivore, avivore, haematophagy, piscivore, granivore, osteophagy..."

"Human!" I interrupted.

"We don't serve those." She followed with.

Jen chuckled. "She does this with all the newbies."

The lady behind the counter smirked, turning to me. "By the time you leave here you'll be able to answer that question".

She leaned over with a scanner and ran it over my ID card. "And system says... human digestive system." She plops a little plastic pyramid on a tray and hands it to me, the number one is on each face. "Omnivore serving counter is over there hun, best enjoy yourself before I start giving you a different number".

"Erm... thanks." A little culture shocked, I make my way toward the counter she directed me to, Jen followed behind with her own tray. The selection looked like the typical offering from a hospital, health food for the most part with the odd treat here and there.

"Anything in particular you fancy?" Asked Jen.

"Quite frankly I feel like I could eat the lot" I laughed, downplaying such gluttony. "I don't get it, I ate on the way here yet I'm starving already".

"That's the higher metabolism." Jen clarified. "You'll burn through food quicker to fuel your change. It's normal and the food court runs 24/7 for that reason".

"That's good to know." I said to her while loading up my tray, having to restrain myself out of shame. However as we left to find a seat I couldn't help but notice Jen's tray had even more on it than mine. Perhaps I was underestimating how much was acceptable to eat under our condition?"

We took a seat and I pulled the tablet bottle from my clothing, reading the instructions on the side to ensure I was using it correctly. Jen produced her own one and quickly took a dose down.

"I hate these things." Jen suddenly said, to which I asked why. "They don't just speed up the change, they sort of mess the order up as well." I wasn't sure what she meant, so I asked her to clarify. "Look over at that person for example." I followed the direction she pointed, there a partially fuzzy individual walked by with a full length monkey tail. Though despite the patchy fur their face looked mostly human.

"A natural transformation is your whole body shifting together, yet they've already got a full tail despite the rest of their body being at different stages. It's like that, you get growth spurts in different areas and your body changes at different rates. It's like how my ears are well ahead of my face, it should all progress at the same pace but the pills mess it up."

"I see..." I said nodding in understanding. "So if you were turning into a deer like thing, you could start growing horns before the rest of your face changes. When really the whole body should be at the same stage of development?"

"Yeah, like that. That and because some anatomy is changing faster than others, it can cause problems. Like what if you didn't have the neck and spine to support those horns? You could cause yourself some serious damage." She looked into her drink, concern on her face. "That's why medical staff are always on hand, in case... something goes wrong".

"Scary..." I followed with, rolling the pill container around in my hand, hearing it rattle.

So these things can actually cause you serious bodily harm? They could have let me know that before signing the agreement, not that there was any choice in the matter. It was a requirement of staying here and even if you refused to sign; you could still get forced by authorities for public safety. Better to sign on your terms than theirs...

Well there was no sense in delaying the inevitable.

I popped open the container and removed a tablet, holding it between a thumb and finger for inspection. Lifting my drink I held it up towards Jen. "Well, here's to the first step towards getting out of here." She rose her drink towards mine for a toast and with that; I downed the pill with a few glugs. Hoping for the best.

Chapter Two

I woke up feeling groggy and lethargic, like I was coming down with something. The bed sheets wet with sweat and sticking to me uncomfortably. Throwing them from myself I sat up in bed and moaned at the unpleasant sensation in my forehead.

It wasn't so much a headache as a straining sensation behind my eyes, like my body was reacting negatively to some toxifying substance... One guess on what that was. Who knows what sort of cocktail they put in those pills.

I got out and headed for the bathroom, scratching an itch on my chest. Member out, I began urinating in the unnervingly large bathroom, there was a slight burning sensation as it left me. My penis was feeling kind of... raw.

Looking down I wasn't pleased with what I saw, the skin on my penis was looking reddish and feeling kind of sore. It was a little sticky to the touch, swollen feeling, like it had been abused in some manner and was in the progress of healing.

"...Whatever" I sighed, I really shouldn't be surprised at anything while here. If it's a problem the doctors will let me know, a perk of living in a medical centre. I promised myself I wouldn't freak out at every little change, because let's face it a lot would change. I finished up and moved on, trying not to think on it.

Walking to the sink, unthinkingly scratching at my chest, "Ouch!" suddenly escaped from me.

Looking downward that shiny skin had done some spreading over night, it was now over the other side of my chest and had flowed over my stomach on one side. From the itching over my back it was probably on there as well. A flaky piece of it had been pulled up from my scratching, a fingernail must have caught it. Finger nail...

How had I not noticed when using the toilet? The nail that would otherwise be protruding from the skin had fused with it, the fingertips looked narrower, the fingernail ends more pointed. Those nails were looking a little... clawy. Nothing drastic, just enough to cause a little damage while scratching myself too roughly.

I should... I should probably go look at the mirror.

Well that strange skin certainly had spread. I looked like someone recovering from a bad sunburn, patches of dry flaky skin scattered over me, only these were firm and shiny unlike peeling skin. They didn't look like they were going anywhere and they itched irritatingly, particularly now that I had seen them.

With the exception of some on my neck, most of it would be concealable. At least for now. Damn... It took a few days to reach the state I was in on arrival, over one night it had spread like this? That medication didn't mess around.

Feeling the need for further inspection I spent some time at the mirror, looking closely. There was something about my posture I couldn't quite put my finger on, but it could be down to me having just gotten out of bed. My penis stood out in particular due to its reddish hue against the rest of my skin, it looked sore but only a little if I touched it, a slight stinging to the sticky skin.

Pulling my lips up, that sharp tooth had friends and they had become meaner. Most of my teeth were visibly pointed now, more canine like teeth had taken over my mouth; giving it a strange intimidating look. Moving my tongue as I looked around, I noticed it felt different. I stuck it out, it pushing outward a little further than yesterday, appearing more pointed at its end.

Freaky... So much change, in just one night. I couldn't imagine how I'd look by the end of the week. I was just glad nothing too obvious had happened yet, I still looked human. But this was enough vanity for one morning, the schedule said there would be an inspection at this time of day, I had better get cleaned up.

Sure enough in time a doorbell sound irritatingly echoed around the room, I hope I can change that tune... Now dressed in my papery outfit; I opened it up and greeted a member of staff in. He was dressed in thin disposable overalls and carrying a bag of things with him, which he rested on the bed.

"Right, so let's get things started. I imagine you're not feeling one hundred percent today?"

I shook my head, I was sweating even though I was doing very little.

"The first night is the toughest on the medication, your body will eventually get used to it; so just be sure to keep up with the doses and drink plenty of water." He opened the bag on my bed and pulled out a clipboard, flipping through several documents and writing something down.

"My name is Thomas and I'll be performing your inspection this morning, so if you'd be so kind; please strip and stand next to the bed for me".

I sighed audibly, rubbing my iffy feeling forehead. I didn't really want to get naked for this guy. He quickly caught on, undoubtedly I wasn't the first person to be reluctant to strip down for him.

"I've been performing these inspections for seven and a half years and I've seen everything from every species there is to see. So come on, chop chop, I've got the whole hallway to get through".

Rolling my eyes I begin to undress, throwing my clothes on the bed until I was completely nude. The rough material of the outfit offering a little relief as it scraped over the patches of affected skin.

"Now just stand there for me while I make some notes..."

The man circles me like those doctors the other day, writing down my latest changes. I try to ignore him until he was crouching before me, pointing towards my junk with his pen.

"Looks like your genitalia is eager to get started. It'll be sore for a day or two but best get it over with early, right?"

"I noticed..." I said sarcastically, then thought on. "I don't suppose you have any creams or ointments to ease the transition?"

"Afraid not son." He stood back up and looked me in the face, seemingly indifferent to my nudity. "Problems like these are usually over in a day, plus considering the potential reactions to all these different biologies; they save the medication storage for the serious problems. Not a stingy willy".

He chuckled and continued pacing around me, looking at his clipboard. "Just try to keep your mind on other things, today's going to be interesting for you while that sorts itself out". I nodded, distracting myself with my thoughts while he did his checks. Being interrupted for a moment while he peered in my mouth and shon a light in my eyes.

He pulled out a tape measure and started checking my measurements. Measuring around my waist, leg and arm length, my full height. "Looks like you've grown a little over night." He said while checking a measurement. "Limb length is the same though, it's all torso. That's interesting."

I did think something about my posture was a little weird this morning. All torso though? I'm not so much getting taller as longer then, not like that changed my overall height had increased though... "So why's that interesting?" I asked him.

"Hmm? Oh nothing, it's actually typical of most quadrupedal species to result in a lengthened torso for the mutagenic, I'd just expect some sort of limb length change to accompany that. Early days though, plenty of time for that to happen".

Finally, he told me to put my cloths back on while he finished his notes. I did so eagerly.

"Have you had any internal discomfort? Like intestinal?" He asked while packing away his things. I told him I didn't. "Well seeing as this is your first proper day on site, we'll withhold sending you down to be checked. It's unlikely that your digestive system will have changed this early. But if you feel any discomfort, particularly after food, let us know and we'll get it checked out".

"Oh and one last thing, give us a smile." I turned to him wondering what he meant, only for a flash to go off. He was holding his smartphone. He showed me a confused photo of myself, my mouth open showing rows of sharp teeth. "That's going in the next letter." He said as if announcing it to an audience, before putting the phone away.

I realised he was referring to letter updates they'd be sending to my family! "Hang on, let's take that one again, you didn't give me a chance to..."

He interrupted. "A chance to what? Hide your sharpies? The point of those letters is to keep your family up to date on your appearance, how you've changed. It's for your benefit really, so they have a chance to digest your appearance by the time you leave here".

I didn't like the idea, who would? Who would want their family to receive a slide show of them slowly turning into a freak? Yet, just turning up at the end and hoping for the best wasn't a good scenario either.

"Just... I promise I'll keep my mouth open, can we take it again?" He thought for a moment, before sighing and letting me pose for another picture. I still felt terrible about the idea of my parents seeing my toothy mouth, but at least I was smiling in this one.

He packed his things together, seemingly getting ready to leave now.

"I'll probably see you again for tomorrow's check-up if I'm doing the rounds. These happen every morning, but if there's anything you need inspected; just stop by our office. You're always changing so you may encounter problems between these inspections, so don't wait for the next one if it's something you're worried about".

He told me to be sure to follow the schedule and take my medication, before leaving to invade someone else's privacy. Relief swept over me as the door closed and I was finally left alone. Every morning this happens? I suppose they have to keep up to date with how things were progressing, but that didn't mean I had to like it...

Today should be interesting because it was my first official day here, I had a schedule to follow and I'd get a chance to explore the facilities better. But first, my hunger burned, more so than usual so I had better satisfy that first. I needed food with my medication anyway.

I grabbed the pills and headed for the door, only to suddenly stop in my tracks, my body shuddering as I felt a muscular wave erupt somewhere very private. Following the length of my manhood; it continued between my legs and inside, hitting my prostate. My anus clenching as the sensation seemed to dissipate into the surrounding flesh of that area.

...What the hell was that? I opened my pants and inspected, the penis looked as before, a little bit of wetness leaking from its tip and wiping against my underwear.

That was... a strange sensation. Because it was so isolated, I felt aware of how my genitalia was placed within my body. I could feel how far it reached inside, where my testicales and prostate were sat. The whole area buzzed in the aftermath but I could feel it fading now.

Inevitably because of the area affected, there was a sexual side to it, strange stimulation as my bits were infected with change. My penis was semi-hard, but I shook it off and forced myself to calm down, cleansing my thoughts of anything that might encourage it. I didn't want any embarrassments on my first proper day here.

Feeling composed, I left my room for breakfast. Once more into the zoo.

The food court was alive with activity, I hadn't seen so many mutagenic people in one place before. Usually they'd be the few within the crowd, here they were the crowed. Different shades of skin, fur, feather and scale decorated the room. Tails of different shapes and sizes, human and bestial faces talking with one another, mutagenics at different stages of development.

I was intimidated initially, if a fight broke out here many were carrying naturally produced sharp implements. Though I had to correct myself, really that was an intolerant line of thinking, everyone here looked to be pretty chill with one another. Just because they had claws didn't mean they were going to use them... I'd want the courtesy of that sort of understanding.

Scanning the crowd a hand was waving towards me, Jen. I navigated past the tables, doing my best not to stand on any stray limbs resting in the walkway. Despite being spaced out, some people here had some pretty big tails sticking out behind them.

Once I had reached the table I noticed she had a friend with her today, a black feathered avian who looked to be fairly far along their change.

They had a full beak protruding from their face, their hands and feet replaced with black scaled talons. They weren't sat on their stool; so much as perched between two of them, squatting down on large powerful looking feet that gripped over the seat edges. Glossy thick tail feathers hovered behind them, their crow like features broken up by the papery outfit we all wore; adapted for their avian physique.

"This is Joshua, he clued me into how this place works when I first arrived." Said Jen. I reached out and offered my hand, Joshua grabbed it and gave it a shake, I sensed some sort of smile behind what little flexibility his beak would allow; though his talons did have a powerful grip. I don't think he intended to squeeze my hand as much as he did, he must still be working on controlling that.

"We'll save you a seat, you go grab a tray." I nodded and left the two to navigate past the noisy room, dodging some partially developed leathery wings as I made my way.

The staff member from the prior day didn't seem to be serving right now. A male worker scanned my tag and handed me my tray; with the little pyramid with ?one' on its face. Waiting my turn in the queue, I managed to get to the omnivore counter and load up before returning to where my two acquaintances were.

Joshua had already finished his meal, though I couldn't help but notice his counter stated a different number to mine. Jen was still shoveling hers in at impressive quantities, I could understand that, today I had a particularly powerful hunger and I was eager to get started. I groaned while sitting down on the hard plastic seat, between my legs was feeling sore and swollen.

"You ok?" Asked Jen.

"Just some growing pains, I'm all right." I reassured her. She nodded in understanding and returned to her food, I too tucked in, though glanced towards her occasionally as I noticed some things.

Jens ears were slightly larger and more rodent like today, the suggestion of fur from the prior day more noticeable. Even as she spoke just before, larger frontal teeth were visible just behind her lips. I wondered what was going on behind her cloths, she said it was what others didn't see that made her the most self conscious.

Today I in particular had an appreciation for that. While I ate I tried to ignore the squirming sensations in my crotch, like my manhood had come alive and was going about its own business down below.

Of all the things to get my first medication induced growth spurt in... It kept me in a awkward state somewhere between discomfort and arousal, I just hoped I could keep it down and avoid any embarrassment. These clothes weren't exactly the best at concealing any inconvenient wood.

"So how have you found things so far?" Asked an unfamiliar voice. I looked up to see the bird man looking to me, his feathered arms folded across his chest; seemingly waiting for me to tell a story. My hunger was satisfied enough to delay the next bite for now; so I put the fork down for a bit.

"I think it's going to take a while for me to get comfortable." I admitted, looking down into my tray. "I got my first check-up today, not exactly looking forward to having to strip naked for someone every morning... It's a bit of a culture shock."

Joshua chuckled, a sharpness to the noise he made. Frankly it was impressive he could speak as well as he did with a beak.

"I wasn't exactly keen on that either, especially as the bird slowly took over. But I'll spare you those details..." He moved a straw to his mouth to sip his drink, however this straw looked unusual, which was confirmed as he repeatedly squeezed a bump on the straw; causing it to pump the liquid into his beak. Guess it's pretty hard to use conventional straws when you don't have lips to suck with.

He continued. "You learn to zone out the less enjoyable aspects of the routine. I don't even talk to the people performing my check-ups any more, I just go through the motions and off they go. I think they prefer it that way as they have a lot of patients to get through each morning. They tend to only chat as a courtesy for new people until they're settled in".

Joshua put his drink down and started stretching, his arms behind his head as he closed his avian eyes and leaned back. There wouldn't have been anything unusual about this, loosening yourself up in the morning. Except Joshua was a bird.

I watched curiously as his tail feathers fanned out and separated, his body puffed up and seemingly doubled his size, the constraining clothing being the only indication of his original shape. Eventually he deflated again and returned back to his original shape like it was all very normal. It must have been a peculiar sensation to do that...

Jen gave me a nudge. "You haven't taken your meds yet." I snapped myself out of thinking on what had just occurred and got a dose down me. I really should get into a habit of taking these things before starting on the food.

She pulled out a little booklet and started flipping through it. "So what has everyone got today?" She placed a finger on a page, allowing it to slip down until it sat on today. She sighed in disapproval of what it said. "I've got counselling... again".

Joshua joined in. "You'll miss the days you mostly had counseling, at least with a counsellor you just sit and talk all day. Just wait until you've got physical therapy, behavioural therapy, speech therapy, medical examinations... They made me sit through classes on feather hygiene, it was dull beyond belief".

"I know, but..." Jen continued. "They force me to talk about things that upset me, I always leave feeling drained".

He sighed, it turning onto a birdy squark towards the end. "I know... but it's also a chance to get things off your chest or air concerns, so there is that part of it. Don't let them just take by asking all the questions, take back a few of your own. You'll feel like you're being interrogated otherwise".

Jen nodded and then turned to me, "So what have you got?"

I held up my own little book. "Counselling..."

After breakfast Jen led me to the area that counselling would be held, saying she couldn't stay because of some personal matter she had to attend to. I was left alone in a waiting room, surrounded by all too familiar posters. A few others were waiting here for their own appointments, one fuzzy canine looking girl annoyingly having her headphones too loud.

I couldn't help but notice she had modified her own clothing, the pants cut into short shorts, her digitigrade legs hanging nakedly to the floor. She had also shortened her shirt so her belly was visible, soft pink belly amongst the fur of her underside, shaping what was left of the cloth for a more fashionable look. This wasn't someone who was ashamed of her body, they seemed to be taking pride in showing it off.

Having sat a little while now, I groaned as a persistent sensation between my legs came back into my attention. It felt peculiarly like my crotch was trying to swallow my dick now... Crossing my legs, I grabbed a few leaflets to keep my mind off of it. Scratching at my back as it too started demanding some attention.

I told myself to focus on reading and push all these irritants back into the background where they belonged... [leaflet examples]

I looked up and noticed several people were staring at me... Why are they? Suddenly I realised, I was tapping my fingers impatiently on a nearby table. Gradually clawing fingers. They tapped fairly loudly as the nails hit the surface, so I stopped immediately and people resumed their attention to themselves. I had best be careful about that...

Finally, someone opened a door and called my name. I swiftly got up and walked into the room, the young dog girl in the headphones glancing my direction as I passed by.

It certainly looked like a shrinks office, lounge chair and everything. I imagine a couch wouldn't suit the diversity of body types they'd have in here. Though it did lack the stereotypical loaded bookshelves, the walls were decorated in mass produced art, no words or informative posters however.

A women sitting at the desk asked me to sit down. Since the lounge facing away from her was the only other available seat, I tried to get comfortable. Though I didn't like that I couldn't see what she was doing behind me, only the sound of her typing filling the room for a while.

"So how are you feeling about being here?" Suddenly came from behind in a soft feminine voice. Straight to it then?

I breathed deeply, readying myself to be as honest as I could. "It's a bit intimidating, I've still got a lot to learn about this place and how it works. I know I'll settle in eventually though". I waited for the next question.

"Go on, continue." Eventually came.

"It's also been a culture shock. An ongoing... culture shock. It's like, the mutagenic have always been there, but I've never really taken part in their world. Now it's like I've fallen into that world and I know nothing about it, so that's intimidating as well..." I waited for the next question, one didn't come, I guessed she wanted more.

I took another deep breath, thinking to myself a moment. I guess she really wants me to go there... How do I ?feel' about being ?here'...

"I'm really not sure how I feel about being here, I don't think I've fully digested that idea yet, it's all still so surreal. But I don't want to really think about it either, you know? What if it finally sinks in and I freak out, it's not like I can just pack up and leave. I'm stuck here no matter what".

"You feel trapped here?" She asked.

"Of course..." I paused for a moment. "Aren't we all? I mean, you work here and can leave. I can only leave when they say I can, even when the changes are done I'm here until they let me go. My life is on pause until someone gives me permission to continue with it, permission I have little control over. Then..." I stopped talking, considering my words.

"Then?" She asked, seeking clarification.

"What if I don't like how I turn out? I mean, some people seem happy enough, like that canine girl outside with the headphones. But I'm not sure there is a body I'd be happy to leave in other than my own..."

I heard a pen being put down on her table. "What makes you think she's happy in the body she has?"

"Well, she certainly seems to be. She doesn't seem shy about showing it with clothes like those."

Her writing resumed. "Obviously I cannot discuss other patients details, but sometimes putting on the appearance of confidence can be a mask to cover up the lack of it. Some people can see their insecurity as being a vulnerability, a weakness that others can exploit to hurt them, so they pretend to not care so others cannot use it against them".

I looked down, considering what she said.

When I was at school I went through a overweight phase and bullies used to tease me over it. So I pretended to be proud of my weight, got fatter as I engaged in eating habits that reflected that feigned pride. It was a cycle that took a lot of effort to break, as trying to change my diet was an admittance to my insecurity, lowering defences for bullies to exploit.

She continued. "Everyone here is a different case, they're all dealing with what is happening to them in different ways. Very few people are genuinely happy about what is happening to their bodies, many try to put on a brave face. You too will find a way of coping, we're here to make sure it's a strong and healthy one".

I nodded, not that she could see me do so given where I was sitting.

"We have plenty of time to work on how you feel about being here, today's short session was just an introduction. We'll do our best so make you comfortable so you don't feel trapped, just remember we're all working here to help you leave in the best way possible".

The pen went down and I heard typing begin behind me.

"That's it for today, we'll speak again tomorrow. It's been a pleasure to meet you and I look forward to our future sessions."

... That's it? We're done already? I sat up and looked behind, she was working on something at her computer. Probably typing up the notes for today's session. I decided I should just leave quietly.

Outside I saw the revealingly dressed dog girl was still there, headphones blazing. I decided to give her a tap on the shoulder, her partially developed muzzle looked up and she pulled the headphones off, her canine ears flicking as they left her.

"You know you're not going to be able to hear them calling your name with those on?"

"That's ok." She said, placing them back on. "I don't have an appointment".

So why are you hanging around here then? I decided to leave her to it, not bothering her any further.

I twinged as I left the waiting area, my legs turning slightly inward as my crotch continued to_. The flesh between my legs was aching like the whole area had been bruised, it went from the front and all the way back to my anus. A sexual buzz somewhere between them.

That's it, I had enough of the nonsense going on down there! I needed to know what was happening... I pulled out my little map, located where I was and started looking for the nearest public toilet.

Inside looked like a normal public restroom, only the cubicles were much larger to accommodate a range of body types. I quickly made my way inside one of them, the inside reminiscent of a shrunk down version of what I had in my own room. I pulled down my pants and lifted my top to inspect down below.

"Fuckin' hell!"

I stepped away from the pants and put a leg on the toilet seat for better inspection. I couldn't quite believe what I was seeing here.

My genitals were gone. Just... gone! In their place was a large looking slit running between my legs, looking almost like female genital lips. Reluctantly I felt across them, they felt swollen and sore with their formation. They narrowed the further they went down, I followed the lips over a large bulge leading between my legs and right back to where my anus should be, by parting them slightly I found it.

This isn't a vagina... I never heard of anyone undergoing a sex change during their mutagenic transition and I certainly hoped I wasn't the first... No, this wasn't a vagina, vaginas weren't this large and covered over your anus. But my dick, where is my dick!

My heart was pounding but I did my best to restrain myself, trying to grab at whatever logic would save me from falling into a total freak out. Think man, think!

Right... arousal. I'll get aroused and that should help show what's going on.

I ran as many sexy images as I could conjure through my mind, rubbing over that... area in an effort to stimulate it. Getting horney when you're freaked out of your mind wasn't exactly easy, fear tends to take priority. Nevertheless, I managed to coax something out of there and I felt something... growing.

Much to my relief, a penis head began pushing its way out of my slit as it erected. Thank god, I'm still an endowed man! However... my relief gradually turned to something different as the penis gradually came into view.

Once satisfied I was fully erect, I just stood there, in awe of this thing. This sickly purple, animalistic, thing.

It swelled widely at its base, narrowing further up its length until it was pointed at its head, thick bumps ran along the penis's underside from base to tip and it was large, much larger. It erected from further down my body than where my penis once sat, closer to my anus, curving upward and away from me.

It was hard to imagine all that fit inside me, that thick bulge I felt over earlier coming to mind. Reluctantly I touched the alien penis, it was moist, it's purple colouring contrasted against my hairy caucasian genital lips surrounding it. It was real, this was actually mine...

I gasped as the whole thing suddenly bent to the right, then the left! Bloody hell, this thing is prehensile! I watched in amazement as I flicked it around, making it bend one way or the other. Ok, ok! Enough of that, I'm freaked out enough...

I sat myself down on the toilet seat, this large meaty animalistic cock poking out from between my legs, not being sure how to proceed. I thought it best to just clear my thoughts and let it go back down, there was no way I could walk around with this thing in my pants.

I found myself groaning as a wave of change rippled over my member, outward from my body; following its length to the tip. The penis seemed to throb until the sensation past. This thing still isn't done yet? It looked freaky enough, I wasn't keen on what the end result would look like...

Sat here, waiting for my member to go down, it gave me plenty of time to think. How many women would honestly be willing to sit on that thing? To let it inside them. I couldn't imagine many, only other mutagenics would likely even contemplate...

Ah, yes, that's right. I'm a mutagenic, we weren't exactly popular relationship material for normal people. I had to honestly ask myself, if I wasn't where I was now, how many of those people out there would I be willing to sleep with? Exactly... and people would be looking at me exactly the same way. Me, with my purple prehensile monster dick.

People tended to stick with their own... kind. Honestly, I had to wonder, were mutagenic people genuinely attracted to each other; or did they form relationships simply because they couldn't get anyone else? Tolerate each other's appearance, knowing that was their best bet at finding a sexual partner? Guess I'd have to wait and find out.

Looking down the penis had shrunk and pulled back behind... whatever those lips were. I wasn't comfortable thinking of them as being like female genital lips, I had quite clearly demonstrated my manhood. Nevertheless, I wanted this thing checked out. I wanted to know what the hell I was becoming.

Pulling my pants back on I left the bathroom, inspecting my map to see wherever the check-up people were based. They said if I had any concerns I could get them checked out, well I'd qualify this as a concern.