Eliana The Succumouse

Story by KerstinCabbit on SoFurry

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#1 of The Succumouse

*This is an EXTREME adult story if you are not 18(21 in some evil places) I must ask you close this now (ya I know not going to happen but my ass is covered) send comments or flames to

[email protected] don't hold back now I'm in to that sort of thing.*

Mouse Demon Transformation Wolf Rape C.B.T Mutilation Harm Snuff ect.

"Note if you are still reading this you know what you're getting your self into this is a demonic story warning over."


Have you ever felt that you just couldn't fit in, no mater what you did. I used to feel that way, I suppose I still do, except now I know why. My name is Eliana M. (mouse) Tilton. I'm sixteen years old, I'm 4' 11" and my tail is about the half that in length. Don't even say it i know my breast are tater-tots but the devil likes um that way. My fur is light gray and my eyes are brown, most of the time. As for the rest of the time, well I guess ill cover that a little later. It sounds less crazy if I explain some things first. Lets start with, no my parents don't know, and they never will. If they ever do, ill wipe there minds, a quick and easy trick for me. I'm no witch or one of a hundred idea's that wiped through your easily readable mind and I was not born what I am now.

You see~two years ago when I was fourteen, if your bad at math. I was going through a tough patch at school. You know how it goes smallest girl, little to smart, last to flower. I had friends the year before, but that year I just was left behind or was just too far ahead. I'm guilty for what happened myself. I alienated myself in class so they alienated me outside. I can see that now. It's a wonder what a perception shift can do. The bullying never really got to me. I could block out the names and teasing pretty well, but you know there's only so much anyone can take. I had tried talking to teachers my parents and even the Father Shines. Word of advice, if you want double take talk to a priest you want truth seek the most unhappy person you can find.

I think it was around a week after that I bumped into him. He was not an intimidating male but there was something strange about him. He towered over me, as most people do. His tan dirty trench coat clung to him. He was a fox from what I could see of his face but with the hood I could not tell for certain nor did I really care. I apologized and continued on my way home, when he called out to me.

"You have a lonely look to you child."

Now I know I should not have talked to him. But the more he spoke the more I wanted to listen.

"It wasn't always like this was it? Only a few years ago your friends would have stood up for you but know they have abounded you, haven't they."

"What do you know about it?"

"Come now, Eliana I can see it in your very hart, the pain, the loss, the sadness. It's all so clear to my eye"

I know now what he meant. I believed he was crazy then, yet he knew my name I never told him.

"How, how do know me?"

"For one I know almost everything and it's written on the tag of your panties that has just slightly gone up above your pants in the back there, violet cute."

I should have run. Turned and ran as fast as my legs would carry me, humph, if only. In truth I couldn't run his eyes had me the dancing colors of his eyes.

"What if, I was to tell you I could give you what you want and all for something you will never know was gone?"

"I would say you're a perv and insane"

"Some would say your right, but what do they know there content doing what there told never thinking for themselves I tired to help them and what did I ge... Sorry lost my train of thought there. Tell you what name something and it's yours no strings for one month then things go back, deal?"

What ever that was keeping me from just running from the loon was gone that was his plan he wanted me to agree and run off and not look back.

"Ya fine a month see ya then... Freak."

Then I ran, and stuffed the back of my panties back down into my pants. I didn't tell any one about it. The last thing I wanted was some lecture about strangers. The next day I became a woman, and a day later I was sitting with my old friends again. I can't explain it. I was there, it was me, but it was like something else was guiding my ever move, word, thought. The moth went by quickly, perfect times always do. I had not thought about the guy since I had run home that day only when every thing started falling apart after the first of the next month.

Three days past and I just could not keep it together. On Sunday I had a group of friends by Wednesday I was alone again. Worse, now the bullies just opened up on my ass like they had been saving it up all last month. Lets see in one day I was tripped sprayed with water twice (I was wearing white that day) and then to complete the humiliating day. As I was bending over to pick up a book id dropped when I'd been tripped for the second time that day I was fully de-pantsed and I don't mean just my pants I mean to the fur in front of at least forty students and three teachers all male. If my pants hadn't been around my knees I would have ran right into the girl's washroom in that hall. Instead in shock and shear embarrassment I tried and fell flat on my muzzle giving everyone a very nice view of all they wanted to see.

It's his entire fault. That one jerk, he thought it was so funny. Id even bet he pawed off to the memory that night. Kevin got his, that perv wolf got his, I saw to it, later. After school that day I met the fox again at the same place I had before.

"Eliana child you look dreadful."

There were no tricks this time that's part of the rules I know that now. I was so angry, actually angry to week a word I was enraged.

"Did you do it, don't play with me did you make that last month they way it was and just turn it all up side down today?"

"Now child all I did was direct you subconsciously. Was much easier then I believed to get you back in to that group of-"

"Shut-up. Can you do it can you give me what ever I want no matter what that's the deal right and you get what ever you want. I get the ability to get back at that, that, bastard!?!"

The street faded away and it was dark. I was standing in a round room the floor was smooth and warm on my paws which surprised me. My shoes were gone along with the rest of my cloths. At first I thought my eyes were adjusting to the light but I soon realized the walls them selves were glowing a deep warm red bathing the whole of the room in all directions with a light red glow. A bright Wight light snapped on illuminating a desk in the center of the room at it sat a tall figure of the most handsome fox.

"I know it's a tad disorienting the first time but you get used to it well actually you will most likely only have this happen once more."

"Where am I!? Where are my pants!?"

"How too explain this? Well think of you as three things there's your body the mind and soul. Your body and mind are right where they were. You the soul is some where else separate from time, here we can talk this over for days and only a second will pass."

"Ok, that's really far-out there, but more importantly why am I naked?"

"Well I have a think for young teen virgins like yourself, and your cloths are physical nothing here is. If you concentrate you can create clothing, Id rather you didn't but that's just me."

"So when did you drug me again?"

"A minuet ago you were ready to sine over anything just for the chance to get even and know your all calm. Hmm, maybe all world leaders should have meetings naked really improves the attitude."

Being that I was trapped in this room because trust me I looked around you could see every thing in that room there was just us two a desk and two chairs.

"I think ill just sit down for a second if that's ok."

"By all means make your self comfortable Ms. Tilton. And will go over this step by step if you like."

"Go over what?"

"The contract my dear, Don't you remember you made a verbal contract just a few moments ago and know we have to make it all nice and proper."

"Verbal contract?"

"Why are they always like this? Yes here perhaps this will remind you."

He raised is hand and snapped his fingers and my voice rang from the ceiling, scared the hell out of me too and that's not easy to do even harder now.

"~Can you do it, can you give me what ever I want? No matter what, that's the deal right, and you get what ever you want. I get the ability to get back at that, that, bastard!?!~"

"To answer the question you asked before we got here. Yes I can give you the ability to have your silly revenge but it will cost you, a lot"

"So this is like one of them soul for a wish deals right. You know I was a little upset when I said that its not really a lot for an eternity of torment later is it?"

"Smarter then most you are Eliana it is a tad thin is int it. That's why were here after all in this place, you see? Where here to make the deal even or at least near even. So what's the rest kiddo what's the big thing you want? Your friends to stand by you, easy. You want money, fame, glory, tits like a movie star. I like the tots on you though. You name it and it's yours but be careful be as specific as you can or, well lets leave it at things can go odd."

I sat there for an hour he only said take my time we had an infinite supply. I went over every thing that had happened to me over the last three days I relived that day. I thought about the month of peace this thing had given me I dint even known its name, I had ideas.

"I want to be strong. I'm tired of being pushed around. I don't want friends who are made to be like me. I want to make Kevin pay for humiliating me and I don't want to feel guilty later. I want to be special."

Before me a pile of papers sprang from the desk one sheet at a time I filled with letters and rune's I could not understand in a deep violet color, my favorite.

"Well I think it's a tad lacking in detail but if the desk thinks it can swing it. Now let's just go over the basics of what this is saying I know you can't read a word of it but it is binding. The most binding in the entire cosmos. I'm going to read off this and you just sit and try and follow what I'm saying. Ok?"

"Ya I understand."

"Fantastic, Now article one out lines your request in extremely confusing terms it pretty much just says what you said and what's happened to you in your life to lead to you wanting this. Article two covers payment to be paid in full at the time of your death on the mortal plane regardless of cause so no saving some ones life or going out a hero that will not void this baby, that used to work but we updated the system on the millennium. Article three it's just finishing up is the complete list of things we will provide you. Any questions?"

I still can't believe he asked that. Could he have been vaguer on anything? I'm never that vague I tell my victims strait up what's going to happen. Then I do it no beating around the bush unless I'm working a girl hard.

"Umm, ya, just one big one how bad is it? You know down there?"

"You're a smart girl you answered that question your self. However I can tell you this depending on what you do from know on you can get in to a pretty comfortable place down there. Going by your points right now were talking a 180 on the whole nice girl thing you have going in fact. I have an idea I'm a tad behind you see I need this deal so what do you say we add a small bit to this pile of paper here."

"Like what no wiping or dipping in lava"

"Magma, And No the only way you end up getting whipping's and magma baths are for some real pricks every thing works on a level system. I'm assuming you have at least heard of Dante. He worked out the very first concept it's been upgrade several times over the years now but the concepts still there. People who make deals like this tend to be treated a tad beater then the rest for simple reason you turned your back on every thing else no point making your followers wiping targets we never pull any one in that way and we get stronger the more willing furson's we pull in."

"That's how it works then you need us to drain off power for whatever?"

"More or less. Now about that addition, you see I like you and I think if we add a bit here. The two of use can both benefit from this little arrangement all the more. Now understand it's not my job to deliver on anything that's lackey work. However my word is law down there after all. So here is the condition's one you stay looking like this when you get there, two you die at twenty-five regardless, and three your on the other side of the whip's and chains deal?"

You already know I agreed. Some may be asking why for them I hostilely will never see you again. For the rest of you desperate souls for who life has rolled ever faster down hill you might wish for a similar opportunity. Granted the closer to twenty five I get the more I regret that one condition but then it's only because I'm really enjoying this.

"Deal. So do I like sine this or is there some thing else I have to do?"

"Sine no well not in the way your thinking simply hold out your paw there. Good."

Didn't even see it coming the stack of paper just jumped up and left a nice slice in my paw I jerked my paw away so fast ,humph, it was probably the funniest thing to see watching the small drop of blood that sheet got from me swirl it self in to my name was something to see.

I was back on the street he was gone and I was wearing a small pendent. It was not very spectacular looking in fact it was very plane just a red marble on the end of a brass chain. I dint know what it was for or how it would help me get back at Kevin but it was something that proved it was real that and my hand hurt like hell was not actually cut but I could still feel it. That night went by as any other I never said anything to ether of my parents. Why would I? They always said the same thing stand up for your self and they will leave you along honey. One I'm not a honey two when has a bully ever left you alone when you tell um to go suck a lemon as they would say.

I went through the motions of the rest of that day. It was later that night as I sat in bed trying to feel just a little different that the stone around my neck began to feel heavy. I held it in my hand for what seemed like hours, nothing. I was not really expecting something to burst out of it or something but you know I need something to prove I had not lost my mind right about then. So I simply put it back on, I fell asleep about ten maybe fifteen minutes later. I woke up at 1am, it was dark in my room yet I could see. I could see the two bright green eyes across from my bead. I jumped out of bead so fast I hit my head on the ceiling fan. As I fell back down on to my bead I happened to grab the cord on the light of the fan. As the room was bathed in the brilliant light of the eighty watt bulb I realized with shock that the green eyes I'd seen were mine reflecting from a mirror across from my bead.

My hand grabbed for the pendent but found only an empty chain and a bald spot right in the center of my chest the same size and shape as the red marble. I ran my fingers over the spot where my fur just vanished. The skin there was soft and sensitive. As I examined it closely in the mirror my fur grew back but the color was different it was violet. I cheeked over the rest of my body I had to know had any thing else changed, and trying to think what exactly I was supposed to tell every one. Hi ya I know yesterday I had dark brown eyes but now there bright shit the glow green.

To cheek by back I used a hand mirror and the standing one to my shock there was two more bald spots just below my shoulder blades. As I watch they both started itching to the point that I dropped the mirror I was holding. As soon as my paw mad contact with the one of them I tried to shriek as I felt a hard lump begin to grow out, but my voice was gone. I looked at my self in the mirror as I lay curled up on my knees the lumps grew and lengthened they spread and from them four more finger like things curved off of them each with what I could see each had three joints. Between them a thin layer of skin grew until they were all connected. The leading edge of the wings tingled as the violet fur began to cover it the skin that connected each of the fingers like ribs of the wings darkened until it was a black as the night out side.

I could feel them move them even know when I change it still feels odd at first. I ran my paw over them slowly they were so sensitive that it made my hole body shiver. I tried speaking again but my muzzle didn't feel right. Reluctantly I opened my moth if my voice had worked I would have screamed. My teeth were all different pointed almost k-9 looking. My tongue looked even stranger now that it was forked. In its new pointy surroundings. My head was next just the top and my ears burned but it was all I needed to grab the merrier I count tear my eyes away as I watched my round ears curve and in to long points, they were still the in the same place and there size had not changed just the length and shape. My head fur witch I had always wanted to dye since it normally was the same gray as the rest of me turned jet black. From my head fur line two red horns slowly followed the shape of my skull leaving just about two inches underneath them, until they were just behind my ears. Finally and least creepy the tip of my tail slowly changed into a arrowhead like shape and the hole thing turned black, I had honestly guessed that one was coming.

I remember only bits and pieces after that my first night as a succubus was a bumpy one. What I do know comes mostly from the news report that morning. You see the police found this kid from my school, no it was not Kevin if it had been id be pissed I could not remember all the details. He was in the grade below me and looked a bit like Kevin did. Same species both wolves, about the same height, weight and color. His name was Steve. He was found in an ally by this hang out place were some boys sneak out too for drinking party's and such. His cloths had bin ripped off carelessly in some places the claws of the attacker had cut into his flesh leaving long scrapes along his chest and legs. Strangest of all his sex was at first undetermined since his genitals were gone, bitten off, postmortem. The coroners could not determine what had killed him it was said that he seemed to have died from extreme stress to every origin witch made little too no sense to any one.

Earlier, before the news ran that I woke up on my floor after my first new meal. I was back to normal except the violet dot in the center of my chest. In fact I thought it was all some crazy dream at first, and then I found the dot and screamed. Then I relaxed my voice was back the wings and horns were gone and my eyes were brown tail pink, normal.

I went to school that day, got picked on some more. Went home mom asked me why I screamed last night I said nightmare. I watched the news then disappeared to my room feeling sick. It dose not work like that any more I don't black out when I change in fact I can control it now. Day or night, but back then things were different. I sat in my room trying to remember what id done the night before but found only bits of it. I remembered climbing out my window on to the flat roof of the dining room and jumping off. I remember flying I remember crashing in to a tree and a telephone line or was it a power line every thing goes black after that. I watched the clock I remembered when it started. Unfortunately I have a bad habit of falling asleep when I get to tired and at eleven something I blinked and opened my eyes at 12:59am

I jumped out of bed literally holding the clock then dropping it when it hit one. There was a fire in my chest that spread quickly until every part of my body felt like it was being lapped by flame, then is was calm. It was different that time fast and no where near as pleasant. It would get less painful every time after that now it's started to feel good. I looked over my self in the mirror calmly this time, or at least till I saw the addition to my hips. A sheath, I had a sheath, a dog's sheath, right there. My sex was still there unchanged at least on the out side but now there was a 4 inch sheath just above it. Id seen male's before mice, cats, and a dogs once. But it was different missing part the bag was not there instead that's were my sex began. I ran my paw over it gently sending a shiver up my spine and making my wings spring open, knocking over a few things on my dresser.

It was real it had feeling and it felt good. I spent thirty minutes playing with my new self touching new bits opening and closing my wings figuring out how to talk with a forked tongue was interesting. The trick is to keep the two forks together. After I had been convinced I was not going to black out and go kill some one else I walked over to my dresser and started rummaging for something to wear realizing only after with wings that could be a tad hard. So I settled on a pear of running shorts for some reason the lose things I normally dressed in just seemed to annoy the hell out of me and panties were just extra marital every rankle I could feel.

Now I've got the whole flying thing down. I've learned to gage the wind focus my mind on to the surface of my wings, even still its not practically easy without a good head wind I'm just a tad heavy. So when I climbed out on to the ruff that time I was not expecting to just jump off and sore like a bird I just wanted to know if I could I don't know jump with out jumping you know pick my self up with out moving. Unfolding my wings for the first time in the open air was almost spiritual. The air felt amazing every movement of the air across them I could feel with clarity that makes the words the wind blew insulting and lacking all complexity. I spread them as wide as I could and forced them down the force and the sound stunned me at first, as my body lifted a few feet off the ruff's surface.

It had taken an hour to get the timing right of opening, folding and flapping but I could get to the house's main ruff now. All that was left was the big jump. I'd always been a book worm. So I had an idea of how this should work I know how it worked for bats and they sure looked like bats wings to me. Still I could not bring my self to do it. Jumping from a ruff and breaking my neck before I was twenty-five was not on my list of things to do.

After sneaking through the house as quit as I could and heading out to the back yard I tried plan b. Much safer then plan a, by a lot, so there I was second night about two thirty in the morning. Running top speed across the lawn bear paw (shoes still hurt my feet) and jumping into the air like a duck trying to get out of the water. Surprisingly it worked and I landed a little hard in the yard next-door. I kept at that all night learning to fly is by far the most fun any living thing can have. I only called that night on day light. Forgoing the whole door thing I simply landed my self on to the flat ruff of are dining room witch my room's window over looks the back yard. I wasn't shore how I changed back last time so I just waited. Watching the luckily not broken clock. Six o'clock my alarm went off, and I was still a succubi.

It was six thirty when the fire came back, much to my happy relief and pain. Back to normal now I got dressed for school quickly I was a half hour behind my normal system. That day I was the new me, the me standing before you.

It was nothing but a normal day but the picking on me continued and names were added to my list. Today that list is down to four names then it was twenty seven. The old list was a mix of boys, some girls, Kevin and three teachers. Now there are only the three teachers and one girl, she has a temporary reprieve, she moved and I have yet to find her. It was also this day that moved Kevin to that night, I was going to finish experimenting first but he decided to push my hand..

It was right after gym I was a little slow getting changed after class I was trying to hide the violet dot on my chest. Now I don't care, people think it's a fur tint you know a permanent pattern dyed into the follicles. Anyway every one left I changed quickly. I left the locker room but was shoved right back in by that wolf bastard

"Hay there little mousy, were you off to in such a hurry?"

"Let go of me!"

"Or what, your going to scream no gym this period no ones near here the gym teachers are all teaching health now there two floors up or on there way there."

He shoved me into one of the lockers doors and held me up agents it with one paw as his other slipped down my shorts. His fingers were so much bigger then mine I could not help but squeak when the first one slipped inside me.

"Aw, ant that cute. I new you were a slut just waiting to come out."

"You're sick in the head!"

"Now don't be that way I can make this pain less or painful you pick."

He threw me to the ground and pulled my cloths off pausing only to remove a rubber from his pocket. Now don't even think he was being nice careful or some bullshit, he just didn't want to leave any evidence behind. My virginity was taken on the floor of a locker room by force. As he forced him self into me over and over holding me down by my forearms he felt it important to shut me up so he pulled off his socks and shoved one into my muzzle. Tied it shut with the other.

He finished in record time couldn't, even last a hole minuet, some male. You would think I wouldn't complain about it being fast. He was careful though ill give him that made shore he didn't tie us I know he wanted too. As he got off me he happened to notice the violet dot on my chest.

"Ya you are a dirty girl ant you fur tinting."

He left me there bleeding on the floor like some used up hussy. My mind was made up for me he would pay tonight I had figured and hour to his house and hour back three hours to make him suffer. I skipped all my classes the rest of that day, really like I was going to class after being rapped in the locker room. In stead I went to an ally an ally id seen on the news. There was spots here and there were thy just could not get the blood off the side walk. I knew I did it but I just could not remember how I felt when I did it. I spent all day just brooding. The anger didn't fade it intensified with every second that ticked by.

Even now the angers not gone in fact I think about it every time I feed. Makes it easier part of me knows I'm going to see him again I told him I would before I let him die, thanks to my deal iv now someone who can make it happen. Going home didn't help any. So I spent the rest of the night waiting for one sitting on my bed. Dinner came and went with nothing more then I'm not hungry down the steps. In case your wondering yes I still eat normal food just not as much. Small meals here and there I get far more from, well.

My clock flicked to one and the burn began, right on time. The pain came and was gone and I didn't flinch. I pulled out the gym shorts id been warring that day and pulled them on I still had not tackled the whole wing and blouse problem so I just said screw it wont matter. No hesitating no holding back I climbed out that window and ran strait off the ruff. Ill admit I was a tad happier in the air then I had been before I jumped you can't help but feel beater when your above every one else.

I flew with a single mindedness to my target. I was not really shore what I was going to do when I got there but it was going to hurt. Id already found that as long as I was in this form my body seemed stronger, tougher. I only crashed once on the way there very unexpectedly. A sudden gust of wind knocked me upside down and lacking any real practice at such things the ground was the only thing coming.

I arrived at Kevin's house a little sooner then I had expected unluckily for him his window was open. Now I didn't know it was his at first so I had to cheek but when I made the happy discovery I just could not help myself. I ripped the screen out easily. And slipped in side the room was dark not that it was hard for me to see. I dint want to make to much nose and wake every one in the house and how much sweeter to make him feel as helpless as I did that day. Also I scavenged two belts that would really help in keeping him still from the mess of his room..

Picking up two dirty socks from his floor I got ready to wake him. This is were most people say I stopped to think about what I was about to do but not me I just elbowed him in the crouch and when he sat up shoved the sock in his open muzzle. I had not really realized just how much stronger I was but holding him down with one arm made it pretty clear. Looping the belt around one of his wrist then the other I worked fast time was limited and he had a long night ahead of him.

"Now then dog were going to have a little chat, and then will play a game. Understand?"


"O I'm sorry must be hard to talk with that thing jammed in there like that. Not that you cared earlier. Do you know me Kevin do I look familiar. No I suppose not I can tell from your eyes you're to busy keeping your self from wetting your self."


"I know what we need here is a little light, all you really see know is an outline and two glowing eyes I want you to really feel fear." ~Click~ "There now isn't that so much beater"

"Aaammhhmmmmhh, plmmz, plmmz dommn't hummmrt mmmme."

"Look at you big bad wolf, can't even take a demon sneaking in to his room to torment you for what you have done. And yes Kevin I am going to hurt you but its going to be so much more enjoyable for me if we have a little fun first"

I couldn't explain it then when I left the last thing I was thinking about was yiff but once I was there it was the only thing my head could think off. I understand now slowly I'm learning funny thing is by the time I figure it all out ill most likely will be dropping dead.

"Lets see need to keep your legs still what do we have around here. Well here's a tie and o look another belt. You've made this so easy I don't even have to dig though anything. What's that you want that sock out? Well it will come out but only rights before you die."

Ill never forget that moment right then his eyes bugged out so far I thought they might just pop out. The stench of fear that poured from him had me so wet it was starting to leek through my shorts.

"Yes that's right this is your last day how's it feel any regrets, to bad. You dint come in to this world dressed so you're not leaving it so. Limp as a pre-teen you would think a half naked demon mousy would get the most chicken shit guy in the world at least half way to hard."


"What! What did you dare say? Was that don't? Sounds like something a rape victim might scream but you know all about things like that don't you. Before you die I rip them off."

I grabbed his bag and squeezed as hard as I could if it was not for the sock in his moth I know he would have woken the entire area. His body tightened and shook harder the longer I held on. It was empowering in a way I could not have imagined before. This, the guy who tormented me humiliated me and raped me crying like a child in my paw.

Yet still it was now that he gets hard maybe he liked be dominated maybe he was actually enjoying it I truthfully don't care. I'd get them another way.

"Well now that woke the rest of you up didn't it? I have and idea how's about one last hooray for it before I rip it out of that sheath of yours"

There was a war in my head one side wanted just to kill him the other wanted to have as much fun with him as I could then kill him. Hay at least the voices agreed on something, that always helps.

So I climbed up on top of him so all he could see was my ass as I worked him. I went slowly at first since half of me was not in to it just then. As soon as the soft flesh touched my tongue something changed and a hunger burned deep inside me, and I started working him hard. Quickening my pace dropping my muzzle down further and further until his howl member was taking in on every stroke. As he got closer he began thrusting into me, I did not gage or even slow I just sucked harder.

Once he started cumin my body whent crazy I could feel something flow out of him other then his worthless seed. I shivered but could not stop sucking at him like his coke was the straw of a really thick milkshake that's just a little too solid. It was still cumin I tasted it as I pulled more and more from him he tried pulling it away but a sharp prick from one tooth changed his mind. I just could not stop until I heard this strange squish sound and he jumped at least a foot off his bed.

Forcing my self to stop I looked around the room and listened closely. All was quit except for Kevin's light sobbing. I looked over him and realized what id heard his left nut had just clasped it and his cock was not a deep shade of purple like it had been slammed in a car door a few dozen times.

"Poor little doggy did that hurt? O it felt so good for me but I'm still hungry."

I settled my self back on the bed this time just between his knees so he could see everything that I was doing. I've done this many times now but he was the first. I lowered my muzzle down again over his tender black and blue cock and started at it again his screams and sobbing increased but it did not take long for the other nut to burst as well I could feel the change in texture as bits of them began to be sucked up his reproductive system. I drew back again and it was a lot easier this time.

"Hmm only two more things left to do then its bye, bye time"

I slipped off my gym shorts and tossed them out the window id pick them up when I left. My newly acquired six inches were all ready hard and throbbing and I wanted to try it what would be beater then this sick fucks empty sheath hole.

"You know were this is going to go? I bet you think I'm going to flip you over and rap that ass of yours. Well that would be to easy and no real fun. I've got an even beater idea."

With both hands I grabbed his still erect cock weather all the blood id sucked into it could not get out or his hart was beating so hard it just count really didn't matter. I squeezed it until the claws of on my fingers dug in deep in his flesh then with a hard yank I pulled at it the first one I felt something in side snap and he let out another scream. The second pull there was anther snap. On the third I decided this might take a little more mussel so I stood up bent my knees and jumped and flapped as hard as I could. How do you describe a sound not just the sound of it ripping out root, prostate and every thing connected to it but how do you add that to the screech he made through the gag.

I held up my prize the blood dripped from its back end as I held it up for him to get a good look at then I tilted my head back and took it in slow mocking the nullified wolf with his own cock.

"That's right my beauty is going right were yours used to live"

I'm not really shore how to describe the feeling of entering him that way it was warm wet and very tight but I could feel the other organs in side him as I rammed my cock in to them. Finally I know it would happen I would feel what this part felt like when it peeked. I prepared for a release and a feeling id never felt before. instead I drew in his very life pumped into me with every pulse of my member I collapsed on top of him and just as his eyes began to fade I pulled the gag off and held his head still so I could look him in the eyes.

"This is not the end Kevin, no. Ill be seeing you again in eleven years and no mater what they do to you down there it will all get much worse when I arrive."

I shoved his amputated cock up his ass before I left just as a happy surprise to who ever it would be who found him. It was 5:53 I had run thirty minutes late but no matter I felt stronger then ever after I picked up the shorts I had discarded out side and quickly took off I need to be home before I changed back or worse some one cheeked in on me.

It was strange when six rolled around id gotten home with two minutes to spear to close for any comfort. When I changed back I was still coated with a pretty good amount of Kevin's blood and I knew if I did not get it cleaned off it would stain my fur. So I showered went down stairs eat a light breakfast and went my way to school. It was latter that night, the news reported the second strange homicide I was not surprised this time in fact I had to work really hard when they read off some of the evidence they had collected. Seems they found a stash of kiddie porn in his dresser from girls at my school looks like I was not the first but I was dame shore the last.

That's the beginning, that's my story of how I became what I am and I know it's a little harsh and some parts may be... disturbing but its not all bad I've learned how not to kill in the two years iv been feeding so what do you say I untie you and pull the gag off and we have some fun I swear you will leave with all your parts but your might die a year or two earlier then you would have but it will be the greatest yiff you ever have.

Update note"problems from the first posting have all be seen to upgradedspellcheek solved alot of grammer errors it kept causing in all my postingsthanks to Kazzington for usefull info on a beater system"