Prologue: Birth of Judgement

Story by BoundlessTickles on SoFurry

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Hey Guys I know I don't use this site much, but I have decided that I will use this as my outlet to post a story I have been religiously working on the past year (ended up rewriting the original from scratch due to it being too abbreviated). I hope that it can be better appreciated here as FA isn't working well with giving feedback and or interest.

So please! Feel free to comment and give me your thoughts as I will be posting whatever chapters I got currently, I will also be commissioning art of keypoints within this! So keep an eye peeled for that too!

Birth of Judgment


The day was waning, the rays of orange sunlight peered through the clouds and mountain tops like holy beams as the sky had begun to shed the color of dusk, and the birds quiet their cheerful song. In a rural and expansive valley, a snaking river runs by a rather bustling town of beastmen and human folk alike as they end the day with their usual routine. The farmers harvesting the autumn bounty, craftsmen forging the next sword for sale and other folks finishing their last errands and heading back home from school and work in a thriving market, and yet amidst the end of a new day, began new life. Along the winding river was a windmill on a isolated landing, and by it laid a thick forest. Many of the villagers passed by the bulky thicket many a time going to the windmill, as it seemed there was nothing important along the road, but little did they realize a dirt path that would lead to a shanty home tucked away in its lush fall toned depths. The abode would be found in a grotto sunk into the ground like a beached boat, though it was in no suitable condition to survive in or bare life, sparks fly in even the coldest of places.

Outside the house cries and howls of labor can be heard from all throughout the golden red forest scattering the birds and other small fawn that dwelled nearby. The source of all the commotion was Hayla, a husky beastwoman going through the miracle of giving life. She had cotton white hair and was wearing a light grey dress, and a pendant of a constellation, the celestial reference to Libra around her neck. The necklace had been ancient yet it shone brightly, in the top was a socket and within it laid an exceptionally bright blue sapphire gem. On its scales a bright white diamond on the right, and on its left the darkest Jet ever seen. Behind her cries of pain settled the calming voice of her husband, Yan.

Yan was also a husky, but his fur blacker than night he bared the form of a shadow almost. "Just breathe in and out dear you'll be alright...damned that demon!" Yan said trying to comfort Hayla as she yells and shouts in agony knowing full well that she wouldn't survive the ordeal "Yan there's two! We're having two kids at the same time dammit!" she screamed helplessly to her husband with a tight hand gripping at his wrist.

The couple had been poor for a long time, unfortunately when they needed medical supplies for her birthing condition they had no funds to get them and would be needed if she were to endure the pain as she bore flesh and blood of her own. Cursed by a demon a long time ago, the couple knew the consequences of having her give birth, the hefty price of death, it hung in the air like a reaper as life began to blossom. Hayla knew how it was going to end, yet she never sold her necklace to get the money it was important to her and Yan. After she gave one loud shout Yan reaches under to grab a baby girl an all-white husky just like her mother. "It's a girl!" Yan said with a sparkle in his eye "What shall we name her?" asked Yan. They had a promise that if they had a girl Hayla would name it, and a boy Yan. "Kirin...oh she's so beautiful!" Hayla ended the last of her sentence with a torrential screech. "The baby is almost there honey!" Yan said as he reached for the second pup.

With a final push and scream a male husky pup came out. "It's a boy! He's got the bluest eyes...and a red spot in one as his brother has a blue one..." Yan said excitingly the pup's name would be Hesh from that day forward. A silence fell upon the couple as they gazed upon him as if medusa had entranced them. Yan gets tears in his eyes as he looks at the pup "Hayla..." Yan said breaking down. "I know Yan" she replied with soft lips. Hesh's fur was a cotton white with a black trim almost blacker than his father's. His eyes were bright blue save for a small red segment in his left eye and on his back a tattoo, a marking of a scale. On the scales it was identical to Hayla's pendant. "Why must it be this way!?" Yan cries out, tears stream down his face to meet his wife's bosom. Hayla was dying slowly and fading, her moments on this world ticking by with each passing moment "Hesh, our poor sweet child, his life has been chosen already. We both knew one of them would be born with this" Hayla said with bated breath, drawing air slowly to attempt to stay alive as long as she can "By the are our judgement." Hayla said as tears of joy and sorrow flowed from her eyes, giving birth had been a bittersweet moment, though she cherished it happily more than anything.

Yan looked at Hayla, he was not ready to lose his beloved after all they have been through, but fate has other plans. As she gradually phases from the material world Yan whimpers into her neck "Hayla hang in there I'll get someone and some water! Damned Vivian, there has to be a way we can fix this! I can go get Zen, o-or maybe our people we-" Hayla shakes her head and hushes her husband, whispering abruptly to him "No Yan, my time has come, Hesh is our son and Kirin your daughter, love them as you loved me after all this time..." Hayla was almost finished with her spirit stronger than her strength, "Hesh my son, you will become great. You have a lot ahead of you that you won't understand until the time is right, I wish I could have had the chance to see you and your sister grow" Hayla winces in agony.

"Hayla, I'm sorry. I love you so much" Yan stated holding his beloved's head. She turns and looks at him with tired eyes that speak more strongly now than her words, lifelessness filling her gaze "I love you too..." and with that her spirit left the world after exhaling her last. Yan bellows out uncontrollably holding his newborns in his arms adoringly being sure to hold faithful to his widower's promise. "We're still a family..." he whispers fraily to the pups crying himself to sleep with his now deceased wife and children.