Valia's Awakening - Dragon TF Story

Story by K9Lupus on SoFurry

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Story can be downloaded by following the link below:Valia's Awakening

I'm excited to finally get to share this story with all of you. The main character involved, Valia is actually not my own and belongs to FA: WyvernKnight.Thank you for allowing me to write and share this and for being as open and friendly as you have been in the entire process. It's been an absolute joy getting to write this.

This story was actually partially inspired by seeing Guillermo del Toro's film "The Shape of Water" recently. If you haven't gotten the chance to see that film, I strongly urge you to do so as it was an artistic and storytelling wonder. I aspire to have my writing capture the same depth blending of reality and fantasy that was able to be achieved in that cinematic work.