Mesozoic Park (part 10)

Story by nitro_wolf on SoFurry

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#11 of Mesozoic Park

It's been roughly three years since Gena told me she was pregnant, my son, Matt is soon turning three actually and I've taken a few days off to visit our little house on the mainland where Gena decided to stay for a while. It's only now that we'll finally be a whole family again as we agree that Gena and Matt are ready to come to the park full time.

It took a lot of talking to convince my investors to let me have a day off, but I got through to them when I said that in the years we have been working on this park, I've hardly had a day off.

The boat would soon be here and I'm all ready to go so I decided to go see the dinosaurs before I went away.

This park is designed quite well in my opinion, starting with the dino-birds than the less popular dinosaurs before building up to the most popular dinosaurs.

On the dock is a large cage which houses a dozen mixed songbird-saurs which where left with the ability to fly. Next up on the tour as you follow the path are three exhibits in close proximity, the pheasant, chicken and turkey-saurs. Immediately after is the cassowary and ostrich-saurs exhibits, one on each side of the path along with the running path so visitors can race the ostrich-saurs. And not far away and right before the actual dinosaurs are the dino-mergansers.

Following up are the feathered and darkly colored and mostly nocturnal Troodon. On the other side of the road is a small Oviraptor pack, these have very dull brown and yellow sandy colored feathers with red head crests. A short walk away is our Albertosaurus pack, who have grown dark brown feathers on their back that fade into light brown. Than we have our Archeopteryx exhibit on one side and Sinornithosaurus on the other, both are very darkly colored, with black iridescent feathers almost covering their body. Sharing a exhibit is our Triceratops and Ankylosaurus, both are very dull grey and black, with our bull Trike having deep red display colors on it's frill. And our finial completed exhibit is another shared one, between Stegosaurus and Brachiosaurus.

Other than that, we have many planned exhibits, our focus is currently on a unknown Spinosaurid.

I rushed back to the dock to get there just as the boat pulled in. After boarding and the boat started moving, I watched as my island disappeared beyond the horizon.

it's not too far of a boat ride as I soon found the boat docking at them mainland where it's only a short taxi ride to our house.

I knocked on the door, it flew open almost instantly and Gena jumped out, grabbed and hugged me tightly "hey Jake!" she exclaimed.

I hugged her back and happily replying "hey Gena!"

We laughed a little as we went into the house, telling each other how much each other, only for a young folf to soon jump out and give us a group hug.

"Hey Matt!" I exclaimed as I picked him up, giving him a tight hug "I missed you, how have you been?"

"Great daddy, but I missed you too" he replied.

I let him down "your getting to be a big boy" I jokingly said "might not be able to lift you any more"

Matt looked a little shocked at the idea of not getting picked up for a hug. I smiled and playfully tussled his fur and ears "I'd like to talk to mommy, you run along and play and I'll join you later"

He smiled and happily ran off.

Gena and I sat on the couch, we talked about how Matt's behavior improved and how he park has been coming along.

"anyways" Gena said before asking "what do you have for him this year?"

"your gonna love this" I replied before leaning close to whisper "You and Matt are coming to live on the park with me"

She pulled me into a tight hug "I think thats the best gift yet"