Jeremy 068; Leverage

Story by Kyrugii on SoFurry

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Jeremy has a surprise in store.

The morning after Able's birthday Jeremy spent an hour working from home before leaving. Sam and Eric had both avoided each other before they left for work.

With his brothers orbiting each other in wide arcs Jeremy felt able to focus most of his attention on work. His duties leading the bureau now seemed easy and routine. He could handle most of the necessary decisions at the beginning of the day and only had to keep in touch and deal with anything that came up as it happened. He'd elevated Sahar and Makannish into new positions and delegated most of the day to day duties to them. They also knew he was going to have to divide his attention and that it had something to do with his maturing as a dominant. He was still a bit too embarrassed to give them the full details.

Once his brothers had left he made his way to Steven's workplace. As he expected he was not allowed beyond the front desk. He was however allowed to wait in a small break room just off the reception area. His father came in to greet him in only a few minutes.

Steven sat with his son saying "This must be important for you to come here. Whats on your mind?"

Jeremy tried to smile but failed. "Its about Eric."

His father leaned back in his chair as a disgusted expression settled over him. He sat still and waited for Jeremy to continue.

"You know how much of an ass he's been recently, and that he's living with Sam and I."

"Jeremy," His father interrupted "Eric's been distancing himself from the family for some time now. He's made it a point of being late to the few gatherings he bothered to show up for for more than a year. He barely made an appearance at Ian's wedding, and then the show he put on for Able's birth."

Steven leaned closer to his son and continued. "You're a dominant. Even if you didn't have everything it takes, and you do, thats enough to make you the head of the family now. Don't, just listen. Look at yourself."

Jeremy stared at his father a second. Steven sat across the table from him and had to look up to meet his eyes. He realized his father was reminding him again that he'd grown more than a foot taller than every member of his family. He was a dominant, true, but he had made every effort not to use that to force his will on anyone. Now his father was making the obvious point that he had other responsibilities. Responsibilities that on occasion would make it necessary to apply his will as a dominant.

"Whatever you decide the rest of the family will accept." Steven said. His tone and the way he sat back as he spoke made it clear that he considered the subject closed. He watched Jeremy a few more seconds before standing. "I'm guessing that's why you came?"

Jeremy looked up at his father and nodded. "For someone telling me I'm supposed to lead the family you certainly are being forceful." He said trying to sound humorous. He failed even to his own ears.

His father smiled a bit ruefully. "You are the head of the family now, and a dominant. That doesn't mean I can't verbally kick you in the ass to properly motivate you every now and again."

Jeremy sighed and stood. He stepped around the small table and started offering his paw to his father. Even as Steven started lifting his arm Jeremy extended his arm further to give Steven the greeting of equals. His father took hold of his forearm and looked up to him. His smile said volumes.

"I know enough to know I'll always need the occasional kick in the pants now and then. You did teach us well, even if one of us has chosen to ignore it." Jeremy said as his father released his arm.

"So, anyway," his father replied obviously changing the subject "Your mother and Glenda are staying with Ian for a week teaching them how to care for Able. Why don't you and Sam come over some time this week?"

"I'll try. I'll pass the invite to Sam, he might have more free time than I do."

"Good." His father said smiling. "It'd be nice spending some time with him again, its been too long."

Jeremy looked at his father again. "You knew I'd be tied up."

Steven grinned in reply. "Take care, son."

Jeremy replied "You too, father."

They parted and Jeremy made his way to work. When he arrived Makannish and a mongoose by the name Dan was in the small office they shared. After a round of greetings Jeremy sat at the table and got to work. Dan left soon after leaving the fox the only other occupant in the room with him.

"You know why Dan left?" Makannish asked gaining Jeremy's attention. Once he had made eye contact the fox added "He's a little intimidated by you, Kid Dominant"

"He shouldn't be." Jeremy said. He had always treated the bureau members with respect and a friendly manner.

"You've gotten even bigger recently. Hitting another growth spurt?"

"What?" Jeremy asked looking at the fox. He had to admit his clothes were fitting a bit tighter, again. He was used to having to buy new clothes every once in a while that he hardly noticed the time interval any more.

"I swear, you must be two inches taller since we came back." Makannish said. He was clearly becoming a bit more comfortable with the discussion seeing Jeremy's confusion. Nodding at his own observation he added "Catching up for almost starving down in Chile maybe?"

Jeremy opened PATOMES out of curiosity. There was a notice waiting for him.


"I guess." Jeremy said noting his distraction had effected his tone of voice.

The fox took it differently. "Yeah, I think thats what it must be too. Still, everyone's a bit intimidated working so closely with a dominant. Most of us aren't used to it."

"Well, you know I'm not the type to abuse the privilege." Jeremy said. His mind was on the jaguar. Former jaguar he reminded himself. He wondered if the fox had done something to him, or her. He'd have to find out, and as soon as possible.

Makannish smiled and replied "Yeah, I know. Most of the others do too, but some are a bit, well, not really scared but they aren't sure how to act around you. I doubt there are very many who can make the claim to working so closely with a dominant."

Jeremy employed his talent to think through what to do about his fox in the park. He also spent a few subjective minutes pondering Makannish's revelation. He looked at his profile in PATOMES. He had indeed grown several inches over the past few months. He was in the middle of yet another growth spurt as the fox had suggested. With his mind settled he considered his options for just a little. Easing back to normal perception Jeremy snorted in mirth.

"Well, I can only ease their minds so much by acting as I always have. The rest is up to them."

The fox smiled back at him. "True. I just thought you would want to know whats going on."

"I appreciate that, thanks." Jeremy said smiling back at him.

"In other news, we're being told this room is going to be needed for someone else." Makannish said. To Jeremy he didn't sound surprised.

"I guess we're back to break rooms then." Jeremy said. Looking around the room he saw only the tables they'd brought in to sit their tablets on, and a few chairs purloined from somewhere. He was thinking of the coming separation from Nicholson and having everyone work from home for the interim.

"Well, it wouldn't be too much of a problem working from home." The fox said as if reading his mind.

Smiling Jeremy said "Was thinking that myself. Its not as though we clock in like everyone else." He looked at the room again.

Makannish chuckled and looked around the room for himself.

Jeremy sighed as sent an email he'd been working on before he closed his tablet. "Take whatever's yours when you leave today."

The fox watched as Jeremy stood. "You're serious?" he asked as his own tablet pinged in response from receiving the message Jeremy had just sent.

"Yep. Gotta go. I have a few errands to run before the day's out."

"See you later then, Jeremy." The fox said looking back up from reading the mail. He was grinning mischievously.

Jeremy paused and looked at the fox. He knew something had come to his mind. He was about to ask but changed his mind. It was likely a parting gift to those in Nicholson that had kept evicting them from each room they had used. "Let me know how it goes." he finally said with a grin of his own.

"Film at eleven." Makannish said as Jeremy left.

He made his way back to the apartment. Neither Sam or Eric had come home yet. Jeremy took a few painkillers for the headache that was coming on from the use of his talent. He picked a few clothes for his change to Dominic and left again. He was forced to wait to make his change as another resident of the building joined him in the elevator from two floors down. He used the public restrooms just off the fitness room and left through the back entrance.

Dominic made his way to the park without incident. In the small clearing he took a seat on the bench and waited. After half an hour he opened PATOMES and slowly subtracted a bit of mass from the fox. Replacing it much faster would doubtless catch the male's attention. As confirmation the fox raced into view less than five minutes later.

The feral bodied male slunk up to the bench and sat on his haunches with his head lowered. Dominic made the adjustments to him through PATOMES.

"What happened to the female?"

The fox coughed and said "She was nuts. Sorry sir. I had to put her down."

"What exactly happened?" The rat asked.

"She was trying to attack people. She even stalked the raccoon you told us about."

Dominic watched the fox as he lay on his belly chin on the ground and tail out straight behind him. His eyes looked up at the rat silently pleading for his life. He sighed after a few seconds. "I believe you. I guess it was too much for him, her."

The fox's head lifted off the ground. "Sir?"

"He was originally a jaguar. I caught him preying on someone and left him for dead. He managed to survive for two years as an inch tall. I mistakenly took pity on him and brought him here as a lynx. He instead tried stalking me. Thats when I gave hi- her to you as punishment."

"So," The fox asked getting back up to sit on his haunches again "you're not going to punish me?"

"No, from what you say, you did the right thing." Dominic said. "Sorry about her not being suitable for you."

"If its all the same, I did get some use from her before the end. You've given me some impressive equipment, maybe I was too much for her." The fox said before twisting his body and licking himself.

Dominic rolled his eyes at the display. The fox did have some huge equipment slung under his belly. He snorted, "Maybe she went nuts for other reasons."

The fox finished his self cleaning and sat back up to look at Dominic. "Well, maybe. Anyway, she was especially tight, if you know what I mean." Dominic was sure the male was grinning up at him.

"Any other activity I should know about?"

"Nothing that we've seen."

Dominic stood. "Good. Keep watching and stay out of trouble. I'll think about getting a replacement for you, if you continue to behave." He watched the fox for reaction and saw nothing to make him think otherwise. He knew the fox had teamed with the other creatures and was trying to catch the attention of park goers. His plans had evolved to include their efforts. He actually hoped for their success.

"Well, if thats everything..." The rat said as he stood.

"Um, before you go, could you consider leaving me with the ability to speak?"

Crossing his arms across he chest Dominic replied. "That would be too tempting for you. I want you incommunicado for now."

The fox slumped and lowered his head. "I understand."

"Still, you're not overly large for a well fed fox." Dominic said before executing the command.

The reynard lifted his head as the feeling swept through him. Dominic watched as the fox gained inches in height and even more muscle throughout his frame. The male stood and with his paws way out in front of him stretched. The rat could see the other male's cock had also responded to his growth. He saw the fox's cock was more than a foot long and shockingly thick at his base. His member appeared to reach all the way to the edge of his ribcage.

"Damn, are you sure that still fits?" Dominic said.

"I'm sure it will. I have no doubt you can make sure it does with the next female you give me. Or perhaps a suitable female for an even bigger one?" He twisted and started working on himself again.

"I'll leave you to it then." Dominic said as he turned from the display of self indulgence.

"Hey, boss, thanks for the extra size."

"Just keep behaving." The rat said as he walked away.

Dominic returned to the apartment building and made his way inside through the back entrance again. He changed back on the way up and stepped from the elevator as Jeremy. As soon as he was back in his weasel body the thoughts of large foxes servicing themselves in the park caused a reaction. He spent some time in the bathroom settling the urges. After cleaning up he went down to the fitness room to finish burning off the excess energy that seemed to be building up more quickly than had been normal.

It was several hours before Sam came home. His brother was happy, and told Jeremy about his first day at the floor. From the sound of it he'd met more than half the staff. He wondered if they had all taken a liking to him as he suggested. Jeremy knew his brother had a pleasing personality but to hear it from Sam he was almost fully accepted on first sight. His own experience was a bit different, he guessed the difference was due to his dominance. As Makannish had pointed out; most didn't know how to react to a him at first.

Regardless, Jeremy was glad for his brother. He got up and moved to the breakfast bar to watch his brother start dinner. Sam was insistent that he do all the work, in celebration of his new job. His brother looked up several times and smiled in appreciation at each stomach rumble from Jeremy. The meal he prepared was excellent as was becoming the norm for Sam. By the time they were both ready to sleep Eric had still not returned.

Jeremy was sure he was avoiding everyone after the scene he'd caused at Able's birth. That too had become the norm for his other brother.

* * * *

I meant to go into a bit more detail last week about Sam's firing. From comments after the previous chapter it may not have bee n clear just why exactly he got sacked. I didn't previously go into it because I didn't want to spoil Eric's surprise.

As he said Sam was caught in a situation with his supervisor. While there are people as closed minded in Jeremy's world Sam's sexual orientation wasn't the reason for his termination. The fact that he was found to be in a relationship with someone senior to him violated company policy. Its a common policy in our world for much the same reason it would very likely be the same anywhere.

I've personally known of incidents in real life were someone was fired for having intimate relationship with a coworker. And each time it was the closest thing to instant termination I've ever seem.