Fowapy's First Time.

Story by scarypanda23 on SoFurry

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Fowapy's First Time

Lean a bird, small & intersex male with a cunt landed right into a new erotic place he had never seen in before. Looking around he saw a couple bystanders with the titles "AFK Fuk Toys." Thrilling as that seemed, Lean quickly felt as if the whole lot was his playground, ready to experience anyone he wanted after weeks of being rejected by numerous girls. Pacing quickly around the lot, Lean started to flap his wings flying fucking girl to girl. Not caring about what anyone looked he had sex with no verbal communication, and enjoyed every bit of it. Taking photos Lean posted naughty pictures on his profile page, eager for strangers to see that he indeed was getting laid. After moments of boosting about his lucky success, Lean suddenly became pensive. He felt saddened knowing that none of these people he was having sex with even messaged him. As male avatars with cunts are unpopular in the fandom, he expected solitude. Lean often explored places and people in which Fowapy had been rejected by and from. He noticed someone in the middle of the park levitating on a bed of cushions. Lean then jumped & jumped trying to get inside, unable to fly. Suddenly he make out the girly stranger, a black six tailed fox with short white hair and beautiful curves laying naked all alone. "How could this be!!?" Lean thought, as he changed positions he started to scissor her taking more pictures, eager to get the perfect shots. Looking into her eyes Lean then knew that this moment was too good to pass up. Instead of taking pictures with strangers, he seized the moment, inviting his friend Fowapy to come and take his place. Lean messaged her "You're a cutie" To his surprise she acutely responded! Lean didn't expect to see a response but since she did, he knew this was a moment his friend Fowapy needed to have instead.

Fowapy had never Role-played before. More than eager, she felt butterflies in her stomach as she quickly ran and jumped onto the platform, instantly cuddling the cute stranger. Her name was none other than Lektra. So beautiful Fowapy thought, she kept smiling and blushing and she couldn't believe this was happening. All of her fantasies about women, every bit of her that she kept inside was finally able to become reality. In these very moments Fowapy and Lektra spent around an hour or more roleplaying. A perfect night, Fowapy never thought would happen, and with such a beautiful girl. Before falling asleep as they cuddled Fowapy and Lektra both added each-other as friends.

A full day went by as Fowapy grew inevitably shy, and uncertain if Lektra felt the same way. Fowapy was scared. She coped by not going online as a way of holding that special night all to herself. Savoring every last bit of that special night before coming back online to attempt and message Lektra again. Fowapy felt a deep oppression that she was no more than an annoyance to others. Fowapy's closet friends had often turned their backs on her, writing cruel things online, using horoscopes to express superiority over her own sign, talking down to her, in front and behind her back, even having outbursts against her, taking out their own stress on her. She always let others treat her like shit, while believing that they were true friends, not even seeing their own faults.

Fowapy went online the next day. Surprised she saw that Lektra left her a message wondering where she was at!! Fowapy quickly messaged her back, although she was offline.

Its been two days since they have last spoken. Is this the beginning of something new? Or just a coincidence? Find out in Part 2!