Second Chances & New Beginnings: Chapter Five

Story by Chakat_Shadowstripe on SoFurry

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#6 of Second Chances & New Beginings

Fifth chapter of Daren's new life and he has to come to terms with the fact that Jack and Vivian have no plan to potty train him yet, with all that being in diapers entails. {Warning Diaper Usage in this Chapter.}

It took me a few minutes to get a hold of my emotions and look up to Jack's face, I could see the concern for my well being in his eyes.

"You okay kitten?" He asked softly as he reached out with one hand to gently shuffle the papers on the desk back into the folder.

"Yeah, just kinda hard ta deal with." I answered him honestly, "I mean I know that I earned it, I did lots of things that I'm not really proud of, but..."

"It's kind of hard to accept." He finished, "The network restrictions, are because they were aware, at least on the periphery, that you were your crew's electronics and computer whizz."

"Yeah, kinda figured that, though it is a bit hard to accept since online was the only place where I felt that I could actually be accepted for who I was." I told him as he stood up with me in his arms.

"Now do you want to see what kind of games you are allowed to play?" He asked with a smile, though I wasn't feeling all that up to it, something was beginning to bother me, and at first, I wasn't sure what it was.

"Uh, I don't really feel like it now Jack." I said truthfully, though the feelings that were coming from my lower torso were becoming hard to ignore. It was a heavy, full feeling that I was beginning to understand. "Uh... Jack can we go to the bathroom, I think I have ta..."

He looked down at me and then rubbed my back comfortingly. "I think I know what you're going to do." Jack said comfortingly.

"But it's so..." I began to object, though I could already feel my body both tensing and relaxing at the same time.

Vivian came up beside Jack and softly took me from him. "We know what it is kitten, but under the circumstances, with your long-term outlook for the next fifteen years being what it is, I don't think it will be a bad thing for you to relax and let yourself be a cub with no worries."

I looked up into her eyes and shivered as the feelings in my body grew more intense. "Momma, I can still be a cub an' not do that in my..." I closed my eyes as the heavy feeling grew under my tail before I shivered and felt a feeling which I was familiar with. I'd never really paid much attention to it before, it was simply part of being alive, but this time it was different as I felt my insides moving.

"I know sweetheart, it will take some getting used to for you, but I promise you that in time you won't even really pay it much attention." Vivian said softly as a euphoric feeling of complete relaxation and release rose from the region of my lower torso.

A minute later I sighed softly and looked up at her, a feeling of complete relaxation had taken over my entire body. "Momma... change?"

"Soon kitten, we don't want any aftershocks to make a mess of your next one." She told me while rubbing my back softly.

"But momma, its..." I trailed off as I realized that the feelings that my body sending to my brain weren't entirely unpleasant. Sure, the knowledge what I'd done, with little to no control, was embarrassing, but the feelings weren't that bad.

"Phew, kitten." I looked over as I heard Jack say that waving his hand in front of his nose.

"Daaaddy" I found myself whining softly, drawing out the syllables unconsciously in embarrassment.

He reached over and softly rubbed my back. "It's okay kitten, your momma and I both understand that this is a difficult transition for you to make, but I saw your face when you were actually doing it, you were enjoying that simple pleasure."

I hid my muzzle in Vivian's shoulder, more too hide my flaming hot ears, but also as if to hide from what Jack had said. What scared me was that part of what Jack had said made more than a little sense. In that moment a vague memory flashed across my mind and it almost made me cry as I recognized it as a memory of my distant childhood, from before mom left.

"Paul, why did you leave our son in a messy diaper for so long?"

"Janet, I don't know why he hasn't damned well learned how to use the stinking toilet by now, he's almost five for Pete's Sake!" I felt myself shivering at my father's voice from the memory, even when he'd been sober, I don't ever remember that he was a happy man.

"Paul, he's a happy boy, so what if he's a bit slow to learn to use the toilet, what matters is that he's happy and healthy. Besides, even though he's a bit slow in this department, he's stunningly quick in most other respects." I found myself guiding my head, in my memory, up to look at my mother's face. It was a pretty face, though at that point in time it had been slightly scrunched up due to her anger at my father.

"Kitten are you okay?" I heard Jack's voice intrude on my self-contemplation and I looked up from where I'd placed my head.

"Yeah, just remembering something from when I was almost five... mom an' dad were arguing cause, well, uh..." I stammered trying to figure out how I was going to explain to Vivian and Jack that I hadn't completed potty training till I was almost five and a half.

Vivian, had by now reached the home theatre room and gently sat me down on my bottom, once more reminding me that I was wearing my own bodily by-products. "Daren you were trained to used the toilet late?" She surmised softly.

I simply nodded as I adjusted my sitting position. The feelings were still not unpleasant, other than the knowledge of what it was, even the odour that had, by now, made itself known to me wasn't entirely unpleasant though it was pungent.

"Jack can you grab some things from the table in his room?" I heard Vivian tell Jack. "We have to get some shopping done soon. You should have purchased more diapers for him, why did you think a ten pack was enough?"

"I didn't think that..." He started as he headed for the door,

"Of course, you didn't love," She said, though her tone wasn't one of reproach instead there was almost a chuckle in her voice.

"Yes, dear." Came his reply as he walked out the door.

Vivian turned her gaze back to me, "We'll have you all cleaned up shortly kitten, though you didn't finish what you were saying before. How old were you when your parents finally managed to get you out of diapers?" She asked, her head cocked slightly.

I sighed and looked down at the carpet between my legs. "I was almost five an' a half momma." I told her, "My father kept making it harder for me ta stay the way I was."

She nodded slightly, "I think even then, you probably didn't really want to potty train, you were comfortable and happy the way you were before that happened weren't you."

I thought about it for a moment and then nodded slightly. "Yeah momma, I mean I learned a lot of other things an' I could even read more than most kids my age could cause uh..."

"You weren't distracted by your body's needs to relieve itself, that simply took care of itself didn't it and you could concentrate on whatever you were doing." She stated softly.

Once more I had to think about what she was saying before admitting to myself that it made terrifyingly good sense.

I was thankful when Jack came back into the room and laid out the supplies for my change. He'd already changed me twice, since I'd gotten my new body, but this time was different than before.

The less said about the change the better, I mean I know that both Vivian and Jack were prepared for what I'd done in my diaper they still, both, coughed lightly at the mess that coated bottom and around my privates.

While the change was somewhat unpleasant, for all involved I found that being at the centre of both Jack and Vivian's attention was rather... soothing and it caused me to close my eyes and rumble softly with a growling purr.

"See darling, we both thought this part would be hard for him, but I think it's actually good for him since he seems to be enjoying it." Jack commented as his mate rubbed some soothing cream into the tender skin around my privates.

"Jack, I think that every child enjoys being in close contact with their parents. It is part of why what this one faced is so heartbreaking. Almost as soon as he was potty trained his mother left, and his father became something that he feared."

"He went from daily close contact with his parents to, in the space of six months, no contact whatsoever, and indeed he learned to fear contact." Jack said softly.

"No wonder he was so broken up on the inside Jack, no wonder he fell into a path of behaviour that resulted in him becoming a criminal." She carried on, "For the first time in eighteen years somebody is showing the kind of close care that deep inside he craves."

I found myself sniffling and blinking my eyes at her statement because there was a rather large element of truth to it.

As I was thinking that Vivian sat me up and gently did the tail-tape up on my clean, dry new diaper. "There you go kitten, all clean and dry." She said happily.

"Uh, thanks Momma." I murmured softly before attempting to stand up on my foot-paws. I was marginally more successful that I'd been the day before and I felt that I wasn't wobbling quite so much.

"There's a boy, you're doing better than yesterday." Jack said happily crouching down "Now let's see if you can reach me," He said giving me a destination.

I wasn't very far, maybe two meters, though to me, with the current state of my mobility it could have been a kilometer. Nevertheless, I gave him a shy smile and concentrated on putting one foot-paw in front of the other, my tail waving behind me as I worked to keep my balance. I was a little surprised when his hands caught the sides of my torso and he cheered.

"That's my boy Daren, you did it!" He hugged me gently and when I looked up into his eyes I could tell that he was extremely pleased at my ability to cross the space without anybody helping me.

"Daddy... I wanna be able ta do everything that a cub my age should, though..." I started looking up into his eyes.

"There will be some things that you won't be able to do for yourself, either through restrictions due to your punishment, or because your momma and I have decided that it would be the best for you not to do yourself." He told me firmly, though from his tone I could tell that he didn't mean it cruelly, like my father had when he set down the law when I was a child.

I nodded in understanding before I looked over at huge TV that dominated one wall of the room. "Wow that's one of the bigger screens that I've ever seen before." I commented looking around the rest of the room, making a note of all of the speakers that were located all around the room.

Vivian sighed softly and Jack chuckled, "Yes, I didn't spare any expense in this room, so we can watch 8K movies at full resolution with the highest fidelity sound currently available."

"I bet games on this thing look great," I commented.

"Yes, they do, but we will always be here supervising what you play." Vivian said firmly.

"Yes momma, guess that games like God of War and Killzone are kinda out of my range right now."

"You bet your tail they are out..." She replied, "I don't think those kinds of games are healthy for anybody, let alone a person with your personal history."

I felt a soft whimper escape my muzzle as I looked down at the floor with my ears folded back against my head, "Momma, I used to play those games cause they were a way for me ta take out my feelings without actually harming another person." I told her softly.

Jack spoke up at that point, "Viv, even though he looks like a little boy, and for the most part he is one. We still have to remember that at least part of him is older than he appears to be and we have to make some concessions for that."

"Jack the games that he mentioned haven't got much to recommend to them other than gratuitous violence. You know how I feel about them." She grumbled. I could tell that this particular point was something of a small point of disagreement for them.

"Momma, Daddy," I said to get their attention, "Uh when we go shopping today maybe we can visit a store and decide on some games for me that we can all agree upon."

They both looked down at me and I could see that I had surprised them. "Yes, that sounds like a good idea Daren." Both Jack and Vivian said almost at exactly the same time.

I smiled softly at them and the did my best to stand up again. "For now, how about I try and get myself ta be a bit more stable on my feet."

Jack looked at his mate and nodded his head before standing up and walking as far away from me as the room permitted. "Come to daddy kitten, I know that you can do it."

I smiled at the challenge that he was presenting and once more concentrated on the act of walking. I wished it was easier, but I knew that soon enough I would be able to run and keep up to any other cub that appeared to be the age that I was. Though, that was if I kept at it like I'd been doing so far since I'd woken up yesterday.