Power of the Crests Ch4 - New Allies and Revelations

Story by Golbeze on SoFurry

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#4 of Power of the Crests

Chapter 4 of this story, hope you enjoy.

Disclaimer; This chapter contains a scene of sex between a female feline and a female Digimon. If you're underage or offended by it, please turn back now. Otherwise, enjoy. ;)


Kitsanumon blinked at the name Kitty uttered. 'Well if that isn't original, a feline named Kitty,' shi thought as Kitty looked around and then over to where the battle had taken place.

"Ah, Myotismon, what a fool. If you had fought him three weeks ago he would've posed no threat. Too bad he was only a mere puppet," she mentioned and Kitsanumon cocked hir head.

"A puppet? You know who he was working for?" the kitsune asked in confusion and Kitty merely smirked in response. The black feline looked down at the digi-egg and her smirk turned to a gentle smile, which confused Kitsanumon a little more as shi wondered just exactly what these two wanted.

'Just who are they? They first attack us and win, but don't finish us off, and now this Kitty jumps right in front of us and starts making idle chatter?' shi wondered as Kitty and BlackGatomon were confusing hir more and more. "Alright, I know you're here for something, so what do you want?"

Kitty smirked again at the kitsune. "Well, to be honest I know Azulongmon brought you here. You see, I have a message to deliver to him and was hoping maybe you'd take me to see him," she explained and Kitsanumon looked at her suspiciously. "However, before that I wanted to test your strength for myself. I'm glad to see Myotismon's data restored you, so I can truly see just how strong you are!"

Kitsanumon watched as Kitty's digivice glowed, as well as her and BlackGatomon. Suddenly the two merged through Digital Fusion and became a dark female Champion-Level digimon. The change wasn't dramatic like Gatovulpanimon was. She became like a full-sized BlackGatomon, except her tail was split at the end, and just at the base of the split was a black ring. She also had BlackGatomon's blue, red-striped gloves and four digits with retractable claws. With a shout her name, Felinimon, was announced.

"Well, how do you like it?" Felinimon said with a giggle. "How about we take the battle to over there, where you fought Myotismon?" Kitsanumon quickly nodded in agreement, and actually smiled back. For some reason shi couldn't sense any ill-will from Kitty and BlackGatomon. First they spared Jake and Gatomon back in the desert, and now Felinimon had the sense to offer to take the imminent battle away from where the digi-egg was located. Plus, the Gatomon half of Kitsanumon was excited at the prospect of a second shot at her rival.

They quickly arrived at the battlefield where the two faced each other. Felinimon grinned and started glowing slightly while Kitsanumon wondered what she was going to do. "Well, I think I'll kick it up a notch, after all what chance does a Champion like me have against and Ultimate like you?" the black feline said as she digivolved to her Ultimate form; Catsurodevimon. She became covered in black, ragged robes and a demonic broadsword appeared sheathed at her side. Her tail split the rest of the way to form two, slender feline tails, and the chains of Ladydevimon appeared wrapped around her arms and hung down in front of her chest. Topping off her dark appearance, her eyes glowed a sinister red.

Kitsanumon watched as Catsurodevimon unsheathed her large sword and shi followed suit, holding hir Celestial Broadsword in front of hir in a fighting stance. "You first," Kitsanumon taunted, and Catsurodevimon laughed as she charged right towards the kitsune, her sword glowing red.

"Demonic Strike!" the feline shouted as she swung the blade right at Kitsanumon. Shi blocked the attack with hir own sword and grinned, but that grin quickly faded when shi saw shadows coming from Catsurodevimon's sword and started to engulf hir. Kitsanumon struggled as the shadows started to immobilized hir, and Catsurodevimon took the chance to pummel the vixen with her fists.

"Hah! Is that all, foxie?" the feline laughed and mewled as Kitsanumon yelped and growled at every hit.

"Not... quite!" Kitsanumon growled and with a sudden burst of strength shi broke free of hir shadowy prison and swung hir sword at the surprised feline. Catsurodevimon screeched as she jumped back but still felt the blade hit her. "Judgment of the Myotu!" Kitsanumon howled and this time clouds gathered overhead and lightning crashed down on Catsurodevimon.

As the feline was electrocuted by the attack Kitsanumon used the attack again, this time summoning an icy wind to try to freeze her. However, she had quickly recovered from the blow and jumped out of the way of the attack, which left an icy trail until it hit the mountains. The two exchanged blows like this for some time, seemingly equal to one another and eventually took the battle to the skies.

"Wrath of the Cat Demon!" Catsurodevimon screeched out as she pointed her sword at Kitsanumon, which suddenly unleashed black lightning at the kitsune. Shi howled in pain as she felt the energy surge through hir, and the feline grinned as the chains around her began to move. "Dark Entanglement!" she then shouted as the chains whipped out and ensnared the vixen.

Kitsanumon watched wide-eyed as shi was reeled in by Catsurodevimon, who wasted no time pummeling the vixen once more. Kitsanumon growled as shi found hirself once again taking a beating. With a growl shi snapped out and grabbed one of Catsurodevimon's paws with hir maw and sank hir teeth into it. The feline screeched and hissed as she tried to pull her paw free, but soon had her mind distracted by an even more intense pain as Kitsanumon managed to free one of hir legs from the chains and brought hir knee right to Catsurodevimon's crotch.

Catsurodevimon was forced to release Kitsanumon and the kitsune grinned as the feline keeled over and held her crotch in pain. As she did Catsurodevimon looked up and, surprisingly, grinned at the kitsune. "Heh, you... play rough! I like that," she said as she stood up straight and hovered in the air, somehow shrugging away the pain. "You're quite strong, too. We could probably fight for hours and still not have a clear winner," she grinned and Kitsanumon smirked back, having enjoyed the battle hirself. The two then floated down to the ground and dusted their fur off of all the dirt that had accumulated over the course of the battle. Catsurodevimon then split back into Kitty and BlackGatomon, then Kitsanumon followed suit, reverting back to Jake and Gatomon and they smiled over to the two black felines.

Jake glanced over to Gatomon for a moment before he turned his gaze back to Kitty. "Well, like I said before, I don't know where Azulongmon is. Something tells me we can trust you two, though. For the past six years we've been living with a digital human named Micah," Jake said and Kitty thought it over. After a moment she grinned widely and giggled.

"Micah, huh? So, that's his game, is it?" she chuckled to Jake's confusion as he pondered what she meant by 'game'. He was about to ask when Kitty and BlackGatomon walked over to the two. "Well, I'll go see 'Micah' instead. I'm sure he can pass my message on," Kitty smirked, and Jake got the feeling she knew something he and Gatomon didn't. After recovering the digi-egg Jake led the way back to Micah's house.

Along the way Jake's expression turned somber as he thought over what had happened. 'I did the same thing Mark did,' he thought as his mind went over the wound that had been inflicted upon him by Myotismon. His thoughts turned back to his deceased friend as he remembered the times they spent together. Gatomon, of course, noticed Jake's expression and nuzzled him as she sat on his shoulder. She didn't press any questions, knowing that he had to be left to his thoughts for now.

Jake smiled at Gatomon as he was nuzzled, then licked her cheek as he continued walking towards Micah's house. His thoughts then went to the way he and Gatomon merged together and fought Myotismon, then Kitty and BlackGatomon. While merged with her it felt as though she and him were one and the same, and the power he felt surge through him. It was definitely something he would be doing again, as not only did he find it exhilarating, but as close to Gatomon he had already felt beforehand, he felt even closer to her now and the experience made his feelings for her grow even deeper.

After not too long the group would arrive at Micah's house. The whole trip Kitty and BlackGatomon kept quiet, though Kitty could tell that Jake was thinking about a lot. She smirked as she looked over the building, while BlackGatomon had a curious look on her muzzle as they approached the front door. Jake's thoughts by now had turned back to what Kitty said after he told her about Micah. These thoughts continued as he opened the door and led the group inside.

As they approached the main room, Gatomon and Jake saw the old man pacing around and mumbling something while a large amount of open books lay open on Jake's old study table. It wasn't until they descended the stairs that Micah noticed them and gave them a smile. His smile grew wider as he noticed Kitty and BlackGatomon and walked over to them.

"Lynia, BlackGatomon, what a pleasant surprise!" he said joyfully and Kitty giggled at the human. Jake looked at the sight curiously, but wasn't surprised, instead he just pondered it over. Gatomon was a bit surprised, however, and wondered what Jake knew.

"I thought I told you to call me Kitty," Kitty said with a smirk and Micah chuckled as he turned and walked over to the pile of books strewn on the table.

"Very well, Kitty," Micah responded, though his voice grew more serious as he picked up a large volume and flipped through the pages. "Jake, Gatomon, take a seat." The fox nodded as he pulled a chair out and started flipping through pages of another book.

"Well, I did a little research," Micah started as he closed the book and held it under his arm, "and what I discovered I had very much hoped isn't true, for if it is, dark times lie ahead for not only this world, but also Earth." This caught Jake a little off guard, but not much because they already were in dark times. However, by the tone of Micah's voice, Jake surmised things were going to get a lot worse. Micah then asked for the digi-egg, and after a second Jake handed it over as he wondered what was going to be revealed.

"By all accounts, this egg should not exist, yet here it is, a product of the love you share. Such a thing is im-possible, and if I'm right, then there's a reason why it happened," he explained while everyone listened intently, Jake and Gatomon out of curiosity and confusion, Kitty and BlackGatomon with smiles on their muzzles as if they already knew what Micah spoke of. "Tell me, Jake, what often becomes of humans and furrs who enter the Digital World?"

Jake thought the question over, thinking back to his studies and gave the answer, "They keep their qualities from Earth. They have flesh, blood, muscles, although they become digitized." As he said this, a realization occurred to him. When he first entered the Digital World he did bleed from injuries, but after the fight with Etemon he stopped bleeding when hurt. He thought back to the wound he received from Myotismon and how data flew from the wound rather than blood. Micah nodded as he saw Jake's expression and sensed what the fox was thinking.

"For some reason you became fully data," Micah started to explain. "You should've retained you physical nature, but for some reason you changed, though it still doesn't explain how this egg came to be. It does explain, however, how you and Gatomon were able to fuse together," he continued and his words surprised Jake as the fox shot his gaze at Micah.

"Ho ho ho, yes, I know of your battle with Myotismon. Such a fusion is almost unheard of, only one furr-digimon pair have managed to accomplish it," he chuckled and glanced over to Kitty and BlackGatomon. This made Jake and Gatomon wonder if Kitty had converted to data as well, but Micah once again interrupted his thoughts. "No, the reason for you two producing a digi-egg together reveals something much deeper. Tell me, what happened 50 years ago?"

Jake once again thought back to his studies, this time he thought for a bit longer before he gave his answer. "The Digital World once existed inside Earth's global computer network. Back then time in the Digital World flowed many times faster than on Earth. However, 50 years ago a dimensional flux caused the Digital World to separate as its own self-sustaining universe, parallel to Earth, although it remained as data for reasons as yet unknown. Most assume it's for the same reason Digimon remain as data on Earth," Jake said, giving a textbook answer, which was suitable for Micah as the digi-human nodded.

Micah's gaze turned somber as he finally sat on a chair and looked at the two. "Yes. Back then time went by quickly enough to form a vast history... and legends. There was once a time when an evil Digimon sought not only to conquer the Digital World, but also make his way to Earth and conquer it as well. That was until a hero, who seemed to be made of both Digimon and furr, fought the evil lord Daemon and sealed him away. However, the hero was gravely injured and destabilized in the battle. The Sovereigns decided to take his data before it scattered to strengthen the seal around Daemon."

Jake nodded as he and Gatomon listened to Micah's tale, questions and speculations forming in his mind as he took it in. "However," Micah continued, "Daemon promised he would return and fulfill his ambitions just before the seal was complete. Since then many prophecies have been made regarding it, speaking of a hero, with the power to do the utterly impossible, who will meet the evil lord in battle. One stands out, though, speaking of eight properties the hero will have, which happen to correspond to the Crests you possess."

"He's close to coming back," Kitty suddenly interrupted, and Micah looked over to the feline in utter shock. "I came to deliver my report from my travels," she said, her expression and voice becoming serious rather than the normal seductive tone it usually carried. Micah seemed genuinely worried now as he thought over this turn of events.

"Micah, what's the prophesy?" Jake asked, now quite worried himself. It was known even to him that Daemon was one of the most powerful Digimon around, and probably the only one powerful enough to seal away the Sovereigns. Micah sighed like a father would sigh at the prospect of sending out a son to a grave danger, but having no choice.

"It goes like this; With Courage they shall face their enemy.

Through Light will they be empowered,

And Love shall bring them together.

They will be Reliable to each other, and empower each other to defeat their foe.

With Hope they shall drive on in the face of impossibility,

And through Sincerity shall the hero make his true intentions known.

With Knowledge they shall know of true Friendship,

and through that Friendship shall the Two Rivals be brought together to face their common foe."

"Common foe? Two Rivals?" Jake asked as he ran the legend through his head. Micah shrugged and said that he didn't know what it meant either. Gatomon shook her head in a bit of confusion. She understood it for the most part, but the feline was just as confused as Jake. Jake pondered all this for a moment, until something clicked in his head and he turned to the old human. "Micah... you're Azulongmon, aren't you?"

Micah kept facing away from Jake for a moment while Gatomon's jaw dropped. "Azulongmon?" she mewled while Kitty stood beside the two and giggled, smirking. After a moment Micah turned to the group and nodded.

"Yes, I am," he confirmed as he approached them. "This was the only way I could remain here. I'm sealed like the others, but by creating a counterpart I was able to interact with the Digital World and train you. However, you've grown up quite a lot since you first came here, and have learned much. Perhaps it's time for you to go on your own," he said and smiled at his student. Kitty and BlackGatomon stood back to give them some room just as Micah began to become transparent. Jake yeeped at the sight and tried to reach out for him, but his paw went straight through.

Micah seemed just as surprised, but after a moment he sighed and turned away. "It looks like I've just about used up my power. Sorry to say this, Jake, Gatomon, but I won't be able to guide you anymore," Micah said softly and Jake nodded.

"Do you have to go?" Gatomon asked somberly, and Micah nodded as he smiled at the two. A moment later he vanished , leaving the group to their thoughts. Jake turned to Kitty, a thoughtful expression on his muzzle.

"Kitty, do you know where they're sealed?" he asked, concerning the Sovereigns. Kitty shook her head slowly and gave him a thoughtful glance back.

"Sorry, I don't. But I have learned a few things, like where Daemon himself is sealed," she responded and Jake's gaze shot back to her. Sensing his question she spoke up, "However, neither of us can approach the place. It's in the spot where all four territories meet. The place has become a gathering for some of the strongest evil Mega-level digimon."

Jake and Gatomon sighed while Kitty placed her paw on his shoulder and smiled. "Hey, why don't you two get some rest? After all this, I'm sure you're exhausted by now. By the way, got an extra room?" she suggested, then asked as she smiled at BlackGatomon. Jake nodded and pointed to a door on the opposite end of the main room that he explained was reserved for guests. "Cool. Oh, if you hear loud screeches coming from my partner here, don't mind it, just us having a little... fun," she said, resuming her seductive tone and smirking at the black kitty on her shoulder.

"Heh, ok," Jake said and chuckled while BlackGatomon looked at Kitty with a nervous smile. They watched as the two felines walked to the bedroom and then made their way to their own. Gatomon let out a little giggle as she thought of what BlackGatomon was going to get as she laid down with Jake on their bed. They had a simple room, just a bed, a dresser against a wall next to it, and a bookshelf on the opposing side. They soon dozed off, exhausted from everything that happened the past couple days.

'Ohh, here we go again!' BlackGatomon thought nervously as Kitty paced back and forth between a chest and the bed. Kitty had stored the chest within her digivice, a function she would have to show Jake later, and inside the chest were all sorts of toys; dildos, strap-ons, a couple vibrators, and even a whip. BlackGatomon mewled lightly as she was suspended above the bed with chains attached to her paws, which kept them spread out and her little twat exposed for Kitty to view. The chains were made from Chrome Digizoid, the strongest metal the Digital World had to offer, so she wasn't about to go anywhere.

"Mmm, yeah," Kitty purred seductively as she laid out an assortment of toys on the bed and then turned her attention to her partner's sex, tracing a finger around it which drew a soft mewl and shudder from the feline Digimon. Kitty purred at the reaction as she flicked her tongue briefly to get a taste of her soft petals while BlackGatomon tried to squirm from the brief pleasure.

"Alright, lets start with this, shall we?" Kitty giggled and grabbed a small vibrator just the right size for BlackGatomon, who watched nervously as the small toy was brought up and inserted in her tunnel and turned on a low setting. BlackGatomon gasped and mewled as juices started to flow from her. She tried to squirm and buck into it but the chains held her fast and all she could do was let it massage her tunnel.

"Ahh, Kitty!" she nearly screeched in frustration as she felt herself near the edge, but the toy was on too low to bring her over. She whined and screeched as Kitty held her there and watched her little partner's frustration with amusement.

"Mmm, yesss," Kitty giggled as she rubbed herself, having become aroused from watching BlackGatomon writhe helplessly. After another moment, both to BlackGatomon's disappointment and relief, she turned the vibrator off and took it out of the small feline's dripping sex and set it aside. BlackGatomon gazed at Kitty pleadingly as her sex ached. She so desperately needed release, but she knew Kitty wasn't going to let her have it just yet, and watched as she grabbed a small dildo, which was just the right size for BlackGatomon.

"Mmm, this should be good," Kitty smirked as she licked the juices from BlackGatomon's sex, causing her to shudder again. Pulling away from the small kitty she brought the dildo and pushed in into her small sex, making her jump and squeal in pleasure as it filled her. BlackGatomon gazed pleadingly at Kitty, but she simply smirked back and began to lick BlackGatomon's clit while pumping the small dildo in and out of her partner.

Once again the digimon found herself squirming and mreowing as she was driven on. However, Kitty kept her at the edge and begging for a release that Kitty had no intention to allow. "Kittyyyy, please!" BlackGatomon screeched loudly as her sex burned. She so desperately wanted the torture to end, but once again Kitty stopped and pulled the now-soaked dildo from her partner's puss. BlackGatomon gazed pitifully as Kitty, let out a shocked mewl as the chains moved, lowering the digimon as once again the vibrator was inserted into her sex. BlackGatomon found herself staring at Kitty's own sex as it was pushed into her face.

"You know what to do," Kitty said sinisterly and seductively as she turned the vibrator on low. BlackGatomon gasped and nodded as she began to lick over Kitty's petals. Kitty mewed happily as she was pleasured and loosened the chains a bit so her partner could push her snout in deeper.

"Mmm, that's it, good girl," Kitty giggled and let out a soft moan as she felt the rough tongue lick on her walls. Soon she loosened the chains more and pushed her sex harder against BlackGatomon's head. Amazingly, Kitty's entrance stretched and soon BlackGatomon's head popped in, which made Kitty gasp and mreow loudly. As a reward she upped the setting on the vibrator to allow her partner more pleasure of her own as the small feline squirmed and screeched.

After a moment BlackGatomon let out a series of loud screeches and moans as her juices flooded from her pussy and onto the bed. As she did Kitty removed the chains and laid down on the bed, despite it being soaked, with BlackGatomon's head still lodged in her. The tall, black feline panted and moaned as she came closer to orgasm as BlackGatomon continued to pleasure her.

"Ah, y-yess, almost," Kitty mewled and tensed up, then with a loud screech her tunnel clenched up and released her juices. As her body shuddered from the orgasm BlackGatomon had another one of her own, and shortly after Kitty shut the vibrator off and pulled the small feline from her. Kitty giggled and licked the juices from her partner and grinned seductively as an exhausted BlackGatomon panted heavily, and after a moment they drifted off to sleep.

Jake slept soundly despite the loud noises coming from the two felines. He dreamed of a time before he and Gatomon became mates, the day he first began to develop feelings towards her. Gatomon was a Salamon, having recently fought a tough battle that made her revert. She was being her usual hyper self while Jake had to carry stacks of books to the bookshelf. She suddenly digivolved to Gatomon, and was following Jake around as he did his errand. However, having the volumes obstruct his view and more books scattered around the floor, he did not see her maneuver around one and subsequently trip the fox as she got right in front of him.

What followed was a one in a million chance as she tried to dodged out of the way but ended up with his paw falling on her right on her crotch. After a dazed moment Jake saw where his paw was and yelped as he quickly apologized and moved it away. Gatomon stuttered an apology of her own for tripping him and the two blushed deeply from what just happened.

As Jake dreamed this it suddenly changed. Everything suddenly went black around the two, and Jake found himself at his current age. From within the inky blackness a voice called out to the two; a sinister, deep voice.

"So, these are the ones," the voice said as Jake picked up Gatomon and held her close.

"Who's there?" he demanded as the voice chuckled evilly. He started towards it and fused with Gatomon straight to Kitsanumon, and the herm vixen gazed seriously in the voice's direction.

"Hahahaha! I look forward to destroying you, 'hero'!" the voice boomed and a sudden strong wind picked Kitsanumon up and sent hir flying back, garnering a yelp from hir. A spiked wall then suddenly appeared, and just before shi hit it both Jake and Gatomon awoke and yelped loudly. They gazed at each other for a moment and panted heavily, then after catching their breath Jake sighed and rubbed the back of his head.

"I can tell you were dreaming the same thing," Jake said and Gatomon nodded. They could tell it was no ordinary dream and the two climbed out of bed and looked at the time. It was the next morning, which surprised them a bit as it didn't feel like they had slept that long even though they felt well rested, but they shrugged it off and headed into the main area. There Kitty and BlackGatomon were just coming out of the shower and the four sat at the study table.

"Me and Gatomon had a weird dream last night," Jake said and looked over the books that were still strewn about.

"Let me guess, pitch black place, sinister voice?" Kitty remarked and Jake shot his gaze over to her, his eyes wide. "Yeah, us too. Said me and BlackGatomon were pathetic and failures and that he would basically grind us into the ground, though he had a different choice of words." Jake thought this over for a moment as he wondered who the voice was. As he thought of the voice calling Kitty and BlackGatomon failures made him wonder. He still barely knew anything about these two black felines except from that they knew Micah.

"Hey Kitty?" Jake started to ask but the feline cut him off with a giggle, already anticipating his question.

"Me and BlackGatomon first met on Earth when she was a Salamon. A week later we got sucked into the digital world by Azulongmon. He said there was something special about us and wanted to train us to live here," she started while petting BlackGatomon. Jake and Gatomon nodded and the feline continued her story.

"So, I said 'sure', and we learned to work together. In time we even became lovers, as I was quite sexually active, and BlackGatomon got curious one night as I pawed myself," she continued, making Jake and Gatomon blush as she so casually talked of pleasuring herself without a second thought.

"We tried a lot of different things; toys, licking, and eventually we got into bondage. Then..." At this point she saw the looks on Jake's and Gatomon's faces. She giggled and smirked at the two, and BlackGatomon couldn't help but giggle as well as the two across from them blushed deeply. "Sorry, got carried away. Well anyways, it was when I turned twenty that we left Azulongmon to travel across the Digital World. It was during our travels we learned to fuse together, though unlike you two it was a power different from the crests. At first I thought that I might be the hero from the legends, but that was the only 'impossible' thing thing I ever did. As we traveled, I decided to draw a map of all the territories."

Jake watched as Kitty took out her digivice and pointed it at the table. Suddenly a light shot from it and a large sheet of paper appeared on top of the books. Jake wondered at this, not knowing the digivice had this function, but Kitty quickly turned his attention to the map. It showed that each territory occupied a corner of the world. Azulongmon's territory, where they were currently at, occupied the south-east. Zhuqiaomon's territory was in the north-east, while Baihumon's and Ebonwumon's territories were in the south-west and north-west corners respectively. A circle was drawn at the point where the territories met, which was where Daemon was sealed.

"There's nothing left here except some door I could never open. Trust me, I tried," Kitty continued. Jake and Gatomon nodded as she moved her finger on the map over Baihumon's realm. "We should go there next. Like Azulongmon's realm it's a vast plain, but there's a river that runs straight through it."

"We? You're coming too?" Jake asked suddenly and Kitty nodded with a smirk.

"Yup. And don't try to talk me out of it," she chuckled as she got up out of the chair. Jake and Gatomon smiled back and followed the two black felines as they gathered a few things, including the egg. Jake pondered what to do with it for a moment. "Just use your digivice, it can store it just like mine," Kitty told the fox. He nodded and pointed his digivice at it. As he did it emitted a light and the egg digitized and its data was absorbed by it and shown on the display.

After looking it over to make sure the egg was alright the group walked out of the house. Jake looked back at the place that served as his home for the last six years, getting the feeling it would likely be a long time before he would see it again. "It's alright Jake," Gatomon chirped at the somber fox, "I'm sure we'll be back eventually!" Jake chuckled and wrapped his tail around the little feline and followed Kitty as she lead the group west, straight for the realm of Baihumon.