Fur Libs 2017 - My First Furry Convention by Poettigress (and panel attendees)

Story by IanusJWolf on SoFurry

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Results from Anthrocon's FurLibs Panel 2017: My First Furry Convention.

This is one of the results from the gang at FurLibs in Anthrocon back in 2017. As with other mad story games, attendees suggested words to fill in the blanks having NO IDEA where in the story it would go. This silliness is the result of that.

Thanks to Poetigress for supplying this base for that year.

My First Furry Convention

by Poetigress

So I just got back from my first furcon, and you'll never believe what a __moist__ time I had!

First I almost missed my flight because it took so long to get through security. Okay, going through the line in fursuit was probably a bad idea, but you'd think the TSA had never seen a ____purple___ __tadpole__ costume before.

But I finally got to the con, and it was amazing. I'd never seen so many ___dusty___ people in one place. I truly felt like I'd come home. More than anything, it was great to meet people I'd only talked to online. I met up with ____burgundy___ __utahraptor___ from the ____Terrifying___ Furs group -- who was way more __pickled___ than I pictured him based on his fursona! We wandered around the dealer's room, where I bought a ___round-house kick___, and then later we went to a panel on how to draw ___cacti__.

The next day, it was time for the fursuit parade. There must have been ___42___ fursuits at least, and it went on for __2 million years___. My favorite was the fursuiter who accessorized with ___a nursing home__.

Later we got some dinner from a place with really good __tacos__, and then we checked out the dance. They had a live band with __Tiro___ and ___Chuck Norris___, and you'd never think that anyone could take a __digeridoo___ and a ___theramin___ and play ___German death reggae___, but they did, and it was awesome.

I kept wishing the weekend wouldn't end, but finally it was time to say goodbye and go home. At the airport, someone commented on my con shirt, and I told them they should try going some year. I bet they'll __slap___ it just as much as I did.