Rise of Red Comet, chapter 7, Ambush

Story by dragonmoon on SoFurry

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#25 of Wayward Scale

Thanks to Sergal Queen Arts 58 for her role as Emilia Scale

On the way away from the planet Gazaya, James and company saw a squad of fighter pods. Takeo was chowing on the second batch of wings he bought when he saw them. "Red Comet, are you able to identify what those are?"

"Not yet. We have never seen or had a reading on them."


James drove the ship towards the squad. Suddenly, he saw a laser and steered the ship out of the way. "Looks like they're hostile. Someone, get the cannon ready!"

While Emily jumped up and ran to the door, James gestured to her and barked, "Call when it's ready!"

James put his hand over the fire button. It felt like an hour passed before she said over the intercom, "Ready!"

At that, he pressed the fire button getting a direct hit on one of the pods. "Bullseye!"

Another laser came from the cannon, which hit the wing of another one. With another fire, a pod behind them blew up. He whistled for a moment before he fired again. Two shots missed, one hit a window. Finally, he led the ship into ramming the final one.

Through the cloud of fire and shrapnel, Takeo was thrown from his seat while James stood up and howled. Then, he looked at Takeo, who was knelt down over his spilled wings sniffling. James sighed and shook his head before taking his seat.

-end of chapter-