Care Bears Family Adventures, Book 2: Chapter 11

Story by Wilson Kitsune on SoFurry

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#11 of Care Bears Family Adventures Book 2

This was just as hard to write, I hope you enjoy

Chapter 11: Until we Meet Again

It was early in the morning when Fauna burst through the portal in the Kingdom of Caring. "Hey everyone! Aurora just had her foal!" Silence greeted her. She quirked her long face and scanned the area, "Hello? Where is everyone?" She shifted into her human form and started to walk into the Forest of Feeling, "Swift Heart? Grumpy? Is anyone here?"


"Love Heart is suffering from Post-Traumatic Catatonia." Take Care stood at the head of the table in the Hall of Hearts as everyone held on her words. "He doesn't have a physical head injury but he's non-responsive to anything external. The good news is that I've stabilized and sewn him up enough that his accelerated healing should let him recover in about a week or more. I have him hooked up to an IV and catheter and other monitoring devices and I'll let you all know if and when he wakes up."

"What do you mean, 'if'!?" Confidence Heart stood up and slammed her hands on the table.

Take Care just glared at the fennec, "I mean exactly what I said. I can't say when Love Heart is going to wake up, a couple days, a week, months, years or maybe never. All I can do is keep him alive until he does and nothing anyone says can change that."

Noble Heart placed a hand on Take Care's shoulder, "Thank you, Take Care, that's enough." He let Take Care sit down before he continued, "A more concerning matter is Flash Heart. Independent Bear went to retrieve his...body an hour ago then we have to make," Noble Heart swallowed hard, "funeral arrangements."

A heavy silence settled over the Hall of Hearts. They'd never dealt with this before, though they'd had close calls in the past. Defender Bear had technically died after his first battle with No-Heart but the spirit of the phoenix within him had brought hi back to life; no one was willing to test if that would work again. Before that, Brave Heart had nearly drowned when No-Heart knocked him into a river; according to Take Care he had been briefly clinically dead before she was able to revive him with CPR. Brave Heart had thankfully come out of that without any permanent physical injury but he had been terribly hydrophobic ever since.

There was a creak at the entrance and Independent Bear stepped into the Hall of Hearts with a long strip of black cloth clutched in his left hand. Confidence Heart was on her feet in an instant and in Indy's face, her hands gripped the collar of his longcoat and she shook him. "Where is my brother?!"

Indy didn't flinch and reached up to pull her hands off his collar. He spoke loud enough that everyone could hear him, "Flash Heart's body is gone."

"Gone? What do you mean gone!" Confidence Heart grabbed Indy by his shirt collar again.

Indy's expression turned fierce and he actually tore Confidence's hands from his neck. "Flash. Heart's. Body. Is. Gone!" He shouted the last word. "I searched everywhere and all I could find is this!" He held up the wide strip of black cloth in his left hand.

Confidence Heart stared at the strip of cloth, then tore it from Indy's grip and bolted out the door. "Confidence wait!" Indy's shout fell on deaf ears as she burst through the entrance. Indy sighed then turned back to the assembly. Every Care Bear, Cousin and Magi in the room was staring at him with a mixture of fear and awe.

Indy bowed his head, "I'm sorry I lost my temper."

Truth Bear stood up and walked over to Indy. He put a hand on the silver bear's shoulder, "Don't worry, we're all out of our element here. That cloth, it was from Flash's coat. Dusk Heart sliced it off during the fight."

Indy nodded then looked up at the assembly, his voice somber, "I'm sorry. I searched for his body for as long as I could but something must have dragged him off after the fight. I followed a blood trail but it ran out and there was nothing else to follow."

Some of those assembled felt a bit nauseous at the thought of blood, but they kept silent. Noble Heart nodded, "Thank you for trying Independent Bear, now I think we all need some time. Those who wish to help with funeral preparations can come with me, everyone else may take the day off for now."

"What's going on here?" The voice came from Fauna as she stepped into the hall, "The whole kingdom's a ghost town until I almost got knocked off my feet by Confidence Heart." Fauna turned to the assembly and recoiled slightly at everyone's grim expressions, "Whoa, did somebody die?"

"Yes. Flash Heart Bear." True Heart said.

Fauna winced, "Sorry. What happened?"

Swift Heart stood up and walked over to Fauna, with Grumpy right on her tail. "We'll tell you what we heard."

Grumpy walked past them and motioned for them to follow him out the door, "Let them have their space." Fauna nodded and left with them.

Anger Heart and Guidance Heart stayed behind to talk with Noble Heart while everyone else dispersed. Independent Bear took Defender Bear and Truth Bear aside before they could leave, "Can I talk to you two about what happened please? I know you two already filed your report but I want to hear some of the details from both of you."

Defender shook his head and gripped Wish Bear's hand tightly, "I'm sorry, but not now."

"Please," Wish pleaded.

Even in his current state, Indy couldn't resist Wish pleas and nodded, releasing the white bear's shoulder.

"I can tell you," Truth removed Indy's hand from his shoulder.

Indy nodded, "Thank you."

A moment later, they were seated in the meeting room the leaders used for their personal meetings. Truth sat down and relayed the entire previous day's events to Indy as he paced incessantly around the office. He only came to a stop when Truth Bear finished.

"I see." Indy nodded. "What did Dusk Heart look like when he was retreating?"

Truth held his chin, "hmm, well right before Dusk Heart killed him, Flash Heart stabbed him through with one of his light swords, I think it was covered in his stare. It pierced him right through and he looked like he was leaking some black smoke.

"Sounds like he's badly injured. I hope that keeps him out of action for a while. Thank you Truth Bear." Indy still didn't look Truth in the eyes.

"Is that all?" Truth leaned forwards to get a closer look at Indy, "Indy?"

Independent Bear's face had become sullen and contemplative; he seemed to be lost in his own little world. He only shook out of it when Truth grabbed his shoulder. "Independent Bear?"

Indy shook his head, "Sorry, I just have a lot to think about. Right now."

"Care to share?"

Indy blinked then turned to face Truth Bear. The black bear's face was sincere. Indy sighed, "I have to lead the Care Bear Magi now, what's left of us. Love Heart's out of commission, Confidence is distraught, Anger Heart doesn't have the experience and Guidance has barely learned the basics," Indy dropped his forehead into his hand, "How are me and two rookies going to protect everyone?"

"Just the three of you?" Truth Bear stared for a moment, then his expression hardened, "What about me? What about Defender?"

Indy looked up and almost recoiled at Truth's fierce expression, "I don't want you two involved, you're not-"

"Magi?" Truth folded his arms, "Real Magi? So what?! Defender wasn't born with a body built to fight but he has his phoenix spirit and he's willing. I was created to destroy the Care Bears and yet here I am, I'm not as powerful as my brother but I can fight, I want to fight. We're going to help you and you should include us in this. As far as I'm concerned we are Magi. and we are going to help you protect the Kingdom of Caring no matter what." Truth's expression softened, "Don't exclude us, we have to be there to help each other no matter what. We're Magi too."

Independent Bear smiled and relaxed, "Thank you, Truth."

Truth Bear nodded, then looked Indy up and down, "I never noticed, but why are you dressed like Flash Heart was?"

"What?" Indy looked down at himself: the black longcoat, white t-shirt, black pants and shoes. He was wearing the same outfit that Flash Heart usually wore into battle. He grabbed the left of his jacket's collar, "Right, I forgot. Flash Heart was always helping me pick out clothes and I guess I just started dressing like him for battle after a while. It's something that will help me remember him by I guess." Indy sighed, "Excuse me, I have to go." Indy walked away from Truth, who just stared after him.


"And that all we heard," Grumpy slumped back in on the couch in his living room. Swift Heart leaned up against him with her ears drooped down the sides of her face.

Fauna sat on the chair across from her adopted parents and just stared at them. She stood up, crossed the floor then knelt and hugged both of them.

"Fauna?" Swift Heart tried to turn her head to face Fauna.

"Don't talk Swift, just stay here," Fauna muttered. Grumpy and Swift Heart both reached up to hug Fauna.

They stayed still for about five minutes before Fauna released them and sat down next to Swift Heart. "It's just...I think of you guys as immortal like us, and even if I didn't know him that well the idea that he's dead...There's no chance he was hiding like I was is there."

Grumpy shook his head. "No. Defender, Truth and Love Heart saw him die, this really happened."

Swift Heart put a hand on Grumpy's shoulder then turned to Fauna, "Sorry you had to see us like this today."

"It's fine," Fauna gave a small smile, "I do have some good news to tell everyone: Aurora had her foal this morning."

"Really?" Swift Heart's ears perked up, "What do they look like?"

"He looks like a silver pegasus, wings and all, with a unicorn's tail, a star on his forehead, cloven hooves and fur streams on his heels." She smiled, "Everyone's pretty excited about the first pegacorn born in the falls."

Swift Heart sighed, her mind wandering back to the tragedy of the previous day, "Sounds great. Grumpy where are you going?"

"Just a minute!" Grumpy disappeared into his bedroom. The sounds of him rummaging through drawers was heard a moment later. "Where is it? I know I put it in here somewhere."

Fauna and Swift Heart shared a look. Grumpy's bedroom and workshop were always a mess but his bedroom was worse, at least he could always find what he needed in his workshop.

"AHA!" Grumpy finally found what he was looking for and returned to the living room, his left arm behind his back. Swift Heart gave Grumpy a curious look as he brought his right hand to his mouth and cleared is throat.

"Swift Heart, I've been thinking a lot after what happened yesterday and I'm scared that something is going to happen. I know I'm just worrying and maybe being irrational but there are some things I think I shouldn't wait for."

"Grumpy? What-" Grumpy held up a hand.

"Just a moment. Swift Heart, I love you and with everything that's happened I know I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you." Grumpy dropped to one knee and pulled out his left arm to show the ring box to her.

Fauna grinned but held her silence as Swift Heart stared at Grumpy. Grumpy smiled and opened the box to show a silver ring with a ruby cut in the shape of Swift Heart's symbol joined to a sapphire shaped like his own. "Swift Heart Rabbit, will you marry me?"

Swift Heart's brain took a moment to restart after she heard those words, then she smiled and all but pounced on Grumpy, "Yesyesyesyesyes!" She showered Grumpy's face with kisses.

"Ack! OK OK, just let me put it on before you suck my face off!" Grumpy squirmed under her for a moment until Swift Heart stopped. Grumpy retrieved the ring and slipped it on Swift Heart's right ring finger.

"Oooh let me see!" Fauna had shifted into a cat so she could fit in amongst them and got a good look at the ring, "It looks great, Grumpus, congratulations."

"It's beautiful, thank you Grumpy," Swift Heart planted a big kiss on Grumpy's lips.

Grumpy blushed and smiled when she pulled back from him, "OK OK stop, let me get up please."

"Alright, fine," Swift Heart fake pouted then got off him.

Grumpy stood up and dusted himself off, "Are you going to come, Fauna?"

"Are you kidding? I'm not going to miss the disaster day you're going to have!" Fauna flung her arms around them and grinned.

Grumpy scowled, "Thanks for the vote of confidence."


Confidence Heart sat next to Love Heart and listened to the slow beeps of the heart monitor. She held the scrap of Flash Heart's coat loosely in her left hand and she watched his slow, easy breathing. Confidence looked up and down the devices hooked up to Love Heart: the IV going into his arm, the heart monitor attached to his wrist and the catheter attached under the blankets he lay under.

"I should have been there," Confidence Heart whispered as her head sunk, "I'm sorry."

"So am I." Confidence looked up then turned her head to see Indy standing behind her.

Indy stared at his fallen brother for a moment then turned to look at the scrap of cloth Confidence Heart was holding. "Can I see that piece of Flash's jacket please?"

Confidence Heart clutched the jacket piece tighter, "Why?"

"I just need to do something, please," Indy held out his hand.

Confidence Heart gave him a cautious look then handed the cloth to Indy. "Thank you," Indy created a knife from his tummy symbol then carefully sliced it lengthways, cutting a long strip off the cloth.

"Hey!" Confidence snatched the largest piece from Indy's hand.

"It's for Love Heart," Indy balled up the strip and set it on the side table next to Love Heart's head, "I just hope it helps." He took Love Heart's hand and squeezed it, no response. "We're probably going to bury what left of his coat."

"I know," Confidence Heart clutched the length of cloth more tightly then released her grip on it, "Just leave me here for a while. I'll see you later."

Indy gripped Confidence's shoulder for a moment, then turned and left. He stopped at the front desk where Take Care was seated, filling out a long report about the last two days' events.

"Is she going to be alright?" Indy asked.

"Confidence Heart? I don't know." Take Care sighed and set her pen down, "I have so much to do I never had a chance to prepare for so all I can do is keep going." She looked up at Indy, "Are you going to be alright."

Indy sighed, "I don't know, all I know is that I have to keep going even without them. Is there anything I can help you with?"

Take Care shook her head, "Nothing now, but thanks."

"OK, I'll see you later." Indy turned and left the clinic which left Take Care to deal with her paperwork.


Wish all but dragged Defender Bear back to her house, neither of them cared if they were seen now. Once they were inside Wish grabbed Defender in a tight hug and just held him. Defender hugged her back and they just stood there and held each other for what seemed like hours.

"Stay with me, please," Wish whispered.

"I will," Defender said.

"Please stay with me, all night," Wish looked up at Defender.

Defender stared back at her, "What?"

"Please! I want to know you're not going to leave me, or disappear, or die. We're mates, I want you to stay with me." Wish all but forced a kiss on Defender. He was startled but did not resist.

When they separated, Defender smiled down at her and ran his right hand over her head and left ear, "I won't, I promise."

Wish felt her face heat up, then her whole body. She grabbed Defender's shoulders and forced a heavy kiss onto him. Defender felt her heat radiate up through him and he grabbed her around her shoulders and pressed into the kiss harder.


Anger Heart's grit his teeth and glared down at the assembly of wood he was hammering to a flat base. He had volunteered to build a coffin for Flash Heart, part of him wanted to complain about building a full sized coffin but he knew this was more out of respect than practicality. He sighed and held another board in place then started hammering again.

"Want to take a break for lunch?" Guidance Heart stood by the door to Anger Heart's workshop. They had built the add-on a couple months ago so he had a place to work.

Anger Heart wiped his brow then set his tools down, "Sounds good, thanks Guidance." He gave her a kiss as he walked back into the house.

Lunch wasn't much of a special affair, just salami sandwiches and juice. Neither of them had the energy to cook anything more exhaustive. They ate in silence for a few minutes until Guidance spoke, "We should have been there."

"I know..." Alex set his empty glass down. He didn't refill it. "Were we wrong to try and spend time together?"

"I don't know." Guidance clenched her fists in her lap, "I would have been useless anyway."

"What?" Anger Heart's tails frizzed out, "you wouldn't have been useless you-"

"Yes I would!" Guidance screwed her eyes shut as she shouted, "I can barely handle kinetics now, I can't fight, it doesn't matter what I did I'm just a drain."

Anger Heart was up and at her side in an instant, "You are not useless, you're just learning," he reached up to wipe a tear from her eye.

"Alex..." Guidance looked up at him, she gave a smile through her tears, "Thank you. I just..."

"I know," He gave her a hug, "Once I'm finished this we can do something, OK?"

Guidance nodded, "then can we go to the gym do some training?"

Alex stared for a moment, then nodded, "OK, I promise I'll help you." He gave Guidance a kiss then went back to his workshop to continue.


The Care Bear Family wasn't unfamiliar with funerals, they had attended a few with children who needed help to deal with the loss of family or friends, to help the understand what it meant and how to deal with it, but having a funeral for one of their own was completely new to them.

The only place they could think to bury the empty coffin was in the open land between the Forest of Feelings and Care-a-Lot, a grim place to be sure where everyone would be able to see the headstone Grumpy had made every day but the only place that had dirt deep enough to bury a coffin without roots in the way.

Confidence Heart was finally convinced to let the piece of Flash's coat go, she folded it and set it in the open coffin then went to stand off the side with Independent Bear and Harmony Bear. True Heart and Noble Heart stood behind the coffin and faced the rest of the family, who had assembled for the somber occasion; those who were inclined to dress were wearing black.

True Heart fidgeted before she tried to speak, "We are gathered, that's... I mean Flash Heart..." True Heart looked to Noble Heart, who nodded and stepped up to the coffin as she stepped aside.

Noble Heart took a deep breath, "We're here to honor the memory of Flash Heart Bear. I'm ashamed to admit that I didn't know him very well but from what I did know he was a brave bear and a skilled fighter. He sacrificed himself to try and stop Dusk Heart and for that we should always remember him. I don't have much else to say but there are some who wish to say more." Noble Heart stepped aside and Confidence Heart stepped up to speak. Her eyes were dry and she just stared at the coffin as she spoke.

"Flash Heart was my brother. I knew him since we were kids. I don't remember when but mom and dad adopted us when we were just cubs and we grew up together. When we were young he was kinda timid and unsure of himself. I could always out-run or out fight him if I needed to. That changed when we met Love Heart Bear and Independent Bear. Once we started to learn magic he changed, for the better. All of a sudden he was enthusiastic, optimistic and confident, always ready to try and push himself, but not nearly as much as Love Heart did. When our family died, he dragged me away from our burning house and got me to run, so I did. For those years we had to run he kept our spirits up and kept us going. When we came to live up here he changed again, I saw him turn into this weird smooth wannabe ladies man but you know what, I thought it fit him. He was comfortable, he was happy and he wasn't hurting anyone. I should have been there to help him, but by the time I could get there he was already dead and I was told to come home. I want to know what happened to his body, excuse me." Confidence Heart had started to cry and she moved off to let Harmony Bear step up.

"I don't know how many of you know but Flash Heart and I have been dating for the past few weeks. I know he flirted with a lot of you but I never took it personally, he was just looking for someone to spend time with. He was fun and helped me feel loved," Harmony paused to wipe her eyes "He was a bright day in my life when I needed him to be and I thought he was going to be the one. I guess now all I have are my memories. I wish I had a song to sing but...I couldn't think of anything, I'm sorry..."

Independent Bear stepped up as Harmony left. She started sobbing but Indy did his best to speak despite this, "I'm sorry to say that Flash Heart and I were never close, but he always tried to be despite me. He thought I was constantly depressed, I can't really blame him, and he wanted to cheer me up. I admit that sometimes I found it annoying but he always meant well. When I first met him I wasn't sure what to think about him, but I guess even if I didn't try to get to know him, living with him for ten years made it impossible not to learn about him. He was bright, enthusiastic, and sometimes annoying but I still did my best to work with him. I wish I could have been there to help him."

No more words were said. Indy stayed behind to help bury the coffin along with Soulful Heart and Harmony Bear. Soulful couldn't say why he had volunteered just that he felt he should. All three of them took moments to glance at the headstone, a simple solid grey stone.







Indy sighed and focused on his work.

Finally, the grave was filled in. Soulful and Harmony turned to leave but Independent Bear stayed behind, he set his shovel down and put his hand on the headstone. He finally let tears flow down his face and he hung his head. "I should have been there, if I'd only remembered to plug in my damn cell phone! I'm sorry! I'm so sorry Flash!"

"Don't blame yourself, Indy."

Indy started then whirled around. "Flash Heart?"

At first it looked like Flash Heart was standing there in front of him, except he was transparent, just barely there. Indy rubbed his eyes to clear the tears and shake the illusion from his view, but when he looked up Flash Heart's ghost was still there.

The ghost turned to look at the grave and sighed, "It was a touching send-off, I only wish I didn't have to go, I'm going to miss all of you, especially Harmony Bear." He walked over to the grave and tried to set his hand on the headstone, except it passed right through so he settled for hovering his hand over the top, "I don't blame any of you, I shouldn't have called Love Heart right away, I knew he'd run off to fight without waiting for everyone to gather but I called him anyway and I ran off too, probably to help keep him alive. I only hope I gave Dusk Heart an injury he won't forget."

"Indy, what's wrong?" Harmony Bear and Soulful had stopped when they heard Indy shout Flash Heart's name. Harmony was looking right at Indy but Soulful was staring at Flash's ghost and rubbing his eyes a couple times as if he was seeing things.

Indy swallowed, "It's Flash Heart, or his ghost I think. He's here."

Harmony perked up, "Really? What's he saying?"

Flash Heart walked over to Harmony, he glanced over at Indy for a moment then turned back to Harmony, "I love you, Harmony Bear, just promise you won't let this break you. If you find someone else then move on, I hope you find happiness." He put his ghostly hands on Harmony's cheeks.

Harmony felt her fur tingle as Indy relayed Flash's message to her, "He says he loves you but that he wants you to move on if you find someone else. He doesn't want you to be miserable for his sake."

"I see..." Harmony looked up.

"Goodbye!" Flash Heart leaned in and placed a ghostly kiss on Harmony's lips.

Harmony could feel the tingling spread across her lips and she instinctually pressed her lips into a kiss and reached forwards, hoping she had her arms around him. She did. Indy watched as they shared a ghostly kiss, then Flash Heart's form faded away.

When Harmony felt the tingling stop she stopped her pantomime, "He's gone."

Indy nodded, "Was that your first kiss?"

Harmony nodded and wiped a tear from her face, "I wish...I wish I hadn't waited. I need to go!" She turned and marched away, arms across her face as she sobbed softly into her arm.

Soulful had watched the whole exchange, slack jawed, "Was that real? Did I see his ghost?"

"You saw him too?" Indy walked over to Soulful Heart. He sighed in relief, "Good, I was afraid I was going crazy. Why couldn't she see him?" Indy watched Harmony walk away.

Soulful shook his head, "I have no idea, all I know is that if I could I'd need a serious drink. I think I'll settle for a reading binge instead." Soulful Heart headed into the Forest of Feelings.

Indy stayed at the grave for a moment longer, hoping he'd see Flash again, but when he didn't he followed Soulful into the forest and to his own home.


"You can't keep staying here, Confidence Heart." Take Care stood beside Confidence Heart who was seated on a chair next to Love Heart's bed. Love Heart was still comatose.

Confidence Heart glared up at Take Care, "I'm not leaving, not until he wakes up." Her voice was firm.

Take Care was just as firm, "As admirable as that is, I need to do check ups and you have duties to attend to. My clinic, or I guess hospital now, isn't a hotel. Even though you've been treating it for one for the last week."

Confidence bared her teeth, "He's my fiancé and I'm not leaving him."

Take Care was about to say something when Get Well walked in, took one sniff then scrunched up her face. "Confidence, you need to leave, now!" he voice was surprisingly hard.

"No! Not until he wakes up!" Confidence stood up out of her fists at her side as she stood firm.

Get Well glared back at her, "Confidence Heart, you're using up all our toilet paper, eating our food and you smell like an open sewer." Get Well jabbed her right arm and index finger towards the door to the hospital's entrance, "Go home, take a shower, get some real sleep and eat something besides our food, OK!"

Confidence Heart was taken aback by the normally calm bear's outburst. "But-"

"But nothing, go home!" Get Well all but shouted. Despite herself, Confidence Heart found herself out the door and headed for home.

Take Care stared at her daughter, "Get Well, where did that come from?"

Get Well smiled back at Take Care, "I learned it from you, and a little from watching Anger Heart. It got her out of here at least." She wrinkled her nose and wafted some air away from her mouth, "Now I need to get some air freshener, is that alright."

Take Care nodded, "Please do, I'll give Love Heart his check-up."

Confidence Heart felt some relief spread through as the hot water hit her fur. She desperately wanted to run back to Love Heart's side but the shower felt so good the thought quickly left her mind. Fifteen minutes later she exited the shower, smelling fresh, and collapsed on her's and Love Heart's bed. She was out like a light in an instant.


Another week passed, and Love Heart stirred.

It started with a cough, then a twitch. Love Heart heard the beeping of the heart monitor as his eyes opened. He was alone in a hospital bed. He turned his head to look around, and spotted the wadded up strip of cloth on the table next to his bed. Love Heart winced at the IV leading into his left arm so he reached over and picked up the strip with his right arm. It was frayed along both ends, except for the tips. He didn't have to guess who it belonged to as he held it close to his chest and started to cry.

Love Heart stayed like that for over an hour before he heard the door open. He looked up to see Confidence Heart in the door way.

"Love Heart? You're alive!" Confidence Heart crossed the distance between the two of them and grabbed him in a tight hug. Love Heart was stunned, but despite the small tug on his arm from the tube, he threw his arms up around Confidence Heart.

Take Care had heard Confidence's shout and came in. She sighed in relief when she saw that Love Heart was upright. "This is a relief at least," She walked over to Love Heart's side, "Are you alright?"

Love Heart's throat was dry and he rasped out a reply, "No."

"I'm not surprised. Confidence Heart when you're done I need to check Love Heart."

"Just five more minutes," Confidence Heart mumbled. She didn't let go of Love Heart, they just stayed in embrace until Confidence finally decided to let him go. "I'll see you soon," she gave Love Heart a kiss then stood up and left, a smile on her face for the first time in two weeks.

Love Heart just sat on his bed until Take Care came back in, a glass of water in her hand. "Here," she offered the glass to Love Heart.

Love Heart accepted the glass and shakily took a few sips, wetting his dry lips and throat. When he finished he set the glass down on the table next to him. His voice was low but the rasp was gone as he spoke, "How long was I asleep?"

"Two weeks. Do you remember anything?" Take Care asked.

Love Heart stared down at the strip of cloth that rested in his lap. Tears welled in his eyes as he picked up the cloth, "Yes. I got Flash Heart killed..." Tears streamed down his cheeks as he held the cloth close to his chest.

Take Care nodded, at least his memory was intact. "Do you want to talk?"

Love Heart shook his head then lay back down.

"Alright. If you don't mind I need to give you a check up to see how you're progressing. You should be aright to leave soon if you want." Take Care looked at Love Heart's face. He didn't respond. With nothing else for it, Take Care set to work and ran through a battery of tests she needed to evaluate Love Heart.

When she finished and was out the door, Take Care heard Love Heart speak, barely above a whisper. "Flash Heart. I'm so, so sorry..."

Love Heart spent one more day in the hospital. Two weeks off his feet left him shaky but it was far from enough to render him immobile from lack of exercise. Confidence Heart helped him home and for the first time in two weeks he had a decent meal and slept next to someone he loved.

The next morning, Love Heart was the first awake. He saw Confidence in front of him and pressed himself into her fur, inhaling deeply and treasuring her scent.

"Good morning, Love Heart," Confidence Heart opened one eye, "You alright?"

"No, but better now." Love Heart didn't smile.

"Want to just stay in bed today?" Confidence snaked an arm around Love Heart's shoulders.

Love Heart nodded, "Not all day, but for now."

Hunger was the only thing that roused them enough to get out of bed. A simple cereal breakfast was all either of them could manage and when they were done, Love Heart asked to see Flash Heart's grave.

It was painful for both of them, staring at the headstone where a mostly empty coffin was buried. Love Heart was crying. He didn't bother to hide it as he touched the top of the headstone. "This was my fault."

"What?" Confidence gave him a concerned look.

"This was my fault. If I hadn't run off like an idiot, or if I was stronger, or a better leader then Flash Heart would still be alive." Love Heat wiped the tears from his face.

"You don't know that," Confidence put her arms around Love Heart from behind.

"Yes I do!" Love Heart's voice raised slightly. "I...I can't be here anymore. I need to eat."

Confidence nodded. "It's lunchtime, let's go to the Hall of Hearts, OK?"

Love Heart nodded then let himself be led away.


Love Heart felt an overwhelming sense of relief spread through the entire Hall of Heart's as he entered. Almost everyone came up to him to as how he was or if he was going to be alright. He barely acknowledged them as he went to the buffet up at the front. He loaded up a plate high with luncheon meat sandwiches and grabbed three bowls of diced up fruit, he was unbelievably hungry. Love Heart sat down at a table flanked by Confidence Heart Fennec and Brave Heart Lion. He ate in silence.

"Hey, Love Heart, are you gonna be OK?" Brave Heart put a hand on Love Heart's shoulder. Love Heart just hmm as he inhaled another sandwich. Brave Heart shared a worried look with Confidence Heart. They didn't need words to communicate their worries to each other and they both scooted a little closer to Love Heart.

Love Heart didn't look up until he had finished his food. He scanned the room and spotted Renegade and Nova (in their human forms) seated with Get Well, Hugs, Anger Heart and Guidance Heart. "Excuse me," he mumbled as he got up and left his empty tray at the table. Brave Heart was up and after Love Heart in a moment while Confidence Heart gathered up their trays and carried them to the front.

Nova saw Love Heart approach from the corner of her eye and smiled as he approached her, "Hey, Love Heart, doing better now?"

"I guess," Love Heart didn't look her in the eye. His voice was subdued and barely above a whisper as he spoke, "Nova, can I go see Aurora please?"

"Huh?" Renegade looked up from his food, "Why do you want to see Aurora?"

"I need to ask her something important. Please can you take me to see her?" Love Heart kept his eyes down.

"Whoa what's this?" Brave Heart came up behind his friend and put a hand on Love Heart's shoulder.

Love Heart reached up and pushed Brave Heart's hand off but kept his attention on Nova, "Can we go?"

"I can, but she does have Starfang to look after so I can't promise anything." Nova stood up.

"Starfang?" Brave Heart gave them an odd look.

"Their son, they argued about the name for a few days before they settled on Starfang," Renegade stood up, "I can give you a ride, there if you want."

"Thank you," Love Heart waited until they stood up and followed after them.

Confidence Heart arrived just as Love Heart turned to leave, "Love Heart, where are you going?"

"To the falls, I need to talk to Aurora." Love Heart didn't turn to face her.

"Love Heart, wait!" Confidence tried to grab for Love Heart but he just walked away.

She wanted to chase after him but Brave Heart grabbed her shoulder to stop her, "Let him go for now, but we gotta talk to Take Care about more therapy."

"He looks dead inside," Guidance Heart had watched the whole exchange in silence.

"What can we do?" Confidence Heart turned to look at the raccoon.

"I guess what we always do, be there for him," Brave Heart said.


The guards at the entrance just huffed as Love Heart entered with Renegade and Nova, who had shifted back to their true forms. Nova just glared back as Love Heart got on Renegade's back and they flew off to the northlands, Nova changing into a falcon to follow them.

While it was always cold, the winter region of the Falls was more pleasant at the moment. Aurora and White Fang were standing outside as they watched their son take careful steps towards the snow.

"Take it slow, Starfang, it's just snow." Aurora urged.

Starfang looked back at his parents then stepped into the snow. He recoiled at the cold touch of the white powder and ran back to his parents.

White Fang put a wing around him in comfort, "There there, Star, just take it easy." He looked up to see Renegade land with Love Heart on his back.

Starfang turned to see the green bear approaching them and he shrunk back against his parents. "Don't worry, he's a friend." Aurora assured her son. Starfang looked from one parent to the other and carefully approached Love Heart as he got closer. Despite his state Love Heart stopped in front of the pegacorn foal as he sniffed him. He recoiled slightly but didn't retreat. Love Heart carefully sidestepped around Starfang and stood in front of Aurora.

"Aurora, I need to ask you something." Love Heart had his hands squeezed into fists as he stood, his was trembling.

"Love Heart, what's wrong?" Aurora craned her neck forwards to try and get a look at Love Heart's face.

Love Heart suddenly dropped to his hands and knees, ignoring the cold snow that seeped into his fur. His face shot up to stare at Aurora with pleading, tear-filled eyes as his voice became desperate, "Please teach me unicorn magic!"

His shout caused Starfang to run and hide behind his father, who glared at Love Heart, "Watch your voice, kvetch, you're scaring my son."

Aurora nodded, "Yes, please don't startle him. But did you say you want to learn magic?"

Love Heart's expression didn't change, though he did lower his voice, "Yes. I'm half-unicorn but I don't know anything about how to use that kind of magic, I need to learn it and I'll do anything to if you'll teach me!"

Aurora didn't need magic to see how serious Love Heart was. She looked up to Nova and Renegade, who were both shocked at Love Heart's request, then to White Fang who shared a look of concern with her. She finally turned back to Love Heart, who looked like she was holding his life in her hands. "I hope you understand that learning magic isn't a simple or a quick thing, it can take months to master the basics and years to do anything substantial, even for a unicorn. And even if I do, I have a foal to raise so I can't dedicate all my time to teaching you."

"I understand, but please, I need to do this," Love Heart was all but begging by now.

"I might, if you can tell me why you want to do this."

Aurora listened as Love Heart relayed the events of two weeks ago to her, the fight with Dusk Heart and Flash Heart's death, followed by him being in a coma until the previous day.

Love Heart took a deep breath and was now sitting on his rear in the snow, "That's why I need to do this, so I don't let anyone down again."

"And you think just learning some magic will do that, oi vey," White Fang covered his face with a wing.

"Not just that, I need time alone, to think, learn to be better leader, a better fighter, and someone who won't just lead the Magi to their deaths." Love Heart touched his tummy symbol and extracted the strip of fabric that had come from Flash's coat. "I'm going back until I know I won't fail them again."

Aurora could feel the emotions twisted up around the scrap of fabric in Love Heart's hands, she could also see the frayed edges and a small string break free. "That's going to fall apart, cut like that. I can show you how to fix it as your first lesson."

Love Heart looked up, "right now?"

Aurora nodded, "Yes, you already know how to control the aether, or mana as you call it, so if you can't direct it into magic then there's nothing I can teach you. First concentrate on the star on your forehead, it's the focus of your magic."

Love Heart nodded and closed his eyes. He pushed his mana up through his body and felt it gather in his head. As everyone watched the eight pointed star on his head started to glow, faint at first before becoming bright white.

"Now focus on the cloth in your hand, see if you can feel the textures of the material and push your magic out through your star, try to envision the material solidifying how you wish to see it."

Love Heart clenched his hands around the fabric, already he was feeling the strain of using his magic in a new way as the magic flowed out invisibly towards his hands. He finally felt the flow end and opened his eyes. He opened his eyes and held up the fabric strip. It was still a thin strip but instead of frayed edges it looked like it had been sewn into a single strip with hemmed and sewed edges all the way around.

Aurora couldn't help but smile, "Good, I was afraid you wouldn't be able to handle it but you've done admirably."

Love Heart stored the now fixed strip in his tummy symbol and stood up, "What should I do now?" He was eager but Aurora gave him a sever look.

"If you're serious about this then you should talk to the Kingsire and Queendame about living here. You may be able to stay with us but you should seek their permission as well. After that go home and tell your friends and family what you're going to do, don't just vanish from their lives without warning."

Love Heart nodded, then bowed to Aurora, which surprised her, "I will. Thank you."

"Want a lift?" Renegade knelt down.

Love Heart nodded, "Yes, thank you."

Nova stayed behind to watch Renegade fly off with Love Heart on his back, "So you're going to teach him.

"If he doesn't have second thoughts," White Fang turned to Aurora, "That's why you sent him back home, Aura."

Aurora nodded, "Yes, Fang, if he has second thoughts and can't bear to leave his family behind then he shouldn't try and commit to this. If he comes back then I can teach him, otherwise he'll have to find his own way."

"Will Blue and Fauna let him stay here?" Nova turned to look at the two elders.

White Fang snorted, "Is it always cold up here? Yes they'll let him stay, the council is going to plotz, and I'm going to have to attend, but even if he wasn't a Care Bear Fauna and Blue would sympathise with him too much to say no."


"And you actually agreed to let him stay!?" Fauna didn't recoil as the council member practically sprayed her from across the chamber.

Fauna glared back at him, "And why wouldn't I? He's a friend who suffering and needs our help."

"This is going too far, Queendame," Another member of the council spoke up, "It was bad enough when you brought your bastard brother here and now you're letting those...animals take over!"

Fauna turned to the member who had spoken and issued a wolf-like growl form her muzzle, "Don't call Renegade a bastard, Tonar, you're part of the reason he was born that way in the first place!"

"He shouldn't have been born at all neither-"

Tonar was cut off when Blue banged a hoof on the floor of the council chamber, "That's enough, all of you. Love Heart has as much right to be here as Renegade does, they're both half-equines and this place is a sanctuary for all of our kind regardless of their origins." He turned to where White Fang sat as the head shaman of the Falls. "White Fang, you can vouch for his sincerity."

White Fang nodded, "Aye, his sanity might be in question though, but I trust him not to hurt anyone, except maybe himself."

Fauna gave a cocky grin, "Sounds good enough to me."

"I agree," Blue turned back to the rest of the council, most of whom were fuming.

"You'd trust White Fang over any of us?" one demanded.

Blue's eyes blazed, "I'd trust his opinion over all of you put together!"

White Fang smirked, "Our Kingsire has more sense than any of you put together."

Tonar growled then pointed a hoof at Blue, "You would erode our way of life just for your wife's whims."

Fauna looked like she was about to burst, but Blue beat her to it, "The Care Bears have been our friends for years! They are the ones who saved Fauna's life after Rainbow was murdered and without them I wouldn't have her next to me. They've been friends and allies to us for longer than any of you will admit."

Fauna was calmed somewhat by Blue's outburst but she couldn't help but add in her own opinion, "Actually while we're on that topic I think we should talk to their leaders about a more permanent alliance of sorts, not like it should change anything right?"

Her leading tone was missed by one of the council members who all but shouted back, "Alliance! Have you lost your mind?!"

"No more than you have," Fauna shot back.

"That's enough, both of you," Blue had to raise his voice to silence both Fauna and the council, "I don't think we'd be calling it an 'alliance' but we are friends and close neighbours. As far as I'm concerned they are family so there's little debate in my mind. Love Heart is going to live here and I won't have him treated as an enemy while he's here. We're done." Blue stood up and walked out with Fauna and White Fang next to him, and let the council stay to argue about his actions.

White Fang laughed, "Hah! I always love seeing their feathers get ruffled, well done, Kingsire Blue."

"I'll say," Fauna grinned and leaned her head on Blue's shoulder, "Nice going."

Blue nodded, "I know they're concerned, and the hunters are still a threat, but after everything they've done for us, and for me, I'm not going to let the Care Bears be treated like our enemies anymore." Blue turned and nuzzled Fauna.

"Well you two enjoy yourselves, I have to get home before Starfang misses me." White Fang turned and trotted out before he flew off back home.


"You're leaving! Just like that?!" Confidence Heart was livid as she, and most of the Care Bear Family, stared at Love Heart as he stood in the entrance to the Hall of Hearts. Lunch was winding down but almost everyone was still there.

Love Heart's face was resolute as he stared back, "I have to do this. I got Flash Heart killed and all because I'm a terrible leader and a poor fighter. If I don't do this then who know what I'll end up doing."

"We just got you back, Love Heart, why now?" Brave Heart had joined Confidence though his expression was more distraught than angry.

"Because the longer I wait the less likely I can actually commit to this," Love Heart clenched his fists, "I need to do this and I'm not coming back until I'm finished."

"And when is that going to be," Confidence grabbed his shoulders, "A month, a year, a decade?!"

Love Heart looked her in the face, "As long as I need to! I don't know how long that will be but I'm doing this, and I can't see any of you until I'm done!" Love Heart wrenched away from Confidence Heart and marched out the door. Everyone just stared at where Love Heart had vanished until Confidence Heart took off after him.

Love Heart had started running as soon as he was outside and he only stopped when he reached the portal to Pegasus Falls. Love Heart stood there, nerving himself to step through and really commit to this, until he heard Confidence Heart behind him.

"Love Heart! Wait!"

Love Heart turned to meet Confidence as she slowed a stop in front of him. "Don't go, please, I don't want to lose you."

Love Heart reached out for her, then stopped and pulled the now repaired strip of fabric from his tummy symbol. "I have to. Look, Aurora showed me how to fix this, just imagine what I can do if I really try to learn." He reached up and bound the strip of fabric around his forehead which left the loose ends trailing behind him.

Confidence just stared for a moment, then stepped forwards, "When will I see you again."

Love Heart averted his eyes, "When I'm older, stronger and wiser." He turned to face her again and put his arms around her, "I'm going to miss you."

"I'll miss you too," Confidence Heart put her arms around him.

Love Heart gave a weak smile, "When I get back, we're going to get married."


"I promise."

They leaned in and kissed each other. They stayed like that for a full minute before Love Heart finally broke away then turned and walked through the portal.