Breking in a Toy — 10

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#10 of Breaking in a Toy

I'd pulled on some dark clothes, put on quiet shoes, put on gloves. I looked like a cliche burglar but I didn't know what else to wear. I'd been in the codierectors house several times before, at dinner parties and event planning. He didn't have any cameras and this bathroom window was never locked, and it cracked open if you-

Click, slide.

-did this to it. And I was in. I breathed, took off my shoes. I pulled out my baggy of jesse's fur. His house was quiet when compared to the the outside, and my breaths sounded like thunder they were so close. I shook off my nerves. The codierectors lived alone. No wife, no kids, no pets. And deep in the woods. I cracked open his bathroom door. His house was nice but not extremely so. He didn't need multiple rooms because he had no one to sleep in in them. He had a wide dinner table, and a nice bed and nice food in the fridge. My hair was put up in a shower cap under my beanie. I had latex gloves on over my furry hands. Getting away with crimes was hard if you shed fur everywhere. I had a sizable chunk of Jesse's fur.

I was careful. No one was home. I avoided possible recording devices and I stepped into his room. He had a beautiful wooden bed frame, a soft comforter. A creamy carpet, and cool air conditioning that was on low. I spread the fur over his bed, took out the vial of Jesse's blood, put a little on the carpet, on the edge of the desk. And the photos. In the top drawer of his mahogany desk. I wasn't leaving footprints or finger prints and I squinted to detect any fur that wasn't his or jesse's. None, so it seemed. And I backtracked my way out of his house, out of his window, performing the operation I'd done to get in in reverse, putting on my shoes, clicking the window shut. And I was out.

I got into my car. I'd driven it in at a weird spot slightly off of his property, so it was a bit of a walk to get to it but eventually I was there. I had just enough to click on the old amber alert notification. There was an option for an anonymous tip -- all I had to do was drop an address. Driving off, the same laughter came to me. Deranged. The road opened up into actual pavement and I was on my way to Valhalla. Fire scorched from my green eyes and venom leaked from my breath and death brewed in my heart. I was the puppetmaster.

I was back at camp after changing into clothes I had, assisting with the search in any way I could. I was bringing water and food to those that were still searching on campgrounds. Talking to those who had been at it. I saw jesse's parents, their contorted faces. It was collateral arousal, their tears. Just another layer to the harm I'd caused. I opened a wound in their lives that wouldn't ever close, I took their child away from them with my own two hands and I was turning him into a submissive fucktoy with no worth but a place to put my cock. I did that. I was so proud.

The day as hot. I wore a t-shirt and cargo shorts and my cup as usual. I was talking with an authority lady when suddenly she got a phone call. My eyes were stained with fake tears and my hand knitted together and played with each other in mock worry. I steadied my breathing a lot and made myself look a lot more emotionally vexed than I actually was. She picked up her phone. "The... That guy? Ok, done." She was getting her handcuffs out and put her phone up. She got some other authorities together, talked with them briefly, gave them a faintly recognizable name. I stayed out of their way and they hopped in a golf cart and began to head off on a trail. I knew exactly where they were heading.

We were told that the search was closed for now. They gave no names, only said that someone had been taken into custody. Everyone looked slightly hopeful at that, I more so than everyone else. I held my breath for everything to go as planned, and hopefully even better than that.